{"version":3,"file":"default/js/search.js","sources":["webpack:///webpack/bootstrap","webpack:///./cartridges/app_ua_core/cartridge/client/default/js/components/core/eventMgr.js","webpack:///./cartridges/app_ua_core/cartridge/client/default/js/components/search.js","webpack:///./cartridges/app_ua_core/cartridge/client/default/js/constructorio/clientWrapper.js","webpack:///./cartridges/app_ua_core/cartridge/client/default/js/constructorio/components/refinements.js","webpack:///./cartridges/app_ua_core/cartridge/client/default/js/constructorio/components/tiles.js","webpack:///./cartridges/app_ua_core/cartridge/client/default/js/constructorio/constructorIO.js","webpack:///./cartridges/app_ua_core/cartridge/client/default/js/constructorio/constructorIOPLP.js","webpack:///./cartridges/app_ua_core/cartridge/client/default/js/constructorio/request.js","webpack:///./cartridges/app_ua_core/cartridge/client/default/js/constructorio/utils/utils.js","webpack:///./cartridges/app_ua_core/cartridge/client/default/js/layout.js","webpack:///./cartridges/app_ua_core/cartridge/client/default/js/product/productIdCookie.js","webpack:///./cartridges/app_ua_core/cartridge/client/default/js/search/search.js","webpack:///./cartridges/app_ua_core/cartridge/client/default/js/util.js","webpack:///./cartridges/app_ua_core/cartridge/client/default/js/utils/device.js","webpack:///./cartridges/app_ua_emea/cartridge/client/default/js/search.js","webpack:///./cartridges/app_ua_emea/cartridge/client/default/js/search/search.js","webpack:///./cartridges/storefront-reference-architecture/cartridges/app_storefront_base/cartridge/client/default/js/util.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/arrayLikeToArray.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/arrayWithoutHoles.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/iterableToArray.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/nonIterableSpread.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/toConsumableArray.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/toPrimitive.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/toPropertyKey.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/typeof.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/unsupportedIterableToArray.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@constructor-io/constructorio-client-javascript/lib/constructorio.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@constructor-io/constructorio-client-javascript/lib/modules/autocomplete.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@constructor-io/constructorio-client-javascript/lib/modules/browse.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@constructor-io/constructorio-client-javascript/lib/modules/quizzes.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@constructor-io/constructorio-client-javascript/lib/modules/recommendations.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@constructor-io/constructorio-client-javascript/lib/modules/search.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@constructor-io/constructorio-client-javascript/lib/modules/tracker.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@constructor-io/constructorio-client-javascript/lib/utils/botlist.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@constructor-io/constructorio-client-javascript/lib/utils/event-dispatcher.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@constructor-io/constructorio-client-javascript/lib/utils/helpers.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@constructor-io/constructorio-client-javascript/lib/utils/humanity-check.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@constructor-io/constructorio-client-javascript/lib/utils/request-queue.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@constructor-io/constructorio-client-javascript/lib/utils/store.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@constructor-io/constructorio-client-javascript/lib/utils/store.overflow.js","webpack:///./node_modules/@constructor-io/constructorio-id/src/constructorio-id.js","webpack:///./node_modules/branch-sdk/dist/build.min.js","webpack:///./node_modules/crc-32/crc32.js","webpack:///./node_modules/events/events.js","webpack:///./node_modules/fetch-ponyfill/build/fetch-browser.js","webpack:///./node_modules/js-cookie/dist/js.cookie.js","webpack:///./node_modules/lodash/_Symbol.js","webpack:///./node_modules/lodash/_baseGetTag.js","webpack:///./node_modules/lodash/_baseTrim.js","webpack:///./node_modules/lodash/_freeGlobal.js","webpack:///./node_modules/lodash/_getRawTag.js","webpack:///./node_modules/lodash/_objectToString.js","webpack:///./node_modules/lodash/_root.js","webpack:///./node_modules/lodash/_trimmedEndIndex.js","webpack:///./node_modules/lodash/debounce.js","webpack:///./node_modules/lodash/isObject.js","webpack:///./node_modules/lodash/isObjectLike.js","webpack:///./node_modules/lodash/isSymbol.js","webpack:///./node_modules/lodash/lodash.js","webpack:///./node_modules/lodash/now.js","webp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\t// The module cache\n \tvar installedModules = {};\n\n \t// The require function\n \tfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\n \t\t// Check if module is in cache\n \t\tif(installedModules[moduleId]) {\n \t\t\treturn installedModules[moduleId].exports;\n \t\t}\n \t\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n \t\tvar module = installedModules[moduleId] = {\n \t\t\ti: moduleId,\n \t\t\tl: false,\n \t\t\texports: {}\n \t\t};\n\n \t\t// Execute the module function\n \t\tmodules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n \t\t// Flag the module as loaded\n \t\tmodule.l = true;\n\n \t\t// Return the exports of the module\n \t\treturn module.exports;\n \t}\n\n\n \t// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n \t__webpack_require__.m = modules;\n\n \t// expose the module cache\n \t__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;\n\n \t// define getter function for harmony exports\n \t__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {\n \t\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });\n \t\t}\n \t};\n\n \t// define __esModule on exports\n \t__webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {\n \t\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n \t\t}\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n \t};\n\n \t// create a fake namespace object\n \t// mode & 1: value is a module id, require it\n \t// mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns\n \t// mode & 4: return value when already ns object\n \t// mode & 8|1: behave like require\n \t__webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {\n \t\tif(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);\n \t\tif(mode & 8) return value;\n \t\tif((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;\n \t\tvar ns = Object.create(null);\n \t\t__webpack_require__.r(ns);\n \t\tObject.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });\n \t\tif(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key));\n \t\treturn ns;\n \t};\n\n \t// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n \t__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {\n \t\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n \t\t\tfunction getDefault() { return module['default']; } :\n \t\t\tfunction getModuleExports() { return module; };\n \t\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);\n \t\treturn getter;\n \t};\n\n \t// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call\n \t__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };\n\n \t// __webpack_public_path__\n \t__webpack_require__.p = \"\";\n\n\n \t// Load entry module and return exports\n \treturn __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = \"./cartridges/app_ua_emea/cartridge/client/default/js/search.js\");\n","import EventEmitter from 'events';\n\nvar emitter = new EventEmitter();\nvar emitters = [];\nvar actions = {};\n\nemitter.setMaxListeners(3000);\n\nconst eventMgr = {\n    getEmitter: (namespace) => {\n        if (emitters.indexOf(namespace) > -1) {\n            if (window.console) {\n                window.console.log('EventMgr: Given namespace \"' + namespace\n                    + '\" already exists. Event emitter creation failed.');\n            }\n            return {\n                emit: () => false\n            };\n        }\n        emitters.push(namespace);\n        return {\n            emit: function (eventName) {\n                arguments[0] = namespace + '.' + eventName;\n                return emitter.emit(...arguments);\n            }\n        };\n    },\n    on: (eventName, cb) => emitter.on(eventName, cb),\n    off: (eventName, cb) => emitter.removeListener(eventName, cb),\n    once: (eventName, cb) => emitter.once(eventName, cb),\n    registerAction: (actionName, handler) => {\n        if (actions[actionName] && window.console) {\n            window.console.warn(`Overriding \"${actionName}\"!`);\n        }\n        actions[actionName] = handler;\n    }\n};\n\n// make it global\nwindow.eventMgr = eventMgr;\n\nexport default eventMgr;\n","'use strict';\n\nconst debounce = require('lodash/debounce');\nconst layout = require('../layout');\nconst productCookieId = require('../product/productIdCookie');\nconst constructorIOHelper = require('../constructorio/constructorIO');\nconst { getConstructorIOSettings } = require('../constructorio/clientWrapper');\n\nconst UP_KEY = 38;\nconst DOWN_KEY = 40;\nconst DIRECTION_DOWN = 1;\nconst DIRECTION_UP = -1;\n\nlet $body;\n\n/**\n * Starts the spinner.\n */\nconst startSpinner = () => {\n    $.spinner().start();\n};\n\n/**\n * Stops the spinner.\n */\nconst stopSpinner = () => {\n    $.spinner().stop();\n};\n\n/**\n * Retrieves Suggestions element relative to scope\n *\n * @param {Object} scope - Search input field DOM element\n * @return {JQuery} - .js-suggestions-wrapper element\n */\nfunction getSuggestionsWrapper(scope) {\n    return $(scope).closest('.js-search-container').siblings('.js-suggestions-wrapper');\n}\n\n/**\n * Determines whether DOM element is inside the .search-mobile class\n *\n * @param {Object} scope - DOM element, usually the input.js-search-field element\n * @return {boolean} - Whether DOM element is inside  div.search-mobile\n */\nfunction isMobileSearch(scope) {\n    return !!$(scope).closest('.search-mobile').length;\n}\n\n/**\n * Remove modal classes needed for mobile suggestions\n *\n */\nfunction clearModals() {\n    $body.removeClass('modal-open');\n    $('header').siblings().attr('aria-hidden', 'false');\n    $('.js-suggestions').removeClass('modal');\n}\n\n/**\n * Apply modal classes needed for mobile suggestions\n *\n * @param {Object} scope - Search input field DOM element\n */\nfunction applyModals(scope) {\n    if (isMobileSearch(scope)) {\n        $body.addClass('modal-open');\n        $('header').siblings().attr('aria-hidden', 'true');\n        getSuggestionsWrapper(scope).find('.js-suggestions').addClass('modal');\n    }\n}\n\n/**\n * Tear down Suggestions panel\n */\nfunction tearDownSuggestions() {\n    $('input.js-search-field').val('');\n    clearModals();\n    $('.search-mobile .js-suggestions').unbind('scroll');\n    $('.js-suggestions-wrapper').empty();\n}\n\n/**\n * Toggle search field icon from search to close and vice-versa\n *\n * @param {string} action - Action to toggle to\n */\nfunction toggleSuggestionsIcon(action) {\n    var mobileSearchIcon = '.search-mobile button.';\n    var iconSearch = 'fa-search';\n    var iconSearchClose = 'fa-close';\n\n    if (action === 'close') {\n        $(mobileSearchIcon + iconSearch).removeClass(iconSearch).addClass(iconSearchClose).attr('type', 'button');\n    } else {\n        $(mobileSearchIcon + iconSearchClose).removeClass(iconSearchClose).addClass(iconSearch).attr('type', 'submit');\n    }\n}\n\n/**\n * Determines whether the \"More Content Below\" icon should be displayed\n *\n * @param {Object} scope - DOM element, usually the input.js-search-field element\n */\nfunction handleMoreContentBelowIcon(scope) {\n    if (($(scope).scrollTop() + $(scope).innerHeight()) >= $(scope)[0].scrollHeight) {\n        $('.more-below').fadeOut();\n    } else {\n        $('.more-below').fadeIn();\n    }\n}\n\n/**\n * Positions Suggestions panel on page\n *\n * @param {Object} scope - DOM element, usually the input.js-search-field element\n */\nfunction positionSuggestions(scope) {\n    var outerHeight;\n    var $scope;\n    var $suggestions;\n    var top;\n\n    if (isMobileSearch(scope)) {\n        $scope = $(scope);\n        top = $scope.offset().top;\n        outerHeight = $scope.outerHeight();\n        $suggestions = getSuggestionsWrapper(scope).find('.js-suggestions');\n        $suggestions.css('top', top + outerHeight);\n\n        handleMoreContentBelowIcon(scope);\n\n        // Unfortunately, we have to bind this dynamically, as the live scroll event was not\n        // properly detecting dynamic suggestions element's scroll event\n        $suggestions.scroll(function () {\n            handleMoreContentBelowIcon(this);\n        });\n    }\n}\n\n/**\n * Recently viewed cookie function\n */\nfunction recentlyViewedBadge() {\n    // Get pvpIDs cookie\n    var productIds = productCookieId.getCookie('pvpIDs').split(',');\n    $('.b-tile_badge-recently-viewed').css('display', 'none');\n    // if product ID is in cookie, find recently viewed & show\n    if (productIds !== ['']) {\n        productIds.forEach(value => {\n            var values = document.querySelectorAll('[data-product=\"' + value + '\"]');\n            if (values.length) {\n                var recentlyViewed = values[0].querySelector('.b-tile_badge-recently-viewed');\n                var hideTopLeftBadge = values[0].querySelector('.hide-top_left_badge');\n                var hideFlameIconBadge = values[0].querySelector('.b-tile-badge_top_left.b-flameIcon');\n                if (recentlyViewed) {\n                    recentlyViewed.style.display = 'block';\n                    if (hideTopLeftBadge) hideTopLeftBadge.style.display = 'none';\n                    if (hideFlameIconBadge) hideFlameIconBadge.style.display = 'none';\n                }\n            }\n        });\n    }\n}\n\n/**\n * Triggers the 'components:init' event on the body element.\n */\nconst triggerComponentsInit = () => {\n    // Init swatch slider\n    $body.trigger('components:init');\n};\n\n/**\n * Process Ajax response for SearchServices-GetSuggestions\n *\n * @param {Object|string} response - Empty object literal if null response or string with rendered\n *                                   suggestions template contents\n * @returns {Promise} Promise resolving when all operations have completed.\n */\nconst processResponse = (response) => {\n    return new Promise((resolve) => {\n        const $suggestionsWrapper = $('.js-suggestions-wrapper').empty();\n        const searchField = $('input.js-search-field');\n\n        stopSpinner();\n\n        if (typeof response !== 'object') {\n            $suggestionsWrapper.append(response).show();\n\n            $(this).closest('.js-search-container').addClass('m-suggestions-show');\n            positionSuggestions(this);\n\n            if (isMobileSearch(this)) {\n                toggleSuggestionsIcon('close');\n                applyModals(this);\n            }\n\n            // Trigger screen reader by setting aria-describedby with the new suggestion message.\n            const suggestionsList = $('.js-suggestions .js-item');\n            if (suggestionsList.length) {\n                searchField.attr('aria-describedby', 'search-result-count');\n            } else {\n                searchField.removeAttr('aria-describedby');\n            }\n\n            recentlyViewedBadge();\n\n            // Hide the product tile if no image configured\n            $suggestionsWrapper.find('.b-tile.hide').parent('.b-suggestions_products-item').addClass('hide');\n        } else {\n            $suggestionsWrapper.hide();\n        }\n\n        $('body').trigger('wishlistSuggestion:update');\n\n        resolve();\n    });\n};\n\n/**\n * Retrieves default suggestions using an AJAX request.\n *\n * @param {Object} scope - Search field DOM element.\n * @returns {Promise<Object>} Promise that resolves with the default suggestions.\n */\nconst getDefaultSuggestions = (scope) => {\n    const endpoint = $('.js-suggestions-wrapper').data('url');\n\n    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n        $.ajax({\n            context: scope,\n            url: endpoint + encodeURIComponent($(scope).val()),\n            method: 'GET',\n            data: {\n                isMobilePortraitView: layout.isExtraSmallView()\n            },\n            success: resolve,\n            error: reject\n        });\n    });\n};\n\n/**\n * Falls back to default suggestions if an error occurs.\n *\n * @param {Object} scope - Search field DOM element.\n * @param {Function} processSuggestions - Function to process suggestions.\n * @returns {Promise} Promise that resolves to the default suggestions.\n */\nconst defaultSuggestions = (scope, processSuggestions) => {\n    return getDefaultSuggestions(scope)\n        .then(processSuggestions)\n        .catch(stopSpinner());\n};\n\n/**\n * Retrieve suggestions\n *\n * @param {Object} scope - Search field DOM element\n */\nconst getSuggestions = (scope) => {\n    const $scope = $(scope);\n    const inputLength = $scope.val().length;\n    const minChars = $scope.data('min-chars');\n\n    if (inputLength >= minChars) {\n        startSpinner();\n\n        const processSuggestions = processResponse.bind(scope);\n        const handleDefaultSuggestions = () => defaultSuggestions(scope, processSuggestions);\n\n        const cIOSettings = getConstructorIOSettings();\n\n        if (cIOSettings && cIOSettings.search_enabled) {\n            constructorIOHelper.getConstructorioSuggestions($scope.val())\n                .then(constructorIOHelper.convertCIOToHTMLString)\n                .then(processSuggestions)\n                .then(triggerComponentsInit)\n                .catch(handleDefaultSuggestions);\n        } else {\n            handleDefaultSuggestions();\n        }\n    } else {\n        toggleSuggestionsIcon('search');\n        $scope.closest('.js-search-container').removeClass('m-suggestions-show');\n        clearModals();\n        getSuggestionsWrapper(scope).empty();\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n * Handle Search Suggestion Keyboard Arrow Keys\n *\n * @param {Integer} direction takes positive or negative number constant, DIRECTION_UP (-1) or DIRECTION_DOWN (+1)\n */\nfunction handleArrow(direction) {\n    // get all li elements in the suggestions list\n    var suggestionsList = $('.js-suggestions .js-item');\n    if (suggestionsList.filter('.selected').length === 0) {\n        suggestionsList.first().addClass('selected');\n        $('input.js-search-field').each(function () {\n            $(this).attr('aria-activedescendant', suggestionsList.first()[0].id);\n        });\n    } else {\n        suggestionsList.each(function (index) {\n            var idx = index + direction;\n            if ($(this).hasClass('selected')) {\n                $(this).removeClass('selected');\n                $(this).removeAttr('aria-selected');\n                if (suggestionsList.eq(idx).length !== 0) {\n                    suggestionsList.eq(idx).addClass('selected');\n                    suggestionsList.eq(idx).attr('aria-selected', true);\n                    $(this).removeProp('aria-selected');\n                    $('input.js-search-field').each(function () {\n                        $(this).attr('aria-activedescendant', suggestionsList.eq(idx)[0].id);\n                    });\n                } else {\n                    suggestionsList.first().addClass('selected');\n                    suggestionsList.first().attr('aria-selected', true);\n                    $('input.js-search-field').each(function () {\n                        $(this).attr('aria-activedescendant', suggestionsList.first()[0].id);\n                    });\n                }\n                return false;\n            }\n            return true;\n        });\n    }\n}\n\n/**\n * Set top position of filter and sort button section for mobile view\n */\nfunction setSectionTop() {\n    setTimeout(() => {\n        var headHeight = $('.l-body-page_header').height();\n        $('.l-plp-mob_header.b-mob_header').css('top', (headHeight - 1) + 'px');\n        $('.l-body-page').css('padding-top', headHeight + 'px');\n    }, 500);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    init: function () {\n        $body = $('body');\n\n        $('form[name=\"simpleSearch\"]').submit(function (e) {\n            var currentSite = $(this).attr('data-currentsite');\n            var minChar = $('.js-site-search .js-search-field').attr('data-min-chars');\n            var inputLength = $('.js-site-search .js-search-field').val().length;\n\n            var isValidSearch = true;\n\n            if ((currentSite === 'UKIE' || currentSite === 'EU') && inputLength < minChar) {\n                isValidSearch = false;\n            }\n\n            if (isValidSearch) {\n                var suggestionsList = $('.js-suggestions .js-item');\n                if (suggestionsList.filter('.selected').length !== 0) {\n                    e.preventDefault();\n                    suggestionsList.filter('.selected').find('a')[0].click();\n                }\n            } else {\n                e.preventDefault();\n                $('.js-site-search .js-search-field').val('');\n                $('.js-site-search .js-search-field').blur();\n            }\n        });\n\n        $('input.js-search-field').each(function () {\n            /**\n             * Use debounce to avoid making an Ajax call on every single key press by waiting a few\n             * hundred milliseconds before making the request. Without debounce, the user sees the\n             * browser blink with every key press.\n             */\n            var debounceSuggestions = debounce(getSuggestions, 300);\n            $(this).on('keyup paste focus', function (e) {\n                // Capture Down/Up Arrow Key Events\n                switch (e.which) {\n                    case DOWN_KEY:\n                        handleArrow(DIRECTION_DOWN);\n                        e.preventDefault(); // prevent moving the cursor\n                        break;\n                    case UP_KEY:\n                        handleArrow(DIRECTION_UP);\n                        e.preventDefault(); // prevent moving the cursor\n                        break;\n                    default:\n                        debounceSuggestions(this, e);\n                }\n            });\n        });\n\n        $body.on('click', function (e) {\n            if (!$('.js-suggestions').has(e.target).length && !$(e.target).hasClass('js-search-field')) {\n                $('.js-suggestions').hide();\n            }\n        });\n\n        $body.on('click touchend', '.search-mobile button.fa-close', function (e) {\n            e.preventDefault();\n            $('.js-suggestions').hide();\n            toggleSuggestionsIcon('search');\n            tearDownSuggestions();\n        });\n\n        $('.js-site-search .js-search-clear').on('click', function () {\n            $(this).closest('.js-search-container').removeClass('m-suggestions-show');\n        });\n\n        setSectionTop();\n        $(window).on('resize', setSectionTop());\n    },\n    recentlyViewedBadge\n};\n","'use strict';\n\nconst ConstructorioClient = require('@constructor-io/constructorio-client-javascript');\nconst { constructorIOSettings } = window;\nconst { cloneDeep } = require('lodash');\nlet constructorIOInstance;\nlet cIOSettings = null;\n\nconst parseJSON = (source, placeholder) =>{\n    let result;\n    try {\n        result = JSON.parse(source);\n    } catch (error) {\n        result = placeholder;\n    }\n    return result || placeholder;\n};\n\n\nconst getCustomerGroups = () => {\n    const customerGroupsSourceEl = document.querySelector('.b-header_account');\n    cIOSettings.customerGroups = parseJSON(customerGroupsSourceEl && customerGroupsSourceEl.dataset ? customerGroupsSourceEl.dataset.customerGroups : '', []);\n};\n\n/**\n * Initializes and returns the ConstructorIO client.\n *\n * @returns {Object|null} - The initialized ConstructorIO client or null if apiKey is not provided.\n */\nconst initConstructorIO = () => {\n    if (constructorIOSettings && constructorIOSettings.apiKey) {\n        const settings = {\n            apiKey: constructorIOSettings.apiKey\n        };\n\n        if (constructorIOSettings.serviceUrl) {\n            settings.serviceUrl = constructorIOSettings.serviceUrl;\n        }\n        if (constructorIOSettings.customerEmail) {\n            settings.userId = constructorIOSettings.customerEmail;\n        }\n\n        constructorIOInstance = new ConstructorioClient(settings);\n    }\n\n    return constructorIOInstance;\n};\n\n/**\n * Gets the ConstructorIO client. If not initialized, it will initialize it first.\n *\n * @returns {Object} - The ConstructorIO client.\n */\nconst getConstructorIOClient = () => {\n    return constructorIOInstance || initConstructorIO();\n};\n\nconst getConstructorIOSettings = () => {\n    if (!cIOSettings) {\n        const {\n            constructorIOSettings: constructorIOSettingsData = {}\n        } = window;\n        cIOSettings = cloneDeep(constructorIOSettingsData);\n        cIOSettings.ROUTE_REFINEMENT_ATTRIBUTES = parseJSON(constructorIOSettingsData.routeRefinements, []);\n        cIOSettings.SORT_OPTIONS_URL_MAP = parseJSON(constructorIOSettingsData.sortOptionsURLMap, {});\n        cIOSettings.CIO_SORT_OPTIONS_MAP = parseJSON(constructorIOSettingsData.constructorIOSortOptionsMap, {});\n        // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary\n        cIOSettings.PRICE_RANGE = !constructorIOSettingsData ? {} : typeof constructorIOSettingsData.priceRange === 'string' ? parseJSON(constructorIOSettingsData.priceRange) : typeof constructorIOSettingsData.priceRange === 'object' && constructorIOSettingsData.priceRange ? constructorIOSettingsData.priceRange : {};\n\n        cIOSettings.DEFAULT_CUTOFFTHRESHOLD = constructorIOSettingsData.defaultCutoffThreshold || 5;\n        cIOSettings.DISPLAYABLE_REFINEMENT_CATEGORIES = parseJSON(constructorIOSettingsData.displayableRefinementCategories, {});\n        cIOSettings.SIZE_SORT_RULES = parseJSON(constructorIOSettingsData.sizeSortRules, {});\n        cIOSettings.SIZE_RANGE_MAP = parseJSON(constructorIOSettingsData.sizeRangeMap, {});\n\n\n        cIOSettings.variationMap = parseJSON(constructorIOSettingsData.variationMap, undefined);\n        cIOSettings.customerGroups = parseJSON(constructorIOSettingsData.customerGroups, []);\n        if (document.readyState === 'complete') {\n            getCustomerGroups();\n        } else {\n            document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', getCustomerGroups);\n        }\n    }\n    return cIOSettings;\n};\n\n/**\n * Wrapper around ConstructorIO client functionalities.\n * @typedef {Object} ClientWrapper\n * @property {function} getConstructorIOClient - Function to get the ConstructorIO client.\n */\nconst clientWrapper = {\n    getConstructorIOSettings,\n    getResource: (key)=> (window.constructorIOResources ? window.constructorIOResources[key] : ''),\n    getURL: (key) => window.constructorIOURLs && typeof window.constructorIOURLs[key] === 'string' ? window.constructorIOURLs[key] : '',\n    getConstructorIOClient\n};\n\nmodule.exports = clientWrapper;\n","/* eslint-disable no-restricted-globals */\n/* eslint-disable no-mixed-operators */\n\nconst {\n    generatePLPURL,\n    getPriceRange\n} = require('../utils/utils');\nconst {\n    getConstructorIOSettings,\n    getURL,\n    getResource\n} = require('../clientWrapper');\nconst { cloneDeep } = require('lodash');\n\nconst getSizeSortIndex = (value) => {\n    const { SIZE_SORT_RULES } = getConstructorIOSettings();\n    if (SIZE_SORT_RULES && SIZE_SORT_RULES[value]) {\n        return SIZE_SORT_RULES[value];\n    }\n    if (value.includes('K')) {\n        const youthSizes = value.split('K');\n        return parseInt(youthSizes[0], 10) + 100;\n    }\n    if (value.includes('/')) {\n        const pants = value.split('/');\n        return 300 + parseInt(pants[0], 10) + parseInt(pants[1], 10);\n    }\n    if (!isNaN(parseInt(value, 10))) {\n        const shoeSizes = parseInt(value, 10);\n        return 200 + shoeSizes;\n    }\n\n    return 10000;\n};\n\nconst getShowMoreButton = () => {\n    const resources = {\n        'refinements.show.button': getResource('refinements.show.button'),\n        'refinements.hide.button': getResource('refinements.hide.button')\n    };\n\n    return `<button class=\"b-show_more-btn js-toggle-refinements\"\n            data-cmp=\"showMore\"\n    >\n        <span class=\"b-show_more-copy--show\">${resources['refinements.show.button']}</span>\n        <span class=\"b-show_more-copy--hide\">${resources['refinements.hide.button']}</span>\n    </button>\n    `;\n};\n\nconst getRefinementOptionsArray = (allFacets, facet) => {\n    let options = facet.options;\n    const category = facet.name;\n    const lcCategory = category.toLowerCase();\n    const { SIZE_RANGE_MAP, DISPLAYABLE_REFINEMENT_CATEGORIES } = getConstructorIOSettings();\n    const isPrice = DISPLAYABLE_REFINEMENT_CATEGORIES[facet.name].isPrice;\n    const isSize = !isPrice && lcCategory === 'size';\n\n    if (isPrice) {\n        if (window.searchParams && window.searchParams.buckets) {\n            options = window.searchParams.buckets;\n        } else {\n            options = [];\n        }\n\n        allFacets.forEach((facetCategory) => {\n            if (facetCategory.name === 'salePriceLow' || facetCategory.name.includes('Price ')) {\n                const mergedArray = [...options, ...facetCategory.options];\n\n                let set = new Set();\n                options = mergedArray.filter((item) => {\n                    if (!set.has(item.display_name) && item.range) {\n                        set.add(item.display_name);\n                        return true;\n                    }\n                    return false;\n                });\n            }\n        });\n        const selectedOption = options.find(o => {\n            const priceRange = getPriceRange(o);\n            return JSON.stringify(priceRange) === JSON.stringify(window.searchParams.priceRange);\n        });\n        const searchBuckets = cloneDeep(window.searchParams.buckets);\n        if (selectedOption && selectedOption.value) {\n            options = searchBuckets.map((bucket) => bucket.display_name === selectedOption.display_name ? Object.assign(bucket, { status: 'selected' }) : bucket);\n        } else {\n            options = searchBuckets;\n        }\n        options = options.sort((a, b) => getPriceRange(window.searchParams.buckets.find(i => i.display_name === a.display_name))[0] - getPriceRange(window.searchParams.buckets.find(i => i.display_name === b.display_name))[0]);\n    } else if (isSize) {\n        options.sort((a, b) => getSizeSortIndex(a.value) - getSizeSortIndex(b.value));\n    } else if (lcCategory === 'length') {\n        // Update Size Range Filter names\n        options = options.map((o) => {\n            const opt = cloneDeep(o);\n            if (SIZE_RANGE_MAP[o.value]) opt.display_name = SIZE_RANGE_MAP[o.value];\n            return opt;\n        });\n    } else if (lcCategory === 'discountpercentage') {\n        // Update Discount filter\n        options = options.map((o) => {\n            const opt = cloneDeep(o);\n            let disVal = o.value;\n            if (disVal) {\n                opt.display_name = getResource('refinement.discountpercentage.' + disVal);\n            }\n            return opt;\n        });\n        options = options.sort((a, b) => a.value - b.value);\n    }\n\n    return options;\n};\n\nconst buildRefinementOptions = (facet, options, cutoffThreshold) => {\n    let refinementOptions = '';\n    const { DISPLAYABLE_REFINEMENT_CATEGORIES } = getConstructorIOSettings();\n    const category = facet.name;\n    const categoryDisplayName = DISPLAYABLE_REFINEMENT_CATEGORIES[facet.name].displayName;\n    const isPrice = DISPLAYABLE_REFINEMENT_CATEGORIES[facet.name].isPrice;\n    const lcCategory = category.toLowerCase();\n    const isSize = !isPrice && lcCategory === 'size';\n\n    const resources = {\n        'refine.title': getResource('refine.title')\n    };\n\n    if (lcCategory === 'colorgroup') {\n        options.forEach((option, index) => {\n            const urlConfig = { params: { filterParams: { [category]: option.value }, start: 0 }, action: 'toggle' };\n            const hrefUrl = generatePLPURL(urlConfig);\n            const dataUrl = generatePLPURL(Object.assign({}, urlConfig, { url: getURL('searchShowAjax') }));\n            const isSelected = option.status === 'selected';\n            const noBorderClass = (option.data && (option.data.hexCode === '#fff' || option.data.hexCode === '#ffffff')) ? '' : ' no-border';\n            let backgroundStyle = '';\n\n            if (option.data && option.data.hexCode) {\n                backgroundStyle = `background-color: ${option.data.hexCode};`;\n            } else if (option.data && option.data.imgUrl) {\n                backgroundStyle = `background: ${option.data.imgUrl};`;\n            }\n\n            refinementOptions = refinementOptions.concat(\n                `<li class=\"b-swatches_circle-item b-show_more-item${cutoffThreshold && (index === cutoffThreshold) ? ' m-break' : ''}\">\n                    <a\n                        href=\"${hrefUrl}\"\n                        data-href=\"${dataUrl}\"\n                        onclick=\"$(this).hasClass('m-active')?$(this).removeClass('m-active'):$(this).addClass('m-active')\"\n                        data-analytics-plp-filter-value=\"${option.display_name}\"\n                        title=\"${resources['refine.title'].supplant([categoryDisplayName, option.display_name])}\"\n                        class=\"b-swatches_circle-link${noBorderClass}${isSelected ? ' m-active' : ''}\"\n                    >\n                        <span class=\"b-swatches_circle-value\" style=\"${backgroundStyle}\"></span>\n                    </a>\n                </li>`\n            );\n        });\n    } else if (isPrice) {\n        options.forEach((option, index) => {\n            const isSelected = option.status === 'selected';\n            let priceRange;\n            const optionData = window.searchParams.buckets.find(\n                (item) => item.display_name === option.display_name\n            );\n            if (\n                !isSelected\n                && optionData\n            ) {\n                priceRange = getPriceRange(optionData);\n            }\n            const urlConfig = { params: { priceRange, start: 0 } };\n            const hrefUrl = generatePLPURL(urlConfig);\n            const dataUrl = generatePLPURL(Object.assign({}, urlConfig, { url: getURL('searchShowAjax') }));\n\n            refinementOptions = refinementOptions.concat(\n                `<li class=\"b-refinements_price-item b-show_more-item${cutoffThreshold && (index === cutoffThreshold) ? ' m-break' : ''}\">\n                    <a\n                        href=\"${hrefUrl}\"\n                        data-href=\"${dataUrl}\"\n                        onclick=\"$(this).hasClass('m-selected')?$(this).removeClass('m-selected'):$(this).addClass('m-selected').siblings().removeClass('m-selected')\"\n                        title=\"${resources['refine.title'].supplant([categoryDisplayName, option.display_name])}\"\n                        class=\"b-refinements_price-btn${isSelected ? ' m-selected' : ''}\"\n                      >\n                        <span aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"bfx-price\">${option.display_name} (${option.count})</span>\n                    </a>\n                </li>`\n            );\n        });\n    } else if (isSize) {\n        options.forEach((option, index) => {\n            const urlConfig = { params: { filterParams: { [category]: option.value }, start: 0 }, action: 'toggle' };\n            const hrefUrl = generatePLPURL(urlConfig);\n            const dataUrl = generatePLPURL(Object.assign({}, urlConfig, { url: getURL('searchShowAjax') }));\n            const isSelected = option.status === 'selected';\n\n            refinementOptions = refinementOptions.concat(\n                `<li class=\"b-refinements_attributes-item m-size b-show_more-item${index === cutoffThreshold ? ' m-break' : ''}\">\n                    <a\n                        href=\"${hrefUrl}\"\n                        data-href=\"${dataUrl}\"\n                        data-analytics-plp-filter-value=\"${option.display_name}\"\n                        title=\"${resources['refine.title'].supplant([categoryDisplayName, option.display_name])}\"\n                        class=\"b-refinements_attributes-size${isSelected ? ' m-selected' : ''}\"\n                    >\n                    ${option.display_name}\n                    </a>\n                </li>`\n            );\n        });\n    } else if (lcCategory === 'discountpercentage') {\n        options.forEach((option, index) => {\n            const urlConfig = { params: { filterParams: { [category]: option.value }, start: 0 }, action: 'toggle' };\n            const hrefUrl = generatePLPURL(urlConfig);\n            const dataUrl = generatePLPURL(Object.assign({}, urlConfig, { url: getURL('searchShowAjax') }));\n            const isSelected = option.status === 'selected';\n            const displayCnt = option.count > 0 ? '(' + option.count + ')' : '';\n\n            refinementOptions = refinementOptions.concat(\n                `<li class=\"b-refinements_attributes-item m-checkbox b-show_more-item${index === cutoffThreshold ? ' m-break' : ''}\">\n                    <a\n                        href=\"${hrefUrl}\"\n                        data-href=\"${dataUrl}\"\n                        onclick=\"$(this).hasClass('m-selected')?$(this).removeClass('m-selected'):$(this).addClass('m-selected')\"\n                        data-analytics-plp-filter-value=\"${option.display_name}\"\n                        title=\"${resources['refine.title'].supplant([categoryDisplayName, option.display_name])}\"\n                        class=\"b-refinements_attributes-checkbox${isSelected ? ' m-selected' : ''}\"\n                    >\n                        ${option.display_name}${displayCnt}\n                    </a>\n                </li>`\n            );\n        });\n    } else {\n        options.forEach((option, index) => {\n            const urlConfig = { params: { filterParams: { [category]: option.value }, start: 0 }, action: 'toggle' };\n            const hrefUrl = generatePLPURL(urlConfig);\n            const dataUrl = generatePLPURL(Object.assign({}, urlConfig, { url: getURL('searchShowAjax') }));\n            const isSelected = option.status === 'selected';\n\n            if (option.value !== 'N/A') {\n                refinementOptions = refinementOptions.concat(\n                    `<li class=\"b-refinements_attributes-item m-checkbox b-show_more-item${index === cutoffThreshold ? ' m-break' : ''}\">\n                        <a\n                            href=\"${hrefUrl}\"\n                            data-href=\"${dataUrl}\"\n                            onclick=\"$(this).hasClass('m-selected')?$(this).removeClass('m-selected'):$(this).addClass('m-selected')\"\n                            data-analytics-plp-filter-value=\"${option.display_name}\"\n                            title=\"${resources['refine.title'].supplant([categoryDisplayName, option.display_name])}\"\n                            class=\"b-refinements_attributes-checkbox${isSelected ? ' m-selected' : ''}\"\n                        >\n                            ${option.display_name}\n                        </a>\n                    </li>`\n                );\n            }\n        });\n    }\n\n    return refinementOptions;\n};\n\nconst buildRefinementCategory = (cioFacets, selectedFilters) => {\n    let refinementCategories = '';\n    const { DISPLAYABLE_REFINEMENT_CATEGORIES, DEFAULT_CUTOFFTHRESHOLD } = getConstructorIOSettings();\n\n    cioFacets.forEach((facet) => {\n        if (DISPLAYABLE_REFINEMENT_CATEGORIES[facet.name]) {\n            const cutoffThreshold = DISPLAYABLE_REFINEMENT_CATEGORIES[facet.name].cutoffThreshold || DEFAULT_CUTOFFTHRESHOLD;\n            const isPrice = DISPLAYABLE_REFINEMENT_CATEGORIES[facet.name].isPrice;\n            const showFacetOptionsCutOff = cutoffThreshold && facet.options.length > cutoffThreshold;\n            const options = getRefinementOptionsArray(cioFacets, facet);\n            const optionsHtml = buildRefinementOptions(facet, options, showFacetOptionsCutOff && cutoffThreshold);\n            let selectedValuesArr = selectedFilters[facet.name] && selectedFilters[facet.name].options || [];\n\n            if (isPrice && options.length > 0) {\n                selectedValuesArr = options.find((o) => o.status === 'selected') || [];\n            }\n\n            const selectedValuesLength = selectedValuesArr.length;\n            const isCollapsed = selectedValuesLength === 0;\n            const containerClass = isPrice ? 'b-refinements_price b-show_more m-collapsed js-refinements-parent' : 'b-refinements_attributes b-show_more js-refinements-parent m-collapsed';\n            const ulClass = isPrice ? 'b-refinements_price-list b-show_more-list' : 'b-refinements_attributes-list b-swatches b-show_more-list';\n            const resources = {\n                'refinements.amount': getResource('refinements.amount')\n            };\n\n            refinementCategories = refinementCategories.concat(\n                `<div class=\"b-refinements-item js-refinements-item m-${\n                    facet.name\n                }\" data-analytics-plp-filter-title=\"${\n                    DISPLAYABLE_REFINEMENT_CATEGORIES[facet.name].displayName\n                }\" data-refinement-id=\"${facet.name}\">\n                    <div\n                        class=\"b-refinements-header${isCollapsed ? ' collapsed' : ''}\"\n                        data-toggle=\"collapse\"\n                        aria-expanded=\"${!isCollapsed}\"\n                        aria-controls=\"refinement-${facet.name}\"\n                        data-target=\"#refinement-${facet.name}\"\n                        data-amount-selected-items=\"${selectedValuesLength}.0\"\n                    >\n                        ${DISPLAYABLE_REFINEMENT_CATEGORIES[facet.name].displayName}\n                        ${selectedValuesLength > 0 ? resources['refinements.amount'].supplant([selectedValuesLength]) : ''}\n                    </div>\n                    <div class=\"b-refinements-content collapse${!isCollapsed ? ' show' : ''}\" id=\"refinement-${facet.name}\" data-refinementattr=\"${facet.name}\">\n                        <div class=\"${containerClass}\">\n                            <ul class=\"${ulClass}\">\n                                ${optionsHtml}\n                            </ul>\n                            ${showFacetOptionsCutOff ? getShowMoreButton() : ''}\n                        </div>\n                    </div>\n                </div>`\n            );\n        }\n    });\n\n    return refinementCategories;\n};\n\nconst getClearAllButton = (selectedFilters) => {\n    const resources = {\n        'refinements.clear': getResource('refinements.clear')\n    };\n    const selectedFilterKeys = selectedFilters && Object.keys(selectedFilters) || [];\n    const showClearAllButton = selectedFilterKeys.length > 0 && !(selectedFilterKeys.length === 1 && selectedFilterKeys.some(selectedFilterKey => ['isMFOItem', 'experienceType', 'premiumFilter'].indexOf(selectedFilterKey) > -1));\n    if (!showClearAllButton) {\n        return '';\n    }\n\n    const urlConfig = {\n        params: {\n            filterParams: {}, start: 0, priceRange: null, sortRule: null\n        }\n    };\n    const hrefUrl = generatePLPURL(urlConfig);\n    const dataUrl = generatePLPURL(Object.assign({}, urlConfig, { url: getURL('searchShowAjax') }));\n    return `\n    <div class=\"b-refinements_header-clear js-selected-refinements\">\n        <a href=\"${hrefUrl}\" role=\"button\" class=\"b-refinements_header-btn js-refinements_clear\" data-href=\"${dataUrl}\">\n            ${resources['refinements.clear']}\n        </a>\n    </div>`;\n};\n\nconst getMobileSorting = (sortingOptions) => {\n    const resources = {\n        sort: getResource('label.sort')\n    };\n    const sortingRules = getResource('sortingRules') || {};\n    const { SORT_OPTIONS_URL_MAP } = getConstructorIOSettings();\n\n    return `\n    <div class=\"b-refinements-item js-refinements-item m-sort-filter\">\n        <div class=\"b-refinements-header collapsed\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-controls=\"refinement-sort\" data-target=\"#refinement-sort\">\n            ${resources.sort}\n        </div>\n        <div class=\"b-refinements-content collapse\" id=\"refinement-sort\">\n            <ul class=\"b-refinement_sort-list\">\n                ${sortingOptions.map(sortingOption => {\n        const id = SORT_OPTIONS_URL_MAP[sortingOption.sort_by][sortingOption.sort_order].name;\n        const isSelected = sortingOption.status === 'selected';\n        const displayName = sortingRules[[sortingOption.sort_by.toLowerCase(), sortingOption.sort_order.toLowerCase()].join('.')] || sortingRules[sortingOption.sort_by.toLowerCase()] || sortingOption.display_name;\n\n        return `\n                    <li class=\"b-refinement_sort-item\">\n                        <input type=\"radio\" id=\"id-sort-${id}\"${isSelected ? ' checked=\"checked\"' : '' } name=\"sortMobileOption\" value=\"${id}\">\n                        <label for=\"id-sort-${id}\">${displayName}</label>\n                    </li>\n                    `;\n    }).join('')}\n            </ul>\n        </div>\n    </div>`;\n};\n\nconst getMobileFilterFooter = (productsCount) => {\n    const resources = {\n        'refinements.apply': getResource('refinements.apply')\n    };\n    return `\n    <div class=\"b-refinements-footer\">\n        <button class=\"b-refinements-apply g-button_base g-button_primary--black js-close-filter\">\n            ${resources['refinements.apply'].supplant([productsCount])}\n        </button>\n    </div>\n    `;\n};\n\nconst getRefinementsHtml = ({\n    facets, selectedFilters, sortingOptions = [], productsCount\n}) => {\n    const categories = buildRefinementCategory(facets, selectedFilters);\n    const categoryConfig = {\n        initOnDevice: ['extra-small', 'small', 'medium', null, null]\n    };\n\n    const resources = {\n        'assistive.text.remove.filter.button': getResource('assistive.text.remove.filter.button'),\n        close: getResource('refinements.close'),\n        filter: getResource('refinements.title')\n    };\n    const currentURL = generatePLPURL({ url: getURL('searchShowAjax') });\n    const queryStr = new URL(currentURL).search.substr(1);\n\n    const mobileSorting = getMobileSorting(sortingOptions);\n\n    return `\n    <div class=\"l-plp-sidebar js-plp-sidebar\" data-cmp=\"searchRefinement\" data-json-config='${JSON.stringify(categoryConfig)}'>\n        <div class=\"js-slim-scrollbar\">\n            <div class=\"l-plp-sidebar-categories\"></div>\n            <div class=\"l-plp-sidebar-filter\">\n                <div class=\"b-refinements js-refinements\">\n                    <div class=\"b-refinements-container js-canonical-url\"\n                        data-action-sizemodelurl=\"${getURL('searchShowAjax')}\"\n                        data-querystring=\"${queryStr}\">\n                        <div class=\"b-refinements_header\">\n                            <div class=\"b-refinements_header-content\">\n                                <div class=\"b-refinements_header-title\">${resources.filter}</div>\n                                ${getClearAllButton(selectedFilters)}\n\n                                <button class=\"b-refinements_header-close js-close-filter\">${resources.close}</button>\n                            </div>\n                            <ul class=\"b-refinements_swatch\">\n                                ${Object.keys(selectedFilters).map(key => {\n        if (['premiumFilter', 'isMFOItem', 'availableForLocale', 'experienceType'].indexOf(key) > -1) {\n            return '';\n        }\n\n        const selectedFilterAttribute = selectedFilters[key];\n        return selectedFilterAttribute.options.map(selectedFilterValue => {\n            const urlConfig = ['salePriceLow', 'price'].indexOf(key) > -1\n                ? { params: { priceRange: undefined, start: 0 } }\n                : { params: { filterParams: { [key]: selectedFilterValue.value }, start: 0 }, action: 'toggle' };\n            const hrefUrl = generatePLPURL(urlConfig);\n            const dataUrl = generatePLPURL(Object.assign({}, urlConfig, { url: getURL('searchShowAjax') }));\n            var filterDisplayName = selectedFilterValue.display_name;\n            if (['discountPercentage'].indexOf(key) > -1 && selectedFilterValue.value) {\n                filterDisplayName = getResource('refinement.discountpercentage.' + selectedFilterValue.value);\n            }\n\n            return `\n                                        <li class=\"b-refinements_swatch-item\">\n                                            <a href=\"${hrefUrl}\" data-href=\"${dataUrl}\" data-analytics-plp-selected-filter-value=\"${selectedFilterValue.display_name}\" class=\"b-refinements_swatch-btn js-refinement_swatch\">\n                                                <span class=\"b-refinements_swatch-text\" aria-hidden=\"true\">${filterDisplayName}</span>\n                                                <span class=\"b-refinements_swatch-remove\">\n                                                ${resources['assistive.text.remove.filter.button'].supplant([selectedFilterValue.value])}\n                                                </span>\n                                            </a>\n                                        </li>\n                                        `;\n        }).join('');\n    }).join('')}\n                            </ul>\n                        </div>\n                        ${mobileSorting}\n                        ${categories}\n                        ${getMobileFilterFooter(productsCount)}\n                    </div>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n        </div>\n    </div>`;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    getRefinementsHtml\n};\n","/* eslint-disable no-useless-return */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst { isEmpty, intersection } = require('lodash');\nconst { getConstructorIOSettings, getURL, getResource } = require('../clientWrapper');\nconst {\n    determineNoBorderClass\n} = require('../utils/utils');\n\nconst numberWithCommas = (price, separators) => {\n    var parts = price.toString().split('.');\n    parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\\B(?=(\\d{3})+(?!\\d))/g, separators.length > 1 ? separators[0] : ',');\n    return parts.join(separators.length > 1 ? separators[1] : separators[0]);\n};\n\nconst convertNumberToPrice = (value) => {\n    const { samplePrice = '0', samplePriceThousand = '0' } = getConstructorIOSettings();\n    const separators = samplePrice.match(/[.,]/g);\n    const separatorsThousand = samplePriceThousand.match(/[.,]/g);\n    let modifiedPrice = numberWithCommas(value.toFixed(2), separators);\n    if (value >= 1000) {\n        modifiedPrice = numberWithCommas(value.toFixed(2), separatorsThousand);\n    }\n\n    return samplePrice.replace(/\\d{1,}[,.]{1}\\d{1,}/g, modifiedPrice);\n};\n\nconst padColorId = (value, padding = 3) => {\n    if (!value) return undefined;\n\n    let zeroes = new Array(4).join('0');\n    return (zeroes + value).slice(-padding);\n};\n\nconst getCioColorWayId = (colorway = '001') => padColorId(typeof colorway === 'string' ? colorway : colorway.color, 3);\n\nconst getVisibleVariants = (variations) => {\n    let uniqueColors = [];\n    let visible = [];\n    variations.forEach((variant) => {\n        const variantColor = getCioColorWayId(variant.data.colorWayId);\n        if (!variant.data.hideColorWay && variant.data.orderable && variant.data.image_url && !uniqueColors.includes(variantColor)) {\n            visible.push(variant);\n            uniqueColors.push(variantColor);\n        }\n    });\n\n    return visible;\n};\n\n/**\n * Generates the default color way product tile data including image and hover image\n * to display on a single tile.\n *\n * @param {Object} product - Product data.\n * @returns {productTileData} product image details\n */\nfunction getDefaultColorWayDetails(product) {\n    const colorwayId = product.data.colorWayId ? product.data.colorWayId.color : '';\n    const defaultColorWayId = product.data.defaultColorwayId && product.data.defaultColorwayId.id ? product.data.defaultColorwayId.id.split(',')[0] : '';\n    let selectedColorWayId = defaultColorWayId;\n    var productTileData = {\n        defaultColorWayId: null,\n        image_url: null,\n        imageName: null,\n        gridTileHoverImageURL: null\n    };\n\n    if (defaultColorWayId && product.variations_map) {\n        let variationProduct = product.variations_map.filter(variation => variation.colorWayId === defaultColorWayId)[0];\n\n        // if defaultcolorway is not online, then use colorwayId to find variant\n        if (!variationProduct) {\n            variationProduct = product.variations_map.filter(variation => variation.colorWayId === colorwayId)[0];\n            selectedColorWayId = colorwayId;\n        }\n\n        // if colorwayId variant is also not online, take the first color\n        if (!variationProduct && product.variations_map.length > 0) {\n            variationProduct = product.variations_map[0];\n            selectedColorWayId = variationProduct.colorWayId;\n        }\n\n        if (variationProduct) {\n            productTileData.image_url = (variationProduct.data.image_url || '').replace('http://', 'https://') || null;\n            productTileData.gridTileHoverImageURL = (variationProduct.data.gridTileHoverImageURL || '').replace('http://', 'https://') || null;\n            productTileData.imageName = variationProduct.data.imageName || null;\n        }\n    }\n\n    productTileData.defaultColorWayId = defaultColorWayId ? padColorId(selectedColorWayId) : null;\n\n    return productTileData;\n}\n\nconst getProductColorSwatches = (product, showColorCarousel) => {\n    let swatches = '';\n\n    const resources = {\n        'product.view.color': getResource('product.view.color')\n    };\n\n    const productVariations = product.variations ? product.variations : product.variations_map;\n    let productColors = getVisibleVariants(productVariations)\n        .map((variant) => {\n            const imageUrl = variant.data.image_url ? variant.data.image_url.replace('http://', 'https://') : null;\n            const hex = typeof variant.data.hexColor === 'number' ? padColorId(variant.data.hexColor, 6) : variant.data.hexColor;\n            const colorId = getCioColorWayId(variant.data.colorWayId);\n\n            if (colorId) {\n                return {\n                    id: colorId,\n                    url: variant.data.url,\n                    upc: variant.data.upc,\n                    colorway: variant.data.colorWay || null,\n                    hex: `${hex}` || '',\n                    hideColorway: false,\n                    isLoyaltyExclusiveColor: variant.data.isLoyaltyExclusive || false,\n                    name: variant.data.colorValue || '',\n                    secondaryHex: variant.data.secondaryHexColor || null,\n                    orderable: variant.data.orderable || false,\n                    assets: {\n                        alt: variant.data.imageName || '',\n                        images: [\n                            {\n                                assetName: variant.data.imageName || '',\n                                url: imageUrl\n                            },\n                            {\n                                assetName: variant.data.imageName || '',\n                                url: variant.data.gridTileHoverImageURL ? variant.data.gridTileHoverImageURL.replace('http://', 'https://') : imageUrl\n                            }\n                        ],\n                        title: variant.value || null\n                    }\n                };\n            }\n            return '';\n        });\n\n    productColors.forEach((color, index) => {\n        const pid = product.data.id;\n        const dataIndex = `${index}.0`;\n        const includeFirstClass = index === 0 ? 'first' : '';\n        const secondaryHex = color.secondaryHex || color.hex;\n        const url = `${getURL('productShow')}${pid}&dwvar_${pid}_color=${color.id}`;\n        const dataProductImage = color.assets.images[0].url;\n        const numberOfColors = product.data.colorCount;\n        const carouselAttributes = showColorCarousel ? (\n            `role=\"group\"\n            aria-label=\"${index + 1} / ${numberOfColors + 1}\"`) : '';\n        const defaultColorwayDetails = getDefaultColorWayDetails(product);\n        const productColor = !isEmpty(product.data.colorWayId) ? getCioColorWayId(product.data.colorWayId) : defaultColorwayDetails.defaultColorWayId;\n        const isSelectedColor = color.id === productColor;\n\n        let noBorderClass = '';\n        noBorderClass = determineNoBorderClass(color.hex, color.secondaryHex);\n\n        swatches = swatches.concat(`\n            <li\n                data-index=\"${dataIndex}\"\n                class=\"b-swatches_circle-item swiper-slide ${includeFirstClass}\"\n                data-url=\"${url}\"\n                ${carouselAttributes}\n            >\n                <a\n                    href=\"${url}\"\n                    data-attr-url=\"${url}\"\n                    data-index=\"${dataIndex}\"\n                    data-product-img=\"${dataProductImage}\"\n                    data-product-imgmain=\"null\"\n                    data-product-sizemodel=\"\"\n                    data-product-modelspec=\"\"\n                    data-product-hoverimagedefault=\"null\"\n                    data-attr-value=\"${color.id}\"\n                    title=\"${resources['product.view.color'].supplant([color.name, color.id])}\"\n                    class=\"b-swatches_circle-link js-swatch-link pdp-open-new-tab ${noBorderClass} ${isSelectedColor ? 'm-active' : ''}\"\n                >\n                    <span\n                        class=\"b-swatches_circle-value\"\n                        style=\"background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, #${color.hex} 0%, #${color.hex} 50%, #${secondaryHex} 50%, #${secondaryHex} 100%);\"\n                    ></span>\n                </a>\n            </li>`);\n    });\n\n    return swatches;\n};\n\nconst getProductPrice = (product) => {\n    const data = product.data;\n    if (!data.listPriceHigh) return '';\n    const list = { min: data.listPriceLow, max: data.listPriceHigh };\n    const sale = { min: data.salePriceLow, max: data.salePriceHigh };\n\n    const { customerGroups } = getConstructorIOSettings();\n\n    if (product.data && product.data.groupPricing) {\n        const matchedPriceGroup = Object.keys(product.data.groupPricing).find((groupName) => customerGroups.includes(groupName));\n\n        if (matchedPriceGroup) {\n            sale.min = product.data.groupPricing[matchedPriceGroup].min;\n            sale.max = product.data.groupPricing[matchedPriceGroup].max;\n        }\n    }\n\n    const showSalesPrice = list.max !== sale.max || list.min !== sale.min;\n    const showRange = showSalesPrice\n        ? sale.min !== sale.max\n        : list.min !== list.max;\n\n    const defaultPrice = convertNumberToPrice(list.max);\n    if (showRange) {\n        const low = convertNumberToPrice(showSalesPrice ? sale.min : list.min);\n        const high = convertNumberToPrice(showSalesPrice ? sale.max : list.max);\n\n        return (\n            `<span class=\"b-price-value bfx-price\" content=\"${low}\">${low}</span>\n            <span class=\"b-price-range_divider\">-</span>\n            <span class=\"b-price-value bfx-price\" content=\"${high}\">${high}</span>`\n        );\n    }\n    if (showSalesPrice) {\n        const saleLow = convertNumberToPrice(sale.min);\n\n        return (\n            `<span class=\"b-price-value m-strikethrough bfx-price highlighted\" content=\"${defaultPrice}\">${defaultPrice}</span>\n            <span class=\"b-price-value highlighted bfx-price m-actual spacer\" content=\"${saleLow}\">${saleLow}</span>`\n        );\n    }\n    return `<span class=\"b-price-value bfx-price\" content=\"${defaultPrice}\">${defaultPrice}</span>`;\n};\n\nconst chooseActivePromotion = (currentPromotions, customerGroups) => {\n    let promotionsWithRank = [];\n    let promotionsWithStartDate = [];\n    let filteredPromotions = [];\n\n    if (currentPromotions.length > 0) {\n        currentPromotions.forEach((promotion) => {\n            if ((!('hasCoupon' in promotion) || promotion.hasCoupon === false) && !isEmpty(intersection(promotion.customerGroups, customerGroups))) {\n                if (promotion.rank && promotion.rank !== '') {\n                    promotionsWithRank.push(promotion);\n                } else if (promotion.startDate) {\n                    promotionsWithStartDate.push(promotion);\n                } else {\n                    filteredPromotions.push(promotion);\n                }\n            }\n        });\n    }\n\n    if (promotionsWithRank.length > 0) {\n        promotionsWithRank.sort((first, second) => {\n            const firstRank = typeof first.rank === 'string' ? Number(first.rank) : first.rank;\n            const secondRank = typeof second.rank === 'string' ? Number(second.rank) : second.rank;\n            return firstRank - secondRank;\n        });\n\n        return promotionsWithRank[0];\n    }\n    if (promotionsWithStartDate.length > 0) {\n        promotionsWithStartDate.sort((first, second) => new Date(first.startDate) - new Date(second.startDate));\n\n        return promotionsWithStartDate[0];\n    }\n\n    return filteredPromotions.length > 0 ? filteredPromotions[0] : undefined;\n};\n\nconst getProductPromotion = (promotions) => {\n    let promotionHTML = '';\n    const { customerGroups } = getConstructorIOSettings();\n    const activePromotion = chooseActivePromotion(promotions, customerGroups);\n\n    if (activePromotion && activePromotion.customerGroups && !isEmpty(intersection(activePromotion.customerGroups, customerGroups))) {\n        promotionHTML = activePromotion.callOut ? (\n            `<div class=\"b-promo-tooltip-content\">\n                <span class=\"hide-mobile\">\n                    <span class=\"b-promo-tooltip-content-text\" style=\"word-break: break-all\">${activePromotion.callOut}</span>\n                    ${activePromotion.toolTipText ? `\n                    <span class=\"g-tooltip-icon g-tooltip bfx-remove-element\">\n                        <span class=\"g-tooltip-text\">\n                            ${activePromotion.toolTipText}\n                        </span>\n                    </span>` : ''}\n                </span>\n                <span class=\"hide-desktop\">\n                    <span class=\"b-promo-tooltip-content-text\" style=\"word-break: break-all\">${activePromotion.callOut}</span>\n                    ${activePromotion.toolTipText ? `\n                    <span class=\"g-tooltip-icon g-tooltip bfx-remove-element\">\n                        <span class=\"g-tooltip-arrow\"></span>\n                    </span>\n                    <span class=\"g-tooltip-text\">\n                        ${activePromotion.toolTipText}\n                    </span>` : ''}\n                </span>\n            </div>`) : '';\n    }\n\n    return promotionHTML;\n};\n\n/**\n * Generates the HTML markup for a single tile using the product data.\n *\n * @param {Object} product - Product data.\n * @param {boolean} headerSearch - Tile is from header search or not.\n * @returns {string} HTML markup for the tile.\n */\nconst getTileHtml = (product, headerSearch) => {\n    const pid = product.data.id;\n    const defaultColorwayDetails = getDefaultColorWayDetails(product);\n    const productColor = !isEmpty(product.data.colorWayId) ? getCioColorWayId(product.data.colorWayId) : defaultColorwayDetails.defaultColorWayId;\n    const url = productColor ? `${getURL('productShow')}${pid}&dwvar_${pid}_color=${productColor}` : `${getURL('productShow')}${pid}`;\n    var imageUrl = defaultColorwayDetails.image_url ? defaultColorwayDetails.image_url : product.data.image_url ? product.data.image_url.replace('http://', 'https://') : '';\n    var hoverImageUrl = defaultColorwayDetails.gridTileHoverImageURL ? defaultColorwayDetails.gridTileHoverImageURL : product.data.gridTileHoverImageURL ? product.data.gridTileHoverImageURL.replace('http://', 'https://') : imageUrl;\n\n    if (productColor) {\n        imageUrl = product.data.image_url ? product.data.image_url.replace('http://', 'https://') : '';\n        hoverImageUrl = product.data.gridTileHoverImageURL ? product.data.gridTileHoverImageURL.replace('http://', 'https://') : imageUrl;\n    }\n\n    const image = {\n        url: imageUrl,\n        urlHov: hoverImageUrl\n    };\n    const productVariations = product.variations ? product.variations : product.variations_map;\n    const numColors = product.data.colorCount === 0 ? getVisibleVariants(productVariations).length : product.data.colorCount;\n    const showColorCarousel = headerSearch ? numColors > 4 : numColors > 6;\n    const colorSwatches = getProductColorSwatches(product, showColorCarousel);\n    const productPrice = getProductPrice(product);\n    const badge = product.data.badge || null;\n    const upperLeftFlameIcon = product.data.badgeImage || null;\n    const upperLeftSellingFast = getResource('sellingFastDisplayValues');\n    const isSellingFast = upperLeftFlameIcon && upperLeftSellingFast.indexOf(upperLeftFlameIcon) > -1;\n    const comingSoon = product.exclusiveType === 'COMING_SOON';\n    const isOrderable = product.data.orderable || (product.variations && product.variations.length > 0) || (product.variations_map && product.variations_map.length > 0);\n    const hasPromo = product.data.promotions && product.data.promotions.length > 0;\n    const productTileJSONConfig = '{\"initOnDevice\": [null, null, null, \"large\", \"extra-large\"]}';\n    const swatchTileJSONConfig = {\n        direction: 'horizontal',\n        centerInsufficientSlides: false,\n        loop: false,\n        navigation: {\n            nextEl: '.js-swiper-button-next',\n            prevEl: '.js-swiper-button-prev',\n            disabledClass: 'm-disabled'\n        },\n        slidesPerView: headerSearch ? 4 : 6,\n        spaceBetween: 0,\n        slidesPerGroup: headerSearch ? 4 : 5,\n        breakpoints: {\n            300: {\n                slidesPerView: 3,\n                spaceBetween: 2,\n                slidesPerGroup: 3\n            },\n            1024: {\n                slidesPerView: headerSearch ? 4 : 6,\n                spaceBetween: 1,\n                slidesPerGroup: headerSearch ? 4 : 6\n            }\n        }\n    };\n\n    return `\n        <div class=\"b-tile b-tile-constructorio bfx-price-product\" data-cmp=\"productTile\" data-json-config='${productTileJSONConfig}'>\n            <div class=\"b-tile-variations_container\" data-product=\"${pid}\">\n                <div class=\"b-tile-images_outer\">\n                    <button\n                        class=\"b-tile-fav_defultButton wishlistTile product\"\n                        remove-href=\"${getURL('wishlistRemoveProduct')}\"\n                        href=\"${getURL('wishlistAddProduct')}\"\n                        aria-label=\"${getResource('wishlistButtonLabel')}\"\n                        data-pid=\"${pid}\"\n                        type=\"button\"\n                        data-analytics-style=\"${pid}\">\n                        <span class=\"js-whislist-icon b-tile-fav_button\"></span>\n                    </button>\n                    <a href=\"${url}\" class=\"b-tile-images_container\">\n                        <picture>\n                            <img\n                                class=\"b-tile-image b-tile-main_image js-tile-carousel_image lazyload\"\n                                src=\"${getResource('tileSkeletonLoader')}\"\n                                data-src=\"${image.url}\"\n                                data-rollover=\"${image.urlHov}\"\n                                onerror=\"this.style.visibility='hidden'\"\n                                alt=\"${product.data.value || ''}\"\n                                title=\"${defaultColorwayDetails.imageName || product.data.imageName}\"\n                            >\n                        </picture>\n                    </a>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"b-tile-info\">\n                <div class=\"b-tile-gift-container\">\n                    <div class=\"b-tile-swatches_container\">\n                        <div class=\"b-tile-swatches js-tile-swatches\">\n                            <div\n                                class=\"swiper-container b-tile-swatches_slider ${showColorCarousel ? 'swatch-carousel' : ''}\"\n                                data-cmp=\"carousel\"\n                                data-json-config='${JSON.stringify(swatchTileJSONConfig)}'\n                            >\n                                ${showColorCarousel\n        ? '<button class=\"b-tile-swatches_slider_button js-swiper-button-prev m-left\"></button>'\n        : ''\n}\n                                <ul class=\"b-swatches_circle swiper-wrapper js-swiper-wrapper\">\n                                    ${colorSwatches}\n                                </ul>\n                                ${showColorCarousel\n        ? '<button class=\"b-tile-swatches_slider_button js-swiper-button-next m-right\"></button>'\n        : ''\n}\n                            </div>\n                        </div>\n                        ${numColors !== 0 && numColors > 3 ? (\n        `<a href=\"${url}\" class=\"b-tile-swatches_count\">\n            ${'+' + (numColors - 3)}\n        </a>`\n    ) : '<a href=\"\" class=\"b-tile-swatches_count\" style=\"min-height: 28px\"></a>'\n}\n                    </div>\n                    ${!isSellingFast && upperLeftFlameIcon ? `\n                    <div class=\"b-tile-badge-emea b-flameIcon\">\n                        <span class=\"b-flameIcon-sec\">\n                            <img class=\"img-flameIcon\" alt=\"${getResource('flameIconAlt')}\" src=\"${getResource('flameIcon')}\">\n                            <span class=\"flameIcon-text\">${upperLeftFlameIcon}</span>\n                        </span>\n                    </div>\n                    ` : '' }\n                    ${isSellingFast ? `\n                    <div class=\"b-tile-badge-emea b-flameIcon\">\n                        <span class=\"b-flameIcon-sec\">\n                            <img class=\"img-flameIcon\" alt=\"${getResource('sellingFastAlt')}\" src=\"${getResource('sellingFastIcon')}\">\n                            <span class=\"flameIcon-text\">${upperLeftFlameIcon}</span>\n                        </span>\n                    </div>\n                    ` : '' }\n                    ${!upperLeftFlameIcon && badge ? `<div class=\"b-tile-badge-emea hide-top_left_badge\">${badge}</div>` : ''}\n                    <a class=\"b-tile-name\" href=\"${url}\">\n                        <h3>\n                            ${product.value}\n                            ${product.data.subHeader ? `<span class=\"b-tile-subheader\">${product.data.subHeader}</span>` : ''}\n                        </h3>\n                    </a>                    \n                    <div class=\"b-price\">\n                        ${productPrice}\n                    </div>\n                </div>\n                <div class=\"plp-outofstock\">${ product.data.preorderable ? product.data.preorderMessage.tileMessage : '' }</div>\n                <div class=\"plp-outofstock\">${ !isOrderable && !comingSoon ? ('<span>' + getResource('soldOut') + '</span>') : '' }</div>\n                <div class=\"plp-outofstock\">${ !isOrderable && comingSoon ? `<span>${product.data.comingSoonMessage || getResource('buttonComingsoon')}</span>` : '' }</div>\n                <div class=\"b-product_promo b-promo-tooltip-information\">\n                ${hasPromo ? getProductPromotion(product.data.promotions) : ''}\n                </div>\n            </div>\n        </div>\n    `;\n};\n\n/**\n * Converts an array of products into a string of HTML tiles.\n *\n * @param {Array} products - Array of products.\n * @returns {string} HTML tiles markup.\n */\nconst convertProductsToTiles = (products) => {\n    let tiles = '';\n    products.forEach((product, index) => {\n        try {\n            tiles = tiles.concat(`\n                <li class=\"b-suggestions_products-item js-item b-tile\" id=\"product-${index}\" role=\"option\" data-analytics-track=\"search-suggestion\" data-analytics-value=\"product|${product.value}\">\n                    ${getTileHtml(product, true)}\n                </li>\n            `);\n        } catch (error) {\n            // Return in case of tile data failure\n            return;\n        }\n    });\n    return tiles;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    getTileHtml,\n    convertProductsToTiles\n};\n","/**\n * @file Initializes ConstructorIO using settings from the global window object.\n * @module constructorIO\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nimport Cookies from 'js-cookie';\n\nconst clientWrapper = require('./clientWrapper');\nconst cioTiles = require('./components/tiles');\nconst { getURL, getConstructorIOSettings, getResource } = require('./clientWrapper');\n\nconst RECENT_SEARCH_COOKIE_NAME = 'ua-recent-search';\n\nconst escapeHtml = (unsafe) => {\n    return unsafe\n        .replace(/&/g, '&amp;')\n        .replace(/</g, '&lt;')\n        .replace(/>/g, '&gt;')\n        .replace(/\"/g, '&quot;')\n        .replace(/'/g, '&#039;');\n};\n\nconst convertSuggestionsToLinks = (suggestions) => {\n    let links = '';\n\n    try {\n        suggestions.forEach((suggestion, index) => {\n            const value = suggestion.value;\n\n            if (value !== undefined) {\n                links = links.concat(`\n                    <li class=\"b-suggestions_info-item js-item\" id=\"category-${index}\" role=\"option\">\n                        <a class=\"b-suggestions_info-link\" href=\"${getURL('searchURL') + value}\" data-analytics-track=\"search-suggestion\" data-analytics-value=\"category|${value} \">\n                            <span class=\"b-suggestions_info-name\">\n                                ${value}\n                            </span>\n                        </a>\n                    </li>\n                `);\n            }\n        });\n\n        return links;\n    } catch (error) {\n        // Return an empty string or some default HTML in case of failure\n        return links;\n    }\n};\n\nconst getRecentSearches = () => {\n    const recentSearches = Cookies.get(RECENT_SEARCH_COOKIE_NAME);\n    if (recentSearches) {\n        return (\n            recentSearches\n                .split(';')\n                .filter((s) => !!s) || []\n        );\n    }\n\n    return [];\n};\n\nconst addToRecentSearch = (searchTerm) => {\n    if (!searchTerm) {\n        return;\n    }\n\n    // This will get the current list of recent searches and prepend the new search result, dedupe it and return the top 3\n    const oldRecentSearches = getRecentSearches();\n    const recentSearches = ([searchTerm, ...oldRecentSearches]).filter((value, index, values) => values.indexOf(value) === index).slice(0, 3);\n\n    // Update the cookie with the list.\n    Cookies.set(RECENT_SEARCH_COOKIE_NAME, recentSearches.join(';'));\n};\n\nconst getCurrentSearchData = () => {\n    const params = new URL(document.location).searchParams;\n    const searchQuery = params.get('q');\n\n    return searchQuery;\n};\n\nconst convertRecentSearchesToLinks = (recentSearches) => {\n    let links = '';\n\n    try {\n        recentSearches.forEach((recentSearch, index) => {\n            const value = escapeHtml(recentSearch);\n            links = links.concat(`\n                <li class=\"b-suggestions_info-item js-item\" id=\"phrase-${index}\" role=\"option\">\n                    <a class=\"b-suggestions_info-link\" href=\"${getURL('searchURL') + encodeURIComponent(value)}\" data-analytics-track=\"search-suggestion\" data-analytics-value=\"recent searches|${value} \">\n                        <span class=\"b-suggestions_info-name\">\n                            ${value}\n                        </span>\n                    </a>\n                </li>\n            `);\n        });\n\n        return links;\n    } catch (error) {\n        // Return an empty string or some default HTML in case of failure\n        return links;\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n * Helper function used to convert ConstructorIO data into HTML string\n * that can be used in the processResponse function used to render\n * Search Suggestions popup\n *\n * @param {Object} response - ConstructorIO Autocomplete query response object\n * @return {string} - HTML string with ConstructorIO data\n */\nconst convertCIOToHTMLString = (response) => {\n    const hasResponse = response && response.sections;\n    const products = hasResponse && response.sections.Products;\n    const suggestions = hasResponse && response.sections['Search Suggestions'];\n    const tiles = cioTiles.convertProductsToTiles(products);\n    const links = convertSuggestionsToLinks(suggestions);\n    const query = hasResponse && response.request && response.request.term ? response.request.term : '';\n    const currentSearch = getCurrentSearchData();\n    addToRecentSearch(currentSearch);\n    const recentSearches = getRecentSearches();\n    const recentSearchLinks = convertRecentSearchesToLinks(recentSearches);\n\n    return (`\n        <div class=\"b-suggestions js-suggestions\">\n            <div class=\"b-suggestions-flyout\">\n                <div class=\"b-suggestions-container\" role=\"listbox\" id=\"search-results\">\n                    ${links ? `\n                        <div class=\"b-suggestions-info\">\n                            <div class=\"b-suggestions-section\">\n                                <div class=\"b-suggestions-title\">${getResource('headerModalSuggestionsCategory') || ''}</div>\n                                <ul class=\"b-suggestions_info-list\">\n                                    ${links}\n                                </ul>\n                            </div>\n                            ${recentSearchLinks ? `\n                                <div class=\"b-suggestions-section\">\n                                    <div class=\"b-suggestions-title\">${getResource('headerModalSuggestionsRecentSearch') || ''}</div>\n                                    <ul class=\"b-suggestions_info-list\">\n                                        ${recentSearchLinks}\n                                    </ul>\n                                </div>\n                            ` : ''}\n                        </div>\n                    ` : ''}\n                    ${!links && recentSearchLinks ? `\n                    <div class=\"b-suggestions-info\">\n                        <div class=\"b-suggestions-section\">\n                            <div class=\"b-suggestions-title\">${getResource('headerModalSuggestionsRecentSearch') || ''}</div>\n                            <ul class=\"b-suggestions_info-list\">\n                                ${recentSearchLinks}\n                            </ul>\n                        </div>\n                    </div>\n                ` : ''}\n                    <div class=\"b-suggestions-products b-suggestions_products\">\n                        <div class=\"b-suggestions-section\">\n                            ${products.length >= 4 ? (\n            `<div class=\"b-suggestions-results\">\n                                    <a class=\"b-suggestions-results-link\" href=\"${getURL('searchURL') + query || ''}\">\n                                        ${getResource('refinementsViewall') || ''}\n                                    </a>\n                                </div>`\n        ) : ''}\n                            ${products.length > 0 ? (\n            `<div class=\"b-suggestions-title\">${getResource('headerModalSuggestionsProduct') || ''}</div>\n                                <ul class=\"b-suggestions_products-list\">\n                                    ${tiles}\n                                </ul>`\n        ) : (\n            `<div class=\"b-suggestions-title_noresult\">${getResource('noResultsFound')}</div>\n                                <div class=\"b-suggestions-text_noresult\">\n                                    <div class=\"content-asset\">${getResource('noSearchSuggestions')}</div>\n                                </div>`\n        )}\n                        </div>\n                    </div>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n        </div>\n    `);\n};\n\n/**\n * Fetches Autocomplete search results.\n * @param {string} query - Query string.\n * @returns {Promise<Object>} Promise resolving with Autocomplete results.\n */\nconst getConstructorioSuggestions = (query) => {\n    const cioClient = clientWrapper.getConstructorIOClient();\n\n    if (cioClient && cioClient.autocomplete && cioClient.autocomplete.getAutocompleteResults) {\n        const constructorIOSettings = getConstructorIOSettings();\n        return cioClient.autocomplete.getAutocompleteResults(query, {\n            variationsMap: constructorIOSettings.variationMap || undefined,\n            resultsPerSection: {\n                Products: 4,\n                Categories: 0,\n                'Search Suggestions': 7\n            },\n            networkParameters: {\n                timeout: constructorIOSettings.timeout\n            }\n        });\n    }\n\n    return Promise.reject(new Error('Failed to fetch ConstructorIO autocomplete results.'));\n};\n\nexport {\n    convertCIOToHTMLString,\n    getConstructorioSuggestions\n};\n","/**\n * @file Initializes ConstructorIO using settings from the global window object.\n * @module constructorIO\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst { getRefinementsHtml } = require('./components/refinements');\nconst { getTileHtml } = require('./components/tiles');\nconst {\n    getConstructorIOSettings,\n    getResource,\n    getURL\n} = require('./clientWrapper');\nconst {\n    getPriceRange,\n    generatePLPURL\n} = require('./utils/utils');\n\nconst getSortingOption = (sortingOption, isOption = false, withLink = false) => {\n    const sortingRules = getResource('sortingRules') || {};\n    const { SORT_OPTIONS_URL_MAP } = getConstructorIOSettings();\n    const id = SORT_OPTIONS_URL_MAP[sortingOption.sort_by][sortingOption.sort_order].name;\n    const sortURL = generatePLPURL({ url: getURL('updateGrid'), params: { sortRule: id, start: 0 } });\n    const isSelected = sortingOption.status === 'selected';\n    const displayName = sortingRules[[sortingOption.sort_by.toLowerCase(), sortingOption.sort_order.toLowerCase()].join('.')] || sortingRules[sortingOption.sort_by.toLowerCase()] || sortingOption.display_name;\n\n    if (isOption) {\n        return `<option class=\"select-option ${id}\" label=\"${displayName}\" value=\"${sortURL}\" data-id=\"${id}\"${isSelected ? ' selected=\"selected\"' : ''}>\n            ${displayName}\n        </option>`;\n    }\n\n    return `<li class=\"b-sort-item js-sort-item${isSelected ? ' highlighted' : ''}\" data-value=\"${sortURL}\" data-id=\"${id}\" data-analytics-sort-value=\"${displayName}\">\n        ${!withLink ? displayName : `<a href=\"${sortURL}\"><isprint value=\"${displayName}\"/></a>`}\n    </li>`;\n};\n\nconst getSortSelect = (sortOptions) => {\n    const resources = {\n        sort: getResource('label.sort')\n    };\n\n    const selectedSortingRule = sortOptions.filter(sortingOption => sortingOption.status === 'selected');\n\n    return `\n    <div class=\"b-sort\" data-cmp=\"sortMobile\" data-json-config='{\"initOnDevice\": [\"extraSmall\", \"small\", \"medium\", null, null]}' data-analytics-plp-sort-default=\"${selectedSortingRule && selectedSortingRule[0] && selectedSortingRule[0].display_name}\">\n        <label for=\"sort-order\" class=\"b-sort-label js-sort-label\">${resources.sort}</label>\n        <div class=\"g-selectric-container form-group\">\n            <select data-cmp=\"customSelect\" data-cmp-id=\"selectric\" class=\"js-input_field input-select js-select b-sort-select\" id=\"sort-order\" name=\"sort-order\">\n                ${sortOptions.map(sortOption => getSortingOption(sortOption, true)).join('')}\n            </select>\n            <label class=\"g-selectric-label form-control-label js-input-label b-sort-label\" for=\"sort-order\">\n                ${resources.sort}\n            </label>\n        </div>\n        <div class=\"b-sort-content js-mob_sort\">\n            <ul class=\"b-sort-list\">\n                ${sortOptions.map(sortOption => getSortingOption(sortOption)).join('')}\n            </ul>\n        </div>\n        <noscript>\n            <div class=\"dropdown\">\n                <button class=\"dropbtn\"></button>\n                <ul class=\"dropdown-content\">\n                    ${sortOptions.map(sortOption => getSortingOption(sortOption, false, true)).join('')}\n                </ul>\n            </div>\n        </noscript>\n    </div>\n    `;\n};\n\nconst getPageBreadcrumbs = (selectedFilters) => {\n    let breadcrumbsHTML = '';\n    const selectedFilterKeys = Object.keys(selectedFilters);\n\n    if (selectedFilterKeys.length === 0) {\n        return `\n        <div class=\"b-plp_header-breadcrumbs\">\n            <div class=\"b-breadcrumbs\" role=\"navigation\" aria-label=\"Breadcrumb\">\n                <ol class=\"b-breadcrumbs-list\"> </ol>\n            </div>\n        </div>\n        `;\n    }\n    const { ROUTE_REFINEMENT_ATTRIBUTES } = getConstructorIOSettings();\n    const shownFilterAttributeInBreadcrumbs = {};\n\n    ROUTE_REFINEMENT_ATTRIBUTES.forEach(function (key) {\n        if (!selectedFilters[key]) {\n            return;\n        }\n        shownFilterAttributeInBreadcrumbs[key] = selectedFilters[key].options.map(selectedFilterValue => selectedFilterValue.value);\n        const urlConfig = { params: { filterParams: shownFilterAttributeInBreadcrumbs, start: 0 } };\n        const hrefUrl = generatePLPURL(urlConfig);\n        const dataUrl = generatePLPURL(Object.assign({}, urlConfig, { url: getURL('searchShowAjax') }));\n        const title = selectedFilters[key].options.map(selectedFilterValue => selectedFilterValue.display_name).join(' + ');\n\n        breadcrumbsHTML = breadcrumbsHTML.concat(\n            `<li class=\"breadcrumb-refinement b-breadcrumbs-item\">\n                <a class=\"b-breadcrumbs-link js-refinement_swatch\"\n                    href=\"${hrefUrl}\"\n                    data-href=\"${dataUrl}\"\n                >\n                    ${title}\n                </a>\n            </li>`\n        );\n    });\n\n    return `\n    <div class=\"b-plp_header-breadcrumbs\">\n        <script type=\"application/ld+json\">\n            {\"@context\":\"http://schema.org/\",\"@type\":\"BreadcrumbList\",\"itemListElement\":[]}\n        </script>\n        <div class=\"b-breadcrumbs\" role=\"navigation\" aria-label=\"Breadcrumb\">\n            <ol class=\"b-breadcrumbs-list\">\n                ${breadcrumbsHTML}\n            </ol>\n        </div>\n    </div>\n    `;\n};\n\nconst getSearchHeader = (response, request, selectedFilters) => {\n    const resources = {\n        'search.results': getResource('label.search.title'),\n        'items.more': getResource('label.num.items.more'),\n        items: getResource('label.num.items'),\n        item: getResource('label.num.item')\n    };\n\n    const { term } = request;\n    const { total_num_results: resultsCount, sort_options: sortOptions } = response;\n    const countLabel = resultsCount > 1 ? resultsCount > 4 ? 'items.more' : 'items' : 'item';\n\n    return `\n        <div class=\"l-plp-header b-plp_header l-plp-header-load_button\">\n            ${getPageBreadcrumbs(selectedFilters)}\n            <div class=\"b-plp_header-row\">\n                <div class=\"b-plp_header-search_title\">\n                    ${resources['search.results']}\n                </div>\n                <div class=\"b-plp_header-search\">\n                    “${term}”\n                </div>\n                <div class=\"b-plp_header-results_count js-products_count\" data-analytics-plp-count=\"${resultsCount}\">${resources[countLabel].supplant([resultsCount])}</div>\n                <div class=\"b-plp_header-sort js-header-sort\">\n                    ${getSortSelect(sortOptions)}\n                </div>\n            </div>\n        </div>\n    `;\n};\n\nconst getTopLoadMore = (response, request) => {\n    if (request.offset > 0) {\n        const resources = {\n            'label.load.more.products': getResource('label.load.more.products')\n        };\n        const loadMoreURL = generatePLPURL({ params: { start: null, sz: null } });\n\n        return `\n            <div class=\"l-plp-load_button\">\n                <a href=\"${loadMoreURL}\" class=\"g-button_base g-button_secondary--black\">${resources['label.load.more.products']}</a>\n            </div>\n        `;\n    }\n    return '';\n};\n\nconst getBottomLoadMore = (response, request) => {\n    const pageSize = request.num_results_per_page;\n    const isShowMore = response.total_num_results > (request.offset + pageSize);\n    if (isShowMore) {\n        const pageNumber = Math.floor(request.offset / pageSize) + 1;\n        const { SORT_OPTIONS_URL_MAP } = getConstructorIOSettings();\n\n        const sortingOptions = Object.keys(SORT_OPTIONS_URL_MAP).map(id => {\n            return {\n                id,\n                url: generatePLPURL({ url: getURL('updateGrid'), params: { sortRule: id, start: 0 } })\n            };\n        });\n        const productSort = {\n            options: sortingOptions\n        };\n        const params = {\n            start: request.offset + pageSize,\n            sz: pageSize\n        };\n        const showMoreUrl = generatePLPURL({ url: getURL('updateGrid'), params });\n        const resources = {\n            'button.more': getResource('button.more')\n        };\n\n        return `\n            <div class=\"b-products_grid-footer b-grid_footer js-grid_footer\"\n                data-sort-options=\"${JSON.stringify(productSort)}\"\n                data-page-size=\"${pageSize}\"\n                data-page-number=\"${pageNumber}\"\n            >\n                    <!--- More button --->\n                    <button class=\"b-grid_footer-more_button js-show_more triggerMore g-button_base\"\n                            data-url=\"${showMoreUrl}\"\n                            data-pageSize=\"${pageSize}\"\n                    >\n                        ${resources['button.more']}\n                    </button>\n                </div>\n        `;\n    }\n    return '';\n};\n\nconst getSortContent = (sortOptions) => {\n    const sortingRules = getResource('sortingRules') || {};\n    const { SORT_OPTIONS_URL_MAP } = getConstructorIOSettings();\n    return `\n        <div class=\"b-sort-content js-mob_sort\" >\n            <ul class=\"b-sort-list\">\n            ${sortOptions\n        .map((sortOption) => {\n            const id = SORT_OPTIONS_URL_MAP[sortOption.sort_by][sortOption.sort_order].name;\n            const sortURL = generatePLPURL({\n                url: getURL('updateGrid'),\n                params: { sortRule: id, start: 0 }\n            });\n            const isSelected = sortOption.status === 'selected';\n            const displayName = sortingRules[[sortOption.sort_by.toLowerCase(), sortOption.sort_order.toLowerCase()].join('.')] || sortingRules[sortOption.sort_by.toLowerCase()] || sortOption.display_name;\n            return `\n                        <li class=\"b-sort-item${isSelected ? ' m-selected' : ''} js-sort-item\" data-value=\"${sortURL}\"\n                            data-id=\"${id.replace(/\\s/g, '')}\"\n                            data-sorting-rule-id=\"${id}\"\n                            data-analytics-sort-value=\"${displayName}\"\n                        >\n                            ${displayName}\n                        </li>`;\n        })\n        .join('')}\n            </ul>\n        </div>\n    `;\n};\n\nconst getPaginationItem = (pageIndex, pageSize, type) => {\n    const resources = {\n        'title.previous': getResource('title.previous'),\n        'title.next': getResource('title.next'),\n        'title.default': getResource('title.default'),\n        'label.previous': getResource('label.previous'),\n        'label.next': getResource('label.next')\n    };\n\n    const pageNumber = pageIndex + 1;\n    const URLParams = pageIndex > 0 ? { sz: pageSize, start: pageIndex * pageSize } : { sz: null, start: null };\n    const url = generatePLPURL({ params: URLParams });\n\n    let label = pageNumber;\n    let title = resources['title.default'].supplant([pageNumber]);\n\n    if (type === 'previous') {\n        title = resources['title.previous'].supplant([pageNumber]);\n        label = resources['label.previous'];\n    } else if (type === 'next') {\n        title = resources['title.next'].supplant([pageNumber]);\n        label = resources['label.next'];\n    }\n\n    return `\n        <li class=\"b-pagination_link${type ? ' ' + type : ''}\">\n            <a href=\"${url}\" title=\"${title}\">\n                <span>\n                    ${label}\n                </span>\n            </a>\n        </li>\n    `;\n};\n\nconst getPagination = (response, request) => {\n    const pageSize = request.num_results_per_page;\n    const pagesCount = Math.floor(response.total_num_results / pageSize);\n    const currentPageIndex = Math.floor(request.offset / pageSize);\n    return `\n        <noscript>\n            <div class=\"b-pagination\">\n                <ul class=\"b-pagination_outer\">\n                    ${currentPageIndex > 0 ? getPaginationItem((currentPageIndex - 1), pageSize, 'previous') : ''}\n                    ${pagesCount === 0 ? getPaginationItem(currentPageIndex, pageSize, 'current') : ''}\n                    ${currentPageIndex < pagesCount ? getPaginationItem((currentPageIndex + 1), pageSize, 'next') : ''}\n                    ${pagesCount > 0 ? new Array(pagesCount).fill(0).map((el, i) => getPaginationItem(i, pageSize, (i === currentPageIndex ? 'current' : ''))).join('') : ''}\n                </ul>\n            </div>\n        </noscript>\n    `;\n};\n\nconst getGridTiles = (response, request) => {\n    const pageSize = request.num_results_per_page;\n    const offset = request.offset;\n    const permalink = generatePLPURL({ params: { start: 0, sz: (request.offset + pageSize) } });\n\n    return `\n        ${response.results.map((productData, i) => {\n        const id = productData.data.id;\n\n        return `<section class=\"b-products_grid-tile js-products_grid-tile ${id}\" data-pid=\"${id}\" data-tile-num=\"${offset + i}\" id=\"${id}\" data-sizeModel=\"\" data-analytics-plp-index=\"${i}\">\n                ${getTileHtml(productData, false)}\n                ${(offset + i) % pageSize === 1\n        ? `<input type=\"hidden\" class=\"currentPageNumber\" value=\"?start=${offset}&sz=${pageSize}\"/>\n          <div class=\"updateBrowserUrl\" data-url=\"?start=${offset}&sz=${pageSize}\"></div>` : ''\n}\n            </section>`;\n    }).join('')}\n\n        ${getBottomLoadMore(response, request)}\n\n        <input type=\"hidden\" class=\"pageSize\" value=\"${pageSize}\" />\n        <input type=\"hidden\" class=\"permalink\" value=\"${permalink}\" />\n\n        ${getSortContent(response.sort_options)}\n    `;\n};\n\n/**\n * Helper function used to convert ConstructorIO data into HTML string\n * that can be used in the processResponse function used to render\n * Search Page\n *\n * @param {Object} res - ConstructorIO query response object\n * @param {string} scope - scope of response: 'gridTiles'\n * @return {string} - HTML string with ConstructorIO data\n */\nconst convertCIOToHTMLString = (res, scope) => {\n    const { response, request } = res;\n    if (scope === 'gridTiles') {\n        return getGridTiles(response, request);\n    }\n\n    const selectedFilters = {};\n    response.facets.forEach(facet => {\n        const selectedFilterOptions = (facet && facet.options && facet.options.filter(option => option.status === 'selected')) || [];\n        if (selectedFilterOptions.length > 0) {\n            selectedFilters[facet.name] = {\n                display_name: facet.display_name,\n                name: facet.name,\n                options: selectedFilterOptions\n            };\n        }\n    });\n\n    // Add price filter to list of selected filters\n    const selectedPriceRange = window.searchParams.priceRange;\n    const priceMap = window.searchParams.buckets || [];\n    if (selectedPriceRange) {\n        priceMap.forEach((value) => {\n            const priceRange = getPriceRange(value);\n            if (priceRange[0] === selectedPriceRange[0] && priceRange[1] === selectedPriceRange[1]) {\n                selectedFilters.price = {\n                    display_name: 'Price',\n                    name: 'price',\n                    options: [\n                        {\n                            display_name: value.display_name,\n                            value: value.display_name,\n                            status: 'selected'\n                        }\n                    ]\n                };\n            }\n        });\n    }\n\n    const canonicalUrl = generatePLPURL({ params: { start: null, sz: null } });\n    return (`\n        ${getSearchHeader(response, request, selectedFilters)}\n        ${getTopLoadMore(response, request)}\n        <div class=\"l-plp-content\">\n            ${getRefinementsHtml({\n            facets: response.facets, selectedFilters, sortingOptions: response.sort_options, productsCount: response.total_num_results\n        })}\n            <div class=\"l-plp-products_container\" itemtype=\"http://schema.org/SomeProducts\" itemid=\"#product\">\n            <div class=\"b-products_grid js-products_grid\">\n                ${getGridTiles(response, request)}\n                <div class=\"hide lazyLoadwrapper\"></div>\n            </div>\n        </div>\n        <div class=\"canonical-div\">\n            <input type=\"hidden\" data-canonical-url=\"${canonicalUrl}\">\n        </div>\n        ${getPagination(response, request)}\n    `);\n};\nmodule.exports = {\n    convertCIOToHTMLString\n};\n","/**\n * @file Initializes ConstructorIO using settings from the global window object.\n * @module constructorIO\n */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst { cloneDeep } = require('lodash');\nconst {\n    getPriceFacetOptions,\n    getCioPreFilterExpression,\n    parseControllerPLPURL\n} = require('./utils/utils');\nconst {\n    getConstructorIOSettings, getConstructorIOClient\n} = require('./clientWrapper');\n\n/**\n * Fetches search results.\n * @param {Object} - config Object with search parameters, or url with data\n * @returns {Promise<Object>} Promise resolving with results.\n */\nconst getConstructorioSearch = ({ searchParams: _searchParams, url, data }) => {\n    if (!window.constructorIOSettings) {\n        return Promise.reject(new Error('no settings'));\n    }\n    const cioClient = getConstructorIOClient();\n    const searchParams = parseControllerPLPURL({ url, data }) || _searchParams || window.searchParams || (window.constructorIOSettings && window.constructorIOSettings.initialSearchParams) || {};\n\n    if (cioClient && cioClient.search && cioClient.search.getSearchResults && searchParams.query) {\n        const filters = cloneDeep(searchParams.filterParams) || {};\n        const hasPriceRange = searchParams.priceRange;\n        const { CIO_SORT_OPTIONS_MAP, variationMap } = getConstructorIOSettings();\n\n        const networkParams = {\n            timeout: window.constructorIOSettings.timeout\n        };\n        const sortingRule = CIO_SORT_OPTIONS_MAP[searchParams.sortRule] ? CIO_SORT_OPTIONS_MAP[searchParams.sortRule] : {};\n        const params = {\n            sortBy: sortingRule.sortBy || undefined,\n            sortOrder: sortingRule.sortOrder || undefined,\n            offset: searchParams.start || 0,\n            resultsPerPage: searchParams.pageSize || 12,\n            variationsMap: variationMap,\n            filters\n        };\n\n        // Convert Price Refinement to make compatible with CIO Facets\n        let paramsWithPrice = cloneDeep(params);\n        if (hasPriceRange) {\n            paramsWithPrice.preFilterExpression = getCioPreFilterExpression(hasPriceRange);\n        }\n\n        let promises = [cioClient.search.getSearchResults(\n            searchParams.query,\n            paramsWithPrice,\n            networkParams\n        )];\n\n        // Update price buckets, when a non-price filter is selected\n        if (hasPriceRange) {\n            promises.push(cioClient.search.getSearchResults(searchParams.query, params, networkParams));\n        }\n\n        return Promise.allSettled(promises).then((results) => {\n            // Search for redirects\n            let anyRedirect;\n            [...results].some(\n                (result) => {\n                    if (result && result.value && result.value.response && result.value.response.redirect && result.value.response.redirect.data && result.value.response.redirect.data.url) {\n                        anyRedirect = result.value.response.redirect.data.url;\n                        return true;\n                    }\n                    return false;\n                }\n            );\n            if (anyRedirect) {\n                window.location.href = anyRedirect;\n                return true;\n            }\n            if (\n                !results\n                || results.some(\n                    (result) => result.status === 'rejected'\n                        || !result.value\n                        || result.value.response.results.length === 0\n                )\n            ) {\n                return Promise.reject(new Error('Empty results.'));\n            }\n\n            // If price buckets exist, maintain their state as backup\n            let buckets;\n            if (window.searchParams && window.searchParams.buckets) {\n                buckets = window.searchParams.buckets;\n            }\n\n            // update backets from last request without price filtering\n            buckets = getPriceFacetOptions(results[results.length - 1].value);\n\n            // Update window state and return\n            window.searchParams = searchParams;\n            window.searchParams.trailingFilters = filters;\n            if (buckets) window.searchParams.buckets = buckets;\n            return Object.assign(results[0].value, { searchParams });\n        });\n    }\n\n    return Promise.reject(new Error('Failed to fetch ConstructorIO autocomplete results.'));\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    getConstructorioSearch\n};\n","/* eslint-disable no-multi-assign */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst { cloneDeep } = require('lodash');\nconst { getConstructorIOSettings } = require('../clientWrapper');\n\nconst getGroupFacets = () => {\n    const { customerGroups } = getConstructorIOSettings();\n    return customerGroups.length > 0 && customerGroups.map((group) => `Price ${group}`);\n};\n\nconst getPriceFacetOptions = (res) => {\n    let options = [];\n\n    if (res && res.response && res.response.facets && res.response.facets.length > 0) {\n        const salePriceFacet = res.response.facets.find(facet => facet.name === 'salePriceLow');\n\n        if (salePriceFacet) {\n            options = salePriceFacet.options;\n        }\n\n        // Add options for promotions that aren't currently captured\n        const groupFacets = getGroupFacets();\n        const optionDisplayNames = options.map(option=> option.display_name);\n        const validUserGroups = groupFacets ? res.response.facets.filter(value => groupFacets.includes(value.name)) : [];\n        validUserGroups.forEach((group) => {\n            if (group.options) {\n                group.options.forEach((option) => {\n                    if (optionDisplayNames.indexOf(option.display_name) === -1 && option.range) {\n                        options.push(option);\n                        optionDisplayNames.push(option.display_name);\n                    }\n                });\n            }\n        });\n    }\n\n    return options;\n};\n\nconst getCioPreFilterExpression = (priceRange) => {\n    const [selectedPriceLow, selectedPriceHigh] = priceRange;\n    const { customerGroups } = getConstructorIOSettings();\n    const groupPricingExpressions = customerGroups.length > 0 ? customerGroups.map((group) => ({\n        name: `Price ${group}`,\n        range: [selectedPriceLow, selectedPriceHigh]\n    })) : [];\n\n    return {\n        or: [\n            {\n                name: 'salePriceLow',\n                range: [selectedPriceLow, selectedPriceHigh]\n            },\n            ...groupPricingExpressions\n        ]\n    };\n};\n\nconst modifyValue = (prevVal, upValue, action) => {\n    const value = (typeof prevVal === 'string') ? prevVal.split(',') : prevVal;\n    const isUpdateValueExistInPrevValue = Array.isArray(value) ? value.includes(upValue) : value === upValue;\n\n    let newValue;\n    if (action === 'remove' || action === '-' || (action === 'toggle' && isUpdateValueExistInPrevValue)) {\n        if (Array.isArray(value)) {\n            newValue = value.filter(itemValue => itemValue !== upValue);\n        }\n    } else if (action === 'add' || action === '+' || (action === 'toggle' && !isUpdateValueExistInPrevValue)) {\n        newValue = Array.isArray(value) ? value.slice(0) : [value];\n        newValue.push(upValue);\n    } else {\n        newValue = upValue;\n    }\n    return Array.isArray(newValue) ? newValue.filter(val => [null, undefined, NaN, ''].indexOf(val) === -1).join('|') : newValue.toString();\n};\n\nconst searchToQueryParams = ({\n    filterParams = {}, extraParams = {}, query = '', sortRule = '', priceRange, pageSize = '12', start = 0\n}) => {\n    const filterQueryParams = {};\n    Object.keys(filterParams).forEach(function (key, i) {\n        const index = i + 1;\n        const filterValue = filterParams[key];\n        filterQueryParams['prefn' + index] = key;\n        filterQueryParams['prefv' + index] = Array.isArray(filterValue) ? filterValue.join('|') : filterValue;\n    });\n\n    const regex = /(\\d)(?=(\\d{3})+$)/g;\n    const queryParams = Object.assign({}, extraParams, filterQueryParams, {\n        start: start,\n        sz: pageSize,\n        q: query,\n        srule: sortRule,\n        pmin: priceRange ? parseInt(priceRange[0], 10).toString().replaceAll(regex, '$1,') + '.00' : '',\n        pmax: priceRange ? parseInt(priceRange[1], 10).toString().replaceAll(regex, '$1,') + '.00' : ''\n    });\n    return queryParams;\n};\n\nconst generatePLPURL = ({ url = window.location, params: allParams, action }) => {\n    const params = allParams ? cloneDeep(allParams) : {};\n    const filterParams = params.filterParams ? cloneDeep(params.filterParams) : null;\n    if (params.filterParams) {\n        delete params.filterParams;\n    }\n\n    const currentURL = new URL(url, window.location);\n    const isControllerURL = currentURL.pathname.includes('/on/demandware.store/Sites-');\n    const loadedSearchParams = window.searchParams || (window.constructorIOSettings && window.constructorIOSettings.initialSearchParams) || {};\n    const pathname = currentURL.pathname;\n    const querySearchParams = new URLSearchParams();\n    let queryParams = {};\n    let urlSearchParams = cloneDeep(loadedSearchParams);\n\n    if (filterParams && typeof filterParams === 'object') {\n        const isSetAction = !action || action === 'set';\n        const sourceObj = isSetAction ? filterParams : loadedSearchParams.filterParams;\n        urlSearchParams.filterParams = cloneDeep(sourceObj || {});\n\n        if (!isSetAction) {\n            Object.keys(filterParams).forEach(filterKey => {\n                const filterValueArray = !Array.isArray(filterParams[filterKey]) ? [filterParams[filterKey]] : filterParams[filterKey];\n                filterValueArray.forEach(filterValue => {\n                    if ([null, undefined, NaN, ''].indexOf(filterValue) === -1) {\n                        const modifiedValue = modifyValue(urlSearchParams.filterParams[filterKey], filterValue.toString(), action);\n                        if (modifiedValue.length === 0) {\n                            delete urlSearchParams.filterParams[filterKey];\n                        } else {\n                            urlSearchParams.filterParams[filterKey] = modifiedValue;\n                        }\n                    }\n                });\n            });\n        }\n    }\n\n    Object.keys(params).forEach(key => {\n        const paramValue = params[key];\n        if ([null, undefined, NaN, ''].indexOf(paramValue) === -1) {\n            urlSearchParams[key] = paramValue;\n        } else {\n            delete urlSearchParams[key];\n        }\n    });\n\n    if (!isControllerURL) {\n        // generate pathname and remove data from search params\n        let activePathRefinements = [];\n\n        const { ROUTE_REFINEMENT_ATTRIBUTES } = getConstructorIOSettings();\n\n        ROUTE_REFINEMENT_ATTRIBUTES.forEach(function (key) {\n            let value = urlSearchParams.filterParams[key] || undefined;\n\n            if (value) {\n                value = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value];\n\n                delete urlSearchParams.filterParams[key];\n                activePathRefinements.push(\n                    value.map((ref) => encodeURIComponent(ref.toString().toLowerCase().replace('&', 'and').replace(' ', '_'))).join('+')\n                );\n            }\n        });\n\n        currentURL.pathname = pathname.replace(/\\/search(\\/.*)?/, `/search${(activePathRefinements.length > 0 ? '/' : '') + activePathRefinements.join('-')}`);\n    }\n\n    queryParams = searchToQueryParams(urlSearchParams);\n\n    if (!queryParams.start) {\n        delete queryParams.start;\n        delete queryParams.sz;\n    }\n\n    Object.keys(queryParams).forEach(key => {\n        const value = queryParams[key];\n        if ([null, undefined, NaN, ''].indexOf(value) === -1) {\n            querySearchParams.set(key, queryParams[key]);\n        }\n    });\n    currentURL.search = querySearchParams.toString().replace(/[+]/g, ' ');\n    return currentURL.toString();\n};\n\nconst parseControllerPLPURL = ({ url: _url, data }) => {\n    const url = new URL(_url || '', window.location.href);\n    if (!url.pathname.includes('/on/demandware.store/Sites-')) {\n        return false;\n    }\n    url.searchParams.sort();\n    let priceParams = {};\n    let filterParams = {};\n    let trailingFilters = {};\n    let extraParams = {};\n    let sortRule;\n    let pageSize = (data && data.pageSize) || '12';\n    let start = '';\n    let query = '';\n    let priceRange;\n    url.searchParams.forEach(function (value, key) {\n        if (key === 'srule') {\n            sortRule = value;\n        } else if (key === 'q') {\n            query = value;\n        } else if (key === 'sz') {\n            pageSize = value;\n        } else if (key === 'start') {\n            start = value;\n        } else if (['pmin', 'pmax'].indexOf(key) > -1) {\n            priceParams[key] = parseInt(value.replace(',', ''), 10);\n        } else if (/^(prefn|prefv)\\d+$/.test(key)) {\n            const prefIndex = key.slice(5); // 'prefn'.length || 'prefv'.length\n            const prefName = url.searchParams.get('prefn' + prefIndex);\n            const prefValue = url.searchParams.get('prefv' + prefIndex);\n            filterParams[prefName] = prefValue.split('|');\n        } else {\n            extraParams[key] = value;\n        }\n    });\n\n    if (Object.keys(priceParams).length) {\n        priceRange = [parseInt(priceParams.pmin, 10) || 0, parseInt(priceParams.pmax, 10) || 9999];\n    }\n\n    return {\n        url,\n        query,\n        sortRule,\n        start,\n        pageSize,\n        priceRange,\n        filterParams,\n        trailingFilters,\n        extraParams\n    };\n};\n\nconst getPriceRange = (value) => {\n    const { PRICE_RANGE } = getConstructorIOSettings();\n    const min = typeof value.range[0] === 'string'\n        ? PRICE_RANGE[value.range[0]]\n        : value.range[0];\n    const max = typeof value.range[1] === 'string'\n        ? PRICE_RANGE[value.range[1]]\n        : value.range[1];\n    return [min, max];\n};\n\n/**\n * Converts an HEX color value to RGB. Conversion formula\n * @param   {number}  hex       The hex color value\n * @return  {Array}           The RGB representation\n */\nconst hexToRgb = (hex) => {\n    var hexValue = hex;\n    hexValue = hexValue.length === 4 ? '#' + hexValue[1] + hexValue[1] + hexValue[2] + hexValue[2] + hexValue[3] + hexValue[3] : hexValue;\n    var result = /^#?([a-f\\d]{2})([a-f\\d]{2})([a-f\\d]{2})$/i.exec(hexValue);\n    return result ? {\n        r: parseInt(result[1], 16),\n        g: parseInt(result[2], 16),\n        b: parseInt(result[3], 16)\n    } : null;\n};\n\n/**\n * Converts an RGB color value to HSL. Conversion formula\n * returns h, s, and l in the set [0, 1].\n * @param   {number}  r       The red color value\n * @param   {number}  g       The green color value\n * @param   {number}  b       The blue color value\n * @return  {Array}           The HSL representation\n */\nconst rgbToHsl = (r, g, b) => {\n    r /= 255, g /= 255, b /= 255; // eslint-disable-line\n    var max = Math.max(r, g, b);\n    var min = Math.min(r, g, b);\n    var h, s, l = (max + min) / 2; // eslint-disable-line\n\n    if (max === min) {\n        h = s = 0; // achromatic\n    } else {\n        var d = max - min;\n        s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min);\n        switch (max) { // eslint-disable-line\n            case r: h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); break; // eslint-disable-line\n            case g: h = (b - r) / d + 2; break; // eslint-disable-line\n            case b: h = (r - g) / d + 4; break; // eslint-disable-line\n        }\n        h /= 6;\n    }\n\n    return [h, s, l];\n};\n\n/**\n * Checks and return the color Lightness values\n * @param   {string}  color       The swatch color value\n * @return  {boolean}           HSL color or False\n */\nconst getLightnessValue = (color) => {\n    if (color) {\n        let RGBColor = hexToRgb(color);\n        if (RGBColor) {\n            let getHSLColor = rgbToHsl(RGBColor.r, RGBColor.g, RGBColor.b);\n            return getHSLColor;\n        }\n    }\n    return false;\n};\n\nconst determineNoBorderClass = (hexCode, hexCodeII) => {\n    const stdLightness = 0.6;\n    let swatchColor = hexCode || '#1d1d1d';\n    let swatchColorII = hexCodeII || '#1d1d1d';\n    let lightness;\n    let lightnessII;\n\n    lightness = getLightnessValue(swatchColor);\n    if (swatchColor !== swatchColorII) {\n        lightnessII = getLightnessValue(swatchColorII);\n    }\n    if (lightness && lightnessII) {\n        return lightness[2] < stdLightness && lightnessII[2] < stdLightness ? 'no-border' : '';\n    }\n    if (lightness) {\n        return lightness[2] < stdLightness ? 'no-border' : '';\n    }\n    return '';\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    getPriceRange,\n    getPriceFacetOptions,\n    getCioPreFilterExpression,\n    searchToQueryParams,\n    parseControllerPLPURL,\n    generatePLPURL,\n    determineNoBorderClass\n};\n","'use strict';\n\nconst eventMgr = require('./components/core/eventMgr').default;\nconst emitter = eventMgr.getEmitter('window');\n\nconst util = require('./util');\nconst viewportWidth = {\n    extraSmall: { maxWidth: 480 },\n    small: { maxWidth: 767, minWidth: 320 },\n    medium: { maxWidth: 1023, minWidth: 768 },\n    large: { maxWidth: 1439, minWidth: 1024 }\n};\n\nvar $cache = {};\nvar layout;\nvar initialized = false;\nvar currentHTMLClasses = '';\nvar deviceList;\n\n/**\n * @description Adds jQuery objects to cache\n */\nfunction initializeCache() {\n    $cache = {\n        $html: $('html')\n    };\n}\n\n/**\n * @description Adding classes to html tag\n */\nfunction addHTMLClasses() {\n    deviceList = deviceList || Object.assign({}, device);\n    currentHTMLClasses = Object.keys(Object.getPrototypeOf(deviceList)).filter((item) => {\n        return deviceList[item]() ? 1 : 0;\n    });\n    $cache.$html.addClass(currentHTMLClasses.join(' '));\n}\n\n/**\n * @description removing classes from html tag\n */\nfunction cleanupHTMLClasses() {\n    currentHTMLClasses.forEach((currentValue) => {\n        $cache.$html.removeClass(currentValue);\n    });\n}\n\n/**\n * @description Binds events to DOM\n */\nfunction initializeEvents() {\n    var viewMode = layout.getMode();\n\n    $(window).on('resize', util.eventDelay(() => {\n        $(document).trigger('window.resize');\n        emitter.emit('resize');\n        var layoutView = layout.getMode();\n\n        if (viewMode !== layoutView) {\n            viewMode = layoutView;\n            cleanupHTMLClasses();\n            addHTMLClasses();\n            $(document).trigger('window.modechanged', { mode: viewMode });\n            emitter.emit('modechanged');\n        }\n    }, 500));\n\n    $(window).on('scroll', util.eventDelay(() => {\n        $(document).trigger('window.scroll', { scrollTop: $(this).scrollTop() });\n        emitter.emit('scroll');\n    }, 300));\n}\n\nlayout = {\n    getMode: function () {\n        var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;\n\n        if (windowWidth <= viewportWidth.extraSmall.maxWidth) {\n            return 'extraSmall';\n        }\n        if (windowWidth <= viewportWidth.small.maxWidth) {\n            return 'small';\n        }\n        if (windowWidth <= viewportWidth.medium.maxWidth) {\n            return 'medium';\n        }\n        if (windowWidth <= viewportWidth.large.maxWidth) {\n            return 'large';\n        }\n\n        return 'extra-large';\n    },\n    getCurrentBreakpointWidth: function () {\n        return viewportWidth[this.getMode()] && viewportWidth[this.getMode()].maxWidth;\n    },\n    isExtraSmallView: function () {\n        return this.getMode() === 'extraSmall';\n    },\n    isSmallView: function () {\n        return this.getMode() === 'small';\n    },\n    isMediumView: function () {\n        return this.getMode() === 'medium';\n    },\n    isLargeView: function () {\n        return this.getMode() === 'large';\n    },\n    isExtraLargeView: function () {\n        return this.getMode() === 'extra-large';\n    },\n    isMobileView: function () {\n        return this.isExtraSmallView() || this.isSmallView() || this.isMediumView();\n    },\n    init: function () {\n        if (initialized) {\n            return this;\n        }\n\n        require('./utils/device');\n        initializeCache();\n        addHTMLClasses();\n        initializeEvents();\n        initialized = true;\n        return this;\n    },\n    isMobile: function () {\n        return typeof device.mobile === 'function' && device.mobile();\n    },\n    isTablet: function () {\n        return typeof device.tablet === 'function' && device.tablet();\n    },\n    isDesktop: function () {\n        return typeof device.desktop === 'function' && device.desktop();\n    },\n    isIOS: function () {\n        return typeof device.ios === 'function' && device.ios();\n    },\n    isAndroid: function () {\n        return typeof device.android === 'function' && device.android();\n    },\n    isLandscape: function () {\n        return typeof device.landscape === 'function' && device.landscape();\n    },\n    isPortrait: function () {\n        return typeof device.portrait === 'function' && device.portrait();\n    }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = layout;\n","var rvbEnabled = $('.product-detail').data('rvbenabled');\n\n/**\n * sets a cookie\n * @param {string} cname - name of cookie\n * @param {string} cvalue - cookie value\n * @param {string} exdays - expiration date for cookie\n * @param {string} secure - on or off\n */\nfunction setPIDCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) {\n    var d = new Date();\n    d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));\n    var expires = 'expires=' + d.toGMTString();\n\n    document.cookie = `${cname} = ${cvalue}; ${expires}; secure='on'; path=/;`;\n}\n\n/**\n * gets a cookie\n * @param {string} cname - name of cookie\n * @return {undefined}\n */\nfunction getCookie(cname) {\n    var name = cname + '=';\n    var ca = document.cookie.split(';');\n    for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {\n        var c = ca[i];\n        while (c.charAt(0) === ' ') {\n            c = c.substring(1);\n        }\n        if (c.indexOf(name) === 0) {\n            return c.substring(name.length, c.length);\n        }\n    }\n    return '';\n}\n/**\n * Init for cookie function\n */\nfunction init() {\n    if (rvbEnabled) {\n        var rvbExpireDate = $('.product-detail').data('rvbexpire');\n        var pidCookie = [getCookie('pvpIDs')];\n        var productId = [$('button.product').data('analytics-style')];\n        var productIds = JSON.stringify(pidCookie);\n\n        if (pidCookie[0] === '') {\n            // if pvpIDs cookie doesn't exist, set it using the product ID\n            setPIDCookie('pvpIDs', productId, rvbExpireDate);\n        } else if (productIds.indexOf(productId) === -1) {\n            // if cookie already exists, see if this product ID exists\n            // if it does not exist, add it to the cookie\n            var newValues = pidCookie.concat(productId);\n            setPIDCookie('pvpIDs', newValues, rvbExpireDate);\n        }\n    }\n}\nmodule.exports = {\n    getCookie: getCookie,\n    init: init\n};\n","/* eslint-disable no-restricted-globals */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst util = require('../util');\nconst search = require('../components/search');\nconst constructorIOPLP = require('../constructorio/constructorIOPLP');\nconst { getConstructorIOSettings } = require('../constructorio/clientWrapper');\nconst { generatePLPURL } = require('../constructorio/utils/utils');\nconst { getConstructorioSearch } = require('../constructorio/request');\nconst loadSlimScrollPlugin = () => util.loadScript('/lib/jquery/jquery.slimscroll.min.js');\n\nlet $page;\nlet $body;\nlet $header;\n\nlet isLoading = 0;\nlet filterSidebarOffset = $('.js-plp-sidebar').length > 0 ? $('.js-plp-sidebar').offset().top - $('.l-plp-header').height() : '';\n\nlet waitTimeout = 0;\n\n/**\n * Starts the spinner.\n */\nconst startSpinner = () => {\n    if (typeof $.spinner === 'function') {\n        $.spinner().start();\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n * Stops the spinner.\n */\nconst stopSpinner = () => {\n    if (typeof $.spinner === 'function') {\n        $.spinner().stop();\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n * Checks if the current page is a search page by checking the presence of '?q=' in the URL.\n *\n * @returns {number} -1 if '?q=' is not found in the URL (indicating that the page is not a search page), otherwise returns the index at which '?q=' starts in the URL.\n */\nconst isSearchPage = () => {\n    return window.location.href.indexOf('?q=') > -1 ? window.location.href.indexOf('?q=') : window.location.href.indexOf('&q=');\n};\n\n/**\n * Update DOM elements with Ajax results\n *\n * @param {Object} $results - jQuery DOM element\n * @param {string} selector - DOM element to look up in the $results\n * @return {undefined}\n */\nfunction updateDom($results, selector) {\n    var $updates = $results.find(selector);\n    $(selector).empty().html($updates.html());\n}\n\n/**\n * Keep refinement panes expanded/collapsed after Ajax refresh\n *\n * @param {Object} $results - jQuery DOM element\n * @return {undefined}\n */\nfunction handleRefinements($results) {\n    $('.refinement.active').each(function () {\n        var $activeRefinement = $(this);\n        $activeRefinement.removeClass('active');\n        var activeDiv = $results.find('.' + $activeRefinement[0].className.replace(/ /g, '.'));\n        activeDiv.addClass('active');\n        activeDiv.find('button.title').attr('aria-expanded', 'true');\n    });\n\n    updateDom($results, '.refinements');\n}\n\n/**\n * Update data attribute value\n * @param {Object} $results - jQuery DOM element\n * @param {string} attrName - attribute name\n * @return {undefined}\n */\nfunction updateDataAttributeValue($results, attrName) {\n    const selector = `[${attrName}]`;\n    $(selector).attr(attrName, $results.find(selector).attr(attrName) || '');\n}\n\n/**\n * Update data-analytics-plp-count in dom from html response\n *\n * @param {Object} $results - jQuery DOM element\n * @return {undefined}\n */\nfunction handleAnalyticsValues($results) {\n    updateDataAttributeValue($results, 'data-analytics-plp-count');\n    updateDataAttributeValue($results, 'data-analytics-plp-sort-default');\n}\n\n// Update mobile sort options\n// eslint-disable-next-line require-jsdoc\nfunction updateMobileSortOptions() {\n    var windowUrl = window.location.href;\n    if (windowUrl.indexOf('srule=') !== -1) {\n        var srule = util.getParameterValueFromUrl('srule', windowUrl);\n        if (srule) {\n            $(`input[type=radio][id=id-sort-${srule}]`).prop('checked', true);\n            $(`input[type=radio][id=id-sort-${srule}]`).parents('.b-refinements-content').siblings('.b-refinements-header').removeClass('collapsed');\n            $(`input[type=radio][id=id-sort-${srule}]`).parents('.b-refinements-content').addClass('show');\n        }\n    }\n}\n\n// Hide By team Refinement after one selection\n// eslint-disable-next-line require-jsdoc\nfunction onHideTeamRefinement() {\n    if (isSearchPage() === -1) {\n        var teamRefinement = $('.b-refinements-item[data-refinement-id=\"team\"]');\n        var selectedTeam = teamRefinement ? teamRefinement.find('li a.m-selected') : '';\n        if (teamRefinement.length && selectedTeam.length === 1) {\n            teamRefinement.css('display', 'none');\n        }\n    }\n}\n\n/**\n * Updates page when we have no results response\n *\n * @param {Object} $results - jquery object of responsse html\n * @param {string} selector - selecter of no result element\n * @return {undefined}\n */\nfunction handleNoResultResponse($results, selector) {\n    const $noResultData = $results.find(selector);\n    if ($noResultData.length > 0) {\n        const updateContainerSelector = '.l-plp-container';\n        const $container = $noResultData.closest(updateContainerSelector);\n        $(updateContainerSelector).empty().html($container.length > 0 ? $container.html() : $noResultData);\n    }\n}\n\n/**\n * Parse Ajax results and updated select DOM elements\n *\n * @param {string} response - Ajax response HTML code\n * @param {Array} additionalSelectors - Additional selectors for update DOM\n * @return {undefined}\n */\nfunction parseResults(response, additionalSelectors) {\n    const $results = $(response);\n    const specialHandlers = {\n        '.b-nosearch_results-title': handleNoResultResponse,\n        '.refinements': handleRefinements\n    };\n\n    // Update DOM elements that do not require special handling\n    [\n        ...additionalSelectors,\n        '.js-products_count',\n        '.js-header-sort',\n        '.js-products_grid',\n        '.js-show_more',\n        '.js-refinements',\n        '.js-selected-refinements',\n        '.canonical-div',\n        '.b-plp_header-category_heading',\n        '.b-plp_header-breadcrumbs',\n        '.b-plp_header-search'\n    ].forEach(function (selector) {\n        updateDom($results, selector);\n    });\n    onHideTeamRefinement();\n\n    Object.keys(specialHandlers).forEach(function (selector) {\n        specialHandlers[selector]($results, selector);\n    });\n\n    handleAnalyticsValues($results);\n\n    const url = $('input[data-canonical-url]').data('canonical-url');\n    if (url) {\n        history.replaceState({}, '', url);\n    }\n    updateMobileSortOptions();\n}\n\n/**\n * This function retrieves another page of content to display in the content search grid\n * @param {JQuery} $element - the jquery element that has the click event attached\n * @param {JQuery} $target - the jquery element that will receive the response\n * @return {undefined}\n */\nfunction getContent($element, $target) {\n    var showMoreUrl = $element.data('url');\n    startSpinner();\n    $.ajax({\n        url: showMoreUrl,\n        method: 'GET',\n        success: function (response) {\n            $target.append(response);\n            stopSpinner();\n        },\n        error: function () {\n            stopSpinner();\n        }\n    });\n}\n\n/**\n * Update sort option URLs from Ajax response\n *\n * @param {string} response - Ajax response HTML code\n * @return {undefined}\n */\nfunction updateSortOptions(response) {\n    const $tempDom = $('<div>').append($(response));\n    const dataOptions = $tempDom.find('.js-grid_footer').data('sort-options');\n    const sortOptions = dataOptions ? dataOptions.options : false;\n    if (Array.isArray(sortOptions)) {\n        sortOptions.forEach(function (option) {\n            const trimmedId = option.id.replace(/\\s/g, '');\n            $('option.' + trimmedId).val(option.url);\n            $('li.js-sort-item[data-id=\"' + trimmedId + '\"]').data('value', option.url);\n        });\n    }\n}\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line require-jsdoc\nfunction modifyUrl(link) {\n    if (link === undefined) {\n        $('body .js-grid_footer button.triggerMore').click();\n    } else {\n        var href = link;\n        var windowUrl = window.location.href.split('&start')[0];\n        var appliedFilter = window.location.href.indexOf('?p');\n        var url = new URL(window.location.href);\n        var srule = url.searchParams.get('srule');\n        var sruleParam = window.location.href.indexOf('?srule');\n        var appliedSizeModel = window.location.href.indexOf('?viewPreference');\n        var isShopAllUrl = window.location.href.indexOf('?isShopAllUrl');\n        if (sruleParam !== -1 || appliedSizeModel !== -1 || isShopAllUrl !== -1) {\n            appliedFilter = 0;\n        }\n        if (isSearchPage() !== -1 || appliedFilter !== -1) {\n            if (href === '?start=0&sz=12') {\n                href = windowUrl;\n            } else {\n                href = windowUrl + href.replace('?', '&');\n            }\n        }\n\n        if (href === '?start=0&sz=12' && isSearchPage() === -1) {\n            href = window.location.href.split('?')[0];\n            if (srule) {\n                href += '?srule=' + srule;\n            }\n        } else if (link === '?start=0&sz=12' && appliedFilter !== -1) {\n            href = window.location.href.split('&start')[0];\n            history.replaceState(null, null, href);\n        }\n\n        if (href === window.location.href.split('?')[0] || windowUrl.indexOf(href) === -1) {\n            if (srule && href.indexOf('srule') === -1) {\n                if (href.indexOf('?') > -1) {\n                    href += '&srule=' + srule;\n                } else {\n                    href += '?srule=' + srule;\n                }\n            }\n            if (windowUrl.indexOf(href) === -1) {\n                history.replaceState(null, null, href);\n            }\n        }\n    }\n}\n\n/**\n * Inits events for adding parameters to url after clicking on grid tiles\n */\nfunction gridTileClick() {\n    $body.on('click', '.b-products_grid .b-products_grid-tile', function () {\n        var startPageSize = $(this).attr('data-tile-num');\n        var lastClickedClass = $(this).attr('data-pid');\n        var locationParts = window.location.href.split('?');\n        var newLocation = locationParts[0].split('#')[0];\n\n        // set session variabele with clicked tile value\n        var isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android|crios|fxios).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent);\n        if (isSafari) {\n            sessionStorage.removeItem('plpLastClickedTile');\n            sessionStorage.setItem('plpLastClickedTile', lastClickedClass);\n        }\n\n        // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary\n        var newLocParams = window.params ? window.params : (locationParts[1] ? locationParts[1].split('#')[0] : '');\n        var queryParams = newLocParams ? newLocParams.split('&') : '';\n        if (!queryParams && !!startPageSize) {\n            if (!(startPageSize === '0')) {\n                newLocation = newLocation + '?start=' + startPageSize;\n            }\n        } else if (!!queryParams && newLocParams.indexOf('start=') < 0 && !!startPageSize) {\n            if (startPageSize === '0') {\n                newLocation = newLocation.concat('?' + newLocParams);\n            } else {\n                newLocation = newLocation.concat('?' + newLocParams + '&start' + startPageSize);\n            }\n        } else {\n            for (var i = 0; i < queryParams.length; i++) {\n                if (startPageSize !== '0') {\n                    if (i !== 0) {\n                        newLocation += '&';\n                    } else {\n                        newLocation += '?';\n                    }\n                }\n\n                if (queryParams[i].indexOf('start') > -1) {\n                    if (startPageSize !== '0') {\n                        newLocation = newLocation + 'start=' + startPageSize;\n                    }\n                } else {\n                    newLocation += queryParams[i];\n                }\n            }\n        }\n    });\n}\n\n/**\n* Traverse dom tree and grabs analytics values and emits event\n* @param {JQuery} $filter jquery element of button clicked\n* @param {JQuery} $results jquery element of html from ajax filter response\n* @return {undefined}\n*/\nfunction analyticsNotifyFilter($filter, $results) {\n    const titleSelector = 'data-analytics-plp-filter-title';\n    const valueSelector = 'data-analytics-plp-filter-value';\n    const totalCountSelector = 'data-analytics-plp-count';\n    const productStyleSelector = 'data-analytics-style';\n    const selectedFilterSelector = 'data-analytics-plp-selected-filter-value';\n\n    const refinementTitle = $filter.parents(`[${titleSelector}]`).attr(titleSelector);\n    const refinementValue = $filter.closest(`[${valueSelector}]`).attr(valueSelector);\n    const totalCount = $results.find(`[${totalCountSelector}]`).attr(totalCountSelector);\n    const productStyles = $results.find(`[${productStyleSelector}]`).map(function () {\n        return $(this).attr(productStyleSelector);\n    }).toArray();\n    const selectedFilters = $body.find(`[${selectedFilterSelector}]`).map(function () {\n        return $(this).attr(selectedFilterSelector);\n    }).toArray();\n\n    $body.trigger('grid:refinementComplete', {\n        refinementTitle,\n        refinementValue,\n        totalCount,\n        productStyles,\n        selectedFilters\n    });\n}\n\n/**\n * This function will check if an element is visible in viewport\n * @param {string} element - selector for element\n * @param {number} minTopPos - px value of space above the value that we should ignore\n * @return {boolean} value if element is visible\n */\nfunction isInViewport(element, minTopPos = 0) {\n    const rect = document.querySelector(element).getBoundingClientRect();\n    return (\n        rect.top >= minTopPos\n        && rect.left >= 0\n        && rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight)\n        && rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth)\n    );\n}\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line require-jsdoc\nfunction collapseTilesAndUpdateCount() {\n    if (!isNaN($('.js-products_count').attr('data-analytics-plp-count')) && $('.js-products_count').text() !== null && $('.js-products_count').text() !== '' && $('.js-products_count').text().split(' ').length > 1) {\n        $('.b-products_grid-tile').find('.b-tile.hide').parent('.b-products_grid-tile').addClass('hide');\n        var searchResultCount = parseInt($('.js-products_count').attr('data-analytics-plp-count'), 10) - $('section.b-products_grid-tile').find('.b-tile-images_container .b-tile-main_image[title=\"No Image\"]').length;\n        var searchResultText = searchResultCount + ' ' + $('.js-products_count').text().trim().split(' ')[1];\n        $('.js-products_count').text(searchResultText);\n    }\n}\n\n/**\n * Checking the Height of PLP Sidebar to add ScrollBar\n *\n */\nfunction checkFilterSize() {\n    if ($(window).width() > 1023) {\n        var sideBar = $('.js-plp-sidebar');\n        var filterSidebarHeight = sideBar.height();\n        var pageHeaderHeight = $('.l-plp-header').outerHeight();\n        var headerHeight = $('.js-header').height();\n        var doc = $(window).height() - headerHeight - pageHeaderHeight;\n        var outerContentHeight = headerHeight + pageHeaderHeight;\n        var scrollHeight;\n        if (sideBar.hasClass('filter-sticky')) {\n            scrollHeight = 'calc(100vh - ' + headerHeight + 'px)';\n        } else {\n            scrollHeight = 'calc(100vh - ' + outerContentHeight + 'px)';\n        }\n        sideBar.css('top', headerHeight);\n        if (filterSidebarHeight > doc) {\n            sideBar.addClass('b-scrollable-content');\n            loadSlimScrollPlugin().then(() => {\n                $('.js-slim-scrollbar').slimScroll({\n                    height: scrollHeight,\n                    railVisible: true,\n                    color: '#d0d0d0',\n                    railColor: '#ffffff',\n                    railOpacity: 1,\n                    size: '7px',\n                    alwaysVisible: true\n                });\n            });\n        } else {\n            sideBar.removeClass('b-scrollable-content');\n        }\n    }\n}\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line require-jsdoc\nfunction getSelectedModelSizeUrl(baseUrl) {\n    if ($('.js-select-model-size:visible').length > 0) {\n        var selectedSize = $('.js-select-model-size:visible').val();\n        $body.find('.js-select-model-size:hidden').val(selectedSize).trigger('change', [true]);\n        if (selectedSize) {\n            var urlParams = {\n                viewPreference: selectedSize\n            };\n            return util.appendParamsToUrl(baseUrl, urlParams);\n        }\n    }\n    return baseUrl;\n}\n// eslint-disable-next-line require-jsdoc\nfunction getSelectedSortingRule(baseUrl) {\n    if ($('select.b-sort-select').find('option:selected').length > 0) {\n        var selectedsortingRule = $('select.b-sort-select').find('option:selected').data('id');\n        if ($(window).width() < 1024) {\n            selectedsortingRule = $('input[name=\"sortMobileOption\"]:checked').val();\n        }\n\n        if (selectedsortingRule) {\n            var urlParams = {\n                srule: selectedsortingRule\n            };\n            // remove from srule from url if present then add srule with latest updated values\n            if (baseUrl.indexOf('srule=') !== -1) {\n                baseUrl = util.removeParamFromURL(baseUrl, 'srule'); // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign\n            }\n            return util.appendParamsToUrl(baseUrl, urlParams);\n        }\n    }\n    return baseUrl;\n}\n\n// Disable unselected By Teams refinement values on PLP page\n// eslint-disable-next-line require-jsdoc\nfunction disableTeamRefinements(teamRefinement, selectedTeam, $this) {\n    if (selectedTeam.length === 1) {\n        teamRefinement.find('li a:not(.m-selected)').each(function () {\n            $(this).addClass('disabled-team');\n        });\n    } else {\n        // avoid the 2nd selection of team refinement during the page reload\n        $this.removeClass('m-selected');\n        teamRefinement.find('li a:not(.m-selected)').each(function () {\n            $(this).addClass('disabled-team');\n        });\n        return false;\n    }\n    return true;\n}\n\nconst searchModule = {\n    init: function () {\n        $page = $('.js-page');\n        $body = $('body');\n        $header = $('.js-header');\n    },\n    gridTileClick: gridTileClick,\n    methods: {\n        resetLoading: () => {\n            isLoading = 0;\n        },\n        constractorRequestErrorHandler: () => {\n            const searchShowAjax = window.constructorIOURLs ? window.constructorIOURLs.searchShowAjax : '';\n            // generate url only with q= , srule= and extra parameters\n            const url = generatePLPURL({\n                url: searchShowAjax,\n                params: {\n                    filterParams: {}, priceRange: null, start: null, sz: null\n                }\n            });\n\n            const $productsGrid = $('.b-products_grid');\n            const data = {\n                page: 1,\n                selectedUrl: url,\n                selectedFilter: []\n            };\n            delete window.searchParams;\n            searchModule.methods.applyFilterRequest(url, data, $productsGrid);\n        },\n        applySortingRequest({\n            url, data, $productsGrid, selectedOptionText\n        }) {\n            $.ajax({\n                url: url,\n                data: data,\n                method: 'GET',\n                success: (response) => {\n                    searchModule.methods.applySortingSuccessHandler(response, $productsGrid, selectedOptionText);\n                },\n                complete: stopSpinner\n            });\n        },\n        applySortingSuccessHandler(response, $productsGrid, selectedOptionText) {\n            const $response = $(response);\n            $('.js-products_grid').empty().html(response);\n            $('.b-sort').find('.b-sort-content:not(.js-categories-content)').empty().html($response.filter('.b-sort-content').html());\n            $productsGrid.find('.b-sort-content').remove();\n            search.recentlyViewedBadge();\n            collapseTilesAndUpdateCount();\n\n            const pageUrl = new URL(window.location.href);\n            const $selectedSortingElement = $('select.b-sort-select').find('option:selected');\n            if (pageUrl && $selectedSortingElement.length > 0) {\n                pageUrl.searchParams.set('srule', $selectedSortingElement.data('id'));\n                history.replaceState({}, '', pageUrl.toString());\n            }\n\n            updateMobileSortOptions();\n\n            const productIDs = $response.filter('.wishlist-productIDs').length > 0 ? $response.filter('.wishlist-productIDs').val() : null;\n            $body.trigger('wishlistSuggestion:update', productIDs);\n\n            $body.trigger('search:sortComplete', { selectedOptionText: selectedOptionText });\n        },\n        applyFilterRequest(url, data, $clickTarget) {\n            $.ajax({\n                url: url,\n                data: data,\n                method: 'GET',\n                success: (res) => searchModule.methods.applyFilterSuccessHandler(res, $clickTarget)\n            });\n        },\n        applyFilterSuccessHandler(response, $clickTarget) {\n            const additionalSelectors = [];\n            if ($clickTarget.hasClass('js-category-link')) {\n                additionalSelectors.push('.js-plp-banner');\n            }\n\n            parseResults(response, additionalSelectors);\n            // scroll to top after filter is applied\n            $(window).scrollTop(0);\n            if ($clickTarget && $clickTarget.length > 0) {\n                analyticsNotifyFilter($clickTarget, $(response));\n            }\n            collapseTilesAndUpdateCount();\n            search.recentlyViewedBadge();\n\n            $body.trigger('components:init');\n            const productIDs = $(response).find('.wishlist-productIDs').length > 0 ? $(response).find('.wishlist-productIDs').val() : null;\n            $body.trigger('wishlistSuggestion:update', productIDs);\n        },\n        beforeLoadMoreRequest() {\n            const $gridFooter = $('.js-grid_footer');\n            if (typeof $gridFooter.spinner === 'function') {\n                $gridFooter.spinner().start();\n            }\n        },\n        afterLoadMoreRequest() {\n            isLoading = 0;\n            const $gridFooter = $('.js-grid_footer');\n            if (typeof $gridFooter.spinner === 'function') {\n                $('body').removeClass('plp-loading');\n                $gridFooter.spinner().stop();\n            }\n        },\n        showMoreDefaultRequest: (url, data, $container, $clickTarget) => {\n            return $.ajax({\n                url: url,\n                data: data,\n                method: 'GET',\n                beforeSend: searchModule.methods.beforeLoadMoreRequest,\n                success: (response) => {\n                    searchModule.methods.showMoreSuccessHandler(response, $container, $clickTarget);\n                },\n                complete: searchModule.methods.afterLoadMoreRequest\n            });\n        },\n        showMoreSuccessHandler: (response, $lazyWrapper, $clickTarget) => {\n            updateSortOptions(response);\n            isLoading = 0;\n            const $gridFooter = $('.js-grid_footer');\n\n            var headerHeight = $header.height();\n            const urlParam = $(response).filter('.b-products_grid-tile').find('.currentPageNumber').val();\n\n            if (isInViewport('.js-grid_footer', headerHeight)) {\n                $gridFooter.eq(0).replaceWith(response);\n                modifyUrl(urlParam);\n            } else {\n                $lazyWrapper.html(response);\n                $lazyWrapper.find('.b-products_grid-tile').addClass('hide');\n                $lazyWrapper.find('.updateBrowserUrl').addClass('hide');\n                $lazyWrapper.addClass('loadedAlready');\n                $gridFooter.eq(0).replaceWith($lazyWrapper.html());\n                $lazyWrapper.empty();\n            }\n\n            $body.trigger('adobeTagManager:productArrayUpdate', $clickTarget);\n            $body.find('.b-tile-swatches_slider').trigger('mainCarousel:update');\n            $body.trigger('components:init');\n            search.recentlyViewedBadge();\n            collapseTilesAndUpdateCount();\n\n            const productIDs = $(response).filter('.wishlist-productIDs').length > 0 ? $(response).filter('.wishlist-productIDs').val() : null;\n            $body.trigger('wishlistSuggestion:update', productIDs);\n        }\n    },\n    sort: () => {\n        const $sortOrder = $('#sort-order');\n        const $productsGrid = $('.b-products_grid');\n        const $plpContainer = $('.l-plp-container');\n        const $gSelectricBSortSelect = $('.g-selectric-b-sort-select');\n\n        // Handle sort order menu selection\n        $page.on('change', '[name=sort-order]', (e) => {\n            e.preventDefault();\n\n            startSpinner();\n\n            const selectedOptionText = $sortOrder.find(`[value=\"${e.target.value}\"]`).text();\n            let newUrl = getSelectedModelSizeUrl(e.target.value);\n            const data = { selectedUrl: newUrl };\n\n            if (window.constructorIOSettings && (window.constructorIOSettings.search_enabled || window.constructorIOSettings.browse_enabled) && window.searchParams) {\n                getConstructorioSearch({ url: newUrl, data })\n                    .then((res) => {\n                        return constructorIOPLP.convertCIOToHTMLString(res, 'gridTiles');\n                    })\n                    .catch(() => {\n                        searchModule.methods.constractorRequestErrorHandler();\n                    })\n                    .then((response) => {\n                        if (!response) {\n                            return;\n                        }\n                        searchModule.methods.applySortingSuccessHandler(response, $productsGrid, selectedOptionText);\n                        stopSpinner();\n                    });\n            } else {\n                searchModule.methods.applySortingRequest({\n                    url: newUrl, data, $productsGrid, selectedOptionText\n                });\n            }\n        });\n\n        $productsGrid.find('.b-sort-content').remove();\n\n        if ($plpContainer.find('li.b-sort-item.m-selected:first').length > 0) {\n            const selectedId = $plpContainer.find('li.b-sort-item.m-selected:first').data('id');\n            $gSelectricBSortSelect.find(`li.${selectedId}`).addClass('highlighted');\n            $gSelectricBSortSelect.find('.g-selectric .label').text($gSelectricBSortSelect.find('li.highlighted').text());\n        }\n\n        // Mobile sort trigger\n        $page.on('change', '[name=sortMobileOption]', (e) => {\n            e.preventDefault();\n            $('#sort-order').find(`[data-id=\"${$('input[name=\"sortMobileOption\"]:checked').val()}\"]`).prop('selected', 'selected');\n            $('#sort-order').trigger('change');\n        });\n    },\n\n    onScroll: () => {\n        $(window).on('scroll', function () {\n            var headerHeight = $header.height();\n            if ($('.js-grid_footer button.triggerMore').length) {\n                if (isLoading === 0 && isInViewport('.js-grid_footer', headerHeight)) {\n                    isLoading = 1;\n                    if ($('section.b-products_grid-tile.hide').length) {\n                        var urlParam = $('.updateBrowserUrl.hide').data('url');\n                        if (urlParam === undefined) {\n                            $('body .js-grid_footer button.triggerMore').click();\n                        } else {\n                            var windowUrl = window.location.href.split('&start')[0];\n                            if (windowUrl.indexOf(urlParam) === -1) {\n                                modifyUrl(urlParam);\n                            }\n                            $('section.b-products_grid-tile.hide').removeClass('hide').find('.js-cmp-inited').trigger('mainCarousel:update');\n                            $('.updateBrowserUrl.hide').removeClass('hide');\n                            $('body .js-grid_footer button.triggerMore').click();\n                            collapseTilesAndUpdateCount();\n                        }\n                    } else {\n                        $('body .js-grid_footer button.triggerMore').click();\n                        $('.lazyLoadwrapper').removeClass('loadedAlready');\n                    }\n                }\n            }\n\n            var navlist = [];\n            $('.updateBrowserUrl').each(function () {\n                var $this = $(this);\n                var thisId = $this.attr('data-url');\n                var thisTarget = $(this); // eslint-disable-line\n                navlist.push({\n                    'anchor': $this, // eslint-disable-line\n                    'id': thisId, // eslint-disable-line\n                    'target': $this // eslint-disable-line\n                });\n                return true;\n            });\n\n            $.each(navlist, function (e, elem) { // eslint-disable-line\n                var placement = elem.target[0].getBoundingClientRect();\n                if (placement.top < window.innerHeight && placement.bottom > 0) {\n                    var attrCheck = window.location.href.split('?')[1];\n                    if (elem.id !== attrCheck) {\n                        modifyUrl(elem.id);\n                    }\n                    return false; /* Exit $.each loop */\n                }\n            });\n\n            if (!$('.js-grid_footer button').hasClass('triggerMore')) {\n                setTimeout(function () {\n                    $('.js-grid_footer button').addClass('triggerMore');\n                }, 5000);\n            }\n\n            if ($(window).width() > 1023) {\n                var pageHeaderHeight = $('.l-plp-header').outerHeight();\n                var scrollPosition = $(window).scrollTop();\n                var outerContentHeight = headerHeight + pageHeaderHeight;\n                var scrollHeight;\n                if (scrollPosition > filterSidebarOffset) {\n                    scrollHeight = 'calc(100vh - ' + headerHeight + 'px)';\n                    $('.js-plp-sidebar').addClass('filter-sticky');\n                } else if (scrollPosition <= filterSidebarOffset) {\n                    scrollHeight = 'calc(100vh - ' + outerContentHeight + 'px)';\n                    $('.js-plp-sidebar').removeClass('filter-sticky');\n                }\n                loadSlimScrollPlugin().then(() => {\n                    $('.js-slim-scrollbar').slimScroll({\n                        height: scrollHeight,\n                        railVisible: true,\n                        color: '#d0d0d0',\n                        railColor: '#ffffff',\n                        railOpacity: 1,\n                        size: '7px',\n                        alwaysVisible: true\n                    });\n                });\n            }\n        });\n    },\n\n    showMore: () => {\n        // Show more products\n        $page.on('click', '.js-grid_footer button.triggerMore', (e) => {\n            e.stopPropagation();\n            e.preventDefault();\n            const $clickTarget = $(e.target);\n            const $lazyWrapper = $('.lazyLoadwrapper');\n\n            isLoading = 1;\n\n            let showMoreUrl = $clickTarget.data('url');\n            if (showMoreUrl === '') {\n                return false;\n            }\n\n            if (showMoreUrl) {\n                showMoreUrl = getSelectedModelSizeUrl(showMoreUrl);\n            }\n\n            const data = {\n                showMore: true,\n                previous: false,\n                pageSize: $('.pageSize').val(),\n                breadCrumbLast: $('.breadCrumbLast').val()\n            };\n\n            $clickTarget.trigger('search:showMore', e);\n            $('body').addClass('plp-loading');\n\n            if (window.constructorIOSettings && (window.constructorIOSettings.search_enabled || window.constructorIOSettings.browse_enabled) && window.searchParams) {\n                searchModule.methods.beforeLoadMoreRequest();\n                getConstructorioSearch({ url: showMoreUrl, data })\n                    .then((res)=>{\n                        return constructorIOPLP.convertCIOToHTMLString(res, 'gridTiles');\n                    })\n                    .catch(() => {\n                        searchModule.methods.afterLoadMoreRequest();\n                        searchModule.methods.constractorRequestErrorHandler();\n                    })\n                    .then((response) => {\n                        if (!response) {\n                            return;\n                        }\n                        searchModule.methods.afterLoadMoreRequest();\n                        searchModule.methods.showMoreSuccessHandler(response, $lazyWrapper, $clickTarget);\n                    });\n            } else {\n                searchModule.methods.showMoreDefaultRequest(showMoreUrl, data, $lazyWrapper, $clickTarget);\n            }\n            return true;\n        });\n    },\n\n    applyFilter: () => {\n        // Handle refinement value selection and reset click\n        $page.on('click change', '.js-select-model-size, .js-plp-sidebar li a:not(\".b-refinements_category-link\"), .js-category-link, .js-plp-sidebar .js-refinements_clear, .js-refinement_swatch, .js-selected-refinements a',\n            (e, isTriggered) => {\n                e.preventDefault();\n                e.stopPropagation();\n                const $currentTarget = $(e.currentTarget);\n\n                if (e.type === 'click' && $currentTarget.hasClass('js-select-model-size')) {\n                    return false;\n                }\n\n                if (isTriggered && $currentTarget.hasClass('js-select-model-size')) {\n                    return false;\n                }\n\n                // Disable unselected team refinement values on PLP page\n                const teamRefinement = $('.b-refinements-item[data-refinement-id=\"team\"]:visible');\n                const selectedTeam = teamRefinement ? teamRefinement.find('li a.m-selected') : '';\n                if (isSearchPage() === -1 && teamRefinement && selectedTeam.length > 0) {\n                    const updateRefinement = disableTeamRefinements(teamRefinement, selectedTeam, $currentTarget);\n                    if (!updateRefinement) {\n                        return false;\n                    }\n                }\n\n                isLoading = 0;\n                let newUrl = $currentTarget.data('href');\n\n                if (newUrl === undefined) {\n                    const $canonicalUrl = $('.js-canonical-url');\n                    if ($canonicalUrl.attr('data-action-sizeModelUrl') !== null && $canonicalUrl.attr('data-queryString') !== null) {\n                        newUrl = $canonicalUrl.attr('data-action-sizeModelUrl') + '?' + $canonicalUrl.attr('data-queryString');\n                    }\n                }\n\n                newUrl = getSelectedModelSizeUrl(newUrl);\n\n                if ($(window).width() < 1024) {\n                    const currentUrl = window.location.href;\n                    if (currentUrl.indexOf('isShopAllUrl') > -1) {\n                        const urlParams = {\n                            isShopAllUrl: true\n                        };\n                        newUrl = util.appendParamsToUrl(newUrl, urlParams);\n                    }\n                }\n\n                // Added selected sorting rules in refinement url if sorting option is in present url\n                if (window.location.href.indexOf('srule=') !== -1) {\n                    newUrl = getSelectedSortingRule(newUrl);\n                }\n\n                // get the  opened refinement items\n                let showFilters = [];\n                let filters = '';\n                if ($('.b-refinements-content.show').length) {\n                    $('.b-refinements-content.show').each(() => {\n                        const filter = $(this).attr('data-refinementattr');\n                        showFilters.push(filter);\n                    });\n                }\n\n                filters = showFilters.join(',');\n\n                if (!$currentTarget.hasClass('m-disabled')) {\n                    $currentTarget.trigger('search:filter', e);\n                    const $gridFooter = $('.js-grid_footer');\n\n                    const data = {\n                        page: $gridFooter.data('page-number'),\n                        selectedUrl: newUrl,\n                        selectedFilter: filters\n                    };\n\n                    const cIOSettings = getConstructorIOSettings();\n\n                    if ((cIOSettings.search_enabled || cIOSettings.browse_enabled) && window.searchParams) {\n                        getConstructorioSearch({ url: newUrl, data })\n                            .then((res) => {\n                                const a = constructorIOPLP.convertCIOToHTMLString(res, 'searchResultsNoDecorator');\n                                return a;\n                            })\n                            .catch(() => {\n                                searchModule.methods.constractorRequestErrorHandler();\n                            })\n                            .then((response) => {\n                                if (!response) {\n                                    return;\n                                }\n                                searchModule.methods.applyFilterSuccessHandler(response, $currentTarget);\n                            });\n                    } else {\n                        searchModule.methods.applyFilterRequest(newUrl, data, $currentTarget);\n                    }\n                }\n                return true;\n            });\n    },\n\n    showContentTab: () => {\n        const $container = $('.container');\n        const $contentSearchResults = $('#content-search-results');\n        const $showMoreContentButton = $('.show-more-content button');\n\n        $container.on('click', '.content-search', function () {\n            if ($contentSearchResults.html() === '') {\n                getContent($(this), $contentSearchResults);\n            }\n        });\n\n        $container.on('click', '.show-more-content button', function () {\n            getContent($(this), $contentSearchResults);\n            $showMoreContentButton.remove();\n        });\n\n        setTimeout(() => {\n            const $plpCategoryBanner = $('.l-plp-category_banner');\n            if ($plpCategoryBanner.find('.hero').length > 0) {\n                $plpCategoryBanner.removeClass('hide');\n            } else {\n                $plpCategoryBanner.addClass('hide');\n            }\n        }, 2000);\n    },\n\n    checkFilterHeight: () => {\n        checkFilterSize();\n        $body.on('click', '.b-refinements-header', function () {\n            setTimeout(() => {\n                checkFilterSize();\n            }, 800);\n        });\n    },\n\n    updateTilesAndCount: () => {\n        collapseTilesAndUpdateCount();\n    },\n\n    waitCIOData: () => {\n        const checkCIOData = () => {\n            const $container = $('.l-plp-container');\n            if (window.initialConstuctorResponse && window.initialConstuctorResponse.response.results.length > 0) {\n                $container.html(constructorIOPLP.convertCIOToHTMLString(window.initialConstuctorResponse));\n                $('body').trigger('components:init');\n                checkFilterSize();\n                delete window.initialConstuctorResponse;\n            }\n            $('.l-plp-container').removeClass('constructor-loading');\n        };\n\n        var initialRequestTSWithTimeout = window.cioClient ? ((window.initialTS || 0) + (window.constructorIOSettings.timeout || 0)) : 0;\n        waitTimeout = initialRequestTSWithTimeout - new Date().getTime();\n        if (waitTimeout > 0 && !window.initialConstuctorResponse) {\n            setTimeout(() => {\n                checkCIOData();\n            }, waitTimeout + 50);\n            $body.one('cio:initialDataLoaded', checkCIOData);\n        } else {\n            checkCIOData();\n        }\n    },\n\n    initialLoadMore: () => {\n        if (window.location.href.indexOf('start=') !== -1) {\n            $('.js-grid_footer button.triggerMore').removeClass('triggerMore');\n        } else {\n            setTimeout(function () {\n                $('body .js-grid_footer button.triggerMore').click();\n            }, waitTimeout + 1000);\n        }\n    },\n\n    onPageLoad: () => {\n        $(window).ready(function () {\n            const urlParam = window.location.search;\n            if (urlParam.indexOf('srule') > -1) {\n                const sortValue = new RegExp('[?&]' + 'srule' + '=([^&]*)').exec(urlParam); // eslint-disable-line\n                $(`#sort-order [data-id=\"${sortValue[1]}\"]`).prop('selected', 'selected');\n                $('#sort-order').trigger('change');\n            }\n        });\n\n        $(window).on('load', function () {\n            const urlParam = window.location.search;\n            if (urlParam.indexOf('viewPreference') > -1) {\n                const modelSize = new RegExp('[?&]' + 'viewPreference' + '=([^&]*)').exec(urlParam);  // eslint-disable-line\n                $body.find('.js-select-model-size', this.$el).val(modelSize[1]).trigger('change', [true]);\n            }\n\n            // browser back focus on the last clicked tile for safari\n            var isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android|crios|fxios).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent);\n            if (isSafari) {\n                if (window.location.href.indexOf('start=') !== -1 || $('[name=\"pdpBack\"]').data('comingbackfrompdp')) {\n                    var headerHeight = $('.js-header').height() + $('.l-plp-mob_header').height();\n                    var lastClickedTile = sessionStorage.getItem('plpLastClickedTile');\n                    var $lastClickedTileDiv = $('.' + lastClickedTile);\n                    if ($lastClickedTileDiv && $lastClickedTileDiv.length > 0) {\n                        $('html, body').animate({\n                            scrollTop: $($lastClickedTileDiv).offset().top - headerHeight\n                        }, 500).promise().done(function () {\n                            sessionStorage.removeItem('plpLastClickedTile');\n                        });\n                    }\n                } else {\n                    sessionStorage.removeItem('plpLastClickedTile');\n                }\n            }\n\n            updateMobileSortOptions();\n            onHideTeamRefinement();\n        });\n    },\n\n    updateWishlistIndicatorOnLoad: () => {\n        const productIDs = $('.wishlist-productIDs:last').length > 0 ? $('.wishlist-productIDs:last').val() : null;\n        $body.trigger('wishlistSuggestion:update', productIDs);\n    }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = searchModule;\n","'use strict';\n\n/* eslint-disable */\nvar inScroll = false;\n\nvar util = {\n    /**\n     * @function\n     * @description Scrolls a browser window to a given x point or DOM object\n     * @param {String} x coordinate or {Object} to which to scroll\n     * @param {Number} duration of animation in milliseconds\n     * @param {Function} callback after animation is complete\n     */\n    scrollTo: function (topOffsetOrElement, duration, cb) {\n        var $scrollElement,\n            scrollToElement = typeof topOffsetOrElement === 'object',\n            duration = duration || 10,\n            topOffset;\n\n        if (inScroll) {\n            return;\n        }\n\n        inScroll = true;\n\n        if (scrollToElement) {\n            topOffset = topOffsetOrElement.offset().top;\n        } else {\n            topOffset = topOffsetOrElement;\n        }\n\n        $scrollElement = $('html, body');\n\n        $scrollElement.animate({\n            scrollTop: topOffset\n        }, duration, () => {\n                if (typeof cb === 'function') {\n                    cb();\n                }\n\n                inScroll = false;\n            }\n        );\n    },\n    /**\n     * @function\n     * @description appends the parameter with the given name and value to the given url and returns the changed url\n     * @param {String} url the url to which the parameter will be added\n     * @param {String} name the name of the parameter\n     * @param {String} value the value of the parameter\n     */\n    appendParamToURL: function (url, name, value) {\n        // quit if the param already exists\n        if (url.indexOf(name + '=') !== -1) {\n            return url;\n        }\n        var separator = url.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? '&' : '?';\n        return url + separator + name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value);\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * @function\n     * @description remove the parameter and its value from the given url and returns the changed url\n     * @param {String} url the url from which the parameter will be removed\n     * @param {String} name the name of parameter that will be removed from url\n     */\n    removeParamFromURL: function (url, name) {\n        if (url.indexOf('?') === -1 || url.indexOf(name + '=') === -1) {\n            return url;\n        }\n        var hash;\n        var params;\n        var domain = url.split('?')[0];\n        var paramUrl = url.split('?')[1];\n        var newParams = [];\n        // if there is a hash at the end, store the hash\n        if (paramUrl.indexOf('#') > -1) {\n            hash = paramUrl.split('#')[1] || '';\n            paramUrl = paramUrl.split('#')[0];\n        }\n        params = paramUrl.split('&');\n        for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {\n            // put back param to newParams array if it is not the one to be removed\n            if (params[i].split('=')[0] !== name) {\n                newParams.push(params[i]);\n            }\n        }\n        return domain + '?' + newParams.join('&') + (hash ? '#' + hash : '');\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * @function\n     * @description appends the parameters to the given url and returns the changed url\n     * @param {String} url the url to which the parameters will be added\n     * @param {Object} params\n     */\n    appendParamsToUrl: function (url, params) {\n        var _url = url;\n        for (var key in params) {\n            _url = this.appendParamToURL(_url, key, params[key]);\n        }\n        return _url;\n    },\n    /**\n     * @function\n     * @description extract the query string from URL\n     * @param {String} url the url to extra query string from\n     **/\n    getQueryString: function (url) {\n        var qs;\n        if (typeof url !== 'string') { return; }\n        var a = document.createElement('a');\n        a.href = url;\n        if (a.search) {\n            qs = a.search.substr(1); // remove the leading ?\n        }\n        return qs;\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * @function\n     * @description\n     * @param {String}\n     * @param {String}\n     */\n    elementInViewport: function (el, offsetToTop) {\n        var top = el.offsetTop,\n            left = el.offsetLeft,\n            width = el.offsetWidth,\n            height = el.offsetHeight;\n\n        while (el.offsetParent) {\n            el = el.offsetParent;\n            top += el.offsetTop;\n            left += el.offsetLeft;\n        }\n\n        if (typeof (offsetToTop) !== 'undefined') {\n            top -= offsetToTop;\n        }\n\n        if (window.pageXOffset !== null) {\n            return (\n                top < (window.pageYOffset + window.innerHeight) &&\n                left < (window.pageXOffset + window.innerWidth) &&\n                (top + height) > window.pageYOffset &&\n                (left + width) > window.pageXOffset\n            );\n        }\n\n        if (document.compatMode === 'CSS1Compat') {\n            return (\n                top < (window.document.documentElement.scrollTop + window.document.documentElement.clientHeight) &&\n                left < (window.document.documentElement.scrollLeft + window.document.documentElement.clientWidth) &&\n                (top + height) > window.document.documentElement.scrollTop &&\n                (left + width) > window.document.documentElement.scrollLeft\n            );\n        }\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * @function\n     * @description Appends the parameter 'format=ajax' to a given path\n     * @param {String} path the relative path\n     */\n    ajaxUrl: function (path) {\n        return this.appendParamToURL(path, 'format', 'ajax');\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * @function\n     * @description Extracts all parameters from a given query string into an object\n     * @param {String} qs The query string from which the parameters will be extracted\n     */\n    getQueryStringParams: function (qs) {\n        if (!qs || qs.length === 0) { return {}; }\n        var params = {};\n        // Use the String::replace method to iterate over each\n        // name-value pair in the string.\n        qs.replace(new RegExp('([^?=&]+)(=([^&]*))?', 'g'),\n            function ($0, $1, $2, $3) {\n                params[$1] = decodeURIComponent($3).replace(/\\+/g, ' ');\n            }\n        );\n        return params;\n    },\n\n    getParameterValueFromUrl: function (parameterName, url) {\n        var currentQueryString = url || window.location.search;\n        var currentQueryStringParams = this.getQueryStringParams(currentQueryString);\n\n        return currentQueryStringParams[parameterName];\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * @description funtion that check storage Availability on window object\n     * @param {String} storage type(name)\n     * @return {Boolean}\n     */\n    storageAvailable: function(type) {\n        var storage = [];\n        try {\n            storage = window[type];\n            var test = '__storage_test__';\n            storage.setItem(test, test);\n            storage.removeItem(test);\n            return true;\n        } catch (e) {\n            //ignore storage error\n        }\n    },\n\n    eventDelay: function (callback, threshhold, scope, skipInitialCall) {\n        threshhold || (threshhold = 250);\n        var last,\n            deferTimer;\n\n        /**\n         * @todo  Add description\n         */\n        return function () {\n            var context = scope || this,\n                now = (new Date()).getTime(),\n                args = arguments;\n\n            if (last && now < last + threshhold) {\n                clearTimeout(deferTimer);\n                deferTimer = setTimeout(function () {\n                    last = now;\n                    callback.apply(context, args);\n                }, threshhold);\n            } else {\n                last = now;\n\n                if (!skipInitialCall) {\n                    callback.apply(context, args);\n                }\n            }\n        };\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Throttling Function Calls\n     *\n     * @see http://www.nczonline.net/blog/2007/11/30/the-throttle-function/\n     * @param {Function} callback Callback function to call\n     * @param {Number} delay Delay before callback fire\n     * @param {Object} scope The context to for callback fire\n     */\n    throttle: function (callback, delay, scope) {\n        clearTimeout(callback._tId);\n        callback._tId = setTimeout(function () {\n            callback.call(scope);\n        }, delay || 100);\n    },\n\n    getTimer: function () {\n        return {\n            id: null,\n            clear: function () {\n                if (this.id) {\n                    window.clearTimeout(this.id);\n                    delete this.id;\n                }\n            },\n            start: function (duration, callback) {\n                this.id = setTimeout(callback, duration);\n            }\n        };\n    },\n\n    getInterval: function () {\n        return {\n            id: null,\n            clear: function () {\n                if (this.id) {\n                    window.clearInterval(this.id);\n                    delete this.id;\n                }\n            },\n            start: function (duration, callback) {\n                this.id = setInterval(callback, duration);\n            }\n        };\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * [getUri description]\n     * @param  {[type]} o [description]\n     * @return {[type]}   [description]\n     */\n    getUri: function (o) {\n        var a;\n\n        if (o.tagName && $(o).attr('href')) {\n            a = o;\n        } else if (typeof o === 'string') {\n            a = document.createElement(\"a\");\n            a.href = o;\n        } else {\n            return null;\n        }\n\n        // overcome some stupid ie behaviour\n        if (a.host === '') {\n            a.href = a.href;\n        }\n\n        // all actual version of IE not so smart to correctly process\n        // protocol independent locations, so wee need to help them\n        if (a.protocol === ':') {\n            a.protocol = window.location.protocol;\n        }\n\n        // fix for some IE browsers\n        if (a.pathname.indexOf('/') !== 0) {\n            a.pathname = '/' + a.pathname;\n        }\n\n        return Object.create({\n            'protocol': a.protocol, //http:\n            'host': a.host, //www.myexample.com\n            'hostname': a.hostname, //www.myexample.com'\n            'port': a.port, //:80\n            'path': a.pathname, // /sub1/sub2\n            'query': a.search, // ?param1=val1&param2=val2\n            'queryParams': a.search.length > 1 ? this.getQueryStringParams(a.search.substr(1)) : {},\n            'hash': a.hash, // #OU812,5150\n            'url': a.protocol + '//' + a.host + a.pathname,\n            'toString': function () {\n                return this.protocol + '//' + this.host + this.port + this.pathname + this.search + this.hash;\n            }\n        });\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Genereal wrapper for JSON.parse(...) with error catching\n     * @result {Object}\n     */\n    jsonParse : function (stringified) {\n        var parsed = {};\n\n        if (!stringified) {\n            return  parsed;\n        }\n\n        try {\n            parsed = JSON.parse(stringified);\n        } catch (e) {\n            return parsed;\n        }\n\n        return parsed;\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * @description Tests if localStorage is available, useful in Safari where localStorage can't be used when browsing privately.\n     * @returns {boolean}\n     */\n    canAccessSessionStorage : function () {\n        var item = 'test';\n        try {\n            sessionStorage.setItem(item, item);\n            sessionStorage.removeItem(item);\n            return true;\n        } catch (e) {\n            return false;\n        }\n    },\n    isObject: function (value) {\n        var type = typeof value;\n        return value != null && (type == 'object' || type == 'function');\n    },\n\n    debounce: function (func, wait, options) {\n        var lastArgs,\n            lastThis,\n            maxWait,\n            result,\n            timerId,\n            lastCallTime,\n            lastInvokeTime = 0,\n            leading = false,\n            maxing = false,\n            trailing = true;\n\n        if (typeof func != 'function') {\n            throw new TypeError('Expected a function');\n        }\n\n        wait = Number(wait) || 0;\n\n        if (this.isObject(options)) {\n            leading = !!options.leading;\n            maxing = 'maxWait' in options;\n            maxWait = maxing ? Math.max(Number(options.maxWait) || 0, wait) : maxWait;\n            trailing = 'trailing' in options ? !!options.trailing : trailing;\n        }\n\n        function invokeFunc (time) {\n            var args = lastArgs,\n                thisArg = lastThis;\n\n            lastArgs = lastThis = undefined;\n            lastInvokeTime = time;\n            result = func.apply(thisArg, args);\n            return result;\n        }\n\n        function leadingEdge(time) {\n            // Reset any `maxWait` timer.\n            lastInvokeTime = time;\n            // Start the timer for the trailing edge.\n            timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);\n            // Invoke the leading edge.\n            return leading ? invokeFunc(time) : result;\n        }\n\n        function remainingWait(time) {\n            var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime,\n                timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime,\n                timeWaiting = wait - timeSinceLastCall;\n\n            return maxing ? Math.min(timeWaiting, maxWait - timeSinceLastInvoke) : timeWaiting;\n        }\n\n        function shouldInvoke(time) {\n            var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime,\n                timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime;\n\n            // Either this is the first call, activity has stopped and we're at the\n            // trailing edge, the system time has gone backwards and we're treating\n            // it as the trailing edge, or we've hit the `maxWait` limit.\n            return (lastCallTime === undefined || (timeSinceLastCall >= wait) ||\n                (timeSinceLastCall < 0) || (maxing && timeSinceLastInvoke >= maxWait));\n        }\n\n        function timerExpired() {\n            var time = Date.now();\n            if (shouldInvoke(time)) {\n                return trailingEdge(time);\n            }\n            // Restart the timer.\n            timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, remainingWait(time));\n        }\n\n        function trailingEdge(time) {\n            timerId = undefined;\n\n            // Only invoke if we have `lastArgs` which means `func` has been\n            // debounced at least once.\n            if (trailing && lastArgs) {\n              return invokeFunc(time);\n            }\n            lastArgs = lastThis = undefined;\n            return result;\n        }\n\n        function cancel() {\n            if (timerId !== undefined) {\n                clearTimeout(timerId);\n            }\n            lastInvokeTime = 0;\n            lastArgs = lastCallTime = lastThis = timerId = undefined;\n        }\n\n        function flush() {\n            return timerId === undefined ? result : trailingEdge(Date.now());\n        }\n\n        function debounced() {\n            var time = Date.now(),\n                isInvoking = shouldInvoke(time);\n\n            lastArgs = arguments;\n            lastThis = this;\n            lastCallTime = time;\n\n            if (isInvoking) {\n                if (timerId === undefined) {\n                    return leadingEdge(lastCallTime);\n                }\n                if (maxing) {\n                    // Handle invocations in a tight loop.\n                    timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);\n                    return invokeFunc(lastCallTime);\n                }\n            }\n\n            if (timerId === undefined) {\n                timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);\n            }\n            return result;\n        }\n\n        debounced.cancel = cancel;\n        debounced.flush = flush;\n        return debounced;\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * loadScript: appends a script tag to document and returns a promise that resolves when loaded.\n     *\n     * It's kind of like $.getScript, but promisified, de-duped, and resolves relative urls\n     *\n     * @param {*} src - the src of the script\n     * @returns - Promise<void>\n     */\n    loadScript: src => {\n        if (loadedScripts.has(src)) return loadedScripts.get(src);\n        const p = new Promise(onload => {\n            if (src[0] !== 'h') src = window.assetPath + src // if relative url, make abs\n            let script = document.createElement(\"script\");\n            Object.assign(script, {src, async: 1, onload});\n            document.body.appendChild(script);\n        })\n        loadedScripts.set(src, p);\n        return p;\n    },\n\n    branchCloseJourney: function () {\n        var branch = require('branch-sdk');\n        branch.closeJourney();\n        var el = document.getElementById('branch-banner-iframe');\n        var elbody = document.getElementById('l-body');\n        var elbodypage = document.getElementById('bodyPage');\n        if (el) {\n            elbody.classList.remove('branch-banner-is-active');\n            el.style.display = 'none';\n            elbody.style.margin = '0';\n            elbodypage.style.margin = '0';\n        }\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Scale size to fit Canvas pixel limitation for Safari mobile\n     * @param {number} width canvas required width\n     * @param {number} height canvas required height\n     * @returns {Object} scaled size\n     */\n    limitMobileCanvasSize: function (width, height) {\n        var maximumPixels = 16777216; // Safari Canvas area maximum limit\n        const requiredPixels = width * height;\n        if (requiredPixels <= maximumPixels) {\n            return {\n                width: width,\n                height: height,\n                scalar: 1\n            };\n        }\n        const scalar = Math.sqrt(maximumPixels) / Math.sqrt(requiredPixels);\n        return {\n            width: Math.floor(width * scalar),\n            height: Math.floor(height * scalar),\n            scalar: scalar\n        };\n    }\n};\nconst loadedScripts = new Map() // Map<src,promise>\n\nmodule.exports = util;\n","/*! device.js 0.2.7 */\n(function(){var 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mobile\"):a.nodeWebkit()?c(\"node-webkit\"):a.television()?c(\"television\"):a.desktop()&&c(\"desktop\"),a.cordova()&&c(\"cordova\"),f=function(){a.landscape()?(i(\"portrait\"),c(\"landscape\")):(i(\"landscape\"),c(\"portrait\"))},h=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(window,\"onorientationchange\")?\"orientationchange\":\"resize\",window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener(h,f,!1):window.attachEvent?window.attachEvent(h,f):window[h]=f,f(),\"function\"==typeof define&&\"object\"==typeof define.amd&&define.amd?define(function(){return a}):\"undefined\"!=typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports=a:window.device=a}).call(this);\n","'use strict';\n\nvar processInclude = require('base/util');\n\n$(document).ready(function () {\n    processInclude(require('./search/search'));\n});\n","/* eslint-disable no-restricted-globals */\n\n'use strict';\n\nconst constructorIOPLP = require('org/constructorio/constructorIOPLP');\nconst { getConstructorIOSettings } = require('org/constructorio/clientWrapper');\nconst { getConstructorioSearch } = require('org/constructorio/request');\nconst util = require('org/util');\nvar searchModuleBase = require('org/search/search');\n\n/**\n * Disable unselected By Teams refinement values on PLP page.\n * @param {Object} teamRefinement - team refinement to work on\n * @param {Object} selectedTeam - selected team\n * @param {Object} $this - the scope of execution\n *\n * @returns {boolean} if operation success of not\n */\nfunction disableTeamRefinements(teamRefinement, selectedTeam, $this) {\n    if (selectedTeam.length === 1) {\n        teamRefinement.find('li a:not(.m-selected)').each(function () {\n            $(this).addClass('disabled-team');\n        });\n    } else {\n        // avoid the 2nd selection of team refinement during the page reload\n        $this.removeClass('m-selected');\n        teamRefinement.find('li a:not(.m-selected)').each(function () {\n            $(this).addClass('disabled-team');\n        });\n        return false;\n    }\n    return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * Append selected size to the existing url\n * @param {string} baseUrl - base url to append to\n *\n * @returns {string} Updated url\n */\nfunction getSelectedModelSizeUrl(baseUrl) {\n    if ($('.js-select-model-size:visible').length > 0) {\n        var selectedSize = $('.js-select-model-size:visible').val();\n        $('body').find('.js-select-model-size:hidden').val(selectedSize).trigger('change', [true]);\n        if (selectedSize) {\n            var urlParams = {\n                viewPreference: selectedSize\n            };\n            return util.appendParamsToUrl(baseUrl, urlParams);\n        }\n    }\n    return baseUrl;\n}\n\n/**\n * Update the url with selected sorting rule\n * @param {string} baseUrl - base url to modify\n *\n * @returns {string} Updated url\n */\nfunction getSelectedSortingRule(baseUrl) {\n    if ($('select.b-sort-select').find('option:selected').length > 0) {\n        var selectedsortingRule = $('select.b-sort-select').find('option:selected').data('id');\n        if ($(window).width() < 1024) {\n            selectedsortingRule = $('input[name=\"sortMobileOption\"]:checked').val();\n        }\n\n        if (selectedsortingRule) {\n            var urlParams = {\n                srule: selectedsortingRule\n            };\n            // remove from srule from url if present then add srule with latest updated values\n            if (baseUrl.indexOf('srule=') !== -1) {\n                baseUrl = util.removeParamFromURL(baseUrl, 'srule'); // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign\n            }\n            return util.appendParamsToUrl(baseUrl, urlParams);\n        }\n    }\n    return baseUrl;\n}\n\n/**\n * Checks if the current page is a search page by checking the presence of '?q=' in the URL.\n *\n * @returns {number} -1 if '?q=' is not found in the URL (indicating that the page is not a search page), otherwise returns the index at which '?q=' starts in the URL.\n */\nconst isSearchPage = () => {\n    return window.location.href.indexOf('?q=') > -1 ? window.location.href.indexOf('?q=') : window.location.href.indexOf('&q=');\n};\n\n/**\n * Initialize window event listener for onpopstate to reload page with the updated url.\n */\nsearchModuleBase.postInit = () => {\n    // Function to handle the popstate event\n    window.onpopstate = function () {\n        location.reload();\n    };\n};\n\nsearchModuleBase.applyFilter = () => {\n    // Handle refinement value selection and reset click\n    $('.js-page').on('click change', '.js-select-model-size, .js-plp-sidebar li a:not(\".b-refinements_category-link\"), .js-category-link, .js-plp-sidebar .js-refinements_clear, .js-refinement_swatch, .js-selected-refinements a',\n        (e, isTriggered) => {\n            e.preventDefault();\n            e.stopPropagation();\n            const $currentTarget = $(e.currentTarget);\n\n            if (e.type === 'click' && $currentTarget.hasClass('js-select-model-size')) {\n                return false;\n            }\n\n            if (isTriggered && $currentTarget.hasClass('js-select-model-size')) {\n                return false;\n            }\n\n            // Disable unselected team refinement values on PLP page\n            const teamRefinement = $('.b-refinements-item[data-refinement-id=\"team\"]:visible');\n            const selectedTeam = teamRefinement ? teamRefinement.find('li a.m-selected') : '';\n            if (isSearchPage() === -1 && teamRefinement && selectedTeam.length > 0) {\n                const updateRefinement = disableTeamRefinements(teamRefinement, selectedTeam, $currentTarget);\n                if (!updateRefinement) {\n                    return false;\n                }\n            }\n\n            searchModuleBase.methods.resetLoading();\n            let newUrl = $currentTarget.data('href');\n\n            if (newUrl === undefined) {\n                const $canonicalUrl = $('.js-canonical-url');\n                if ($canonicalUrl.attr('data-action-sizeModelUrl') !== null && $canonicalUrl.attr('data-queryString') !== null) {\n                    newUrl = $canonicalUrl.attr('data-action-sizeModelUrl') + '?' + $canonicalUrl.attr('data-queryString');\n                }\n            }\n\n            newUrl = getSelectedModelSizeUrl(newUrl);\n\n            if ($(window).width() < 1024) {\n                const currentUrl = window.location.href;\n                if (currentUrl.indexOf('isShopAllUrl') > -1) {\n                    const urlParams = {\n                        isShopAllUrl: true\n                    };\n                    newUrl = util.appendParamsToUrl(newUrl, urlParams);\n                }\n            }\n\n            // Added selected sorting rules in refinement url if sorting option is in present url\n            if (window.location.href.indexOf('srule=') !== -1) {\n                newUrl = getSelectedSortingRule(newUrl);\n            }\n\n            // get the  opened refinement items\n            let showFilters = [];\n            let filters = '';\n            if ($('.b-refinements-content.show').length) {\n                $('.b-refinements-content.show').each(() => {\n                    const filter = $(this).attr('data-refinementattr');\n                    showFilters.push(filter);\n                });\n            }\n\n            filters = showFilters.join(',');\n\n            if (!$currentTarget.hasClass('m-disabled')) {\n                $currentTarget.trigger('search:filter', e);\n                const $gridFooter = $('.js-grid_footer');\n\n                const data = {\n                    page: $gridFooter.data('page-number'),\n                    selectedUrl: newUrl,\n                    selectedFilter: filters\n                };\n\n                const cIOSettings = getConstructorIOSettings();\n\n                history.pushState({ type: 267 }, null, window.location.href);\n\n                if ((cIOSettings.search_enabled || cIOSettings.browse_enabled) && window.searchParams) {\n                    getConstructorioSearch({ url: newUrl, data })\n                        .then((res) => {\n                            const a = constructorIOPLP.convertCIOToHTMLString(res, 'searchResultsNoDecorator');\n                            return a;\n                        })\n                        .catch(() => {\n                            searchModuleBase.methods.constractorRequestErrorHandler();\n                        })\n                        .then((response) => {\n                            if (!response) {\n                                return;\n                            }\n                            searchModuleBase.methods.applyFilterSuccessHandler(response, $currentTarget);\n                        });\n                } else {\n                    searchModuleBase.methods.applyFilterRequest(newUrl, data, $currentTarget);\n                }\n            }\n            return true;\n        });\n};\n\nmodule.exports = searchModuleBase;\n","'use strict';\n\nmodule.exports = function (include) {\n    if (typeof include === 'function') {\n        include();\n    } else if (typeof include === 'object') {\n        Object.keys(include).forEach(function (key) {\n            if (typeof include[key] === 'function') {\n                include[key]();\n            }\n        });\n    }\n};\n","function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {\n  if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length;\n  for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];\n  return arr2;\n}\nmodule.exports = _arrayLikeToArray, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports[\"default\"] = module.exports;","var arrayLikeToArray = require(\"./arrayLikeToArray.js\");\nfunction _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) {\n  if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arrayLikeToArray(arr);\n}\nmodule.exports = _arrayWithoutHoles, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports[\"default\"] = module.exports;","function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {\n  if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {\n    throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\");\n  }\n}\nmodule.exports = _classCallCheck, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports[\"default\"] = module.exports;","var toPropertyKey = require(\"./toPropertyKey.js\");\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) {\n  for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {\n    var descriptor = props[i];\n    descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;\n    descriptor.configurable = true;\n    if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;\n    Object.defineProperty(target, toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor);\n  }\n}\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {\n  if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);\n  if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);\n  Object.defineProperty(Constructor, \"prototype\", {\n    writable: false\n  });\n  return Constructor;\n}\nmodule.exports = _createClass, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports[\"default\"] = module.exports;","var toPropertyKey = require(\"./toPropertyKey.js\");\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {\n  key = toPropertyKey(key);\n  if (key in obj) {\n    Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {\n      value: value,\n      enumerable: true,\n      configurable: true,\n      writable: true\n    });\n  } else {\n    obj[key] = value;\n  }\n  return obj;\n}\nmodule.exports = _defineProperty, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports[\"default\"] = module.exports;","function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {\n  return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {\n    \"default\": obj\n  };\n}\nmodule.exports = _interopRequireDefault, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports[\"default\"] = module.exports;","function _iterableToArray(iter) {\n  if (typeof Symbol !== \"undefined\" && iter[Symbol.iterator] != null || iter[\"@@iterator\"] != null) return Array.from(iter);\n}\nmodule.exports = _iterableToArray, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports[\"default\"] = module.exports;","function _nonIterableSpread() {\n  throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\");\n}\nmodule.exports = _nonIterableSpread, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports[\"default\"] = module.exports;","var arrayWithoutHoles = require(\"./arrayWithoutHoles.js\");\nvar iterableToArray = require(\"./iterableToArray.js\");\nvar unsupportedIterableToArray = require(\"./unsupportedIterableToArray.js\");\nvar nonIterableSpread = require(\"./nonIterableSpread.js\");\nfunction _toConsumableArray(arr) {\n  return arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || iterableToArray(arr) || unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || nonIterableSpread();\n}\nmodule.exports = _toConsumableArray, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports[\"default\"] = module.exports;","var _typeof = require(\"./typeof.js\")[\"default\"];\nfunction toPrimitive(t, r) {\n  if (\"object\" != _typeof(t) || !t) return t;\n  var e = t[Symbol.toPrimitive];\n  if (void 0 !== e) {\n    var i = e.call(t, r || \"default\");\n    if (\"object\" != _typeof(i)) return i;\n    throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\");\n  }\n  return (\"string\" === r ? String : Number)(t);\n}\nmodule.exports = toPrimitive, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports[\"default\"] = module.exports;","var _typeof = require(\"./typeof.js\")[\"default\"];\nvar toPrimitive = require(\"./toPrimitive.js\");\nfunction toPropertyKey(t) {\n  var i = toPrimitive(t, \"string\");\n  return \"symbol\" == _typeof(i) ? i : i + \"\";\n}\nmodule.exports = toPropertyKey, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports[\"default\"] = module.exports;","function _typeof(o) {\n  \"@babel/helpers - typeof\";\n\n  return (module.exports = _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (o) {\n    return typeof o;\n  } : function (o) {\n    return o && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && o.constructor === Symbol && o !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof o;\n  }, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports[\"default\"] = module.exports), _typeof(o);\n}\nmodule.exports = _typeof, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports[\"default\"] = module.exports;","var arrayLikeToArray = require(\"./arrayLikeToArray.js\");\nfunction _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) {\n  if (!o) return;\n  if (typeof o === \"string\") return arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);\n  var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1);\n  if (n === \"Object\" && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name;\n  if (n === \"Map\" || n === \"Set\") return Array.from(o);\n  if (n === \"Arguments\" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);\n}\nmodule.exports = _unsupportedIterableToArray, module.exports.__esModule = true, module.exports[\"default\"] = module.exports;","\"use strict\";\n\nvar _interopRequireDefault = require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault\");\n\nvar _classCallCheck2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck\"));\n\nvar _createClass2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass\"));\n\n/* eslint-disable camelcase, no-unneeded-ternary, max-len, complexity */\nvar ConstructorioID = require('@constructor-io/constructorio-id');\n\nvar fetchPonyfill = require('fetch-ponyfill'); // Modules\n\n\nvar Search = require('./modules/search');\n\nvar Browse = require('./modules/browse');\n\nvar Autocomplete = require('./modules/autocomplete');\n\nvar Recommendations = require('./modules/recommendations');\n\nvar Tracker = require('./modules/tracker');\n\nvar EventDispatcher = require('./utils/event-dispatcher');\n\nvar helpers = require('./utils/helpers');\n\nvar _require = require('../package.json'),\n    packageVersion = _require.version;\n\nvar Quizzes = require('./modules/quizzes'); // Compute package version string\n\n\nvar computePackageVersion = function computePackageVersion() {\n  var versionPrefix = 'ciojs-client-';\n  var versionModifiers = [];\n\n  if (!helpers.canUseDOM()) {\n    versionModifiers.push('domless');\n  }\n\n  if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && typeof process.env !== 'undefined' && process.env.BUNDLED) {\n    versionModifiers.push('bundled');\n  }\n\n  return \"\".concat(versionPrefix).concat(versionModifiers.join('-')).concat(versionModifiers.length ? '-' : '').concat(packageVersion);\n};\n/**\n * Class to instantiate the ConstructorIO client.\n */\n\n\nvar ConstructorIO = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n  /**\n   * @param {object} parameters - Parameters for client instantiation\n   * @param {string} parameters.apiKey - Constructor.io API key\n   * @param {string} [parameters.serviceUrl='https://ac.cnstrc.com'] - API URL endpoint\n   * @param {string} [parameters.quizzesServiceUrl='https://quizzes.cnstrc.com'] - Quizzes API URL endpoint\n   * @param {array} [parameters.segments] - User segments\n   * @param {object} [parameters.testCells] - User test cells\n   * @param {string} [parameters.clientId] - Client ID, defaults to value supplied by 'constructorio-id' module\n   * @param {string} [parameters.sessionId] - Session ID, defaults to value supplied by 'constructorio-id' module\n   * @param {string} [parameters.userId] - User ID\n   * @param {function} [parameters.fetch] - If supplied, will be utilized for requests rather than default Fetch API\n   * @param {number} [parameters.trackingSendDelay=250] - Amount of time to wait before sending tracking events (in ms)\n   * @param {boolean} [parameters.sendReferrerWithTrackingEvents=true] - Indicates if the referrer is sent with tracking events\n   * @param {boolean} [parameters.sendTrackingEvents=false] - Indicates if tracking events should be dispatched\n   * @param {object} [parameters.idOptions] - Options object to be supplied to 'constructorio-id' module\n   * @param {object} [parameters.eventDispatcher] - Options related to 'EventDispatcher' class\n   * @param {boolean} [parameters.eventDispatcher.enabled=true] - Determine if events should be dispatched\n   * @param {boolean} [parameters.eventDispatcher.waitForBeacon=true] - Wait for beacon before dispatching events\n   * @param {object} [parameters.networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to network requests\n   * @param {number} [parameters.networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds) - may be overridden within individual method calls\n   * @property {object} search - Interface to {@link module:search}\n   * @property {object} browse - Interface to {@link module:browse}\n   * @property {object} autocomplete - Interface to {@link module:autocomplete}\n   * @property {object} recommendations - Interface to {@link module:recommendations}\n   * @property {object} tracker - Interface to {@link module:tracker}\n   * @property {object} quizzes - Interface to {@link module:quizzes}\n   * @returns {class}\n   */\n  function ConstructorIO() {\n    var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};\n    (0, _classCallCheck2[\"default\"])(this, ConstructorIO);\n    var apiKey = options.apiKey,\n        versionFromOptions = options.version,\n        serviceUrl = options.serviceUrl,\n        quizzesServiceUrl = options.quizzesServiceUrl,\n        segments = options.segments,\n        testCells = options.testCells,\n        clientId = options.clientId,\n        sessionId = options.sessionId,\n        userId = options.userId,\n        fetch = options.fetch,\n        trackingSendDelay = options.trackingSendDelay,\n        sendReferrerWithTrackingEvents = options.sendReferrerWithTrackingEvents,\n        sendTrackingEvents = options.sendTrackingEvents,\n        eventDispatcher = options.eventDispatcher,\n        idOptions = options.idOptions,\n        beaconMode = options.beaconMode,\n        networkParameters = options.networkParameters;\n\n    if (!apiKey || typeof apiKey !== 'string') {\n      throw new Error('API key is a required parameter of type string');\n    }\n\n    var session_id;\n    var client_id;\n    var versionFromGlobal = typeof global !== 'undefined' && global.CLIENT_VERSION; // Initialize ID session if DOM context is available\n\n    if (helpers.canUseDOM()) {\n      var _ConstructorioID = new ConstructorioID(idOptions || {});\n\n      session_id = _ConstructorioID.session_id;\n      client_id = _ConstructorioID.client_id;\n    } else {\n      // Validate session ID is provided\n      if (!sessionId || typeof sessionId !== 'number') {\n        throw new Error('sessionId is a required user parameter of type number');\n      } // Validate client ID is provided\n\n\n      if (!clientId || typeof clientId !== 'string') {\n        throw new Error('clientId is a required user parameter of type string');\n      }\n    }\n\n    this.options = {\n      apiKey: apiKey,\n      version: versionFromOptions || versionFromGlobal || computePackageVersion(),\n      serviceUrl: serviceUrl && serviceUrl.replace(/\\/$/, '') || 'https://ac.cnstrc.com',\n      quizzesServiceUrl: quizzesServiceUrl && quizzesServiceUrl.replace(/\\/$/, '') || 'https://quizzes.cnstrc.com',\n      sessionId: sessionId || session_id,\n      clientId: clientId || client_id,\n      userId: userId,\n      segments: segments,\n      testCells: testCells,\n      fetch: fetch || fetchPonyfill({\n        Promise: Promise\n      }).fetch,\n      trackingSendDelay: trackingSendDelay,\n      sendTrackingEvents: sendTrackingEvents,\n      sendReferrerWithTrackingEvents: sendReferrerWithTrackingEvents,\n      eventDispatcher: eventDispatcher,\n      beaconMode: beaconMode === false ? false : true,\n      // Defaults to 'true',\n      networkParameters: networkParameters || {}\n    }; // Expose global modules\n\n    this.search = new Search(this.options);\n    this.browse = new Browse(this.options);\n    this.autocomplete = new Autocomplete(this.options);\n    this.recommendations = new Recommendations(this.options);\n    this.tracker = new Tracker(this.options);\n    this.quizzes = new Quizzes(this.options); // Dispatch initialization event\n\n    new EventDispatcher(options.eventDispatcher).queue('instantiated', this.options);\n  }\n  /**\n   * Sets the client options\n   *\n   * @param {string} apiKey - Constructor.io API key\n   * @param {array} [segments] - User segments\n   * @param {object} [testCells] - User test cells\n   * @param {string} [userId] - User ID\n   */\n\n\n  (0, _createClass2[\"default\"])(ConstructorIO, [{\n    key: \"setClientOptions\",\n    value: function setClientOptions(options) {\n      if (Object.keys(options).length) {\n        var apiKey = options.apiKey,\n            segments = options.segments,\n            testCells = options.testCells,\n            userId = options.userId;\n\n        if (apiKey) {\n          this.options.apiKey = apiKey;\n        }\n\n        if (segments) {\n          this.options.segments = segments;\n        }\n\n        if (testCells) {\n          this.options.testCells = testCells;\n        }\n\n        if (userId) {\n          this.options.userId = userId;\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }]);\n  return ConstructorIO;\n}(); // Exposed for testing\n\n\nConstructorIO.Tracker = Tracker; // Expose on window object if available\n\nif (helpers.canUseDOM()) {\n  window.ConstructorioClient = ConstructorIO;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = ConstructorIO;","\"use strict\";\n\nvar _interopRequireDefault = require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault\");\n\nvar _classCallCheck2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck\"));\n\nvar _createClass2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass\"));\n\n/* eslint-disable object-curly-newline, no-underscore-dangle */\nvar EventDispatcher = require('../utils/event-dispatcher');\n\nvar _require = require('../utils/helpers'),\n    throwHttpErrorFromResponse = _require.throwHttpErrorFromResponse,\n    cleanParams = _require.cleanParams,\n    applyNetworkTimeout = _require.applyNetworkTimeout,\n    trimNonBreakingSpaces = _require.trimNonBreakingSpaces,\n    encodeURIComponentRFC3986 = _require.encodeURIComponentRFC3986,\n    stringify = _require.stringify; // Create URL from supplied query (term) and parameters\n\n\nfunction createAutocompleteUrl(query, parameters, options) {\n  var apiKey = options.apiKey,\n      version = options.version,\n      serviceUrl = options.serviceUrl,\n      sessionId = options.sessionId,\n      clientId = options.clientId,\n      userId = options.userId,\n      segments = options.segments,\n      testCells = options.testCells;\n  var queryParams = {\n    c: version\n  };\n  queryParams.key = apiKey;\n  queryParams.i = clientId;\n  queryParams.s = sessionId; // Validate query (term) is provided\n\n  if (!query || typeof query !== 'string') {\n    throw new Error('query is a required parameter of type string');\n  } // Pull test cells from options\n\n\n  if (testCells) {\n    Object.keys(testCells).forEach(function (testCellKey) {\n      queryParams[\"ef-\".concat(testCellKey)] = testCells[testCellKey];\n    });\n  } // Pull user segments from options\n\n\n  if (segments && segments.length) {\n    queryParams.us = segments;\n  } // Pull user id from options and ensure string\n\n\n  if (userId) {\n    queryParams.ui = String(userId);\n  }\n\n  if (parameters) {\n    var numResults = parameters.numResults,\n        resultsPerSection = parameters.resultsPerSection,\n        filters = parameters.filters,\n        hiddenFields = parameters.hiddenFields,\n        variationsMap = parameters.variationsMap; // Pull results number from parameters\n\n    if (numResults) {\n      queryParams.num_results = numResults;\n    } // Pull results number per section from parameters\n\n\n    if (resultsPerSection) {\n      Object.keys(resultsPerSection).forEach(function (section) {\n        queryParams[\"num_results_\".concat(section)] = resultsPerSection[section];\n      });\n    } // Pull filters from parameters\n\n\n    if (filters) {\n      queryParams.filters = filters;\n    } // Pull hidden fields from parameters\n\n\n    if (hiddenFields) {\n      if (queryParams.fmt_options) {\n        queryParams.fmt_options.hidden_fields = hiddenFields;\n      } else {\n        queryParams.fmt_options = {\n          hidden_fields: hiddenFields\n        };\n      }\n    } // Pull variations map from parameters\n\n\n    if (variationsMap) {\n      queryParams.variations_map = JSON.stringify(variationsMap);\n    }\n  }\n\n  queryParams._dt = Date.now();\n  queryParams = cleanParams(queryParams);\n  var queryString = stringify(queryParams);\n  var cleanedQuery = query.replace(/^\\//, '|'); // For compatibility with backend API\n\n  return \"\".concat(serviceUrl, \"/autocomplete/\").concat(encodeURIComponentRFC3986(trimNonBreakingSpaces(cleanedQuery)), \"?\").concat(queryString);\n}\n/**\n * Interface to autocomplete related API calls.\n *\n * @module autocomplete\n * @inner\n * @returns {object}\n */\n\n\nvar Autocomplete = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n  function Autocomplete(options) {\n    (0, _classCallCheck2[\"default\"])(this, Autocomplete);\n    this.options = options || {};\n    this.eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher(options.eventDispatcher);\n  }\n  /**\n   * Retrieve autocomplete results from API\n   *\n   * @function getAutocompleteResults\n   * @description Retrieve autocomplete results from Constructor.io API\n   * @param {string} query - Term to use to perform an autocomplete search\n   * @param {object} [parameters] - Additional parameters to refine result set\n   * @param {number} [parameters.numResults] - The total number of results to return\n   * @param {object} [parameters.filters] - Key / value mapping (dictionary) of filters used to refine results\n   * @param {object} [parameters.resultsPerSection] - Number of results to return (value) per section (key)\n   * @param {string[]} [parameters.hiddenFields] - Hidden metadata fields to return\n   * @param {object} [parameters.variationsMap] - The variations map object to aggregate variations. Please refer to https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/variations_mapping for details\n   * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n   * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n   * @returns {Promise}\n   * @see https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/autocomplete_queries\n   * @example\n   * constructorio.autocomplete.getAutocompleteResults('t-shirt', {\n   *     resultsPerSection: {\n   *         Products: 5,\n   *         'Search Suggestions': 10,\n   *     },\n   *     filters: {\n   *         size: 'medium'\n   *     },\n   * });\n   */\n\n\n  (0, _createClass2[\"default\"])(Autocomplete, [{\n    key: \"getAutocompleteResults\",\n    value: function getAutocompleteResults(query, parameters) {\n      var _this = this;\n\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n      var requestUrl;\n      var fetch = this.options.fetch;\n      var signal;\n\n      if (typeof AbortController === 'function') {\n        var controller = new AbortController();\n        signal = controller && controller.signal; // Handle network timeout if specified\n\n        applyNetworkTimeout(this.options, networkParameters, controller);\n      }\n\n      try {\n        requestUrl = createAutocompleteUrl(query, parameters, this.options);\n      } catch (e) {\n        return Promise.reject(e);\n      }\n\n      return fetch(requestUrl, {\n        signal: signal\n      }).then(function (response) {\n        if (response.ok) {\n          return response.json();\n        }\n\n        return throwHttpErrorFromResponse(new Error(), response);\n      }).then(function (json) {\n        if (json.sections) {\n          if (json.result_id) {\n            var sectionKeys = Object.keys(json.sections);\n            sectionKeys.forEach(function (section) {\n              var sectionItems = json.sections[section];\n\n              if (sectionItems.length) {\n                // Append `result_id` to each section item\n                sectionItems.forEach(function (item) {\n                  // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign\n                  item.result_id = json.result_id;\n                });\n              }\n            });\n          }\n\n          _this.eventDispatcher.queue('autocomplete.getAutocompleteResults.completed', json);\n\n          return json;\n        }\n\n        throw new Error('getAutocompleteResults response data is malformed');\n      });\n    }\n  }]);\n  return Autocomplete;\n}();\n\nmodule.exports = Autocomplete;","\"use strict\";\n\nvar _interopRequireDefault = require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault\");\n\nvar _classCallCheck2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck\"));\n\nvar _createClass2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass\"));\n\nvar _defineProperty2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty\"));\n\nfunction ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) { symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); } keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }\n\nfunction _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { (0, _defineProperty2[\"default\"])(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }\n\n/* eslint-disable object-curly-newline, no-underscore-dangle, max-len, complexity */\nvar EventDispatcher = require('../utils/event-dispatcher');\n\nvar helpers = require('../utils/helpers'); // Create query params from parameters and options\n\n\nfunction createQueryParams(parameters, options) {\n  var apiKey = options.apiKey,\n      version = options.version,\n      sessionId = options.sessionId,\n      clientId = options.clientId,\n      userId = options.userId,\n      segments = options.segments,\n      testCells = options.testCells;\n  var queryParams = {\n    c: version\n  };\n  queryParams.key = apiKey;\n  queryParams.i = clientId;\n  queryParams.s = sessionId; // Pull test cells from options\n\n  if (testCells) {\n    Object.keys(testCells).forEach(function (testCellKey) {\n      queryParams[\"ef-\".concat(testCellKey)] = testCells[testCellKey];\n    });\n  } // Pull user segments from options\n\n\n  if (segments && segments.length) {\n    queryParams.us = segments;\n  } // Pull user id from options and ensure string\n\n\n  if (userId) {\n    queryParams.ui = String(userId);\n  }\n\n  if (parameters) {\n    var page = parameters.page,\n        offset = parameters.offset,\n        resultsPerPage = parameters.resultsPerPage,\n        filters = parameters.filters,\n        sortBy = parameters.sortBy,\n        sortOrder = parameters.sortOrder,\n        section = parameters.section,\n        fmtOptions = parameters.fmtOptions,\n        hiddenFields = parameters.hiddenFields,\n        hiddenFacets = parameters.hiddenFacets,\n        variationsMap = parameters.variationsMap,\n        qsParam = parameters.qsParam,\n        preFilterExpression = parameters.preFilterExpression; // Pull page from parameters\n\n    if (!helpers.isNil(page)) {\n      queryParams.page = page;\n    } // Pull offset from parameters\n\n\n    if (!helpers.isNil(offset)) {\n      queryParams.offset = offset;\n    } // Pull results per page from parameters\n\n\n    if (!helpers.isNil(resultsPerPage)) {\n      queryParams.num_results_per_page = resultsPerPage;\n    }\n\n    if (filters) {\n      queryParams.filters = filters;\n    } // Pull sort by from parameters\n\n\n    if (sortBy) {\n      queryParams.sort_by = sortBy;\n    } // Pull sort order from parameters\n\n\n    if (sortOrder) {\n      queryParams.sort_order = sortOrder;\n    } // Pull section from parameters\n\n\n    if (section) {\n      queryParams.section = section;\n    } // Pull format options from parameters\n\n\n    if (fmtOptions) {\n      queryParams.fmt_options = fmtOptions;\n    } // Pull hidden fields from parameters\n\n\n    if (hiddenFields) {\n      if (queryParams.fmt_options) {\n        queryParams.fmt_options.hidden_fields = hiddenFields;\n      } else {\n        queryParams.fmt_options = {\n          hidden_fields: hiddenFields\n        };\n      }\n    } // Pull hidden facets from parameters\n\n\n    if (hiddenFacets) {\n      if (queryParams.fmt_options) {\n        queryParams.fmt_options.hidden_facets = hiddenFacets;\n      } else {\n        queryParams.fmt_options = {\n          hidden_facets: hiddenFacets\n        };\n      }\n    } // Pull variations map from parameters\n\n\n    if (variationsMap) {\n      queryParams.variations_map = JSON.stringify(variationsMap);\n    } // Pull pre_filter_expression from parameters\n\n\n    if (preFilterExpression) {\n      queryParams.pre_filter_expression = JSON.stringify(preFilterExpression);\n    } // pull qs param from parameters\n\n\n    if (qsParam) {\n      queryParams.qs = JSON.stringify(qsParam);\n    }\n  }\n\n  queryParams._dt = Date.now();\n  queryParams = helpers.cleanParams(queryParams);\n  return queryParams;\n} // Create URL from supplied filter name, value and parameters\n\n\nfunction createBrowseUrlFromFilter(filterName, filterValue, parameters, options) {\n  var serviceUrl = options.serviceUrl; // Validate filter name is provided\n\n  if (!filterName || typeof filterName !== 'string') {\n    throw new Error('filterName is a required parameter of type string');\n  } // Validate filter value is provided\n\n\n  if (!filterValue || typeof filterValue !== 'string') {\n    throw new Error('filterValue is a required parameter of type string');\n  }\n\n  var queryParams = createQueryParams(parameters, options);\n  var queryString = helpers.stringify(queryParams);\n  return \"\".concat(serviceUrl, \"/browse/\").concat(helpers.encodeURIComponentRFC3986(helpers.trimNonBreakingSpaces(filterName)), \"/\").concat(helpers.encodeURIComponentRFC3986(helpers.trimNonBreakingSpaces(filterValue)), \"?\").concat(queryString);\n} // Create URL from supplied id's\n\n\nfunction createBrowseUrlFromIDs(ids, parameters, options) {\n  var serviceUrl = options.serviceUrl; // Validate id's are provided\n\n  if (!ids || !Array.isArray(ids) || !ids.length) {\n    throw new Error('ids is a required parameter of type array');\n  }\n\n  var queryParams = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, createQueryParams(parameters, options)), {}, {\n    ids: ids\n  });\n\n  var queryString = helpers.stringify(queryParams);\n  return \"\".concat(serviceUrl, \"/browse/items?\").concat(queryString);\n} // Create URL for facets\n\n\nfunction createBrowseUrlForFacets(parameters, options) {\n  var serviceUrl = options.serviceUrl;\n\n  var queryParams = _objectSpread({}, createQueryParams(parameters, options)); // Endpoint does not accept _dt\n\n\n  delete queryParams._dt;\n  var queryString = helpers.stringify(queryParams);\n  return \"\".concat(serviceUrl, \"/browse/facets?\").concat(queryString);\n} // Create URL from supplied facet name and parameters\n\n\nfunction createBrowseUrlForFacetOptions(facetName, parameters, options) {\n  var serviceUrl = options.serviceUrl; // Validate facet name is provided\n\n  if (!facetName || typeof facetName !== 'string') {\n    throw new Error('facetName is a required parameter of type string');\n  }\n\n  var queryParams = _objectSpread({}, createQueryParams(parameters, options));\n\n  queryParams.facet_name = facetName; // Endpoint does not accept _dt\n\n  delete queryParams._dt;\n  var queryString = helpers.stringify(queryParams);\n  return \"\".concat(serviceUrl, \"/browse/facet_options?\").concat(queryString);\n}\n/**\n * Interface to browse related API calls\n *\n * @module browse\n * @inner\n * @returns {object}\n */\n\n\nvar Browse = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n  function Browse(options) {\n    (0, _classCallCheck2[\"default\"])(this, Browse);\n    this.options = options || {};\n    this.eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher(options.eventDispatcher);\n  }\n  /**\n   * Retrieve browse results from API\n   *\n   * @function getBrowseResults\n   * @description Retrieve browse results from Constructor.io API\n   * @param {string} filterName - Filter name to display results from\n   * @param {string} filterValue - Filter value to display results from\n   * @param {object} [parameters] - Additional parameters to refine result set\n   * @param {number} [parameters.page] - The page number of the results (Can't be used together with offset)\n   * @param {number} [parameters.offset] - The number of results to skip from the beginning (Can't be used together with page)\n   * @param {number} [parameters.resultsPerPage] - The number of results per page to return\n   * @param {object} [parameters.filters] - Key / value mapping (dictionary) of filters used to refine results\n   * @param {string} [parameters.sortBy='relevance'] - The sort method for results\n   * @param {string} [parameters.sortOrder='descending'] - The sort order for results\n   * @param {string} [parameters.section='Products'] - The section name for results\n   * @param {object} [parameters.fmtOptions] - The format options used to refine result groups. Please refer to https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/browse/queries/ for details\n   * @param {object} [parameters.preFilterExpression] - Faceting expression to scope browse results. Please refer to https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/collections#add-items-dynamically\n   * @param {string[]} [parameters.hiddenFields] - Hidden metadata fields to return\n   * @param {string[]} [parameters.hiddenFacets] - Hidden facets to return\n   * @param {object} [parameters.variationsMap] - The variations map object to aggregate variations. Please refer to https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/variations_mapping for details\n   * @param {object} [parameters.qsParam] - Parameters listed above can be serialized into a JSON object and parsed through this parameter. Please refer to https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/browse/queries/\n   * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n   * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n   * @returns {Promise}\n   * @see https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/browse/results\n   * @example\n   * constructorio.browse.getBrowseResults('group_id', 't-shirts', {\n   *     resultsPerPage: 40,\n   *     filters: {\n   *         size: 'medium'\n   *     },\n   * });\n   */\n\n\n  (0, _createClass2[\"default\"])(Browse, [{\n    key: \"getBrowseResults\",\n    value: function getBrowseResults(filterName, filterValue, parameters) {\n      var _this = this;\n\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {};\n      var requestUrl;\n      var fetch = this.options.fetch;\n      var signal;\n\n      if (typeof AbortController === 'function') {\n        var controller = new AbortController();\n        signal = controller && controller.signal; // Handle network timeout if specified\n\n        helpers.applyNetworkTimeout(this.options, networkParameters, controller);\n      }\n\n      try {\n        requestUrl = createBrowseUrlFromFilter(filterName, filterValue, parameters, this.options);\n      } catch (e) {\n        return Promise.reject(e);\n      }\n\n      return fetch(requestUrl, {\n        signal: signal\n      }).then(function (response) {\n        if (response.ok) {\n          return response.json();\n        }\n\n        return helpers.throwHttpErrorFromResponse(new Error(), response);\n      }).then(function (json) {\n        if (json.response && json.response.results) {\n          if (json.result_id) {\n            // Append `result_id` to each result item\n            json.response.results.forEach(function (result) {\n              // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign\n              result.result_id = json.result_id;\n            });\n          }\n\n          _this.eventDispatcher.queue('browse.getBrowseResults.completed', json);\n\n          return json;\n        }\n\n        throw new Error('getBrowseResults response data is malformed');\n      });\n    }\n    /**\n     * Retrieve browse results from API using item id's\n     *\n     * @function getBrowseResultsForItemIds\n     * @param {string[]} itemIds - Item id's of results to fetch\n     * @param {object} [parameters] - Additional parameters to refine result set\n     * @param {number} [parameters.page] - The page number of the results (Can't be used together with offset)\n     * @param {number} [parameters.offset] - The number of results to skip from the beginning (Can't be used together with page)\n     * @param {number} [parameters.resultsPerPage] - The number of results per page to return\n     * @param {object} [parameters.filters] - Filters used to refine results\n     * @param {string} [parameters.sortBy='relevance'] - The sort method for results\n     * @param {string} [parameters.sortOrder='descending'] - The sort order for results\n     * @param {string} [parameters.section='Products'] - The section name for results\n     * @param {object} [parameters.fmtOptions] - The format options used to refine result groups. Please refer to https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/browse/queries/ for details\n     * @param {string[]} [parameters.hiddenFields] - Hidden metadata fields to return\n     * @param {string[]} [parameters.hiddenFacets] - Hidden facets to return\n     * @param {object} [parameters.variationsMap] - The variations map object to aggregate variations. Please refer to https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/variations_mapping for details\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {Promise}\n     * @see https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/browse/items/\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.browse.getBrowseResultsForItemIds(['shirt-123', 'shirt-456', 'shirt-789'], {\n     *     filters: {\n     *         size: 'medium'\n     *     },\n     * });\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"getBrowseResultsForItemIds\",\n    value: function getBrowseResultsForItemIds(itemIds, parameters) {\n      var _this2 = this;\n\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n      var requestUrl;\n      var fetch = this.options.fetch;\n      var signal;\n\n      if (typeof AbortController === 'function') {\n        var controller = new AbortController();\n        signal = controller && controller.signal; // Handle network timeout if specified\n\n        helpers.applyNetworkTimeout(this.options, networkParameters, controller);\n      }\n\n      try {\n        requestUrl = createBrowseUrlFromIDs(itemIds, parameters, this.options);\n      } catch (e) {\n        return Promise.reject(e);\n      }\n\n      return fetch(requestUrl, {\n        signal: signal\n      }).then(function (response) {\n        if (response.ok) {\n          return response.json();\n        }\n\n        return helpers.throwHttpErrorFromResponse(new Error(), response);\n      }).then(function (json) {\n        if (json.response && json.response.results) {\n          if (json.result_id) {\n            // Append `result_id` to each result item\n            json.response.results.forEach(function (result) {\n              // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign\n              result.result_id = json.result_id;\n            });\n          }\n\n          _this2.eventDispatcher.queue('browse.getBrowseResultsForItemIds.completed', json);\n\n          return json;\n        }\n\n        throw new Error('getBrowseResultsForItemIds response data is malformed');\n      });\n    }\n    /**\n     * Retrieve browse groups from API\n     *\n     * @function getBrowseGroups\n     * @param {object} [parameters.filters] - Filters used to refine results\n     * @param {string} [parameters.section='Products'] - The section name for results\n     * @param {object} [parameters.fmtOptions] - The format options used to refine result groups. Please refer to https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/browse/groups/ for details\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {Promise}\n     * @see https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/browse/groups\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.browse.getBrowseGroups({\n     *     filters: {\n     *         group_id: 'drill_collection'\n     *     },\n     *     fmtOptions: {\n     *         groups_max_depth: 2\n     *     }\n     * });\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"getBrowseGroups\",\n    value: function getBrowseGroups(parameters) {\n      var _this3 = this;\n\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n      var fetch = this.options.fetch;\n      var serviceUrl = this.options.serviceUrl;\n      var queryParams = createQueryParams(parameters, this.options);\n      var signal;\n\n      if (typeof AbortController === 'function') {\n        var controller = new AbortController();\n        signal = controller && controller.signal; // Handle network timeout if specified\n\n        helpers.applyNetworkTimeout(this.options, networkParameters, controller);\n      }\n\n      delete queryParams._dt;\n      var queryString = helpers.stringify(queryParams);\n      var requestUrl = \"\".concat(serviceUrl, \"/browse/groups?\").concat(queryString);\n      return fetch(requestUrl, {\n        signal: signal\n      }).then(function (response) {\n        if (response.ok) {\n          return response.json();\n        }\n\n        return helpers.throwHttpErrorFromResponse(new Error(), response);\n      }).then(function (json) {\n        if (json.response && json.response.groups) {\n          _this3.eventDispatcher.queue('browse.getBrowseGroups.completed', json);\n\n          return json;\n        }\n\n        throw new Error('getBrowseGroups response data is malformed');\n      });\n    }\n    /**\n     * Retrieve browse facets from API\n     *\n     * @function getBrowseFacets\n     * @param {object} [parameters] - Additional parameters to refine result set\n     * @param {number} [parameters.page] - The page number of the results (Can't be used together with offset)\n     * @param {number} [parameters.offset] - The number of results to skip from the beginning (Can't be used together with page)\n     * @param {string} [parameters.section='Products'] - The section name for results\n     * @param {object} [parameters.fmtOptions] - The format options used to refine result groups. Please refer to https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/browse/facets/ for details\n     * @param {number} [parameters.resultsPerPage] - The number of results per page to return\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {Promise}\n     * @see https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/browse/facets\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.browse.getBrowseFacets({\n     *     page: 1,\n     *     resultsPerPage: 10,\n     * });\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"getBrowseFacets\",\n    value: function getBrowseFacets(parameters, networkParameters) {\n      var _this4 = this;\n\n      var requestUrl;\n      var fetch = this.options.fetch;\n      var signal;\n\n      if (typeof AbortController === 'function') {\n        var controller = new AbortController();\n        signal = controller && controller.signal; // Handle network timeout if specified\n\n        helpers.applyNetworkTimeout(this.options, networkParameters, controller);\n      }\n\n      try {\n        requestUrl = createBrowseUrlForFacets(parameters, this.options);\n      } catch (e) {\n        return Promise.reject(e);\n      }\n\n      return fetch(requestUrl, {\n        signal: signal\n      }).then(function (response) {\n        if (response.ok) {\n          return response.json();\n        }\n\n        return helpers.throwHttpErrorFromResponse(new Error(), response);\n      }).then(function (json) {\n        if (json.response && json.response.facets) {\n          _this4.eventDispatcher.queue('browse.getBrowseFacets.completed', json);\n\n          return json;\n        }\n\n        throw new Error('getBrowseFacets response data is malformed');\n      });\n    }\n    /**\n     * Retrieve facet options from API\n     *\n     * @function getBrowseFacetOptions\n     * @param {string} facetName - Name of the facet whose options to return\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @param {object} [parameters] - Additional parameters to refine result set\n     * @param {string} [parameters.section='Products'] - The section name for results\n     * @param {object} [parameters.fmtOptions] - The format options used to refine result groups. Please refer to https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/browse/facet_options/ for details\n     * @param {}\n     * @returns {Promise}\n     * @see https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/browse/facet_options/\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.browse.getBrowseFacetOptions('price', {\n     * });\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"getBrowseFacetOptions\",\n    value: function getBrowseFacetOptions(facetName) {\n      var _this5 = this;\n\n      var parameters = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n      var requestUrl;\n      var fetch = this.options.fetch;\n      var signal;\n\n      if (typeof AbortController === 'function') {\n        var controller = new AbortController();\n        signal = controller && controller.signal; // Handle network timeout if specified\n\n        helpers.applyNetworkTimeout(this.options, networkParameters, controller);\n      }\n\n      try {\n        requestUrl = createBrowseUrlForFacetOptions(facetName, parameters, this.options);\n      } catch (e) {\n        return Promise.reject(e);\n      }\n\n      return fetch(requestUrl, {\n        signal: signal\n      }).then(function (response) {\n        if (response.ok) {\n          return response.json();\n        }\n\n        return helpers.throwHttpErrorFromResponse(new Error(), response);\n      }).then(function (json) {\n        if (json.response && json.response.facets) {\n          _this5.eventDispatcher.queue('browse.getBrowseFacetOptions.completed', json);\n\n          return json;\n        }\n\n        throw new Error('getBrowseFacetOptions response data is malformed');\n      });\n    }\n  }]);\n  return Browse;\n}();\n\nmodule.exports = Browse;","\"use strict\";\n\nvar _interopRequireDefault = require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault\");\n\nvar _classCallCheck2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck\"));\n\nvar _createClass2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass\"));\n\nvar _toConsumableArray2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/toConsumableArray\"));\n\nvar _typeof2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/typeof\"));\n\n/* eslint-disable object-curly-newline, no-underscore-dangle */\nvar EventDispatcher = require('../utils/event-dispatcher');\n\nvar helpers = require('../utils/helpers'); // Create URL from supplied quizId and parameters\n\n\nfunction createQuizUrl(quizId, parameters, options, path) {\n  var apiKey = options.apiKey,\n      clientId = options.clientId,\n      sessionId = options.sessionId,\n      segments = options.segments,\n      userId = options.userId,\n      version = options.version,\n      quizzesServiceUrl = options.quizzesServiceUrl;\n  var queryParams = {\n    c: version\n  };\n  var answersParamString = '';\n  queryParams.key = apiKey;\n  queryParams.i = clientId;\n  queryParams.s = sessionId; // Pull user segments from options\n\n  if (segments && segments.length) {\n    queryParams.us = segments;\n  } // Pull user id from options and ensure string\n\n\n  if (userId) {\n    queryParams.ui = String(userId);\n  } // Validate quiz id is provided\n\n\n  if (!quizId || typeof quizId !== 'string') {\n    throw new Error('quizId is a required parameter of type string');\n  }\n\n  if (path === 'results' && ((0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(parameters.answers) !== 'object' || !Array.isArray(parameters.answers) || parameters.answers.length === 0)) {\n    throw new Error('answers is a required parameter of type array');\n  }\n\n  if (parameters) {\n    var section = parameters.section,\n        answers = parameters.answers,\n        quizSessionId = parameters.quizSessionId,\n        quizVersionId = parameters.quizVersionId,\n        page = parameters.page,\n        resultsPerPage = parameters.resultsPerPage,\n        filters = parameters.filters; // Pull section from parameters\n\n    if (section) {\n      queryParams.section = section;\n    } // Pull quiz_version_id from parameters\n\n\n    if (quizVersionId) {\n      queryParams.quiz_version_id = quizVersionId;\n    } // Pull quiz_session_id from parameters\n\n\n    if (quizSessionId) {\n      queryParams.quiz_session_id = quizSessionId;\n    } // Pull a (answers) from parameters and transform\n\n\n    if (answers && answers.length) {\n      answersParamString = \"&\".concat(helpers.stringify({\n        a: answers.map(function (ans) {\n          return (0, _toConsumableArray2[\"default\"])(ans).join(',');\n        })\n      }));\n    } // Pull page from parameters\n\n\n    if (!helpers.isNil(page)) {\n      queryParams.page = page;\n    } // Pull results per page from parameters\n\n\n    if (!helpers.isNil(resultsPerPage)) {\n      queryParams.num_results_per_page = resultsPerPage;\n    }\n\n    if (filters) {\n      queryParams.filters = filters;\n    }\n  }\n\n  queryParams._dt = Date.now();\n  queryParams = helpers.cleanParams(queryParams);\n  var queryString = helpers.stringify(queryParams);\n  return \"\".concat(quizzesServiceUrl, \"/v1/quizzes/\").concat(encodeURIComponent(quizId), \"/\").concat(encodeURIComponent(path), \"/?\").concat(queryString).concat(answersParamString);\n}\n/**\n * Interface to quiz related API calls\n *\n * @module quizzes\n * @inner\n * @returns {object}\n */\n\n\nvar Quizzes = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n  function Quizzes(options) {\n    (0, _classCallCheck2[\"default\"])(this, Quizzes);\n    this.options = options || {};\n    this.eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher(options.eventDispatcher);\n  }\n  /**\n   * Retrieve next question from API\n   *\n   * @function getQuizNextQuestion\n   * @description Retrieve next question from Constructor.io API\n   * @param {string} quizId - The identifier of the quiz\n   * @param {string} [parameters] - Additional parameters to refine result set\n   * @param {string} [parameters.section] - Product catalog section\n   * @param {array} [parameters.answers] - An array of answers in the format [[1,2],[1]]\n   * @param {string} [parameters.quizVersionId] - Version identifier for the quiz. Version ID will be returned with the first request and it should be passed with subsequent requests. More information can be found: https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/quiz/using_quizzes/#quiz-versioning\n   * @param {string} [parameters.quizSessionId] - Session identifier for the quiz. Session ID will be returned with the first request and it should be passed with subsequent requests. More information can be found: https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/quiz/using_quizzes/#quiz-sessions\n   * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n   * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n   * @returns {Promise}\n   * @see https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/quiz/using_quizzes/#answering-a-quiz\n   * @example\n   * constructorio.quizzes.getQuizNextQuestion('quizId', {\n   *    answers: [[1,2],[1]],\n   *    section: '123',\n   *    quizVersionId: '123',\n   *    quizSessionId: '1234',\n   * });\n   */\n\n\n  (0, _createClass2[\"default\"])(Quizzes, [{\n    key: \"getQuizNextQuestion\",\n    value: function getQuizNextQuestion(quizId, parameters) {\n      var _this = this;\n\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n      var requestUrl;\n      var fetch = this.options.fetch;\n      var controller = new AbortController();\n      var signal = controller.signal;\n\n      try {\n        requestUrl = createQuizUrl(quizId, parameters, this.options, 'next');\n      } catch (e) {\n        return Promise.reject(e);\n      } // Handle network timeout if specified\n\n\n      helpers.applyNetworkTimeout(this.options, networkParameters, controller);\n      return fetch(requestUrl, {\n        signal: signal\n      }).then(function (response) {\n        if (response.ok) {\n          return response.json();\n        }\n\n        return helpers.throwHttpErrorFromResponse(new Error(), response);\n      }).then(function (json) {\n        if (json.quiz_version_id) {\n          _this.eventDispatcher.queue('quizzes.getQuizNextQuestion.completed', json);\n\n          return json;\n        }\n\n        throw new Error('getQuizNextQuestion response data is malformed');\n      });\n    }\n    /**\n     * Retrieves filter expression and recommendation URL from given answers\n     *\n     * @function getQuizResults\n     * @description Retrieve quiz recommendation and filter expression from Constructor.io API\n     * @param {string} quizId - The identifier of the quiz\n     * @param {string} parameters - Additional parameters to refine result set\n     * @param {array} parameters.answers - An array of answers in the format [[1,2],[1]]\n     * @param {string} [parameters.section] - Product catalog section\n     * @param {string} [parameters.quizVersionId] - Version identifier for the quiz. Version ID will be returned with the first request and it should be passed with subsequent requests. More information can be found: https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/quiz/using_quizzes/#quiz-versioning\n     * @param {string} [parameters.quizSessionId] - Session identifier for the quiz. Session ID will be returned with the first request and it should be passed with subsequent requests. More information can be found: https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/quiz/using_quizzes/#quiz-sessions\n     * @param {number} [parameters.page] - The page number of the results\n     * @param {number} [parameters.resultsPerPage] - The number of results per page to return\n     * @param {object} [parameters.filters] - Key / value mapping (dictionary) of filters used to refine results\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {Promise}\n     * @see https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/quiz/using_quizzes/#completing-the-quiz\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.quizzes.getQuizResults('quizId', {\n     *    answers: [[1,2],[1]],\n     *    section: '123',\n     *    quizVersionId: '123',\n     *    quizSessionId: '234'\n     * });\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"getQuizResults\",\n    value: function getQuizResults(quizId, parameters) {\n      var _this2 = this;\n\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n      var requestUrl;\n      var fetch = this.options.fetch;\n      var controller = new AbortController();\n      var signal = controller.signal;\n\n      try {\n        requestUrl = createQuizUrl(quizId, parameters, this.options, 'results');\n      } catch (e) {\n        return Promise.reject(e);\n      } // Handle network timeout if specified\n\n\n      helpers.applyNetworkTimeout(this.options, networkParameters, controller);\n      return fetch(requestUrl, {\n        signal: signal\n      }).then(function (response) {\n        if (response.ok) {\n          return response.json();\n        }\n\n        return helpers.throwHttpErrorFromResponse(new Error(), response);\n      }).then(function (json) {\n        if (json.quiz_version_id) {\n          _this2.eventDispatcher.queue('quizzes.getQuizResults.completed', json);\n\n          return json;\n        }\n\n        throw new Error('getQuizResults response data is malformed');\n      });\n    }\n  }]);\n  return Quizzes;\n}();\n\nmodule.exports = Quizzes;","\"use strict\";\n\nvar _interopRequireDefault = require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault\");\n\nvar _classCallCheck2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck\"));\n\nvar _createClass2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass\"));\n\n/* eslint-disable object-curly-newline, no-param-reassign */\nvar EventDispatcher = require('../utils/event-dispatcher');\n\nvar helpers = require('../utils/helpers'); // Create URL from supplied parameters\n\n\nfunction createRecommendationsUrl(podId, parameters, options) {\n  var apiKey = options.apiKey,\n      version = options.version,\n      serviceUrl = options.serviceUrl,\n      sessionId = options.sessionId,\n      userId = options.userId,\n      clientId = options.clientId,\n      segments = options.segments;\n  var queryParams = {\n    c: version\n  };\n  queryParams.key = apiKey;\n  queryParams.i = clientId;\n  queryParams.s = sessionId; // Validate pod identifier is provided\n\n  if (!podId || typeof podId !== 'string') {\n    throw new Error('podId is a required parameter of type string');\n  } // Pull user segments from options\n\n\n  if (segments && segments.length) {\n    queryParams.us = segments;\n  } // Pull user id from options and ensure string\n\n\n  if (userId) {\n    queryParams.ui = String(userId);\n  }\n\n  if (parameters) {\n    var numResults = parameters.numResults,\n        itemIds = parameters.itemIds,\n        section = parameters.section,\n        term = parameters.term,\n        filters = parameters.filters,\n        variationsMap = parameters.variationsMap; // Pull num results number from parameters\n\n    if (!helpers.isNil(numResults)) {\n      queryParams.num_results = numResults;\n    } // Pull item ids from parameters\n\n\n    if (itemIds) {\n      queryParams.item_id = itemIds;\n    } // Pull section from parameters\n\n\n    if (section) {\n      queryParams.section = section;\n    } // Pull term from parameters\n\n\n    if (term) {\n      queryParams.term = term;\n    } // Pull filters from parameters\n\n\n    if (filters) {\n      queryParams.filters = filters;\n    } // Pull variations map from parameters\n\n\n    if (variationsMap) {\n      queryParams.variations_map = JSON.stringify(variationsMap);\n    }\n  }\n\n  queryParams = helpers.cleanParams(queryParams);\n  var queryString = helpers.stringify(queryParams);\n  return \"\".concat(serviceUrl, \"/recommendations/v1/pods/\").concat(helpers.encodeURIComponentRFC3986(helpers.trimNonBreakingSpaces(podId)), \"?\").concat(queryString);\n}\n/**\n * Interface to recommendations related API calls\n *\n * @module recommendations\n * @inner\n * @returns {object}\n */\n\n\nvar Recommendations = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n  function Recommendations(options) {\n    (0, _classCallCheck2[\"default\"])(this, Recommendations);\n    this.options = options || {};\n    this.eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher(options.eventDispatcher);\n  }\n  /**\n   * Get recommendations for supplied pod identifier\n   *\n   * @function getRecommendations\n   * @description Retrieve recommendation results from Constructor.io API\n   * @param {string} podId - Pod identifier\n   * @param {object} [parameters] - Additional parameters to refine results\n   * @param {string|array} [parameters.itemIds] - Item ID(s) to retrieve recommendations for (strategy specific)\n   * @param {number} [parameters.numResults] - The number of results to return\n   * @param {string} [parameters.section] - The section to return results from\n   * @param {string} [parameters.term] - The term to use to refine results (strategy specific)\n   * @param {object} [parameters.filters] - Key / value mapping of filters used to refine results\n   * @param {object} [parameters.variationsMap] - The variations map object to aggregate variations. Please refer to https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/variations_mapping for details\n   * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n   * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n   * @returns {Promise}\n   * @see https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/recommendations\n   * @example\n   * constructorio.recommendations.getRecommendations('t-shirt-best-sellers', {\n   *     numResults: 5,\n   *     filters: {\n   *         size: 'medium'\n   *     },\n   * });\n   */\n\n\n  (0, _createClass2[\"default\"])(Recommendations, [{\n    key: \"getRecommendations\",\n    value: function getRecommendations(podId, parameters) {\n      var _this = this;\n\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n      var requestUrl;\n      var fetch = this.options.fetch;\n      var signal;\n\n      if (typeof AbortController === 'function') {\n        var controller = new AbortController();\n        signal = controller && controller.signal; // Handle network timeout if specified\n\n        helpers.applyNetworkTimeout(this.options, networkParameters, controller);\n      }\n\n      try {\n        requestUrl = createRecommendationsUrl(podId, parameters, this.options);\n      } catch (e) {\n        return Promise.reject(e);\n      }\n\n      return fetch(requestUrl, {\n        signal: signal\n      }).then(function (response) {\n        if (response.ok) {\n          return response.json();\n        }\n\n        return helpers.throwHttpErrorFromResponse(new Error(), response);\n      }).then(function (json) {\n        if (json.response && json.response.results) {\n          if (json.result_id) {\n            // Append `result_id` to each result item\n            json.response.results.forEach(function (result) {\n              // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign\n              result.result_id = json.result_id;\n            });\n          }\n\n          _this.eventDispatcher.queue('recommendations.getRecommendations.completed', json);\n\n          return json;\n        }\n\n        throw new Error('getRecommendations response data is malformed');\n      });\n    }\n  }]);\n  return Recommendations;\n}();\n\nmodule.exports = Recommendations;","\"use strict\";\n\nvar _interopRequireDefault = require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault\");\n\nvar _classCallCheck2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck\"));\n\nvar _createClass2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass\"));\n\n/* eslint-disable complexity */\n\n/* eslint-disable max-len */\n\n/* eslint-disable object-curly-newline, no-underscore-dangle */\nvar EventDispatcher = require('../utils/event-dispatcher');\n\nvar helpers = require('../utils/helpers'); // Create URL from supplied query (term) and parameters\n\n\nfunction createSearchUrl(query, parameters, options) {\n  var isVoiceSearch = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : false;\n  var apiKey = options.apiKey,\n      version = options.version,\n      serviceUrl = options.serviceUrl,\n      sessionId = options.sessionId,\n      clientId = options.clientId,\n      userId = options.userId,\n      segments = options.segments,\n      testCells = options.testCells;\n  var queryParams = {\n    c: version\n  };\n  queryParams.key = apiKey;\n  queryParams.i = clientId;\n  queryParams.s = sessionId; // Validate query (term) is provided\n\n  if (!query || typeof query !== 'string') {\n    throw new Error('query is a required parameter of type string');\n  } // Pull test cells from options\n\n\n  if (testCells) {\n    Object.keys(testCells).forEach(function (testCellKey) {\n      queryParams[\"ef-\".concat(testCellKey)] = testCells[testCellKey];\n    });\n  } // Pull user segments from options\n\n\n  if (segments && segments.length) {\n    queryParams.us = segments;\n  } // Pull user id from options and ensure string\n\n\n  if (userId) {\n    queryParams.ui = String(userId);\n  }\n\n  if (parameters) {\n    var offset = parameters.offset,\n        page = parameters.page,\n        resultsPerPage = parameters.resultsPerPage,\n        filters = parameters.filters,\n        sortBy = parameters.sortBy,\n        sortOrder = parameters.sortOrder,\n        section = parameters.section,\n        fmtOptions = parameters.fmtOptions,\n        hiddenFields = parameters.hiddenFields,\n        hiddenFacets = parameters.hiddenFacets,\n        variationsMap = parameters.variationsMap,\n        qsParam = parameters.qsParam,\n        preFilterExpression = parameters.preFilterExpression; // Pull offset from parameters\n\n    if (!helpers.isNil(offset)) {\n      queryParams.offset = offset;\n    } // Pull page from parameters\n\n\n    if (!helpers.isNil(page)) {\n      queryParams.page = page;\n    } // Pull results per page from parameters\n\n\n    if (!helpers.isNil(resultsPerPage)) {\n      queryParams.num_results_per_page = resultsPerPage;\n    } // Pull filters from parameters\n\n\n    if (filters) {\n      queryParams.filters = filters;\n    } // Pull sort by from parameters\n\n\n    if (sortBy) {\n      queryParams.sort_by = sortBy;\n    } // Pull sort order from parameters\n\n\n    if (sortOrder) {\n      queryParams.sort_order = sortOrder;\n    } // Pull section from parameters\n\n\n    if (section) {\n      queryParams.section = section;\n    } // Pull format options from parameters\n\n\n    if (fmtOptions) {\n      queryParams.fmt_options = fmtOptions;\n    } // Pull hidden fields from parameters\n\n\n    if (hiddenFields) {\n      if (queryParams.fmt_options) {\n        queryParams.fmt_options.hidden_fields = hiddenFields;\n      } else {\n        queryParams.fmt_options = {\n          hidden_fields: hiddenFields\n        };\n      }\n    } // Pull hidden facets from parameters\n\n\n    if (hiddenFacets) {\n      if (queryParams.fmt_options) {\n        queryParams.fmt_options.hidden_facets = hiddenFacets;\n      } else {\n        queryParams.fmt_options = {\n          hidden_facets: hiddenFacets\n        };\n      }\n    } // Pull variations map from parameters\n\n\n    if (variationsMap) {\n      queryParams.variations_map = JSON.stringify(variationsMap);\n    } // Pull pre_filter_expression from parameters\n\n\n    if (preFilterExpression) {\n      queryParams.pre_filter_expression = JSON.stringify(preFilterExpression);\n    } // pull qs param from parameters\n\n\n    if (qsParam) {\n      queryParams.qs = JSON.stringify(qsParam);\n    }\n  }\n\n  queryParams._dt = Date.now();\n  queryParams = helpers.cleanParams(queryParams);\n  var queryString = helpers.stringify(queryParams);\n  var searchUrl = isVoiceSearch ? 'search/natural_language' : 'search';\n  return \"\".concat(serviceUrl, \"/\").concat(searchUrl, \"/\").concat(helpers.encodeURIComponentRFC3986(helpers.trimNonBreakingSpaces(query)), \"?\").concat(queryString);\n}\n/**\n * Interface to search related API calls\n *\n * @module search\n * @inner\n * @returns {object}\n */\n\n\nvar Search = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n  function Search(options) {\n    (0, _classCallCheck2[\"default\"])(this, Search);\n    this.options = options || {};\n    this.eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher(options.eventDispatcher);\n  }\n  /**\n   * Retrieve search results from API\n   *\n   * @function getSearchResults\n   * @description Retrieve search results from Constructor.io API\n   * @param {string} query - Term to use to perform a search\n   * @param {object} [parameters] - Additional parameters to refine result set\n   * @param {number} [parameters.page] - The page number of the results(Can't be used together with offset)\n   * @param {number} [parameters.offset] - The number of results to skip from the beginning (Can't be used together with page)\n   * @param {number} [parameters.resultsPerPage] - The number of results per page to return\n   * @param {object} [parameters.filters] - Key / value mapping (dictionary) of filters used to refine results\n   * @param {string} [parameters.sortBy='relevance'] - The sort method for results\n   * @param {string} [parameters.sortOrder='descending'] - The sort order for results\n   * @param {string} [parameters.section='Products'] - The section name for results\n   * @param {object} [parameters.fmtOptions] - The format options used to refine result groups. Please refer to https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/search/queries for details\n   * @param {object} [parameters.preFilterExpression] - Faceting expression to scope search results. Please refer to https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/collections#add-items-dynamically\n   * @param {string[]} [parameters.hiddenFields] - Hidden metadata fields to return\n   * @param {string[]} [parameters.hiddenFacets] - Hidden facets to return\n   * @param {object} [parameters.variationsMap] - The variations map object to aggregate variations. Please refer to https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/variations_mapping for details\n   * @param {object} [parameters.qsParam] - Parameters listed above can be serialized into a JSON object and parsed through this parameter. Please refer to https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/search/queries/\n   * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n   * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n   * @returns {Promise}\n   * @see https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/search/\n   * @example\n   * constructorio.search.getSearchResults('t-shirt', {\n   *     resultsPerPage: 40,\n   *     filters: {\n   *         size: 'medium'\n   *     },\n   * });\n   */\n\n\n  (0, _createClass2[\"default\"])(Search, [{\n    key: \"getSearchResults\",\n    value: function getSearchResults(query, parameters) {\n      var _this = this;\n\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n      var requestUrl;\n      var fetch = this.options.fetch;\n      var signal;\n\n      if (typeof AbortController === 'function') {\n        var controller = new AbortController();\n        signal = controller && controller.signal; // Handle network timeout if specified\n\n        helpers.applyNetworkTimeout(this.options, networkParameters, controller);\n      }\n\n      try {\n        requestUrl = createSearchUrl(query, parameters, this.options);\n      } catch (e) {\n        return Promise.reject(e);\n      }\n\n      return fetch(requestUrl, {\n        signal: signal\n      }).then(function (response) {\n        if (response.ok) {\n          return response.json();\n        }\n\n        return helpers.throwHttpErrorFromResponse(new Error(), response);\n      }).then(function (json) {\n        // Search results\n        if (json.response && json.response.results) {\n          if (json.result_id) {\n            // Append `result_id` to each result item\n            json.response.results.forEach(function (result) {\n              // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign\n              result.result_id = json.result_id;\n            });\n          }\n\n          _this.eventDispatcher.queue('search.getSearchResults.completed', json);\n\n          return json;\n        } // Redirect rules\n\n\n        if (json.response && json.response.redirect) {\n          _this.eventDispatcher.queue('search.getSearchResults.completed', json);\n\n          return json;\n        }\n\n        throw new Error('getSearchResults response data is malformed');\n      });\n    }\n    /**\n     * Retrieve voice search results from API\n     *\n     * @function getVoiceSearchResults\n     * @description Retrieve voice search results from Constructor.io API\n     * @param {string} query - Term to use to perform a voice search\n     * @param {object} [parameters] - Additional parameters to refine result set\n     * @param {number} [parameters.page] - The page number of the results (Can't be used together with offset)\n     * @param {number} [parameters.offset] - The number of results to skip from the beginning (Can't be used together with page)\n     * @param {number} [parameters.resultsPerPage] - The number of results per page to return\n     * @param {string} [parameters.section='Products'] - The section name for results\n     * @param {object} [parameters.fmtOptions] - The format options used to refine result groups. Please refer to https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/search/queries for details\n     * @param {object} [parameters.preFilterExpression] - Faceting expression to scope search results. Please refer to https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/collections#add-items-dynamically\n     * @param {object} [parameters.variationsMap] - The variations map object to aggregate variations. Please refer to https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/variations_mapping for details\n     * @param {string[]} [parameters.hiddenFields] - Hidden metadata fields to return\n     * @param {string[]} [parameters.hiddenFacets] - Hidden facets to return\n     * @param {object} [parameters.qsParam] - Parameters listed above can be serialized into a JSON object and parsed through this parameter. Please refer to https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/search/queries/\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {Promise}\n     * @see https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/search/natural_language_search/\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.search.getVoiceSearchResults('show me lipstick');\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"getVoiceSearchResults\",\n    value: function getVoiceSearchResults(query, parameters) {\n      var _this2 = this;\n\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n      var requestUrl;\n      var fetch = this.options.fetch;\n      var signal;\n\n      if (typeof AbortController === 'function') {\n        var controller = new AbortController();\n        signal = controller && controller.signal; // Handle network timeout if specified\n\n        helpers.applyNetworkTimeout(this.options, networkParameters, controller);\n      }\n\n      try {\n        var isVoiceSearch = true;\n        requestUrl = createSearchUrl(query, parameters, this.options, isVoiceSearch);\n      } catch (e) {\n        return Promise.reject(e);\n      }\n\n      return fetch(requestUrl, {\n        signal: signal\n      }).then(function (response) {\n        if (response.ok) {\n          return response.json();\n        }\n\n        return helpers.throwHttpErrorFromResponse(new Error(), response);\n      }).then(function (json) {\n        // Search results\n        if (json.response && json.response.results) {\n          if (json.result_id) {\n            // Append `result_id` to each result item\n            json.response.results.forEach(function (result) {\n              // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign\n              result.result_id = json.result_id;\n            });\n          }\n\n          _this2.eventDispatcher.queue('search.getVoiceSearchResults.completed', json);\n\n          return json;\n        } // Redirect rules\n\n\n        if (json.response && json.response.redirect) {\n          _this2.eventDispatcher.queue('search.getVoiceSearchResults.completed', json);\n\n          return json;\n        }\n\n        throw new Error('getVoiceSearchResults response data is malformed');\n      });\n    }\n  }]);\n  return Search;\n}();\n\nmodule.exports = Search;","\"use strict\";\n\nvar _interopRequireDefault = require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault\");\n\nvar _defineProperty2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty\"));\n\nvar _typeof2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/typeof\"));\n\nvar _classCallCheck2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck\"));\n\nvar _createClass2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass\"));\n\nfunction ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) { symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); } keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }\n\nfunction _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { (0, _defineProperty2[\"default\"])(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }\n\n/* eslint-disable object-curly-newline, no-underscore-dangle, camelcase, no-unneeded-ternary */\nvar EventEmitter = require('events');\n\nvar helpers = require('../utils/helpers');\n\nvar RequestQueue = require('../utils/request-queue');\n\nfunction applyParams(parameters, options) {\n  var apiKey = options.apiKey,\n      version = options.version,\n      sessionId = options.sessionId,\n      clientId = options.clientId,\n      userId = options.userId,\n      segments = options.segments,\n      testCells = options.testCells,\n      requestMethod = options.requestMethod,\n      beaconMode = options.beaconMode;\n\n  var _helpers$getWindowLoc = helpers.getWindowLocation(),\n      host = _helpers$getWindowLoc.host,\n      pathname = _helpers$getWindowLoc.pathname;\n\n  var sendReferrerWithTrackingEvents = options.sendReferrerWithTrackingEvents === false ? false : true; // Defaults to 'true'\n\n  var aggregateParams = Object.assign(parameters);\n\n  if (version) {\n    aggregateParams.c = version;\n  }\n\n  if (clientId) {\n    aggregateParams.i = clientId;\n  }\n\n  if (sessionId) {\n    aggregateParams.s = sessionId;\n  }\n\n  if (userId) {\n    aggregateParams.ui = String(userId);\n  }\n\n  if (segments && segments.length) {\n    aggregateParams.us = segments;\n  }\n\n  if (apiKey) {\n    aggregateParams.key = apiKey;\n  }\n\n  if (testCells) {\n    Object.keys(testCells).forEach(function (testCellKey) {\n      aggregateParams[\"ef-\".concat(testCellKey)] = testCells[testCellKey];\n    });\n  }\n\n  if (beaconMode && requestMethod && requestMethod.match(/POST/i)) {\n    aggregateParams.beacon = true;\n  }\n\n  if (sendReferrerWithTrackingEvents && host) {\n    aggregateParams.origin_referrer = host;\n\n    if (pathname) {\n      aggregateParams.origin_referrer += pathname;\n    }\n  }\n\n  aggregateParams._dt = Date.now();\n  aggregateParams = helpers.cleanParams(aggregateParams);\n  return aggregateParams;\n} // Append common parameters to supplied parameters object and return as string\n\n\nfunction applyParamsAsString(parameters, options) {\n  return helpers.stringify(applyParams(parameters, options));\n}\n/**\n * Interface to tracking related API calls\n *\n * @module tracker\n * @inner\n * @returns {object}\n */\n\n\nvar Tracker = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n  function Tracker(options) {\n    (0, _classCallCheck2[\"default\"])(this, Tracker);\n    this.options = options || {};\n    this.eventemitter = new EventEmitter();\n    this.requests = new RequestQueue(options, this.eventemitter);\n    this.behavioralV2Url = 'https://ac.cnstrc.com/v2/behavioral_action/';\n  }\n  /**\n   * Send session start event to API\n   * @private\n   * @function trackSessionStartV2\n   * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n   * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n   * @returns {(true|Error)}\n   * @example\n   * constructorio.tracker.trackSessionStartV2();\n   */\n\n\n  (0, _createClass2[\"default\"])(Tracker, [{\n    key: \"trackSessionStartV2\",\n    value: function trackSessionStartV2() {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};\n      var url = \"\".concat(this.behavioralV2Url, \"session_start?\");\n      this.requests.queue(\"\".concat(url).concat(applyParamsAsString({}, this.options)), 'POST', undefined, networkParameters);\n      this.requests.send();\n      return true;\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send session start event to API\n     *\n     * @function trackSessionStart\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackSessionStart();\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackSessionStart\",\n    value: function trackSessionStart() {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};\n      var url = \"\".concat(this.options.serviceUrl, \"/behavior?\");\n      var queryParams = {\n        action: 'session_start'\n      };\n      this.requests.queue(\"\".concat(url).concat(applyParamsAsString(queryParams, this.options)), undefined, undefined, networkParameters);\n      this.requests.send();\n      return true;\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send input focus event to API\n     * @private\n     * @function trackInputFocusV2\n     * @param {string} user_input - Input at the time user focused on the search bar\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @description User focused on search input element\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackInputFocusV2(\"text\");\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackInputFocusV2\",\n    value: function trackInputFocusV2() {\n      var user_input = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : '';\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n      var baseUrl = \"\".concat(this.behavioralV2Url, \"focus?\");\n      var bodyParams = {};\n      var networkParametersNew = networkParameters;\n      var userInputNew = user_input;\n\n      if ((0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(user_input) === 'object') {\n        networkParametersNew = user_input;\n        userInputNew = '';\n      }\n\n      bodyParams.user_input = userInputNew;\n      var requestMethod = 'POST';\n      var requestBody = applyParams(bodyParams, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, this.options), {}, {\n        requestMethod: requestMethod\n      }));\n      this.requests.queue(\"\".concat(baseUrl).concat(applyParamsAsString({}, this.options)), requestMethod, requestBody, networkParametersNew);\n      this.requests.send();\n      return true;\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send input focus event to API\n     *\n     * @function trackInputFocus\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @description User focused on search input element\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackInputFocus();\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackInputFocus\",\n    value: function trackInputFocus() {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};\n      var url = \"\".concat(this.options.serviceUrl, \"/behavior?\");\n      var queryParams = {\n        action: 'focus'\n      };\n      this.requests.queue(\"\".concat(url).concat(applyParamsAsString(queryParams, this.options)), undefined, undefined, networkParameters);\n      this.requests.send();\n      return true;\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send item detail load event to API\n     *\n     * @function trackItemDetailLoad\n     * @param {object} parameters - Additional parameters to be sent with request\n     * @param {string} parameters.item_name - Product item name\n     * @param {string} parameters.item_id - Product item unique identifier\n     * @param {string} parameters.url - Current page URL\n     * @param {string} [parameters.variation_id] - Product item variation unique identifier\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @description User loaded an item detail page\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackItemDetailLoad(\n     *     {\n     *         item_name: 'Red T-Shirt',\n     *         item_id: 'KMH876',\n     *         url: 'https://constructor.io/product/KMH876',\n     *     },\n     * );\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackItemDetailLoad\",\n    value: function trackItemDetailLoad(parameters) {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n\n      // Ensure parameters are provided (required)\n      if (parameters && (0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(parameters) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(parameters)) {\n        var requestUrlPath = \"\".concat(this.options.serviceUrl, \"/v2/behavioral_action/item_detail_load?\");\n        var queryParams = {};\n        var bodyParams = {};\n        var item_name = parameters.item_name,\n            name = parameters.name,\n            item_id = parameters.item_id,\n            customer_id = parameters.customer_id,\n            variation_id = parameters.variation_id,\n            url = parameters.url; // Ensure support for both item_name and name as parameters\n\n        if (item_name) {\n          bodyParams.item_name = item_name;\n        } else if (name) {\n          bodyParams.item_name = name;\n        } // Ensure support for both item_id and customer_id as parameters\n\n\n        if (item_id) {\n          bodyParams.item_id = item_id;\n        } else if (customer_id) {\n          bodyParams.item_id = customer_id;\n        }\n\n        if (variation_id) {\n          bodyParams.variation_id = variation_id;\n        }\n\n        if (url) {\n          bodyParams.url = url;\n        }\n\n        var requestURL = \"\".concat(requestUrlPath).concat(applyParamsAsString(queryParams, this.options));\n        var requestMethod = 'POST';\n        var requestBody = applyParams(bodyParams, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, this.options), {}, {\n          requestMethod: requestMethod\n        }));\n        this.requests.queue(requestURL, requestMethod, requestBody, networkParameters);\n        this.requests.send();\n        return true;\n      }\n\n      this.requests.send();\n      return new Error('parameters are required of type object');\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send autocomplete select event to API\n     * @private\n     * @function trackAutocompleteSelectV2\n     * @param {string} item_name - Name of selected autocomplete item\n     * @param {object} parameters - Additional parameters to be sent with request\n     * @param {string} parameters.user_input - The current autocomplete search query\n     * @param {string} [parameters.section] - Section the selected item resides within\n     * @param {string} [parameters.tr] - Trigger used to select the item (click, etc.)\n     * @param {string} [parameters.item_id] - Item id of the selected item\n     * @param {string} [parameters.variation_id] - Variation id of the selected item\n     * @param {string} [parameters.group_id] - Group identifier of selected item\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @description User selected (clicked, or navigated to via keyboard) a result that appeared within autocomplete\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackAutocompleteSelectV2(\n     *     'T-Shirt',\n     *      {\n     *          user_input: 'Shirt',\n     *          section: 'Products',\n     *          tr: 'click',\n     *          group_id: '88JU230',\n     *          item_id: '12345',\n     *          variation_id: '12345-A',\n     *      },\n     * );\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackAutocompleteSelectV2\",\n    value: function trackAutocompleteSelectV2(item_name, parameters) {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n\n      // Ensure term is provided (required)\n      if (item_name && typeof item_name === 'string') {\n        // Ensure parameters are provided (required)\n        if (parameters && (0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(parameters) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(parameters)) {\n          var baseUrl = \"\".concat(this.behavioralV2Url, \"autocomplete_select?\");\n          var original_query = parameters.original_query,\n              _parameters$user_inpu = parameters.user_input,\n              user_input = _parameters$user_inpu === void 0 ? original_query : _parameters$user_inpu,\n              original_section = parameters.original_section,\n              _parameters$section = parameters.section,\n              section = _parameters$section === void 0 ? original_section : _parameters$section,\n              tr = parameters.tr,\n              group_id = parameters.group_id,\n              item_id = parameters.item_id,\n              variation_id = parameters.variation_id;\n          var queryParams = {};\n          var bodyParams = {\n            user_input: user_input,\n            tr: tr,\n            group_id: group_id,\n            item_id: item_id,\n            variation_id: variation_id,\n            item_name: item_name,\n            section: section\n          };\n\n          if (section) {\n            queryParams.section = section;\n          }\n\n          var requestURL = \"\".concat(baseUrl).concat(applyParamsAsString(queryParams, this.options));\n          var requestMethod = 'POST';\n          var requestBody = applyParams(bodyParams, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, this.options), {}, {\n            requestMethod: requestMethod\n          }));\n          this.requests.queue(requestURL, requestMethod, requestBody, networkParameters);\n          this.requests.send();\n          return true;\n        }\n\n        this.requests.send();\n        return new Error('parameters are required of type object');\n      }\n\n      this.requests.send();\n      return new Error('term is a required parameter of type string');\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send autocomplete select event to API\n     *\n     * @function trackAutocompleteSelect\n     * @param {string} term - Term of selected autocomplete item\n     * @param {object} parameters - Additional parameters to be sent with request\n     * @param {string} parameters.original_query - The current autocomplete search query\n     * @param {string} parameters.section - Section the selected item resides within\n     * @param {string} [parameters.tr] - Trigger used to select the item (click, etc.)\n     * @param {string} [parameters.group_id] - Group identifier of selected item\n     * @param {string} [parameters.display_name] - Display name of group of selected item\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @description User selected (clicked, or navigated to via keyboard) a result that appeared within autocomplete\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackAutocompleteSelect(\n     *     'T-Shirt',\n     *      {\n     *          original_query: 'Shirt',\n     *          section: 'Products',\n     *          tr: 'click',\n     *          group_id: '88JU230',\n     *          display_name: 'apparel',\n     *      },\n     * );\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackAutocompleteSelect\",\n    value: function trackAutocompleteSelect(term, parameters) {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n\n      // Ensure term is provided (required)\n      if (term && typeof term === 'string') {\n        // Ensure parameters are provided (required)\n        if (parameters && (0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(parameters) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(parameters)) {\n          var url = \"\".concat(this.options.serviceUrl, \"/autocomplete/\").concat(helpers.encodeURIComponentRFC3986(helpers.trimNonBreakingSpaces(term)), \"/select?\");\n          var queryParams = {};\n          var original_query = parameters.original_query,\n              section = parameters.section,\n              original_section = parameters.original_section,\n              tr = parameters.tr,\n              group_id = parameters.group_id,\n              display_name = parameters.display_name;\n\n          if (original_query) {\n            queryParams.original_query = original_query;\n          }\n\n          if (tr) {\n            queryParams.tr = tr;\n          }\n\n          if (original_section || section) {\n            queryParams.section = original_section || section;\n          }\n\n          if (group_id) {\n            queryParams.group = {\n              group_id: group_id,\n              display_name: display_name\n            };\n          }\n\n          this.requests.queue(\"\".concat(url).concat(applyParamsAsString(queryParams, this.options)), undefined, undefined, networkParameters);\n          this.requests.send();\n          return true;\n        }\n\n        this.requests.send();\n        return new Error('parameters are required of type object');\n      }\n\n      this.requests.send();\n      return new Error('term is a required parameter of type string');\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send autocomplete search event to API\n     * @private\n     * @function trackSearchSubmitV2\n     * @param {string} search_term - Term of submitted autocomplete event\n     * @param {object} parameters - Additional parameters to be sent with request\n     * @param {string} parameters.user_input - The current autocomplete search query\n     * @param {string} [parameters.group_id] - Group identifier of selected item\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @description User submitted a search (pressing enter within input element, or clicking submit element)\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackSearchSubmitV2(\n     *     'T-Shirt',\n     *     {\n     *         user_input: 'Shirt',\n     *         group_id: '88JU230',\n     *     },\n     * );\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackSearchSubmitV2\",\n    value: function trackSearchSubmitV2(search_term, parameters) {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n\n      // Ensure term is provided (required)\n      if (search_term && typeof search_term === 'string') {\n        // Ensure parameters are provided (required)\n        if (parameters && (0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(parameters) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(parameters)) {\n          var baseUrl = \"\".concat(this.behavioralV2Url, \"search_submit?\");\n          var original_query = parameters.original_query,\n              _parameters$user_inpu2 = parameters.user_input,\n              user_input = _parameters$user_inpu2 === void 0 ? original_query : _parameters$user_inpu2,\n              group_id = parameters.group_id,\n              section = parameters.section;\n          var queryParams = {};\n          var bodyParams = {\n            user_input: user_input,\n            search_term: search_term,\n            section: section\n          };\n\n          if (group_id) {\n            bodyParams.filters = {\n              group_id: group_id\n            };\n          }\n\n          if (section) {\n            queryParams.section = section;\n          }\n\n          var requestURL = \"\".concat(baseUrl).concat(applyParamsAsString(queryParams, this.options));\n          var requestMethod = 'POST';\n          var requestBody = applyParams(bodyParams, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, this.options), {}, {\n            requestMethod: requestMethod\n          }));\n          this.requests.queue(requestURL, requestMethod, requestBody, networkParameters);\n          this.requests.send();\n          return true;\n        }\n\n        this.requests.send();\n        return new Error('parameters are required of type object');\n      }\n\n      this.requests.send();\n      return new Error('term is a required parameter of type string');\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send autocomplete search event to API\n     *\n     * @function trackSearchSubmit\n     * @param {string} term - Term of submitted autocomplete event\n     * @param {object} parameters - Additional parameters to be sent with request\n     * @param {string} parameters.original_query - The current autocomplete search query\n     * @param {string} [parameters.group_id] - Group identifier of selected item\n     * @param {string} [parameters.display_name] - Display name of group of selected item\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @description User submitted a search (pressing enter within input element, or clicking submit element)\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackSearchSubmit(\n     *     'T-Shirt',\n     *     {\n     *         original_query: 'Shirt',\n     *         group_id: '88JU230',\n     *         display_name: 'apparel',\n     *     },\n     * );\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackSearchSubmit\",\n    value: function trackSearchSubmit(term, parameters) {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n\n      // Ensure term is provided (required)\n      if (term && typeof term === 'string') {\n        // Ensure parameters are provided (required)\n        if (parameters && (0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(parameters) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(parameters)) {\n          var url = \"\".concat(this.options.serviceUrl, \"/autocomplete/\").concat(helpers.encodeURIComponentRFC3986(helpers.trimNonBreakingSpaces(term)), \"/search?\");\n          var queryParams = {};\n          var original_query = parameters.original_query,\n              group_id = parameters.group_id,\n              display_name = parameters.display_name;\n\n          if (original_query) {\n            queryParams.original_query = original_query;\n          }\n\n          if (group_id) {\n            queryParams.group = {\n              group_id: group_id,\n              display_name: display_name\n            };\n          }\n\n          this.requests.queue(\"\".concat(url).concat(applyParamsAsString(queryParams, this.options)), undefined, undefined, networkParameters);\n          this.requests.send();\n          return true;\n        }\n\n        this.requests.send();\n        return new Error('parameters are required of type object');\n      }\n\n      this.requests.send();\n      return new Error('term is a required parameter of type string');\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send search results loaded v2 event to API\n     * @private\n     * @function trackSearchResultsLoadedV2\n     * @param {string} search_term - Search results query term\n     * @param {object} parameters - Additional parameters to be sent with request\n     * @param {string} parameters.url - URL of the search results page\n     * @param {number} [parameters.result_count] - Total number of results\n     * @param {number} [parameters.result_page] - Current page of search results\n     * @param {string} [parameters.result_id] - Browse result identifier (returned in response from Constructor)\n     * @param {object} [parameters.selected_filters] - Selected filters\n     * @param {string} [parameters.sort_order] - Sort order ('ascending' or 'descending')\n     * @param {string} [parameters.sort_by] - Sorting method\n     * @param {object[]} [parameters.items] - List of product item unique identifiers in search results listing\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @description User viewed a search product listing page\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackSearchResultsLoadedV2(\n     *     'T-Shirt',\n     *     {\n     *         result_count: 167,\n     *         items: [{item_id: 'KMH876'}, {item_id: 'KMH140'}, {item_id: 'KMH437'}],\n     *         sort_order: 'ascending'\n     *         sort_by: 'price',\n     *         result_page: 3,\n     *         result_count: 20\n     *     },\n     * );\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackSearchResultsLoadedV2\",\n    value: function trackSearchResultsLoadedV2(search_term, parameters) {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n\n      // Ensure term is provided (required)\n      if (search_term && typeof search_term === 'string') {\n        // Ensure parameters are provided (required)\n        if (parameters && (0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(parameters) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(parameters)) {\n          var baseUrl = \"\".concat(this.behavioralV2Url, \"search_result_load?\");\n          var num_results = parameters.num_results,\n              _parameters$result_co = parameters.result_count,\n              result_count = _parameters$result_co === void 0 ? num_results : _parameters$result_co,\n              customer_ids = parameters.customer_ids,\n              item_ids = parameters.item_ids,\n              _parameters$items = parameters.items,\n              items = _parameters$items === void 0 ? customer_ids || item_ids : _parameters$items,\n              result_page = parameters.result_page,\n              result_id = parameters.result_id,\n              sort_order = parameters.sort_order,\n              sort_by = parameters.sort_by,\n              selected_filters = parameters.selected_filters,\n              url = parameters.url,\n              section = parameters.section;\n          var queryParams = {};\n          var transformedItems;\n\n          if (items && Array.isArray(items) && items.length !== 0) {\n            transformedItems = items;\n\n            if (typeof items[0] === 'string' || typeof items[0] === 'number') {\n              transformedItems = items.map(function (itemId) {\n                return {\n                  item_id: String(itemId)\n                };\n              });\n            }\n          }\n\n          if (section) {\n            queryParams.section = section;\n          }\n\n          var bodyParams = {\n            search_term: search_term,\n            result_count: result_count,\n            items: transformedItems,\n            result_page: result_page,\n            result_id: result_id,\n            sort_order: sort_order,\n            sort_by: sort_by,\n            selected_filters: selected_filters,\n            url: url,\n            section: section\n          };\n          var requestURL = \"\".concat(baseUrl).concat(applyParamsAsString(queryParams, this.options));\n          var requestMethod = 'POST';\n          var requestBody = applyParams(bodyParams, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, this.options), {}, {\n            requestMethod: requestMethod\n          }));\n          this.requests.queue(requestURL, requestMethod, requestBody, networkParameters);\n          this.requests.send();\n          return true;\n        }\n\n        this.requests.send();\n        return new Error('parameters are required of type object');\n      }\n\n      this.requests.send();\n      return new Error('term is a required parameter of type string');\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send search results loaded event to API\n     *\n     * @function trackSearchResultsLoaded\n     * @param {string} term - Search results query term\n     * @param {object} parameters - Additional parameters to be sent with request\n     * @param {number} parameters.num_results - Total number of results\n     * @param {string[]} [parameters.item_ids] - List of product item unique identifiers in search results listing\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @description User viewed a search product listing page\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackSearchResultsLoaded(\n     *     'T-Shirt',\n     *     {\n     *         num_results: 167,\n     *         item_ids: ['KMH876', 'KMH140', 'KMH437'],\n     *     },\n     * );\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackSearchResultsLoaded\",\n    value: function trackSearchResultsLoaded(term, parameters) {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n\n      // Ensure term is provided (required)\n      if (term && typeof term === 'string') {\n        // Ensure parameters are provided (required)\n        if (parameters && (0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(parameters) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(parameters)) {\n          var url = \"\".concat(this.options.serviceUrl, \"/behavior?\");\n          var queryParams = {\n            action: 'search-results',\n            term: term\n          };\n          var num_results = parameters.num_results,\n              customer_ids = parameters.customer_ids,\n              item_ids = parameters.item_ids;\n          var customerIDs;\n\n          if (!helpers.isNil(num_results)) {\n            queryParams.num_results = num_results;\n          } // Ensure support for both item_ids and customer_ids as parameters\n\n\n          if (item_ids && Array.isArray(item_ids) && item_ids.length) {\n            customerIDs = item_ids;\n          } else if (customer_ids && Array.isArray(customer_ids) && customer_ids.length) {\n            customerIDs = customer_ids;\n          }\n\n          if (customerIDs && customerIDs.length) {\n            queryParams.customer_ids = customerIDs.slice(0, 100).join(',');\n          }\n\n          this.requests.queue(\"\".concat(url).concat(applyParamsAsString(queryParams, this.options)), undefined, undefined, networkParameters);\n          this.requests.send();\n          return true;\n        }\n\n        this.requests.send();\n        return new Error('parameters are required of type object');\n      }\n\n      this.requests.send();\n      return new Error('term is a required parameter of type string');\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send click through event to API\n     * @private\n     * @function trackSearchResultClickV2\n     * @param {string} term - Search results query term\n     * @param {object} parameters - Additional parameters to be sent with request\n     * @param {string} parameters.item_name - Product item name (Either item_name or item_id is required)\n     * @param {string} parameters.item_id - Product item unique identifier\n     * @param {string} [parameters.variation_id] - Product item variation unique identifier\n     * @param {string} [parameters.result_id] - Search result identifier (returned in response from Constructor)\n     * @param {number} [parameters.result_count] - Number of results in total\n     * @param {number} [parameters.result_page] - Current page of results\n     * @param {string} [parameters.result_position_on_page] - Position of selected items on page\n     * @param {string} [parameters.num_results_per_page] - Number of results per page\n     * @param {object} [parameters.selected_filters] - Key - Value map of selected filters\n     * @param {string} [parameters.section] - The section name for the item Ex. \"Products\"\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @description User clicked a result that appeared within a search product listing page\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackSearchResultClickV2(\n     *     'T-Shirt',\n     *     {\n     *         item_name: 'Red T-Shirt',\n     *         item_id: 'KMH876',\n     *         result_id: '019927c2-f955-4020-8b8d-6b21b93cb5a2',\n     *     },\n     * );\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackSearchResultClickV2\",\n    value: function trackSearchResultClickV2(term, parameters) {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n\n      // Ensure term is provided (required)\n      if (term && typeof term === 'string') {\n        // Ensure parameters are provided (required)\n        if (parameters && (0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(parameters) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(parameters)) {\n          var baseUrl = \"\".concat(this.behavioralV2Url, \"search_result_click?\");\n          var customer_id = parameters.customer_id,\n              _parameters$item_id = parameters.item_id,\n              item_id = _parameters$item_id === void 0 ? customer_id : _parameters$item_id,\n              name = parameters.name,\n              _parameters$item_name = parameters.item_name,\n              item_name = _parameters$item_name === void 0 ? name : _parameters$item_name,\n              variation_id = parameters.variation_id,\n              result_id = parameters.result_id,\n              result_count = parameters.result_count,\n              result_page = parameters.result_page,\n              result_position_on_page = parameters.result_position_on_page,\n              num_results_per_page = parameters.num_results_per_page,\n              selected_filters = parameters.selected_filters,\n              section = parameters.section;\n          var bodyParams = {\n            item_name: item_name,\n            item_id: item_id,\n            variation_id: variation_id,\n            result_id: result_id,\n            result_count: result_count,\n            result_page: result_page,\n            result_position_on_page: result_position_on_page,\n            num_results_per_page: num_results_per_page,\n            selected_filters: selected_filters,\n            section: section,\n            search_term: term\n          };\n          var queryParams = {};\n\n          if (section) {\n            queryParams.section = section;\n          }\n\n          var requestURL = \"\".concat(baseUrl).concat(applyParamsAsString(queryParams, this.options));\n          var requestMethod = 'POST';\n          var requestBody = applyParams(bodyParams, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, this.options), {}, {\n            requestMethod: requestMethod\n          }));\n          this.requests.queue(requestURL, requestMethod, requestBody, networkParameters);\n          this.requests.send();\n          return true;\n        }\n\n        this.requests.send();\n        return new Error('parameters are required of type object');\n      }\n\n      this.requests.send();\n      return new Error('term is a required parameter of type string');\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send click through event to API\n     *\n     * @function trackSearchResultClick\n     * @param {string} term - Search results query term\n     * @param {object} parameters - Additional parameters to be sent with request\n     * @param {string} parameters.item_name - Product item name\n     * @param {string} parameters.item_id - Product item unique identifier\n     * @param {string} [parameters.variation_id] - Product item variation unique identifier\n     * @param {string} [parameters.result_id] - Search result identifier (returned in response from Constructor)\n     * @param {string} [parameters.item_is_convertible] - Whether or not an item is available for a conversion\n     * @param {string} [parameters.section] - The section name for the item Ex. \"Products\"\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @description User clicked a result that appeared within a search product listing page\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackSearchResultClick(\n     *     'T-Shirt',\n     *     {\n     *         item_name: 'Red T-Shirt',\n     *         item_id: 'KMH876',\n     *         result_id: '019927c2-f955-4020-8b8d-6b21b93cb5a2',\n     *     },\n     * );\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackSearchResultClick\",\n    value: function trackSearchResultClick(term, parameters) {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n\n      // Ensure term is provided (required)\n      if (term && typeof term === 'string') {\n        // Ensure parameters are provided (required)\n        if (parameters && (0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(parameters) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(parameters)) {\n          var url = \"\".concat(this.options.serviceUrl, \"/autocomplete/\").concat(helpers.encodeURIComponentRFC3986(helpers.trimNonBreakingSpaces(term)), \"/click_through?\");\n          var queryParams = {};\n          var item_name = parameters.item_name,\n              name = parameters.name,\n              item_id = parameters.item_id,\n              customer_id = parameters.customer_id,\n              variation_id = parameters.variation_id,\n              result_id = parameters.result_id,\n              section = parameters.section,\n              item_is_convertible = parameters.item_is_convertible; // Ensure support for both item_name and name as parameters\n\n          if (item_name) {\n            queryParams.name = item_name;\n          } else if (name) {\n            queryParams.name = name;\n          } // Ensure support for both item_id and customer_id as parameters\n\n\n          if (item_id) {\n            queryParams.customer_id = item_id;\n          } else if (customer_id) {\n            queryParams.customer_id = customer_id;\n          }\n\n          if (variation_id) {\n            queryParams.variation_id = variation_id;\n          }\n\n          if (result_id) {\n            queryParams.result_id = result_id;\n          }\n\n          if (typeof item_is_convertible === 'boolean') {\n            queryParams.item_is_convertible = item_is_convertible;\n          }\n\n          if (section) {\n            queryParams.section = section;\n          }\n\n          this.requests.queue(\"\".concat(url).concat(applyParamsAsString(queryParams, this.options)), undefined, undefined, networkParameters);\n          this.requests.send();\n          return true;\n        }\n\n        this.requests.send();\n        return new Error('parameters are required of type object');\n      }\n\n      this.requests.send();\n      return new Error('term is a required parameter of type string');\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send conversion event to API\n     *\n     * @function trackConversion\n     * @param {string} [term] - Search results query term that led to conversion event\n     * @param {object} parameters - Additional parameters to be sent with request\n     * @param {string} parameters.item_id - Product item unique identifier\n     * @param {number} [parameters.revenue] - Sale price if available, otherwise the regular (retail) price of item\n     * @param {string} [parameters.item_name] - Product item name\n     * @param {string} [parameters.variation_id] - Product item variation unique identifier\n     * @param {string} [parameters.type='add_to_cart'] - Conversion type\n     * @param {boolean} [parameters.is_custom_type] - Specify if type is custom conversion type\n     * @param {string} [parameters.display_name] - Display name for the custom conversion type\n     * @param {string} [parameters.result_id] - Result identifier (returned in response from Constructor)\n     * @param {string} [parameters.section=\"Products\"] - Index section\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @description User performed an action indicating interest in an item (add to cart, add to wishlist, etc.)\n     * @see https://docs.constructor.io/rest_api/behavioral_logging/conversions\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackConversion(\n     *     'T-Shirt',\n     *     {\n     *         item_id: 'KMH876',\n     *         revenue: 12.00,\n     *         item_name: 'Red T-Shirt',\n     *         variation_id: 'KMH879-7632',\n     *         type: 'like',\n     *         result_id: '019927c2-f955-4020-8b8d-6b21b93cb5a2',\n     *         section: 'Products',\n     *     },\n     * );\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackConversion\",\n    value: function trackConversion(term, parameters) {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n\n      // Ensure parameters are provided (required)\n      if (parameters && (0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(parameters) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(parameters)) {\n        var searchTerm = term || 'TERM_UNKNOWN';\n        var requestPath = \"\".concat(this.options.serviceUrl, \"/v2/behavioral_action/conversion?\");\n        var queryParams = {};\n        var bodyParams = {};\n        var name = parameters.name,\n            item_name = parameters.item_name,\n            item_id = parameters.item_id,\n            customer_id = parameters.customer_id,\n            variation_id = parameters.variation_id,\n            revenue = parameters.revenue,\n            _parameters$section2 = parameters.section,\n            section = _parameters$section2 === void 0 ? 'Products' : _parameters$section2,\n            display_name = parameters.display_name,\n            type = parameters.type,\n            is_custom_type = parameters.is_custom_type; // Ensure support for both item_id and customer_id as parameters\n\n        if (item_id) {\n          bodyParams.item_id = item_id;\n        } else if (customer_id) {\n          bodyParams.item_id = customer_id;\n        } // Ensure support for both item_name and name as parameters\n\n\n        if (item_name) {\n          bodyParams.item_name = item_name;\n        } else if (name) {\n          bodyParams.item_name = name;\n        }\n\n        if (variation_id) {\n          bodyParams.variation_id = variation_id;\n        }\n\n        if (revenue) {\n          bodyParams.revenue = revenue.toString();\n        }\n\n        if (section) {\n          queryParams.section = section;\n          bodyParams.section = section;\n        }\n\n        if (searchTerm) {\n          bodyParams.search_term = searchTerm;\n        }\n\n        if (type) {\n          bodyParams.type = type;\n        }\n\n        if (is_custom_type) {\n          bodyParams.is_custom_type = is_custom_type;\n        }\n\n        if (display_name) {\n          bodyParams.display_name = display_name;\n        }\n\n        var requestURL = \"\".concat(requestPath).concat(applyParamsAsString(queryParams, this.options));\n        var requestMethod = 'POST';\n        var requestBody = applyParams(bodyParams, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, this.options), {}, {\n          requestMethod: requestMethod\n        }));\n        this.requests.queue(requestURL, requestMethod, requestBody, networkParameters);\n        this.requests.send();\n        return true;\n      }\n\n      this.requests.send();\n      return new Error('parameters are required of type object');\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send purchase event to API\n     *\n     * @function trackPurchase\n     * @param {object} parameters - Additional parameters to be sent with request\n     * @param {object[]} parameters.items - List of product item objects\n     * @param {number} parameters.revenue - The subtotal (not including taxes, shipping, etc.) of the entire order\n     * @param {string} [parameters.order_id] - Unique order identifier\n     * @param {string} [parameters.section=\"Products\"] - Index section\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @description User completed an order (usually fired on order confirmation page)\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackPurchase(\n     *     {\n     *         items: [{ item_id: 'KMH876' }, { item_id: 'KMH140' }],\n     *         revenue: 12.00,\n     *         order_id: 'OUNXBG2HMA',\n     *         section: 'Products',\n     *     },\n     * );\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackPurchase\",\n    value: function trackPurchase(parameters) {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n\n      // Ensure parameters are provided (required)\n      if (parameters && (0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(parameters) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(parameters)) {\n        var requestPath = \"\".concat(this.options.serviceUrl, \"/v2/behavioral_action/purchase?\");\n        var queryParams = {};\n        var bodyParams = {};\n        var items = parameters.items,\n            revenue = parameters.revenue,\n            order_id = parameters.order_id,\n            section = parameters.section;\n\n        if (order_id) {\n          // Don't send another purchase event if we have already tracked the order\n          if (helpers.hasOrderIdRecord(order_id)) {\n            return false;\n          }\n\n          helpers.addOrderIdRecord(order_id); // Add order_id to the tracking params\n\n          bodyParams.order_id = order_id;\n        }\n\n        if (items && Array.isArray(items)) {\n          bodyParams.items = items.slice(0, 100);\n        }\n\n        if (revenue) {\n          bodyParams.revenue = revenue;\n        }\n\n        if (section) {\n          queryParams.section = section;\n        } else {\n          queryParams.section = 'Products';\n        }\n\n        var requestURL = \"\".concat(requestPath).concat(applyParamsAsString(queryParams, this.options));\n        var requestMethod = 'POST';\n        var requestBody = applyParams(bodyParams, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, this.options), {}, {\n          requestMethod: requestMethod\n        }));\n        this.requests.queue(requestURL, requestMethod, requestBody, networkParameters);\n        this.requests.send();\n        return true;\n      }\n\n      this.requests.send();\n      return new Error('parameters are required of type object');\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send recommendation view event to API\n     *\n     * @function trackRecommendationView\n     * @param {object} parameters - Additional parameters to be sent with request\n     * @param {string} parameters.url - Current page URL\n     * @param {string} parameters.pod_id - Pod identifier\n     * @param {number} parameters.num_results_viewed - Number of results viewed\n     * @param {object[]} [parameters.items] - List of Product Item Objects\n     * @param {number} [parameters.result_count] - Total number of results\n     * @param {number} [parameters.result_page] - Page number of results\n     * @param {string} [parameters.result_id] - Recommendation result identifier (returned in response from Constructor)\n     * @param {string} [parameters.section=\"Products\"] - Results section\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @description User viewed a set of recommendations\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackRecommendationView(\n     *     {\n     *         items: [{ item_id: 'KMH876' }, { item_id: 'KMH140' }],\n     *         result_count: 22,\n     *         result_page: 2,\n     *         result_id: '019927c2-f955-4020-8b8d-6b21b93cb5a2',\n     *         url: 'https://demo.constructor.io/sandbox/farmstand',\n     *         pod_id: '019927c2-f955-4020',\n     *         num_results_viewed: 3,\n     *     },\n     * );\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackRecommendationView\",\n    value: function trackRecommendationView(parameters) {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n\n      // Ensure parameters are provided (required)\n      if (parameters && (0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(parameters) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(parameters)) {\n        var requestPath = \"\".concat(this.options.serviceUrl, \"/v2/behavioral_action/recommendation_result_view?\");\n        var bodyParams = {};\n        var result_count = parameters.result_count,\n            result_page = parameters.result_page,\n            result_id = parameters.result_id,\n            section = parameters.section,\n            url = parameters.url,\n            pod_id = parameters.pod_id,\n            num_results_viewed = parameters.num_results_viewed,\n            items = parameters.items;\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(result_count)) {\n          bodyParams.result_count = result_count;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(result_page)) {\n          bodyParams.result_page = result_page;\n        }\n\n        if (result_id) {\n          bodyParams.result_id = result_id;\n        }\n\n        if (section) {\n          bodyParams.section = section;\n        } else {\n          bodyParams.section = 'Products';\n        }\n\n        if (url) {\n          bodyParams.url = url;\n        }\n\n        if (pod_id) {\n          bodyParams.pod_id = pod_id;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(num_results_viewed)) {\n          bodyParams.num_results_viewed = num_results_viewed;\n        }\n\n        if (items && Array.isArray(items)) {\n          bodyParams.items = items.slice(0, 100);\n        }\n\n        var requestURL = \"\".concat(requestPath).concat(applyParamsAsString({}, this.options));\n        var requestMethod = 'POST';\n        var requestBody = applyParams(bodyParams, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, this.options), {}, {\n          requestMethod: requestMethod\n        }));\n        this.requests.queue(requestURL, requestMethod, requestBody, networkParameters);\n        this.requests.send();\n        return true;\n      }\n\n      this.requests.send();\n      return new Error('parameters are required of type object');\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send recommendation click event to API\n     *\n     * @function trackRecommendationClick\n     * @param {object} parameters - Additional parameters to be sent with request\n     * @param {string} parameters.pod_id - Pod identifier\n     * @param {string} parameters.strategy_id - Strategy identifier\n     * @param {string} parameters.item_id - Product item unique identifier\n     * @param {string} parameters.item_name - Product name\n     * @param {string} [parameters.variation_id] - Product item variation unique identifier\n     * @param {string} [parameters.section=\"Products\"] - Index section\n     * @param {string} [parameters.result_id] - Recommendation result identifier (returned in response from Constructor)\n     * @param {number} [parameters.result_count] - Total number of results\n     * @param {number} [parameters.result_page] - Page number of results\n     * @param {number} [parameters.result_position_on_page] - Position of result on page\n     * @param {number} [parameters.num_results_per_page] - Number of results on page\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @description User clicked an item that appeared within a list of recommended results\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackRecommendationClick(\n     *     {\n     *         variation_id: 'KMH879-7632',\n     *         result_id: '019927c2-f955-4020-8b8d-6b21b93cb5a2',\n     *         result_count: 22,\n     *         result_page: 2,\n     *         result_position_on_page: 2,\n     *         num_results_per_page: 12,\n     *         pod_id: '019927c2-f955-4020',\n     *         strategy_id: 'complimentary',\n     *         item_name: 'Socks',\n     *         item_id: 'KMH876',\n     *     },\n     * );\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackRecommendationClick\",\n    value: function trackRecommendationClick(parameters) {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n\n      // Ensure parameters are provided (required)\n      if (parameters && (0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(parameters) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(parameters)) {\n        var requestPath = \"\".concat(this.options.serviceUrl, \"/v2/behavioral_action/recommendation_result_click?\");\n        var bodyParams = {};\n        var variation_id = parameters.variation_id,\n            section = parameters.section,\n            result_id = parameters.result_id,\n            result_count = parameters.result_count,\n            result_page = parameters.result_page,\n            result_position_on_page = parameters.result_position_on_page,\n            num_results_per_page = parameters.num_results_per_page,\n            pod_id = parameters.pod_id,\n            strategy_id = parameters.strategy_id,\n            item_id = parameters.item_id,\n            item_name = parameters.item_name;\n\n        if (variation_id) {\n          bodyParams.variation_id = variation_id;\n        }\n\n        if (section) {\n          bodyParams.section = section;\n        } else {\n          bodyParams.section = 'Products';\n        }\n\n        if (result_id) {\n          bodyParams.result_id = result_id;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(result_count)) {\n          bodyParams.result_count = result_count;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(result_page)) {\n          bodyParams.result_page = result_page;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(result_position_on_page)) {\n          bodyParams.result_position_on_page = result_position_on_page;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(num_results_per_page)) {\n          bodyParams.num_results_per_page = num_results_per_page;\n        }\n\n        if (pod_id) {\n          bodyParams.pod_id = pod_id;\n        }\n\n        if (strategy_id) {\n          bodyParams.strategy_id = strategy_id;\n        }\n\n        if (item_id) {\n          bodyParams.item_id = item_id;\n        }\n\n        if (item_name) {\n          bodyParams.item_name = item_name;\n        }\n\n        var requestURL = \"\".concat(requestPath).concat(applyParamsAsString({}, this.options));\n        var requestMethod = 'POST';\n        var requestBody = applyParams(bodyParams, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, this.options), {}, {\n          requestMethod: requestMethod\n        }));\n        this.requests.queue(requestURL, requestMethod, requestBody, networkParameters);\n        this.requests.send();\n        return true;\n      }\n\n      this.requests.send();\n      return new Error('parameters are required of type object');\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send browse results loaded event to API\n     *\n     * @function trackBrowseResultsLoaded\n     * @param {object} parameters - Additional parameters to be sent with request\n     * @param {string} parameters.url - Current page URL\n     * @param {string} parameters.filter_name - Filter name\n     * @param {string} parameters.filter_value - Filter value\n     * @param {string} [parameters.section=\"Products\"] - Index section\n     * @param {number} [parameters.result_count] - Total number of results\n     * @param {number} [parameters.result_page] - Page number of results\n     * @param {string} [parameters.result_id] - Browse result identifier (returned in response from Constructor)\n     * @param {object} [parameters.selected_filters] - Selected filters\n     * @param {string} [parameters.sort_order] - Sort order ('ascending' or 'descending')\n     * @param {string} [parameters.sort_by] - Sorting method\n     * @param {object[]} [parameters.items] - List of product item objects\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @description User viewed a browse product listing page\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackBrowseResultsLoaded(\n     *     {\n     *         result_count: 22,\n     *         result_page: 2,\n     *         result_id: '019927c2-f955-4020-8b8d-6b21b93cb5a2',\n     *         selected_filters: { brand: ['foo'], color: ['black'] },\n     *         sort_order: 'ascending',\n     *         sort_by: 'price',\n     *         items: [{ item_id: 'KMH876' }, { item_id: 'KMH140' }],\n     *         url: 'https://demo.constructor.io/sandbox/farmstand',\n     *         filter_name: 'brand',\n     *         filter_value: 'XYZ',\n     *     },\n     * );\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackBrowseResultsLoaded\",\n    value: function trackBrowseResultsLoaded(parameters) {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n\n      // Ensure parameters are provided (required)\n      if (parameters && (0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(parameters) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(parameters)) {\n        var requestPath = \"\".concat(this.options.serviceUrl, \"/v2/behavioral_action/browse_result_load?\");\n        var bodyParams = {};\n        var section = parameters.section,\n            result_count = parameters.result_count,\n            result_page = parameters.result_page,\n            result_id = parameters.result_id,\n            selected_filters = parameters.selected_filters,\n            url = parameters.url,\n            sort_order = parameters.sort_order,\n            sort_by = parameters.sort_by,\n            filter_name = parameters.filter_name,\n            filter_value = parameters.filter_value,\n            items = parameters.items;\n\n        if (section) {\n          bodyParams.section = section;\n        } else {\n          bodyParams.section = 'Products';\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(result_count)) {\n          bodyParams.result_count = result_count;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(result_page)) {\n          bodyParams.result_page = result_page;\n        }\n\n        if (result_id) {\n          bodyParams.result_id = result_id;\n        }\n\n        if (selected_filters) {\n          bodyParams.selected_filters = selected_filters;\n        }\n\n        if (url) {\n          bodyParams.url = url;\n        }\n\n        if (sort_order) {\n          bodyParams.sort_order = sort_order;\n        }\n\n        if (sort_by) {\n          bodyParams.sort_by = sort_by;\n        }\n\n        if (filter_name) {\n          bodyParams.filter_name = filter_name;\n        }\n\n        if (filter_value) {\n          bodyParams.filter_value = filter_value;\n        }\n\n        if (items && Array.isArray(items)) {\n          bodyParams.items = items.slice(0, 100);\n        }\n\n        var requestURL = \"\".concat(requestPath).concat(applyParamsAsString({}, this.options));\n        var requestMethod = 'POST';\n        var requestBody = applyParams(bodyParams, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, this.options), {}, {\n          requestMethod: requestMethod\n        }));\n        this.requests.queue(requestURL, requestMethod, requestBody, networkParameters);\n        this.requests.send();\n        return true;\n      }\n\n      this.requests.send();\n      return new Error('parameters are required of type object');\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send browse result click event to API\n     *\n     * @function trackBrowseResultClick\n     * @param {object} parameters - Additional parameters to be sent with request\n     * @param {string} parameters.filter_name - Filter name\n     * @param {string} parameters.filter_value - Filter value\n     * @param {string} parameters.item_id - Product item unique identifier\n     * @param {string} parameters.item_name - Product item name\n     * @param {string} [parameters.section=\"Products\"] - Index section\n     * @param {string} [parameters.variation_id] - Product item variation unique identifier\n     * @param {string} [parameters.result_id] - Browse result identifier (returned in response from Constructor)\n     * @param {number} [parameters.result_count] - Total number of results\n     * @param {number} [parameters.result_page] - Page number of results\n     * @param {number} [parameters.result_position_on_page] - Position of clicked item\n     * @param {number} [parameters.num_results_per_page] - Number of results shown\n     * @param {object} [parameters.selected_filters] - Selected filters\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @description User clicked a result that appeared within a browse product listing page\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackBrowseResultClick(\n     *     {\n     *         variation_id: 'KMH879-7632',\n     *         result_id: '019927c2-f955-4020-8b8d-6b21b93cb5a2',\n     *         result_count: 22,\n     *         result_page: 2,\n     *         result_position_on_page: 2,\n     *         num_results_per_page: 12,\n     *         selected_filters: { brand: ['foo'], color: ['black'] },\n     *         filter_name: 'brand',\n     *         filter_value: 'XYZ',\n     *         item_id: 'KMH876',\n     *     },\n     * );\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackBrowseResultClick\",\n    value: function trackBrowseResultClick(parameters) {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n\n      // Ensure parameters are provided (required)\n      if (parameters && (0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(parameters) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(parameters)) {\n        var requestPath = \"\".concat(this.options.serviceUrl, \"/v2/behavioral_action/browse_result_click?\");\n        var bodyParams = {};\n        var section = parameters.section,\n            variation_id = parameters.variation_id,\n            result_id = parameters.result_id,\n            result_count = parameters.result_count,\n            result_page = parameters.result_page,\n            result_position_on_page = parameters.result_position_on_page,\n            num_results_per_page = parameters.num_results_per_page,\n            selected_filters = parameters.selected_filters,\n            filter_name = parameters.filter_name,\n            filter_value = parameters.filter_value,\n            item_id = parameters.item_id,\n            customer_id = parameters.customer_id,\n            item_name = parameters.item_name,\n            name = parameters.name;\n\n        if (section) {\n          bodyParams.section = section;\n        } else {\n          bodyParams.section = 'Products';\n        }\n\n        if (variation_id) {\n          bodyParams.variation_id = variation_id;\n        }\n\n        if (result_id) {\n          bodyParams.result_id = result_id;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(result_count)) {\n          bodyParams.result_count = result_count;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(result_page)) {\n          bodyParams.result_page = result_page;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(result_position_on_page)) {\n          bodyParams.result_position_on_page = result_position_on_page;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(num_results_per_page)) {\n          bodyParams.num_results_per_page = num_results_per_page;\n        }\n\n        if (selected_filters) {\n          bodyParams.selected_filters = selected_filters;\n        }\n\n        if (filter_name) {\n          bodyParams.filter_name = filter_name;\n        }\n\n        if (filter_value) {\n          bodyParams.filter_value = filter_value;\n        } // Ensure support for both item_id and customer_id as parameters\n\n\n        if (item_id) {\n          bodyParams.item_id = item_id;\n        } else if (customer_id) {\n          bodyParams.item_id = customer_id;\n        } // Ensure support for both item_name and name as parameters\n\n\n        if (item_name) {\n          bodyParams.item_name = item_name;\n        } else if (name) {\n          bodyParams.item_name = name;\n        }\n\n        var requestURL = \"\".concat(requestPath).concat(applyParamsAsString({}, this.options));\n        var requestMethod = 'POST';\n        var requestBody = applyParams(bodyParams, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, this.options), {}, {\n          requestMethod: requestMethod\n        }));\n        this.requests.queue(requestURL, requestMethod, requestBody, networkParameters);\n        this.requests.send();\n        return true;\n      }\n\n      this.requests.send();\n      return new Error('parameters are required of type object');\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send generic result click event to API\n     *\n     * @function trackGenericResultClick\n     * @param {object} parameters - Additional parameters to be sent with request\n     * @param {string} parameters.item_id - Product item unique identifier\n     * @param {string} [parameters.item_name] - Product item name\n     * @param {string} [parameters.variation_id] - Product item variation unique identifier\n     * @param {string} [parameters.section=\"Products\"] - Index section\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @description User clicked a result that appeared outside of the scope of search / browse / recommendations\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackGenericResultClick(\n     *     {\n     *         item_id: 'KMH876',\n     *         item_name: 'Red T-Shirt',\n     *         variation_id: 'KMH879-7632',\n     *     },\n     * );\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackGenericResultClick\",\n    value: function trackGenericResultClick(parameters) {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n\n      // Ensure required parameters are provided\n      if ((0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(parameters) === 'object' && !!parameters.item_id) {\n        var requestPath = \"\".concat(this.options.serviceUrl, \"/v2/behavioral_action/result_click?\");\n        var bodyParams = {};\n        var item_id = parameters.item_id,\n            item_name = parameters.item_name,\n            variation_id = parameters.variation_id,\n            section = parameters.section;\n        bodyParams.section = section || 'Products';\n        bodyParams.item_id = item_id;\n\n        if (item_name) {\n          bodyParams.item_name = item_name;\n        }\n\n        if (variation_id) {\n          bodyParams.variation_id = variation_id;\n        }\n\n        var requestURL = \"\".concat(requestPath).concat(applyParamsAsString({}, this.options));\n        var requestMethod = 'POST';\n        var requestBody = applyParams(bodyParams, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, this.options), {}, {\n          requestMethod: requestMethod\n        }));\n        this.requests.queue(requestURL, requestMethod, requestBody, networkParameters);\n        this.requests.send();\n        return true;\n      }\n\n      this.requests.send();\n      return new Error('A parameters object with an \"item_id\" property is required.');\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send quiz results loaded event to API\n     *\n     * @function trackQuizResultsLoaded\n     * @param {object} parameters - Additional parameters to be sent with request\n     * @param {string} parameters.quiz_id - Quiz identifier\n     * @param {string} parameters.quiz_version_id - Quiz version identifier\n     * @param {string} parameters.quiz_session_id - Quiz session identifier associated with this conversion event\n     * @param {string} parameters.url - Current page url\n     * @param {string} [parameters.section='Products'] - Index section\n     * @param {number} [parameters.result_count] - Total number of results\n     * @param {number} [parameters.result_page] - The page of the results\n     * @param {string} [parameters.result_id] - Quiz result identifier (returned in response from Constructor)\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @description User viewed a quiz results page\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackQuizResultsLoaded(\n     *     {\n     *         quiz_id: 'coffee-quiz',\n     *         quiz_version_id: '1231244',\n     *         quiz_session_id: '3123',\n     *         url: 'www.example.com',\n     *         result_count: 167,\n     *     },\n     * );\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackQuizResultsLoaded\",\n    value: function trackQuizResultsLoaded(parameters) {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n\n      // Ensure parameters are provided (required)\n      if (parameters && (0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(parameters) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(parameters)) {\n        var requestPath = \"\".concat(this.options.serviceUrl, \"/v2/behavioral_action/quiz_result_load?\");\n        var quiz_id = parameters.quiz_id,\n            quiz_version_id = parameters.quiz_version_id,\n            quiz_session_id = parameters.quiz_session_id,\n            url = parameters.url,\n            _parameters$section3 = parameters.section,\n            section = _parameters$section3 === void 0 ? 'Products' : _parameters$section3,\n            result_count = parameters.result_count,\n            result_id = parameters.result_id,\n            result_page = parameters.result_page;\n        var queryParams = {};\n        var bodyParams = {};\n\n        if (typeof quiz_id !== 'string') {\n          return new Error('\"quiz_id\" is a required parameter of type string');\n        }\n\n        if (typeof quiz_version_id !== 'string') {\n          return new Error('\"quiz_version_id\" is a required parameter of type string');\n        }\n\n        if (typeof quiz_session_id !== 'string') {\n          return new Error('\"quiz_session_id\" is a required parameter of type string');\n        }\n\n        if (typeof url !== 'string') {\n          return new Error('\"url\" is a required parameter of type string');\n        }\n\n        bodyParams.quiz_id = quiz_id;\n        bodyParams.quiz_version_id = quiz_version_id;\n        bodyParams.quiz_session_id = quiz_session_id;\n        bodyParams.url = url;\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(section)) {\n          if (typeof section !== 'string') {\n            return new Error('\"section\" must be a string');\n          }\n\n          queryParams.section = section;\n          bodyParams.section = section;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(result_count)) {\n          if (typeof result_count !== 'number') {\n            return new Error('\"result_count\" must be a number');\n          }\n\n          bodyParams.result_count = result_count;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(result_id)) {\n          if (typeof result_id !== 'string') {\n            return new Error('\"result_id\" must be a string');\n          }\n\n          bodyParams.result_id = result_id;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(result_page)) {\n          if (typeof result_page !== 'number') {\n            return new Error('\"result_page\" must be a number');\n          }\n\n          bodyParams.result_page = result_page;\n        }\n\n        bodyParams.action_class = 'result_load';\n        var requestURL = \"\".concat(requestPath).concat(applyParamsAsString(queryParams, this.options));\n        var requestMethod = 'POST';\n        var requestBody = applyParams(bodyParams, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, this.options), {}, {\n          requestMethod: requestMethod\n        }));\n        this.requests.queue(requestURL, requestMethod, requestBody, networkParameters);\n        this.requests.send();\n        return true;\n      }\n\n      this.requests.send();\n      return new Error('parameters are required of type object');\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send quiz result click event to API\n     *\n     * @function trackQuizResultClick\n     * @param {object} parameters - Additional parameters to be sent with request\n     * @param {string} parameters.quiz_id - Quiz identifier\n     * @param {string} parameters.quiz_version_id - Quiz version identifier\n     * @param {string} parameters.quiz_session_id - Quiz session identifier associated with this conversion event\n     * @param {string} [parameters.item_id] - Product item unique identifier (Either item_id or item_name is required)\n     * @param {string} [parameters.item_name] - Product item name\n     * @param {string} [parameters.section='Products'] - Index section\n     * @param {number} [parameters.result_count] - Total number of results\n     * @param {number} [parameters.result_page] - The page of the results\n     * @param {string} [parameters.result_id] - Quiz result identifier (returned in response from Constructor)\n     * @param {number} [parameters.result_position_on_page] - Position of clicked item\n     * @param {number} [parameters.num_results_per_page] - Number of results shown\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @description User viewed a quiz results page\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackQuizResultClick(\n     *     {\n     *         quiz_id: 'coffee-quiz',\n     *         quiz_version_id: '1231244',\n     *         quiz_session_id: '123',\n     *         item_id: '123',\n     *         item_name: 'espresso'\n     *     },\n     * );\n     */\n    // eslint-disable-next-line complexity\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackQuizResultClick\",\n    value: function trackQuizResultClick(parameters) {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n\n      // Ensure parameters are provided (required)\n      if (parameters && (0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(parameters) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(parameters)) {\n        var requestPath = \"\".concat(this.options.serviceUrl, \"/v2/behavioral_action/quiz_result_click?\");\n        var quiz_id = parameters.quiz_id,\n            quiz_version_id = parameters.quiz_version_id,\n            quiz_session_id = parameters.quiz_session_id,\n            item_id = parameters.item_id,\n            item_name = parameters.item_name,\n            result_count = parameters.result_count,\n            result_id = parameters.result_id,\n            result_page = parameters.result_page,\n            num_results_per_page = parameters.num_results_per_page,\n            result_position_on_page = parameters.result_position_on_page,\n            _parameters$section4 = parameters.section,\n            section = _parameters$section4 === void 0 ? 'Products' : _parameters$section4;\n        var queryParams = {};\n        var bodyParams = {}; // Ensure required parameters provided\n\n        if (typeof quiz_id !== 'string') {\n          return new Error('\"quiz_id\" is a required parameter of type string');\n        }\n\n        if (typeof quiz_version_id !== 'string') {\n          return new Error('\"quiz_version_id\" is a required parameter of type string');\n        }\n\n        if (typeof quiz_session_id !== 'string') {\n          return new Error('\"quiz_session_id\" is a required parameter of type string');\n        }\n\n        if (typeof item_id !== 'string' && typeof item_name !== 'string') {\n          return new Error('\"item_id\" or \"item_name\" is a required parameter of type string');\n        }\n\n        bodyParams.quiz_id = quiz_id;\n        bodyParams.quiz_version_id = quiz_version_id;\n        bodyParams.quiz_session_id = quiz_session_id;\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(item_id)) {\n          if (typeof item_id !== 'string') {\n            return new Error('\"item_id\" must be a string');\n          }\n\n          bodyParams.item_id = item_id;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(item_name)) {\n          if (typeof item_name !== 'string') {\n            return new Error('\"item_name\" must be a string');\n          }\n\n          bodyParams.item_name = item_name;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(section)) {\n          if (typeof section !== 'string') {\n            return new Error('\"section\" must be a string');\n          }\n\n          queryParams.section = section;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(result_count)) {\n          if (typeof result_count !== 'number') {\n            return new Error('\"result_count\" must be a number');\n          }\n\n          bodyParams.result_count = result_count;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(result_id)) {\n          if (typeof result_id !== 'string') {\n            return new Error('\"result_id\" must be a string');\n          }\n\n          bodyParams.result_id = result_id;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(result_page)) {\n          if (typeof result_page !== 'number') {\n            return new Error('\"result_page\" must be a number');\n          }\n\n          bodyParams.result_page = result_page;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(num_results_per_page)) {\n          if (typeof num_results_per_page !== 'number') {\n            return new Error('\"num_results_per_page\" must be a number');\n          }\n\n          bodyParams.num_results_per_page = num_results_per_page;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(result_position_on_page)) {\n          if (typeof result_position_on_page !== 'number') {\n            return new Error('\"result_position_on_page\" must be a number');\n          }\n\n          bodyParams.result_position_on_page = result_position_on_page;\n        }\n\n        bodyParams.action_class = 'result_click';\n        var requestURL = \"\".concat(requestPath).concat(applyParamsAsString(queryParams, this.options));\n        var requestMethod = 'POST';\n        var requestBody = applyParams(bodyParams, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, this.options), {}, {\n          requestMethod: requestMethod\n        }));\n        this.requests.queue(requestURL, requestMethod, requestBody, networkParameters);\n        this.requests.send();\n        return true;\n      }\n\n      this.requests.send();\n      return new Error('parameters are required of type object');\n    }\n    /**\n     * Send quiz conversion event to API\n     *\n     * @function trackQuizConversion\n     * @param {object} parameters - Additional parameters to be sent with request\n     * @param {string} parameters.quiz_id - Quiz identifier\n     * @param {string} parameters.quiz_version_id - Quiz version identifier\n     * @param {string} parameters.quiz_session_id - Quiz session identifier associated with this conversion event\n     * @param {string} [parameters.item_id] - Product item unique identifier (Either item_id or item_name is required)\n     * @param {string} [parameters.item_name] - Product item name\n     * @param {string} [parameters.variation_id] - Product item variation unique identifier\n     * @param {string} [parameters.revenue] - Sale price if available, otherwise the regular (retail) price of item\n     * @param {string} [parameters.section='Products'] - Index section\n     * @param {string} [parameters.type='add_to_cart'] - Conversion type\n     * @param {boolean} [parameters.is_custom_type] - Specify if type is custom conversion type\n     * @param {string} [parameters.display_name] - Display name for the custom conversion type\n     * @param {object} [networkParameters] - Parameters relevant to the network request\n     * @param {number} [networkParameters.timeout] - Request timeout (in milliseconds)\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @description User viewed a quiz results page\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.trackQuizConversion(\n     *     {\n     *         quiz_id: 'coffee-quiz',\n     *         quiz_version_id: '1231244',\n     *         quiz_session_id: '3123',\n     *         item_name: 'espresso',\n     *         variation_id: '167',\n     *         type: 'add_to_cart\",\n     *         revenue: '1.0\"\n     *     },\n     * );\n     */\n    // eslint-disable-next-line complexity\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"trackQuizConversion\",\n    value: function trackQuizConversion(parameters) {\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n\n      // Ensure parameters are provided (required)\n      if (parameters && (0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(parameters) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(parameters)) {\n        var requestPath = \"\".concat(this.options.serviceUrl, \"/v2/behavioral_action/quiz_conversion?\");\n        var quiz_id = parameters.quiz_id,\n            quiz_version_id = parameters.quiz_version_id,\n            quiz_session_id = parameters.quiz_session_id,\n            item_id = parameters.item_id,\n            item_name = parameters.item_name,\n            variation_id = parameters.variation_id,\n            revenue = parameters.revenue,\n            _parameters$section5 = parameters.section,\n            section = _parameters$section5 === void 0 ? 'Products' : _parameters$section5,\n            type = parameters.type,\n            is_custom_type = parameters.is_custom_type,\n            display_name = parameters.display_name;\n        var queryParams = {};\n        var bodyParams = {}; // Ensure required parameters provided\n\n        if (typeof quiz_id !== 'string') {\n          return new Error('\"quiz_id\" is a required parameter of type string');\n        }\n\n        if (typeof quiz_version_id !== 'string') {\n          return new Error('\"quiz_version_id\" is a required parameter of type string');\n        }\n\n        if (typeof quiz_session_id !== 'string') {\n          return new Error('\"quiz_session_id\" is a required parameter of type string');\n        }\n\n        if (typeof item_id !== 'string' && typeof item_name !== 'string') {\n          return new Error('\"item_id\" or \"item_name\" is a required parameter of type string');\n        }\n\n        bodyParams.quiz_id = quiz_id;\n        bodyParams.quiz_version_id = quiz_version_id;\n        bodyParams.quiz_session_id = quiz_session_id;\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(item_id)) {\n          if (typeof item_id !== 'string') {\n            return new Error('\"item_id\" must be a string');\n          }\n\n          bodyParams.item_id = item_id;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(item_name)) {\n          if (typeof item_name !== 'string') {\n            return new Error('\"item_name\" must be a string');\n          }\n\n          bodyParams.item_name = item_name;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(variation_id)) {\n          if (typeof variation_id !== 'string') {\n            return new Error('\"variation_id\" must be a string');\n          }\n\n          bodyParams.variation_id = variation_id;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(revenue)) {\n          if (typeof revenue !== 'string') {\n            return new Error('\"revenue\" must be a string');\n          }\n\n          bodyParams.revenue = revenue;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(section)) {\n          if (typeof section !== 'string') {\n            return new Error('\"section\" must be a string');\n          }\n\n          bodyParams.section = section;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(type)) {\n          if (typeof type !== 'string') {\n            return new Error('\"type\" must be a string');\n          }\n\n          bodyParams.type = type;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(is_custom_type)) {\n          if (typeof is_custom_type !== 'boolean') {\n            return new Error('\"is_custom_type\" must be a boolean');\n          }\n\n          bodyParams.is_custom_type = is_custom_type;\n        }\n\n        if (!helpers.isNil(display_name)) {\n          if (typeof display_name !== 'string') {\n            return new Error('\"display_name\" must be a string');\n          }\n\n          bodyParams.display_name = display_name;\n        }\n\n        bodyParams.action_class = 'conversion';\n        var requestURL = \"\".concat(requestPath).concat(applyParamsAsString(queryParams, this.options));\n        var requestMethod = 'POST';\n        var requestBody = applyParams(bodyParams, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, this.options), {}, {\n          requestMethod: requestMethod\n        }));\n        this.requests.queue(requestURL, requestMethod, requestBody, networkParameters);\n        this.requests.send();\n        return true;\n      }\n\n      this.requests.send();\n      return new Error('parameters are required of type object');\n    }\n    /**\n     * Subscribe to success or error messages emitted by tracking requests\n     *\n     * @function on\n     * @param {string} messageType - Type of message to listen for ('success' or 'error')\n     * @param {function} callback - Callback to be invoked when message received\n     * @returns {(true|Error)}\n     * @example\n     * constructorio.tracker.on('error', (data) => {\n     *     // Handle tracking error\n     * });\n     */\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"on\",\n    value: function on(messageType, callback) {\n      if (messageType !== 'success' && messageType !== 'error') {\n        return new Error('messageType must be a string of value \"success\" or \"error\"');\n      }\n\n      if (!callback || typeof callback !== 'function') {\n        return new Error('callback is required and must be a function');\n      }\n\n      this.eventemitter.on(messageType, callback);\n      return true;\n    }\n  }]);\n  return Tracker;\n}(); // Exposed for testing\n\n\nTracker.RequestQueue = RequestQueue;\nmodule.exports = Tracker;","\"use strict\";\n\n/* eslint-disable no-useless-escape */\n\n/* cspell:disable */\nmodule.exports = ['Googlebot\\/', 'Googlebot-Mobile', 'Googlebot-Image', 'Googlebot-News', 'Googlebot-Video', 'AdsBot-Google([^-]|$)', 'AdsBot-Google-Mobile', 'Feedfetcher-Google', 'Mediapartners-Google', 'Mediapartners \\\\(Googlebot\\\\)', 'APIs-Google', 'bingbot', 'Slurp', '[wW]get', 'curl', 'LinkedInBot', 'Python-urllib', 'python-requests', 'libwww', 'httpunit', 'nutch', 'Go-http-client', 'phpcrawl', 'msnbot', 'jyxobot', 'FAST-WebCrawler', 'FAST Enterprise Crawler', 'BIGLOTRON', 'Teoma', 'convera', 'seekbot', 'Gigabot', 'Gigablast', 'exabot', 'ia_archiver', 'GingerCrawler', 'webmon ', 'HTTrack', 'grub\\\\.org', 'UsineNouvelleCrawler', 'antibot', 'netresearchserver', 'speedy', 'fluffy', 'bibnum\\\\.bnf', 'findlink', 'msrbot', 'panscient', 'yacybot', 'AISearchBot', 'ips-agent', 'tagoobot', 'MJ12bot', 'woriobot', 'yanga', 'buzzbot', 'mlbot', 'YandexBot', 'yandex\\\\.com\\/bots', 'purebot', 'Linguee Bot', 'CyberPatrol', 'voilabot', 'Baiduspider', 'citeseerxbot', 'spbot', 'twengabot', 'postrank', 'turnitinbot', 'scribdbot', 'page2rss', 'sitebot', 'linkdex', 'Adidxbot', 'blekkobot', 'ezooms', 'dotbot', 'Mail\\\\.RU_Bot', 'discobot', 'heritrix', 'findthatfile', 'europarchive\\\\.org', 'NerdByNature\\\\.Bot', 'sistrix crawler', 'Ahrefs(Bot|SiteAudit)', 'fuelbot', 'CrunchBot', 'centurybot9', 'IndeedBot', 'mappydata', 'woobot', 'ZoominfoBot', 'PrivacyAwareBot', 'Multiviewbot', 'SWIMGBot', 'Grobbot', 'eright', 'Apercite', 'semanticbot', 'Aboundex', 'domaincrawler', 'wbsearchbot', 'summify', 'CCBot', 'edisterbot', 'seznambot', 'ec2linkfinder', 'gslfbot', 'aiHitBot', 'intelium_bot', 'facebookexternalhit', 'Yeti', 'RetrevoPageAnalyzer', 'lb-spider', 'Sogou', 'lssbot', 'careerbot', 'wotbox', 'wocbot', 'ichiro', 'DuckDuckBot', 'lssrocketcrawler', 'drupact', 'webcompanycrawler', 'acoonbot', 'openindexspider', 'gnam gnam spider', 'web-archive-net\\\\.com\\\\.bot', 'backlinkcrawler', 'coccoc', 'integromedb', 'content crawler spider', 'toplistbot', 'it2media-domain-crawler', 'ip-web-crawler\\\\.com', 'siteexplorer\\\\.info', 'elisabot', 'proximic', 'changedetection', 'arabot', 'WeSEE:Search', 'niki-bot', 'CrystalSemanticsBot', 'rogerbot', '360Spider', 'psbot', 'InterfaxScanBot', 'CC Metadata Scaper', 'g00g1e\\\\.net', 'GrapeshotCrawler', 'urlappendbot', 'brainobot', 'fr-crawler', 'binlar', 'SimpleCrawler', 'Twitterbot', 'cXensebot', 'smtbot', 'bnf\\\\.fr_bot', 'A6-Indexer', 'ADmantX', 'Facebot', 'OrangeBot\\/', 'memorybot', 'AdvBot', 'MegaIndex', 'SemanticScholarBot', 'ltx71', 'nerdybot', 'xovibot', 'BUbiNG', 'Qwantify', 'archive\\\\.org_bot', 'Applebot', 'TweetmemeBot', 'crawler4j', 'findxbot', 'S[eE][mM]rushBot', 'yoozBot', 'lipperhey', 'Y!J', 'Domain Re-Animator Bot', 'AddThis', 'Screaming Frog SEO Spider', 'MetaURI', 'Scrapy', 'Livelap[bB]ot', 'OpenHoseBot', 'CapsuleChecker', 'collection@infegy\\\\.com', 'IstellaBot', 'DeuSu\\/', 'betaBot', 'Cliqzbot\\/', 'MojeekBot\\/', 'netEstate NE Crawler', 'SafeSearch microdata crawler', 'Gluten Free Crawler\\/', 'Sonic', 'Sysomos', 'Trove', 'deadlinkchecker', 'Slack-ImgProxy', 'Embedly', 'RankActiveLinkBot', 'iskanie', 'SafeDNSBot', 'SkypeUriPreview', 'Veoozbot', 'Slackbot', 'redditbot', 'datagnionbot', 'Google-Adwords-Instant', 'adbeat_bot', 'WhatsApp', 'contxbot', 'pinterest', 'electricmonk', 'GarlikCrawler', 'BingPreview\\/', 'vebidoobot', 'FemtosearchBot', 'Yahoo Link Preview', 'MetaJobBot', 'DomainStatsBot', 'mindUpBot', 'Daum\\/', 'Jugendschutzprogramm-Crawler', 'Xenu Link Sleuth', 'Pcore-HTTP', 'moatbot', 'KosmioBot', 'pingdom', 'PhantomJS', 'Gowikibot', 'PiplBot', 'Discordbot', 'TelegramBot', 'Jetslide', 'newsharecounts', 'James BOT', 'Barkrowler', 'TinEye', 'SocialRankIOBot', 'trendictionbot', 'Ocarinabot', 'epicbot', 'Primalbot', 'DuckDuckGo-Favicons-Bot', 'GnowitNewsbot', 'Leikibot', 'LinkArchiver', 'YaK\\/', 'PaperLiBot', 'Digg Deeper', 'dcrawl', 'Snacktory', 'AndersPinkBot', 'Fyrebot', 'EveryoneSocialBot', 'Mediatoolkitbot', 'Luminator-robots', 'ExtLinksBot', 'SurveyBot', 'NING\\/', 'okhttp', 'Nuzzel', 'omgili', 'PocketParser', 'YisouSpider', 'um-LN', 'ToutiaoSpider', 'MuckRack', \"Jamie's Spider\", 'AHC\\/', 'NetcraftSurveyAgent', 'Laserlikebot', 'Apache-HttpClient', 'AppEngine-Google', 'Jetty', 'Upflow', 'Thinklab', 'Traackr\\\\.com', 'Twurly', 'Mastodon', 'http_get', 'DnyzBot', 'botify', '007ac9 Crawler', 'BehloolBot', 'BrandVerity', 'check_http', 'BDCbot', 'ZumBot', 'EZID', 'ICC-Crawler', 'ArchiveBot', '^LCC ', 'filterdb\\\\.iss\\\\.net\\/crawler', 'BLP_bbot', 'BomboraBot', 'Buck\\/', 'Companybook-Crawler', 'Genieo', 'magpie-crawler', 'MeltwaterNews', 'Moreover', 'newspaper\\/', 'ScoutJet', '(^| )sentry\\/', 'StorygizeBot', 'UptimeRobot', 'OutclicksBot', 'seoscanners', 'Hatena', 'Google Web Preview', 'MauiBot', 'AlphaBot', 'SBL-BOT', 'IAS crawler', 'adscanner', 'Netvibes', 'acapbot', 'Baidu-YunGuanCe', 'bitlybot', 'blogmuraBot', 'Bot\\\\.AraTurka\\\\.com', 'bot-pge\\\\.chlooe\\\\.com', 'BoxcarBot', 'BTWebClient', 'ContextAd Bot', 'Digincore bot', 'Disqus', 'Feedly', 'Fetch\\/', 'Fever', 'Flamingo_SearchEngine', 'FlipboardProxy', 'g2reader-bot', 'imrbot', 'K7MLWCBot', 'Kemvibot', 'Landau-Media-Spider', 'linkapediabot', 'vkShare', 'Siteimprove\\\\.com', 'BLEXBot\\/', 'DareBoost', 'ZuperlistBot\\/', 'Miniflux\\/', 'Feedspotbot\\/', 'Diffbot\\/', 'SEOkicks', 'tracemyfile', 'Nimbostratus-Bot'];","\"use strict\";\n\nvar _interopRequireDefault = require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault\");\n\nvar _classCallCheck2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck\"));\n\nvar _createClass2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass\"));\n\n/* eslint-disable no-unneeded-ternary */\nvar helpers = require('./helpers');\n\nvar EventDispatcher = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n  function EventDispatcher(options) {\n    var _this = this;\n\n    (0, _classCallCheck2[\"default\"])(this, EventDispatcher);\n    this.events = [];\n    this.enabled = options && options.enabled === false ? false : true; // Defaults to 'true'\n\n    this.waitForBeacon = options && options.waitForBeacon === false ? false : true; // Defaults to 'true'\n    // `enabled` is a supplied option\n    // - if false, events will never be dispatched\n    // `active` is a variable determining if events will be dispatched\n    // - if `waitForBeacon` is set to true, `active` will be false until beacon event is received\n\n    this.active = this.enabled; // If `waitForBeacon` option is set, only enable event dispatching once event is received from beacon\n\n    if (this.waitForBeacon) {\n      this.active = false; // Check browser environment to determine if beacon has been loaded\n      // - Important for the case where the beacon has loaded before client library instantiated\n\n      if (helpers.canUseDOM() && (window.ConstructorioAutocomplete || window.ConstructorioBeacon || window.ConstructorioTracker)) {\n        if (this.enabled) {\n          this.active = true;\n          this.dispatchEvents();\n        }\n      } // Bind listener to beacon loaded event\n      // - Important for the case where client library instantiated before beacon has loaded\n\n\n      helpers.addEventListener('cio.beacon.loaded', function () {\n        if (_this.enabled) {\n          _this.active = true;\n\n          _this.dispatchEvents();\n        }\n      });\n    }\n  } // Push event data to queue\n\n\n  (0, _createClass2[\"default\"])(EventDispatcher, [{\n    key: \"queue\",\n    value: function queue(name, data) {\n      this.events.push({\n        name: name,\n        data: data\n      });\n\n      if (this.active) {\n        this.dispatchEvents();\n      }\n    } // Dispatch all custom events within queue on `window` of supplied name with data\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"dispatchEvents\",\n    value: function dispatchEvents() {\n      while (this.events.length) {\n        var item = this.events.shift();\n        var name = item.name,\n            data = item.data;\n        var eventName = \"cio.client.\".concat(name);\n        helpers.dispatchEvent(helpers.createCustomEvent(eventName, data));\n      }\n    }\n  }]);\n  return EventDispatcher;\n}();\n\nmodule.exports = EventDispatcher;","\"use strict\";\n\nvar _interopRequireDefault = require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault\");\n\nvar _typeof2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/typeof\"));\n\n/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */\nvar CRC32 = require('crc-32');\n\nvar store = require('./store');\n\nvar purchaseEventStorageKey = '_constructorio_purchase_order_ids';\nvar utils = {\n  trimNonBreakingSpaces: function trimNonBreakingSpaces(string) {\n    return string.replace(/\\s/g, ' ').trim();\n  },\n  // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/encodeURIComponent\n  encodeURIComponentRFC3986: function encodeURIComponentRFC3986(string) {\n    return encodeURIComponent(string).replace(/[!'()*]/g, function (c) {\n      return \"%\".concat(c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase());\n    });\n  },\n  cleanParams: function cleanParams(paramsObj) {\n    var cleanedParams = {};\n    Object.keys(paramsObj).forEach(function (paramKey) {\n      var paramValue = paramsObj[paramKey];\n\n      if (typeof paramValue === 'string') {\n        // Replace non-breaking spaces (or any other type of spaces caught by the regex)\n        // - with a regular white space\n        cleanedParams[paramKey] = utils.trimNonBreakingSpaces(paramValue);\n      } else {\n        cleanedParams[paramKey] = paramValue;\n      }\n    });\n    return cleanedParams;\n  },\n  throwHttpErrorFromResponse: function throwHttpErrorFromResponse(error, response) {\n    return response.json().then(function (json) {\n      error.message = json.message;\n      error.status = response.status;\n      error.statusText = response.statusText;\n      error.url = response.url;\n      error.headers = response.headers;\n      throw error;\n    });\n  },\n  canUseDOM: function canUseDOM() {\n    return !!(typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document && window.document.createElement);\n  },\n  addEventListener: function addEventListener(eventType, callback, useCapture) {\n    if (utils.canUseDOM()) {\n      window.addEventListener(eventType, callback, useCapture);\n    }\n  },\n  removeEventListener: function removeEventListener(eventType, callback, useCapture) {\n    if (utils.canUseDOM()) {\n      window.removeEventListener(eventType, callback, useCapture);\n    }\n  },\n  getNavigator: function getNavigator() {\n    if (utils.canUseDOM()) {\n      return window.navigator;\n    }\n\n    return {\n      userAgent: '',\n      webdriver: false\n    };\n  },\n  isNil: function isNil(value) {\n    return value == null;\n  },\n  getWindowLocation: function getWindowLocation() {\n    if (utils.canUseDOM()) {\n      return window.location;\n    }\n\n    return {};\n  },\n  dispatchEvent: function dispatchEvent(event) {\n    if (utils.canUseDOM()) {\n      window.dispatchEvent(event);\n    }\n  },\n  createCustomEvent: function createCustomEvent(eventName, detail) {\n    if (utils.canUseDOM()) {\n      try {\n        return new window.CustomEvent(eventName, {\n          detail: detail\n        });\n      } catch (e) {\n        var evt = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');\n        evt.initCustomEvent(eventName, false, false, detail);\n        return evt;\n      }\n    }\n\n    return null;\n  },\n  hasOrderIdRecord: function hasOrderIdRecord(orderId) {\n    var orderIdHash = CRC32.str(orderId.toString());\n    var purchaseEventStorage = store.local.get(purchaseEventStorageKey);\n\n    if (typeof purchaseEventStorage === 'string') {\n      purchaseEventStorage = JSON.parse(purchaseEventStorage);\n    }\n\n    if (purchaseEventStorage && purchaseEventStorage.includes(orderIdHash)) {\n      return true;\n    }\n\n    return null;\n  },\n  addOrderIdRecord: function addOrderIdRecord(orderId) {\n    var orderIdHash = CRC32.str(orderId.toString());\n    var purchaseEventStorage = store.local.get(purchaseEventStorageKey);\n\n    if (typeof purchaseEventStorage === 'string') {\n      purchaseEventStorage = JSON.parse(purchaseEventStorage);\n    }\n\n    if (purchaseEventStorage) {\n      // If the order already exists, do nothing\n      if (purchaseEventStorage.includes(orderIdHash)) {\n        return;\n      }\n\n      if (purchaseEventStorage.length >= 10) {\n        purchaseEventStorage = purchaseEventStorage.slice(-9);\n      }\n\n      purchaseEventStorage.push(orderIdHash);\n    } else {\n      // Create a new object map for the order ids\n      purchaseEventStorage = [orderIdHash];\n    } // Push the order id map into local storage\n\n\n    store.local.set(purchaseEventStorageKey, purchaseEventStorage);\n  },\n  // Abort network request based on supplied timeout interval (in milliseconds)\n  // - method call parameter takes precedence over global options parameter\n  applyNetworkTimeout: function applyNetworkTimeout() {\n    var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};\n    var networkParameters = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n    var controller = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : null;\n    var optionsTimeout = options && options.networkParameters && options.networkParameters.timeout;\n    var networkParametersTimeout = networkParameters && networkParameters.timeout;\n    var timeout = networkParametersTimeout || optionsTimeout;\n\n    if (typeof timeout === 'number' && controller) {\n      setTimeout(function () {\n        return controller.abort();\n      }, timeout);\n    }\n  },\n  stringify: function stringify(object, prefix, objectType) {\n    if (!object) {\n      return '';\n    }\n\n    var allValues = [];\n    Object.keys(object).forEach(function (key) {\n      var value = object[key];\n      var encodedKey = utils.encodeURIComponentRFC3986(key);\n      var stringifiedValue; // Check for both null and undefined\n\n      if (value != null) {\n        var nextPrefix = prefix ? \"\".concat(prefix, \"%5B\").concat(encodedKey, \"%5D\") : encodedKey;\n\n        if (Array.isArray(value)) {\n          stringifiedValue = utils.stringify(value, nextPrefix, 'array');\n        } else if ((0, _typeof2[\"default\"])(value) === 'object') {\n          stringifiedValue = utils.stringify(value, nextPrefix, 'object');\n        } else if (objectType === 'object') {\n          stringifiedValue = \"\".concat(nextPrefix, \"=\").concat(utils.encodeURIComponentRFC3986(value));\n        } else {\n          stringifiedValue = \"\".concat(prefix || encodedKey, \"=\").concat(utils.encodeURIComponentRFC3986(value));\n        }\n\n        allValues.push(stringifiedValue);\n      }\n    });\n    return allValues.join('&');\n  }\n};\nmodule.exports = utils;","\"use strict\";\n\nvar _interopRequireDefault = require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault\");\n\nvar _classCallCheck2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck\"));\n\nvar _createClass2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass\"));\n\n/* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this */\nvar store = require('./store');\n\nvar botList = require('./botlist');\n\nvar helpers = require('./helpers');\n\nvar storageKey = '_constructorio_is_human';\nvar humanEvents = ['scroll', 'resize', 'touchmove', 'mouseover', 'mousemove', 'keydown', 'keypress', 'keyup', 'focus'];\n\nvar HumanityCheck = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n  function HumanityCheck() {\n    var _this = this;\n\n    (0, _classCallCheck2[\"default\"])(this, HumanityCheck);\n    this.isHumanBoolean = this.getIsHumanFromSessionStorage(); // Humanity proved, remove handlers to prove humanity\n\n    var remove = function remove() {\n      _this.isHumanBoolean = true;\n      store.session.set(storageKey, true);\n      humanEvents.forEach(function (eventType) {\n        helpers.removeEventListener(eventType, remove, true);\n      });\n    }; // Add handlers to prove humanity\n\n\n    if (!this.isHumanBoolean) {\n      humanEvents.forEach(function (eventType) {\n        helpers.addEventListener(eventType, remove, true);\n      });\n    }\n  }\n\n  (0, _createClass2[\"default\"])(HumanityCheck, [{\n    key: \"getIsHumanFromSessionStorage\",\n    value: function getIsHumanFromSessionStorage() {\n      return !!store.session.get(storageKey) || false;\n    } // Return boolean indicating if is human\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"isHuman\",\n    value: function isHuman() {\n      return this.isHumanBoolean || !!store.session.get(storageKey);\n    } // Return boolean indicating if useragent matches botlist\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"isBot\",\n    value: function isBot() {\n      if (this.getIsHumanFromSessionStorage()) {\n        return false;\n      }\n\n      var _helpers$getNavigator = helpers.getNavigator(),\n          userAgent = _helpers$getNavigator.userAgent,\n          webdriver = _helpers$getNavigator.webdriver;\n\n      var botRegex = new RegExp(\"(\".concat(botList.join('|'), \")\"));\n      return Boolean(userAgent.match(botRegex)) || Boolean(webdriver);\n    }\n  }]);\n  return HumanityCheck;\n}();\n\nmodule.exports = HumanityCheck;","\"use strict\";\n\nvar _interopRequireDefault = require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault\");\n\nvar _classCallCheck2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck\"));\n\nvar _createClass2 = _interopRequireDefault(require(\"@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass\"));\n\n/* eslint-disable brace-style, no-unneeded-ternary */\nvar store = require('./store');\n\nvar HumanityCheck = require('./humanity-check');\n\nvar helpers = require('./helpers');\n\nvar storageKey = '_constructorio_requests';\nvar requestTTL = 180000; // 3 minutes in milliseconds\n\nvar RequestQueue = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n  function RequestQueue(options, eventemitter) {\n    var _this = this;\n\n    (0, _classCallCheck2[\"default\"])(this, RequestQueue);\n    this.options = options;\n    this.eventemitter = eventemitter;\n    this.humanity = new HumanityCheck();\n    this.requestPending = false;\n    this.pageUnloading = false;\n    this.sendTrackingEvents = options && options.sendTrackingEvents === true ? true : false; // Defaults to 'false'\n    // Mark if page environment is unloading\n\n    helpers.addEventListener('beforeunload', function () {\n      _this.pageUnloading = true;\n    });\n\n    if (this.sendTrackingEvents) {\n      this.send();\n    }\n  } // Add request to queue to be dispatched\n\n\n  (0, _createClass2[\"default\"])(RequestQueue, [{\n    key: \"queue\",\n    value: function queue(url) {\n      var method = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'GET';\n      var body = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n      var networkParameters = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {};\n\n      if (this.sendTrackingEvents && !this.humanity.isBot()) {\n        var queue = RequestQueue.get();\n        queue.push({\n          url: url,\n          method: method,\n          body: body,\n          networkParameters: networkParameters\n        });\n        RequestQueue.set(queue);\n      }\n    } // Read from queue and send events to server\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"sendEvents\",\n    value: function sendEvents() {\n      var _this2 = this;\n\n      var fetch = this.options.fetch;\n      var queue = RequestQueue.get();\n\n      if ( // Consider user \"human\" if no DOM context is available\n      (!helpers.canUseDOM() || this.humanity.isHuman()) && !this.requestPending && !this.pageUnloading && queue.length) {\n        var request;\n        var nextInQueue = queue.shift();\n        var _nextInQueue = nextInQueue,\n            networkParameters = _nextInQueue.networkParameters;\n        var signal;\n        var instance = this;\n        RequestQueue.set(queue);\n\n        if (networkParameters && typeof AbortController === 'function') {\n          var controller = new AbortController();\n          signal = controller.signal;\n          helpers.applyNetworkTimeout(this.options, networkParameters, controller);\n        } // Backwards compatibility with versions <= 2.0.0, can be removed in future\n        // - Request queue entries used to be strings with 'GET' method assumed\n\n\n        if (typeof nextInQueue === 'string') {\n          nextInQueue = {\n            url: nextInQueue,\n            method: 'GET'\n          };\n        } // If events older than `requestTTL` exist in queue, clear request queue\n        // - Prevents issue where stale items are sent in perpetuity\n        // - No request should go unsent for longer than `requestTTL`\n\n\n        if (nextInQueue.url) {\n          // Pull `dt` parameter from URL, indicating origin time of request\n          var dtMatch = nextInQueue.url.match(/\\?.*_dt=([^&]+)/);\n          var requestOriginTime = parseInt(dtMatch && dtMatch[1], 10);\n          var now = +new Date();\n\n          if (requestOriginTime && Number.isInteger(requestOriginTime) && now - requestOriginTime > requestTTL) {\n            this.sendTrackingEvents = false;\n            RequestQueue.remove();\n            return;\n          }\n        }\n\n        if (nextInQueue.method === 'GET') {\n          request = fetch(nextInQueue.url, {\n            signal: signal\n          });\n        }\n\n        if (nextInQueue.method === 'POST') {\n          request = fetch(nextInQueue.url, {\n            method: nextInQueue.method,\n            body: JSON.stringify(nextInQueue.body),\n            mode: 'cors',\n            headers: {\n              'Content-Type': 'text/plain'\n            },\n            signal: signal\n          });\n        }\n\n        if (request) {\n          this.requestPending = true;\n          request.then(function (response) {\n            // Request was successful, and returned a 2XX status code\n            if (response.ok) {\n              if (instance.eventemitter) {\n                instance.eventemitter.emit('success', {\n                  url: nextInQueue.url,\n                  method: nextInQueue.method,\n                  message: 'ok'\n                });\n              }\n\n              _this2.requestPending = false;\n\n              _this2.send();\n            } // Request was successful, but returned a non-2XX status code\n            else {\n              response.json().then(function (json) {\n                if (instance.eventemitter) {\n                  instance.eventemitter.emit('error', {\n                    url: nextInQueue.url,\n                    method: nextInQueue.method,\n                    message: json && json.message\n                  });\n                }\n\n                _this2.requestPending = false;\n\n                _this2.send();\n              })[\"catch\"](function (error) {\n                if (instance.eventemitter) {\n                  instance.eventemitter.emit('error', {\n                    url: nextInQueue.url,\n                    method: nextInQueue.method,\n                    message: error.type\n                  });\n                }\n\n                _this2.requestPending = false;\n\n                _this2.send();\n              });\n            }\n          })[\"catch\"](function (error) {\n            if (instance.eventemitter) {\n              instance.eventemitter.emit('error', {\n                url: nextInQueue.url,\n                method: nextInQueue.method,\n                message: error && error.toString && error.toString()\n              });\n            }\n\n            _this2.requestPending = false;\n\n            _this2.send();\n          });\n        }\n      }\n    } // Read from queue and send requests to server\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"send\",\n    value: function send() {\n      if (this.sendTrackingEvents) {\n        if (this.options && this.options.trackingSendDelay === 0) {\n          this.sendEvents();\n        } else {\n          // Defer sending of events to give beforeunload time to register (avoids race condition)\n          setTimeout(this.sendEvents.bind(this), this.options && this.options.trackingSendDelay || 250);\n        }\n      }\n    } // Return current request queue\n\n  }], [{\n    key: \"get\",\n    value: function get() {\n      return store.local.get(storageKey) || [];\n    } // Update current request queue\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"set\",\n    value: function set(queue) {\n      // If queue length is zero, remove entry entirely\n      if (!queue || Array.isArray(queue) && queue.length === 0) {\n        RequestQueue.remove();\n      } else {\n        store.local.set(storageKey, queue);\n      }\n\n      var localStorageQueue = RequestQueue.get(); // Ensure storage queue was set correctly in storage by checking length\n      // - Otherwise remove all pending requests as preventative measure\n      // - Firefox seeing identical events being transmitted multiple times\n\n      if (Array.isArray(localStorageQueue) && localStorageQueue.length !== queue.length) {\n        this.sendTrackingEvents = false;\n        RequestQueue.remove();\n      }\n    } // Remove current request queue key\n\n  }, {\n    key: \"remove\",\n    value: function remove() {\n      store.local.remove(storageKey);\n    }\n  }]);\n  return RequestQueue;\n}();\n\nmodule.exports = RequestQueue;","\"use strict\";\n\nvar store = require('store2');\n\nvar overflow = require('./store.overflow'); // Inject overflow into store\n// https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nbubna/store/master/src/store.overflow.js\n\n\noverflow(store, store._);\nmodule.exports = store;","\"use strict\";\n\n/* eslint-disable */\n\n/**\n * Copyright (c) 2013 ESHA Research\n * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:\n *   http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php\n *   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html\n *\n * When quota is reached on a storage area, this shifts incoming values to \n * fake storage, so they last only as long as the page does. This is useful\n * because it is more burdensome for localStorage to recover from quota errors\n * than incomplete caches. In other words, it is wiser to rely on store.js\n * never complaining than never missing data. You should already be checking\n * the integrity of cached data on every page load.\n *\n * Status: BETA\n */\nmodule.exports = function (store, _) {\n  var _set = _.set,\n      _get = _.get,\n      _remove = _.remove,\n      _key = _.key,\n      _length = _.length,\n      _clear = _.clear;\n\n  _.overflow = function (area, create) {\n    var name = area === _.areas.local ? '+local+' : area === _.areas.session ? '+session+' : false;\n\n    if (name) {\n      var overflow = _.areas[name];\n\n      if (create && !overflow) {\n        overflow = store.area(name)._area; // area() copies to _.areas\n      } else if (create === false) {\n        delete _.areas[name];\n        delete store[name];\n      }\n\n      return overflow;\n    }\n  };\n\n  _.set = function (area, key, string) {\n    try {\n      _set.apply(this, arguments);\n    } catch (e) {\n      if (e.name === 'QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR' || e.name === 'NS_ERROR_DOM_QUOTA_REACHED' || e.toString().indexOf(\"QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR\") !== -1 || e.toString().indexOf(\"QuotaExceededError\") !== -1) {\n        // the e.toString is needed for IE9 / IE10, cos name is empty there\n        return _.set(_.overflow(area, true), key, string);\n      }\n\n      throw e;\n    }\n  };\n\n  _.get = function (area, key) {\n    var overflow = _.overflow(area);\n\n    return overflow && _get.call(this, overflow, key) || _get.apply(this, arguments);\n  };\n\n  _.remove = function (area, key) {\n    var overflow = _.overflow(area);\n\n    if (overflow) {\n      _remove.call(this, overflow, key);\n    }\n\n    _remove.apply(this, arguments);\n  };\n\n  _.key = function (area, i) {\n    var overflow = _.overflow(area);\n\n    if (overflow) {\n      var l = _length.call(this, area);\n\n      if (i >= l) {\n        i = i - l; // make i overflow-relative\n\n        for (var j = 0, m = _length.call(this, overflow); j < m; j++) {\n          if (j === i) {\n            // j is overflow index\n            return _key.call(this, overflow, j);\n          }\n        }\n      }\n    }\n\n    return _key.apply(this, arguments);\n  };\n\n  _.length = function (area) {\n    var length = _length(area),\n        overflow = _.overflow(area);\n\n    return overflow ? length + _length(overflow) : length;\n  };\n\n  _.clear = function (area) {\n    _.overflow(area, false);\n\n    _clear.apply(this, arguments);\n  };\n};","(function () {\n  // Object.assign polyfill\n  // - https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/assign#Polyfill\n  Object.assign || Object.defineProperty(Object, 'assign', {enumerable: !1, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: function (e) {'use strict'; if (void 0 === e || e === null) throw new TypeError('Cannot convert first argument to object'); for (var r = Object(e), t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {var n = arguments[t]; if (void 0 !== n && n !== null) {n = Object(n); for (var o = Object.keys(Object(n)), a = 0, c = o.length; c > a; a++) {var i = o[a], b = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, i); void 0 !== b && b.enumerable && (r[i] = n[i]);}}} return r;}}); // eslint-disable-line\n\n  var ConstructorioID = function (options) {\n    var defaults = {\n      user_agent: null,\n      persist: true,\n      cookie_name_client_id: 'ConstructorioID_client_id',\n      cookie_name_session_id: 'ConstructorioID_session_id',\n      cookie_name_session_data: 'ConstructorioID_session',\n      cookie_domain: null,\n      cookie_secure: null, // null, true\n      cookie_samesite: null, // null, Lax, Strict\n      cookie_days_to_live: 365,\n      local_name_client_id: '_constructorio_search_client_id',\n      local_name_session_id: '_constructorio_search_session_id',\n      local_name_session_data: '_constructorio_search_session',\n      on_node: typeof window === 'undefined',\n      session_is_new: null,\n      new_to_beacon: null,\n      client_id_storage_location: 'cookie',\n      session_id_storage_location: 'local'\n    };\n\n    Object.assign(this, defaults, options);\n\n    if (!this.client_id) {\n      if (!this.on_node && this.persist) {\n        var persisted_id;\n\n        if (this.client_id_storage_location === 'cookie') {\n          persisted_id = this.get_cookie(this.cookie_name_client_id);\n        }\n\n        if (this.client_id_storage_location === 'local') {\n          persisted_id = this.get_local_object(this.local_name_client_id);\n        }\n\n        this.client_id = persisted_id ? persisted_id : this.generate_client_id();\n      } else {\n        this.client_id = this.generate_client_id();\n      }\n    }\n\n    if (!this.session_id) {\n      if (!this.on_node && this.persist) {\n        this.session_id = this.generate_session_id();\n      } else {\n        this.session_id = 1;\n      }\n    }\n\n    if (!this.on_node) {\n      this.user_agent = this.user_agent || (window && window.navigator && window.navigator.userAgent);\n    }\n  };\n\n  ConstructorioID.prototype.set_cookie = function (name, value) {\n    if (!this.on_node && this.persist) {\n      var expires = new Date(Date.now() + this.cookie_days_to_live * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);\n      var cookie_data = name + '=' + value + '; expires=' + expires.toUTCString() + '; path=/';\n      if (this.cookie_domain) {\n        cookie_data += '; domain=' + this.cookie_domain;\n      }\n      if (this.cookie_secure) {\n        cookie_data += '; secure';\n      }\n      if 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function (name) {\n    document.cookie = name + '=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;';\n  };\n\n  ConstructorioID.prototype.generate_client_id = function () {\n    var client_id;\n\n    if (!this.on_node) {\n      var cookie_persisted_client_id = this.get_cookie(this.cookie_name_client_id);\n      var local_persisted_client_id = this.get_local_object(this.local_name_client_id);\n\n      if (this.client_id_storage_location === 'cookie') {\n        if (local_persisted_client_id) {\n          client_id = local_persisted_client_id;\n          this.set_cookie(this.cookie_name_client_id, client_id);\n          this.delete_local_object(this.local_name_client_id);\n        }\n      }\n\n      if (this.client_id_storage_location === 'local') {\n        if (cookie_persisted_client_id) {\n          client_id = cookie_persisted_client_id;\n          this.set_local_object(this.local_name_client_id, client_id);\n          this.delete_cookie(this.cookie_name_client_id);\n        }\n      }\n    }\n\n    if (!client_id) {\n      client_id = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {\n        var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0;\n        var v = c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8);\n        return v.toString(16);\n      });\n\n      if (this.client_id_storage_location === 'cookie') {\n        this.set_cookie(this.cookie_name_client_id, client_id);\n      }\n\n      if (this.client_id_storage_location === 'local') {\n        this.set_local_object(this.local_name_client_id, client_id);\n      }\n    }\n\n    return client_id;\n  };\n\n  ConstructorioID.prototype.get_local_object = function (key) {\n    var data;\n    var localStorage = window && window.localStorage;\n    if (localStorage && typeof key  === 'string') {\n      try {\n        data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key));\n      } catch (e) {\n        data = localStorage.getItem(key);\n      }\n    }\n    return data;\n  };\n\n  ConstructorioID.prototype.set_local_object = function (key, data) {\n    var localStorage = window && window.localStorage;\n\n    if (localStorage && typeof key === 'string') {\n      if (typeof data === 'object') {\n        try {\n          localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(data));\n        } catch (e) {\n          // fail silently\n        }\n      }\n\n      if (typeof data === 'string' || typeof data === 'number') {\n        try {\n          localStorage.setItem(key, data);\n        } catch (e) {\n          // fail silently\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  };\n\n  ConstructorioID.prototype.delete_local_object = function (key) {\n    var localStorage = window && window.localStorage;\n\n    if (localStorage && typeof key === 'string') {\n      try {\n        localStorage.removeItem(key);\n      } catch (e) {\n        // fail silently\n      }\n    }\n  };\n\n  ConstructorioID.prototype.generate_session_id = function () {\n    var cookie_persisted_session_data = this.get_cookie(this.cookie_name_session_data);\n    var local_persisted_session_data = this.get_local_object(this.local_name_session_data);\n    var now = Date.now();\n    var thirtyMinutes = 1000 * 60 * 30;\n    var sessionData;\n\n    if (this.session_id_storage_location === 'local') {\n      sessionData = this.get_local_object(this.local_name_session_data);\n\n      if (!sessionData && cookie_persisted_session_data) {\n        sessionData = cookie_persisted_session_data;\n\n        this.delete_cookie(this.cookie_name_session_data);\n      }\n    }\n\n    if (this.session_id_storage_location === 'cookie') {\n      sessionData = this.get_cookie(this.cookie_name_session_data);\n\n      try {\n        sessionData = JSON.parse(sessionData);\n      } catch (e) {\n        // fail silently\n      }\n\n      if (!sessionData && local_persisted_session_data) {\n        sessionData = local_persisted_session_data;\n\n        this.delete_local_object(this.local_name_session_data);\n      }\n    }\n\n    var sessionId = 1;\n    var sessionDataId = 1;\n\n    if (sessionData && typeof sessionData === 'object') {\n      sessionDataId = parseInt(sessionData.sessionId, 10) || 1;\n\n      if (sessionData.lastTime > now - thirtyMinutes) {\n        sessionId = sessionDataId;\n      } else {\n        sessionId = sessionDataId + 1;\n      }\n    }\n\n    this.session_id = sessionId;\n    this.session_is_new = sessionData && sessionDataId === sessionId ? false : true;\n\n    // persist new status for when ciojs-client is instantiated before beacon\n    if (sessionData && sessionData.newToBeacon) {\n      this.new_to_beacon = true;\n    }\n\n    const storedData = {\n      sessionId: sessionId,\n      lastTime: now\n    };\n\n    // persist new status for when ciojs-client is instantiated before beacon\n    if (this.session_is_new) {\n      storedData.newToBeacon = true;\n    }\n\n    if (this.session_id_storage_location === 'local') {\n      this.set_local_object(this.local_name_session_id, sessionId);\n      this.set_local_object(this.local_name_session_data, storedData);\n    }\n\n    if (this.session_id_storage_location === 'cookie') {\n      this.set_cookie(this.cookie_name_session_id, sessionId);\n      this.set_cookie(this.cookie_name_session_data, JSON.stringify(storedData));\n    }\n\n    return sessionId;\n  };\n\n  // export module for node or environments with module loaders, such as webpack\n  if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof require !== 'undefined') {\n    module.exports = ConstructorioID;\n  }\n})();\n","(function() {/*\n\n Copyright The Closure Library Authors.\n SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0\n*/\nvar aa=\"function\"==typeof Object.defineProperties?Object.defineProperty:function(a,b,c){if(a==Array.prototype||a==Object.prototype)return a;a[b]=c.value;return a};function ba(a){a=[\"object\"==typeof globalThis&&globalThis,a,\"object\"==typeof window&&window,\"object\"==typeof self&&self,\"object\"==typeof global&&global];for(var b=0;b<a.length;++b){var c=a[b];if(c&&c.Math==Math)return c}throw Error(\"Cannot find 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Default URL will be set.\")};Z.prototype.getAPIUrl=function(){return r};var md=new Z;if(window.branch&&window.branch._q)for(var nd=window.branch._q,od=0;od<nd.length;od++){var pd=nd[od];md[pd[0]].apply(md,pd[1])}\"function\"===typeof define&&define.amd?define(\"branch\",function(){return md}):\"object\"===typeof exports&&(module.exports=md);window&&(window.branch=md);})();\n","/*! crc32.js (C) 2014-present SheetJS -- http://sheetjs.com */\n/* vim: set ts=2: */\n/*exported CRC32 */\nvar CRC32;\n(function (factory) {\n\t/*jshint ignore:start */\n\t/*eslint-disable */\n\tif(typeof DO_NOT_EXPORT_CRC === 'undefined') {\n\t\tif('object' === typeof exports) {\n\t\t\tfactory(exports);\n\t\t} else if ('function' === typeof define && define.amd) {\n\t\t\tdefine(function () {\n\t\t\t\tvar module = {};\n\t\t\t\tfactory(module);\n\t\t\t\treturn module;\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tfactory(CRC32 = {});\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tfactory(CRC32 = {});\n\t}\n\t/*eslint-enable */\n\t/*jshint ignore:end */\n}(function(CRC32) {\nCRC32.version = '1.2.2';\n/*global Int32Array */\nfunction signed_crc_table() {\n\tvar c = 0, table = new Array(256);\n\n\tfor(var n =0; n != 256; ++n){\n\t\tc = n;\n\t\tc = ((c&1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));\n\t\tc = ((c&1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));\n\t\tc = ((c&1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));\n\t\tc = ((c&1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));\n\t\tc = ((c&1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));\n\t\tc = ((c&1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));\n\t\tc = ((c&1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));\n\t\tc = ((c&1) ? (-306674912 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));\n\t\ttable[n] = c;\n\t}\n\n\treturn typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined' ? new Int32Array(table) : table;\n}\n\nvar T0 = signed_crc_table();\nfunction slice_by_16_tables(T) {\n\tvar c = 0, v = 0, n = 0, table = typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined' ? new Int32Array(4096) : new Array(4096) ;\n\n\tfor(n = 0; n != 256; ++n) table[n] = T[n];\n\tfor(n = 0; n != 256; ++n) {\n\t\tv = T[n];\n\t\tfor(c = 256 + n; c < 4096; c += 256) v = table[c] = (v >>> 8) ^ T[v & 0xFF];\n\t}\n\tvar out = [];\n\tfor(n = 1; n != 16; ++n) out[n - 1] = typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined' ? table.subarray(n * 256, n * 256 + 256) : table.slice(n * 256, n * 256 + 256);\n\treturn out;\n}\nvar TT = slice_by_16_tables(T0);\nvar T1 = TT[0],  T2 = TT[1],  T3 = TT[2],  T4 = TT[3],  T5 = TT[4];\nvar T6 = TT[5],  T7 = TT[6],  T8 = TT[7],  T9 = TT[8],  Ta = TT[9];\nvar Tb = TT[10], Tc = TT[11], Td = TT[12], Te = TT[13], Tf = TT[14];\nfunction crc32_bstr(bstr, seed) {\n\tvar C = seed ^ -1;\n\tfor(var i = 0, L = bstr.length; i < L;) C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C^bstr.charCodeAt(i++))&0xFF];\n\treturn ~C;\n}\n\nfunction crc32_buf(B, seed) {\n\tvar C = seed ^ -1, L = B.length - 15, i = 0;\n\tfor(; i < L;) C =\n\t\tTf[B[i++] ^ (C & 255)] ^\n\t\tTe[B[i++] ^ ((C >> 8) & 255)] ^\n\t\tTd[B[i++] ^ ((C >> 16) & 255)] ^\n\t\tTc[B[i++] ^ (C >>> 24)] ^\n\t\tTb[B[i++]] ^ Ta[B[i++]] ^ T9[B[i++]] ^ T8[B[i++]] ^\n\t\tT7[B[i++]] ^ T6[B[i++]] ^ T5[B[i++]] ^ T4[B[i++]] ^\n\t\tT3[B[i++]] ^ T2[B[i++]] ^ T1[B[i++]] ^ T0[B[i++]];\n\tL += 15;\n\twhile(i < L) C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C^B[i++])&0xFF];\n\treturn ~C;\n}\n\nfunction crc32_str(str, seed) {\n\tvar C = seed ^ -1;\n\tfor(var i = 0, L = str.length, c = 0, d = 0; i < L;) {\n\t\tc = str.charCodeAt(i++);\n\t\tif(c < 0x80) {\n\t\t\tC = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C^c)&0xFF];\n\t\t} else if(c < 0x800) {\n\t\t\tC = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (192|((c>>6)&31)))&0xFF];\n\t\t\tC = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];\n\t\t} else if(c >= 0xD800 && c < 0xE000) {\n\t\t\tc = (c&1023)+64; d = str.charCodeAt(i++)&1023;\n\t\t\tC = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (240|((c>>8)&7)))&0xFF];\n\t\t\tC = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|((c>>2)&63)))&0xFF];\n\t\t\tC = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|((d>>6)&15)|((c&3)<<4)))&0xFF];\n\t\t\tC = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|(d&63)))&0xFF];\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tC = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (224|((c>>12)&15)))&0xFF];\n\t\t\tC = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|((c>>6)&63)))&0xFF];\n\t\t\tC = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn ~C;\n}\nCRC32.table = T0;\n// $FlowIgnore\nCRC32.bstr = crc32_bstr;\n// $FlowIgnore\nCRC32.buf = crc32_buf;\n// $FlowIgnore\nCRC32.str = crc32_str;\n}));\n","// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a\n// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n// \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\n// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\n// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit\n// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the\n// following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included\n// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS\n// OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\n// MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN\n// NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM,\n// DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR\n// OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE\n// USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar R = typeof Reflect === 'object' ? Reflect : null\nvar ReflectApply = R && typeof R.apply === 'function'\n  ? R.apply\n  : function ReflectApply(target, receiver, args) {\n    return Function.prototype.apply.call(target, receiver, args);\n  }\n\nvar ReflectOwnKeys\nif (R && typeof R.ownKeys === 'function') {\n  ReflectOwnKeys = R.ownKeys\n} else if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {\n  ReflectOwnKeys = function ReflectOwnKeys(target) {\n    return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target)\n      .concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(target));\n  };\n} else {\n  ReflectOwnKeys = function ReflectOwnKeys(target) {\n    return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target);\n  };\n}\n\nfunction ProcessEmitWarning(warning) {\n  if (console && console.warn) console.warn(warning);\n}\n\nvar NumberIsNaN = Number.isNaN || function NumberIsNaN(value) {\n  return value !== value;\n}\n\nfunction EventEmitter() {\n  EventEmitter.init.call(this);\n}\nmodule.exports = EventEmitter;\nmodule.exports.once = once;\n\n// Backwards-compat with node 0.10.x\nEventEmitter.EventEmitter = EventEmitter;\n\nEventEmitter.prototype._events = undefined;\nEventEmitter.prototype._eventsCount = 0;\nEventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners = undefined;\n\n// By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than 10 listeners are\n// added to it. This is a useful default which helps finding memory leaks.\nvar defaultMaxListeners = 10;\n\nfunction checkListener(listener) {\n  if (typeof listener !== 'function') {\n    throw new TypeError('The \"listener\" argument must be of type Function. Received type ' + typeof listener);\n  }\n}\n\nObject.defineProperty(EventEmitter, 'defaultMaxListeners', {\n  enumerable: true,\n  get: function() {\n    return defaultMaxListeners;\n  },\n  set: function(arg) {\n    if (typeof arg !== 'number' || arg < 0 || NumberIsNaN(arg)) {\n      throw new RangeError('The value of \"defaultMaxListeners\" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + arg + '.');\n    }\n    defaultMaxListeners = arg;\n  }\n});\n\nEventEmitter.init = function() {\n\n  if (this._events === undefined ||\n      this._events === Object.getPrototypeOf(this)._events) {\n    this._events = Object.create(null);\n    this._eventsCount = 0;\n  }\n\n  this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || undefined;\n};\n\n// Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows\n// that to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited.\nEventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function setMaxListeners(n) {\n  if (typeof n !== 'number' || n < 0 || NumberIsNaN(n)) {\n    throw new RangeError('The value of \"n\" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + n + '.');\n  }\n  this._maxListeners = n;\n  return this;\n};\n\nfunction _getMaxListeners(that) {\n  if (that._maxListeners === undefined)\n    return EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners;\n  return that._maxListeners;\n}\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.getMaxListeners = function getMaxListeners() {\n  return _getMaxListeners(this);\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.emit = function emit(type) {\n  var args = [];\n  for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) args.push(arguments[i]);\n  var doError = (type === 'error');\n\n  var events = this._events;\n  if (events !== undefined)\n    doError = (doError && events.error === undefined);\n  else if (!doError)\n    return false;\n\n  // If there is no 'error' event listener then throw.\n  if (doError) {\n    var er;\n    if (args.length > 0)\n      er = args[0];\n    if (er instanceof Error) {\n      // Note: The comments on the `throw` lines are intentional, they show\n      // up in Node's output if this results in an unhandled exception.\n      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event\n    }\n    // At least give some kind of context to the user\n    var err = new Error('Unhandled error.' + (er ? ' (' + er.message + ')' : ''));\n    err.context = er;\n    throw err; // Unhandled 'error' event\n  }\n\n  var handler = events[type];\n\n  if (handler === undefined)\n    return false;\n\n  if (typeof handler === 'function') {\n    ReflectApply(handler, this, args);\n  } else {\n    var len = handler.length;\n    var listeners = arrayClone(handler, len);\n    for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i)\n      ReflectApply(listeners[i], this, args);\n  }\n\n  return true;\n};\n\nfunction _addListener(target, type, listener, prepend) {\n  var m;\n  var events;\n  var existing;\n\n  checkListener(listener);\n\n  events = target._events;\n  if (events === undefined) {\n    events = target._events = Object.create(null);\n    target._eventsCount = 0;\n  } else {\n    // To avoid recursion in the case that type === \"newListener\"! Before\n    // adding it to the listeners, first emit \"newListener\".\n    if (events.newListener !== undefined) {\n      target.emit('newListener', type,\n                  listener.listener ? listener.listener : listener);\n\n      // Re-assign `events` because a newListener handler could have caused the\n      // this._events to be assigned to a new object\n      events = target._events;\n    }\n    existing = events[type];\n  }\n\n  if (existing === undefined) {\n    // Optimize the case of one listener. Don't need the extra array object.\n    existing = events[type] = listener;\n    ++target._eventsCount;\n  } else {\n    if (typeof existing === 'function') {\n      // Adding the second element, need to change to array.\n      existing = events[type] =\n        prepend ? [listener, existing] : [existing, listener];\n      // If we've already got an array, just append.\n    } else if (prepend) {\n      existing.unshift(listener);\n    } else {\n      existing.push(listener);\n    }\n\n    // Check for listener leak\n    m = _getMaxListeners(target);\n    if (m > 0 && existing.length > m && !existing.warned) {\n      existing.warned = true;\n      // No error code for this since it is a Warning\n      // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax\n      var w = new Error('Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. ' +\n                          existing.length + ' ' + String(type) + ' listeners ' +\n                          'added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to ' +\n                          'increase limit');\n      w.name = 'MaxListenersExceededWarning';\n      w.emitter = target;\n      w.type = type;\n      w.count = existing.length;\n      ProcessEmitWarning(w);\n    }\n  }\n\n  return target;\n}\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function addListener(type, listener) {\n  return _addListener(this, type, listener, false);\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener;\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.prependListener =\n    function prependListener(type, listener) {\n      return _addListener(this, type, listener, true);\n    };\n\nfunction onceWrapper() {\n  if (!this.fired) {\n    this.target.removeListener(this.type, this.wrapFn);\n    this.fired = true;\n    if (arguments.length === 0)\n      return this.listener.call(this.target);\n    return this.listener.apply(this.target, arguments);\n  }\n}\n\nfunction _onceWrap(target, type, listener) {\n  var state = { fired: false, wrapFn: undefined, target: target, type: type, listener: listener };\n  var wrapped = onceWrapper.bind(state);\n  wrapped.listener = listener;\n  state.wrapFn = wrapped;\n  return wrapped;\n}\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.once = function once(type, listener) {\n  checkListener(listener);\n  this.on(type, _onceWrap(this, type, listener));\n  return this;\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.prependOnceListener =\n    function prependOnceListener(type, listener) {\n      checkListener(listener);\n      this.prependListener(type, _onceWrap(this, type, listener));\n      return this;\n    };\n\n// Emits a 'removeListener' event if and only if the listener was removed.\nEventEmitter.prototype.removeListener =\n    function removeListener(type, listener) {\n      var list, events, position, i, originalListener;\n\n      checkListener(listener);\n\n      events = this._events;\n      if (events === undefined)\n        return this;\n\n      list = events[type];\n      if (list === undefined)\n        return this;\n\n      if (list === listener || list.listener === listener) {\n        if (--this._eventsCount === 0)\n          this._events = Object.create(null);\n        else {\n          delete events[type];\n          if (events.removeListener)\n            this.emit('removeListener', type, list.listener || listener);\n        }\n      } else if (typeof list !== 'function') {\n        position = -1;\n\n        for (i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n          if (list[i] === listener || list[i].listener === listener) {\n            originalListener = list[i].listener;\n            position = i;\n            break;\n          }\n        }\n\n        if (position < 0)\n          return this;\n\n        if (position === 0)\n          list.shift();\n        else {\n          spliceOne(list, position);\n        }\n\n        if (list.length === 1)\n          events[type] = list[0];\n\n        if (events.removeListener !== undefined)\n          this.emit('removeListener', type, originalListener || listener);\n      }\n\n      return this;\n    };\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.off = EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener;\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners =\n    function removeAllListeners(type) {\n      var listeners, events, i;\n\n      events = this._events;\n      if (events === undefined)\n        return this;\n\n      // not listening for removeListener, no need to emit\n      if (events.removeListener === undefined) {\n        if (arguments.length === 0) {\n          this._events = Object.create(null);\n          this._eventsCount = 0;\n        } else if (events[type] !== undefined) {\n          if (--this._eventsCount === 0)\n            this._events = Object.create(null);\n          else\n            delete events[type];\n        }\n        return this;\n      }\n\n      // emit removeListener for all listeners on all events\n      if (arguments.length === 0) {\n        var keys = Object.keys(events);\n        var key;\n        for (i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {\n          key = keys[i];\n          if (key === 'removeListener') continue;\n          this.removeAllListeners(key);\n        }\n        this.removeAllListeners('removeListener');\n        this._events = Object.create(null);\n        this._eventsCount = 0;\n        return this;\n      }\n\n      listeners = events[type];\n\n      if (typeof listeners === 'function') {\n        this.removeListener(type, listeners);\n      } else if (listeners !== undefined) {\n        // LIFO order\n        for (i = listeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n          this.removeListener(type, listeners[i]);\n        }\n      }\n\n      return this;\n    };\n\nfunction _listeners(target, type, unwrap) {\n  var events = target._events;\n\n  if (events === undefined)\n    return [];\n\n  var evlistener = events[type];\n  if (evlistener === undefined)\n    return [];\n\n  if (typeof evlistener === 'function')\n    return unwrap ? [evlistener.listener || evlistener] : [evlistener];\n\n  return unwrap ?\n    unwrapListeners(evlistener) : arrayClone(evlistener, evlistener.length);\n}\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function listeners(type) {\n  return _listeners(this, type, true);\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.rawListeners = function rawListeners(type) {\n  return _listeners(this, type, false);\n};\n\nEventEmitter.listenerCount = function(emitter, type) {\n  if (typeof emitter.listenerCount === 'function') {\n    return emitter.listenerCount(type);\n  } else {\n    return listenerCount.call(emitter, type);\n  }\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.listenerCount = listenerCount;\nfunction listenerCount(type) {\n  var events = this._events;\n\n  if (events !== undefined) {\n    var evlistener = events[type];\n\n    if (typeof evlistener === 'function') {\n      return 1;\n    } else if (evlistener !== undefined) {\n      return evlistener.length;\n    }\n  }\n\n  return 0;\n}\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.eventNames = function eventNames() {\n  return this._eventsCount > 0 ? ReflectOwnKeys(this._events) : [];\n};\n\nfunction arrayClone(arr, n) {\n  var copy = new Array(n);\n  for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i)\n    copy[i] = arr[i];\n  return copy;\n}\n\nfunction spliceOne(list, index) {\n  for (; index + 1 < list.length; index++)\n    list[index] = list[index + 1];\n  list.pop();\n}\n\nfunction unwrapListeners(arr) {\n  var ret = new Array(arr.length);\n  for (var i = 0; i < ret.length; ++i) {\n    ret[i] = arr[i].listener || arr[i];\n  }\n  return ret;\n}\n\nfunction once(emitter, name) {\n  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n    function errorListener(err) {\n      emitter.removeListener(name, resolver);\n      reject(err);\n    }\n\n    function resolver() {\n      if (typeof emitter.removeListener === 'function') {\n        emitter.removeListener('error', errorListener);\n      }\n      resolve([].slice.call(arguments));\n    };\n\n    eventTargetAgnosticAddListener(emitter, name, resolver, { once: true });\n    if (name !== 'error') {\n      addErrorHandlerIfEventEmitter(emitter, errorListener, { once: true });\n    }\n  });\n}\n\nfunction addErrorHandlerIfEventEmitter(emitter, handler, flags) {\n  if (typeof emitter.on === 'function') {\n    eventTargetAgnosticAddListener(emitter, 'error', handler, flags);\n  }\n}\n\nfunction eventTargetAgnosticAddListener(emitter, name, listener, flags) {\n  if (typeof emitter.on === 'function') {\n    if (flags.once) {\n      emitter.once(name, listener);\n    } else {\n      emitter.on(name, listener);\n    }\n  } else if (typeof emitter.addEventListener === 'function') {\n    // EventTarget does not have `error` event semantics like Node\n    // EventEmitters, we do not listen for `error` events here.\n    emitter.addEventListener(name, function wrapListener(arg) {\n      // IE does not have builtin `{ once: true }` support so we\n      // have to do it manually.\n      if (flags.once) {\n        emitter.removeEventListener(name, wrapListener);\n      }\n      listener(arg);\n    });\n  } else {\n    throw new TypeError('The \"emitter\" argument must be of type EventEmitter. Received type ' + typeof emitter);\n  }\n}\n","(function (global) {\n  'use strict';\n\n  function fetchPonyfill(options) {\n    var Promise = options && options.Promise || global.Promise;\n    var XMLHttpRequest = options && options.XMLHttpRequest || global.XMLHttpRequest;\n\n    return (function () {\n      var globalThis = Object.create(global, {\n        fetch: {\n          value: undefined,\n          writable: true\n        }\n      });\n\n      (function (global, factory) {\n        typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :\n        typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :\n        (factory((global.WHATWGFetch = {})));\n      }(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';\n\n        var global =\n          (typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' && globalThis) ||\n          (typeof self !== 'undefined' && self) ||\n          (typeof global !== 'undefined' && global);\n\n        var support = {\n          searchParams: 'URLSearchParams' in global,\n          iterable: 'Symbol' in global && 'iterator' in Symbol,\n          blob:\n            'FileReader' in global &&\n            'Blob' in global &&\n            (function() {\n              try {\n                new Blob();\n                return true\n              } catch (e) {\n                return false\n              }\n            })(),\n          formData: 'FormData' in global,\n          arrayBuffer: 'ArrayBuffer' in global\n        };\n\n        function isDataView(obj) {\n          return obj && DataView.prototype.isPrototypeOf(obj)\n        }\n\n        if (support.arrayBuffer) {\n          var viewClasses = [\n            '[object Int8Array]',\n            '[object Uint8Array]',\n            '[object Uint8ClampedArray]',\n            '[object Int16Array]',\n            '[object Uint16Array]',\n            '[object Int32Array]',\n            '[object Uint32Array]',\n            '[object Float32Array]',\n            '[object Float64Array]'\n          ];\n\n          var isArrayBufferView =\n            ArrayBuffer.isView ||\n            function(obj) {\n              return obj && viewClasses.indexOf(Object.prototype.toString.call(obj)) > -1\n            };\n        }\n\n        function normalizeName(name) {\n          if (typeof name !== 'string') {\n            name = String(name);\n          }\n          if (/[^a-z0-9\\-#$%&'*+.^_`|~!]/i.test(name) || name === '') {\n            throw new TypeError('Invalid character in header field name')\n          }\n          return name.toLowerCase()\n        }\n\n        function normalizeValue(value) {\n          if (typeof value !== 'string') {\n            value = String(value);\n          }\n          return value\n        }\n\n        // Build a destructive iterator for the value list\n        function iteratorFor(items) {\n          var iterator = {\n            next: function() {\n              var value = items.shift();\n              return {done: value === undefined, value: value}\n            }\n          };\n\n          if (support.iterable) {\n            iterator[Symbol.iterator] = function() {\n              return iterator\n            };\n          }\n\n          return iterator\n        }\n\n        function Headers(headers) {\n          this.map = {};\n\n          if (headers instanceof Headers) {\n            headers.forEach(function(value, name) {\n              this.append(name, value);\n            }, this);\n          } else if (Array.isArray(headers)) {\n            headers.forEach(function(header) {\n              this.append(header[0], header[1]);\n            }, this);\n          } else if (headers) {\n            Object.getOwnPropertyNames(headers).forEach(function(name) {\n              this.append(name, headers[name]);\n            }, this);\n          }\n        }\n\n        Headers.prototype.append = function(name, value) {\n          name = normalizeName(name);\n          value = normalizeValue(value);\n          var oldValue = this.map[name];\n          this.map[name] = oldValue ? oldValue + ', ' + value : value;\n        };\n\n        Headers.prototype['delete'] = function(name) {\n          delete this.map[normalizeName(name)];\n        };\n\n        Headers.prototype.get = function(name) {\n          name = normalizeName(name);\n          return this.has(name) ? this.map[name] : null\n        };\n\n        Headers.prototype.has = function(name) {\n          return this.map.hasOwnProperty(normalizeName(name))\n        };\n\n        Headers.prototype.set = function(name, value) {\n          this.map[normalizeName(name)] = normalizeValue(value);\n        };\n\n        Headers.prototype.forEach = function(callback, thisArg) {\n          for (var name in this.map) {\n            if (this.map.hasOwnProperty(name)) {\n              callback.call(thisArg, this.map[name], name, this);\n            }\n          }\n        };\n\n        Headers.prototype.keys = function() {\n          var items = [];\n          this.forEach(function(value, name) {\n            items.push(name);\n          });\n          return iteratorFor(items)\n        };\n\n        Headers.prototype.values = function() {\n          var items = [];\n          this.forEach(function(value) {\n            items.push(value);\n          });\n          return iteratorFor(items)\n        };\n\n        Headers.prototype.entries = function() {\n          var items = [];\n          this.forEach(function(value, name) {\n            items.push([name, value]);\n          });\n          return iteratorFor(items)\n        };\n\n        if (support.iterable) {\n          Headers.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = Headers.prototype.entries;\n        }\n\n        function consumed(body) {\n          if (body.bodyUsed) {\n            return Promise.reject(new TypeError('Already read'))\n          }\n          body.bodyUsed = true;\n        }\n\n        function fileReaderReady(reader) {\n          return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {\n            reader.onload = function() {\n              resolve(reader.result);\n            };\n            reader.onerror = function() {\n              reject(reader.error);\n            };\n          })\n        }\n\n        function readBlobAsArrayBuffer(blob) {\n          var reader = new FileReader();\n          var promise = fileReaderReady(reader);\n          reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob);\n          return promise\n        }\n\n        function readBlobAsText(blob) {\n          var reader = new FileReader();\n          var promise = fileReaderReady(reader);\n          reader.readAsText(blob);\n          return promise\n        }\n\n        function readArrayBufferAsText(buf) {\n          var view = new Uint8Array(buf);\n          var chars = new Array(view.length);\n\n          for (var i = 0; i < view.length; i++) {\n            chars[i] = String.fromCharCode(view[i]);\n          }\n          return chars.join('')\n        }\n\n        function bufferClone(buf) {\n          if (buf.slice) {\n            return buf.slice(0)\n          } else {\n            var view = new Uint8Array(buf.byteLength);\n            view.set(new Uint8Array(buf));\n            return view.buffer\n          }\n        }\n\n        function Body() {\n          this.bodyUsed = false;\n\n          this._initBody = function(body) {\n            /*\n              fetch-mock wraps the Response object in an ES6 Proxy to\n              provide useful test harness features such as flush. However, on\n              ES5 browsers without fetch or Proxy support pollyfills must be used;\n              the proxy-pollyfill is unable to proxy an attribute unless it exists\n              on the object before the Proxy is created. This change ensures\n              Response.bodyUsed exists on the instance, while maintaining the\n              semantic of setting Request.bodyUsed in the constructor before\n              _initBody is called.\n            */\n            this.bodyUsed = this.bodyUsed;\n            this._bodyInit = body;\n            if (!body) {\n              this._bodyText = '';\n            } else if (typeof body === 'string') {\n              this._bodyText = body;\n            } else if (support.blob && Blob.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body)) {\n              this._bodyBlob = body;\n            } else if (support.formData && FormData.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body)) {\n              this._bodyFormData = body;\n            } else if (support.searchParams && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body)) {\n              this._bodyText = body.toString();\n            } else if (support.arrayBuffer && support.blob && isDataView(body)) {\n              this._bodyArrayBuffer = bufferClone(body.buffer);\n              // IE 10-11 can't handle a DataView body.\n              this._bodyInit = new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer]);\n            } else if (support.arrayBuffer && (ArrayBuffer.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body) || isArrayBufferView(body))) {\n              this._bodyArrayBuffer = bufferClone(body);\n            } else {\n              this._bodyText = body = Object.prototype.toString.call(body);\n            }\n\n            if (!this.headers.get('content-type')) {\n              if (typeof body === 'string') {\n                this.headers.set('content-type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8');\n              } else if (this._bodyBlob && this._bodyBlob.type) {\n                this.headers.set('content-type', this._bodyBlob.type);\n              } else if (support.searchParams && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(body)) {\n                this.headers.set('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8');\n              }\n            }\n          };\n\n          if (support.blob) {\n            this.blob = function() {\n              var rejected = consumed(this);\n              if (rejected) {\n                return rejected\n              }\n\n              if (this._bodyBlob) {\n                return Promise.resolve(this._bodyBlob)\n              } else if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) {\n                return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer]))\n              } else if (this._bodyFormData) {\n                throw new Error('could not read FormData body as blob')\n              } else {\n                return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyText]))\n              }\n            };\n\n            this.arrayBuffer = function() {\n              if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) {\n                var isConsumed = consumed(this);\n                if (isConsumed) {\n                  return isConsumed\n                }\n                if (ArrayBuffer.isView(this._bodyArrayBuffer)) {\n                  return Promise.resolve(\n                    this._bodyArrayBuffer.buffer.slice(\n                      this._bodyArrayBuffer.byteOffset,\n                      this._bodyArrayBuffer.byteOffset + this._bodyArrayBuffer.byteLength\n                    )\n                  )\n                } else {\n                  return Promise.resolve(this._bodyArrayBuffer)\n                }\n              } else {\n                return this.blob().then(readBlobAsArrayBuffer)\n              }\n            };\n          }\n\n          this.text = function() {\n            var rejected = consumed(this);\n            if (rejected) {\n              return rejected\n            }\n\n            if (this._bodyBlob) {\n              return readBlobAsText(this._bodyBlob)\n            } else if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) {\n              return Promise.resolve(readArrayBufferAsText(this._bodyArrayBuffer))\n            } else if (this._bodyFormData) {\n              throw new Error('could not read FormData body as text')\n            } else {\n              return Promise.resolve(this._bodyText)\n            }\n          };\n\n          if (support.formData) {\n            this.formData = function() {\n              return this.text().then(decode)\n            };\n          }\n\n          this.json = function() {\n            return this.text().then(JSON.parse)\n          };\n\n          return this\n        }\n\n        // HTTP methods whose capitalization should be normalized\n        var methods = ['DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'POST', 'PUT'];\n\n        function normalizeMethod(method) {\n          var upcased = method.toUpperCase();\n          return methods.indexOf(upcased) > -1 ? upcased : method\n        }\n\n        function Request(input, options) {\n          if (!(this instanceof Request)) {\n            throw new TypeError('Please use the \"new\" operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function.')\n          }\n\n          options = options || {};\n          var body = options.body;\n\n          if (input instanceof Request) {\n            if (input.bodyUsed) {\n              throw new TypeError('Already read')\n            }\n            this.url = input.url;\n            this.credentials = input.credentials;\n            if (!options.headers) {\n              this.headers = new Headers(input.headers);\n            }\n            this.method = input.method;\n            this.mode = input.mode;\n            this.signal = input.signal;\n            if (!body && input._bodyInit != null) {\n              body = input._bodyInit;\n              input.bodyUsed = true;\n            }\n          } else {\n            this.url = String(input);\n          }\n\n          this.credentials = options.credentials || this.credentials || 'same-origin';\n          if (options.headers || !this.headers) {\n            this.headers = new Headers(options.headers);\n          }\n          this.method = normalizeMethod(options.method || this.method || 'GET');\n          this.mode = options.mode || this.mode || null;\n          this.signal = options.signal || this.signal;\n          this.referrer = null;\n\n          if ((this.method === 'GET' || this.method === 'HEAD') && body) {\n            throw new TypeError('Body not allowed for GET or HEAD requests')\n          }\n          this._initBody(body);\n\n          if (this.method === 'GET' || this.method === 'HEAD') {\n            if (options.cache === 'no-store' || options.cache === 'no-cache') {\n              // Search for a '_' parameter in the query string\n              var reParamSearch = /([?&])_=[^&]*/;\n              if (reParamSearch.test(this.url)) {\n                // If it already exists then set the value with the current time\n                this.url = this.url.replace(reParamSearch, '$1_=' + new Date().getTime());\n              } else {\n                // Otherwise add a new '_' parameter to the end with the current time\n                var reQueryString = /\\?/;\n                this.url += (reQueryString.test(this.url) ? '&' : '?') + '_=' + new Date().getTime();\n              }\n            }\n          }\n        }\n\n        Request.prototype.clone = function() {\n          return new Request(this, {body: this._bodyInit})\n        };\n\n        function decode(body) {\n          var form = new FormData();\n          body\n            .trim()\n            .split('&')\n            .forEach(function(bytes) {\n              if (bytes) {\n                var split = bytes.split('=');\n                var name = split.shift().replace(/\\+/g, ' ');\n                var value = split.join('=').replace(/\\+/g, ' ');\n                form.append(decodeURIComponent(name), decodeURIComponent(value));\n              }\n            });\n          return form\n        }\n\n        function parseHeaders(rawHeaders) {\n          var headers = new Headers();\n          // Replace instances of \\r\\n and \\n followed by at least one space or horizontal tab with a space\n          // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.2\n          var preProcessedHeaders = rawHeaders.replace(/\\r?\\n[\\t ]+/g, ' ');\n          // Avoiding split via regex to work around a common IE11 bug with the core-js 3.6.0 regex polyfill\n          // https://github.com/github/fetch/issues/748\n          // https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/751\n          preProcessedHeaders\n            .split('\\r')\n            .map(function(header) {\n              return header.indexOf('\\n') === 0 ? header.substr(1, header.length) : header\n            })\n            .forEach(function(line) {\n              var parts = line.split(':');\n              var key = parts.shift().trim();\n              if (key) {\n                var value = parts.join(':').trim();\n                headers.append(key, value);\n              }\n            });\n          return headers\n        }\n\n        Body.call(Request.prototype);\n\n        function Response(bodyInit, options) {\n          if (!(this instanceof Response)) {\n            throw new TypeError('Please use the \"new\" operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function.')\n          }\n          if (!options) {\n            options = {};\n          }\n\n          this.type = 'default';\n          this.status = options.status === undefined ? 200 : options.status;\n          this.ok = this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300;\n          this.statusText = 'statusText' in options ? options.statusText : '';\n          this.headers = new Headers(options.headers);\n          this.url = options.url || '';\n          this._initBody(bodyInit);\n        }\n\n        Body.call(Response.prototype);\n\n        Response.prototype.clone = function() {\n          return new Response(this._bodyInit, {\n            status: this.status,\n            statusText: this.statusText,\n            headers: new Headers(this.headers),\n            url: this.url\n          })\n        };\n\n        Response.error = function() {\n          var response = new Response(null, {status: 0, statusText: ''});\n          response.type = 'error';\n          return response\n        };\n\n        var redirectStatuses = [301, 302, 303, 307, 308];\n\n        Response.redirect = function(url, status) {\n          if (redirectStatuses.indexOf(status) === -1) {\n            throw new RangeError('Invalid status code')\n          }\n\n          return new Response(null, {status: status, headers: {location: url}})\n        };\n\n        exports.DOMException = global.DOMException;\n        try {\n          new exports.DOMException();\n        } catch (err) {\n          exports.DOMException = function(message, name) {\n            this.message = message;\n            this.name = name;\n            var error = Error(message);\n            this.stack = error.stack;\n          };\n          exports.DOMException.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);\n          exports.DOMException.prototype.constructor = exports.DOMException;\n        }\n\n        function fetch(input, init) {\n          return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {\n            var request = new Request(input, init);\n\n            if (request.signal && request.signal.aborted) {\n              return reject(new exports.DOMException('Aborted', 'AbortError'))\n            }\n\n            var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();\n\n            function abortXhr() {\n              xhr.abort();\n            }\n\n            xhr.onload = function() {\n              var options = {\n                status: xhr.status,\n                statusText: xhr.statusText,\n                headers: parseHeaders(xhr.getAllResponseHeaders() || '')\n              };\n              options.url = 'responseURL' in xhr ? xhr.responseURL : options.headers.get('X-Request-URL');\n              var body = 'response' in xhr ? xhr.response : xhr.responseText;\n              setTimeout(function() {\n                resolve(new Response(body, options));\n              }, 0);\n            };\n\n            xhr.onerror = function() {\n              setTimeout(function() {\n                reject(new TypeError('Network request failed'));\n              }, 0);\n            };\n\n            xhr.ontimeout = function() {\n              setTimeout(function() {\n                reject(new TypeError('Network request failed'));\n              }, 0);\n            };\n\n            xhr.onabort = function() {\n              setTimeout(function() {\n                reject(new exports.DOMException('Aborted', 'AbortError'));\n              }, 0);\n            };\n\n            function fixUrl(url) {\n              try {\n                return url === '' && global.location.href ? global.location.href : url\n              } catch (e) {\n                return url\n              }\n            }\n\n            xhr.open(request.method, fixUrl(request.url), true);\n\n            if (request.credentials === 'include') {\n              xhr.withCredentials = true;\n            } else if (request.credentials === 'omit') {\n              xhr.withCredentials = false;\n            }\n\n            if ('responseType' in xhr) {\n              if (support.blob) {\n                xhr.responseType = 'blob';\n              } else if (\n                support.arrayBuffer &&\n                request.headers.get('Content-Type') &&\n                request.headers.get('Content-Type').indexOf('application/octet-stream') !== -1\n              ) {\n                xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';\n              }\n            }\n\n            if (init && typeof init.headers === 'object' && !(init.headers instanceof Headers)) {\n              Object.getOwnPropertyNames(init.headers).forEach(function(name) {\n                xhr.setRequestHeader(name, normalizeValue(init.headers[name]));\n              });\n            } else {\n              request.headers.forEach(function(value, name) {\n                xhr.setRequestHeader(name, value);\n              });\n            }\n\n            if (request.signal) {\n              request.signal.addEventListener('abort', abortXhr);\n\n              xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {\n                // DONE (success or failure)\n                if (xhr.readyState === 4) {\n                  request.signal.removeEventListener('abort', abortXhr);\n                }\n              };\n            }\n\n            xhr.send(typeof request._bodyInit === 'undefined' ? null : request._bodyInit);\n          })\n        }\n\n        fetch.polyfill = true;\n\n        if (!global.fetch) {\n          global.fetch = fetch;\n          global.Headers = Headers;\n          global.Request = Request;\n          global.Response = Response;\n        }\n\n        exports.Headers = Headers;\n        exports.Request = Request;\n        exports.Response = Response;\n        exports.fetch = fetch;\n\n        Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n\n      })));\n\n\n      return {\n        fetch: globalThis.fetch,\n        Headers: globalThis.Headers,\n        Request: globalThis.Request,\n        Response: globalThis.Response,\n        DOMException: globalThis.DOMException\n      };\n    }());\n  }\n\n  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n    define(function () {\n      return fetchPonyfill;\n    });\n  } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {\n    module.exports = fetchPonyfill;\n  } else {\n    global.fetchPonyfill = fetchPonyfill;\n  }\n}(typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : this));\n\n","/*! js-cookie v3.0.5 | MIT */\n;\n(function (global, factory) {\n  typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :\n  typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :\n  (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, (function () {\n    var current = global.Cookies;\n    var exports = global.Cookies = factory();\n    exports.noConflict = function () { global.Cookies = current; return exports; };\n  })());\n})(this, (function () { 'use strict';\n\n  /* eslint-disable no-var */\n  function assign (target) {\n    for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n      var source = arguments[i];\n      for (var key in source) {\n        target[key] = source[key];\n      }\n    }\n    return target\n  }\n  /* eslint-enable no-var */\n\n  /* eslint-disable no-var */\n  var defaultConverter = {\n    read: function (value) {\n      if (value[0] === '\"') {\n        value = value.slice(1, -1);\n      }\n      return value.replace(/(%[\\dA-F]{2})+/gi, decodeURIComponent)\n    },\n    write: function (value) {\n      return encodeURIComponent(value).replace(\n        /%(2[346BF]|3[AC-F]|40|5[BDE]|60|7[BCD])/g,\n        decodeURIComponent\n      )\n    }\n  };\n  /* eslint-enable no-var */\n\n  /* eslint-disable no-var */\n\n  function init (converter, defaultAttributes) {\n    function set (name, value, attributes) {\n      if (typeof document === 'undefined') {\n        return\n      }\n\n      attributes = assign({}, defaultAttributes, attributes);\n\n      if (typeof attributes.expires === 'number') {\n        attributes.expires = new Date(Date.now() + attributes.expires * 864e5);\n      }\n      if (attributes.expires) {\n        attributes.expires = attributes.expires.toUTCString();\n      }\n\n      name = encodeURIComponent(name)\n        .replace(/%(2[346B]|5E|60|7C)/g, decodeURIComponent)\n        .replace(/[()]/g, escape);\n\n      var stringifiedAttributes = '';\n      for (var attributeName in attributes) {\n        if (!attributes[attributeName]) {\n          continue\n        }\n\n        stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + attributeName;\n\n        if (attributes[attributeName] === true) {\n          continue\n        }\n\n        // Considers RFC 6265 section 5.2:\n        // ...\n        // 3.  If the remaining unparsed-attributes contains a %x3B (\";\")\n        //     character:\n        // Consume the characters of the unparsed-attributes up to,\n        // not including, the first %x3B (\";\") character.\n        // ...\n        stringifiedAttributes += '=' + attributes[attributeName].split(';')[0];\n      }\n\n      return (document.cookie =\n        name + '=' + converter.write(value, name) + stringifiedAttributes)\n    }\n\n    function get (name) {\n      if (typeof document === 'undefined' || (arguments.length && !name)) {\n        return\n      }\n\n      // To prevent the for loop in the first place assign an empty array\n      // in case there are no cookies at all.\n      var cookies = document.cookie ? document.cookie.split('; ') : [];\n      var jar = {};\n      for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {\n        var parts = cookies[i].split('=');\n        var value = parts.slice(1).join('=');\n\n        try {\n          var found = decodeURIComponent(parts[0]);\n          jar[found] = converter.read(value, found);\n\n          if (name === found) {\n            break\n          }\n        } catch (e) {}\n      }\n\n      return name ? jar[name] : jar\n    }\n\n    return Object.create(\n      {\n        set,\n        get,\n        remove: function (name, attributes) {\n          set(\n            name,\n            '',\n            assign({}, attributes, {\n              expires: -1\n            })\n          );\n        },\n        withAttributes: function (attributes) {\n          return init(this.converter, assign({}, this.attributes, attributes))\n        },\n        withConverter: function (converter) {\n          return init(assign({}, this.converter, converter), this.attributes)\n        }\n      },\n      {\n        attributes: { value: Object.freeze(defaultAttributes) },\n        converter: { value: Object.freeze(converter) }\n      }\n    )\n  }\n\n  var api = init(defaultConverter, { path: '/' });\n  /* eslint-enable no-var */\n\n  return api;\n\n}));\n","var root = require('./_root');\n\n/** Built-in value references. */\nvar Symbol = root.Symbol;\n\nmodule.exports = Symbol;\n","var Symbol = require('./_Symbol'),\n    getRawTag = require('./_getRawTag'),\n    objectToString = require('./_objectToString');\n\n/** `Object#toString` result references. */\nvar nullTag = '[object Null]',\n    undefinedTag = '[object Undefined]';\n\n/** Built-in value references. */\nvar symToStringTag = Symbol ? Symbol.toStringTag : undefined;\n\n/**\n * The base implementation of `getTag` without fallbacks for buggy environments.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to query.\n * @returns {string} Returns the `toStringTag`.\n */\nfunction baseGetTag(value) {\n  if (value == null) {\n    return value === undefined ? undefinedTag : nullTag;\n  }\n  return (symToStringTag && symToStringTag in Object(value))\n    ? getRawTag(value)\n    : objectToString(value);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = baseGetTag;\n","var trimmedEndIndex = require('./_trimmedEndIndex');\n\n/** Used to match leading whitespace. */\nvar reTrimStart = /^\\s+/;\n\n/**\n * The base implementation of `_.trim`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {string} string The string to trim.\n * @returns {string} Returns the trimmed string.\n */\nfunction baseTrim(string) {\n  return string\n    ? string.slice(0, trimmedEndIndex(string) + 1).replace(reTrimStart, '')\n    : string;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = baseTrim;\n","/** Detect free variable `global` from Node.js. */\nvar freeGlobal = typeof global == 'object' && global && global.Object === Object && global;\n\nmodule.exports = freeGlobal;\n","var Symbol = require('./_Symbol');\n\n/** Used for built-in method references. */\nvar objectProto = Object.prototype;\n\n/** Used to check objects for own properties. */\nvar hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty;\n\n/**\n * Used to resolve the\n * [`toStringTag`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-object.prototype.tostring)\n * of values.\n */\nvar nativeObjectToString = objectProto.toString;\n\n/** Built-in value references. */\nvar symToStringTag = Symbol ? Symbol.toStringTag : undefined;\n\n/**\n * A specialized version of `baseGetTag` which ignores `Symbol.toStringTag` values.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to query.\n * @returns {string} Returns the raw `toStringTag`.\n */\nfunction getRawTag(value) {\n  var isOwn = hasOwnProperty.call(value, symToStringTag),\n      tag = value[symToStringTag];\n\n  try {\n    value[symToStringTag] = undefined;\n    var unmasked = true;\n  } catch (e) {}\n\n  var result = nativeObjectToString.call(value);\n  if (unmasked) {\n    if (isOwn) {\n      value[symToStringTag] = tag;\n    } else {\n      delete value[symToStringTag];\n    }\n  }\n  return result;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = getRawTag;\n","/** Used for built-in method references. */\nvar objectProto = Object.prototype;\n\n/**\n * Used to resolve the\n * [`toStringTag`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-object.prototype.tostring)\n * of values.\n */\nvar nativeObjectToString = objectProto.toString;\n\n/**\n * Converts `value` to a string using `Object.prototype.toString`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {*} value The value to convert.\n * @returns {string} Returns the converted string.\n */\nfunction objectToString(value) {\n  return nativeObjectToString.call(value);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = objectToString;\n","var freeGlobal = require('./_freeGlobal');\n\n/** Detect free variable `self`. */\nvar freeSelf = typeof self == 'object' && self && self.Object === Object && self;\n\n/** Used as a reference to the global object. */\nvar root = freeGlobal || freeSelf || Function('return this')();\n\nmodule.exports = root;\n","/** Used to match a single whitespace character. */\nvar reWhitespace = /\\s/;\n\n/**\n * Used by `_.trim` and `_.trimEnd` to get the index of the last non-whitespace\n * character of `string`.\n *\n * @private\n * @param {string} string The string to inspect.\n * @returns {number} Returns the index of the last non-whitespace character.\n */\nfunction trimmedEndIndex(string) {\n  var index = string.length;\n\n  while (index-- && reWhitespace.test(string.charAt(index))) {}\n  return index;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = trimmedEndIndex;\n","var isObject = require('./isObject'),\n    now = require('./now'),\n    toNumber = require('./toNumber');\n\n/** Error message constants. */\nvar FUNC_ERROR_TEXT = 'Expected a function';\n\n/* Built-in method references for those with the same name as other `lodash` methods. */\nvar nativeMax = Math.max,\n    nativeMin = Math.min;\n\n/**\n * Creates a debounced function that delays invoking `func` until after `wait`\n * milliseconds have elapsed since the last time the debounced function was\n * invoked. The debounced function comes with a `cancel` method to cancel\n * delayed `func` invocations and a `flush` method to immediately invoke them.\n * Provide `options` to indicate whether `func` should be invoked on the\n * leading and/or trailing edge of the `wait` timeout. The `func` is invoked\n * with the last arguments provided to the debounced function. Subsequent\n * calls to the debounced function return the result of the last `func`\n * invocation.\n *\n * **Note:** If `leading` and `trailing` options are `true`, `func` is\n * invoked on the trailing edge of the timeout only if the debounced function\n * is invoked more than once during the `wait` timeout.\n *\n * If `wait` is `0` and `leading` is `false`, `func` invocation is deferred\n * until to the next tick, similar to `setTimeout` with a timeout of `0`.\n *\n * See [David Corbacho's article](https://css-tricks.com/debouncing-throttling-explained-examples/)\n * for details over the differences between `_.debounce` and `_.throttle`.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 0.1.0\n * @category Function\n * @param {Function} func The function to debounce.\n * @param {number} [wait=0] The number of milliseconds to delay.\n * @param {Object} [options={}] The options object.\n * @param {boolean} [options.leading=false]\n *  Specify invoking on the leading edge of the timeout.\n * @param {number} [options.maxWait]\n *  The maximum time `func` is allowed to be delayed before it's invoked.\n * @param {boolean} [options.trailing=true]\n *  Specify invoking on the trailing edge of the timeout.\n * @returns {Function} Returns the new debounced function.\n * @example\n *\n * // Avoid costly calculations while the window size is in flux.\n * jQuery(window).on('resize', _.debounce(calculateLayout, 150));\n *\n * // Invoke `sendMail` when clicked, debouncing subsequent calls.\n * jQuery(element).on('click', _.debounce(sendMail, 300, {\n *   'leading': true,\n *   'trailing': false\n * }));\n *\n * // Ensure `batchLog` is invoked once after 1 second of debounced calls.\n * var debounced = _.debounce(batchLog, 250, { 'maxWait': 1000 });\n * var source = new EventSource('/stream');\n * jQuery(source).on('message', debounced);\n *\n * // Cancel the trailing debounced invocation.\n * jQuery(window).on('popstate', debounced.cancel);\n */\nfunction debounce(func, wait, options) {\n  var lastArgs,\n      lastThis,\n      maxWait,\n      result,\n      timerId,\n      lastCallTime,\n      lastInvokeTime = 0,\n      leading = false,\n      maxing = false,\n      trailing = true;\n\n  if (typeof func != 'function') {\n    throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n  }\n  wait = toNumber(wait) || 0;\n  if (isObject(options)) {\n    leading = !!options.leading;\n    maxing = 'maxWait' in options;\n    maxWait = maxing ? nativeMax(toNumber(options.maxWait) || 0, wait) : maxWait;\n    trailing = 'trailing' in options ? !!options.trailing : trailing;\n  }\n\n  function invokeFunc(time) {\n    var args = lastArgs,\n        thisArg = lastThis;\n\n    lastArgs = lastThis = undefined;\n    lastInvokeTime = time;\n    result = func.apply(thisArg, args);\n    return result;\n  }\n\n  function leadingEdge(time) {\n    // Reset any `maxWait` timer.\n    lastInvokeTime = time;\n    // Start the timer for the trailing edge.\n    timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);\n    // Invoke the leading edge.\n    return leading ? invokeFunc(time) : result;\n  }\n\n  function remainingWait(time) {\n    var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime,\n        timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime,\n        timeWaiting = wait - timeSinceLastCall;\n\n    return maxing\n      ? nativeMin(timeWaiting, maxWait - timeSinceLastInvoke)\n      : timeWaiting;\n  }\n\n  function shouldInvoke(time) {\n    var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime,\n        timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime;\n\n    // Either this is the first call, activity has stopped and we're at the\n    // trailing edge, the system time has gone backwards and we're treating\n    // it as the trailing edge, or we've hit the `maxWait` limit.\n    return (lastCallTime === undefined || (timeSinceLastCall >= wait) ||\n      (timeSinceLastCall < 0) || (maxing && timeSinceLastInvoke >= maxWait));\n  }\n\n  function timerExpired() {\n    var time = now();\n    if (shouldInvoke(time)) {\n      return trailingEdge(time);\n    }\n    // Restart the timer.\n    timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, remainingWait(time));\n  }\n\n  function trailingEdge(time) {\n    timerId = undefined;\n\n    // Only invoke if we have `lastArgs` which means `func` has been\n    // debounced at least once.\n    if (trailing && lastArgs) {\n      return invokeFunc(time);\n    }\n    lastArgs = lastThis = undefined;\n    return result;\n  }\n\n  function cancel() {\n    if (timerId !== undefined) {\n      clearTimeout(timerId);\n    }\n    lastInvokeTime = 0;\n    lastArgs = lastCallTime = lastThis = timerId = undefined;\n  }\n\n  function flush() {\n    return timerId === undefined ? result : trailingEdge(now());\n  }\n\n  function debounced() {\n    var time = now(),\n        isInvoking = shouldInvoke(time);\n\n    lastArgs = arguments;\n    lastThis = this;\n    lastCallTime = time;\n\n    if (isInvoking) {\n      if (timerId === undefined) {\n        return leadingEdge(lastCallTime);\n      }\n      if (maxing) {\n        // Handle invocations in a tight loop.\n        clearTimeout(timerId);\n        timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);\n        return invokeFunc(lastCallTime);\n      }\n    }\n    if (timerId === undefined) {\n      timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);\n    }\n    return result;\n  }\n  debounced.cancel = cancel;\n  debounced.flush = flush;\n  return debounced;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = debounce;\n","/**\n * Checks if `value` is the\n * [language type](http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-ecmascript-language-types)\n * of `Object`. (e.g. arrays, functions, objects, regexes, `new Number(0)`, and `new String('')`)\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 0.1.0\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an object, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isObject({});\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isObject([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isObject(_.noop);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isObject(null);\n * // => false\n */\nfunction isObject(value) {\n  var type = typeof value;\n  return value != null && (type == 'object' || type == 'function');\n}\n\nmodule.exports = isObject;\n","/**\n * Checks if `value` is object-like. A value is object-like if it's not `null`\n * and has a `typeof` result of \"object\".\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 4.0.0\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is object-like, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isObjectLike({});\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isObjectLike([1, 2, 3]);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isObjectLike(_.noop);\n * // => false\n *\n * _.isObjectLike(null);\n * // => false\n */\nfunction isObjectLike(value) {\n  return value != null && typeof value == 'object';\n}\n\nmodule.exports = isObjectLike;\n","var baseGetTag = require('./_baseGetTag'),\n    isObjectLike = require('./isObjectLike');\n\n/** `Object#toString` result references. */\nvar symbolTag = '[object Symbol]';\n\n/**\n * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Symbol` primitive or object.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 4.0.0\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to check.\n * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a symbol, else `false`.\n * @example\n *\n * _.isSymbol(Symbol.iterator);\n * // => true\n *\n * _.isSymbol('abc');\n * // => false\n */\nfunction isSymbol(value) {\n  return typeof value == 'symbol' ||\n    (isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == symbolTag);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = isSymbol;\n","/**\n * @license\n * Lodash <https://lodash.com/>\n * Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors <https://openjsf.org/>\n * Released under MIT license <https://lodash.com/license>\n * Based on Underscore.js 1.8.3 <http://underscorejs.org/LICENSE>\n * Copyright Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors\n */\n;(function() {\n\n  /** Used as a safe reference for `undefined` in pre-ES5 environments. */\n  var undefined;\n\n  /** Used as the semantic version number. */\n  var VERSION = '4.17.21';\n\n  /** Used as the size to enable large array optimizations. */\n  var LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE = 200;\n\n  /** Error message constants. */\n  var CORE_ERROR_TEXT = 'Unsupported core-js use. Try https://npms.io/search?q=ponyfill.',\n      FUNC_ERROR_TEXT = 'Expected a function',\n      INVALID_TEMPL_VAR_ERROR_TEXT = 'Invalid `variable` option passed into `_.template`';\n\n  /** Used to stand-in for `undefined` hash values. */\n  var HASH_UNDEFINED = '__lodash_hash_undefined__';\n\n  /** Used as the maximum memoize cache size. */\n  var MAX_MEMOIZE_SIZE = 500;\n\n  /** Used as the internal argument placeholder. */\n  var PLACEHOLDER = '__lodash_placeholder__';\n\n  /** Used to compose bitmasks for cloning. */\n  var CLONE_DEEP_FLAG = 1,\n      CLONE_FLAT_FLAG = 2,\n      CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG = 4;\n\n  /** Used to compose bitmasks for value comparisons. */\n  var COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG = 1,\n      COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG = 2;\n\n  /** Used to compose bitmasks for function metadata. */\n  var WRAP_BIND_FLAG = 1,\n      WRAP_BIND_KEY_FLAG = 2,\n      WRAP_CURRY_BOUND_FLAG = 4,\n      WRAP_CURRY_FLAG = 8,\n      WRAP_CURRY_RIGHT_FLAG = 16,\n      WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG = 32,\n      WRAP_PARTIAL_RIGHT_FLAG = 64,\n      WRAP_ARY_FLAG = 128,\n      WRAP_REARG_FLAG = 256,\n      WRAP_FLIP_FLAG = 512;\n\n  /** Used as default options for `_.truncate`. */\n  var DEFAULT_TRUNC_LENGTH = 30,\n      DEFAULT_TRUNC_OMISSION = '...';\n\n  /** Used to detect hot functions by number of calls within a span of milliseconds. */\n  var HOT_COUNT = 800,\n      HOT_SPAN = 16;\n\n  /** Used to indicate the type of lazy iteratees. */\n  var LAZY_FILTER_FLAG = 1,\n      LAZY_MAP_FLAG = 2,\n      LAZY_WHILE_FLAG = 3;\n\n  /** Used as references for various `Number` constants. */\n  var INFINITY = 1 / 0,\n      MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991,\n      MAX_INTEGER = 1.7976931348623157e+308,\n      NAN = 0 / 0;\n\n  /** Used as references for the maximum length and index of an array. */\n  var MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH = 4294967295,\n      MAX_ARRAY_INDEX = MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH - 1,\n      HALF_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH = MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH >>> 1;\n\n  /** Used to associate wrap methods with their bit flags. */\n  var wrapFlags = [\n    ['ary', WRAP_ARY_FLAG],\n    ['bind', WRAP_BIND_FLAG],\n    ['bindKey', WRAP_BIND_KEY_FLAG],\n    ['curry', WRAP_CURRY_FLAG],\n    ['curryRight', WRAP_CURRY_RIGHT_FLAG],\n    ['flip', WRAP_FLIP_FLAG],\n    ['partial', WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG],\n    ['partialRight', WRAP_PARTIAL_RIGHT_FLAG],\n    ['rearg', WRAP_REARG_FLAG]\n  ];\n\n  /** `Object#toString` result references. */\n  var argsTag = '[object Arguments]',\n      arrayTag = '[object Array]',\n      asyncTag = '[object AsyncFunction]',\n      boolTag = '[object Boolean]',\n      dateTag = '[object Date]',\n      domExcTag = '[object DOMException]',\n      errorTag = '[object Error]',\n      funcTag = '[object Function]',\n      genTag = '[object GeneratorFunction]',\n      mapTag = '[object Map]',\n      numberTag = '[object Number]',\n      nullTag = '[object Null]',\n      objectTag = '[object Object]',\n      promiseTag = '[object Promise]',\n      proxyTag = '[object Proxy]',\n      regexpTag = '[object RegExp]',\n      setTag = '[object Set]',\n      stringTag = '[object String]',\n      symbolTag = '[object Symbol]',\n      undefinedTag = '[object Undefined]',\n      weakMapTag = '[object WeakMap]',\n      weakSetTag = '[object WeakSet]';\n\n  var arrayBufferTag = '[object ArrayBuffer]',\n      dataViewTag = '[object DataView]',\n      float32Tag = '[object Float32Array]',\n      float64Tag = '[object Float64Array]',\n      int8Tag = '[object Int8Array]',\n      int16Tag = '[object Int16Array]',\n      int32Tag = '[object Int32Array]',\n      uint8Tag = '[object Uint8Array]',\n      uint8ClampedTag = '[object Uint8ClampedArray]',\n      uint16Tag = '[object Uint16Array]',\n      uint32Tag = '[object Uint32Array]';\n\n  /** Used to match empty string literals in compiled template source. */\n  var reEmptyStringLeading = /\\b__p \\+= '';/g,\n      reEmptyStringMiddle = /\\b(__p \\+=) '' \\+/g,\n      reEmptyStringTrailing = /(__e\\(.*?\\)|\\b__t\\)) \\+\\n'';/g;\n\n  /** Used to match HTML entities and HTML characters. */\n  var reEscapedHtml = /&(?:amp|lt|gt|quot|#39);/g,\n      reUnescapedHtml = /[&<>\"']/g,\n      reHasEscapedHtml = RegExp(reEscapedHtml.source),\n      reHasUnescapedHtml = RegExp(reUnescapedHtml.source);\n\n  /** Used to match template delimiters. */\n  var reEscape = /<%-([\\s\\S]+?)%>/g,\n      reEvaluate = /<%([\\s\\S]+?)%>/g,\n      reInterpolate = /<%=([\\s\\S]+?)%>/g;\n\n  /** Used to match property names within property paths. */\n  var reIsDeepProp = /\\.|\\[(?:[^[\\]]*|([\"'])(?:(?!\\1)[^\\\\]|\\\\.)*?\\1)\\]/,\n      reIsPlainProp = /^\\w*$/,\n      rePropName = /[^.[\\]]+|\\[(?:(-?\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)|([\"'])((?:(?!\\2)[^\\\\]|\\\\.)*?)\\2)\\]|(?=(?:\\.|\\[\\])(?:\\.|\\[\\]|$))/g;\n\n  /**\n   * Used to match `RegExp`\n   * [syntax characters](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-patterns).\n   */\n  var reRegExpChar = /[\\\\^$.*+?()[\\]{}|]/g,\n      reHasRegExpChar = RegExp(reRegExpChar.source);\n\n  /** Used to match leading whitespace. */\n  var reTrimStart = /^\\s+/;\n\n  /** Used to match a single whitespace character. */\n  var reWhitespace = /\\s/;\n\n  /** Used to match wrap detail comments. */\n  var reWrapComment = /\\{(?:\\n\\/\\* \\[wrapped with .+\\] \\*\\/)?\\n?/,\n      reWrapDetails = /\\{\\n\\/\\* \\[wrapped with (.+)\\] \\*/,\n      reSplitDetails = /,? & /;\n\n  /** Used to match words composed of alphanumeric characters. */\n  var reAsciiWord = /[^\\x00-\\x2f\\x3a-\\x40\\x5b-\\x60\\x7b-\\x7f]+/g;\n\n  /**\n   * Used to validate the `validate` option in `_.template` variable.\n   *\n   * Forbids characters which could potentially change the meaning of the function argument definition:\n   * - \"(),\" (modification of function parameters)\n   * - \"=\" (default value)\n   * - \"[]{}\" (destructuring of function parameters)\n   * - \"/\" (beginning of a comment)\n   * - whitespace\n   */\n  var reForbiddenIdentifierChars = /[()=,{}\\[\\]\\/\\s]/;\n\n  /** Used to match backslashes in property paths. */\n  var reEscapeChar = /\\\\(\\\\)?/g;\n\n  /**\n   * Used to match\n   * [ES template delimiters](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-template-literal-lexical-components).\n   */\n  var reEsTemplate = /\\$\\{([^\\\\}]*(?:\\\\.[^\\\\}]*)*)\\}/g;\n\n  /** Used to match `RegExp` flags from their coerced string values. */\n  var reFlags = /\\w*$/;\n\n  /** Used to detect bad signed hexadecimal string values. */\n  var reIsBadHex = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i;\n\n  /** Used to detect binary string values. */\n  var reIsBinary = /^0b[01]+$/i;\n\n  /** Used to detect host constructors (Safari). */\n  var reIsHostCtor = /^\\[object .+?Constructor\\]$/;\n\n  /** Used to detect octal string values. */\n  var reIsOctal = /^0o[0-7]+$/i;\n\n  /** Used to detect unsigned integer values. */\n  var reIsUint = /^(?:0|[1-9]\\d*)$/;\n\n  /** Used to match Latin Unicode letters (excluding mathematical operators). */\n  var reLatin = /[\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xff\\u0100-\\u017f]/g;\n\n  /** Used to ensure capturing order of template delimiters. */\n  var reNoMatch = /($^)/;\n\n  /** Used to match unescaped characters in compiled string literals. */\n  var reUnescapedString = /['\\n\\r\\u2028\\u2029\\\\]/g;\n\n  /** Used to compose unicode character classes. */\n  var rsAstralRange = '\\\\ud800-\\\\udfff',\n      rsComboMarksRange = '\\\\u0300-\\\\u036f',\n      reComboHalfMarksRange = '\\\\ufe20-\\\\ufe2f',\n      rsComboSymbolsRange = '\\\\u20d0-\\\\u20ff',\n      rsComboRange = rsComboMarksRange + reComboHalfMarksRange + rsComboSymbolsRange,\n      rsDingbatRange = '\\\\u2700-\\\\u27bf',\n      rsLowerRange = 'a-z\\\\xdf-\\\\xf6\\\\xf8-\\\\xff',\n      rsMathOpRange = '\\\\xac\\\\xb1\\\\xd7\\\\xf7',\n      rsNonCharRange = '\\\\x00-\\\\x2f\\\\x3a-\\\\x40\\\\x5b-\\\\x60\\\\x7b-\\\\xbf',\n      rsPunctuationRange = '\\\\u2000-\\\\u206f',\n      rsSpaceRange = ' \\\\t\\\\x0b\\\\f\\\\xa0\\\\ufeff\\\\n\\\\r\\\\u2028\\\\u2029\\\\u1680\\\\u180e\\\\u2000\\\\u2001\\\\u2002\\\\u2003\\\\u2004\\\\u2005\\\\u2006\\\\u2007\\\\u2008\\\\u2009\\\\u200a\\\\u202f\\\\u205f\\\\u3000',\n      rsUpperRange = 'A-Z\\\\xc0-\\\\xd6\\\\xd8-\\\\xde',\n      rsVarRange = '\\\\ufe0e\\\\ufe0f',\n      rsBreakRange = rsMathOpRange + rsNonCharRange + rsPunctuationRange + rsSpaceRange;\n\n  /** Used to compose unicode capture groups. */\n  var rsApos = \"['\\u2019]\",\n      rsAstral = '[' + rsAstralRange + ']',\n      rsBreak = '[' + rsBreakRange + ']',\n      rsCombo = '[' + rsComboRange + ']',\n      rsDigits = '\\\\d+',\n      rsDingbat = '[' + rsDingbatRange + ']',\n      rsLower = '[' + rsLowerRange + ']',\n      rsMisc = '[^' + rsAstralRange + rsBreakRange + rsDigits + rsDingbatRange + rsLowerRange + rsUpperRange + ']',\n      rsFitz = '\\\\ud83c[\\\\udffb-\\\\udfff]',\n      rsModifier = '(?:' + rsCombo + '|' + rsFitz + ')',\n      rsNonAstral = '[^' + rsAstralRange + ']',\n      rsRegional = '(?:\\\\ud83c[\\\\udde6-\\\\uddff]){2}',\n      rsSurrPair = '[\\\\ud800-\\\\udbff][\\\\udc00-\\\\udfff]',\n      rsUpper = '[' + rsUpperRange + ']',\n      rsZWJ = '\\\\u200d';\n\n  /** Used to compose unicode regexes. */\n  var rsMiscLower = '(?:' + rsLower + '|' + rsMisc + ')',\n      rsMiscUpper = '(?:' + rsUpper + '|' + rsMisc + ')',\n      rsOptContrLower = '(?:' + rsApos + '(?:d|ll|m|re|s|t|ve))?',\n      rsOptContrUpper = '(?:' + rsApos + '(?:D|LL|M|RE|S|T|VE))?',\n      reOptMod = rsModifier + '?',\n      rsOptVar = '[' + rsVarRange + ']?',\n      rsOptJoin = '(?:' + rsZWJ + '(?:' + [rsNonAstral, rsRegional, rsSurrPair].join('|') + ')' + rsOptVar + reOptMod + ')*',\n      rsOrdLower = '\\\\d*(?:1st|2nd|3rd|(?![123])\\\\dth)(?=\\\\b|[A-Z_])',\n      rsOrdUpper = '\\\\d*(?:1ST|2ND|3RD|(?![123])\\\\dTH)(?=\\\\b|[a-z_])',\n      rsSeq = rsOptVar + reOptMod + rsOptJoin,\n      rsEmoji = '(?:' + [rsDingbat, rsRegional, rsSurrPair].join('|') + ')' + rsSeq,\n      rsSymbol = '(?:' + [rsNonAstral + rsCombo + '?', rsCombo, rsRegional, rsSurrPair, rsAstral].join('|') + ')';\n\n  /** Used to match apostrophes. */\n  var reApos = RegExp(rsApos, 'g');\n\n  /**\n   * Used to match [combining diacritical marks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combining_Diacritical_Marks) and\n   * [combining diacritical marks for symbols](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combining_Diacritical_Marks_for_Symbols).\n   */\n  var reComboMark = RegExp(rsCombo, 'g');\n\n  /** Used to match [string symbols](https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-unicode). */\n  var reUnicode = RegExp(rsFitz + '(?=' + rsFitz + ')|' + rsSymbol + rsSeq, 'g');\n\n  /** Used to match complex or compound words. */\n  var reUnicodeWord = RegExp([\n    rsUpper + '?' + rsLower + '+' + rsOptContrLower + '(?=' + [rsBreak, rsUpper, '$'].join('|') + ')',\n    rsMiscUpper + '+' + rsOptContrUpper + '(?=' + [rsBreak, rsUpper + rsMiscLower, '$'].join('|') + ')',\n    rsUpper + '?' + rsMiscLower + '+' + rsOptContrLower,\n    rsUpper + '+' + rsOptContrUpper,\n    rsOrdUpper,\n    rsOrdLower,\n    rsDigits,\n    rsEmoji\n  ].join('|'), 'g');\n\n  /** Used to detect strings with [zero-width joiners or code points from the astral planes](http://eev.ee/blog/2015/09/12/dark-corners-of-unicode/). */\n  var reHasUnicode = RegExp('[' + rsZWJ + rsAstralRange  + rsComboRange + rsVarRange + ']');\n\n  /** Used to detect strings that need a more robust regexp to match words. */\n  var reHasUnicodeWord = /[a-z][A-Z]|[A-Z]{2}[a-z]|[0-9][a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][0-9]|[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/;\n\n  /** Used to assign default `context` object properties. */\n  var contextProps = [\n    'Array', 'Buffer', 'DataView', 'Date', 'Error', 'Float32Array', 'Float64Array',\n    'Function', 'Int8Array', 'Int16Array', 'Int32Array', 'Map', 'Math', 'Object',\n    'Promise', 'RegExp', 'Set', 'String', 'Symbol', 'TypeError', 'Uint8Array',\n    'Uint8ClampedArray', 'Uint16Array', 'Uint32Array', 'WeakMap',\n    '_', 'clearTimeout', 'isFinite', 'parseInt', 'setTimeout'\n  ];\n\n  /** Used to make template sourceURLs easier to identify. */\n  var templateCounter = -1;\n\n  /** Used to identify `toStringTag` values of typed arrays. */\n  var typedArrayTags = {};\n  typedArrayTags[float32Tag] = typedArrayTags[float64Tag] =\n  typedArrayTags[int8Tag] = typedArrayTags[int16Tag] =\n  typedArrayTags[int32Tag] = typedArrayTags[uint8Tag] =\n  typedArrayTags[uint8ClampedTag] = typedArrayTags[uint16Tag] =\n  typedArrayTags[uint32Tag] = true;\n  typedArrayTags[argsTag] = typedArrayTags[arrayTag] =\n  typedArrayTags[arrayBufferTag] = typedArrayTags[boolTag] =\n  typedArrayTags[dataViewTag] = typedArrayTags[dateTag] =\n  typedArrayTags[errorTag] = typedArrayTags[funcTag] =\n  typedArrayTags[mapTag] = typedArrayTags[numberTag] =\n  typedArrayTags[objectTag] = typedArrayTags[regexpTag] =\n  typedArrayTags[setTag] = typedArrayTags[stringTag] =\n  typedArrayTags[weakMapTag] = false;\n\n  /** Used to identify `toStringTag` values supported by `_.clone`. */\n  var cloneableTags = {};\n  cloneableTags[argsTag] = cloneableTags[arrayTag] =\n  cloneableTags[arrayBufferTag] = cloneableTags[dataViewTag] =\n  cloneableTags[boolTag] = cloneableTags[dateTag] =\n  cloneableTags[float32Tag] = cloneableTags[float64Tag] =\n  cloneableTags[int8Tag] = cloneableTags[int16Tag] =\n  cloneableTags[int32Tag] = cloneableTags[mapTag] =\n  cloneableTags[numberTag] = cloneableTags[objectTag] =\n  cloneableTags[regexpTag] = cloneableTags[setTag] =\n  cloneableTags[stringTag] = cloneableTags[symbolTag] =\n  cloneableTags[uint8Tag] = cloneableTags[uint8ClampedTag] =\n  cloneableTags[uint16Tag] = cloneableTags[uint32Tag] = true;\n  cloneableTags[errorTag] = cloneableTags[funcTag] =\n  cloneableTags[weakMapTag] = false;\n\n  /** Used to map Latin Unicode letters to basic Latin letters. */\n  var deburredLetters = {\n    // Latin-1 Supplement block.\n    '\\xc0': 'A',  '\\xc1': 'A', '\\xc2': 'A', '\\xc3': 'A', '\\xc4': 'A', '\\xc5': 'A',\n    '\\xe0': 'a',  '\\xe1': 'a', '\\xe2': 'a', '\\xe3': 'a', '\\xe4': 'a', '\\xe5': 'a',\n    '\\xc7': 'C',  '\\xe7': 'c',\n    '\\xd0': 'D',  '\\xf0': 'd',\n    '\\xc8': 'E',  '\\xc9': 'E', '\\xca': 'E', '\\xcb': 'E',\n    '\\xe8': 'e',  '\\xe9': 'e', '\\xea': 'e', '\\xeb': 'e',\n    '\\xcc': 'I',  '\\xcd': 'I', '\\xce': 'I', '\\xcf': 'I',\n    '\\xec': 'i',  '\\xed': 'i', '\\xee': 'i', '\\xef': 'i',\n    '\\xd1': 'N',  '\\xf1': 'n',\n    '\\xd2': 'O',  '\\xd3': 'O', '\\xd4': 'O', '\\xd5': 'O', '\\xd6': 'O', '\\xd8': 'O',\n    '\\xf2': 'o',  '\\xf3': 'o', '\\xf4': 'o', '\\xf5': 'o', '\\xf6': 'o', '\\xf8': 'o',\n    '\\xd9': 'U',  '\\xda': 'U', '\\xdb': 'U', '\\xdc': 'U',\n    '\\xf9': 'u',  '\\xfa': 'u', '\\xfb': 'u', '\\xfc': 'u',\n    '\\xdd': 'Y',  '\\xfd': 'y', '\\xff': 'y',\n    '\\xc6': 'Ae', '\\xe6': 'ae',\n    '\\xde': 'Th', '\\xfe': 'th',\n    '\\xdf': 'ss',\n    // Latin Extended-A block.\n    '\\u0100': 'A',  '\\u0102': 'A', '\\u0104': 'A',\n    '\\u0101': 'a',  '\\u0103': 'a', '\\u0105': 'a',\n    '\\u0106': 'C',  '\\u0108': 'C', '\\u010a': 'C', '\\u010c': 'C',\n    '\\u0107': 'c',  '\\u0109': 'c', '\\u010b': 'c', '\\u010d': 'c',\n    '\\u010e': 'D',  '\\u0110': 'D', '\\u010f': 'd', '\\u0111': 'd',\n    '\\u0112': 'E',  '\\u0114': 'E', '\\u0116': 'E', '\\u0118': 'E', '\\u011a': 'E',\n    '\\u0113': 'e',  '\\u0115': 'e', '\\u0117': 'e', '\\u0119': 'e', '\\u011b': 'e',\n    '\\u011c': 'G',  '\\u011e': 'G', '\\u0120': 'G', '\\u0122': 'G',\n    '\\u011d': 'g',  '\\u011f': 'g', '\\u0121': 'g', '\\u0123': 'g',\n    '\\u0124': 'H',  '\\u0126': 'H', '\\u0125': 'h', '\\u0127': 'h',\n    '\\u0128': 'I',  '\\u012a': 'I', '\\u012c': 'I', '\\u012e': 'I', '\\u0130': 'I',\n    '\\u0129': 'i',  '\\u012b': 'i', '\\u012d': 'i', '\\u012f': 'i', '\\u0131': 'i',\n    '\\u0134': 'J',  '\\u0135': 'j',\n    '\\u0136': 'K',  '\\u0137': 'k', '\\u0138': 'k',\n    '\\u0139': 'L',  '\\u013b': 'L', '\\u013d': 'L', '\\u013f': 'L', '\\u0141': 'L',\n    '\\u013a': 'l',  '\\u013c': 'l', '\\u013e': 'l', '\\u0140': 'l', '\\u0142': 'l',\n    '\\u0143': 'N',  '\\u0145': 'N', '\\u0147': 'N', '\\u014a': 'N',\n    '\\u0144': 'n',  '\\u0146': 'n', '\\u0148': 'n', '\\u014b': 'n',\n    '\\u014c': 'O',  '\\u014e': 'O', '\\u0150': 'O',\n    '\\u014d': 'o',  '\\u014f': 'o', '\\u0151': 'o',\n    '\\u0154': 'R',  '\\u0156': 'R', '\\u0158': 'R',\n    '\\u0155': 'r',  '\\u0157': 'r', '\\u0159': 'r',\n    '\\u015a': 'S',  '\\u015c': 'S', '\\u015e': 'S', '\\u0160': 'S',\n    '\\u015b': 's',  '\\u015d': 's', '\\u015f': 's', '\\u0161': 's',\n    '\\u0162': 'T',  '\\u0164': 'T', '\\u0166': 'T',\n    '\\u0163': 't',  '\\u0165': 't', '\\u0167': 't',\n    '\\u0168': 'U',  '\\u016a': 'U', '\\u016c': 'U', '\\u016e': 'U', '\\u0170': 'U', '\\u0172': 'U',\n    '\\u0169': 'u',  '\\u016b': 'u', '\\u016d': 'u', '\\u016f': 'u', '\\u0171': 'u', '\\u0173': 'u',\n    '\\u0174': 'W',  '\\u0175': 'w',\n    '\\u0176': 'Y',  '\\u0177': 'y', '\\u0178': 'Y',\n    '\\u0179': 'Z',  '\\u017b': 'Z', '\\u017d': 'Z',\n    '\\u017a': 'z',  '\\u017c': 'z', '\\u017e': 'z',\n    '\\u0132': 'IJ', '\\u0133': 'ij',\n    '\\u0152': 'Oe', '\\u0153': 'oe',\n    '\\u0149': \"'n\", '\\u017f': 's'\n  };\n\n  /** Used to map characters to HTML entities. */\n  var htmlEscapes = {\n    '&': '&amp;',\n    '<': '&lt;',\n    '>': '&gt;',\n    '\"': '&quot;',\n    \"'\": '&#39;'\n  };\n\n  /** Used to map HTML entities to characters. */\n  var htmlUnescapes = {\n    '&amp;': '&',\n    '&lt;': '<',\n    '&gt;': '>',\n    '&quot;': '\"',\n    '&#39;': \"'\"\n  };\n\n  /** Used to escape characters for inclusion in compiled string literals. */\n  var stringEscapes = {\n    '\\\\': '\\\\',\n    \"'\": \"'\",\n    '\\n': 'n',\n    '\\r': 'r',\n    '\\u2028': 'u2028',\n    '\\u2029': 'u2029'\n  };\n\n  /** Built-in method references without a dependency on `root`. */\n  var freeParseFloat = parseFloat,\n      freeParseInt = parseInt;\n\n  /** Detect free variable `global` from Node.js. */\n  var freeGlobal = typeof global == 'object' && global && global.Object === Object && global;\n\n  /** Detect free variable `self`. */\n  var freeSelf = typeof self == 'object' && self && self.Object === Object && self;\n\n  /** Used as a reference to the global object. */\n  var root = freeGlobal || freeSelf || Function('return this')();\n\n  /** Detect free variable `exports`. */\n  var freeExports = typeof exports == 'object' && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports;\n\n  /** Detect free variable `module`. */\n  var freeModule = freeExports && typeof module == 'object' && module && !module.nodeType && module;\n\n  /** Detect the popular CommonJS extension `module.exports`. */\n  var moduleExports = freeModule && freeModule.exports === freeExports;\n\n  /** Detect free variable `process` from Node.js. */\n  var freeProcess = moduleExports && freeGlobal.process;\n\n  /** Used to access faster Node.js helpers. */\n  var nodeUtil = (function() {\n    try {\n      // Use `util.types` for Node.js 10+.\n      var types = freeModule && freeModule.require && freeModule.require('util').types;\n\n      if (types) {\n        return types;\n      }\n\n      // Legacy `process.binding('util')` for Node.js < 10.\n      return freeProcess && freeProcess.binding && freeProcess.binding('util');\n    } catch (e) {}\n  }());\n\n  /* Node.js helper references. */\n  var nodeIsArrayBuffer = nodeUtil && nodeUtil.isArrayBuffer,\n      nodeIsDate = nodeUtil && nodeUtil.isDate,\n      nodeIsMap = nodeUtil && nodeUtil.isMap,\n      nodeIsRegExp = nodeUtil && nodeUtil.isRegExp,\n      nodeIsSet = nodeUtil && nodeUtil.isSet,\n      nodeIsTypedArray = nodeUtil && nodeUtil.isTypedArray;\n\n  /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n  /**\n   * A faster alternative to `Function#apply`, this function invokes `func`\n   * with the `this` binding of `thisArg` and the arguments of `args`.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Function} func The function to invoke.\n   * @param {*} thisArg The `this` binding of `func`.\n   * @param {Array} args The arguments to invoke `func` with.\n   * @returns {*} Returns the result of `func`.\n   */\n  function apply(func, thisArg, args) {\n    switch (args.length) {\n      case 0: return func.call(thisArg);\n      case 1: return func.call(thisArg, args[0]);\n      case 2: return func.call(thisArg, args[0], args[1]);\n      case 3: return func.call(thisArg, args[0], args[1], args[2]);\n    }\n    return func.apply(thisArg, args);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * A specialized version of `baseAggregator` for arrays.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} [array] The array to iterate over.\n   * @param {Function} setter The function to set `accumulator` values.\n   * @param {Function} iteratee The iteratee to transform keys.\n   * @param {Object} accumulator The initial aggregated object.\n   * @returns {Function} Returns `accumulator`.\n   */\n  function arrayAggregator(array, setter, iteratee, accumulator) {\n    var index = -1,\n        length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n\n    while (++index < length) {\n      var value = array[index];\n      setter(accumulator, value, iteratee(value), array);\n    }\n    return accumulator;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * A specialized version of `_.forEach` for arrays without support for\n   * iteratee shorthands.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} [array] The array to iterate over.\n   * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n   * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n   */\n  function arrayEach(array, iteratee) {\n    var index = -1,\n        length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n\n    while (++index < length) {\n      if (iteratee(array[index], index, array) === false) {\n        break;\n      }\n    }\n    return array;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * A specialized version of `_.forEachRight` for arrays without support for\n   * iteratee shorthands.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} [array] The array to iterate over.\n   * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n   * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n   */\n  function arrayEachRight(array, iteratee) {\n    var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n\n    while (length--) {\n      if (iteratee(array[length], length, array) === false) {\n        break;\n      }\n    }\n    return array;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * A specialized version of `_.every` for arrays without support for\n   * iteratee shorthands.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} [array] The array to iterate over.\n   * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration.\n   * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if all elements pass the predicate check,\n   *  else `false`.\n   */\n  function arrayEvery(array, predicate) {\n    var index = -1,\n        length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n\n    while (++index < length) {\n      if (!predicate(array[index], index, array)) {\n        return false;\n      }\n    }\n    return true;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * A specialized version of `_.filter` for arrays without support for\n   * iteratee shorthands.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} [array] The array to iterate over.\n   * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration.\n   * @returns {Array} Returns the new filtered array.\n   */\n  function arrayFilter(array, predicate) {\n    var index = -1,\n        length = array == null ? 0 : array.length,\n        resIndex = 0,\n        result = [];\n\n    while (++index < length) {\n      var value = array[index];\n      if (predicate(value, index, array)) {\n        result[resIndex++] = value;\n      }\n    }\n    return result;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * A specialized version of `_.includes` for arrays without support for\n   * specifying an index to search from.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} [array] The array to inspect.\n   * @param {*} target The value to search for.\n   * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `target` is found, else `false`.\n   */\n  function arrayIncludes(array, value) {\n    var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n    return !!length && baseIndexOf(array, value, 0) > -1;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * This function is like `arrayIncludes` except that it accepts a comparator.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} [array] The array to inspect.\n   * @param {*} target The value to search for.\n   * @param {Function} comparator The comparator invoked per element.\n   * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `target` is found, else `false`.\n   */\n  function arrayIncludesWith(array, value, comparator) {\n    var index = -1,\n        length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n\n    while (++index < length) {\n      if (comparator(value, array[index])) {\n        return true;\n      }\n    }\n    return false;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * A specialized version of `_.map` for arrays without support for iteratee\n   * shorthands.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} [array] The array to iterate over.\n   * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n   * @returns {Array} Returns the new mapped array.\n   */\n  function arrayMap(array, iteratee) {\n    var index = -1,\n        length = array == null ? 0 : array.length,\n        result = Array(length);\n\n    while (++index < length) {\n      result[index] = iteratee(array[index], index, array);\n    }\n    return result;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Appends the elements of `values` to `array`.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} array The array to modify.\n   * @param {Array} values The values to append.\n   * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n   */\n  function arrayPush(array, values) {\n    var index = -1,\n        length = values.length,\n        offset = array.length;\n\n    while (++index < length) {\n      array[offset + index] = values[index];\n    }\n    return array;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * A specialized version of `_.reduce` for arrays without support for\n   * iteratee shorthands.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} [array] The array to iterate over.\n   * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n   * @param {*} [accumulator] The initial value.\n   * @param {boolean} [initAccum] Specify using the first element of `array` as\n   *  the initial value.\n   * @returns {*} Returns the accumulated value.\n   */\n  function arrayReduce(array, iteratee, accumulator, initAccum) {\n    var index = -1,\n        length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n\n    if (initAccum && length) {\n      accumulator = array[++index];\n    }\n    while (++index < length) {\n      accumulator = iteratee(accumulator, array[index], index, array);\n    }\n    return accumulator;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * A specialized version of `_.reduceRight` for arrays without support for\n   * iteratee shorthands.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} [array] The array to iterate over.\n   * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n   * @param {*} [accumulator] The initial value.\n   * @param {boolean} [initAccum] Specify using the last element of `array` as\n   *  the initial value.\n   * @returns {*} Returns the accumulated value.\n   */\n  function arrayReduceRight(array, iteratee, accumulator, initAccum) {\n    var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n    if (initAccum && length) {\n      accumulator = array[--length];\n    }\n    while (length--) {\n      accumulator = iteratee(accumulator, array[length], length, array);\n    }\n    return accumulator;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * A specialized version of `_.some` for arrays without support for iteratee\n   * shorthands.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} [array] The array to iterate over.\n   * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration.\n   * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if any element passes the predicate check,\n   *  else `false`.\n   */\n  function arraySome(array, predicate) {\n    var index = -1,\n        length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n\n    while (++index < length) {\n      if (predicate(array[index], index, array)) {\n        return true;\n      }\n    }\n    return false;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Gets the size of an ASCII `string`.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {string} string The string inspect.\n   * @returns {number} Returns the string size.\n   */\n  var asciiSize = baseProperty('length');\n\n  /**\n   * Converts an ASCII `string` to an array.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {string} string The string to convert.\n   * @returns {Array} Returns the converted array.\n   */\n  function asciiToArray(string) {\n    return string.split('');\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Splits an ASCII `string` into an array of its words.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {string} The string to inspect.\n   * @returns {Array} Returns the words of `string`.\n   */\n  function asciiWords(string) {\n    return string.match(reAsciiWord) || [];\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * The base implementation of methods like `_.findKey` and `_.findLastKey`,\n   * without support for iteratee shorthands, which iterates over `collection`\n   * using `eachFunc`.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to inspect.\n   * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration.\n   * @param {Function} eachFunc The function to iterate over `collection`.\n   * @returns {*} Returns the found element or its key, else `undefined`.\n   */\n  function baseFindKey(collection, predicate, eachFunc) {\n    var result;\n    eachFunc(collection, function(value, key, collection) {\n      if (predicate(value, key, collection)) {\n        result = key;\n        return false;\n      }\n    });\n    return result;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * The base implementation of `_.findIndex` and `_.findLastIndex` without\n   * support for iteratee shorthands.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n   * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration.\n   * @param {number} fromIndex The index to search from.\n   * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left.\n   * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.\n   */\n  function baseFindIndex(array, predicate, fromIndex, fromRight) {\n    var length = array.length,\n        index = fromIndex + (fromRight ? 1 : -1);\n\n    while ((fromRight ? index-- : ++index < length)) {\n      if (predicate(array[index], index, array)) {\n        return index;\n      }\n    }\n    return -1;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * The base implementation of `_.indexOf` without `fromIndex` bounds checks.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n   * @param {*} value The value to search for.\n   * @param {number} fromIndex The index to search from.\n   * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.\n   */\n  function baseIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex) {\n    return value === value\n      ? strictIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex)\n      : baseFindIndex(array, baseIsNaN, fromIndex);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * This function is like `baseIndexOf` except that it accepts a comparator.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n   * @param {*} value The value to search for.\n   * @param {number} fromIndex The index to search from.\n   * @param {Function} comparator The comparator invoked per element.\n   * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.\n   */\n  function baseIndexOfWith(array, value, fromIndex, comparator) {\n    var index = fromIndex - 1,\n        length = array.length;\n\n    while (++index < length) {\n      if (comparator(array[index], value)) {\n        return index;\n      }\n    }\n    return -1;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * The base implementation of `_.isNaN` without support for number objects.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {*} value The value to check.\n   * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is `NaN`, else `false`.\n   */\n  function baseIsNaN(value) {\n    return value !== value;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * The base implementation of `_.mean` and `_.meanBy` without support for\n   * iteratee shorthands.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n   * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n   * @returns {number} Returns the mean.\n   */\n  function baseMean(array, iteratee) {\n    var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n    return length ? (baseSum(array, iteratee) / length) : NAN;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * The base implementation of `_.property` without support for deep paths.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {string} key The key of the property to get.\n   * @returns {Function} Returns the new accessor function.\n   */\n  function baseProperty(key) {\n    return function(object) {\n      return object == null ? undefined : object[key];\n    };\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * The base implementation of `_.propertyOf` without support for deep paths.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n   * @returns {Function} Returns the new accessor function.\n   */\n  function basePropertyOf(object) {\n    return function(key) {\n      return object == null ? undefined : object[key];\n    };\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * The base implementation of `_.reduce` and `_.reduceRight`, without support\n   * for iteratee shorthands, which iterates over `collection` using `eachFunc`.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n   * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n   * @param {*} accumulator The initial value.\n   * @param {boolean} initAccum Specify using the first or last element of\n   *  `collection` as the initial value.\n   * @param {Function} eachFunc The function to iterate over `collection`.\n   * @returns {*} Returns the accumulated value.\n   */\n  function baseReduce(collection, iteratee, accumulator, initAccum, eachFunc) {\n    eachFunc(collection, function(value, index, collection) {\n      accumulator = initAccum\n        ? (initAccum = false, value)\n        : iteratee(accumulator, value, index, collection);\n    });\n    return accumulator;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * The base implementation of `_.sortBy` which uses `comparer` to define the\n   * sort order of `array` and replaces criteria objects with their corresponding\n   * values.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} array The array to sort.\n   * @param {Function} comparer The function to define sort order.\n   * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n   */\n  function baseSortBy(array, comparer) {\n    var length = array.length;\n\n    array.sort(comparer);\n    while (length--) {\n      array[length] = array[length].value;\n    }\n    return array;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * The base implementation of `_.sum` and `_.sumBy` without support for\n   * iteratee shorthands.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n   * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n   * @returns {number} Returns the sum.\n   */\n  function baseSum(array, iteratee) {\n    var result,\n        index = -1,\n        length = array.length;\n\n    while (++index < length) {\n      var current = iteratee(array[index]);\n      if (current !== undefined) {\n        result = result === undefined ? current : (result + current);\n      }\n    }\n    return result;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * The base implementation of `_.times` without support for iteratee shorthands\n   * or max array length checks.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {number} n The number of times to invoke `iteratee`.\n   * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n   * @returns {Array} Returns the array of results.\n   */\n  function baseTimes(n, iteratee) {\n    var index = -1,\n        result = Array(n);\n\n    while (++index < n) {\n      result[index] = iteratee(index);\n    }\n    return result;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * The base implementation of `_.toPairs` and `_.toPairsIn` which creates an array\n   * of key-value pairs for `object` corresponding to the property names of `props`.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n   * @param {Array} props The property names to get values for.\n   * @returns {Object} Returns the key-value pairs.\n   */\n  function baseToPairs(object, props) {\n    return arrayMap(props, function(key) {\n      return [key, object[key]];\n    });\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * The base implementation of `_.trim`.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {string} string The string to trim.\n   * @returns {string} Returns the trimmed string.\n   */\n  function baseTrim(string) {\n    return string\n      ? string.slice(0, trimmedEndIndex(string) + 1).replace(reTrimStart, '')\n      : string;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * The base implementation of `_.unary` without support for storing metadata.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Function} func The function to cap arguments for.\n   * @returns {Function} Returns the new capped function.\n   */\n  function baseUnary(func) {\n    return function(value) {\n      return func(value);\n    };\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * The base implementation of `_.values` and `_.valuesIn` which creates an\n   * array of `object` property values corresponding to the property names\n   * of `props`.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n   * @param {Array} props The property names to get values for.\n   * @returns {Object} Returns the array of property values.\n   */\n  function baseValues(object, props) {\n    return arrayMap(props, function(key) {\n      return object[key];\n    });\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Checks if a `cache` value for `key` exists.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Object} cache The cache to query.\n   * @param {string} key The key of the entry to check.\n   * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if an entry for `key` exists, else `false`.\n   */\n  function cacheHas(cache, key) {\n    return cache.has(key);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Used by `_.trim` and `_.trimStart` to get the index of the first string symbol\n   * that is not found in the character symbols.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} strSymbols The string symbols to inspect.\n   * @param {Array} chrSymbols The character symbols to find.\n   * @returns {number} Returns the index of the first unmatched string symbol.\n   */\n  function charsStartIndex(strSymbols, chrSymbols) {\n    var index = -1,\n        length = strSymbols.length;\n\n    while (++index < length && baseIndexOf(chrSymbols, strSymbols[index], 0) > -1) {}\n    return index;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Used by `_.trim` and `_.trimEnd` to get the index of the last string symbol\n   * that is not found in the character symbols.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} strSymbols The string symbols to inspect.\n   * @param {Array} chrSymbols The character symbols to find.\n   * @returns {number} Returns the index of the last unmatched string symbol.\n   */\n  function charsEndIndex(strSymbols, chrSymbols) {\n    var index = strSymbols.length;\n\n    while (index-- && baseIndexOf(chrSymbols, strSymbols[index], 0) > -1) {}\n    return index;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Gets the number of `placeholder` occurrences in `array`.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n   * @param {*} placeholder The placeholder to search for.\n   * @returns {number} Returns the placeholder count.\n   */\n  function countHolders(array, placeholder) {\n    var length = array.length,\n        result = 0;\n\n    while (length--) {\n      if (array[length] === placeholder) {\n        ++result;\n      }\n    }\n    return result;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Used by `_.deburr` to convert Latin-1 Supplement and Latin Extended-A\n   * letters to basic Latin letters.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {string} letter The matched letter to deburr.\n   * @returns {string} Returns the deburred letter.\n   */\n  var deburrLetter = basePropertyOf(deburredLetters);\n\n  /**\n   * Used by `_.escape` to convert characters to HTML entities.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {string} chr The matched character to escape.\n   * @returns {string} Returns the escaped character.\n   */\n  var escapeHtmlChar = basePropertyOf(htmlEscapes);\n\n  /**\n   * Used by `_.template` to escape characters for inclusion in compiled string literals.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {string} chr The matched character to escape.\n   * @returns {string} Returns the escaped character.\n   */\n  function escapeStringChar(chr) {\n    return '\\\\' + stringEscapes[chr];\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Gets the value at `key` of `object`.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Object} [object] The object to query.\n   * @param {string} key The key of the property to get.\n   * @returns {*} Returns the property value.\n   */\n  function getValue(object, key) {\n    return object == null ? undefined : object[key];\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Checks if `string` contains Unicode symbols.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {string} string The string to inspect.\n   * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if a symbol is found, else `false`.\n   */\n  function hasUnicode(string) {\n    return reHasUnicode.test(string);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Checks if `string` contains a word composed of Unicode symbols.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {string} string The string to inspect.\n   * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if a word is found, else `false`.\n   */\n  function hasUnicodeWord(string) {\n    return reHasUnicodeWord.test(string);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Converts `iterator` to an array.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Object} iterator The iterator to convert.\n   * @returns {Array} Returns the converted array.\n   */\n  function iteratorToArray(iterator) {\n    var data,\n        result = [];\n\n    while (!(data = iterator.next()).done) {\n      result.push(data.value);\n    }\n    return result;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Converts `map` to its key-value pairs.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Object} map The map to convert.\n   * @returns {Array} Returns the key-value pairs.\n   */\n  function mapToArray(map) {\n    var index = -1,\n        result = Array(map.size);\n\n    map.forEach(function(value, key) {\n      result[++index] = [key, value];\n    });\n    return result;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Creates a unary function that invokes `func` with its argument transformed.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Function} func The function to wrap.\n   * @param {Function} transform The argument transform.\n   * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n   */\n  function overArg(func, transform) {\n    return function(arg) {\n      return func(transform(arg));\n    };\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Replaces all `placeholder` elements in `array` with an internal placeholder\n   * and returns an array of their indexes.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} array The array to modify.\n   * @param {*} placeholder The placeholder to replace.\n   * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of placeholder indexes.\n   */\n  function replaceHolders(array, placeholder) {\n    var index = -1,\n        length = array.length,\n        resIndex = 0,\n        result = [];\n\n    while (++index < length) {\n      var value = array[index];\n      if (value === placeholder || value === PLACEHOLDER) {\n        array[index] = PLACEHOLDER;\n        result[resIndex++] = index;\n      }\n    }\n    return result;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Converts `set` to an array of its values.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Object} set The set to convert.\n   * @returns {Array} Returns the values.\n   */\n  function setToArray(set) {\n    var index = -1,\n        result = Array(set.size);\n\n    set.forEach(function(value) {\n      result[++index] = value;\n    });\n    return result;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Converts `set` to its value-value pairs.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Object} set The set to convert.\n   * @returns {Array} Returns the value-value pairs.\n   */\n  function setToPairs(set) {\n    var index = -1,\n        result = Array(set.size);\n\n    set.forEach(function(value) {\n      result[++index] = [value, value];\n    });\n    return result;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * A specialized version of `_.indexOf` which performs strict equality\n   * comparisons of values, i.e. `===`.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n   * @param {*} value The value to search for.\n   * @param {number} fromIndex The index to search from.\n   * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.\n   */\n  function strictIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex) {\n    var index = fromIndex - 1,\n        length = array.length;\n\n    while (++index < length) {\n      if (array[index] === value) {\n        return index;\n      }\n    }\n    return -1;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * A specialized version of `_.lastIndexOf` which performs strict equality\n   * comparisons of values, i.e. `===`.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n   * @param {*} value The value to search for.\n   * @param {number} fromIndex The index to search from.\n   * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.\n   */\n  function strictLastIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex) {\n    var index = fromIndex + 1;\n    while (index--) {\n      if (array[index] === value) {\n        return index;\n      }\n    }\n    return index;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Gets the number of symbols in `string`.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {string} string The string to inspect.\n   * @returns {number} Returns the string size.\n   */\n  function stringSize(string) {\n    return hasUnicode(string)\n      ? unicodeSize(string)\n      : asciiSize(string);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Converts `string` to an array.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {string} string The string to convert.\n   * @returns {Array} Returns the converted array.\n   */\n  function stringToArray(string) {\n    return hasUnicode(string)\n      ? unicodeToArray(string)\n      : asciiToArray(string);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Used by `_.trim` and `_.trimEnd` to get the index of the last non-whitespace\n   * character of `string`.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {string} string The string to inspect.\n   * @returns {number} Returns the index of the last non-whitespace character.\n   */\n  function trimmedEndIndex(string) {\n    var index = string.length;\n\n    while (index-- && reWhitespace.test(string.charAt(index))) {}\n    return index;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Used by `_.unescape` to convert HTML entities to characters.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {string} chr The matched character to unescape.\n   * @returns {string} Returns the unescaped character.\n   */\n  var unescapeHtmlChar = basePropertyOf(htmlUnescapes);\n\n  /**\n   * Gets the size of a Unicode `string`.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {string} string The string inspect.\n   * @returns {number} Returns the string size.\n   */\n  function unicodeSize(string) {\n    var result = reUnicode.lastIndex = 0;\n    while (reUnicode.test(string)) {\n      ++result;\n    }\n    return result;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Converts a Unicode `string` to an array.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {string} string The string to convert.\n   * @returns {Array} Returns the converted array.\n   */\n  function unicodeToArray(string) {\n    return string.match(reUnicode) || [];\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Splits a Unicode `string` into an array of its words.\n   *\n   * @private\n   * @param {string} The string to inspect.\n   * @returns {Array} Returns the words of `string`.\n   */\n  function unicodeWords(string) {\n    return string.match(reUnicodeWord) || [];\n  }\n\n  /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n  /**\n   * Create a new pristine `lodash` function using the `context` object.\n   *\n   * @static\n   * @memberOf _\n   * @since 1.1.0\n   * @category Util\n   * @param {Object} [context=root] The context object.\n   * @returns {Function} Returns a new `lodash` function.\n   * @example\n   *\n   * _.mixin({ 'foo': _.constant('foo') });\n   *\n   * var lodash = _.runInContext();\n   * lodash.mixin({ 'bar': lodash.constant('bar') });\n   *\n   * _.isFunction(_.foo);\n   * // => true\n   * _.isFunction(_.bar);\n   * // => false\n   *\n   * lodash.isFunction(lodash.foo);\n   * // => false\n   * lodash.isFunction(lodash.bar);\n   * // => true\n   *\n   * // Create a suped-up `defer` in Node.js.\n   * var defer = _.runInContext({ 'setTimeout': setImmediate }).defer;\n   */\n  var runInContext = (function runInContext(context) {\n    context = context == null ? root : _.defaults(root.Object(), context, _.pick(root, contextProps));\n\n    /** Built-in constructor references. */\n    var Array = context.Array,\n        Date = context.Date,\n        Error = context.Error,\n        Function = context.Function,\n        Math = context.Math,\n        Object = context.Object,\n        RegExp = context.RegExp,\n        String = context.String,\n        TypeError = context.TypeError;\n\n    /** Used for built-in method references. */\n    var arrayProto = Array.prototype,\n        funcProto = Function.prototype,\n        objectProto = Object.prototype;\n\n    /** Used to detect overreaching core-js shims. */\n    var coreJsData = context['__core-js_shared__'];\n\n    /** Used to resolve the decompiled source of functions. */\n    var funcToString = funcProto.toString;\n\n    /** Used to check objects for own properties. */\n    var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty;\n\n    /** Used to generate unique IDs. */\n    var idCounter = 0;\n\n    /** Used to detect methods masquerading as native. */\n    var maskSrcKey = (function() {\n      var uid = /[^.]+$/.exec(coreJsData && coreJsData.keys && coreJsData.keys.IE_PROTO || '');\n      return uid ? ('Symbol(src)_1.' + uid) : '';\n    }());\n\n    /**\n     * Used to resolve the\n     * [`toStringTag`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-object.prototype.tostring)\n     * of values.\n     */\n    var nativeObjectToString = objectProto.toString;\n\n    /** Used to infer the `Object` constructor. */\n    var objectCtorString = funcToString.call(Object);\n\n    /** Used to restore the original `_` reference in `_.noConflict`. */\n    var oldDash = root._;\n\n    /** Used to detect if a method is native. */\n    var reIsNative = RegExp('^' +\n      funcToString.call(hasOwnProperty).replace(reRegExpChar, '\\\\$&')\n      .replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\\\\])/g, '$1.*?') + '$'\n    );\n\n    /** Built-in value references. */\n    var Buffer = moduleExports ? context.Buffer : undefined,\n        Symbol = context.Symbol,\n        Uint8Array = context.Uint8Array,\n        allocUnsafe = Buffer ? Buffer.allocUnsafe : undefined,\n        getPrototype = overArg(Object.getPrototypeOf, Object),\n        objectCreate = Object.create,\n        propertyIsEnumerable = objectProto.propertyIsEnumerable,\n        splice = arrayProto.splice,\n        spreadableSymbol = Symbol ? Symbol.isConcatSpreadable : undefined,\n        symIterator = Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : undefined,\n        symToStringTag = Symbol ? Symbol.toStringTag : undefined;\n\n    var defineProperty = (function() {\n      try {\n        var func = getNative(Object, 'defineProperty');\n        func({}, '', {});\n        return func;\n      } catch (e) {}\n    }());\n\n    /** Mocked built-ins. */\n    var ctxClearTimeout = context.clearTimeout !== root.clearTimeout && context.clearTimeout,\n        ctxNow = Date && Date.now !== root.Date.now && Date.now,\n        ctxSetTimeout = context.setTimeout !== root.setTimeout && context.setTimeout;\n\n    /* Built-in method references for those with the same name as other `lodash` methods. */\n    var nativeCeil = Math.ceil,\n        nativeFloor = Math.floor,\n        nativeGetSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,\n        nativeIsBuffer = Buffer ? Buffer.isBuffer : undefined,\n        nativeIsFinite = context.isFinite,\n        nativeJoin = arrayProto.join,\n        nativeKeys = overArg(Object.keys, Object),\n        nativeMax = Math.max,\n        nativeMin = Math.min,\n        nativeNow = Date.now,\n        nativeParseInt = context.parseInt,\n        nativeRandom = Math.random,\n        nativeReverse = arrayProto.reverse;\n\n    /* Built-in method references that are verified to be native. */\n    var DataView = getNative(context, 'DataView'),\n        Map = getNative(context, 'Map'),\n        Promise = getNative(context, 'Promise'),\n        Set = getNative(context, 'Set'),\n        WeakMap = getNative(context, 'WeakMap'),\n        nativeCreate = getNative(Object, 'create');\n\n    /** Used to store function metadata. */\n    var metaMap = WeakMap && new WeakMap;\n\n    /** Used to lookup unminified function names. */\n    var realNames = {};\n\n    /** Used to detect maps, sets, and weakmaps. */\n    var dataViewCtorString = toSource(DataView),\n        mapCtorString = toSource(Map),\n        promiseCtorString = toSource(Promise),\n        setCtorString = toSource(Set),\n        weakMapCtorString = toSource(WeakMap);\n\n    /** Used to convert symbols to primitives and strings. */\n    var symbolProto = Symbol ? Symbol.prototype : undefined,\n        symbolValueOf = symbolProto ? symbolProto.valueOf : undefined,\n        symbolToString = symbolProto ? symbolProto.toString : undefined;\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a `lodash` object which wraps `value` to enable implicit method\n     * chain sequences. Methods that operate on and return arrays, collections,\n     * and functions can be chained together. Methods that retrieve a single value\n     * or may return a primitive value will automatically end the chain sequence\n     * and return the unwrapped value. Otherwise, the value must be unwrapped\n     * with `_#value`.\n     *\n     * Explicit chain sequences, which must be unwrapped with `_#value`, may be\n     * enabled using `_.chain`.\n     *\n     * The execution of chained methods is lazy, that is, it's deferred until\n     * `_#value` is implicitly or explicitly called.\n     *\n     * Lazy evaluation allows several methods to support shortcut fusion.\n     * Shortcut fusion is an optimization to merge iteratee calls; this avoids\n     * the creation of intermediate arrays and can greatly reduce the number of\n     * iteratee executions. Sections of a chain sequence qualify for shortcut\n     * fusion if the section is applied to an array and iteratees accept only\n     * one argument. The heuristic for whether a section qualifies for shortcut\n     * fusion is subject to change.\n     *\n     * Chaining is supported in custom builds as long as the `_#value` method is\n     * directly or indirectly included in the build.\n     *\n     * In addition to lodash methods, wrappers have `Array` and `String` methods.\n     *\n     * The wrapper `Array` methods are:\n     * `concat`, `join`, `pop`, `push`, `shift`, `sort`, `splice`, and `unshift`\n     *\n     * The wrapper `String` methods are:\n     * `replace` and `split`\n     *\n     * The wrapper methods that support shortcut fusion are:\n     * `at`, `compact`, `drop`, `dropRight`, `dropWhile`, `filter`, `find`,\n     * `findLast`, `head`, `initial`, `last`, `map`, `reject`, `reverse`, `slice`,\n     * `tail`, `take`, `takeRight`, `takeRightWhile`, `takeWhile`, and `toArray`\n     *\n     * The chainable wrapper methods are:\n     * `after`, `ary`, `assign`, `assignIn`, `assignInWith`, `assignWith`, `at`,\n     * `before`, `bind`, `bindAll`, `bindKey`, `castArray`, `chain`, `chunk`,\n     * `commit`, `compact`, `concat`, `conforms`, `constant`, `countBy`, `create`,\n     * `curry`, `debounce`, `defaults`, `defaultsDeep`, `defer`, `delay`,\n     * `difference`, `differenceBy`, `differenceWith`, `drop`, `dropRight`,\n     * `dropRightWhile`, `dropWhile`, `extend`, `extendWith`, `fill`, `filter`,\n     * `flatMap`, `flatMapDeep`, `flatMapDepth`, `flatten`, `flattenDeep`,\n     * `flattenDepth`, `flip`, `flow`, `flowRight`, `fromPairs`, `functions`,\n     * `functionsIn`, `groupBy`, `initial`, `intersection`, `intersectionBy`,\n     * `intersectionWith`, `invert`, `invertBy`, `invokeMap`, `iteratee`, `keyBy`,\n     * `keys`, `keysIn`, `map`, `mapKeys`, `mapValues`, `matches`, `matchesProperty`,\n     * `memoize`, `merge`, `mergeWith`, `method`, `methodOf`, `mixin`, `negate`,\n     * `nthArg`, `omit`, `omitBy`, `once`, `orderBy`, `over`, `overArgs`,\n     * `overEvery`, `overSome`, `partial`, `partialRight`, `partition`, `pick`,\n     * `pickBy`, `plant`, `property`, `propertyOf`, `pull`, `pullAll`, `pullAllBy`,\n     * `pullAllWith`, `pullAt`, `push`, `range`, `rangeRight`, `rearg`, `reject`,\n     * `remove`, `rest`, `reverse`, `sampleSize`, `set`, `setWith`, `shuffle`,\n     * `slice`, `sort`, `sortBy`, `splice`, `spread`, `tail`, `take`, `takeRight`,\n     * `takeRightWhile`, `takeWhile`, `tap`, `throttle`, `thru`, `toArray`,\n     * `toPairs`, `toPairsIn`, `toPath`, `toPlainObject`, `transform`, `unary`,\n     * `union`, `unionBy`, `unionWith`, `uniq`, `uniqBy`, `uniqWith`, `unset`,\n     * `unshift`, `unzip`, `unzipWith`, `update`, `updateWith`, `values`,\n     * `valuesIn`, `without`, `wrap`, `xor`, `xorBy`, `xorWith`, `zip`,\n     * `zipObject`, `zipObjectDeep`, and `zipWith`\n     *\n     * The wrapper methods that are **not** chainable by default are:\n     * `add`, `attempt`, `camelCase`, `capitalize`, `ceil`, `clamp`, `clone`,\n     * `cloneDeep`, `cloneDeepWith`, `cloneWith`, `conformsTo`, `deburr`,\n     * `defaultTo`, `divide`, `each`, `eachRight`, `endsWith`, `eq`, `escape`,\n     * `escapeRegExp`, `every`, `find`, `findIndex`, `findKey`, `findLast`,\n     * `findLastIndex`, `findLastKey`, `first`, `floor`, `forEach`, `forEachRight`,\n     * `forIn`, `forInRight`, `forOwn`, `forOwnRight`, `get`, `gt`, `gte`, `has`,\n     * `hasIn`, `head`, `identity`, `includes`, `indexOf`, `inRange`, `invoke`,\n     * `isArguments`, `isArray`, `isArrayBuffer`, `isArrayLike`, `isArrayLikeObject`,\n     * `isBoolean`, `isBuffer`, `isDate`, `isElement`, `isEmpty`, `isEqual`,\n     * `isEqualWith`, `isError`, `isFinite`, `isFunction`, `isInteger`, `isLength`,\n     * `isMap`, `isMatch`, `isMatchWith`, `isNaN`, `isNative`, `isNil`, `isNull`,\n     * `isNumber`, `isObject`, `isObjectLike`, `isPlainObject`, `isRegExp`,\n     * `isSafeInteger`, `isSet`, `isString`, `isUndefined`, `isTypedArray`,\n     * `isWeakMap`, `isWeakSet`, `join`, `kebabCase`, `last`, `lastIndexOf`,\n     * `lowerCase`, `lowerFirst`, `lt`, `lte`, `max`, `maxBy`, `mean`, `meanBy`,\n     * `min`, `minBy`, `multiply`, `noConflict`, `noop`, `now`, `nth`, `pad`,\n     * `padEnd`, `padStart`, `parseInt`, `pop`, `random`, `reduce`, `reduceRight`,\n     * `repeat`, `result`, `round`, `runInContext`, `sample`, `shift`, `size`,\n     * `snakeCase`, `some`, `sortedIndex`, `sortedIndexBy`, `sortedLastIndex`,\n     * `sortedLastIndexBy`, `startCase`, `startsWith`, `stubArray`, `stubFalse`,\n     * `stubObject`, `stubString`, `stubTrue`, `subtract`, `sum`, `sumBy`,\n     * `template`, `times`, `toFinite`, `toInteger`, `toJSON`, `toLength`,\n     * `toLower`, `toNumber`, `toSafeInteger`, `toString`, `toUpper`, `trim`,\n     * `trimEnd`, `trimStart`, `truncate`, `unescape`, `uniqueId`, `upperCase`,\n     * `upperFirst`, `value`, and `words`\n     *\n     * @name _\n     * @constructor\n     * @category Seq\n     * @param {*} value The value to wrap in a `lodash` instance.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new `lodash` wrapper instance.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function square(n) {\n     *   return n * n;\n     * }\n     *\n     * var wrapped = _([1, 2, 3]);\n     *\n     * // Returns an unwrapped value.\n     * wrapped.reduce(_.add);\n     * // => 6\n     *\n     * // Returns a wrapped value.\n     * var squares = wrapped.map(square);\n     *\n     * _.isArray(squares);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.isArray(squares.value());\n     * // => true\n     */\n    function lodash(value) {\n      if (isObjectLike(value) && !isArray(value) && !(value instanceof LazyWrapper)) {\n        if (value instanceof LodashWrapper) {\n          return value;\n        }\n        if (hasOwnProperty.call(value, '__wrapped__')) {\n          return wrapperClone(value);\n        }\n      }\n      return new LodashWrapper(value);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.create` without support for assigning\n     * properties to the created object.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} proto The object to inherit from.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.\n     */\n    var baseCreate = (function() {\n      function object() {}\n      return function(proto) {\n        if (!isObject(proto)) {\n          return {};\n        }\n        if (objectCreate) {\n          return objectCreate(proto);\n        }\n        object.prototype = proto;\n        var result = new object;\n        object.prototype = undefined;\n        return result;\n      };\n    }());\n\n    /**\n     * The function whose prototype chain sequence wrappers inherit from.\n     *\n     * @private\n     */\n    function baseLodash() {\n      // No operation performed.\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base constructor for creating `lodash` wrapper objects.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to wrap.\n     * @param {boolean} [chainAll] Enable explicit method chain sequences.\n     */\n    function LodashWrapper(value, chainAll) {\n      this.__wrapped__ = value;\n      this.__actions__ = [];\n      this.__chain__ = !!chainAll;\n      this.__index__ = 0;\n      this.__values__ = undefined;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * By default, the template delimiters used by lodash are like those in\n     * embedded Ruby (ERB) as well as ES2015 template strings. Change the\n     * following template settings to use alternative delimiters.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @type {Object}\n     */\n    lodash.templateSettings = {\n\n      /**\n       * Used to detect `data` property values to be HTML-escaped.\n       *\n       * @memberOf _.templateSettings\n       * @type {RegExp}\n       */\n      'escape': reEscape,\n\n      /**\n       * Used to detect code to be evaluated.\n       *\n       * @memberOf _.templateSettings\n       * @type {RegExp}\n       */\n      'evaluate': reEvaluate,\n\n      /**\n       * Used to detect `data` property values to inject.\n       *\n       * @memberOf _.templateSettings\n       * @type {RegExp}\n       */\n      'interpolate': reInterpolate,\n\n      /**\n       * Used to reference the data object in the template text.\n       *\n       * @memberOf _.templateSettings\n       * @type {string}\n       */\n      'variable': '',\n\n      /**\n       * Used to import variables into the compiled template.\n       *\n       * @memberOf _.templateSettings\n       * @type {Object}\n       */\n      'imports': {\n\n        /**\n         * A reference to the `lodash` function.\n         *\n         * @memberOf _.templateSettings.imports\n         * @type {Function}\n         */\n        '_': lodash\n      }\n    };\n\n    // Ensure wrappers are instances of `baseLodash`.\n    lodash.prototype = baseLodash.prototype;\n    lodash.prototype.constructor = lodash;\n\n    LodashWrapper.prototype = baseCreate(baseLodash.prototype);\n    LodashWrapper.prototype.constructor = LodashWrapper;\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a lazy wrapper object which wraps `value` to enable lazy evaluation.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @constructor\n     * @param {*} value The value to wrap.\n     */\n    function LazyWrapper(value) {\n      this.__wrapped__ = value;\n      this.__actions__ = [];\n      this.__dir__ = 1;\n      this.__filtered__ = false;\n      this.__iteratees__ = [];\n      this.__takeCount__ = MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH;\n      this.__views__ = [];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a clone of the lazy wrapper object.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name clone\n     * @memberOf LazyWrapper\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the cloned `LazyWrapper` object.\n     */\n    function lazyClone() {\n      var result = new LazyWrapper(this.__wrapped__);\n      result.__actions__ = copyArray(this.__actions__);\n      result.__dir__ = this.__dir__;\n      result.__filtered__ = this.__filtered__;\n      result.__iteratees__ = copyArray(this.__iteratees__);\n      result.__takeCount__ = this.__takeCount__;\n      result.__views__ = copyArray(this.__views__);\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Reverses the direction of lazy iteration.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name reverse\n     * @memberOf LazyWrapper\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new reversed `LazyWrapper` object.\n     */\n    function lazyReverse() {\n      if (this.__filtered__) {\n        var result = new LazyWrapper(this);\n        result.__dir__ = -1;\n        result.__filtered__ = true;\n      } else {\n        result = this.clone();\n        result.__dir__ *= -1;\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Extracts the unwrapped value from its lazy wrapper.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name value\n     * @memberOf LazyWrapper\n     * @returns {*} Returns the unwrapped value.\n     */\n    function lazyValue() {\n      var array = this.__wrapped__.value(),\n          dir = this.__dir__,\n          isArr = isArray(array),\n          isRight = dir < 0,\n          arrLength = isArr ? array.length : 0,\n          view = getView(0, arrLength, this.__views__),\n          start = view.start,\n          end = view.end,\n          length = end - start,\n          index = isRight ? end : (start - 1),\n          iteratees = this.__iteratees__,\n          iterLength = iteratees.length,\n          resIndex = 0,\n          takeCount = nativeMin(length, this.__takeCount__);\n\n      if (!isArr || (!isRight && arrLength == length && takeCount == length)) {\n        return baseWrapperValue(array, this.__actions__);\n      }\n      var result = [];\n\n      outer:\n      while (length-- && resIndex < takeCount) {\n        index += dir;\n\n        var iterIndex = -1,\n            value = array[index];\n\n        while (++iterIndex < iterLength) {\n          var data = iteratees[iterIndex],\n              iteratee = data.iteratee,\n              type = data.type,\n              computed = iteratee(value);\n\n          if (type == LAZY_MAP_FLAG) {\n            value = computed;\n          } else if (!computed) {\n            if (type == LAZY_FILTER_FLAG) {\n              continue outer;\n            } else {\n              break outer;\n            }\n          }\n        }\n        result[resIndex++] = value;\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    // Ensure `LazyWrapper` is an instance of `baseLodash`.\n    LazyWrapper.prototype = baseCreate(baseLodash.prototype);\n    LazyWrapper.prototype.constructor = LazyWrapper;\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a hash object.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @constructor\n     * @param {Array} [entries] The key-value pairs to cache.\n     */\n    function Hash(entries) {\n      var index = -1,\n          length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length;\n\n      this.clear();\n      while (++index < length) {\n        var entry = entries[index];\n        this.set(entry[0], entry[1]);\n      }\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Removes all key-value entries from the hash.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name clear\n     * @memberOf Hash\n     */\n    function hashClear() {\n      this.__data__ = nativeCreate ? nativeCreate(null) : {};\n      this.size = 0;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Removes `key` and its value from the hash.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name delete\n     * @memberOf Hash\n     * @param {Object} hash The hash to modify.\n     * @param {string} key The key of the value to remove.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the entry was removed, else `false`.\n     */\n    function hashDelete(key) {\n      var result = this.has(key) && delete this.__data__[key];\n      this.size -= result ? 1 : 0;\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the hash value for `key`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name get\n     * @memberOf Hash\n     * @param {string} key The key of the value to get.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the entry value.\n     */\n    function hashGet(key) {\n      var data = this.__data__;\n      if (nativeCreate) {\n        var result = data[key];\n        return result === HASH_UNDEFINED ? undefined : result;\n      }\n      return hasOwnProperty.call(data, key) ? data[key] : undefined;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if a hash value for `key` exists.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name has\n     * @memberOf Hash\n     * @param {string} key The key of the entry to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if an entry for `key` exists, else `false`.\n     */\n    function hashHas(key) {\n      var data = this.__data__;\n      return nativeCreate ? (data[key] !== undefined) : hasOwnProperty.call(data, key);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Sets the hash `key` to `value`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name set\n     * @memberOf Hash\n     * @param {string} key The key of the value to set.\n     * @param {*} value The value to set.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the hash instance.\n     */\n    function hashSet(key, value) {\n      var data = this.__data__;\n      this.size += this.has(key) ? 0 : 1;\n      data[key] = (nativeCreate && value === undefined) ? HASH_UNDEFINED : value;\n      return this;\n    }\n\n    // Add methods to `Hash`.\n    Hash.prototype.clear = hashClear;\n    Hash.prototype['delete'] = hashDelete;\n    Hash.prototype.get = hashGet;\n    Hash.prototype.has = hashHas;\n    Hash.prototype.set = hashSet;\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an list cache object.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @constructor\n     * @param {Array} [entries] The key-value pairs to cache.\n     */\n    function ListCache(entries) {\n      var index = -1,\n          length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length;\n\n      this.clear();\n      while (++index < length) {\n        var entry = entries[index];\n        this.set(entry[0], entry[1]);\n      }\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Removes all key-value entries from the list cache.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name clear\n     * @memberOf ListCache\n     */\n    function listCacheClear() {\n      this.__data__ = [];\n      this.size = 0;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Removes `key` and its value from the list cache.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name delete\n     * @memberOf ListCache\n     * @param {string} key The key of the value to remove.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the entry was removed, else `false`.\n     */\n    function listCacheDelete(key) {\n      var data = this.__data__,\n          index = assocIndexOf(data, key);\n\n      if (index < 0) {\n        return false;\n      }\n      var lastIndex = data.length - 1;\n      if (index == lastIndex) {\n        data.pop();\n      } else {\n        splice.call(data, index, 1);\n      }\n      --this.size;\n      return true;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the list cache value for `key`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name get\n     * @memberOf ListCache\n     * @param {string} key The key of the value to get.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the entry value.\n     */\n    function listCacheGet(key) {\n      var data = this.__data__,\n          index = assocIndexOf(data, key);\n\n      return index < 0 ? undefined : data[index][1];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if a list cache value for `key` exists.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name has\n     * @memberOf ListCache\n     * @param {string} key The key of the entry to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if an entry for `key` exists, else `false`.\n     */\n    function listCacheHas(key) {\n      return assocIndexOf(this.__data__, key) > -1;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Sets the list cache `key` to `value`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name set\n     * @memberOf ListCache\n     * @param {string} key The key of the value to set.\n     * @param {*} value The value to set.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the list cache instance.\n     */\n    function listCacheSet(key, value) {\n      var data = this.__data__,\n          index = assocIndexOf(data, key);\n\n      if (index < 0) {\n        ++this.size;\n        data.push([key, value]);\n      } else {\n        data[index][1] = value;\n      }\n      return this;\n    }\n\n    // Add methods to `ListCache`.\n    ListCache.prototype.clear = listCacheClear;\n    ListCache.prototype['delete'] = listCacheDelete;\n    ListCache.prototype.get = listCacheGet;\n    ListCache.prototype.has = listCacheHas;\n    ListCache.prototype.set = listCacheSet;\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a map cache object to store key-value pairs.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @constructor\n     * @param {Array} [entries] The key-value pairs to cache.\n     */\n    function MapCache(entries) {\n      var index = -1,\n          length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length;\n\n      this.clear();\n      while (++index < length) {\n        var entry = entries[index];\n        this.set(entry[0], entry[1]);\n      }\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Removes all key-value entries from the map.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name clear\n     * @memberOf MapCache\n     */\n    function mapCacheClear() {\n      this.size = 0;\n      this.__data__ = {\n        'hash': new Hash,\n        'map': new (Map || ListCache),\n        'string': new Hash\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Removes `key` and its value from the map.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name delete\n     * @memberOf MapCache\n     * @param {string} key The key of the value to remove.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the entry was removed, else `false`.\n     */\n    function mapCacheDelete(key) {\n      var result = getMapData(this, key)['delete'](key);\n      this.size -= result ? 1 : 0;\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the map value for `key`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name get\n     * @memberOf MapCache\n     * @param {string} key The key of the value to get.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the entry value.\n     */\n    function mapCacheGet(key) {\n      return getMapData(this, key).get(key);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if a map value for `key` exists.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name has\n     * @memberOf MapCache\n     * @param {string} key The key of the entry to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if an entry for `key` exists, else `false`.\n     */\n    function mapCacheHas(key) {\n      return getMapData(this, key).has(key);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Sets the map `key` to `value`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name set\n     * @memberOf MapCache\n     * @param {string} key The key of the value to set.\n     * @param {*} value The value to set.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the map cache instance.\n     */\n    function mapCacheSet(key, value) {\n      var data = getMapData(this, key),\n          size = data.size;\n\n      data.set(key, value);\n      this.size += data.size == size ? 0 : 1;\n      return this;\n    }\n\n    // Add methods to `MapCache`.\n    MapCache.prototype.clear = mapCacheClear;\n    MapCache.prototype['delete'] = mapCacheDelete;\n    MapCache.prototype.get = mapCacheGet;\n    MapCache.prototype.has = mapCacheHas;\n    MapCache.prototype.set = mapCacheSet;\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    /**\n     *\n     * Creates an array cache object to store unique values.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @constructor\n     * @param {Array} [values] The values to cache.\n     */\n    function SetCache(values) {\n      var index = -1,\n          length = values == null ? 0 : values.length;\n\n      this.__data__ = new MapCache;\n      while (++index < length) {\n        this.add(values[index]);\n      }\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Adds `value` to the array cache.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name add\n     * @memberOf SetCache\n     * @alias push\n     * @param {*} value The value to cache.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the cache instance.\n     */\n    function setCacheAdd(value) {\n      this.__data__.set(value, HASH_UNDEFINED);\n      return this;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is in the array cache.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name has\n     * @memberOf SetCache\n     * @param {*} value The value to search for.\n     * @returns {number} Returns `true` if `value` is found, else `false`.\n     */\n    function setCacheHas(value) {\n      return this.__data__.has(value);\n    }\n\n    // Add methods to `SetCache`.\n    SetCache.prototype.add = SetCache.prototype.push = setCacheAdd;\n    SetCache.prototype.has = setCacheHas;\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a stack cache object to store key-value pairs.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @constructor\n     * @param {Array} [entries] The key-value pairs to cache.\n     */\n    function Stack(entries) {\n      var data = this.__data__ = new ListCache(entries);\n      this.size = data.size;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Removes all key-value entries from the stack.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name clear\n     * @memberOf Stack\n     */\n    function stackClear() {\n      this.__data__ = new ListCache;\n      this.size = 0;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Removes `key` and its value from the stack.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name delete\n     * @memberOf Stack\n     * @param {string} key The key of the value to remove.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the entry was removed, else `false`.\n     */\n    function stackDelete(key) {\n      var data = this.__data__,\n          result = data['delete'](key);\n\n      this.size = data.size;\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the stack value for `key`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name get\n     * @memberOf Stack\n     * @param {string} key The key of the value to get.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the entry value.\n     */\n    function stackGet(key) {\n      return this.__data__.get(key);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if a stack value for `key` exists.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name has\n     * @memberOf Stack\n     * @param {string} key The key of the entry to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if an entry for `key` exists, else `false`.\n     */\n    function stackHas(key) {\n      return this.__data__.has(key);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Sets the stack `key` to `value`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @name set\n     * @memberOf Stack\n     * @param {string} key The key of the value to set.\n     * @param {*} value The value to set.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the stack cache instance.\n     */\n    function stackSet(key, value) {\n      var data = this.__data__;\n      if (data instanceof ListCache) {\n        var pairs = data.__data__;\n        if (!Map || (pairs.length < LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE - 1)) {\n          pairs.push([key, value]);\n          this.size = ++data.size;\n          return this;\n        }\n        data = this.__data__ = new MapCache(pairs);\n      }\n      data.set(key, value);\n      this.size = data.size;\n      return this;\n    }\n\n    // Add methods to `Stack`.\n    Stack.prototype.clear = stackClear;\n    Stack.prototype['delete'] = stackDelete;\n    Stack.prototype.get = stackGet;\n    Stack.prototype.has = stackHas;\n    Stack.prototype.set = stackSet;\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of the enumerable property names of the array-like `value`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to query.\n     * @param {boolean} inherited Specify returning inherited property names.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names.\n     */\n    function arrayLikeKeys(value, inherited) {\n      var isArr = isArray(value),\n          isArg = !isArr && isArguments(value),\n          isBuff = !isArr && !isArg && isBuffer(value),\n          isType = !isArr && !isArg && !isBuff && isTypedArray(value),\n          skipIndexes = isArr || isArg || isBuff || isType,\n          result = skipIndexes ? baseTimes(value.length, String) : [],\n          length = result.length;\n\n      for (var key in value) {\n        if ((inherited || hasOwnProperty.call(value, key)) &&\n            !(skipIndexes && (\n               // Safari 9 has enumerable `arguments.length` in strict mode.\n               key == 'length' ||\n               // Node.js 0.10 has enumerable non-index properties on buffers.\n               (isBuff && (key == 'offset' || key == 'parent')) ||\n               // PhantomJS 2 has enumerable non-index properties on typed arrays.\n               (isType && (key == 'buffer' || key == 'byteLength' || key == 'byteOffset')) ||\n               // Skip index properties.\n               isIndex(key, length)\n            ))) {\n          result.push(key);\n        }\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * A specialized version of `_.sample` for arrays.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The array to sample.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the random element.\n     */\n    function arraySample(array) {\n      var length = array.length;\n      return length ? array[baseRandom(0, length - 1)] : undefined;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * A specialized version of `_.sampleSize` for arrays.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The array to sample.\n     * @param {number} n The number of elements to sample.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the random elements.\n     */\n    function arraySampleSize(array, n) {\n      return shuffleSelf(copyArray(array), baseClamp(n, 0, array.length));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * A specialized version of `_.shuffle` for arrays.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The array to shuffle.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new shuffled array.\n     */\n    function arrayShuffle(array) {\n      return shuffleSelf(copyArray(array));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This function is like `assignValue` except that it doesn't assign\n     * `undefined` values.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to modify.\n     * @param {string} key The key of the property to assign.\n     * @param {*} value The value to assign.\n     */\n    function assignMergeValue(object, key, value) {\n      if ((value !== undefined && !eq(object[key], value)) ||\n          (value === undefined && !(key in object))) {\n        baseAssignValue(object, key, value);\n      }\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Assigns `value` to `key` of `object` if the existing value is not equivalent\n     * using [`SameValueZero`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-samevaluezero)\n     * for equality comparisons.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to modify.\n     * @param {string} key The key of the property to assign.\n     * @param {*} value The value to assign.\n     */\n    function assignValue(object, key, value) {\n      var objValue = object[key];\n      if (!(hasOwnProperty.call(object, key) && eq(objValue, value)) ||\n          (value === undefined && !(key in object))) {\n        baseAssignValue(object, key, value);\n      }\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the index at which the `key` is found in `array` of key-value pairs.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n     * @param {*} key The key to search for.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.\n     */\n    function assocIndexOf(array, key) {\n      var length = array.length;\n      while (length--) {\n        if (eq(array[length][0], key)) {\n          return length;\n        }\n      }\n      return -1;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Aggregates elements of `collection` on `accumulator` with keys transformed\n     * by `iteratee` and values set by `setter`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} setter The function to set `accumulator` values.\n     * @param {Function} iteratee The iteratee to transform keys.\n     * @param {Object} accumulator The initial aggregated object.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns `accumulator`.\n     */\n    function baseAggregator(collection, setter, iteratee, accumulator) {\n      baseEach(collection, function(value, key, collection) {\n        setter(accumulator, value, iteratee(value), collection);\n      });\n      return accumulator;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.assign` without support for multiple sources\n     * or `customizer` functions.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n     * @param {Object} source The source object.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     */\n    function baseAssign(object, source) {\n      return object && copyObject(source, keys(source), object);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.assignIn` without support for multiple sources\n     * or `customizer` functions.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n     * @param {Object} source The source object.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     */\n    function baseAssignIn(object, source) {\n      return object && copyObject(source, keysIn(source), object);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `assignValue` and `assignMergeValue` without\n     * value checks.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to modify.\n     * @param {string} key The key of the property to assign.\n     * @param {*} value The value to assign.\n     */\n    function baseAssignValue(object, key, value) {\n      if (key == '__proto__' && defineProperty) {\n        defineProperty(object, key, {\n          'configurable': true,\n          'enumerable': true,\n          'value': value,\n          'writable': true\n        });\n      } else {\n        object[key] = value;\n      }\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.at` without support for individual paths.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n     * @param {string[]} paths The property paths to pick.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the picked elements.\n     */\n    function baseAt(object, paths) {\n      var index = -1,\n          length = paths.length,\n          result = Array(length),\n          skip = object == null;\n\n      while (++index < length) {\n        result[index] = skip ? undefined : get(object, paths[index]);\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.clamp` which doesn't coerce arguments.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {number} number The number to clamp.\n     * @param {number} [lower] The lower bound.\n     * @param {number} upper The upper bound.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the clamped number.\n     */\n    function baseClamp(number, lower, upper) {\n      if (number === number) {\n        if (upper !== undefined) {\n          number = number <= upper ? number : upper;\n        }\n        if (lower !== undefined) {\n          number = number >= lower ? number : lower;\n        }\n      }\n      return number;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.clone` and `_.cloneDeep` which tracks\n     * traversed objects.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to clone.\n     * @param {boolean} bitmask The bitmask flags.\n     *  1 - Deep clone\n     *  2 - Flatten inherited properties\n     *  4 - Clone symbols\n     * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize cloning.\n     * @param {string} [key] The key of `value`.\n     * @param {Object} [object] The parent object of `value`.\n     * @param {Object} [stack] Tracks traversed objects and their clone counterparts.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the cloned value.\n     */\n    function baseClone(value, bitmask, customizer, key, object, stack) {\n      var result,\n          isDeep = bitmask & CLONE_DEEP_FLAG,\n          isFlat = bitmask & CLONE_FLAT_FLAG,\n          isFull = bitmask & CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG;\n\n      if (customizer) {\n        result = object ? customizer(value, key, object, stack) : customizer(value);\n      }\n      if (result !== undefined) {\n        return result;\n      }\n      if (!isObject(value)) {\n        return value;\n      }\n      var isArr = isArray(value);\n      if (isArr) {\n        result = initCloneArray(value);\n        if (!isDeep) {\n          return copyArray(value, result);\n        }\n      } else {\n        var tag = getTag(value),\n            isFunc = tag == funcTag || tag == genTag;\n\n        if (isBuffer(value)) {\n          return cloneBuffer(value, isDeep);\n        }\n        if (tag == objectTag || tag == argsTag || (isFunc && !object)) {\n          result = (isFlat || isFunc) ? {} : initCloneObject(value);\n          if (!isDeep) {\n            return isFlat\n              ? copySymbolsIn(value, baseAssignIn(result, value))\n              : copySymbols(value, baseAssign(result, value));\n          }\n        } else {\n          if (!cloneableTags[tag]) {\n            return object ? value : {};\n          }\n          result = initCloneByTag(value, tag, isDeep);\n        }\n      }\n      // Check for circular references and return its corresponding clone.\n      stack || (stack = new Stack);\n      var stacked = stack.get(value);\n      if (stacked) {\n        return stacked;\n      }\n      stack.set(value, result);\n\n      if (isSet(value)) {\n        value.forEach(function(subValue) {\n          result.add(baseClone(subValue, bitmask, customizer, subValue, value, stack));\n        });\n      } else if (isMap(value)) {\n        value.forEach(function(subValue, key) {\n          result.set(key, baseClone(subValue, bitmask, customizer, key, value, stack));\n        });\n      }\n\n      var keysFunc = isFull\n        ? (isFlat ? getAllKeysIn : getAllKeys)\n        : (isFlat ? keysIn : keys);\n\n      var props = isArr ? undefined : keysFunc(value);\n      arrayEach(props || value, function(subValue, key) {\n        if (props) {\n          key = subValue;\n          subValue = value[key];\n        }\n        // Recursively populate clone (susceptible to call stack limits).\n        assignValue(result, key, baseClone(subValue, bitmask, customizer, key, value, stack));\n      });\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.conforms` which doesn't clone `source`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} source The object of property predicates to conform to.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new spec function.\n     */\n    function baseConforms(source) {\n      var props = keys(source);\n      return function(object) {\n        return baseConformsTo(object, source, props);\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.conformsTo` which accepts `props` to check.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.\n     * @param {Object} source The object of property predicates to conform to.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `object` conforms, else `false`.\n     */\n    function baseConformsTo(object, source, props) {\n      var length = props.length;\n      if (object == null) {\n        return !length;\n      }\n      object = Object(object);\n      while (length--) {\n        var key = props[length],\n            predicate = source[key],\n            value = object[key];\n\n        if ((value === undefined && !(key in object)) || !predicate(value)) {\n          return false;\n        }\n      }\n      return true;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.delay` and `_.defer` which accepts `args`\n     * to provide to `func`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} func The function to delay.\n     * @param {number} wait The number of milliseconds to delay invocation.\n     * @param {Array} args The arguments to provide to `func`.\n     * @returns {number|Object} Returns the timer id or timeout object.\n     */\n    function baseDelay(func, wait, args) {\n      if (typeof func != 'function') {\n        throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n      }\n      return setTimeout(function() { func.apply(undefined, args); }, wait);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of methods like `_.difference` without support\n     * for excluding multiple arrays or iteratee shorthands.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n     * @param {Array} values The values to exclude.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee] The iteratee invoked per element.\n     * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values.\n     */\n    function baseDifference(array, values, iteratee, comparator) {\n      var index = -1,\n          includes = arrayIncludes,\n          isCommon = true,\n          length = array.length,\n          result = [],\n          valuesLength = values.length;\n\n      if (!length) {\n        return result;\n      }\n      if (iteratee) {\n        values = arrayMap(values, baseUnary(iteratee));\n      }\n      if (comparator) {\n        includes = arrayIncludesWith;\n        isCommon = false;\n      }\n      else if (values.length >= LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE) {\n        includes = cacheHas;\n        isCommon = false;\n        values = new SetCache(values);\n      }\n      outer:\n      while (++index < length) {\n        var value = array[index],\n            computed = iteratee == null ? value : iteratee(value);\n\n        value = (comparator || value !== 0) ? value : 0;\n        if (isCommon && computed === computed) {\n          var valuesIndex = valuesLength;\n          while (valuesIndex--) {\n            if (values[valuesIndex] === computed) {\n              continue outer;\n            }\n          }\n          result.push(value);\n        }\n        else if (!includes(values, computed, comparator)) {\n          result.push(value);\n        }\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.forEach` without support for iteratee shorthands.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Array|Object} Returns `collection`.\n     */\n    var baseEach = createBaseEach(baseForOwn);\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.forEachRight` without support for iteratee shorthands.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Array|Object} Returns `collection`.\n     */\n    var baseEachRight = createBaseEach(baseForOwnRight, true);\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.every` without support for iteratee shorthands.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if all elements pass the predicate check,\n     *  else `false`\n     */\n    function baseEvery(collection, predicate) {\n      var result = true;\n      baseEach(collection, function(value, index, collection) {\n        result = !!predicate(value, index, collection);\n        return result;\n      });\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of methods like `_.max` and `_.min` which accepts a\n     * `comparator` to determine the extremum value.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} iteratee The iteratee invoked per iteration.\n     * @param {Function} comparator The comparator used to compare values.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the extremum value.\n     */\n    function baseExtremum(array, iteratee, comparator) {\n      var index = -1,\n          length = array.length;\n\n      while (++index < length) {\n        var value = array[index],\n            current = iteratee(value);\n\n        if (current != null && (computed === undefined\n              ? (current === current && !isSymbol(current))\n              : comparator(current, computed)\n            )) {\n          var computed = current,\n              result = value;\n        }\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.fill` without an iteratee call guard.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The array to fill.\n     * @param {*} value The value to fill `array` with.\n     * @param {number} [start=0] The start position.\n     * @param {number} [end=array.length] The end position.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n     */\n    function baseFill(array, value, start, end) {\n      var length = array.length;\n\n      start = toInteger(start);\n      if (start < 0) {\n        start = -start > length ? 0 : (length + start);\n      }\n      end = (end === undefined || end > length) ? length : toInteger(end);\n      if (end < 0) {\n        end += length;\n      }\n      end = start > end ? 0 : toLength(end);\n      while (start < end) {\n        array[start++] = value;\n      }\n      return array;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.filter` without support for iteratee shorthands.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new filtered array.\n     */\n    function baseFilter(collection, predicate) {\n      var result = [];\n      baseEach(collection, function(value, index, collection) {\n        if (predicate(value, index, collection)) {\n          result.push(value);\n        }\n      });\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.flatten` with support for restricting flattening.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The array to flatten.\n     * @param {number} depth The maximum recursion depth.\n     * @param {boolean} [predicate=isFlattenable] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @param {boolean} [isStrict] Restrict to values that pass `predicate` checks.\n     * @param {Array} [result=[]] The initial result value.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new flattened array.\n     */\n    function baseFlatten(array, depth, predicate, isStrict, result) {\n      var index = -1,\n          length = array.length;\n\n      predicate || (predicate = isFlattenable);\n      result || (result = []);\n\n      while (++index < length) {\n        var value = array[index];\n        if (depth > 0 && predicate(value)) {\n          if (depth > 1) {\n            // Recursively flatten arrays (susceptible to call stack limits).\n            baseFlatten(value, depth - 1, predicate, isStrict, result);\n          } else {\n            arrayPush(result, value);\n          }\n        } else if (!isStrict) {\n          result[result.length] = value;\n        }\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `baseForOwn` which iterates over `object`\n     * properties returned by `keysFunc` and invokes `iteratee` for each property.\n     * Iteratee functions may exit iteration early by explicitly returning `false`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @param {Function} keysFunc The function to get the keys of `object`.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     */\n    var baseFor = createBaseFor();\n\n    /**\n     * This function is like `baseFor` except that it iterates over properties\n     * in the opposite order.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @param {Function} keysFunc The function to get the keys of `object`.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     */\n    var baseForRight = createBaseFor(true);\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.forOwn` without support for iteratee shorthands.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     */\n    function baseForOwn(object, iteratee) {\n      return object && baseFor(object, iteratee, keys);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.forOwnRight` without support for iteratee shorthands.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     */\n    function baseForOwnRight(object, iteratee) {\n      return object && baseForRight(object, iteratee, keys);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.functions` which creates an array of\n     * `object` function property names filtered from `props`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.\n     * @param {Array} props The property names to filter.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the function names.\n     */\n    function baseFunctions(object, props) {\n      return arrayFilter(props, function(key) {\n        return isFunction(object[key]);\n      });\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.get` without support for default values.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to get.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the resolved value.\n     */\n    function baseGet(object, path) {\n      path = castPath(path, object);\n\n      var index = 0,\n          length = path.length;\n\n      while (object != null && index < length) {\n        object = object[toKey(path[index++])];\n      }\n      return (index && index == length) ? object : undefined;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `getAllKeys` and `getAllKeysIn` which uses\n     * `keysFunc` and `symbolsFunc` to get the enumerable property names and\n     * symbols of `object`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @param {Function} keysFunc The function to get the keys of `object`.\n     * @param {Function} symbolsFunc The function to get the symbols of `object`.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names and symbols.\n     */\n    function baseGetAllKeys(object, keysFunc, symbolsFunc) {\n      var result = keysFunc(object);\n      return isArray(object) ? result : arrayPush(result, symbolsFunc(object));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `getTag` without fallbacks for buggy environments.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to query.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the `toStringTag`.\n     */\n    function baseGetTag(value) {\n      if (value == null) {\n        return value === undefined ? undefinedTag : nullTag;\n      }\n      return (symToStringTag && symToStringTag in Object(value))\n        ? getRawTag(value)\n        : objectToString(value);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.gt` which doesn't coerce arguments.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to compare.\n     * @param {*} other The other value to compare.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is greater than `other`,\n     *  else `false`.\n     */\n    function baseGt(value, other) {\n      return value > other;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.has` without support for deep paths.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} [object] The object to query.\n     * @param {Array|string} key The key to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `key` exists, else `false`.\n     */\n    function baseHas(object, key) {\n      return object != null && hasOwnProperty.call(object, key);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.hasIn` without support for deep paths.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} [object] The object to query.\n     * @param {Array|string} key The key to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `key` exists, else `false`.\n     */\n    function baseHasIn(object, key) {\n      return object != null && key in Object(object);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.inRange` which doesn't coerce arguments.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {number} number The number to check.\n     * @param {number} start The start of the range.\n     * @param {number} end The end of the range.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `number` is in the range, else `false`.\n     */\n    function baseInRange(number, start, end) {\n      return number >= nativeMin(start, end) && number < nativeMax(start, end);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of methods like `_.intersection`, without support\n     * for iteratee shorthands, that accepts an array of arrays to inspect.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} arrays The arrays to inspect.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee] The iteratee invoked per element.\n     * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of shared values.\n     */\n    function baseIntersection(arrays, iteratee, comparator) {\n      var includes = comparator ? arrayIncludesWith : arrayIncludes,\n          length = arrays[0].length,\n          othLength = arrays.length,\n          othIndex = othLength,\n          caches = Array(othLength),\n          maxLength = Infinity,\n          result = [];\n\n      while (othIndex--) {\n        var array = arrays[othIndex];\n        if (othIndex && iteratee) {\n          array = arrayMap(array, baseUnary(iteratee));\n        }\n        maxLength = nativeMin(array.length, maxLength);\n        caches[othIndex] = !comparator && (iteratee || (length >= 120 && array.length >= 120))\n          ? new SetCache(othIndex && array)\n          : undefined;\n      }\n      array = arrays[0];\n\n      var index = -1,\n          seen = caches[0];\n\n      outer:\n      while (++index < length && result.length < maxLength) {\n        var value = array[index],\n            computed = iteratee ? iteratee(value) : value;\n\n        value = (comparator || value !== 0) ? value : 0;\n        if (!(seen\n              ? cacheHas(seen, computed)\n              : includes(result, computed, comparator)\n            )) {\n          othIndex = othLength;\n          while (--othIndex) {\n            var cache = caches[othIndex];\n            if (!(cache\n                  ? cacheHas(cache, computed)\n                  : includes(arrays[othIndex], computed, comparator))\n                ) {\n              continue outer;\n            }\n          }\n          if (seen) {\n            seen.push(computed);\n          }\n          result.push(value);\n        }\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.invert` and `_.invertBy` which inverts\n     * `object` with values transformed by `iteratee` and set by `setter`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} setter The function to set `accumulator` values.\n     * @param {Function} iteratee The iteratee to transform values.\n     * @param {Object} accumulator The initial inverted object.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns `accumulator`.\n     */\n    function baseInverter(object, setter, iteratee, accumulator) {\n      baseForOwn(object, function(value, key, object) {\n        setter(accumulator, iteratee(value), key, object);\n      });\n      return accumulator;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.invoke` without support for individual\n     * method arguments.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @param {Array|string} path The path of the method to invoke.\n     * @param {Array} args The arguments to invoke the method with.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the result of the invoked method.\n     */\n    function baseInvoke(object, path, args) {\n      path = castPath(path, object);\n      object = parent(object, path);\n      var func = object == null ? object : object[toKey(last(path))];\n      return func == null ? undefined : apply(func, object, args);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.isArguments`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an `arguments` object,\n     */\n    function baseIsArguments(value) {\n      return isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == argsTag;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.isArrayBuffer` without Node.js optimizations.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an array buffer, else `false`.\n     */\n    function baseIsArrayBuffer(value) {\n      return isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == arrayBufferTag;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.isDate` without Node.js optimizations.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a date object, else `false`.\n     */\n    function baseIsDate(value) {\n      return isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == dateTag;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.isEqual` which supports partial comparisons\n     * and tracks traversed objects.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to compare.\n     * @param {*} other The other value to compare.\n     * @param {boolean} bitmask The bitmask flags.\n     *  1 - Unordered comparison\n     *  2 - Partial comparison\n     * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize comparisons.\n     * @param {Object} [stack] Tracks traversed `value` and `other` objects.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the values are equivalent, else `false`.\n     */\n    function baseIsEqual(value, other, bitmask, customizer, stack) {\n      if (value === other) {\n        return true;\n      }\n      if (value == null || other == null || (!isObjectLike(value) && !isObjectLike(other))) {\n        return value !== value && other !== other;\n      }\n      return baseIsEqualDeep(value, other, bitmask, customizer, baseIsEqual, stack);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * A specialized version of `baseIsEqual` for arrays and objects which performs\n     * deep comparisons and tracks traversed objects enabling objects with circular\n     * references to be compared.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to compare.\n     * @param {Object} other The other object to compare.\n     * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `baseIsEqual` for more details.\n     * @param {Function} customizer The function to customize comparisons.\n     * @param {Function} equalFunc The function to determine equivalents of values.\n     * @param {Object} [stack] Tracks traversed `object` and `other` objects.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the objects are equivalent, else `false`.\n     */\n    function baseIsEqualDeep(object, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) {\n      var objIsArr = isArray(object),\n          othIsArr = isArray(other),\n          objTag = objIsArr ? arrayTag : getTag(object),\n          othTag = othIsArr ? arrayTag : getTag(other);\n\n      objTag = objTag == argsTag ? objectTag : objTag;\n      othTag = othTag == argsTag ? objectTag : othTag;\n\n      var objIsObj = objTag == objectTag,\n          othIsObj = othTag == objectTag,\n          isSameTag = objTag == othTag;\n\n      if (isSameTag && isBuffer(object)) {\n        if (!isBuffer(other)) {\n          return false;\n        }\n        objIsArr = true;\n        objIsObj = false;\n      }\n      if (isSameTag && !objIsObj) {\n        stack || (stack = new Stack);\n        return (objIsArr || isTypedArray(object))\n          ? equalArrays(object, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack)\n          : equalByTag(object, other, objTag, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack);\n      }\n      if (!(bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG)) {\n        var objIsWrapped = objIsObj && hasOwnProperty.call(object, '__wrapped__'),\n            othIsWrapped = othIsObj && hasOwnProperty.call(other, '__wrapped__');\n\n        if (objIsWrapped || othIsWrapped) {\n          var objUnwrapped = objIsWrapped ? object.value() : object,\n              othUnwrapped = othIsWrapped ? other.value() : other;\n\n          stack || (stack = new Stack);\n          return equalFunc(objUnwrapped, othUnwrapped, bitmask, customizer, stack);\n        }\n      }\n      if (!isSameTag) {\n        return false;\n      }\n      stack || (stack = new Stack);\n      return equalObjects(object, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.isMap` without Node.js optimizations.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a map, else `false`.\n     */\n    function baseIsMap(value) {\n      return isObjectLike(value) && getTag(value) == mapTag;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.isMatch` without support for iteratee shorthands.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.\n     * @param {Object} source The object of property values to match.\n     * @param {Array} matchData The property names, values, and compare flags to match.\n     * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize comparisons.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `object` is a match, else `false`.\n     */\n    function baseIsMatch(object, source, matchData, customizer) {\n      var index = matchData.length,\n          length = index,\n          noCustomizer = !customizer;\n\n      if (object == null) {\n        return !length;\n      }\n      object = Object(object);\n      while (index--) {\n        var data = matchData[index];\n        if ((noCustomizer && data[2])\n              ? data[1] !== object[data[0]]\n              : !(data[0] in object)\n            ) {\n          return false;\n        }\n      }\n      while (++index < length) {\n        data = matchData[index];\n        var key = data[0],\n            objValue = object[key],\n            srcValue = data[1];\n\n        if (noCustomizer && data[2]) {\n          if (objValue === undefined && !(key in object)) {\n            return false;\n          }\n        } else {\n          var stack = new Stack;\n          if (customizer) {\n            var result = customizer(objValue, srcValue, key, object, source, stack);\n          }\n          if (!(result === undefined\n                ? baseIsEqual(srcValue, objValue, COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG | COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG, customizer, stack)\n                : result\n              )) {\n            return false;\n          }\n        }\n      }\n      return true;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.isNative` without bad shim checks.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a native function,\n     *  else `false`.\n     */\n    function baseIsNative(value) {\n      if (!isObject(value) || isMasked(value)) {\n        return false;\n      }\n      var pattern = isFunction(value) ? reIsNative : reIsHostCtor;\n      return pattern.test(toSource(value));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.isRegExp` without Node.js optimizations.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a regexp, else `false`.\n     */\n    function baseIsRegExp(value) {\n      return isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == regexpTag;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.isSet` without Node.js optimizations.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a set, else `false`.\n     */\n    function baseIsSet(value) {\n      return isObjectLike(value) && getTag(value) == setTag;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.isTypedArray` without Node.js optimizations.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a typed array, else `false`.\n     */\n    function baseIsTypedArray(value) {\n      return isObjectLike(value) &&\n        isLength(value.length) && !!typedArrayTags[baseGetTag(value)];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.iteratee`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} [value=_.identity] The value to convert to an iteratee.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the iteratee.\n     */\n    function baseIteratee(value) {\n      // Don't store the `typeof` result in a variable to avoid a JIT bug in Safari 9.\n      // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=156034 for more details.\n      if (typeof value == 'function') {\n        return value;\n      }\n      if (value == null) {\n        return identity;\n      }\n      if (typeof value == 'object') {\n        return isArray(value)\n          ? baseMatchesProperty(value[0], value[1])\n          : baseMatches(value);\n      }\n      return property(value);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.keys` which doesn't treat sparse arrays as dense.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names.\n     */\n    function baseKeys(object) {\n      if (!isPrototype(object)) {\n        return nativeKeys(object);\n      }\n      var result = [];\n      for (var key in Object(object)) {\n        if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key) && key != 'constructor') {\n          result.push(key);\n        }\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.keysIn` which doesn't treat sparse arrays as dense.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names.\n     */\n    function baseKeysIn(object) {\n      if (!isObject(object)) {\n        return nativeKeysIn(object);\n      }\n      var isProto = isPrototype(object),\n          result = [];\n\n      for (var key in object) {\n        if (!(key == 'constructor' && (isProto || !hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)))) {\n          result.push(key);\n        }\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.lt` which doesn't coerce arguments.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to compare.\n     * @param {*} other The other value to compare.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is less than `other`,\n     *  else `false`.\n     */\n    function baseLt(value, other) {\n      return value < other;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.map` without support for iteratee shorthands.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} iteratee The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new mapped array.\n     */\n    function baseMap(collection, iteratee) {\n      var index = -1,\n          result = isArrayLike(collection) ? Array(collection.length) : [];\n\n      baseEach(collection, function(value, key, collection) {\n        result[++index] = iteratee(value, key, collection);\n      });\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.matches` which doesn't clone `source`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} source The object of property values to match.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new spec function.\n     */\n    function baseMatches(source) {\n      var matchData = getMatchData(source);\n      if (matchData.length == 1 && matchData[0][2]) {\n        return matchesStrictComparable(matchData[0][0], matchData[0][1]);\n      }\n      return function(object) {\n        return object === source || baseIsMatch(object, source, matchData);\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.matchesProperty` which doesn't clone `srcValue`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {string} path The path of the property to get.\n     * @param {*} srcValue The value to match.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new spec function.\n     */\n    function baseMatchesProperty(path, srcValue) {\n      if (isKey(path) && isStrictComparable(srcValue)) {\n        return matchesStrictComparable(toKey(path), srcValue);\n      }\n      return function(object) {\n        var objValue = get(object, path);\n        return (objValue === undefined && objValue === srcValue)\n          ? hasIn(object, path)\n          : baseIsEqual(srcValue, objValue, COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG | COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG);\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.merge` without support for multiple sources.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n     * @param {Object} source The source object.\n     * @param {number} srcIndex The index of `source`.\n     * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize merged values.\n     * @param {Object} [stack] Tracks traversed source values and their merged\n     *  counterparts.\n     */\n    function baseMerge(object, source, srcIndex, customizer, stack) {\n      if (object === source) {\n        return;\n      }\n      baseFor(source, function(srcValue, key) {\n        stack || (stack = new Stack);\n        if (isObject(srcValue)) {\n          baseMergeDeep(object, source, key, srcIndex, baseMerge, customizer, stack);\n        }\n        else {\n          var newValue = customizer\n            ? customizer(safeGet(object, key), srcValue, (key + ''), object, source, stack)\n            : undefined;\n\n          if (newValue === undefined) {\n            newValue = srcValue;\n          }\n          assignMergeValue(object, key, newValue);\n        }\n      }, keysIn);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * A specialized version of `baseMerge` for arrays and objects which performs\n     * deep merges and tracks traversed objects enabling objects with circular\n     * references to be merged.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n     * @param {Object} source The source object.\n     * @param {string} key The key of the value to merge.\n     * @param {number} srcIndex The index of `source`.\n     * @param {Function} mergeFunc The function to merge values.\n     * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize assigned values.\n     * @param {Object} [stack] Tracks traversed source values and their merged\n     *  counterparts.\n     */\n    function baseMergeDeep(object, source, key, srcIndex, mergeFunc, customizer, stack) {\n      var objValue = safeGet(object, key),\n          srcValue = safeGet(source, key),\n          stacked = stack.get(srcValue);\n\n      if (stacked) {\n        assignMergeValue(object, key, stacked);\n        return;\n      }\n      var newValue = customizer\n        ? customizer(objValue, srcValue, (key + ''), object, source, stack)\n        : undefined;\n\n      var isCommon = newValue === undefined;\n\n      if (isCommon) {\n        var isArr = isArray(srcValue),\n            isBuff = !isArr && isBuffer(srcValue),\n            isTyped = !isArr && !isBuff && isTypedArray(srcValue);\n\n        newValue = srcValue;\n        if (isArr || isBuff || isTyped) {\n          if (isArray(objValue)) {\n            newValue = objValue;\n          }\n          else if (isArrayLikeObject(objValue)) {\n            newValue = copyArray(objValue);\n          }\n          else if (isBuff) {\n            isCommon = false;\n            newValue = cloneBuffer(srcValue, true);\n          }\n          else if (isTyped) {\n            isCommon = false;\n            newValue = cloneTypedArray(srcValue, true);\n          }\n          else {\n            newValue = [];\n          }\n        }\n        else if (isPlainObject(srcValue) || isArguments(srcValue)) {\n          newValue = objValue;\n          if (isArguments(objValue)) {\n            newValue = toPlainObject(objValue);\n          }\n          else if (!isObject(objValue) || isFunction(objValue)) {\n            newValue = initCloneObject(srcValue);\n          }\n        }\n        else {\n          isCommon = false;\n        }\n      }\n      if (isCommon) {\n        // Recursively merge objects and arrays (susceptible to call stack limits).\n        stack.set(srcValue, newValue);\n        mergeFunc(newValue, srcValue, srcIndex, customizer, stack);\n        stack['delete'](srcValue);\n      }\n      assignMergeValue(object, key, newValue);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.nth` which doesn't coerce arguments.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n     * @param {number} n The index of the element to return.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the nth element of `array`.\n     */\n    function baseNth(array, n) {\n      var length = array.length;\n      if (!length) {\n        return;\n      }\n      n += n < 0 ? length : 0;\n      return isIndex(n, length) ? array[n] : undefined;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.orderBy` without param guards.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function[]|Object[]|string[]} iteratees The iteratees to sort by.\n     * @param {string[]} orders The sort orders of `iteratees`.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new sorted array.\n     */\n    function baseOrderBy(collection, iteratees, orders) {\n      if (iteratees.length) {\n        iteratees = arrayMap(iteratees, function(iteratee) {\n          if (isArray(iteratee)) {\n            return function(value) {\n              return baseGet(value, iteratee.length === 1 ? iteratee[0] : iteratee);\n            }\n          }\n          return iteratee;\n        });\n      } else {\n        iteratees = [identity];\n      }\n\n      var index = -1;\n      iteratees = arrayMap(iteratees, baseUnary(getIteratee()));\n\n      var result = baseMap(collection, function(value, key, collection) {\n        var criteria = arrayMap(iteratees, function(iteratee) {\n          return iteratee(value);\n        });\n        return { 'criteria': criteria, 'index': ++index, 'value': value };\n      });\n\n      return baseSortBy(result, function(object, other) {\n        return compareMultiple(object, other, orders);\n      });\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.pick` without support for individual\n     * property identifiers.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The source object.\n     * @param {string[]} paths The property paths to pick.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.\n     */\n    function basePick(object, paths) {\n      return basePickBy(object, paths, function(value, path) {\n        return hasIn(object, path);\n      });\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of  `_.pickBy` without support for iteratee shorthands.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The source object.\n     * @param {string[]} paths The property paths to pick.\n     * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per property.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.\n     */\n    function basePickBy(object, paths, predicate) {\n      var index = -1,\n          length = paths.length,\n          result = {};\n\n      while (++index < length) {\n        var path = paths[index],\n            value = baseGet(object, path);\n\n        if (predicate(value, path)) {\n          baseSet(result, castPath(path, object), value);\n        }\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * A specialized version of `baseProperty` which supports deep paths.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to get.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new accessor function.\n     */\n    function basePropertyDeep(path) {\n      return function(object) {\n        return baseGet(object, path);\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.pullAllBy` without support for iteratee\n     * shorthands.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The array to modify.\n     * @param {Array} values The values to remove.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee] The iteratee invoked per element.\n     * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n     */\n    function basePullAll(array, values, iteratee, comparator) {\n      var indexOf = comparator ? baseIndexOfWith : baseIndexOf,\n          index = -1,\n          length = values.length,\n          seen = array;\n\n      if (array === values) {\n        values = copyArray(values);\n      }\n      if (iteratee) {\n        seen = arrayMap(array, baseUnary(iteratee));\n      }\n      while (++index < length) {\n        var fromIndex = 0,\n            value = values[index],\n            computed = iteratee ? iteratee(value) : value;\n\n        while ((fromIndex = indexOf(seen, computed, fromIndex, comparator)) > -1) {\n          if (seen !== array) {\n            splice.call(seen, fromIndex, 1);\n          }\n          splice.call(array, fromIndex, 1);\n        }\n      }\n      return array;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.pullAt` without support for individual\n     * indexes or capturing the removed elements.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The array to modify.\n     * @param {number[]} indexes The indexes of elements to remove.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n     */\n    function basePullAt(array, indexes) {\n      var length = array ? indexes.length : 0,\n          lastIndex = length - 1;\n\n      while (length--) {\n        var index = indexes[length];\n        if (length == lastIndex || index !== previous) {\n          var previous = index;\n          if (isIndex(index)) {\n            splice.call(array, index, 1);\n          } else {\n            baseUnset(array, index);\n          }\n        }\n      }\n      return array;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.random` without support for returning\n     * floating-point numbers.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {number} lower The lower bound.\n     * @param {number} upper The upper bound.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the random number.\n     */\n    function baseRandom(lower, upper) {\n      return lower + nativeFloor(nativeRandom() * (upper - lower + 1));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.range` and `_.rangeRight` which doesn't\n     * coerce arguments.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {number} start The start of the range.\n     * @param {number} end The end of the range.\n     * @param {number} step The value to increment or decrement by.\n     * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the range of numbers.\n     */\n    function baseRange(start, end, step, fromRight) {\n      var index = -1,\n          length = nativeMax(nativeCeil((end - start) / (step || 1)), 0),\n          result = Array(length);\n\n      while (length--) {\n        result[fromRight ? length : ++index] = start;\n        start += step;\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.repeat` which doesn't coerce arguments.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {string} string The string to repeat.\n     * @param {number} n The number of times to repeat the string.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the repeated string.\n     */\n    function baseRepeat(string, n) {\n      var result = '';\n      if (!string || n < 1 || n > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {\n        return result;\n      }\n      // Leverage the exponentiation by squaring algorithm for a faster repeat.\n      // See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponentiation_by_squaring for more details.\n      do {\n        if (n % 2) {\n          result += string;\n        }\n        n = nativeFloor(n / 2);\n        if (n) {\n          string += string;\n        }\n      } while (n);\n\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.rest` which doesn't validate or coerce arguments.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} func The function to apply a rest parameter to.\n     * @param {number} [start=func.length-1] The start position of the rest parameter.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n     */\n    function baseRest(func, start) {\n      return setToString(overRest(func, start, identity), func + '');\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.sample`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to sample.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the random element.\n     */\n    function baseSample(collection) {\n      return arraySample(values(collection));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.sampleSize` without param guards.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to sample.\n     * @param {number} n The number of elements to sample.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the random elements.\n     */\n    function baseSampleSize(collection, n) {\n      var array = values(collection);\n      return shuffleSelf(array, baseClamp(n, 0, array.length));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.set`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to modify.\n     * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to set.\n     * @param {*} value The value to set.\n     * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize path creation.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     */\n    function baseSet(object, path, value, customizer) {\n      if (!isObject(object)) {\n        return object;\n      }\n      path = castPath(path, object);\n\n      var index = -1,\n          length = path.length,\n          lastIndex = length - 1,\n          nested = object;\n\n      while (nested != null && ++index < length) {\n        var key = toKey(path[index]),\n            newValue = value;\n\n        if (key === '__proto__' || key === 'constructor' || key === 'prototype') {\n          return object;\n        }\n\n        if (index != lastIndex) {\n          var objValue = nested[key];\n          newValue = customizer ? customizer(objValue, key, nested) : undefined;\n          if (newValue === undefined) {\n            newValue = isObject(objValue)\n              ? objValue\n              : (isIndex(path[index + 1]) ? [] : {});\n          }\n        }\n        assignValue(nested, key, newValue);\n        nested = nested[key];\n      }\n      return object;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `setData` without support for hot loop shorting.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} func The function to associate metadata with.\n     * @param {*} data The metadata.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns `func`.\n     */\n    var baseSetData = !metaMap ? identity : function(func, data) {\n      metaMap.set(func, data);\n      return func;\n    };\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `setToString` without support for hot loop shorting.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} func The function to modify.\n     * @param {Function} string The `toString` result.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns `func`.\n     */\n    var baseSetToString = !defineProperty ? identity : function(func, string) {\n      return defineProperty(func, 'toString', {\n        'configurable': true,\n        'enumerable': false,\n        'value': constant(string),\n        'writable': true\n      });\n    };\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.shuffle`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to shuffle.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new shuffled array.\n     */\n    function baseShuffle(collection) {\n      return shuffleSelf(values(collection));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.slice` without an iteratee call guard.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The array to slice.\n     * @param {number} [start=0] The start position.\n     * @param {number} [end=array.length] The end position.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n     */\n    function baseSlice(array, start, end) {\n      var index = -1,\n          length = array.length;\n\n      if (start < 0) {\n        start = -start > length ? 0 : (length + start);\n      }\n      end = end > length ? length : end;\n      if (end < 0) {\n        end += length;\n      }\n      length = start > end ? 0 : ((end - start) >>> 0);\n      start >>>= 0;\n\n      var result = Array(length);\n      while (++index < length) {\n        result[index] = array[index + start];\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.some` without support for iteratee shorthands.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if any element passes the predicate check,\n     *  else `false`.\n     */\n    function baseSome(collection, predicate) {\n      var result;\n\n      baseEach(collection, function(value, index, collection) {\n        result = predicate(value, index, collection);\n        return !result;\n      });\n      return !!result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.sortedIndex` and `_.sortedLastIndex` which\n     * performs a binary search of `array` to determine the index at which `value`\n     * should be inserted into `array` in order to maintain its sort order.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The sorted array to inspect.\n     * @param {*} value The value to evaluate.\n     * @param {boolean} [retHighest] Specify returning the highest qualified index.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the index at which `value` should be inserted\n     *  into `array`.\n     */\n    function baseSortedIndex(array, value, retHighest) {\n      var low = 0,\n          high = array == null ? low : array.length;\n\n      if (typeof value == 'number' && value === value && high <= HALF_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH) {\n        while (low < high) {\n          var mid = (low + high) >>> 1,\n              computed = array[mid];\n\n          if (computed !== null && !isSymbol(computed) &&\n              (retHighest ? (computed <= value) : (computed < value))) {\n            low = mid + 1;\n          } else {\n            high = mid;\n          }\n        }\n        return high;\n      }\n      return baseSortedIndexBy(array, value, identity, retHighest);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.sortedIndexBy` and `_.sortedLastIndexBy`\n     * which invokes `iteratee` for `value` and each element of `array` to compute\n     * their sort ranking. The iteratee is invoked with one argument; (value).\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The sorted array to inspect.\n     * @param {*} value The value to evaluate.\n     * @param {Function} iteratee The iteratee invoked per element.\n     * @param {boolean} [retHighest] Specify returning the highest qualified index.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the index at which `value` should be inserted\n     *  into `array`.\n     */\n    function baseSortedIndexBy(array, value, iteratee, retHighest) {\n      var low = 0,\n          high = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n      if (high === 0) {\n        return 0;\n      }\n\n      value = iteratee(value);\n      var valIsNaN = value !== value,\n          valIsNull = value === null,\n          valIsSymbol = isSymbol(value),\n          valIsUndefined = value === undefined;\n\n      while (low < high) {\n        var mid = nativeFloor((low + high) / 2),\n            computed = iteratee(array[mid]),\n            othIsDefined = computed !== undefined,\n            othIsNull = computed === null,\n            othIsReflexive = computed === computed,\n            othIsSymbol = isSymbol(computed);\n\n        if (valIsNaN) {\n          var setLow = retHighest || othIsReflexive;\n        } else if (valIsUndefined) {\n          setLow = othIsReflexive && (retHighest || othIsDefined);\n        } else if (valIsNull) {\n          setLow = othIsReflexive && othIsDefined && (retHighest || !othIsNull);\n        } else if (valIsSymbol) {\n          setLow = othIsReflexive && othIsDefined && !othIsNull && (retHighest || !othIsSymbol);\n        } else if (othIsNull || othIsSymbol) {\n          setLow = false;\n        } else {\n          setLow = retHighest ? (computed <= value) : (computed < value);\n        }\n        if (setLow) {\n          low = mid + 1;\n        } else {\n          high = mid;\n        }\n      }\n      return nativeMin(high, MAX_ARRAY_INDEX);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.sortedUniq` and `_.sortedUniqBy` without\n     * support for iteratee shorthands.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee] The iteratee invoked per element.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate free array.\n     */\n    function baseSortedUniq(array, iteratee) {\n      var index = -1,\n          length = array.length,\n          resIndex = 0,\n          result = [];\n\n      while (++index < length) {\n        var value = array[index],\n            computed = iteratee ? iteratee(value) : value;\n\n        if (!index || !eq(computed, seen)) {\n          var seen = computed;\n          result[resIndex++] = value === 0 ? 0 : value;\n        }\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.toNumber` which doesn't ensure correct\n     * conversions of binary, hexadecimal, or octal string values.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to process.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the number.\n     */\n    function baseToNumber(value) {\n      if (typeof value == 'number') {\n        return value;\n      }\n      if (isSymbol(value)) {\n        return NAN;\n      }\n      return +value;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.toString` which doesn't convert nullish\n     * values to empty strings.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to process.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the string.\n     */\n    function baseToString(value) {\n      // Exit early for strings to avoid a performance hit in some environments.\n      if (typeof value == 'string') {\n        return value;\n      }\n      if (isArray(value)) {\n        // Recursively convert values (susceptible to call stack limits).\n        return arrayMap(value, baseToString) + '';\n      }\n      if (isSymbol(value)) {\n        return symbolToString ? symbolToString.call(value) : '';\n      }\n      var result = (value + '');\n      return (result == '0' && (1 / value) == -INFINITY) ? '-0' : result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.uniqBy` without support for iteratee shorthands.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee] The iteratee invoked per element.\n     * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate free array.\n     */\n    function baseUniq(array, iteratee, comparator) {\n      var index = -1,\n          includes = arrayIncludes,\n          length = array.length,\n          isCommon = true,\n          result = [],\n          seen = result;\n\n      if (comparator) {\n        isCommon = false;\n        includes = arrayIncludesWith;\n      }\n      else if (length >= LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE) {\n        var set = iteratee ? null : createSet(array);\n        if (set) {\n          return setToArray(set);\n        }\n        isCommon = false;\n        includes = cacheHas;\n        seen = new SetCache;\n      }\n      else {\n        seen = iteratee ? [] : result;\n      }\n      outer:\n      while (++index < length) {\n        var value = array[index],\n            computed = iteratee ? iteratee(value) : value;\n\n        value = (comparator || value !== 0) ? value : 0;\n        if (isCommon && computed === computed) {\n          var seenIndex = seen.length;\n          while (seenIndex--) {\n            if (seen[seenIndex] === computed) {\n              continue outer;\n            }\n          }\n          if (iteratee) {\n            seen.push(computed);\n          }\n          result.push(value);\n        }\n        else if (!includes(seen, computed, comparator)) {\n          if (seen !== result) {\n            seen.push(computed);\n          }\n          result.push(value);\n        }\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.unset`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to modify.\n     * @param {Array|string} path The property path to unset.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the property is deleted, else `false`.\n     */\n    function baseUnset(object, path) {\n      path = castPath(path, object);\n      object = parent(object, path);\n      return object == null || delete object[toKey(last(path))];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `_.update`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to modify.\n     * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to update.\n     * @param {Function} updater The function to produce the updated value.\n     * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize path creation.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     */\n    function baseUpdate(object, path, updater, customizer) {\n      return baseSet(object, path, updater(baseGet(object, path)), customizer);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of methods like `_.dropWhile` and `_.takeWhile`\n     * without support for iteratee shorthands.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n     * @param {Function} predicate The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @param {boolean} [isDrop] Specify dropping elements instead of taking them.\n     * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n     */\n    function baseWhile(array, predicate, isDrop, fromRight) {\n      var length = array.length,\n          index = fromRight ? length : -1;\n\n      while ((fromRight ? index-- : ++index < length) &&\n        predicate(array[index], index, array)) {}\n\n      return isDrop\n        ? baseSlice(array, (fromRight ? 0 : index), (fromRight ? index + 1 : length))\n        : baseSlice(array, (fromRight ? index + 1 : 0), (fromRight ? length : index));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of `wrapperValue` which returns the result of\n     * performing a sequence of actions on the unwrapped `value`, where each\n     * successive action is supplied the return value of the previous.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The unwrapped value.\n     * @param {Array} actions Actions to perform to resolve the unwrapped value.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the resolved value.\n     */\n    function baseWrapperValue(value, actions) {\n      var result = value;\n      if (result instanceof LazyWrapper) {\n        result = result.value();\n      }\n      return arrayReduce(actions, function(result, action) {\n        return action.func.apply(action.thisArg, arrayPush([result], action.args));\n      }, result);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The base implementation of methods like `_.xor`, without support for\n     * iteratee shorthands, that accepts an array of arrays to inspect.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} arrays The arrays to inspect.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee] The iteratee invoked per element.\n     * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of values.\n     */\n    function baseXor(arrays, iteratee, comparator) {\n      var length = arrays.length;\n      if (length < 2) {\n        return length ? baseUniq(arrays[0]) : [];\n      }\n      var index = -1,\n          result = Array(length);\n\n      while (++index < length) {\n        var array = arrays[index],\n            othIndex = -1;\n\n        while (++othIndex < length) {\n          if (othIndex != index) {\n            result[index] = baseDifference(result[index] || array, arrays[othIndex], iteratee, comparator);\n          }\n        }\n      }\n      return baseUniq(baseFlatten(result, 1), iteratee, comparator);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This base implementation of `_.zipObject` which assigns values using `assignFunc`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} props The property identifiers.\n     * @param {Array} values The property values.\n     * @param {Function} assignFunc The function to assign values.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.\n     */\n    function baseZipObject(props, values, assignFunc) {\n      var index = -1,\n          length = props.length,\n          valsLength = values.length,\n          result = {};\n\n      while (++index < length) {\n        var value = index < valsLength ? values[index] : undefined;\n        assignFunc(result, props[index], value);\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Casts `value` to an empty array if it's not an array like object.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to inspect.\n     * @returns {Array|Object} Returns the cast array-like object.\n     */\n    function castArrayLikeObject(value) {\n      return isArrayLikeObject(value) ? value : [];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Casts `value` to `identity` if it's not a function.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to inspect.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns cast function.\n     */\n    function castFunction(value) {\n      return typeof value == 'function' ? value : identity;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Casts `value` to a path array if it's not one.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to inspect.\n     * @param {Object} [object] The object to query keys on.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the cast property path array.\n     */\n    function castPath(value, object) {\n      if (isArray(value)) {\n        return value;\n      }\n      return isKey(value, object) ? [value] : stringToPath(toString(value));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * A `baseRest` alias which can be replaced with `identity` by module\n     * replacement plugins.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @type {Function}\n     * @param {Function} func The function to apply a rest parameter to.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n     */\n    var castRest = baseRest;\n\n    /**\n     * Casts `array` to a slice if it's needed.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n     * @param {number} start The start position.\n     * @param {number} [end=array.length] The end position.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the cast slice.\n     */\n    function castSlice(array, start, end) {\n      var length = array.length;\n      end = end === undefined ? length : end;\n      return (!start && end >= length) ? array : baseSlice(array, start, end);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * A simple wrapper around the global [`clearTimeout`](https://mdn.io/clearTimeout).\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {number|Object} id The timer id or timeout object of the timer to clear.\n     */\n    var clearTimeout = ctxClearTimeout || function(id) {\n      return root.clearTimeout(id);\n    };\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a clone of  `buffer`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Buffer} buffer The buffer to clone.\n     * @param {boolean} [isDeep] Specify a deep clone.\n     * @returns {Buffer} Returns the cloned buffer.\n     */\n    function cloneBuffer(buffer, isDeep) {\n      if (isDeep) {\n        return buffer.slice();\n      }\n      var length = buffer.length,\n          result = allocUnsafe ? allocUnsafe(length) : new buffer.constructor(length);\n\n      buffer.copy(result);\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a clone of `arrayBuffer`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {ArrayBuffer} arrayBuffer The array buffer to clone.\n     * @returns {ArrayBuffer} Returns the cloned array buffer.\n     */\n    function cloneArrayBuffer(arrayBuffer) {\n      var result = new arrayBuffer.constructor(arrayBuffer.byteLength);\n      new Uint8Array(result).set(new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a clone of `dataView`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} dataView The data view to clone.\n     * @param {boolean} [isDeep] Specify a deep clone.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the cloned data view.\n     */\n    function cloneDataView(dataView, isDeep) {\n      var buffer = isDeep ? cloneArrayBuffer(dataView.buffer) : dataView.buffer;\n      return new dataView.constructor(buffer, dataView.byteOffset, dataView.byteLength);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a clone of `regexp`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} regexp The regexp to clone.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the cloned regexp.\n     */\n    function cloneRegExp(regexp) {\n      var result = new regexp.constructor(regexp.source, reFlags.exec(regexp));\n      result.lastIndex = regexp.lastIndex;\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a clone of the `symbol` object.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} symbol The symbol object to clone.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the cloned symbol object.\n     */\n    function cloneSymbol(symbol) {\n      return symbolValueOf ? Object(symbolValueOf.call(symbol)) : {};\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a clone of `typedArray`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} typedArray The typed array to clone.\n     * @param {boolean} [isDeep] Specify a deep clone.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the cloned typed array.\n     */\n    function cloneTypedArray(typedArray, isDeep) {\n      var buffer = isDeep ? cloneArrayBuffer(typedArray.buffer) : typedArray.buffer;\n      return new typedArray.constructor(buffer, typedArray.byteOffset, typedArray.length);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Compares values to sort them in ascending order.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to compare.\n     * @param {*} other The other value to compare.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the sort order indicator for `value`.\n     */\n    function compareAscending(value, other) {\n      if (value !== other) {\n        var valIsDefined = value !== undefined,\n            valIsNull = value === null,\n            valIsReflexive = value === value,\n            valIsSymbol = isSymbol(value);\n\n        var othIsDefined = other !== undefined,\n            othIsNull = other === null,\n            othIsReflexive = other === other,\n            othIsSymbol = isSymbol(other);\n\n        if ((!othIsNull && !othIsSymbol && !valIsSymbol && value > other) ||\n            (valIsSymbol && othIsDefined && othIsReflexive && !othIsNull && !othIsSymbol) ||\n            (valIsNull && othIsDefined && othIsReflexive) ||\n            (!valIsDefined && othIsReflexive) ||\n            !valIsReflexive) {\n          return 1;\n        }\n        if ((!valIsNull && !valIsSymbol && !othIsSymbol && value < other) ||\n            (othIsSymbol && valIsDefined && valIsReflexive && !valIsNull && !valIsSymbol) ||\n            (othIsNull && valIsDefined && valIsReflexive) ||\n            (!othIsDefined && valIsReflexive) ||\n            !othIsReflexive) {\n          return -1;\n        }\n      }\n      return 0;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Used by `_.orderBy` to compare multiple properties of a value to another\n     * and stable sort them.\n     *\n     * If `orders` is unspecified, all values are sorted in ascending order. Otherwise,\n     * specify an order of \"desc\" for descending or \"asc\" for ascending sort order\n     * of corresponding values.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to compare.\n     * @param {Object} other The other object to compare.\n     * @param {boolean[]|string[]} orders The order to sort by for each property.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the sort order indicator for `object`.\n     */\n    function compareMultiple(object, other, orders) {\n      var index = -1,\n          objCriteria = object.criteria,\n          othCriteria = other.criteria,\n          length = objCriteria.length,\n          ordersLength = orders.length;\n\n      while (++index < length) {\n        var result = compareAscending(objCriteria[index], othCriteria[index]);\n        if (result) {\n          if (index >= ordersLength) {\n            return result;\n          }\n          var order = orders[index];\n          return result * (order == 'desc' ? -1 : 1);\n        }\n      }\n      // Fixes an `Array#sort` bug in the JS engine embedded in Adobe applications\n      // that causes it, under certain circumstances, to provide the same value for\n      // `object` and `other`. See https://github.com/jashkenas/underscore/pull/1247\n      // for more details.\n      //\n      // This also ensures a stable sort in V8 and other engines.\n      // See https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=90 for more details.\n      return object.index - other.index;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array that is the composition of partially applied arguments,\n     * placeholders, and provided arguments into a single array of arguments.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} args The provided arguments.\n     * @param {Array} partials The arguments to prepend to those provided.\n     * @param {Array} holders The `partials` placeholder indexes.\n     * @params {boolean} [isCurried] Specify composing for a curried function.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of composed arguments.\n     */\n    function composeArgs(args, partials, holders, isCurried) {\n      var argsIndex = -1,\n          argsLength = args.length,\n          holdersLength = holders.length,\n          leftIndex = -1,\n          leftLength = partials.length,\n          rangeLength = nativeMax(argsLength - holdersLength, 0),\n          result = Array(leftLength + rangeLength),\n          isUncurried = !isCurried;\n\n      while (++leftIndex < leftLength) {\n        result[leftIndex] = partials[leftIndex];\n      }\n      while (++argsIndex < holdersLength) {\n        if (isUncurried || argsIndex < argsLength) {\n          result[holders[argsIndex]] = args[argsIndex];\n        }\n      }\n      while (rangeLength--) {\n        result[leftIndex++] = args[argsIndex++];\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This function is like `composeArgs` except that the arguments composition\n     * is tailored for `_.partialRight`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} args The provided arguments.\n     * @param {Array} partials The arguments to append to those provided.\n     * @param {Array} holders The `partials` placeholder indexes.\n     * @params {boolean} [isCurried] Specify composing for a curried function.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of composed arguments.\n     */\n    function composeArgsRight(args, partials, holders, isCurried) {\n      var argsIndex = -1,\n          argsLength = args.length,\n          holdersIndex = -1,\n          holdersLength = holders.length,\n          rightIndex = -1,\n          rightLength = partials.length,\n          rangeLength = nativeMax(argsLength - holdersLength, 0),\n          result = Array(rangeLength + rightLength),\n          isUncurried = !isCurried;\n\n      while (++argsIndex < rangeLength) {\n        result[argsIndex] = args[argsIndex];\n      }\n      var offset = argsIndex;\n      while (++rightIndex < rightLength) {\n        result[offset + rightIndex] = partials[rightIndex];\n      }\n      while (++holdersIndex < holdersLength) {\n        if (isUncurried || argsIndex < argsLength) {\n          result[offset + holders[holdersIndex]] = args[argsIndex++];\n        }\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Copies the values of `source` to `array`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} source The array to copy values from.\n     * @param {Array} [array=[]] The array to copy values to.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n     */\n    function copyArray(source, array) {\n      var index = -1,\n          length = source.length;\n\n      array || (array = Array(length));\n      while (++index < length) {\n        array[index] = source[index];\n      }\n      return array;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Copies properties of `source` to `object`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} source The object to copy properties from.\n     * @param {Array} props The property identifiers to copy.\n     * @param {Object} [object={}] The object to copy properties to.\n     * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize copied values.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     */\n    function copyObject(source, props, object, customizer) {\n      var isNew = !object;\n      object || (object = {});\n\n      var index = -1,\n          length = props.length;\n\n      while (++index < length) {\n        var key = props[index];\n\n        var newValue = customizer\n          ? customizer(object[key], source[key], key, object, source)\n          : undefined;\n\n        if (newValue === undefined) {\n          newValue = source[key];\n        }\n        if (isNew) {\n          baseAssignValue(object, key, newValue);\n        } else {\n          assignValue(object, key, newValue);\n        }\n      }\n      return object;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Copies own symbols of `source` to `object`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} source The object to copy symbols from.\n     * @param {Object} [object={}] The object to copy symbols to.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     */\n    function copySymbols(source, object) {\n      return copyObject(source, getSymbols(source), object);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Copies own and inherited symbols of `source` to `object`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} source The object to copy symbols from.\n     * @param {Object} [object={}] The object to copy symbols to.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     */\n    function copySymbolsIn(source, object) {\n      return copyObject(source, getSymbolsIn(source), object);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function like `_.groupBy`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} setter The function to set accumulator values.\n     * @param {Function} [initializer] The accumulator object initializer.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new aggregator function.\n     */\n    function createAggregator(setter, initializer) {\n      return function(collection, iteratee) {\n        var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayAggregator : baseAggregator,\n            accumulator = initializer ? initializer() : {};\n\n        return func(collection, setter, getIteratee(iteratee, 2), accumulator);\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function like `_.assign`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} assigner The function to assign values.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new assigner function.\n     */\n    function createAssigner(assigner) {\n      return baseRest(function(object, sources) {\n        var index = -1,\n            length = sources.length,\n            customizer = length > 1 ? sources[length - 1] : undefined,\n            guard = length > 2 ? sources[2] : undefined;\n\n        customizer = (assigner.length > 3 && typeof customizer == 'function')\n          ? (length--, customizer)\n          : undefined;\n\n        if (guard && isIterateeCall(sources[0], sources[1], guard)) {\n          customizer = length < 3 ? undefined : customizer;\n          length = 1;\n        }\n        object = Object(object);\n        while (++index < length) {\n          var source = sources[index];\n          if (source) {\n            assigner(object, source, index, customizer);\n          }\n        }\n        return object;\n      });\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a `baseEach` or `baseEachRight` function.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} eachFunc The function to iterate over a collection.\n     * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new base function.\n     */\n    function createBaseEach(eachFunc, fromRight) {\n      return function(collection, iteratee) {\n        if (collection == null) {\n          return collection;\n        }\n        if (!isArrayLike(collection)) {\n          return eachFunc(collection, iteratee);\n        }\n        var length = collection.length,\n            index = fromRight ? length : -1,\n            iterable = Object(collection);\n\n        while ((fromRight ? index-- : ++index < length)) {\n          if (iteratee(iterable[index], index, iterable) === false) {\n            break;\n          }\n        }\n        return collection;\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a base function for methods like `_.forIn` and `_.forOwn`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new base function.\n     */\n    function createBaseFor(fromRight) {\n      return function(object, iteratee, keysFunc) {\n        var index = -1,\n            iterable = Object(object),\n            props = keysFunc(object),\n            length = props.length;\n\n        while (length--) {\n          var key = props[fromRight ? length : ++index];\n          if (iteratee(iterable[key], key, iterable) === false) {\n            break;\n          }\n        }\n        return object;\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that wraps `func` to invoke it with the optional `this`\n     * binding of `thisArg`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} func The function to wrap.\n     * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `createWrap` for more details.\n     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `func`.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new wrapped function.\n     */\n    function createBind(func, bitmask, thisArg) {\n      var isBind = bitmask & WRAP_BIND_FLAG,\n          Ctor = createCtor(func);\n\n      function wrapper() {\n        var fn = (this && this !== root && this instanceof wrapper) ? Ctor : func;\n        return fn.apply(isBind ? thisArg : this, arguments);\n      }\n      return wrapper;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function like `_.lowerFirst`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {string} methodName The name of the `String` case method to use.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new case function.\n     */\n    function createCaseFirst(methodName) {\n      return function(string) {\n        string = toString(string);\n\n        var strSymbols = hasUnicode(string)\n          ? stringToArray(string)\n          : undefined;\n\n        var chr = strSymbols\n          ? strSymbols[0]\n          : string.charAt(0);\n\n        var trailing = strSymbols\n          ? castSlice(strSymbols, 1).join('')\n          : string.slice(1);\n\n        return chr[methodName]() + trailing;\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function like `_.camelCase`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} callback The function to combine each word.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new compounder function.\n     */\n    function createCompounder(callback) {\n      return function(string) {\n        return arrayReduce(words(deburr(string).replace(reApos, '')), callback, '');\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that produces an instance of `Ctor` regardless of\n     * whether it was invoked as part of a `new` expression or by `call` or `apply`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} Ctor The constructor to wrap.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new wrapped function.\n     */\n    function createCtor(Ctor) {\n      return function() {\n        // Use a `switch` statement to work with class constructors. See\n        // http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-ecmascript-function-objects-call-thisargument-argumentslist\n        // for more details.\n        var args = arguments;\n        switch (args.length) {\n          case 0: return new Ctor;\n          case 1: return new Ctor(args[0]);\n          case 2: return new Ctor(args[0], args[1]);\n          case 3: return new Ctor(args[0], args[1], args[2]);\n          case 4: return new Ctor(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);\n          case 5: return new Ctor(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]);\n          case 6: return new Ctor(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]);\n          case 7: return new Ctor(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6]);\n        }\n        var thisBinding = baseCreate(Ctor.prototype),\n            result = Ctor.apply(thisBinding, args);\n\n        // Mimic the constructor's `return` behavior.\n        // See https://es5.github.io/#x13.2.2 for more details.\n        return isObject(result) ? result : thisBinding;\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that wraps `func` to enable currying.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} func The function to wrap.\n     * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `createWrap` for more details.\n     * @param {number} arity The arity of `func`.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new wrapped function.\n     */\n    function createCurry(func, bitmask, arity) {\n      var Ctor = createCtor(func);\n\n      function wrapper() {\n        var length = arguments.length,\n            args = Array(length),\n            index = length,\n            placeholder = getHolder(wrapper);\n\n        while (index--) {\n          args[index] = arguments[index];\n        }\n        var holders = (length < 3 && args[0] !== placeholder && args[length - 1] !== placeholder)\n          ? []\n          : replaceHolders(args, placeholder);\n\n        length -= holders.length;\n        if (length < arity) {\n          return createRecurry(\n            func, bitmask, createHybrid, wrapper.placeholder, undefined,\n            args, holders, undefined, undefined, arity - length);\n        }\n        var fn = (this && this !== root && this instanceof wrapper) ? Ctor : func;\n        return apply(fn, this, args);\n      }\n      return wrapper;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a `_.find` or `_.findLast` function.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} findIndexFunc The function to find the collection index.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new find function.\n     */\n    function createFind(findIndexFunc) {\n      return function(collection, predicate, fromIndex) {\n        var iterable = Object(collection);\n        if (!isArrayLike(collection)) {\n          var iteratee = getIteratee(predicate, 3);\n          collection = keys(collection);\n          predicate = function(key) { return iteratee(iterable[key], key, iterable); };\n        }\n        var index = findIndexFunc(collection, predicate, fromIndex);\n        return index > -1 ? iterable[iteratee ? collection[index] : index] : undefined;\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a `_.flow` or `_.flowRight` function.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new flow function.\n     */\n    function createFlow(fromRight) {\n      return flatRest(function(funcs) {\n        var length = funcs.length,\n            index = length,\n            prereq = LodashWrapper.prototype.thru;\n\n        if (fromRight) {\n          funcs.reverse();\n        }\n        while (index--) {\n          var func = funcs[index];\n          if (typeof func != 'function') {\n            throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n          }\n          if (prereq && !wrapper && getFuncName(func) == 'wrapper') {\n            var wrapper = new LodashWrapper([], true);\n          }\n        }\n        index = wrapper ? index : length;\n        while (++index < length) {\n          func = funcs[index];\n\n          var funcName = getFuncName(func),\n              data = funcName == 'wrapper' ? getData(func) : undefined;\n\n          if (data && isLaziable(data[0]) &&\n                data[1] == (WRAP_ARY_FLAG | WRAP_CURRY_FLAG | WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG | WRAP_REARG_FLAG) &&\n                !data[4].length && data[9] == 1\n              ) {\n            wrapper = wrapper[getFuncName(data[0])].apply(wrapper, data[3]);\n          } else {\n            wrapper = (func.length == 1 && isLaziable(func))\n              ? wrapper[funcName]()\n              : wrapper.thru(func);\n          }\n        }\n        return function() {\n          var args = arguments,\n              value = args[0];\n\n          if (wrapper && args.length == 1 && isArray(value)) {\n            return wrapper.plant(value).value();\n          }\n          var index = 0,\n              result = length ? funcs[index].apply(this, args) : value;\n\n          while (++index < length) {\n            result = funcs[index].call(this, result);\n          }\n          return result;\n        };\n      });\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that wraps `func` to invoke it with optional `this`\n     * binding of `thisArg`, partial application, and currying.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function|string} func The function or method name to wrap.\n     * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `createWrap` for more details.\n     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `func`.\n     * @param {Array} [partials] The arguments to prepend to those provided to\n     *  the new function.\n     * @param {Array} [holders] The `partials` placeholder indexes.\n     * @param {Array} [partialsRight] The arguments to append to those provided\n     *  to the new function.\n     * @param {Array} [holdersRight] The `partialsRight` placeholder indexes.\n     * @param {Array} [argPos] The argument positions of the new function.\n     * @param {number} [ary] The arity cap of `func`.\n     * @param {number} [arity] The arity of `func`.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new wrapped function.\n     */\n    function createHybrid(func, bitmask, thisArg, partials, holders, partialsRight, holdersRight, argPos, ary, arity) {\n      var isAry = bitmask & WRAP_ARY_FLAG,\n          isBind = bitmask & WRAP_BIND_FLAG,\n          isBindKey = bitmask & WRAP_BIND_KEY_FLAG,\n          isCurried = bitmask & (WRAP_CURRY_FLAG | WRAP_CURRY_RIGHT_FLAG),\n          isFlip = bitmask & WRAP_FLIP_FLAG,\n          Ctor = isBindKey ? undefined : createCtor(func);\n\n      function wrapper() {\n        var length = arguments.length,\n            args = Array(length),\n            index = length;\n\n        while (index--) {\n          args[index] = arguments[index];\n        }\n        if (isCurried) {\n          var placeholder = getHolder(wrapper),\n              holdersCount = countHolders(args, placeholder);\n        }\n        if (partials) {\n          args = composeArgs(args, partials, holders, isCurried);\n        }\n        if (partialsRight) {\n          args = composeArgsRight(args, partialsRight, holdersRight, isCurried);\n        }\n        length -= holdersCount;\n        if (isCurried && length < arity) {\n          var newHolders = replaceHolders(args, placeholder);\n          return createRecurry(\n            func, bitmask, createHybrid, wrapper.placeholder, thisArg,\n            args, newHolders, argPos, ary, arity - length\n          );\n        }\n        var thisBinding = isBind ? thisArg : this,\n            fn = isBindKey ? thisBinding[func] : func;\n\n        length = args.length;\n        if (argPos) {\n          args = reorder(args, argPos);\n        } else if (isFlip && length > 1) {\n          args.reverse();\n        }\n        if (isAry && ary < length) {\n          args.length = ary;\n        }\n        if (this && this !== root && this instanceof wrapper) {\n          fn = Ctor || createCtor(fn);\n        }\n        return fn.apply(thisBinding, args);\n      }\n      return wrapper;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function like `_.invertBy`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} setter The function to set accumulator values.\n     * @param {Function} toIteratee The function to resolve iteratees.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new inverter function.\n     */\n    function createInverter(setter, toIteratee) {\n      return function(object, iteratee) {\n        return baseInverter(object, setter, toIteratee(iteratee), {});\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that performs a mathematical operation on two values.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} operator The function to perform the operation.\n     * @param {number} [defaultValue] The value used for `undefined` arguments.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new mathematical operation function.\n     */\n    function createMathOperation(operator, defaultValue) {\n      return function(value, other) {\n        var result;\n        if (value === undefined && other === undefined) {\n          return defaultValue;\n        }\n        if (value !== undefined) {\n          result = value;\n        }\n        if (other !== undefined) {\n          if (result === undefined) {\n            return other;\n          }\n          if (typeof value == 'string' || typeof other == 'string') {\n            value = baseToString(value);\n            other = baseToString(other);\n          } else {\n            value = baseToNumber(value);\n            other = baseToNumber(other);\n          }\n          result = operator(value, other);\n        }\n        return result;\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function like `_.over`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} arrayFunc The function to iterate over iteratees.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new over function.\n     */\n    function createOver(arrayFunc) {\n      return flatRest(function(iteratees) {\n        iteratees = arrayMap(iteratees, baseUnary(getIteratee()));\n        return baseRest(function(args) {\n          var thisArg = this;\n          return arrayFunc(iteratees, function(iteratee) {\n            return apply(iteratee, thisArg, args);\n          });\n        });\n      });\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates the padding for `string` based on `length`. The `chars` string\n     * is truncated if the number of characters exceeds `length`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {number} length The padding length.\n     * @param {string} [chars=' '] The string used as padding.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the padding for `string`.\n     */\n    function createPadding(length, chars) {\n      chars = chars === undefined ? ' ' : baseToString(chars);\n\n      var charsLength = chars.length;\n      if (charsLength < 2) {\n        return charsLength ? baseRepeat(chars, length) : chars;\n      }\n      var result = baseRepeat(chars, nativeCeil(length / stringSize(chars)));\n      return hasUnicode(chars)\n        ? castSlice(stringToArray(result), 0, length).join('')\n        : result.slice(0, length);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that wraps `func` to invoke it with the `this` binding\n     * of `thisArg` and `partials` prepended to the arguments it receives.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} func The function to wrap.\n     * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `createWrap` for more details.\n     * @param {*} thisArg The `this` binding of `func`.\n     * @param {Array} partials The arguments to prepend to those provided to\n     *  the new function.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new wrapped function.\n     */\n    function createPartial(func, bitmask, thisArg, partials) {\n      var isBind = bitmask & WRAP_BIND_FLAG,\n          Ctor = createCtor(func);\n\n      function wrapper() {\n        var argsIndex = -1,\n            argsLength = arguments.length,\n            leftIndex = -1,\n            leftLength = partials.length,\n            args = Array(leftLength + argsLength),\n            fn = (this && this !== root && this instanceof wrapper) ? Ctor : func;\n\n        while (++leftIndex < leftLength) {\n          args[leftIndex] = partials[leftIndex];\n        }\n        while (argsLength--) {\n          args[leftIndex++] = arguments[++argsIndex];\n        }\n        return apply(fn, isBind ? thisArg : this, args);\n      }\n      return wrapper;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a `_.range` or `_.rangeRight` function.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {boolean} [fromRight] Specify iterating from right to left.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new range function.\n     */\n    function createRange(fromRight) {\n      return function(start, end, step) {\n        if (step && typeof step != 'number' && isIterateeCall(start, end, step)) {\n          end = step = undefined;\n        }\n        // Ensure the sign of `-0` is preserved.\n        start = toFinite(start);\n        if (end === undefined) {\n          end = start;\n          start = 0;\n        } else {\n          end = toFinite(end);\n        }\n        step = step === undefined ? (start < end ? 1 : -1) : toFinite(step);\n        return baseRange(start, end, step, fromRight);\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that performs a relational operation on two values.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} operator The function to perform the operation.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new relational operation function.\n     */\n    function createRelationalOperation(operator) {\n      return function(value, other) {\n        if (!(typeof value == 'string' && typeof other == 'string')) {\n          value = toNumber(value);\n          other = toNumber(other);\n        }\n        return operator(value, other);\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that wraps `func` to continue currying.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} func The function to wrap.\n     * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `createWrap` for more details.\n     * @param {Function} wrapFunc The function to create the `func` wrapper.\n     * @param {*} placeholder The placeholder value.\n     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `func`.\n     * @param {Array} [partials] The arguments to prepend to those provided to\n     *  the new function.\n     * @param {Array} [holders] The `partials` placeholder indexes.\n     * @param {Array} [argPos] The argument positions of the new function.\n     * @param {number} [ary] The arity cap of `func`.\n     * @param {number} [arity] The arity of `func`.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new wrapped function.\n     */\n    function createRecurry(func, bitmask, wrapFunc, placeholder, thisArg, partials, holders, argPos, ary, arity) {\n      var isCurry = bitmask & WRAP_CURRY_FLAG,\n          newHolders = isCurry ? holders : undefined,\n          newHoldersRight = isCurry ? undefined : holders,\n          newPartials = isCurry ? partials : undefined,\n          newPartialsRight = isCurry ? undefined : partials;\n\n      bitmask |= (isCurry ? WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG : WRAP_PARTIAL_RIGHT_FLAG);\n      bitmask &= ~(isCurry ? WRAP_PARTIAL_RIGHT_FLAG : WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG);\n\n      if (!(bitmask & WRAP_CURRY_BOUND_FLAG)) {\n        bitmask &= ~(WRAP_BIND_FLAG | WRAP_BIND_KEY_FLAG);\n      }\n      var newData = [\n        func, bitmask, thisArg, newPartials, newHolders, newPartialsRight,\n        newHoldersRight, argPos, ary, arity\n      ];\n\n      var result = wrapFunc.apply(undefined, newData);\n      if (isLaziable(func)) {\n        setData(result, newData);\n      }\n      result.placeholder = placeholder;\n      return setWrapToString(result, func, bitmask);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function like `_.round`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {string} methodName The name of the `Math` method to use when rounding.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new round function.\n     */\n    function createRound(methodName) {\n      var func = Math[methodName];\n      return function(number, precision) {\n        number = toNumber(number);\n        precision = precision == null ? 0 : nativeMin(toInteger(precision), 292);\n        if (precision && nativeIsFinite(number)) {\n          // Shift with exponential notation to avoid floating-point issues.\n          // See [MDN](https://mdn.io/round#Examples) for more details.\n          var pair = (toString(number) + 'e').split('e'),\n              value = func(pair[0] + 'e' + (+pair[1] + precision));\n\n          pair = (toString(value) + 'e').split('e');\n          return +(pair[0] + 'e' + (+pair[1] - precision));\n        }\n        return func(number);\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a set object of `values`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} values The values to add to the set.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new set.\n     */\n    var createSet = !(Set && (1 / setToArray(new Set([,-0]))[1]) == INFINITY) ? noop : function(values) {\n      return new Set(values);\n    };\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a `_.toPairs` or `_.toPairsIn` function.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} keysFunc The function to get the keys of a given object.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new pairs function.\n     */\n    function createToPairs(keysFunc) {\n      return function(object) {\n        var tag = getTag(object);\n        if (tag == mapTag) {\n          return mapToArray(object);\n        }\n        if (tag == setTag) {\n          return setToPairs(object);\n        }\n        return baseToPairs(object, keysFunc(object));\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that either curries or invokes `func` with optional\n     * `this` binding and partially applied arguments.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function|string} func The function or method name to wrap.\n     * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags.\n     *    1 - `_.bind`\n     *    2 - `_.bindKey`\n     *    4 - `_.curry` or `_.curryRight` of a bound function\n     *    8 - `_.curry`\n     *   16 - `_.curryRight`\n     *   32 - `_.partial`\n     *   64 - `_.partialRight`\n     *  128 - `_.rearg`\n     *  256 - `_.ary`\n     *  512 - `_.flip`\n     * @param {*} [thisArg] The `this` binding of `func`.\n     * @param {Array} [partials] The arguments to be partially applied.\n     * @param {Array} [holders] The `partials` placeholder indexes.\n     * @param {Array} [argPos] The argument positions of the new function.\n     * @param {number} [ary] The arity cap of `func`.\n     * @param {number} [arity] The arity of `func`.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new wrapped function.\n     */\n    function createWrap(func, bitmask, thisArg, partials, holders, argPos, ary, arity) {\n      var isBindKey = bitmask & WRAP_BIND_KEY_FLAG;\n      if (!isBindKey && typeof func != 'function') {\n        throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n      }\n      var length = partials ? partials.length : 0;\n      if (!length) {\n        bitmask &= ~(WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG | WRAP_PARTIAL_RIGHT_FLAG);\n        partials = holders = undefined;\n      }\n      ary = ary === undefined ? ary : nativeMax(toInteger(ary), 0);\n      arity = arity === undefined ? arity : toInteger(arity);\n      length -= holders ? holders.length : 0;\n\n      if (bitmask & WRAP_PARTIAL_RIGHT_FLAG) {\n        var partialsRight = partials,\n            holdersRight = holders;\n\n        partials = holders = undefined;\n      }\n      var data = isBindKey ? undefined : getData(func);\n\n      var newData = [\n        func, bitmask, thisArg, partials, holders, partialsRight, holdersRight,\n        argPos, ary, arity\n      ];\n\n      if (data) {\n        mergeData(newData, data);\n      }\n      func = newData[0];\n      bitmask = newData[1];\n      thisArg = newData[2];\n      partials = newData[3];\n      holders = newData[4];\n      arity = newData[9] = newData[9] === undefined\n        ? (isBindKey ? 0 : func.length)\n        : nativeMax(newData[9] - length, 0);\n\n      if (!arity && bitmask & (WRAP_CURRY_FLAG | WRAP_CURRY_RIGHT_FLAG)) {\n        bitmask &= ~(WRAP_CURRY_FLAG | WRAP_CURRY_RIGHT_FLAG);\n      }\n      if (!bitmask || bitmask == WRAP_BIND_FLAG) {\n        var result = createBind(func, bitmask, thisArg);\n      } else if (bitmask == WRAP_CURRY_FLAG || bitmask == WRAP_CURRY_RIGHT_FLAG) {\n        result = createCurry(func, bitmask, arity);\n      } else if ((bitmask == WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG || bitmask == (WRAP_BIND_FLAG | WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG)) && !holders.length) {\n        result = createPartial(func, bitmask, thisArg, partials);\n      } else {\n        result = createHybrid.apply(undefined, newData);\n      }\n      var setter = data ? baseSetData : setData;\n      return setWrapToString(setter(result, newData), func, bitmask);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Used by `_.defaults` to customize its `_.assignIn` use to assign properties\n     * of source objects to the destination object for all destination properties\n     * that resolve to `undefined`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} objValue The destination value.\n     * @param {*} srcValue The source value.\n     * @param {string} key The key of the property to assign.\n     * @param {Object} object The parent object of `objValue`.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the value to assign.\n     */\n    function customDefaultsAssignIn(objValue, srcValue, key, object) {\n      if (objValue === undefined ||\n          (eq(objValue, objectProto[key]) && !hasOwnProperty.call(object, key))) {\n        return srcValue;\n      }\n      return objValue;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Used by `_.defaultsDeep` to customize its `_.merge` use to merge source\n     * objects into destination objects that are passed thru.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} objValue The destination value.\n     * @param {*} srcValue The source value.\n     * @param {string} key The key of the property to merge.\n     * @param {Object} object The parent object of `objValue`.\n     * @param {Object} source The parent object of `srcValue`.\n     * @param {Object} [stack] Tracks traversed source values and their merged\n     *  counterparts.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the value to assign.\n     */\n    function customDefaultsMerge(objValue, srcValue, key, object, source, stack) {\n      if (isObject(objValue) && isObject(srcValue)) {\n        // Recursively merge objects and arrays (susceptible to call stack limits).\n        stack.set(srcValue, objValue);\n        baseMerge(objValue, srcValue, undefined, customDefaultsMerge, stack);\n        stack['delete'](srcValue);\n      }\n      return objValue;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Used by `_.omit` to customize its `_.cloneDeep` use to only clone plain\n     * objects.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to inspect.\n     * @param {string} key The key of the property to inspect.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the uncloned value or `undefined` to defer cloning to `_.cloneDeep`.\n     */\n    function customOmitClone(value) {\n      return isPlainObject(value) ? undefined : value;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * A specialized version of `baseIsEqualDeep` for arrays with support for\n     * partial deep comparisons.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The array to compare.\n     * @param {Array} other The other array to compare.\n     * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `baseIsEqual` for more details.\n     * @param {Function} customizer The function to customize comparisons.\n     * @param {Function} equalFunc The function to determine equivalents of values.\n     * @param {Object} stack Tracks traversed `array` and `other` objects.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the arrays are equivalent, else `false`.\n     */\n    function equalArrays(array, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) {\n      var isPartial = bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG,\n          arrLength = array.length,\n          othLength = other.length;\n\n      if (arrLength != othLength && !(isPartial && othLength > arrLength)) {\n        return false;\n      }\n      // Check that cyclic values are equal.\n      var arrStacked = stack.get(array);\n      var othStacked = stack.get(other);\n      if (arrStacked && othStacked) {\n        return arrStacked == other && othStacked == array;\n      }\n      var index = -1,\n          result = true,\n          seen = (bitmask & COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG) ? new SetCache : undefined;\n\n      stack.set(array, other);\n      stack.set(other, array);\n\n      // Ignore non-index properties.\n      while (++index < arrLength) {\n        var arrValue = array[index],\n            othValue = other[index];\n\n        if (customizer) {\n          var compared = isPartial\n            ? customizer(othValue, arrValue, index, other, array, stack)\n            : customizer(arrValue, othValue, index, array, other, stack);\n        }\n        if (compared !== undefined) {\n          if (compared) {\n            continue;\n          }\n          result = false;\n          break;\n        }\n        // Recursively compare arrays (susceptible to call stack limits).\n        if (seen) {\n          if (!arraySome(other, function(othValue, othIndex) {\n                if (!cacheHas(seen, othIndex) &&\n                    (arrValue === othValue || equalFunc(arrValue, othValue, bitmask, customizer, stack))) {\n                  return seen.push(othIndex);\n                }\n              })) {\n            result = false;\n            break;\n          }\n        } else if (!(\n              arrValue === othValue ||\n                equalFunc(arrValue, othValue, bitmask, customizer, stack)\n            )) {\n          result = false;\n          break;\n        }\n      }\n      stack['delete'](array);\n      stack['delete'](other);\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * A specialized version of `baseIsEqualDeep` for comparing objects of\n     * the same `toStringTag`.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This function only supports comparing values with tags of\n     * `Boolean`, `Date`, `Error`, `Number`, `RegExp`, or `String`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to compare.\n     * @param {Object} other The other object to compare.\n     * @param {string} tag The `toStringTag` of the objects to compare.\n     * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `baseIsEqual` for more details.\n     * @param {Function} customizer The function to customize comparisons.\n     * @param {Function} equalFunc The function to determine equivalents of values.\n     * @param {Object} stack Tracks traversed `object` and `other` objects.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the objects are equivalent, else `false`.\n     */\n    function equalByTag(object, other, tag, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) {\n      switch (tag) {\n        case dataViewTag:\n          if ((object.byteLength != other.byteLength) ||\n              (object.byteOffset != other.byteOffset)) {\n            return false;\n          }\n          object = object.buffer;\n          other = other.buffer;\n\n        case arrayBufferTag:\n          if ((object.byteLength != other.byteLength) ||\n              !equalFunc(new Uint8Array(object), new Uint8Array(other))) {\n            return false;\n          }\n          return true;\n\n        case boolTag:\n        case dateTag:\n        case numberTag:\n          // Coerce booleans to `1` or `0` and dates to milliseconds.\n          // Invalid dates are coerced to `NaN`.\n          return eq(+object, +other);\n\n        case errorTag:\n          return object.name == other.name && object.message == other.message;\n\n        case regexpTag:\n        case stringTag:\n          // Coerce regexes to strings and treat strings, primitives and objects,\n          // as equal. See http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-regexp.prototype.tostring\n          // for more details.\n          return object == (other + '');\n\n        case mapTag:\n          var convert = mapToArray;\n\n        case setTag:\n          var isPartial = bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG;\n          convert || (convert = setToArray);\n\n          if (object.size != other.size && !isPartial) {\n            return false;\n          }\n          // Assume cyclic values are equal.\n          var stacked = stack.get(object);\n          if (stacked) {\n            return stacked == other;\n          }\n          bitmask |= COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG;\n\n          // Recursively compare objects (susceptible to call stack limits).\n          stack.set(object, other);\n          var result = equalArrays(convert(object), convert(other), bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack);\n          stack['delete'](object);\n          return result;\n\n        case symbolTag:\n          if (symbolValueOf) {\n            return symbolValueOf.call(object) == symbolValueOf.call(other);\n          }\n      }\n      return false;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * A specialized version of `baseIsEqualDeep` for objects with support for\n     * partial deep comparisons.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to compare.\n     * @param {Object} other The other object to compare.\n     * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `baseIsEqual` for more details.\n     * @param {Function} customizer The function to customize comparisons.\n     * @param {Function} equalFunc The function to determine equivalents of values.\n     * @param {Object} stack Tracks traversed `object` and `other` objects.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the objects are equivalent, else `false`.\n     */\n    function equalObjects(object, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) {\n      var isPartial = bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG,\n          objProps = getAllKeys(object),\n          objLength = objProps.length,\n          othProps = getAllKeys(other),\n          othLength = othProps.length;\n\n      if (objLength != othLength && !isPartial) {\n        return false;\n      }\n      var index = objLength;\n      while (index--) {\n        var key = objProps[index];\n        if (!(isPartial ? key in other : hasOwnProperty.call(other, key))) {\n          return false;\n        }\n      }\n      // Check that cyclic values are equal.\n      var objStacked = stack.get(object);\n      var othStacked = stack.get(other);\n      if (objStacked && othStacked) {\n        return objStacked == other && othStacked == object;\n      }\n      var result = true;\n      stack.set(object, other);\n      stack.set(other, object);\n\n      var skipCtor = isPartial;\n      while (++index < objLength) {\n        key = objProps[index];\n        var objValue = object[key],\n            othValue = other[key];\n\n        if (customizer) {\n          var compared = isPartial\n            ? customizer(othValue, objValue, key, other, object, stack)\n            : customizer(objValue, othValue, key, object, other, stack);\n        }\n        // Recursively compare objects (susceptible to call stack limits).\n        if (!(compared === undefined\n              ? (objValue === othValue || equalFunc(objValue, othValue, bitmask, customizer, stack))\n              : compared\n            )) {\n          result = false;\n          break;\n        }\n        skipCtor || (skipCtor = key == 'constructor');\n      }\n      if (result && !skipCtor) {\n        var objCtor = object.constructor,\n            othCtor = other.constructor;\n\n        // Non `Object` object instances with different constructors are not equal.\n        if (objCtor != othCtor &&\n            ('constructor' in object && 'constructor' in other) &&\n            !(typeof objCtor == 'function' && objCtor instanceof objCtor &&\n              typeof othCtor == 'function' && othCtor instanceof othCtor)) {\n          result = false;\n        }\n      }\n      stack['delete'](object);\n      stack['delete'](other);\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * A specialized version of `baseRest` which flattens the rest array.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} func The function to apply a rest parameter to.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n     */\n    function flatRest(func) {\n      return setToString(overRest(func, undefined, flatten), func + '');\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of own enumerable property names and symbols of `object`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names and symbols.\n     */\n    function getAllKeys(object) {\n      return baseGetAllKeys(object, keys, getSymbols);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of own and inherited enumerable property names and\n     * symbols of `object`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names and symbols.\n     */\n    function getAllKeysIn(object) {\n      return baseGetAllKeys(object, keysIn, getSymbolsIn);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets metadata for `func`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} func The function to query.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the metadata for `func`.\n     */\n    var getData = !metaMap ? noop : function(func) {\n      return metaMap.get(func);\n    };\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the name of `func`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} func The function to query.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the function name.\n     */\n    function getFuncName(func) {\n      var result = (func.name + ''),\n          array = realNames[result],\n          length = hasOwnProperty.call(realNames, result) ? array.length : 0;\n\n      while (length--) {\n        var data = array[length],\n            otherFunc = data.func;\n        if (otherFunc == null || otherFunc == func) {\n          return data.name;\n        }\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the argument placeholder value for `func`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} func The function to inspect.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the placeholder value.\n     */\n    function getHolder(func) {\n      var object = hasOwnProperty.call(lodash, 'placeholder') ? lodash : func;\n      return object.placeholder;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the appropriate \"iteratee\" function. If `_.iteratee` is customized,\n     * this function returns the custom method, otherwise it returns `baseIteratee`.\n     * If arguments are provided, the chosen function is invoked with them and\n     * its result is returned.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} [value] The value to convert to an iteratee.\n     * @param {number} [arity] The arity of the created iteratee.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the chosen function or its result.\n     */\n    function getIteratee() {\n      var result = lodash.iteratee || iteratee;\n      result = result === iteratee ? baseIteratee : result;\n      return arguments.length ? result(arguments[0], arguments[1]) : result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the data for `map`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} map The map to query.\n     * @param {string} key The reference key.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the map data.\n     */\n    function getMapData(map, key) {\n      var data = map.__data__;\n      return isKeyable(key)\n        ? data[typeof key == 'string' ? 'string' : 'hash']\n        : data.map;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the property names, values, and compare flags of `object`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the match data of `object`.\n     */\n    function getMatchData(object) {\n      var result = keys(object),\n          length = result.length;\n\n      while (length--) {\n        var key = result[length],\n            value = object[key];\n\n        result[length] = [key, value, isStrictComparable(value)];\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the native function at `key` of `object`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @param {string} key The key of the method to get.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the function if it's native, else `undefined`.\n     */\n    function getNative(object, key) {\n      var value = getValue(object, key);\n      return baseIsNative(value) ? value : undefined;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * A specialized version of `baseGetTag` which ignores `Symbol.toStringTag` values.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to query.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the raw `toStringTag`.\n     */\n    function getRawTag(value) {\n      var isOwn = hasOwnProperty.call(value, symToStringTag),\n          tag = value[symToStringTag];\n\n      try {\n        value[symToStringTag] = undefined;\n        var unmasked = true;\n      } catch (e) {}\n\n      var result = nativeObjectToString.call(value);\n      if (unmasked) {\n        if (isOwn) {\n          value[symToStringTag] = tag;\n        } else {\n          delete value[symToStringTag];\n        }\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of the own enumerable symbols of `object`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the array of symbols.\n     */\n    var getSymbols = !nativeGetSymbols ? stubArray : function(object) {\n      if (object == null) {\n        return [];\n      }\n      object = Object(object);\n      return arrayFilter(nativeGetSymbols(object), function(symbol) {\n        return propertyIsEnumerable.call(object, symbol);\n      });\n    };\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of the own and inherited enumerable symbols of `object`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the array of symbols.\n     */\n    var getSymbolsIn = !nativeGetSymbols ? stubArray : function(object) {\n      var result = [];\n      while (object) {\n        arrayPush(result, getSymbols(object));\n        object = getPrototype(object);\n      }\n      return result;\n    };\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the `toStringTag` of `value`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to query.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the `toStringTag`.\n     */\n    var getTag = baseGetTag;\n\n    // Fallback for data views, maps, sets, and weak maps in IE 11 and promises in Node.js < 6.\n    if ((DataView && getTag(new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(1))) != dataViewTag) ||\n        (Map && getTag(new Map) != mapTag) ||\n        (Promise && getTag(Promise.resolve()) != promiseTag) ||\n        (Set && getTag(new Set) != setTag) ||\n        (WeakMap && getTag(new WeakMap) != weakMapTag)) {\n      getTag = function(value) {\n        var result = baseGetTag(value),\n            Ctor = result == objectTag ? value.constructor : undefined,\n            ctorString = Ctor ? toSource(Ctor) : '';\n\n        if (ctorString) {\n          switch (ctorString) {\n            case dataViewCtorString: return dataViewTag;\n            case mapCtorString: return mapTag;\n            case promiseCtorString: return promiseTag;\n            case setCtorString: return setTag;\n            case weakMapCtorString: return weakMapTag;\n          }\n        }\n        return result;\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the view, applying any `transforms` to the `start` and `end` positions.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {number} start The start of the view.\n     * @param {number} end The end of the view.\n     * @param {Array} transforms The transformations to apply to the view.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns an object containing the `start` and `end`\n     *  positions of the view.\n     */\n    function getView(start, end, transforms) {\n      var index = -1,\n          length = transforms.length;\n\n      while (++index < length) {\n        var data = transforms[index],\n            size = data.size;\n\n        switch (data.type) {\n          case 'drop':      start += size; break;\n          case 'dropRight': end -= size; break;\n          case 'take':      end = nativeMin(end, start + size); break;\n          case 'takeRight': start = nativeMax(start, end - size); break;\n        }\n      }\n      return { 'start': start, 'end': end };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Extracts wrapper details from the `source` body comment.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {string} source The source to inspect.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the wrapper details.\n     */\n    function getWrapDetails(source) {\n      var match = source.match(reWrapDetails);\n      return match ? match[1].split(reSplitDetails) : [];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `path` exists on `object`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @param {Array|string} path The path to check.\n     * @param {Function} hasFunc The function to check properties.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `path` exists, else `false`.\n     */\n    function hasPath(object, path, hasFunc) {\n      path = castPath(path, object);\n\n      var index = -1,\n          length = path.length,\n          result = false;\n\n      while (++index < length) {\n        var key = toKey(path[index]);\n        if (!(result = object != null && hasFunc(object, key))) {\n          break;\n        }\n        object = object[key];\n      }\n      if (result || ++index != length) {\n        return result;\n      }\n      length = object == null ? 0 : object.length;\n      return !!length && isLength(length) && isIndex(key, length) &&\n        (isArray(object) || isArguments(object));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Initializes an array clone.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The array to clone.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the initialized clone.\n     */\n    function initCloneArray(array) {\n      var length = array.length,\n          result = new array.constructor(length);\n\n      // Add properties assigned by `RegExp#exec`.\n      if (length && typeof array[0] == 'string' && hasOwnProperty.call(array, 'index')) {\n        result.index = array.index;\n        result.input = array.input;\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Initializes an object clone.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to clone.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the initialized clone.\n     */\n    function initCloneObject(object) {\n      return (typeof object.constructor == 'function' && !isPrototype(object))\n        ? baseCreate(getPrototype(object))\n        : {};\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Initializes an object clone based on its `toStringTag`.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This function only supports cloning values with tags of\n     * `Boolean`, `Date`, `Error`, `Map`, `Number`, `RegExp`, `Set`, or `String`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to clone.\n     * @param {string} tag The `toStringTag` of the object to clone.\n     * @param {boolean} [isDeep] Specify a deep clone.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the initialized clone.\n     */\n    function initCloneByTag(object, tag, isDeep) {\n      var Ctor = object.constructor;\n      switch (tag) {\n        case arrayBufferTag:\n          return cloneArrayBuffer(object);\n\n        case boolTag:\n        case dateTag:\n          return new Ctor(+object);\n\n        case dataViewTag:\n          return cloneDataView(object, isDeep);\n\n        case float32Tag: case float64Tag:\n        case int8Tag: case int16Tag: case int32Tag:\n        case uint8Tag: case uint8ClampedTag: case uint16Tag: case uint32Tag:\n          return cloneTypedArray(object, isDeep);\n\n        case mapTag:\n          return new Ctor;\n\n        case numberTag:\n        case stringTag:\n          return new Ctor(object);\n\n        case regexpTag:\n          return cloneRegExp(object);\n\n        case setTag:\n          return new Ctor;\n\n        case symbolTag:\n          return cloneSymbol(object);\n      }\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Inserts wrapper `details` in a comment at the top of the `source` body.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {string} source The source to modify.\n     * @returns {Array} details The details to insert.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the modified source.\n     */\n    function insertWrapDetails(source, details) {\n      var length = details.length;\n      if (!length) {\n        return source;\n      }\n      var lastIndex = length - 1;\n      details[lastIndex] = (length > 1 ? '& ' : '') + details[lastIndex];\n      details = details.join(length > 2 ? ', ' : ' ');\n      return source.replace(reWrapComment, '{\\n/* [wrapped with ' + details + '] */\\n');\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is a flattenable `arguments` object or array.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is flattenable, else `false`.\n     */\n    function isFlattenable(value) {\n      return isArray(value) || isArguments(value) ||\n        !!(spreadableSymbol && value && value[spreadableSymbol]);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is a valid array-like index.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @param {number} [length=MAX_SAFE_INTEGER] The upper bounds of a valid index.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a valid index, else `false`.\n     */\n    function isIndex(value, length) {\n      var type = typeof value;\n      length = length == null ? MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : length;\n\n      return !!length &&\n        (type == 'number' ||\n          (type != 'symbol' && reIsUint.test(value))) &&\n            (value > -1 && value % 1 == 0 && value < length);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if the given arguments are from an iteratee call.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The potential iteratee value argument.\n     * @param {*} index The potential iteratee index or key argument.\n     * @param {*} object The potential iteratee object argument.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the arguments are from an iteratee call,\n     *  else `false`.\n     */\n    function isIterateeCall(value, index, object) {\n      if (!isObject(object)) {\n        return false;\n      }\n      var type = typeof index;\n      if (type == 'number'\n            ? (isArrayLike(object) && isIndex(index, object.length))\n            : (type == 'string' && index in object)\n          ) {\n        return eq(object[index], value);\n      }\n      return false;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is a property name and not a property path.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @param {Object} [object] The object to query keys on.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a property name, else `false`.\n     */\n    function isKey(value, object) {\n      if (isArray(value)) {\n        return false;\n      }\n      var type = typeof value;\n      if (type == 'number' || type == 'symbol' || type == 'boolean' ||\n          value == null || isSymbol(value)) {\n        return true;\n      }\n      return reIsPlainProp.test(value) || !reIsDeepProp.test(value) ||\n        (object != null && value in Object(object));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is suitable for use as unique object key.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is suitable, else `false`.\n     */\n    function isKeyable(value) {\n      var type = typeof value;\n      return (type == 'string' || type == 'number' || type == 'symbol' || type == 'boolean')\n        ? (value !== '__proto__')\n        : (value === null);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `func` has a lazy counterpart.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} func The function to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `func` has a lazy counterpart,\n     *  else `false`.\n     */\n    function isLaziable(func) {\n      var funcName = getFuncName(func),\n          other = lodash[funcName];\n\n      if (typeof other != 'function' || !(funcName in LazyWrapper.prototype)) {\n        return false;\n      }\n      if (func === other) {\n        return true;\n      }\n      var data = getData(other);\n      return !!data && func === data[0];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `func` has its source masked.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} func The function to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `func` is masked, else `false`.\n     */\n    function isMasked(func) {\n      return !!maskSrcKey && (maskSrcKey in func);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `func` is capable of being masked.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `func` is maskable, else `false`.\n     */\n    var isMaskable = coreJsData ? isFunction : stubFalse;\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is likely a prototype object.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a prototype, else `false`.\n     */\n    function isPrototype(value) {\n      var Ctor = value && value.constructor,\n          proto = (typeof Ctor == 'function' && Ctor.prototype) || objectProto;\n\n      return value === proto;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is suitable for strict equality comparisons, i.e. `===`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` if suitable for strict\n     *  equality comparisons, else `false`.\n     */\n    function isStrictComparable(value) {\n      return value === value && !isObject(value);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * A specialized version of `matchesProperty` for source values suitable\n     * for strict equality comparisons, i.e. `===`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {string} key The key of the property to get.\n     * @param {*} srcValue The value to match.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new spec function.\n     */\n    function matchesStrictComparable(key, srcValue) {\n      return function(object) {\n        if (object == null) {\n          return false;\n        }\n        return object[key] === srcValue &&\n          (srcValue !== undefined || (key in Object(object)));\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * A specialized version of `_.memoize` which clears the memoized function's\n     * cache when it exceeds `MAX_MEMOIZE_SIZE`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} func The function to have its output memoized.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new memoized function.\n     */\n    function memoizeCapped(func) {\n      var result = memoize(func, function(key) {\n        if (cache.size === MAX_MEMOIZE_SIZE) {\n          cache.clear();\n        }\n        return key;\n      });\n\n      var cache = result.cache;\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Merges the function metadata of `source` into `data`.\n     *\n     * Merging metadata reduces the number of wrappers used to invoke a function.\n     * This is possible because methods like `_.bind`, `_.curry`, and `_.partial`\n     * may be applied regardless of execution order. Methods like `_.ary` and\n     * `_.rearg` modify function arguments, making the order in which they are\n     * executed important, preventing the merging of metadata. However, we make\n     * an exception for a safe combined case where curried functions have `_.ary`\n     * and or `_.rearg` applied.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} data The destination metadata.\n     * @param {Array} source The source metadata.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns `data`.\n     */\n    function mergeData(data, source) {\n      var bitmask = data[1],\n          srcBitmask = source[1],\n          newBitmask = bitmask | srcBitmask,\n          isCommon = newBitmask < (WRAP_BIND_FLAG | WRAP_BIND_KEY_FLAG | WRAP_ARY_FLAG);\n\n      var isCombo =\n        ((srcBitmask == WRAP_ARY_FLAG) && (bitmask == WRAP_CURRY_FLAG)) ||\n        ((srcBitmask == WRAP_ARY_FLAG) && (bitmask == WRAP_REARG_FLAG) && (data[7].length <= source[8])) ||\n        ((srcBitmask == (WRAP_ARY_FLAG | WRAP_REARG_FLAG)) && (source[7].length <= source[8]) && (bitmask == WRAP_CURRY_FLAG));\n\n      // Exit early if metadata can't be merged.\n      if (!(isCommon || isCombo)) {\n        return data;\n      }\n      // Use source `thisArg` if available.\n      if (srcBitmask & WRAP_BIND_FLAG) {\n        data[2] = source[2];\n        // Set when currying a bound function.\n        newBitmask |= bitmask & WRAP_BIND_FLAG ? 0 : WRAP_CURRY_BOUND_FLAG;\n      }\n      // Compose partial arguments.\n      var value = source[3];\n      if (value) {\n        var partials = data[3];\n        data[3] = partials ? composeArgs(partials, value, source[4]) : value;\n        data[4] = partials ? replaceHolders(data[3], PLACEHOLDER) : source[4];\n      }\n      // Compose partial right arguments.\n      value = source[5];\n      if (value) {\n        partials = data[5];\n        data[5] = partials ? composeArgsRight(partials, value, source[6]) : value;\n        data[6] = partials ? replaceHolders(data[5], PLACEHOLDER) : source[6];\n      }\n      // Use source `argPos` if available.\n      value = source[7];\n      if (value) {\n        data[7] = value;\n      }\n      // Use source `ary` if it's smaller.\n      if (srcBitmask & WRAP_ARY_FLAG) {\n        data[8] = data[8] == null ? source[8] : nativeMin(data[8], source[8]);\n      }\n      // Use source `arity` if one is not provided.\n      if (data[9] == null) {\n        data[9] = source[9];\n      }\n      // Use source `func` and merge bitmasks.\n      data[0] = source[0];\n      data[1] = newBitmask;\n\n      return data;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This function is like\n     * [`Object.keys`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-object.keys)\n     * except that it includes inherited enumerable properties.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names.\n     */\n    function nativeKeysIn(object) {\n      var result = [];\n      if (object != null) {\n        for (var key in Object(object)) {\n          result.push(key);\n        }\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `value` to a string using `Object.prototype.toString`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to convert.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the converted string.\n     */\n    function objectToString(value) {\n      return nativeObjectToString.call(value);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * A specialized version of `baseRest` which transforms the rest array.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} func The function to apply a rest parameter to.\n     * @param {number} [start=func.length-1] The start position of the rest parameter.\n     * @param {Function} transform The rest array transform.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n     */\n    function overRest(func, start, transform) {\n      start = nativeMax(start === undefined ? (func.length - 1) : start, 0);\n      return function() {\n        var args = arguments,\n            index = -1,\n            length = nativeMax(args.length - start, 0),\n            array = Array(length);\n\n        while (++index < length) {\n          array[index] = args[start + index];\n        }\n        index = -1;\n        var otherArgs = Array(start + 1);\n        while (++index < start) {\n          otherArgs[index] = args[index];\n        }\n        otherArgs[start] = transform(array);\n        return apply(func, this, otherArgs);\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the parent value at `path` of `object`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @param {Array} path The path to get the parent value of.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the parent value.\n     */\n    function parent(object, path) {\n      return path.length < 2 ? object : baseGet(object, baseSlice(path, 0, -1));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Reorder `array` according to the specified indexes where the element at\n     * the first index is assigned as the first element, the element at\n     * the second index is assigned as the second element, and so on.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The array to reorder.\n     * @param {Array} indexes The arranged array indexes.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n     */\n    function reorder(array, indexes) {\n      var arrLength = array.length,\n          length = nativeMin(indexes.length, arrLength),\n          oldArray = copyArray(array);\n\n      while (length--) {\n        var index = indexes[length];\n        array[length] = isIndex(index, arrLength) ? oldArray[index] : undefined;\n      }\n      return array;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the value at `key`, unless `key` is \"__proto__\" or \"constructor\".\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @param {string} key The key of the property to get.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the property value.\n     */\n    function safeGet(object, key) {\n      if (key === 'constructor' && typeof object[key] === 'function') {\n        return;\n      }\n\n      if (key == '__proto__') {\n        return;\n      }\n\n      return object[key];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Sets metadata for `func`.\n     *\n     * **Note:** If this function becomes hot, i.e. is invoked a lot in a short\n     * period of time, it will trip its breaker and transition to an identity\n     * function to avoid garbage collection pauses in V8. See\n     * [V8 issue 2070](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=2070)\n     * for more details.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} func The function to associate metadata with.\n     * @param {*} data The metadata.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns `func`.\n     */\n    var setData = shortOut(baseSetData);\n\n    /**\n     * A simple wrapper around the global [`setTimeout`](https://mdn.io/setTimeout).\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} func The function to delay.\n     * @param {number} wait The number of milliseconds to delay invocation.\n     * @returns {number|Object} Returns the timer id or timeout object.\n     */\n    var setTimeout = ctxSetTimeout || function(func, wait) {\n      return root.setTimeout(func, wait);\n    };\n\n    /**\n     * Sets the `toString` method of `func` to return `string`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} func The function to modify.\n     * @param {Function} string The `toString` result.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns `func`.\n     */\n    var setToString = shortOut(baseSetToString);\n\n    /**\n     * Sets the `toString` method of `wrapper` to mimic the source of `reference`\n     * with wrapper details in a comment at the top of the source body.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} wrapper The function to modify.\n     * @param {Function} reference The reference function.\n     * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `createWrap` for more details.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns `wrapper`.\n     */\n    function setWrapToString(wrapper, reference, bitmask) {\n      var source = (reference + '');\n      return setToString(wrapper, insertWrapDetails(source, updateWrapDetails(getWrapDetails(source), bitmask)));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that'll short out and invoke `identity` instead\n     * of `func` when it's called `HOT_COUNT` or more times in `HOT_SPAN`\n     * milliseconds.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} func The function to restrict.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new shortable function.\n     */\n    function shortOut(func) {\n      var count = 0,\n          lastCalled = 0;\n\n      return function() {\n        var stamp = nativeNow(),\n            remaining = HOT_SPAN - (stamp - lastCalled);\n\n        lastCalled = stamp;\n        if (remaining > 0) {\n          if (++count >= HOT_COUNT) {\n            return arguments[0];\n          }\n        } else {\n          count = 0;\n        }\n        return func.apply(undefined, arguments);\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * A specialized version of `_.shuffle` which mutates and sets the size of `array`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Array} array The array to shuffle.\n     * @param {number} [size=array.length] The size of `array`.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n     */\n    function shuffleSelf(array, size) {\n      var index = -1,\n          length = array.length,\n          lastIndex = length - 1;\n\n      size = size === undefined ? length : size;\n      while (++index < size) {\n        var rand = baseRandom(index, lastIndex),\n            value = array[rand];\n\n        array[rand] = array[index];\n        array[index] = value;\n      }\n      array.length = size;\n      return array;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `string` to a property path array.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {string} string The string to convert.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the property path array.\n     */\n    var stringToPath = memoizeCapped(function(string) {\n      var result = [];\n      if (string.charCodeAt(0) === 46 /* . */) {\n        result.push('');\n      }\n      string.replace(rePropName, function(match, number, quote, subString) {\n        result.push(quote ? subString.replace(reEscapeChar, '$1') : (number || match));\n      });\n      return result;\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `value` to a string key if it's not a string or symbol.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {*} value The value to inspect.\n     * @returns {string|symbol} Returns the key.\n     */\n    function toKey(value) {\n      if (typeof value == 'string' || isSymbol(value)) {\n        return value;\n      }\n      var result = (value + '');\n      return (result == '0' && (1 / value) == -INFINITY) ? '-0' : result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `func` to its source code.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Function} func The function to convert.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the source code.\n     */\n    function toSource(func) {\n      if (func != null) {\n        try {\n          return funcToString.call(func);\n        } catch (e) {}\n        try {\n          return (func + '');\n        } catch (e) {}\n      }\n      return '';\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Updates wrapper `details` based on `bitmask` flags.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @returns {Array} details The details to modify.\n     * @param {number} bitmask The bitmask flags. See `createWrap` for more details.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns `details`.\n     */\n    function updateWrapDetails(details, bitmask) {\n      arrayEach(wrapFlags, function(pair) {\n        var value = '_.' + pair[0];\n        if ((bitmask & pair[1]) && !arrayIncludes(details, value)) {\n          details.push(value);\n        }\n      });\n      return details.sort();\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a clone of `wrapper`.\n     *\n     * @private\n     * @param {Object} wrapper The wrapper to clone.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the cloned wrapper.\n     */\n    function wrapperClone(wrapper) {\n      if (wrapper instanceof LazyWrapper) {\n        return wrapper.clone();\n      }\n      var result = new LodashWrapper(wrapper.__wrapped__, wrapper.__chain__);\n      result.__actions__ = copyArray(wrapper.__actions__);\n      result.__index__  = wrapper.__index__;\n      result.__values__ = wrapper.__values__;\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of elements split into groups the length of `size`.\n     * If `array` can't be split evenly, the final chunk will be the remaining\n     * elements.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to process.\n     * @param {number} [size=1] The length of each chunk\n     * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.map`.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of chunks.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.chunk(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 2);\n     * // => [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']]\n     *\n     * _.chunk(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 3);\n     * // => [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d']]\n     */\n    function chunk(array, size, guard) {\n      if ((guard ? isIterateeCall(array, size, guard) : size === undefined)) {\n        size = 1;\n      } else {\n        size = nativeMax(toInteger(size), 0);\n      }\n      var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n      if (!length || size < 1) {\n        return [];\n      }\n      var index = 0,\n          resIndex = 0,\n          result = Array(nativeCeil(length / size));\n\n      while (index < length) {\n        result[resIndex++] = baseSlice(array, index, (index += size));\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array with all falsey values removed. The values `false`, `null`,\n     * `0`, `\"\"`, `undefined`, and `NaN` are falsey.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to compact.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.compact([0, 1, false, 2, '', 3]);\n     * // => [1, 2, 3]\n     */\n    function compact(array) {\n      var index = -1,\n          length = array == null ? 0 : array.length,\n          resIndex = 0,\n          result = [];\n\n      while (++index < length) {\n        var value = array[index];\n        if (value) {\n          result[resIndex++] = value;\n        }\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a new array concatenating `array` with any additional arrays\n     * and/or values.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to concatenate.\n     * @param {...*} [values] The values to concatenate.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new concatenated array.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var array = [1];\n     * var other = _.concat(array, 2, [3], [[4]]);\n     *\n     * console.log(other);\n     * // => [1, 2, 3, [4]]\n     *\n     * console.log(array);\n     * // => [1]\n     */\n    function concat() {\n      var length = arguments.length;\n      if (!length) {\n        return [];\n      }\n      var args = Array(length - 1),\n          array = arguments[0],\n          index = length;\n\n      while (index--) {\n        args[index - 1] = arguments[index];\n      }\n      return arrayPush(isArray(array) ? copyArray(array) : [array], baseFlatten(args, 1));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of `array` values not included in the other given arrays\n     * using [`SameValueZero`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-samevaluezero)\n     * for equality comparisons. The order and references of result values are\n     * determined by the first array.\n     *\n     * **Note:** Unlike `_.pullAll`, this method returns a new array.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n     * @param {...Array} [values] The values to exclude.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values.\n     * @see _.without, _.xor\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.difference([2, 1], [2, 3]);\n     * // => [1]\n     */\n    var difference = baseRest(function(array, values) {\n      return isArrayLikeObject(array)\n        ? baseDifference(array, baseFlatten(values, 1, isArrayLikeObject, true))\n        : [];\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.difference` except that it accepts `iteratee` which\n     * is invoked for each element of `array` and `values` to generate the criterion\n     * by which they're compared. The order and references of result values are\n     * determined by the first array. The iteratee is invoked with one argument:\n     * (value).\n     *\n     * **Note:** Unlike `_.pullAllBy`, this method returns a new array.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n     * @param {...Array} [values] The values to exclude.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.differenceBy([2.1, 1.2], [2.3, 3.4], Math.floor);\n     * // => [1.2]\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.differenceBy([{ 'x': 2 }, { 'x': 1 }], [{ 'x': 1 }], 'x');\n     * // => [{ 'x': 2 }]\n     */\n    var differenceBy = baseRest(function(array, values) {\n      var iteratee = last(values);\n      if (isArrayLikeObject(iteratee)) {\n        iteratee = undefined;\n      }\n      return isArrayLikeObject(array)\n        ? baseDifference(array, baseFlatten(values, 1, isArrayLikeObject, true), getIteratee(iteratee, 2))\n        : [];\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.difference` except that it accepts `comparator`\n     * which is invoked to compare elements of `array` to `values`. The order and\n     * references of result values are determined by the first array. The comparator\n     * is invoked with two arguments: (arrVal, othVal).\n     *\n     * **Note:** Unlike `_.pullAllWith`, this method returns a new array.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n     * @param {...Array} [values] The values to exclude.\n     * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var objects = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }];\n     *\n     * _.differenceWith(objects, [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }], _.isEqual);\n     * // => [{ 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }]\n     */\n    var differenceWith = baseRest(function(array, values) {\n      var comparator = last(values);\n      if (isArrayLikeObject(comparator)) {\n        comparator = undefined;\n      }\n      return isArrayLikeObject(array)\n        ? baseDifference(array, baseFlatten(values, 1, isArrayLikeObject, true), undefined, comparator)\n        : [];\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a slice of `array` with `n` elements dropped from the beginning.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.5.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n     * @param {number} [n=1] The number of elements to drop.\n     * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.map`.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.drop([1, 2, 3]);\n     * // => [2, 3]\n     *\n     * _.drop([1, 2, 3], 2);\n     * // => [3]\n     *\n     * _.drop([1, 2, 3], 5);\n     * // => []\n     *\n     * _.drop([1, 2, 3], 0);\n     * // => [1, 2, 3]\n     */\n    function drop(array, n, guard) {\n      var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n      if (!length) {\n        return [];\n      }\n      n = (guard || n === undefined) ? 1 : toInteger(n);\n      return baseSlice(array, n < 0 ? 0 : n, length);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a slice of `array` with `n` elements dropped from the end.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n     * @param {number} [n=1] The number of elements to drop.\n     * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.map`.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.dropRight([1, 2, 3]);\n     * // => [1, 2]\n     *\n     * _.dropRight([1, 2, 3], 2);\n     * // => [1]\n     *\n     * _.dropRight([1, 2, 3], 5);\n     * // => []\n     *\n     * _.dropRight([1, 2, 3], 0);\n     * // => [1, 2, 3]\n     */\n    function dropRight(array, n, guard) {\n      var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n      if (!length) {\n        return [];\n      }\n      n = (guard || n === undefined) ? 1 : toInteger(n);\n      n = length - n;\n      return baseSlice(array, 0, n < 0 ? 0 : n);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a slice of `array` excluding elements dropped from the end.\n     * Elements are dropped until `predicate` returns falsey. The predicate is\n     * invoked with three arguments: (value, index, array).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n     * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var users = [\n     *   { 'user': 'barney',  'active': true },\n     *   { 'user': 'fred',    'active': false },\n     *   { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': false }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * _.dropRightWhile(users, function(o) { return !o.active; });\n     * // => objects for ['barney']\n     *\n     * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.dropRightWhile(users, { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': false });\n     * // => objects for ['barney', 'fred']\n     *\n     * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.dropRightWhile(users, ['active', false]);\n     * // => objects for ['barney']\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.dropRightWhile(users, 'active');\n     * // => objects for ['barney', 'fred', 'pebbles']\n     */\n    function dropRightWhile(array, predicate) {\n      return (array && array.length)\n        ? baseWhile(array, getIteratee(predicate, 3), true, true)\n        : [];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a slice of `array` excluding elements dropped from the beginning.\n     * Elements are dropped until `predicate` returns falsey. The predicate is\n     * invoked with three arguments: (value, index, array).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n     * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var users = [\n     *   { 'user': 'barney',  'active': false },\n     *   { 'user': 'fred',    'active': false },\n     *   { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': true }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * _.dropWhile(users, function(o) { return !o.active; });\n     * // => objects for ['pebbles']\n     *\n     * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.dropWhile(users, { 'user': 'barney', 'active': false });\n     * // => objects for ['fred', 'pebbles']\n     *\n     * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.dropWhile(users, ['active', false]);\n     * // => objects for ['pebbles']\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.dropWhile(users, 'active');\n     * // => objects for ['barney', 'fred', 'pebbles']\n     */\n    function dropWhile(array, predicate) {\n      return (array && array.length)\n        ? baseWhile(array, getIteratee(predicate, 3), true)\n        : [];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Fills elements of `array` with `value` from `start` up to, but not\n     * including, `end`.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method mutates `array`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.2.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to fill.\n     * @param {*} value The value to fill `array` with.\n     * @param {number} [start=0] The start position.\n     * @param {number} [end=array.length] The end position.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var array = [1, 2, 3];\n     *\n     * _.fill(array, 'a');\n     * console.log(array);\n     * // => ['a', 'a', 'a']\n     *\n     * _.fill(Array(3), 2);\n     * // => [2, 2, 2]\n     *\n     * _.fill([4, 6, 8, 10], '*', 1, 3);\n     * // => [4, '*', '*', 10]\n     */\n    function fill(array, value, start, end) {\n      var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n      if (!length) {\n        return [];\n      }\n      if (start && typeof start != 'number' && isIterateeCall(array, value, start)) {\n        start = 0;\n        end = length;\n      }\n      return baseFill(array, value, start, end);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.find` except that it returns the index of the first\n     * element `predicate` returns truthy for instead of the element itself.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 1.1.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n     * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @param {number} [fromIndex=0] The index to search from.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the index of the found element, else `-1`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var users = [\n     *   { 'user': 'barney',  'active': false },\n     *   { 'user': 'fred',    'active': false },\n     *   { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': true }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * _.findIndex(users, function(o) { return o.user == 'barney'; });\n     * // => 0\n     *\n     * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.findIndex(users, { 'user': 'fred', 'active': false });\n     * // => 1\n     *\n     * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.findIndex(users, ['active', false]);\n     * // => 0\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.findIndex(users, 'active');\n     * // => 2\n     */\n    function findIndex(array, predicate, fromIndex) {\n      var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n      if (!length) {\n        return -1;\n      }\n      var index = fromIndex == null ? 0 : toInteger(fromIndex);\n      if (index < 0) {\n        index = nativeMax(length + index, 0);\n      }\n      return baseFindIndex(array, getIteratee(predicate, 3), index);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.findIndex` except that it iterates over elements\n     * of `collection` from right to left.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 2.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n     * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @param {number} [fromIndex=array.length-1] The index to search from.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the index of the found element, else `-1`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var users = [\n     *   { 'user': 'barney',  'active': true },\n     *   { 'user': 'fred',    'active': false },\n     *   { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': false }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * _.findLastIndex(users, function(o) { return o.user == 'pebbles'; });\n     * // => 2\n     *\n     * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.findLastIndex(users, { 'user': 'barney', 'active': true });\n     * // => 0\n     *\n     * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.findLastIndex(users, ['active', false]);\n     * // => 2\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.findLastIndex(users, 'active');\n     * // => 0\n     */\n    function findLastIndex(array, predicate, fromIndex) {\n      var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n      if (!length) {\n        return -1;\n      }\n      var index = length - 1;\n      if (fromIndex !== undefined) {\n        index = toInteger(fromIndex);\n        index = fromIndex < 0\n          ? nativeMax(length + index, 0)\n          : nativeMin(index, length - 1);\n      }\n      return baseFindIndex(array, getIteratee(predicate, 3), index, true);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Flattens `array` a single level deep.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to flatten.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new flattened array.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.flatten([1, [2, [3, [4]], 5]]);\n     * // => [1, 2, [3, [4]], 5]\n     */\n    function flatten(array) {\n      var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n      return length ? baseFlatten(array, 1) : [];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Recursively flattens `array`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to flatten.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new flattened array.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.flattenDeep([1, [2, [3, [4]], 5]]);\n     * // => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n     */\n    function flattenDeep(array) {\n      var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n      return length ? baseFlatten(array, INFINITY) : [];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Recursively flatten `array` up to `depth` times.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.4.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to flatten.\n     * @param {number} [depth=1] The maximum recursion depth.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new flattened array.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var array = [1, [2, [3, [4]], 5]];\n     *\n     * _.flattenDepth(array, 1);\n     * // => [1, 2, [3, [4]], 5]\n     *\n     * _.flattenDepth(array, 2);\n     * // => [1, 2, 3, [4], 5]\n     */\n    function flattenDepth(array, depth) {\n      var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n      if (!length) {\n        return [];\n      }\n      depth = depth === undefined ? 1 : toInteger(depth);\n      return baseFlatten(array, depth);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The inverse of `_.toPairs`; this method returns an object composed\n     * from key-value `pairs`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} pairs The key-value pairs.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.fromPairs([['a', 1], ['b', 2]]);\n     * // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }\n     */\n    function fromPairs(pairs) {\n      var index = -1,\n          length = pairs == null ? 0 : pairs.length,\n          result = {};\n\n      while (++index < length) {\n        var pair = pairs[index];\n        result[pair[0]] = pair[1];\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the first element of `array`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @alias first\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the first element of `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.head([1, 2, 3]);\n     * // => 1\n     *\n     * _.head([]);\n     * // => undefined\n     */\n    function head(array) {\n      return (array && array.length) ? array[0] : undefined;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the index at which the first occurrence of `value` is found in `array`\n     * using [`SameValueZero`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-samevaluezero)\n     * for equality comparisons. If `fromIndex` is negative, it's used as the\n     * offset from the end of `array`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n     * @param {*} value The value to search for.\n     * @param {number} [fromIndex=0] The index to search from.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.indexOf([1, 2, 1, 2], 2);\n     * // => 1\n     *\n     * // Search from the `fromIndex`.\n     * _.indexOf([1, 2, 1, 2], 2, 2);\n     * // => 3\n     */\n    function indexOf(array, value, fromIndex) {\n      var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n      if (!length) {\n        return -1;\n      }\n      var index = fromIndex == null ? 0 : toInteger(fromIndex);\n      if (index < 0) {\n        index = nativeMax(length + index, 0);\n      }\n      return baseIndexOf(array, value, index);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets all but the last element of `array`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.initial([1, 2, 3]);\n     * // => [1, 2]\n     */\n    function initial(array) {\n      var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n      return length ? baseSlice(array, 0, -1) : [];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of unique values that are included in all given arrays\n     * using [`SameValueZero`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-samevaluezero)\n     * for equality comparisons. The order and references of result values are\n     * determined by the first array.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of intersecting values.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.intersection([2, 1], [2, 3]);\n     * // => [2]\n     */\n    var intersection = baseRest(function(arrays) {\n      var mapped = arrayMap(arrays, castArrayLikeObject);\n      return (mapped.length && mapped[0] === arrays[0])\n        ? baseIntersection(mapped)\n        : [];\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.intersection` except that it accepts `iteratee`\n     * which is invoked for each element of each `arrays` to generate the criterion\n     * by which they're compared. The order and references of result values are\n     * determined by the first array. The iteratee is invoked with one argument:\n     * (value).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of intersecting values.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.intersectionBy([2.1, 1.2], [2.3, 3.4], Math.floor);\n     * // => [2.1]\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.intersectionBy([{ 'x': 1 }], [{ 'x': 2 }, { 'x': 1 }], 'x');\n     * // => [{ 'x': 1 }]\n     */\n    var intersectionBy = baseRest(function(arrays) {\n      var iteratee = last(arrays),\n          mapped = arrayMap(arrays, castArrayLikeObject);\n\n      if (iteratee === last(mapped)) {\n        iteratee = undefined;\n      } else {\n        mapped.pop();\n      }\n      return (mapped.length && mapped[0] === arrays[0])\n        ? baseIntersection(mapped, getIteratee(iteratee, 2))\n        : [];\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.intersection` except that it accepts `comparator`\n     * which is invoked to compare elements of `arrays`. The order and references\n     * of result values are determined by the first array. The comparator is\n     * invoked with two arguments: (arrVal, othVal).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect.\n     * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of intersecting values.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var objects = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }];\n     * var others = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 1 }, { 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }];\n     *\n     * _.intersectionWith(objects, others, _.isEqual);\n     * // => [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }]\n     */\n    var intersectionWith = baseRest(function(arrays) {\n      var comparator = last(arrays),\n          mapped = arrayMap(arrays, castArrayLikeObject);\n\n      comparator = typeof comparator == 'function' ? comparator : undefined;\n      if (comparator) {\n        mapped.pop();\n      }\n      return (mapped.length && mapped[0] === arrays[0])\n        ? baseIntersection(mapped, undefined, comparator)\n        : [];\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Converts all elements in `array` into a string separated by `separator`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to convert.\n     * @param {string} [separator=','] The element separator.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the joined string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.join(['a', 'b', 'c'], '~');\n     * // => 'a~b~c'\n     */\n    function join(array, separator) {\n      return array == null ? '' : nativeJoin.call(array, separator);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the last element of `array`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the last element of `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.last([1, 2, 3]);\n     * // => 3\n     */\n    function last(array) {\n      var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n      return length ? array[length - 1] : undefined;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.indexOf` except that it iterates over elements of\n     * `array` from right to left.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n     * @param {*} value The value to search for.\n     * @param {number} [fromIndex=array.length-1] The index to search from.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.lastIndexOf([1, 2, 1, 2], 2);\n     * // => 3\n     *\n     * // Search from the `fromIndex`.\n     * _.lastIndexOf([1, 2, 1, 2], 2, 2);\n     * // => 1\n     */\n    function lastIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex) {\n      var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n      if (!length) {\n        return -1;\n      }\n      var index = length;\n      if (fromIndex !== undefined) {\n        index = toInteger(fromIndex);\n        index = index < 0 ? nativeMax(length + index, 0) : nativeMin(index, length - 1);\n      }\n      return value === value\n        ? strictLastIndexOf(array, value, index)\n        : baseFindIndex(array, baseIsNaN, index, true);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the element at index `n` of `array`. If `n` is negative, the nth\n     * element from the end is returned.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.11.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n     * @param {number} [n=0] The index of the element to return.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the nth element of `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var array = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];\n     *\n     * _.nth(array, 1);\n     * // => 'b'\n     *\n     * _.nth(array, -2);\n     * // => 'c';\n     */\n    function nth(array, n) {\n      return (array && array.length) ? baseNth(array, toInteger(n)) : undefined;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Removes all given values from `array` using\n     * [`SameValueZero`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-samevaluezero)\n     * for equality comparisons.\n     *\n     * **Note:** Unlike `_.without`, this method mutates `array`. Use `_.remove`\n     * to remove elements from an array by predicate.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 2.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to modify.\n     * @param {...*} [values] The values to remove.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var array = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c'];\n     *\n     * _.pull(array, 'a', 'c');\n     * console.log(array);\n     * // => ['b', 'b']\n     */\n    var pull = baseRest(pullAll);\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.pull` except that it accepts an array of values to remove.\n     *\n     * **Note:** Unlike `_.difference`, this method mutates `array`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to modify.\n     * @param {Array} values The values to remove.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var array = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c'];\n     *\n     * _.pullAll(array, ['a', 'c']);\n     * console.log(array);\n     * // => ['b', 'b']\n     */\n    function pullAll(array, values) {\n      return (array && array.length && values && values.length)\n        ? basePullAll(array, values)\n        : array;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.pullAll` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is\n     * invoked for each element of `array` and `values` to generate the criterion\n     * by which they're compared. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).\n     *\n     * **Note:** Unlike `_.differenceBy`, this method mutates `array`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to modify.\n     * @param {Array} values The values to remove.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var array = [{ 'x': 1 }, { 'x': 2 }, { 'x': 3 }, { 'x': 1 }];\n     *\n     * _.pullAllBy(array, [{ 'x': 1 }, { 'x': 3 }], 'x');\n     * console.log(array);\n     * // => [{ 'x': 2 }]\n     */\n    function pullAllBy(array, values, iteratee) {\n      return (array && array.length && values && values.length)\n        ? basePullAll(array, values, getIteratee(iteratee, 2))\n        : array;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.pullAll` except that it accepts `comparator` which\n     * is invoked to compare elements of `array` to `values`. The comparator is\n     * invoked with two arguments: (arrVal, othVal).\n     *\n     * **Note:** Unlike `_.differenceWith`, this method mutates `array`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.6.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to modify.\n     * @param {Array} values The values to remove.\n     * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var array = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 3, 'y': 4 }, { 'x': 5, 'y': 6 }];\n     *\n     * _.pullAllWith(array, [{ 'x': 3, 'y': 4 }], _.isEqual);\n     * console.log(array);\n     * // => [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 5, 'y': 6 }]\n     */\n    function pullAllWith(array, values, comparator) {\n      return (array && array.length && values && values.length)\n        ? basePullAll(array, values, undefined, comparator)\n        : array;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Removes elements from `array` corresponding to `indexes` and returns an\n     * array of removed elements.\n     *\n     * **Note:** Unlike `_.at`, this method mutates `array`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to modify.\n     * @param {...(number|number[])} [indexes] The indexes of elements to remove.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of removed elements.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var array = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];\n     * var pulled = _.pullAt(array, [1, 3]);\n     *\n     * console.log(array);\n     * // => ['a', 'c']\n     *\n     * console.log(pulled);\n     * // => ['b', 'd']\n     */\n    var pullAt = flatRest(function(array, indexes) {\n      var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length,\n          result = baseAt(array, indexes);\n\n      basePullAt(array, arrayMap(indexes, function(index) {\n        return isIndex(index, length) ? +index : index;\n      }).sort(compareAscending));\n\n      return result;\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Removes all elements from `array` that `predicate` returns truthy for\n     * and returns an array of the removed elements. The predicate is invoked\n     * with three arguments: (value, index, array).\n     *\n     * **Note:** Unlike `_.filter`, this method mutates `array`. Use `_.pull`\n     * to pull elements from an array by value.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 2.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to modify.\n     * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of removed elements.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var array = [1, 2, 3, 4];\n     * var evens = _.remove(array, function(n) {\n     *   return n % 2 == 0;\n     * });\n     *\n     * console.log(array);\n     * // => [1, 3]\n     *\n     * console.log(evens);\n     * // => [2, 4]\n     */\n    function remove(array, predicate) {\n      var result = [];\n      if (!(array && array.length)) {\n        return result;\n      }\n      var index = -1,\n          indexes = [],\n          length = array.length;\n\n      predicate = getIteratee(predicate, 3);\n      while (++index < length) {\n        var value = array[index];\n        if (predicate(value, index, array)) {\n          result.push(value);\n          indexes.push(index);\n        }\n      }\n      basePullAt(array, indexes);\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Reverses `array` so that the first element becomes the last, the second\n     * element becomes the second to last, and so on.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method mutates `array` and is based on\n     * [`Array#reverse`](https://mdn.io/Array/reverse).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to modify.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var array = [1, 2, 3];\n     *\n     * _.reverse(array);\n     * // => [3, 2, 1]\n     *\n     * console.log(array);\n     * // => [3, 2, 1]\n     */\n    function reverse(array) {\n      return array == null ? array : nativeReverse.call(array);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a slice of `array` from `start` up to, but not including, `end`.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method is used instead of\n     * [`Array#slice`](https://mdn.io/Array/slice) to ensure dense arrays are\n     * returned.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to slice.\n     * @param {number} [start=0] The start position.\n     * @param {number} [end=array.length] The end position.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n     */\n    function slice(array, start, end) {\n      var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n      if (!length) {\n        return [];\n      }\n      if (end && typeof end != 'number' && isIterateeCall(array, start, end)) {\n        start = 0;\n        end = length;\n      }\n      else {\n        start = start == null ? 0 : toInteger(start);\n        end = end === undefined ? length : toInteger(end);\n      }\n      return baseSlice(array, start, end);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Uses a binary search to determine the lowest index at which `value`\n     * should be inserted into `array` in order to maintain its sort order.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The sorted array to inspect.\n     * @param {*} value The value to evaluate.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the index at which `value` should be inserted\n     *  into `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.sortedIndex([30, 50], 40);\n     * // => 1\n     */\n    function sortedIndex(array, value) {\n      return baseSortedIndex(array, value);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.sortedIndex` except that it accepts `iteratee`\n     * which is invoked for `value` and each element of `array` to compute their\n     * sort ranking. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The sorted array to inspect.\n     * @param {*} value The value to evaluate.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the index at which `value` should be inserted\n     *  into `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var objects = [{ 'x': 4 }, { 'x': 5 }];\n     *\n     * _.sortedIndexBy(objects, { 'x': 4 }, function(o) { return o.x; });\n     * // => 0\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.sortedIndexBy(objects, { 'x': 4 }, 'x');\n     * // => 0\n     */\n    function sortedIndexBy(array, value, iteratee) {\n      return baseSortedIndexBy(array, value, getIteratee(iteratee, 2));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.indexOf` except that it performs a binary\n     * search on a sorted `array`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n     * @param {*} value The value to search for.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.sortedIndexOf([4, 5, 5, 5, 6], 5);\n     * // => 1\n     */\n    function sortedIndexOf(array, value) {\n      var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n      if (length) {\n        var index = baseSortedIndex(array, value);\n        if (index < length && eq(array[index], value)) {\n          return index;\n        }\n      }\n      return -1;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.sortedIndex` except that it returns the highest\n     * index at which `value` should be inserted into `array` in order to\n     * maintain its sort order.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The sorted array to inspect.\n     * @param {*} value The value to evaluate.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the index at which `value` should be inserted\n     *  into `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.sortedLastIndex([4, 5, 5, 5, 6], 5);\n     * // => 4\n     */\n    function sortedLastIndex(array, value) {\n      return baseSortedIndex(array, value, true);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.sortedLastIndex` except that it accepts `iteratee`\n     * which is invoked for `value` and each element of `array` to compute their\n     * sort ranking. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The sorted array to inspect.\n     * @param {*} value The value to evaluate.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the index at which `value` should be inserted\n     *  into `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var objects = [{ 'x': 4 }, { 'x': 5 }];\n     *\n     * _.sortedLastIndexBy(objects, { 'x': 4 }, function(o) { return o.x; });\n     * // => 1\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.sortedLastIndexBy(objects, { 'x': 4 }, 'x');\n     * // => 1\n     */\n    function sortedLastIndexBy(array, value, iteratee) {\n      return baseSortedIndexBy(array, value, getIteratee(iteratee, 2), true);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.lastIndexOf` except that it performs a binary\n     * search on a sorted `array`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n     * @param {*} value The value to search for.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the index of the matched value, else `-1`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.sortedLastIndexOf([4, 5, 5, 5, 6], 5);\n     * // => 3\n     */\n    function sortedLastIndexOf(array, value) {\n      var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n      if (length) {\n        var index = baseSortedIndex(array, value, true) - 1;\n        if (eq(array[index], value)) {\n          return index;\n        }\n      }\n      return -1;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.uniq` except that it's designed and optimized\n     * for sorted arrays.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate free array.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.sortedUniq([1, 1, 2]);\n     * // => [1, 2]\n     */\n    function sortedUniq(array) {\n      return (array && array.length)\n        ? baseSortedUniq(array)\n        : [];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.uniqBy` except that it's designed and optimized\n     * for sorted arrays.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee] The iteratee invoked per element.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate free array.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.sortedUniqBy([1.1, 1.2, 2.3, 2.4], Math.floor);\n     * // => [1.1, 2.3]\n     */\n    function sortedUniqBy(array, iteratee) {\n      return (array && array.length)\n        ? baseSortedUniq(array, getIteratee(iteratee, 2))\n        : [];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets all but the first element of `array`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.tail([1, 2, 3]);\n     * // => [2, 3]\n     */\n    function tail(array) {\n      var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n      return length ? baseSlice(array, 1, length) : [];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a slice of `array` with `n` elements taken from the beginning.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n     * @param {number} [n=1] The number of elements to take.\n     * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.map`.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.take([1, 2, 3]);\n     * // => [1]\n     *\n     * _.take([1, 2, 3], 2);\n     * // => [1, 2]\n     *\n     * _.take([1, 2, 3], 5);\n     * // => [1, 2, 3]\n     *\n     * _.take([1, 2, 3], 0);\n     * // => []\n     */\n    function take(array, n, guard) {\n      if (!(array && array.length)) {\n        return [];\n      }\n      n = (guard || n === undefined) ? 1 : toInteger(n);\n      return baseSlice(array, 0, n < 0 ? 0 : n);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a slice of `array` with `n` elements taken from the end.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n     * @param {number} [n=1] The number of elements to take.\n     * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.map`.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.takeRight([1, 2, 3]);\n     * // => [3]\n     *\n     * _.takeRight([1, 2, 3], 2);\n     * // => [2, 3]\n     *\n     * _.takeRight([1, 2, 3], 5);\n     * // => [1, 2, 3]\n     *\n     * _.takeRight([1, 2, 3], 0);\n     * // => []\n     */\n    function takeRight(array, n, guard) {\n      var length = array == null ? 0 : array.length;\n      if (!length) {\n        return [];\n      }\n      n = (guard || n === undefined) ? 1 : toInteger(n);\n      n = length - n;\n      return baseSlice(array, n < 0 ? 0 : n, length);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a slice of `array` with elements taken from the end. Elements are\n     * taken until `predicate` returns falsey. The predicate is invoked with\n     * three arguments: (value, index, array).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n     * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var users = [\n     *   { 'user': 'barney',  'active': true },\n     *   { 'user': 'fred',    'active': false },\n     *   { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': false }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * _.takeRightWhile(users, function(o) { return !o.active; });\n     * // => objects for ['fred', 'pebbles']\n     *\n     * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.takeRightWhile(users, { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': false });\n     * // => objects for ['pebbles']\n     *\n     * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.takeRightWhile(users, ['active', false]);\n     * // => objects for ['fred', 'pebbles']\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.takeRightWhile(users, 'active');\n     * // => []\n     */\n    function takeRightWhile(array, predicate) {\n      return (array && array.length)\n        ? baseWhile(array, getIteratee(predicate, 3), false, true)\n        : [];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a slice of `array` with elements taken from the beginning. Elements\n     * are taken until `predicate` returns falsey. The predicate is invoked with\n     * three arguments: (value, index, array).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to query.\n     * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the slice of `array`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var users = [\n     *   { 'user': 'barney',  'active': false },\n     *   { 'user': 'fred',    'active': false },\n     *   { 'user': 'pebbles', 'active': true }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * _.takeWhile(users, function(o) { return !o.active; });\n     * // => objects for ['barney', 'fred']\n     *\n     * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.takeWhile(users, { 'user': 'barney', 'active': false });\n     * // => objects for ['barney']\n     *\n     * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.takeWhile(users, ['active', false]);\n     * // => objects for ['barney', 'fred']\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.takeWhile(users, 'active');\n     * // => []\n     */\n    function takeWhile(array, predicate) {\n      return (array && array.length)\n        ? baseWhile(array, getIteratee(predicate, 3))\n        : [];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of unique values, in order, from all given arrays using\n     * [`SameValueZero`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-samevaluezero)\n     * for equality comparisons.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of combined values.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.union([2], [1, 2]);\n     * // => [2, 1]\n     */\n    var union = baseRest(function(arrays) {\n      return baseUniq(baseFlatten(arrays, 1, isArrayLikeObject, true));\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.union` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is\n     * invoked for each element of each `arrays` to generate the criterion by\n     * which uniqueness is computed. Result values are chosen from the first\n     * array in which the value occurs. The iteratee is invoked with one argument:\n     * (value).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of combined values.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.unionBy([2.1], [1.2, 2.3], Math.floor);\n     * // => [2.1, 1.2]\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.unionBy([{ 'x': 1 }], [{ 'x': 2 }, { 'x': 1 }], 'x');\n     * // => [{ 'x': 1 }, { 'x': 2 }]\n     */\n    var unionBy = baseRest(function(arrays) {\n      var iteratee = last(arrays);\n      if (isArrayLikeObject(iteratee)) {\n        iteratee = undefined;\n      }\n      return baseUniq(baseFlatten(arrays, 1, isArrayLikeObject, true), getIteratee(iteratee, 2));\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.union` except that it accepts `comparator` which\n     * is invoked to compare elements of `arrays`. Result values are chosen from\n     * the first array in which the value occurs. The comparator is invoked\n     * with two arguments: (arrVal, othVal).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect.\n     * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of combined values.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var objects = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }];\n     * var others = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 1 }, { 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }];\n     *\n     * _.unionWith(objects, others, _.isEqual);\n     * // => [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }, { 'x': 1, 'y': 1 }]\n     */\n    var unionWith = baseRest(function(arrays) {\n      var comparator = last(arrays);\n      comparator = typeof comparator == 'function' ? comparator : undefined;\n      return baseUniq(baseFlatten(arrays, 1, isArrayLikeObject, true), undefined, comparator);\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a duplicate-free version of an array, using\n     * [`SameValueZero`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-samevaluezero)\n     * for equality comparisons, in which only the first occurrence of each element\n     * is kept. The order of result values is determined by the order they occur\n     * in the array.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate free array.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.uniq([2, 1, 2]);\n     * // => [2, 1]\n     */\n    function uniq(array) {\n      return (array && array.length) ? baseUniq(array) : [];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.uniq` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is\n     * invoked for each element in `array` to generate the criterion by which\n     * uniqueness is computed. The order of result values is determined by the\n     * order they occur in the array. The iteratee is invoked with one argument:\n     * (value).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate free array.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.uniqBy([2.1, 1.2, 2.3], Math.floor);\n     * // => [2.1, 1.2]\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.uniqBy([{ 'x': 1 }, { 'x': 2 }, { 'x': 1 }], 'x');\n     * // => [{ 'x': 1 }, { 'x': 2 }]\n     */\n    function uniqBy(array, iteratee) {\n      return (array && array.length) ? baseUniq(array, getIteratee(iteratee, 2)) : [];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.uniq` except that it accepts `comparator` which\n     * is invoked to compare elements of `array`. The order of result values is\n     * determined by the order they occur in the array.The comparator is invoked\n     * with two arguments: (arrVal, othVal).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n     * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new duplicate free array.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var objects = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }, { 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }];\n     *\n     * _.uniqWith(objects, _.isEqual);\n     * // => [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }]\n     */\n    function uniqWith(array, comparator) {\n      comparator = typeof comparator == 'function' ? comparator : undefined;\n      return (array && array.length) ? baseUniq(array, undefined, comparator) : [];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.zip` except that it accepts an array of grouped\n     * elements and creates an array regrouping the elements to their pre-zip\n     * configuration.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 1.2.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array of grouped elements to process.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of regrouped elements.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var zipped = _.zip(['a', 'b'], [1, 2], [true, false]);\n     * // => [['a', 1, true], ['b', 2, false]]\n     *\n     * _.unzip(zipped);\n     * // => [['a', 'b'], [1, 2], [true, false]]\n     */\n    function unzip(array) {\n      if (!(array && array.length)) {\n        return [];\n      }\n      var length = 0;\n      array = arrayFilter(array, function(group) {\n        if (isArrayLikeObject(group)) {\n          length = nativeMax(group.length, length);\n          return true;\n        }\n      });\n      return baseTimes(length, function(index) {\n        return arrayMap(array, baseProperty(index));\n      });\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.unzip` except that it accepts `iteratee` to specify\n     * how regrouped values should be combined. The iteratee is invoked with the\n     * elements of each group: (...group).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.8.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array of grouped elements to process.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function to combine\n     *  regrouped values.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of regrouped elements.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var zipped = _.zip([1, 2], [10, 20], [100, 200]);\n     * // => [[1, 10, 100], [2, 20, 200]]\n     *\n     * _.unzipWith(zipped, _.add);\n     * // => [3, 30, 300]\n     */\n    function unzipWith(array, iteratee) {\n      if (!(array && array.length)) {\n        return [];\n      }\n      var result = unzip(array);\n      if (iteratee == null) {\n        return result;\n      }\n      return arrayMap(result, function(group) {\n        return apply(iteratee, undefined, group);\n      });\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array excluding all given values using\n     * [`SameValueZero`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-samevaluezero)\n     * for equality comparisons.\n     *\n     * **Note:** Unlike `_.pull`, this method returns a new array.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} array The array to inspect.\n     * @param {...*} [values] The values to exclude.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values.\n     * @see _.difference, _.xor\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.without([2, 1, 2, 3], 1, 2);\n     * // => [3]\n     */\n    var without = baseRest(function(array, values) {\n      return isArrayLikeObject(array)\n        ? baseDifference(array, values)\n        : [];\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of unique values that is the\n     * [symmetric difference](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symmetric_difference)\n     * of the given arrays. The order of result values is determined by the order\n     * they occur in the arrays.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 2.4.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values.\n     * @see _.difference, _.without\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.xor([2, 1], [2, 3]);\n     * // => [1, 3]\n     */\n    var xor = baseRest(function(arrays) {\n      return baseXor(arrayFilter(arrays, isArrayLikeObject));\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.xor` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is\n     * invoked for each element of each `arrays` to generate the criterion by\n     * which by which they're compared. The order of result values is determined\n     * by the order they occur in the arrays. The iteratee is invoked with one\n     * argument: (value).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.xorBy([2.1, 1.2], [2.3, 3.4], Math.floor);\n     * // => [1.2, 3.4]\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.xorBy([{ 'x': 1 }], [{ 'x': 2 }, { 'x': 1 }], 'x');\n     * // => [{ 'x': 2 }]\n     */\n    var xorBy = baseRest(function(arrays) {\n      var iteratee = last(arrays);\n      if (isArrayLikeObject(iteratee)) {\n        iteratee = undefined;\n      }\n      return baseXor(arrayFilter(arrays, isArrayLikeObject), getIteratee(iteratee, 2));\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.xor` except that it accepts `comparator` which is\n     * invoked to compare elements of `arrays`. The order of result values is\n     * determined by the order they occur in the arrays. The comparator is invoked\n     * with two arguments: (arrVal, othVal).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to inspect.\n     * @param {Function} [comparator] The comparator invoked per element.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of filtered values.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var objects = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }, { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }];\n     * var others = [{ 'x': 1, 'y': 1 }, { 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }];\n     *\n     * _.xorWith(objects, others, _.isEqual);\n     * // => [{ 'x': 2, 'y': 1 }, { 'x': 1, 'y': 1 }]\n     */\n    var xorWith = baseRest(function(arrays) {\n      var comparator = last(arrays);\n      comparator = typeof comparator == 'function' ? comparator : undefined;\n      return baseXor(arrayFilter(arrays, isArrayLikeObject), undefined, comparator);\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of grouped elements, the first of which contains the\n     * first elements of the given arrays, the second of which contains the\n     * second elements of the given arrays, and so on.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to process.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of grouped elements.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.zip(['a', 'b'], [1, 2], [true, false]);\n     * // => [['a', 1, true], ['b', 2, false]]\n     */\n    var zip = baseRest(unzip);\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.fromPairs` except that it accepts two arrays,\n     * one of property identifiers and one of corresponding values.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.4.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} [props=[]] The property identifiers.\n     * @param {Array} [values=[]] The property values.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.zipObject(['a', 'b'], [1, 2]);\n     * // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }\n     */\n    function zipObject(props, values) {\n      return baseZipObject(props || [], values || [], assignValue);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.zipObject` except that it supports property paths.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.1.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {Array} [props=[]] The property identifiers.\n     * @param {Array} [values=[]] The property values.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.zipObjectDeep(['a.b[0].c', 'a.b[1].d'], [1, 2]);\n     * // => { 'a': { 'b': [{ 'c': 1 }, { 'd': 2 }] } }\n     */\n    function zipObjectDeep(props, values) {\n      return baseZipObject(props || [], values || [], baseSet);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.zip` except that it accepts `iteratee` to specify\n     * how grouped values should be combined. The iteratee is invoked with the\n     * elements of each group: (...group).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.8.0\n     * @category Array\n     * @param {...Array} [arrays] The arrays to process.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function to combine\n     *  grouped values.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new array of grouped elements.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.zipWith([1, 2], [10, 20], [100, 200], function(a, b, c) {\n     *   return a + b + c;\n     * });\n     * // => [111, 222]\n     */\n    var zipWith = baseRest(function(arrays) {\n      var length = arrays.length,\n          iteratee = length > 1 ? arrays[length - 1] : undefined;\n\n      iteratee = typeof iteratee == 'function' ? (arrays.pop(), iteratee) : undefined;\n      return unzipWith(arrays, iteratee);\n    });\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a `lodash` wrapper instance that wraps `value` with explicit method\n     * chain sequences enabled. The result of such sequences must be unwrapped\n     * with `_#value`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 1.3.0\n     * @category Seq\n     * @param {*} value The value to wrap.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new `lodash` wrapper instance.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var users = [\n     *   { 'user': 'barney',  'age': 36 },\n     *   { 'user': 'fred',    'age': 40 },\n     *   { 'user': 'pebbles', 'age': 1 }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * var youngest = _\n     *   .chain(users)\n     *   .sortBy('age')\n     *   .map(function(o) {\n     *     return o.user + ' is ' + o.age;\n     *   })\n     *   .head()\n     *   .value();\n     * // => 'pebbles is 1'\n     */\n    function chain(value) {\n      var result = lodash(value);\n      result.__chain__ = true;\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method invokes `interceptor` and returns `value`. The interceptor\n     * is invoked with one argument; (value). The purpose of this method is to\n     * \"tap into\" a method chain sequence in order to modify intermediate results.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Seq\n     * @param {*} value The value to provide to `interceptor`.\n     * @param {Function} interceptor The function to invoke.\n     * @returns {*} Returns `value`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _([1, 2, 3])\n     *  .tap(function(array) {\n     *    // Mutate input array.\n     *    array.pop();\n     *  })\n     *  .reverse()\n     *  .value();\n     * // => [2, 1]\n     */\n    function tap(value, interceptor) {\n      interceptor(value);\n      return value;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.tap` except that it returns the result of `interceptor`.\n     * The purpose of this method is to \"pass thru\" values replacing intermediate\n     * results in a method chain sequence.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Seq\n     * @param {*} value The value to provide to `interceptor`.\n     * @param {Function} interceptor The function to invoke.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the result of `interceptor`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _('  abc  ')\n     *  .chain()\n     *  .trim()\n     *  .thru(function(value) {\n     *    return [value];\n     *  })\n     *  .value();\n     * // => ['abc']\n     */\n    function thru(value, interceptor) {\n      return interceptor(value);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is the wrapper version of `_.at`.\n     *\n     * @name at\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 1.0.0\n     * @category Seq\n     * @param {...(string|string[])} [paths] The property paths to pick.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new `lodash` wrapper instance.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 3 } }, 4] };\n     *\n     * _(object).at(['a[0].b.c', 'a[1]']).value();\n     * // => [3, 4]\n     */\n    var wrapperAt = flatRest(function(paths) {\n      var length = paths.length,\n          start = length ? paths[0] : 0,\n          value = this.__wrapped__,\n          interceptor = function(object) { return baseAt(object, paths); };\n\n      if (length > 1 || this.__actions__.length ||\n          !(value instanceof LazyWrapper) || !isIndex(start)) {\n        return this.thru(interceptor);\n      }\n      value = value.slice(start, +start + (length ? 1 : 0));\n      value.__actions__.push({\n        'func': thru,\n        'args': [interceptor],\n        'thisArg': undefined\n      });\n      return new LodashWrapper(value, this.__chain__).thru(function(array) {\n        if (length && !array.length) {\n          array.push(undefined);\n        }\n        return array;\n      });\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a `lodash` wrapper instance with explicit method chain sequences enabled.\n     *\n     * @name chain\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Seq\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new `lodash` wrapper instance.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var users = [\n     *   { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 },\n     *   { 'user': 'fred',   'age': 40 }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * // A sequence without explicit chaining.\n     * _(users).head();\n     * // => { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 }\n     *\n     * // A sequence with explicit chaining.\n     * _(users)\n     *   .chain()\n     *   .head()\n     *   .pick('user')\n     *   .value();\n     * // => { 'user': 'barney' }\n     */\n    function wrapperChain() {\n      return chain(this);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Executes the chain sequence and returns the wrapped result.\n     *\n     * @name commit\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.2.0\n     * @category Seq\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new `lodash` wrapper instance.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var array = [1, 2];\n     * var wrapped = _(array).push(3);\n     *\n     * console.log(array);\n     * // => [1, 2]\n     *\n     * wrapped = wrapped.commit();\n     * console.log(array);\n     * // => [1, 2, 3]\n     *\n     * wrapped.last();\n     * // => 3\n     *\n     * console.log(array);\n     * // => [1, 2, 3]\n     */\n    function wrapperCommit() {\n      return new LodashWrapper(this.value(), this.__chain__);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the next value on a wrapped object following the\n     * [iterator protocol](https://mdn.io/iteration_protocols#iterator).\n     *\n     * @name next\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Seq\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the next iterator value.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var wrapped = _([1, 2]);\n     *\n     * wrapped.next();\n     * // => { 'done': false, 'value': 1 }\n     *\n     * wrapped.next();\n     * // => { 'done': false, 'value': 2 }\n     *\n     * wrapped.next();\n     * // => { 'done': true, 'value': undefined }\n     */\n    function wrapperNext() {\n      if (this.__values__ === undefined) {\n        this.__values__ = toArray(this.value());\n      }\n      var done = this.__index__ >= this.__values__.length,\n          value = done ? undefined : this.__values__[this.__index__++];\n\n      return { 'done': done, 'value': value };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Enables the wrapper to be iterable.\n     *\n     * @name Symbol.iterator\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Seq\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the wrapper object.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var wrapped = _([1, 2]);\n     *\n     * wrapped[Symbol.iterator]() === wrapped;\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * Array.from(wrapped);\n     * // => [1, 2]\n     */\n    function wrapperToIterator() {\n      return this;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a clone of the chain sequence planting `value` as the wrapped value.\n     *\n     * @name plant\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.2.0\n     * @category Seq\n     * @param {*} value The value to plant.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new `lodash` wrapper instance.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function square(n) {\n     *   return n * n;\n     * }\n     *\n     * var wrapped = _([1, 2]).map(square);\n     * var other = wrapped.plant([3, 4]);\n     *\n     * other.value();\n     * // => [9, 16]\n     *\n     * wrapped.value();\n     * // => [1, 4]\n     */\n    function wrapperPlant(value) {\n      var result,\n          parent = this;\n\n      while (parent instanceof baseLodash) {\n        var clone = wrapperClone(parent);\n        clone.__index__ = 0;\n        clone.__values__ = undefined;\n        if (result) {\n          previous.__wrapped__ = clone;\n        } else {\n          result = clone;\n        }\n        var previous = clone;\n        parent = parent.__wrapped__;\n      }\n      previous.__wrapped__ = value;\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is the wrapper version of `_.reverse`.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method mutates the wrapped array.\n     *\n     * @name reverse\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Seq\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new `lodash` wrapper instance.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var array = [1, 2, 3];\n     *\n     * _(array).reverse().value()\n     * // => [3, 2, 1]\n     *\n     * console.log(array);\n     * // => [3, 2, 1]\n     */\n    function wrapperReverse() {\n      var value = this.__wrapped__;\n      if (value instanceof LazyWrapper) {\n        var wrapped = value;\n        if (this.__actions__.length) {\n          wrapped = new LazyWrapper(this);\n        }\n        wrapped = wrapped.reverse();\n        wrapped.__actions__.push({\n          'func': thru,\n          'args': [reverse],\n          'thisArg': undefined\n        });\n        return new LodashWrapper(wrapped, this.__chain__);\n      }\n      return this.thru(reverse);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Executes the chain sequence to resolve the unwrapped value.\n     *\n     * @name value\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @alias toJSON, valueOf\n     * @category Seq\n     * @returns {*} Returns the resolved unwrapped value.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _([1, 2, 3]).value();\n     * // => [1, 2, 3]\n     */\n    function wrapperValue() {\n      return baseWrapperValue(this.__wrapped__, this.__actions__);\n    }\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an object composed of keys generated from the results of running\n     * each element of `collection` thru `iteratee`. The corresponding value of\n     * each key is the number of times the key was returned by `iteratee`. The\n     * iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.5.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee to transform keys.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the composed aggregate object.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.countBy([6.1, 4.2, 6.3], Math.floor);\n     * // => { '4': 1, '6': 2 }\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.countBy(['one', 'two', 'three'], 'length');\n     * // => { '3': 2, '5': 1 }\n     */\n    var countBy = createAggregator(function(result, value, key) {\n      if (hasOwnProperty.call(result, key)) {\n        ++result[key];\n      } else {\n        baseAssignValue(result, key, 1);\n      }\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `predicate` returns truthy for **all** elements of `collection`.\n     * Iteration is stopped once `predicate` returns falsey. The predicate is\n     * invoked with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection).\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method returns `true` for\n     * [empty collections](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empty_set) because\n     * [everything is true](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuous_truth) of\n     * elements of empty collections.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.map`.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if all elements pass the predicate check,\n     *  else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.every([true, 1, null, 'yes'], Boolean);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * var users = [\n     *   { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': false },\n     *   { 'user': 'fred',   'age': 40, 'active': false }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.every(users, { 'user': 'barney', 'active': false });\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.every(users, ['active', false]);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.every(users, 'active');\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function every(collection, predicate, guard) {\n      var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayEvery : baseEvery;\n      if (guard && isIterateeCall(collection, predicate, guard)) {\n        predicate = undefined;\n      }\n      return func(collection, getIteratee(predicate, 3));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Iterates over elements of `collection`, returning an array of all elements\n     * `predicate` returns truthy for. The predicate is invoked with three\n     * arguments: (value, index|key, collection).\n     *\n     * **Note:** Unlike `_.remove`, this method returns a new array.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new filtered array.\n     * @see _.reject\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var users = [\n     *   { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': true },\n     *   { 'user': 'fred',   'age': 40, 'active': false }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * _.filter(users, function(o) { return !o.active; });\n     * // => objects for ['fred']\n     *\n     * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.filter(users, { 'age': 36, 'active': true });\n     * // => objects for ['barney']\n     *\n     * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.filter(users, ['active', false]);\n     * // => objects for ['fred']\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.filter(users, 'active');\n     * // => objects for ['barney']\n     *\n     * // Combining several predicates using `_.overEvery` or `_.overSome`.\n     * _.filter(users, _.overSome([{ 'age': 36 }, ['age', 40]]));\n     * // => objects for ['fred', 'barney']\n     */\n    function filter(collection, predicate) {\n      var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayFilter : baseFilter;\n      return func(collection, getIteratee(predicate, 3));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Iterates over elements of `collection`, returning the first element\n     * `predicate` returns truthy for. The predicate is invoked with three\n     * arguments: (value, index|key, collection).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to inspect.\n     * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @param {number} [fromIndex=0] The index to search from.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the matched element, else `undefined`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var users = [\n     *   { 'user': 'barney',  'age': 36, 'active': true },\n     *   { 'user': 'fred',    'age': 40, 'active': false },\n     *   { 'user': 'pebbles', 'age': 1,  'active': true }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * _.find(users, function(o) { return o.age < 40; });\n     * // => object for 'barney'\n     *\n     * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.find(users, { 'age': 1, 'active': true });\n     * // => object for 'pebbles'\n     *\n     * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.find(users, ['active', false]);\n     * // => object for 'fred'\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.find(users, 'active');\n     * // => object for 'barney'\n     */\n    var find = createFind(findIndex);\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.find` except that it iterates over elements of\n     * `collection` from right to left.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 2.0.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to inspect.\n     * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @param {number} [fromIndex=collection.length-1] The index to search from.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the matched element, else `undefined`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.findLast([1, 2, 3, 4], function(n) {\n     *   return n % 2 == 1;\n     * });\n     * // => 3\n     */\n    var findLast = createFind(findLastIndex);\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a flattened array of values by running each element in `collection`\n     * thru `iteratee` and flattening the mapped results. The iteratee is invoked\n     * with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new flattened array.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function duplicate(n) {\n     *   return [n, n];\n     * }\n     *\n     * _.flatMap([1, 2], duplicate);\n     * // => [1, 1, 2, 2]\n     */\n    function flatMap(collection, iteratee) {\n      return baseFlatten(map(collection, iteratee), 1);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.flatMap` except that it recursively flattens the\n     * mapped results.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.7.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new flattened array.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function duplicate(n) {\n     *   return [[[n, n]]];\n     * }\n     *\n     * _.flatMapDeep([1, 2], duplicate);\n     * // => [1, 1, 2, 2]\n     */\n    function flatMapDeep(collection, iteratee) {\n      return baseFlatten(map(collection, iteratee), INFINITY);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.flatMap` except that it recursively flattens the\n     * mapped results up to `depth` times.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.7.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @param {number} [depth=1] The maximum recursion depth.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new flattened array.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function duplicate(n) {\n     *   return [[[n, n]]];\n     * }\n     *\n     * _.flatMapDepth([1, 2], duplicate, 2);\n     * // => [[1, 1], [2, 2]]\n     */\n    function flatMapDepth(collection, iteratee, depth) {\n      depth = depth === undefined ? 1 : toInteger(depth);\n      return baseFlatten(map(collection, iteratee), depth);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Iterates over elements of `collection` and invokes `iteratee` for each element.\n     * The iteratee is invoked with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection).\n     * Iteratee functions may exit iteration early by explicitly returning `false`.\n     *\n     * **Note:** As with other \"Collections\" methods, objects with a \"length\"\n     * property are iterated like arrays. To avoid this behavior use `_.forIn`\n     * or `_.forOwn` for object iteration.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @alias each\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Array|Object} Returns `collection`.\n     * @see _.forEachRight\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.forEach([1, 2], function(value) {\n     *   console.log(value);\n     * });\n     * // => Logs `1` then `2`.\n     *\n     * _.forEach({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }, function(value, key) {\n     *   console.log(key);\n     * });\n     * // => Logs 'a' then 'b' (iteration order is not guaranteed).\n     */\n    function forEach(collection, iteratee) {\n      var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayEach : baseEach;\n      return func(collection, getIteratee(iteratee, 3));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.forEach` except that it iterates over elements of\n     * `collection` from right to left.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 2.0.0\n     * @alias eachRight\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Array|Object} Returns `collection`.\n     * @see _.forEach\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.forEachRight([1, 2], function(value) {\n     *   console.log(value);\n     * });\n     * // => Logs `2` then `1`.\n     */\n    function forEachRight(collection, iteratee) {\n      var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayEachRight : baseEachRight;\n      return func(collection, getIteratee(iteratee, 3));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an object composed of keys generated from the results of running\n     * each element of `collection` thru `iteratee`. The order of grouped values\n     * is determined by the order they occur in `collection`. The corresponding\n     * value of each key is an array of elements responsible for generating the\n     * key. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee to transform keys.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the composed aggregate object.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.groupBy([6.1, 4.2, 6.3], Math.floor);\n     * // => { '4': [4.2], '6': [6.1, 6.3] }\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.groupBy(['one', 'two', 'three'], 'length');\n     * // => { '3': ['one', 'two'], '5': ['three'] }\n     */\n    var groupBy = createAggregator(function(result, value, key) {\n      if (hasOwnProperty.call(result, key)) {\n        result[key].push(value);\n      } else {\n        baseAssignValue(result, key, [value]);\n      }\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is in `collection`. If `collection` is a string, it's\n     * checked for a substring of `value`, otherwise\n     * [`SameValueZero`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-samevaluezero)\n     * is used for equality comparisons. If `fromIndex` is negative, it's used as\n     * the offset from the end of `collection`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to inspect.\n     * @param {*} value The value to search for.\n     * @param {number} [fromIndex=0] The index to search from.\n     * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.reduce`.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is found, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.includes([1, 2, 3], 1);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.includes([1, 2, 3], 1, 2);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.includes({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }, 1);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.includes('abcd', 'bc');\n     * // => true\n     */\n    function includes(collection, value, fromIndex, guard) {\n      collection = isArrayLike(collection) ? collection : values(collection);\n      fromIndex = (fromIndex && !guard) ? toInteger(fromIndex) : 0;\n\n      var length = collection.length;\n      if (fromIndex < 0) {\n        fromIndex = nativeMax(length + fromIndex, 0);\n      }\n      return isString(collection)\n        ? (fromIndex <= length && collection.indexOf(value, fromIndex) > -1)\n        : (!!length && baseIndexOf(collection, value, fromIndex) > -1);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Invokes the method at `path` of each element in `collection`, returning\n     * an array of the results of each invoked method. Any additional arguments\n     * are provided to each invoked method. If `path` is a function, it's invoked\n     * for, and `this` bound to, each element in `collection`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Array|Function|string} path The path of the method to invoke or\n     *  the function invoked per iteration.\n     * @param {...*} [args] The arguments to invoke each method with.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the array of results.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.invokeMap([[5, 1, 7], [3, 2, 1]], 'sort');\n     * // => [[1, 5, 7], [1, 2, 3]]\n     *\n     * _.invokeMap([123, 456], String.prototype.split, '');\n     * // => [['1', '2', '3'], ['4', '5', '6']]\n     */\n    var invokeMap = baseRest(function(collection, path, args) {\n      var index = -1,\n          isFunc = typeof path == 'function',\n          result = isArrayLike(collection) ? Array(collection.length) : [];\n\n      baseEach(collection, function(value) {\n        result[++index] = isFunc ? apply(path, value, args) : baseInvoke(value, path, args);\n      });\n      return result;\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an object composed of keys generated from the results of running\n     * each element of `collection` thru `iteratee`. The corresponding value of\n     * each key is the last element responsible for generating the key. The\n     * iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee to transform keys.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the composed aggregate object.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var array = [\n     *   { 'dir': 'left', 'code': 97 },\n     *   { 'dir': 'right', 'code': 100 }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * _.keyBy(array, function(o) {\n     *   return String.fromCharCode(o.code);\n     * });\n     * // => { 'a': { 'dir': 'left', 'code': 97 }, 'd': { 'dir': 'right', 'code': 100 } }\n     *\n     * _.keyBy(array, 'dir');\n     * // => { 'left': { 'dir': 'left', 'code': 97 }, 'right': { 'dir': 'right', 'code': 100 } }\n     */\n    var keyBy = createAggregator(function(result, value, key) {\n      baseAssignValue(result, key, value);\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of values by running each element in `collection` thru\n     * `iteratee`. The iteratee is invoked with three arguments:\n     * (value, index|key, collection).\n     *\n     * Many lodash methods are guarded to work as iteratees for methods like\n     * `_.every`, `_.filter`, `_.map`, `_.mapValues`, `_.reject`, and `_.some`.\n     *\n     * The guarded methods are:\n     * `ary`, `chunk`, `curry`, `curryRight`, `drop`, `dropRight`, `every`,\n     * `fill`, `invert`, `parseInt`, `random`, `range`, `rangeRight`, `repeat`,\n     * `sampleSize`, `slice`, `some`, `sortBy`, `split`, `take`, `takeRight`,\n     * `template`, `trim`, `trimEnd`, `trimStart`, and `words`\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new mapped array.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function square(n) {\n     *   return n * n;\n     * }\n     *\n     * _.map([4, 8], square);\n     * // => [16, 64]\n     *\n     * _.map({ 'a': 4, 'b': 8 }, square);\n     * // => [16, 64] (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n     *\n     * var users = [\n     *   { 'user': 'barney' },\n     *   { 'user': 'fred' }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.map(users, 'user');\n     * // => ['barney', 'fred']\n     */\n    function map(collection, iteratee) {\n      var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayMap : baseMap;\n      return func(collection, getIteratee(iteratee, 3));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.sortBy` except that it allows specifying the sort\n     * orders of the iteratees to sort by. If `orders` is unspecified, all values\n     * are sorted in ascending order. Otherwise, specify an order of \"desc\" for\n     * descending or \"asc\" for ascending sort order of corresponding values.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Array[]|Function[]|Object[]|string[]} [iteratees=[_.identity]]\n     *  The iteratees to sort by.\n     * @param {string[]} [orders] The sort orders of `iteratees`.\n     * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.reduce`.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new sorted array.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var users = [\n     *   { 'user': 'fred',   'age': 48 },\n     *   { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 34 },\n     *   { 'user': 'fred',   'age': 40 },\n     *   { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * // Sort by `user` in ascending order and by `age` in descending order.\n     * _.orderBy(users, ['user', 'age'], ['asc', 'desc']);\n     * // => objects for [['barney', 36], ['barney', 34], ['fred', 48], ['fred', 40]]\n     */\n    function orderBy(collection, iteratees, orders, guard) {\n      if (collection == null) {\n        return [];\n      }\n      if (!isArray(iteratees)) {\n        iteratees = iteratees == null ? [] : [iteratees];\n      }\n      orders = guard ? undefined : orders;\n      if (!isArray(orders)) {\n        orders = orders == null ? [] : [orders];\n      }\n      return baseOrderBy(collection, iteratees, orders);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of elements split into two groups, the first of which\n     * contains elements `predicate` returns truthy for, the second of which\n     * contains elements `predicate` returns falsey for. The predicate is\n     * invoked with one argument: (value).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the array of grouped elements.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var users = [\n     *   { 'user': 'barney',  'age': 36, 'active': false },\n     *   { 'user': 'fred',    'age': 40, 'active': true },\n     *   { 'user': 'pebbles', 'age': 1,  'active': false }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * _.partition(users, function(o) { return o.active; });\n     * // => objects for [['fred'], ['barney', 'pebbles']]\n     *\n     * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.partition(users, { 'age': 1, 'active': false });\n     * // => objects for [['pebbles'], ['barney', 'fred']]\n     *\n     * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.partition(users, ['active', false]);\n     * // => objects for [['barney', 'pebbles'], ['fred']]\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.partition(users, 'active');\n     * // => objects for [['fred'], ['barney', 'pebbles']]\n     */\n    var partition = createAggregator(function(result, value, key) {\n      result[key ? 0 : 1].push(value);\n    }, function() { return [[], []]; });\n\n    /**\n     * Reduces `collection` to a value which is the accumulated result of running\n     * each element in `collection` thru `iteratee`, where each successive\n     * invocation is supplied the return value of the previous. If `accumulator`\n     * is not given, the first element of `collection` is used as the initial\n     * value. The iteratee is invoked with four arguments:\n     * (accumulator, value, index|key, collection).\n     *\n     * Many lodash methods are guarded to work as iteratees for methods like\n     * `_.reduce`, `_.reduceRight`, and `_.transform`.\n     *\n     * The guarded methods are:\n     * `assign`, `defaults`, `defaultsDeep`, `includes`, `merge`, `orderBy`,\n     * and `sortBy`\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @param {*} [accumulator] The initial value.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the accumulated value.\n     * @see _.reduceRight\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.reduce([1, 2], function(sum, n) {\n     *   return sum + n;\n     * }, 0);\n     * // => 3\n     *\n     * _.reduce({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 1 }, function(result, value, key) {\n     *   (result[value] || (result[value] = [])).push(key);\n     *   return result;\n     * }, {});\n     * // => { '1': ['a', 'c'], '2': ['b'] } (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n     */\n    function reduce(collection, iteratee, accumulator) {\n      var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayReduce : baseReduce,\n          initAccum = arguments.length < 3;\n\n      return func(collection, getIteratee(iteratee, 4), accumulator, initAccum, baseEach);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.reduce` except that it iterates over elements of\n     * `collection` from right to left.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @param {*} [accumulator] The initial value.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the accumulated value.\n     * @see _.reduce\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var array = [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]];\n     *\n     * _.reduceRight(array, function(flattened, other) {\n     *   return flattened.concat(other);\n     * }, []);\n     * // => [4, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1]\n     */\n    function reduceRight(collection, iteratee, accumulator) {\n      var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayReduceRight : baseReduce,\n          initAccum = arguments.length < 3;\n\n      return func(collection, getIteratee(iteratee, 4), accumulator, initAccum, baseEachRight);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The opposite of `_.filter`; this method returns the elements of `collection`\n     * that `predicate` does **not** return truthy for.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new filtered array.\n     * @see _.filter\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var users = [\n     *   { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': false },\n     *   { 'user': 'fred',   'age': 40, 'active': true }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * _.reject(users, function(o) { return !o.active; });\n     * // => objects for ['fred']\n     *\n     * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.reject(users, { 'age': 40, 'active': true });\n     * // => objects for ['barney']\n     *\n     * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.reject(users, ['active', false]);\n     * // => objects for ['fred']\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.reject(users, 'active');\n     * // => objects for ['barney']\n     */\n    function reject(collection, predicate) {\n      var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayFilter : baseFilter;\n      return func(collection, negate(getIteratee(predicate, 3)));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets a random element from `collection`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 2.0.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to sample.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the random element.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.sample([1, 2, 3, 4]);\n     * // => 2\n     */\n    function sample(collection) {\n      var func = isArray(collection) ? arraySample : baseSample;\n      return func(collection);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets `n` random elements at unique keys from `collection` up to the\n     * size of `collection`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to sample.\n     * @param {number} [n=1] The number of elements to sample.\n     * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.map`.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the random elements.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.sampleSize([1, 2, 3], 2);\n     * // => [3, 1]\n     *\n     * _.sampleSize([1, 2, 3], 4);\n     * // => [2, 3, 1]\n     */\n    function sampleSize(collection, n, guard) {\n      if ((guard ? isIterateeCall(collection, n, guard) : n === undefined)) {\n        n = 1;\n      } else {\n        n = toInteger(n);\n      }\n      var func = isArray(collection) ? arraySampleSize : baseSampleSize;\n      return func(collection, n);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of shuffled values, using a version of the\n     * [Fisher-Yates shuffle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher-Yates_shuffle).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to shuffle.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new shuffled array.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.shuffle([1, 2, 3, 4]);\n     * // => [4, 1, 3, 2]\n     */\n    function shuffle(collection) {\n      var func = isArray(collection) ? arrayShuffle : baseShuffle;\n      return func(collection);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the size of `collection` by returning its length for array-like\n     * values or the number of own enumerable string keyed properties for objects.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object|string} collection The collection to inspect.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the collection size.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.size([1, 2, 3]);\n     * // => 3\n     *\n     * _.size({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 });\n     * // => 2\n     *\n     * _.size('pebbles');\n     * // => 7\n     */\n    function size(collection) {\n      if (collection == null) {\n        return 0;\n      }\n      if (isArrayLike(collection)) {\n        return isString(collection) ? stringSize(collection) : collection.length;\n      }\n      var tag = getTag(collection);\n      if (tag == mapTag || tag == setTag) {\n        return collection.size;\n      }\n      return baseKeys(collection).length;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `predicate` returns truthy for **any** element of `collection`.\n     * Iteration is stopped once `predicate` returns truthy. The predicate is\n     * invoked with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.map`.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if any element passes the predicate check,\n     *  else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.some([null, 0, 'yes', false], Boolean);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * var users = [\n     *   { 'user': 'barney', 'active': true },\n     *   { 'user': 'fred',   'active': false }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.some(users, { 'user': 'barney', 'active': false });\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.some(users, ['active', false]);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.some(users, 'active');\n     * // => true\n     */\n    function some(collection, predicate, guard) {\n      var func = isArray(collection) ? arraySome : baseSome;\n      if (guard && isIterateeCall(collection, predicate, guard)) {\n        predicate = undefined;\n      }\n      return func(collection, getIteratee(predicate, 3));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of elements, sorted in ascending order by the results of\n     * running each element in a collection thru each iteratee. This method\n     * performs a stable sort, that is, it preserves the original sort order of\n     * equal elements. The iteratees are invoked with one argument: (value).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Collection\n     * @param {Array|Object} collection The collection to iterate over.\n     * @param {...(Function|Function[])} [iteratees=[_.identity]]\n     *  The iteratees to sort by.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new sorted array.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var users = [\n     *   { 'user': 'fred',   'age': 48 },\n     *   { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 },\n     *   { 'user': 'fred',   'age': 30 },\n     *   { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 34 }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * _.sortBy(users, [function(o) { return o.user; }]);\n     * // => objects for [['barney', 36], ['barney', 34], ['fred', 48], ['fred', 30]]\n     *\n     * _.sortBy(users, ['user', 'age']);\n     * // => objects for [['barney', 34], ['barney', 36], ['fred', 30], ['fred', 48]]\n     */\n    var sortBy = baseRest(function(collection, iteratees) {\n      if (collection == null) {\n        return [];\n      }\n      var length = iteratees.length;\n      if (length > 1 && isIterateeCall(collection, iteratees[0], iteratees[1])) {\n        iteratees = [];\n      } else if (length > 2 && isIterateeCall(iteratees[0], iteratees[1], iteratees[2])) {\n        iteratees = [iteratees[0]];\n      }\n      return baseOrderBy(collection, baseFlatten(iteratees, 1), []);\n    });\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the timestamp of the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since\n     * the Unix epoch (1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 2.4.0\n     * @category Date\n     * @returns {number} Returns the timestamp.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.defer(function(stamp) {\n     *   console.log(_.now() - stamp);\n     * }, _.now());\n     * // => Logs the number of milliseconds it took for the deferred invocation.\n     */\n    var now = ctxNow || function() {\n      return root.Date.now();\n    };\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    /**\n     * The opposite of `_.before`; this method creates a function that invokes\n     * `func` once it's called `n` or more times.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {number} n The number of calls before `func` is invoked.\n     * @param {Function} func The function to restrict.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new restricted function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var saves = ['profile', 'settings'];\n     *\n     * var done = _.after(saves.length, function() {\n     *   console.log('done saving!');\n     * });\n     *\n     * _.forEach(saves, function(type) {\n     *   asyncSave({ 'type': type, 'complete': done });\n     * });\n     * // => Logs 'done saving!' after the two async saves have completed.\n     */\n    function after(n, func) {\n      if (typeof func != 'function') {\n        throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n      }\n      n = toInteger(n);\n      return function() {\n        if (--n < 1) {\n          return func.apply(this, arguments);\n        }\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that invokes `func`, with up to `n` arguments,\n     * ignoring any additional arguments.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {Function} func The function to cap arguments for.\n     * @param {number} [n=func.length] The arity cap.\n     * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.map`.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new capped function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.map(['6', '8', '10'], _.ary(parseInt, 1));\n     * // => [6, 8, 10]\n     */\n    function ary(func, n, guard) {\n      n = guard ? undefined : n;\n      n = (func && n == null) ? func.length : n;\n      return createWrap(func, WRAP_ARY_FLAG, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, n);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that invokes `func`, with the `this` binding and arguments\n     * of the created function, while it's called less than `n` times. Subsequent\n     * calls to the created function return the result of the last `func` invocation.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {number} n The number of calls at which `func` is no longer invoked.\n     * @param {Function} func The function to restrict.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new restricted function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * jQuery(element).on('click', _.before(5, addContactToList));\n     * // => Allows adding up to 4 contacts to the list.\n     */\n    function before(n, func) {\n      var result;\n      if (typeof func != 'function') {\n        throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n      }\n      n = toInteger(n);\n      return function() {\n        if (--n > 0) {\n          result = func.apply(this, arguments);\n        }\n        if (n <= 1) {\n          func = undefined;\n        }\n        return result;\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that invokes `func` with the `this` binding of `thisArg`\n     * and `partials` prepended to the arguments it receives.\n     *\n     * The `_.bind.placeholder` value, which defaults to `_` in monolithic builds,\n     * may be used as a placeholder for partially applied arguments.\n     *\n     * **Note:** Unlike native `Function#bind`, this method doesn't set the \"length\"\n     * property of bound functions.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {Function} func The function to bind.\n     * @param {*} thisArg The `this` binding of `func`.\n     * @param {...*} [partials] The arguments to be partially applied.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new bound function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function greet(greeting, punctuation) {\n     *   return greeting + ' ' + this.user + punctuation;\n     * }\n     *\n     * var object = { 'user': 'fred' };\n     *\n     * var bound = _.bind(greet, object, 'hi');\n     * bound('!');\n     * // => 'hi fred!'\n     *\n     * // Bound with placeholders.\n     * var bound = _.bind(greet, object, _, '!');\n     * bound('hi');\n     * // => 'hi fred!'\n     */\n    var bind = baseRest(function(func, thisArg, partials) {\n      var bitmask = WRAP_BIND_FLAG;\n      if (partials.length) {\n        var holders = replaceHolders(partials, getHolder(bind));\n        bitmask |= WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG;\n      }\n      return createWrap(func, bitmask, thisArg, partials, holders);\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that invokes the method at `object[key]` with `partials`\n     * prepended to the arguments it receives.\n     *\n     * This method differs from `_.bind` by allowing bound functions to reference\n     * methods that may be redefined or don't yet exist. See\n     * [Peter Michaux's article](http://peter.michaux.ca/articles/lazy-function-definition-pattern)\n     * for more details.\n     *\n     * The `_.bindKey.placeholder` value, which defaults to `_` in monolithic\n     * builds, may be used as a placeholder for partially applied arguments.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.10.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {Object} object The object to invoke the method on.\n     * @param {string} key The key of the method.\n     * @param {...*} [partials] The arguments to be partially applied.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new bound function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = {\n     *   'user': 'fred',\n     *   'greet': function(greeting, punctuation) {\n     *     return greeting + ' ' + this.user + punctuation;\n     *   }\n     * };\n     *\n     * var bound = _.bindKey(object, 'greet', 'hi');\n     * bound('!');\n     * // => 'hi fred!'\n     *\n     * object.greet = function(greeting, punctuation) {\n     *   return greeting + 'ya ' + this.user + punctuation;\n     * };\n     *\n     * bound('!');\n     * // => 'hiya fred!'\n     *\n     * // Bound with placeholders.\n     * var bound = _.bindKey(object, 'greet', _, '!');\n     * bound('hi');\n     * // => 'hiya fred!'\n     */\n    var bindKey = baseRest(function(object, key, partials) {\n      var bitmask = WRAP_BIND_FLAG | WRAP_BIND_KEY_FLAG;\n      if (partials.length) {\n        var holders = replaceHolders(partials, getHolder(bindKey));\n        bitmask |= WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG;\n      }\n      return createWrap(key, bitmask, object, partials, holders);\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that accepts arguments of `func` and either invokes\n     * `func` returning its result, if at least `arity` number of arguments have\n     * been provided, or returns a function that accepts the remaining `func`\n     * arguments, and so on. The arity of `func` may be specified if `func.length`\n     * is not sufficient.\n     *\n     * The `_.curry.placeholder` value, which defaults to `_` in monolithic builds,\n     * may be used as a placeholder for provided arguments.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method doesn't set the \"length\" property of curried functions.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 2.0.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {Function} func The function to curry.\n     * @param {number} [arity=func.length] The arity of `func`.\n     * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.map`.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new curried function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var abc = function(a, b, c) {\n     *   return [a, b, c];\n     * };\n     *\n     * var curried = _.curry(abc);\n     *\n     * curried(1)(2)(3);\n     * // => [1, 2, 3]\n     *\n     * curried(1, 2)(3);\n     * // => [1, 2, 3]\n     *\n     * curried(1, 2, 3);\n     * // => [1, 2, 3]\n     *\n     * // Curried with placeholders.\n     * curried(1)(_, 3)(2);\n     * // => [1, 2, 3]\n     */\n    function curry(func, arity, guard) {\n      arity = guard ? undefined : arity;\n      var result = createWrap(func, WRAP_CURRY_FLAG, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, arity);\n      result.placeholder = curry.placeholder;\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.curry` except that arguments are applied to `func`\n     * in the manner of `_.partialRight` instead of `_.partial`.\n     *\n     * The `_.curryRight.placeholder` value, which defaults to `_` in monolithic\n     * builds, may be used as a placeholder for provided arguments.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method doesn't set the \"length\" property of curried functions.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {Function} func The function to curry.\n     * @param {number} [arity=func.length] The arity of `func`.\n     * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.map`.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new curried function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var abc = function(a, b, c) {\n     *   return [a, b, c];\n     * };\n     *\n     * var curried = _.curryRight(abc);\n     *\n     * curried(3)(2)(1);\n     * // => [1, 2, 3]\n     *\n     * curried(2, 3)(1);\n     * // => [1, 2, 3]\n     *\n     * curried(1, 2, 3);\n     * // => [1, 2, 3]\n     *\n     * // Curried with placeholders.\n     * curried(3)(1, _)(2);\n     * // => [1, 2, 3]\n     */\n    function curryRight(func, arity, guard) {\n      arity = guard ? undefined : arity;\n      var result = createWrap(func, WRAP_CURRY_RIGHT_FLAG, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, arity);\n      result.placeholder = curryRight.placeholder;\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a debounced function that delays invoking `func` until after `wait`\n     * milliseconds have elapsed since the last time the debounced function was\n     * invoked. The debounced function comes with a `cancel` method to cancel\n     * delayed `func` invocations and a `flush` method to immediately invoke them.\n     * Provide `options` to indicate whether `func` should be invoked on the\n     * leading and/or trailing edge of the `wait` timeout. The `func` is invoked\n     * with the last arguments provided to the debounced function. Subsequent\n     * calls to the debounced function return the result of the last `func`\n     * invocation.\n     *\n     * **Note:** If `leading` and `trailing` options are `true`, `func` is\n     * invoked on the trailing edge of the timeout only if the debounced function\n     * is invoked more than once during the `wait` timeout.\n     *\n     * If `wait` is `0` and `leading` is `false`, `func` invocation is deferred\n     * until to the next tick, similar to `setTimeout` with a timeout of `0`.\n     *\n     * See [David Corbacho's article](https://css-tricks.com/debouncing-throttling-explained-examples/)\n     * for details over the differences between `_.debounce` and `_.throttle`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {Function} func The function to debounce.\n     * @param {number} [wait=0] The number of milliseconds to delay.\n     * @param {Object} [options={}] The options object.\n     * @param {boolean} [options.leading=false]\n     *  Specify invoking on the leading edge of the timeout.\n     * @param {number} [options.maxWait]\n     *  The maximum time `func` is allowed to be delayed before it's invoked.\n     * @param {boolean} [options.trailing=true]\n     *  Specify invoking on the trailing edge of the timeout.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new debounced function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * // Avoid costly calculations while the window size is in flux.\n     * jQuery(window).on('resize', _.debounce(calculateLayout, 150));\n     *\n     * // Invoke `sendMail` when clicked, debouncing subsequent calls.\n     * jQuery(element).on('click', _.debounce(sendMail, 300, {\n     *   'leading': true,\n     *   'trailing': false\n     * }));\n     *\n     * // Ensure `batchLog` is invoked once after 1 second of debounced calls.\n     * var debounced = _.debounce(batchLog, 250, { 'maxWait': 1000 });\n     * var source = new EventSource('/stream');\n     * jQuery(source).on('message', debounced);\n     *\n     * // Cancel the trailing debounced invocation.\n     * jQuery(window).on('popstate', debounced.cancel);\n     */\n    function debounce(func, wait, options) {\n      var lastArgs,\n          lastThis,\n          maxWait,\n          result,\n          timerId,\n          lastCallTime,\n          lastInvokeTime = 0,\n          leading = false,\n          maxing = false,\n          trailing = true;\n\n      if (typeof func != 'function') {\n        throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n      }\n      wait = toNumber(wait) || 0;\n      if (isObject(options)) {\n        leading = !!options.leading;\n        maxing = 'maxWait' in options;\n        maxWait = maxing ? nativeMax(toNumber(options.maxWait) || 0, wait) : maxWait;\n        trailing = 'trailing' in options ? !!options.trailing : trailing;\n      }\n\n      function invokeFunc(time) {\n        var args = lastArgs,\n            thisArg = lastThis;\n\n        lastArgs = lastThis = undefined;\n        lastInvokeTime = time;\n        result = func.apply(thisArg, args);\n        return result;\n      }\n\n      function leadingEdge(time) {\n        // Reset any `maxWait` timer.\n        lastInvokeTime = time;\n        // Start the timer for the trailing edge.\n        timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);\n        // Invoke the leading edge.\n        return leading ? invokeFunc(time) : result;\n      }\n\n      function remainingWait(time) {\n        var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime,\n            timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime,\n            timeWaiting = wait - timeSinceLastCall;\n\n        return maxing\n          ? nativeMin(timeWaiting, maxWait - timeSinceLastInvoke)\n          : timeWaiting;\n      }\n\n      function shouldInvoke(time) {\n        var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime,\n            timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime;\n\n        // Either this is the first call, activity has stopped and we're at the\n        // trailing edge, the system time has gone backwards and we're treating\n        // it as the trailing edge, or we've hit the `maxWait` limit.\n        return (lastCallTime === undefined || (timeSinceLastCall >= wait) ||\n          (timeSinceLastCall < 0) || (maxing && timeSinceLastInvoke >= maxWait));\n      }\n\n      function timerExpired() {\n        var time = now();\n        if (shouldInvoke(time)) {\n          return trailingEdge(time);\n        }\n        // Restart the timer.\n        timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, remainingWait(time));\n      }\n\n      function trailingEdge(time) {\n        timerId = undefined;\n\n        // Only invoke if we have `lastArgs` which means `func` has been\n        // debounced at least once.\n        if (trailing && lastArgs) {\n          return invokeFunc(time);\n        }\n        lastArgs = lastThis = undefined;\n        return result;\n      }\n\n      function cancel() {\n        if (timerId !== undefined) {\n          clearTimeout(timerId);\n        }\n        lastInvokeTime = 0;\n        lastArgs = lastCallTime = lastThis = timerId = undefined;\n      }\n\n      function flush() {\n        return timerId === undefined ? result : trailingEdge(now());\n      }\n\n      function debounced() {\n        var time = now(),\n            isInvoking = shouldInvoke(time);\n\n        lastArgs = arguments;\n        lastThis = this;\n        lastCallTime = time;\n\n        if (isInvoking) {\n          if (timerId === undefined) {\n            return leadingEdge(lastCallTime);\n          }\n          if (maxing) {\n            // Handle invocations in a tight loop.\n            clearTimeout(timerId);\n            timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);\n            return invokeFunc(lastCallTime);\n          }\n        }\n        if (timerId === undefined) {\n          timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);\n        }\n        return result;\n      }\n      debounced.cancel = cancel;\n      debounced.flush = flush;\n      return debounced;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Defers invoking the `func` until the current call stack has cleared. Any\n     * additional arguments are provided to `func` when it's invoked.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {Function} func The function to defer.\n     * @param {...*} [args] The arguments to invoke `func` with.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the timer id.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.defer(function(text) {\n     *   console.log(text);\n     * }, 'deferred');\n     * // => Logs 'deferred' after one millisecond.\n     */\n    var defer = baseRest(function(func, args) {\n      return baseDelay(func, 1, args);\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Invokes `func` after `wait` milliseconds. Any additional arguments are\n     * provided to `func` when it's invoked.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {Function} func The function to delay.\n     * @param {number} wait The number of milliseconds to delay invocation.\n     * @param {...*} [args] The arguments to invoke `func` with.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the timer id.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.delay(function(text) {\n     *   console.log(text);\n     * }, 1000, 'later');\n     * // => Logs 'later' after one second.\n     */\n    var delay = baseRest(function(func, wait, args) {\n      return baseDelay(func, toNumber(wait) || 0, args);\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that invokes `func` with arguments reversed.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {Function} func The function to flip arguments for.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new flipped function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var flipped = _.flip(function() {\n     *   return _.toArray(arguments);\n     * });\n     *\n     * flipped('a', 'b', 'c', 'd');\n     * // => ['d', 'c', 'b', 'a']\n     */\n    function flip(func) {\n      return createWrap(func, WRAP_FLIP_FLAG);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that memoizes the result of `func`. If `resolver` is\n     * provided, it determines the cache key for storing the result based on the\n     * arguments provided to the memoized function. By default, the first argument\n     * provided to the memoized function is used as the map cache key. The `func`\n     * is invoked with the `this` binding of the memoized function.\n     *\n     * **Note:** The cache is exposed as the `cache` property on the memoized\n     * function. Its creation may be customized by replacing the `_.memoize.Cache`\n     * constructor with one whose instances implement the\n     * [`Map`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-properties-of-the-map-prototype-object)\n     * method interface of `clear`, `delete`, `get`, `has`, and `set`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {Function} func The function to have its output memoized.\n     * @param {Function} [resolver] The function to resolve the cache key.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new memoized function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 };\n     * var other = { 'c': 3, 'd': 4 };\n     *\n     * var values = _.memoize(_.values);\n     * values(object);\n     * // => [1, 2]\n     *\n     * values(other);\n     * // => [3, 4]\n     *\n     * object.a = 2;\n     * values(object);\n     * // => [1, 2]\n     *\n     * // Modify the result cache.\n     * values.cache.set(object, ['a', 'b']);\n     * values(object);\n     * // => ['a', 'b']\n     *\n     * // Replace `_.memoize.Cache`.\n     * _.memoize.Cache = WeakMap;\n     */\n    function memoize(func, resolver) {\n      if (typeof func != 'function' || (resolver != null && typeof resolver != 'function')) {\n        throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n      }\n      var memoized = function() {\n        var args = arguments,\n            key = resolver ? resolver.apply(this, args) : args[0],\n            cache = memoized.cache;\n\n        if (cache.has(key)) {\n          return cache.get(key);\n        }\n        var result = func.apply(this, args);\n        memoized.cache = cache.set(key, result) || cache;\n        return result;\n      };\n      memoized.cache = new (memoize.Cache || MapCache);\n      return memoized;\n    }\n\n    // Expose `MapCache`.\n    memoize.Cache = MapCache;\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that negates the result of the predicate `func`. The\n     * `func` predicate is invoked with the `this` binding and arguments of the\n     * created function.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {Function} predicate The predicate to negate.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new negated function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function isEven(n) {\n     *   return n % 2 == 0;\n     * }\n     *\n     * _.filter([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], _.negate(isEven));\n     * // => [1, 3, 5]\n     */\n    function negate(predicate) {\n      if (typeof predicate != 'function') {\n        throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n      }\n      return function() {\n        var args = arguments;\n        switch (args.length) {\n          case 0: return !predicate.call(this);\n          case 1: return !predicate.call(this, args[0]);\n          case 2: return !predicate.call(this, args[0], args[1]);\n          case 3: return !predicate.call(this, args[0], args[1], args[2]);\n        }\n        return !predicate.apply(this, args);\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that is restricted to invoking `func` once. Repeat calls\n     * to the function return the value of the first invocation. The `func` is\n     * invoked with the `this` binding and arguments of the created function.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {Function} func The function to restrict.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new restricted function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var initialize = _.once(createApplication);\n     * initialize();\n     * initialize();\n     * // => `createApplication` is invoked once\n     */\n    function once(func) {\n      return before(2, func);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that invokes `func` with its arguments transformed.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {Function} func The function to wrap.\n     * @param {...(Function|Function[])} [transforms=[_.identity]]\n     *  The argument transforms.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function doubled(n) {\n     *   return n * 2;\n     * }\n     *\n     * function square(n) {\n     *   return n * n;\n     * }\n     *\n     * var func = _.overArgs(function(x, y) {\n     *   return [x, y];\n     * }, [square, doubled]);\n     *\n     * func(9, 3);\n     * // => [81, 6]\n     *\n     * func(10, 5);\n     * // => [100, 10]\n     */\n    var overArgs = castRest(function(func, transforms) {\n      transforms = (transforms.length == 1 && isArray(transforms[0]))\n        ? arrayMap(transforms[0], baseUnary(getIteratee()))\n        : arrayMap(baseFlatten(transforms, 1), baseUnary(getIteratee()));\n\n      var funcsLength = transforms.length;\n      return baseRest(function(args) {\n        var index = -1,\n            length = nativeMin(args.length, funcsLength);\n\n        while (++index < length) {\n          args[index] = transforms[index].call(this, args[index]);\n        }\n        return apply(func, this, args);\n      });\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that invokes `func` with `partials` prepended to the\n     * arguments it receives. This method is like `_.bind` except it does **not**\n     * alter the `this` binding.\n     *\n     * The `_.partial.placeholder` value, which defaults to `_` in monolithic\n     * builds, may be used as a placeholder for partially applied arguments.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method doesn't set the \"length\" property of partially\n     * applied functions.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.2.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {Function} func The function to partially apply arguments to.\n     * @param {...*} [partials] The arguments to be partially applied.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new partially applied function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function greet(greeting, name) {\n     *   return greeting + ' ' + name;\n     * }\n     *\n     * var sayHelloTo = _.partial(greet, 'hello');\n     * sayHelloTo('fred');\n     * // => 'hello fred'\n     *\n     * // Partially applied with placeholders.\n     * var greetFred = _.partial(greet, _, 'fred');\n     * greetFred('hi');\n     * // => 'hi fred'\n     */\n    var partial = baseRest(function(func, partials) {\n      var holders = replaceHolders(partials, getHolder(partial));\n      return createWrap(func, WRAP_PARTIAL_FLAG, undefined, partials, holders);\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.partial` except that partially applied arguments\n     * are appended to the arguments it receives.\n     *\n     * The `_.partialRight.placeholder` value, which defaults to `_` in monolithic\n     * builds, may be used as a placeholder for partially applied arguments.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method doesn't set the \"length\" property of partially\n     * applied functions.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 1.0.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {Function} func The function to partially apply arguments to.\n     * @param {...*} [partials] The arguments to be partially applied.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new partially applied function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function greet(greeting, name) {\n     *   return greeting + ' ' + name;\n     * }\n     *\n     * var greetFred = _.partialRight(greet, 'fred');\n     * greetFred('hi');\n     * // => 'hi fred'\n     *\n     * // Partially applied with placeholders.\n     * var sayHelloTo = _.partialRight(greet, 'hello', _);\n     * sayHelloTo('fred');\n     * // => 'hello fred'\n     */\n    var partialRight = baseRest(function(func, partials) {\n      var holders = replaceHolders(partials, getHolder(partialRight));\n      return createWrap(func, WRAP_PARTIAL_RIGHT_FLAG, undefined, partials, holders);\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that invokes `func` with arguments arranged according\n     * to the specified `indexes` where the argument value at the first index is\n     * provided as the first argument, the argument value at the second index is\n     * provided as the second argument, and so on.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {Function} func The function to rearrange arguments for.\n     * @param {...(number|number[])} indexes The arranged argument indexes.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var rearged = _.rearg(function(a, b, c) {\n     *   return [a, b, c];\n     * }, [2, 0, 1]);\n     *\n     * rearged('b', 'c', 'a')\n     * // => ['a', 'b', 'c']\n     */\n    var rearg = flatRest(function(func, indexes) {\n      return createWrap(func, WRAP_REARG_FLAG, undefined, undefined, undefined, indexes);\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that invokes `func` with the `this` binding of the\n     * created function and arguments from `start` and beyond provided as\n     * an array.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method is based on the\n     * [rest parameter](https://mdn.io/rest_parameters).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {Function} func The function to apply a rest parameter to.\n     * @param {number} [start=func.length-1] The start position of the rest parameter.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var say = _.rest(function(what, names) {\n     *   return what + ' ' + _.initial(names).join(', ') +\n     *     (_.size(names) > 1 ? ', & ' : '') + _.last(names);\n     * });\n     *\n     * say('hello', 'fred', 'barney', 'pebbles');\n     * // => 'hello fred, barney, & pebbles'\n     */\n    function rest(func, start) {\n      if (typeof func != 'function') {\n        throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n      }\n      start = start === undefined ? start : toInteger(start);\n      return baseRest(func, start);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that invokes `func` with the `this` binding of the\n     * create function and an array of arguments much like\n     * [`Function#apply`](http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-function.prototype.apply).\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method is based on the\n     * [spread operator](https://mdn.io/spread_operator).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.2.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {Function} func The function to spread arguments over.\n     * @param {number} [start=0] The start position of the spread.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var say = _.spread(function(who, what) {\n     *   return who + ' says ' + what;\n     * });\n     *\n     * say(['fred', 'hello']);\n     * // => 'fred says hello'\n     *\n     * var numbers = Promise.all([\n     *   Promise.resolve(40),\n     *   Promise.resolve(36)\n     * ]);\n     *\n     * numbers.then(_.spread(function(x, y) {\n     *   return x + y;\n     * }));\n     * // => a Promise of 76\n     */\n    function spread(func, start) {\n      if (typeof func != 'function') {\n        throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n      }\n      start = start == null ? 0 : nativeMax(toInteger(start), 0);\n      return baseRest(function(args) {\n        var array = args[start],\n            otherArgs = castSlice(args, 0, start);\n\n        if (array) {\n          arrayPush(otherArgs, array);\n        }\n        return apply(func, this, otherArgs);\n      });\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a throttled function that only invokes `func` at most once per\n     * every `wait` milliseconds. The throttled function comes with a `cancel`\n     * method to cancel delayed `func` invocations and a `flush` method to\n     * immediately invoke them. Provide `options` to indicate whether `func`\n     * should be invoked on the leading and/or trailing edge of the `wait`\n     * timeout. The `func` is invoked with the last arguments provided to the\n     * throttled function. Subsequent calls to the throttled function return the\n     * result of the last `func` invocation.\n     *\n     * **Note:** If `leading` and `trailing` options are `true`, `func` is\n     * invoked on the trailing edge of the timeout only if the throttled function\n     * is invoked more than once during the `wait` timeout.\n     *\n     * If `wait` is `0` and `leading` is `false`, `func` invocation is deferred\n     * until to the next tick, similar to `setTimeout` with a timeout of `0`.\n     *\n     * See [David Corbacho's article](https://css-tricks.com/debouncing-throttling-explained-examples/)\n     * for details over the differences between `_.throttle` and `_.debounce`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {Function} func The function to throttle.\n     * @param {number} [wait=0] The number of milliseconds to throttle invocations to.\n     * @param {Object} [options={}] The options object.\n     * @param {boolean} [options.leading=true]\n     *  Specify invoking on the leading edge of the timeout.\n     * @param {boolean} [options.trailing=true]\n     *  Specify invoking on the trailing edge of the timeout.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new throttled function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * // Avoid excessively updating the position while scrolling.\n     * jQuery(window).on('scroll', _.throttle(updatePosition, 100));\n     *\n     * // Invoke `renewToken` when the click event is fired, but not more than once every 5 minutes.\n     * var throttled = _.throttle(renewToken, 300000, { 'trailing': false });\n     * jQuery(element).on('click', throttled);\n     *\n     * // Cancel the trailing throttled invocation.\n     * jQuery(window).on('popstate', throttled.cancel);\n     */\n    function throttle(func, wait, options) {\n      var leading = true,\n          trailing = true;\n\n      if (typeof func != 'function') {\n        throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n      }\n      if (isObject(options)) {\n        leading = 'leading' in options ? !!options.leading : leading;\n        trailing = 'trailing' in options ? !!options.trailing : trailing;\n      }\n      return debounce(func, wait, {\n        'leading': leading,\n        'maxWait': wait,\n        'trailing': trailing\n      });\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that accepts up to one argument, ignoring any\n     * additional arguments.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {Function} func The function to cap arguments for.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new capped function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.map(['6', '8', '10'], _.unary(parseInt));\n     * // => [6, 8, 10]\n     */\n    function unary(func) {\n      return ary(func, 1);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that provides `value` to `wrapper` as its first\n     * argument. Any additional arguments provided to the function are appended\n     * to those provided to the `wrapper`. The wrapper is invoked with the `this`\n     * binding of the created function.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Function\n     * @param {*} value The value to wrap.\n     * @param {Function} [wrapper=identity] The wrapper function.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var p = _.wrap(_.escape, function(func, text) {\n     *   return '<p>' + func(text) + '</p>';\n     * });\n     *\n     * p('fred, barney, & pebbles');\n     * // => '<p>fred, barney, &amp; pebbles</p>'\n     */\n    function wrap(value, wrapper) {\n      return partial(castFunction(wrapper), value);\n    }\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    /**\n     * Casts `value` as an array if it's not one.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.4.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to inspect.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the cast array.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.castArray(1);\n     * // => [1]\n     *\n     * _.castArray({ 'a': 1 });\n     * // => [{ 'a': 1 }]\n     *\n     * _.castArray('abc');\n     * // => ['abc']\n     *\n     * _.castArray(null);\n     * // => [null]\n     *\n     * _.castArray(undefined);\n     * // => [undefined]\n     *\n     * _.castArray();\n     * // => []\n     *\n     * var array = [1, 2, 3];\n     * console.log(_.castArray(array) === array);\n     * // => true\n     */\n    function castArray() {\n      if (!arguments.length) {\n        return [];\n      }\n      var value = arguments[0];\n      return isArray(value) ? value : [value];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a shallow clone of `value`.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method is loosely based on the\n     * [structured clone algorithm](https://mdn.io/Structured_clone_algorithm)\n     * and supports cloning arrays, array buffers, booleans, date objects, maps,\n     * numbers, `Object` objects, regexes, sets, strings, symbols, and typed\n     * arrays. The own enumerable properties of `arguments` objects are cloned\n     * as plain objects. An empty object is returned for uncloneable values such\n     * as error objects, functions, DOM nodes, and WeakMaps.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to clone.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the cloned value.\n     * @see _.cloneDeep\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var objects = [{ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }];\n     *\n     * var shallow = _.clone(objects);\n     * console.log(shallow[0] === objects[0]);\n     * // => true\n     */\n    function clone(value) {\n      return baseClone(value, CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.clone` except that it accepts `customizer` which\n     * is invoked to produce the cloned value. If `customizer` returns `undefined`,\n     * cloning is handled by the method instead. The `customizer` is invoked with\n     * up to four arguments; (value [, index|key, object, stack]).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to clone.\n     * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize cloning.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the cloned value.\n     * @see _.cloneDeepWith\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function customizer(value) {\n     *   if (_.isElement(value)) {\n     *     return value.cloneNode(false);\n     *   }\n     * }\n     *\n     * var el = _.cloneWith(document.body, customizer);\n     *\n     * console.log(el === document.body);\n     * // => false\n     * console.log(el.nodeName);\n     * // => 'BODY'\n     * console.log(el.childNodes.length);\n     * // => 0\n     */\n    function cloneWith(value, customizer) {\n      customizer = typeof customizer == 'function' ? customizer : undefined;\n      return baseClone(value, CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG, customizer);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.clone` except that it recursively clones `value`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 1.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to recursively clone.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the deep cloned value.\n     * @see _.clone\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var objects = [{ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }];\n     *\n     * var deep = _.cloneDeep(objects);\n     * console.log(deep[0] === objects[0]);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function cloneDeep(value) {\n      return baseClone(value, CLONE_DEEP_FLAG | CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.cloneWith` except that it recursively clones `value`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to recursively clone.\n     * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize cloning.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the deep cloned value.\n     * @see _.cloneWith\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function customizer(value) {\n     *   if (_.isElement(value)) {\n     *     return value.cloneNode(true);\n     *   }\n     * }\n     *\n     * var el = _.cloneDeepWith(document.body, customizer);\n     *\n     * console.log(el === document.body);\n     * // => false\n     * console.log(el.nodeName);\n     * // => 'BODY'\n     * console.log(el.childNodes.length);\n     * // => 20\n     */\n    function cloneDeepWith(value, customizer) {\n      customizer = typeof customizer == 'function' ? customizer : undefined;\n      return baseClone(value, CLONE_DEEP_FLAG | CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG, customizer);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `object` conforms to `source` by invoking the predicate\n     * properties of `source` with the corresponding property values of `object`.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method is equivalent to `_.conforms` when `source` is\n     * partially applied.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.14.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.\n     * @param {Object} source The object of property predicates to conform to.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `object` conforms, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 };\n     *\n     * _.conformsTo(object, { 'b': function(n) { return n > 1; } });\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.conformsTo(object, { 'b': function(n) { return n > 2; } });\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function conformsTo(object, source) {\n      return source == null || baseConformsTo(object, source, keys(source));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Performs a\n     * [`SameValueZero`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-samevaluezero)\n     * comparison between two values to determine if they are equivalent.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to compare.\n     * @param {*} other The other value to compare.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the values are equivalent, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': 1 };\n     * var other = { 'a': 1 };\n     *\n     * _.eq(object, object);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.eq(object, other);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.eq('a', 'a');\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.eq('a', Object('a'));\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.eq(NaN, NaN);\n     * // => true\n     */\n    function eq(value, other) {\n      return value === other || (value !== value && other !== other);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is greater than `other`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.9.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to compare.\n     * @param {*} other The other value to compare.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is greater than `other`,\n     *  else `false`.\n     * @see _.lt\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.gt(3, 1);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.gt(3, 3);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.gt(1, 3);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    var gt = createRelationalOperation(baseGt);\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is greater than or equal to `other`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.9.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to compare.\n     * @param {*} other The other value to compare.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is greater than or equal to\n     *  `other`, else `false`.\n     * @see _.lte\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.gte(3, 1);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.gte(3, 3);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.gte(1, 3);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    var gte = createRelationalOperation(function(value, other) {\n      return value >= other;\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is likely an `arguments` object.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an `arguments` object,\n     *  else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isArguments(function() { return arguments; }());\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isArguments([1, 2, 3]);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    var isArguments = baseIsArguments(function() { return arguments; }()) ? baseIsArguments : function(value) {\n      return isObjectLike(value) && hasOwnProperty.call(value, 'callee') &&\n        !propertyIsEnumerable.call(value, 'callee');\n    };\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is classified as an `Array` object.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an array, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isArray([1, 2, 3]);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isArray(document.body.children);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.isArray('abc');\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.isArray(_.noop);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    var isArray = Array.isArray;\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is classified as an `ArrayBuffer` object.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.3.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an array buffer, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isArrayBuffer(new ArrayBuffer(2));\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isArrayBuffer(new Array(2));\n     * // => false\n     */\n    var isArrayBuffer = nodeIsArrayBuffer ? baseUnary(nodeIsArrayBuffer) : baseIsArrayBuffer;\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is array-like. A value is considered array-like if it's\n     * not a function and has a `value.length` that's an integer greater than or\n     * equal to `0` and less than or equal to `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is array-like, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isArrayLike([1, 2, 3]);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isArrayLike(document.body.children);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isArrayLike('abc');\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isArrayLike(_.noop);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isArrayLike(value) {\n      return value != null && isLength(value.length) && !isFunction(value);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.isArrayLike` except that it also checks if `value`\n     * is an object.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an array-like object,\n     *  else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isArrayLikeObject([1, 2, 3]);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isArrayLikeObject(document.body.children);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isArrayLikeObject('abc');\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.isArrayLikeObject(_.noop);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isArrayLikeObject(value) {\n      return isObjectLike(value) && isArrayLike(value);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is classified as a boolean primitive or object.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a boolean, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isBoolean(false);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isBoolean(null);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isBoolean(value) {\n      return value === true || value === false ||\n        (isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == boolTag);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is a buffer.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.3.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a buffer, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isBuffer(new Buffer(2));\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isBuffer(new Uint8Array(2));\n     * // => false\n     */\n    var isBuffer = nativeIsBuffer || stubFalse;\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Date` object.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a date object, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isDate(new Date);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isDate('Mon April 23 2012');\n     * // => false\n     */\n    var isDate = nodeIsDate ? baseUnary(nodeIsDate) : baseIsDate;\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is likely a DOM element.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a DOM element, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isElement(document.body);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isElement('<body>');\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isElement(value) {\n      return isObjectLike(value) && value.nodeType === 1 && !isPlainObject(value);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is an empty object, collection, map, or set.\n     *\n     * Objects are considered empty if they have no own enumerable string keyed\n     * properties.\n     *\n     * Array-like values such as `arguments` objects, arrays, buffers, strings, or\n     * jQuery-like collections are considered empty if they have a `length` of `0`.\n     * Similarly, maps and sets are considered empty if they have a `size` of `0`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is empty, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isEmpty(null);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isEmpty(true);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isEmpty(1);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isEmpty([1, 2, 3]);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.isEmpty({ 'a': 1 });\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isEmpty(value) {\n      if (value == null) {\n        return true;\n      }\n      if (isArrayLike(value) &&\n          (isArray(value) || typeof value == 'string' || typeof value.splice == 'function' ||\n            isBuffer(value) || isTypedArray(value) || isArguments(value))) {\n        return !value.length;\n      }\n      var tag = getTag(value);\n      if (tag == mapTag || tag == setTag) {\n        return !value.size;\n      }\n      if (isPrototype(value)) {\n        return !baseKeys(value).length;\n      }\n      for (var key in value) {\n        if (hasOwnProperty.call(value, key)) {\n          return false;\n        }\n      }\n      return true;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Performs a deep comparison between two values to determine if they are\n     * equivalent.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method supports comparing arrays, array buffers, booleans,\n     * date objects, error objects, maps, numbers, `Object` objects, regexes,\n     * sets, strings, symbols, and typed arrays. `Object` objects are compared\n     * by their own, not inherited, enumerable properties. Functions and DOM\n     * nodes are compared by strict equality, i.e. `===`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to compare.\n     * @param {*} other The other value to compare.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the values are equivalent, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': 1 };\n     * var other = { 'a': 1 };\n     *\n     * _.isEqual(object, other);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * object === other;\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isEqual(value, other) {\n      return baseIsEqual(value, other);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.isEqual` except that it accepts `customizer` which\n     * is invoked to compare values. If `customizer` returns `undefined`, comparisons\n     * are handled by the method instead. The `customizer` is invoked with up to\n     * six arguments: (objValue, othValue [, index|key, object, other, stack]).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to compare.\n     * @param {*} other The other value to compare.\n     * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize comparisons.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the values are equivalent, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function isGreeting(value) {\n     *   return /^h(?:i|ello)$/.test(value);\n     * }\n     *\n     * function customizer(objValue, othValue) {\n     *   if (isGreeting(objValue) && isGreeting(othValue)) {\n     *     return true;\n     *   }\n     * }\n     *\n     * var array = ['hello', 'goodbye'];\n     * var other = ['hi', 'goodbye'];\n     *\n     * _.isEqualWith(array, other, customizer);\n     * // => true\n     */\n    function isEqualWith(value, other, customizer) {\n      customizer = typeof customizer == 'function' ? customizer : undefined;\n      var result = customizer ? customizer(value, other) : undefined;\n      return result === undefined ? baseIsEqual(value, other, undefined, customizer) : !!result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is an `Error`, `EvalError`, `RangeError`, `ReferenceError`,\n     * `SyntaxError`, `TypeError`, or `URIError` object.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an error object, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isError(new Error);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isError(Error);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isError(value) {\n      if (!isObjectLike(value)) {\n        return false;\n      }\n      var tag = baseGetTag(value);\n      return tag == errorTag || tag == domExcTag ||\n        (typeof value.message == 'string' && typeof value.name == 'string' && !isPlainObject(value));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is a finite primitive number.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method is based on\n     * [`Number.isFinite`](https://mdn.io/Number/isFinite).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a finite number, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isFinite(3);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isFinite(Number.MIN_VALUE);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isFinite(Infinity);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.isFinite('3');\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isFinite(value) {\n      return typeof value == 'number' && nativeIsFinite(value);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Function` object.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a function, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isFunction(_);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isFunction(/abc/);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isFunction(value) {\n      if (!isObject(value)) {\n        return false;\n      }\n      // The use of `Object#toString` avoids issues with the `typeof` operator\n      // in Safari 9 which returns 'object' for typed arrays and other constructors.\n      var tag = baseGetTag(value);\n      return tag == funcTag || tag == genTag || tag == asyncTag || tag == proxyTag;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is an integer.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method is based on\n     * [`Number.isInteger`](https://mdn.io/Number/isInteger).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an integer, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isInteger(3);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isInteger(Number.MIN_VALUE);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.isInteger(Infinity);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.isInteger('3');\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isInteger(value) {\n      return typeof value == 'number' && value == toInteger(value);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is a valid array-like length.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method is loosely based on\n     * [`ToLength`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-tolength).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a valid length, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isLength(3);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isLength(Number.MIN_VALUE);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.isLength(Infinity);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.isLength('3');\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isLength(value) {\n      return typeof value == 'number' &&\n        value > -1 && value % 1 == 0 && value <= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is the\n     * [language type](http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-ecmascript-language-types)\n     * of `Object`. (e.g. arrays, functions, objects, regexes, `new Number(0)`, and `new String('')`)\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is an object, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isObject({});\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isObject([1, 2, 3]);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isObject(_.noop);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isObject(null);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isObject(value) {\n      var type = typeof value;\n      return value != null && (type == 'object' || type == 'function');\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is object-like. A value is object-like if it's not `null`\n     * and has a `typeof` result of \"object\".\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is object-like, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isObjectLike({});\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isObjectLike([1, 2, 3]);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isObjectLike(_.noop);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.isObjectLike(null);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isObjectLike(value) {\n      return value != null && typeof value == 'object';\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Map` object.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.3.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a map, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isMap(new Map);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isMap(new WeakMap);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    var isMap = nodeIsMap ? baseUnary(nodeIsMap) : baseIsMap;\n\n    /**\n     * Performs a partial deep comparison between `object` and `source` to\n     * determine if `object` contains equivalent property values.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method is equivalent to `_.matches` when `source` is\n     * partially applied.\n     *\n     * Partial comparisons will match empty array and empty object `source`\n     * values against any array or object value, respectively. See `_.isEqual`\n     * for a list of supported value comparisons.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.\n     * @param {Object} source The object of property values to match.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `object` is a match, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 };\n     *\n     * _.isMatch(object, { 'b': 2 });\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isMatch(object, { 'b': 1 });\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isMatch(object, source) {\n      return object === source || baseIsMatch(object, source, getMatchData(source));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.isMatch` except that it accepts `customizer` which\n     * is invoked to compare values. If `customizer` returns `undefined`, comparisons\n     * are handled by the method instead. The `customizer` is invoked with five\n     * arguments: (objValue, srcValue, index|key, object, source).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.\n     * @param {Object} source The object of property values to match.\n     * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize comparisons.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `object` is a match, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function isGreeting(value) {\n     *   return /^h(?:i|ello)$/.test(value);\n     * }\n     *\n     * function customizer(objValue, srcValue) {\n     *   if (isGreeting(objValue) && isGreeting(srcValue)) {\n     *     return true;\n     *   }\n     * }\n     *\n     * var object = { 'greeting': 'hello' };\n     * var source = { 'greeting': 'hi' };\n     *\n     * _.isMatchWith(object, source, customizer);\n     * // => true\n     */\n    function isMatchWith(object, source, customizer) {\n      customizer = typeof customizer == 'function' ? customizer : undefined;\n      return baseIsMatch(object, source, getMatchData(source), customizer);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is `NaN`.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method is based on\n     * [`Number.isNaN`](https://mdn.io/Number/isNaN) and is not the same as\n     * global [`isNaN`](https://mdn.io/isNaN) which returns `true` for\n     * `undefined` and other non-number values.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is `NaN`, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isNaN(NaN);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isNaN(new Number(NaN));\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * isNaN(undefined);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isNaN(undefined);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isNaN(value) {\n      // An `NaN` primitive is the only value that is not equal to itself.\n      // Perform the `toStringTag` check first to avoid errors with some\n      // ActiveX objects in IE.\n      return isNumber(value) && value != +value;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is a pristine native function.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method can't reliably detect native functions in the presence\n     * of the core-js package because core-js circumvents this kind of detection.\n     * Despite multiple requests, the core-js maintainer has made it clear: any\n     * attempt to fix the detection will be obstructed. As a result, we're left\n     * with little choice but to throw an error. Unfortunately, this also affects\n     * packages, like [babel-polyfill](https://www.npmjs.com/package/babel-polyfill),\n     * which rely on core-js.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a native function,\n     *  else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isNative(Array.prototype.push);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isNative(_);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isNative(value) {\n      if (isMaskable(value)) {\n        throw new Error(CORE_ERROR_TEXT);\n      }\n      return baseIsNative(value);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is `null`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is `null`, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isNull(null);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isNull(void 0);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isNull(value) {\n      return value === null;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is `null` or `undefined`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is nullish, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isNil(null);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isNil(void 0);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isNil(NaN);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isNil(value) {\n      return value == null;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Number` primitive or object.\n     *\n     * **Note:** To exclude `Infinity`, `-Infinity`, and `NaN`, which are\n     * classified as numbers, use the `_.isFinite` method.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a number, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isNumber(3);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isNumber(Number.MIN_VALUE);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isNumber(Infinity);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isNumber('3');\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isNumber(value) {\n      return typeof value == 'number' ||\n        (isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == numberTag);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is a plain object, that is, an object created by the\n     * `Object` constructor or one with a `[[Prototype]]` of `null`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.8.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a plain object, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function Foo() {\n     *   this.a = 1;\n     * }\n     *\n     * _.isPlainObject(new Foo);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.isPlainObject([1, 2, 3]);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.isPlainObject({ 'x': 0, 'y': 0 });\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isPlainObject(Object.create(null));\n     * // => true\n     */\n    function isPlainObject(value) {\n      if (!isObjectLike(value) || baseGetTag(value) != objectTag) {\n        return false;\n      }\n      var proto = getPrototype(value);\n      if (proto === null) {\n        return true;\n      }\n      var Ctor = hasOwnProperty.call(proto, 'constructor') && proto.constructor;\n      return typeof Ctor == 'function' && Ctor instanceof Ctor &&\n        funcToString.call(Ctor) == objectCtorString;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is classified as a `RegExp` object.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a regexp, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isRegExp(/abc/);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isRegExp('/abc/');\n     * // => false\n     */\n    var isRegExp = nodeIsRegExp ? baseUnary(nodeIsRegExp) : baseIsRegExp;\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is a safe integer. An integer is safe if it's an IEEE-754\n     * double precision number which isn't the result of a rounded unsafe integer.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method is based on\n     * [`Number.isSafeInteger`](https://mdn.io/Number/isSafeInteger).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a safe integer, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isSafeInteger(3);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isSafeInteger(Number.MIN_VALUE);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.isSafeInteger(Infinity);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.isSafeInteger('3');\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isSafeInteger(value) {\n      return isInteger(value) && value >= -MAX_SAFE_INTEGER && value <= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Set` object.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.3.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a set, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isSet(new Set);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isSet(new WeakSet);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    var isSet = nodeIsSet ? baseUnary(nodeIsSet) : baseIsSet;\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is classified as a `String` primitive or object.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a string, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isString('abc');\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isString(1);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isString(value) {\n      return typeof value == 'string' ||\n        (!isArray(value) && isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == stringTag);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is classified as a `Symbol` primitive or object.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a symbol, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isSymbol(Symbol.iterator);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isSymbol('abc');\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isSymbol(value) {\n      return typeof value == 'symbol' ||\n        (isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == symbolTag);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is classified as a typed array.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a typed array, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isTypedArray(new Uint8Array);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isTypedArray([]);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    var isTypedArray = nodeIsTypedArray ? baseUnary(nodeIsTypedArray) : baseIsTypedArray;\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is `undefined`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is `undefined`, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isUndefined(void 0);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isUndefined(null);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isUndefined(value) {\n      return value === undefined;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is classified as a `WeakMap` object.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.3.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a weak map, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isWeakMap(new WeakMap);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isWeakMap(new Map);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isWeakMap(value) {\n      return isObjectLike(value) && getTag(value) == weakMapTag;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is classified as a `WeakSet` object.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.3.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is a weak set, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.isWeakSet(new WeakSet);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.isWeakSet(new Set);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function isWeakSet(value) {\n      return isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == weakSetTag;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is less than `other`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.9.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to compare.\n     * @param {*} other The other value to compare.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is less than `other`,\n     *  else `false`.\n     * @see _.gt\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.lt(1, 3);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.lt(3, 3);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.lt(3, 1);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    var lt = createRelationalOperation(baseLt);\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `value` is less than or equal to `other`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.9.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to compare.\n     * @param {*} other The other value to compare.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is less than or equal to\n     *  `other`, else `false`.\n     * @see _.gte\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.lte(1, 3);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.lte(3, 3);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.lte(3, 1);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    var lte = createRelationalOperation(function(value, other) {\n      return value <= other;\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `value` to an array.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to convert.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the converted array.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.toArray({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 });\n     * // => [1, 2]\n     *\n     * _.toArray('abc');\n     * // => ['a', 'b', 'c']\n     *\n     * _.toArray(1);\n     * // => []\n     *\n     * _.toArray(null);\n     * // => []\n     */\n    function toArray(value) {\n      if (!value) {\n        return [];\n      }\n      if (isArrayLike(value)) {\n        return isString(value) ? stringToArray(value) : copyArray(value);\n      }\n      if (symIterator && value[symIterator]) {\n        return iteratorToArray(value[symIterator]());\n      }\n      var tag = getTag(value),\n          func = tag == mapTag ? mapToArray : (tag == setTag ? setToArray : values);\n\n      return func(value);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `value` to a finite number.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.12.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to convert.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the converted number.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.toFinite(3.2);\n     * // => 3.2\n     *\n     * _.toFinite(Number.MIN_VALUE);\n     * // => 5e-324\n     *\n     * _.toFinite(Infinity);\n     * // => 1.7976931348623157e+308\n     *\n     * _.toFinite('3.2');\n     * // => 3.2\n     */\n    function toFinite(value) {\n      if (!value) {\n        return value === 0 ? value : 0;\n      }\n      value = toNumber(value);\n      if (value === INFINITY || value === -INFINITY) {\n        var sign = (value < 0 ? -1 : 1);\n        return sign * MAX_INTEGER;\n      }\n      return value === value ? value : 0;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `value` to an integer.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method is loosely based on\n     * [`ToInteger`](http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-tointeger).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to convert.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the converted integer.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.toInteger(3.2);\n     * // => 3\n     *\n     * _.toInteger(Number.MIN_VALUE);\n     * // => 0\n     *\n     * _.toInteger(Infinity);\n     * // => 1.7976931348623157e+308\n     *\n     * _.toInteger('3.2');\n     * // => 3\n     */\n    function toInteger(value) {\n      var result = toFinite(value),\n          remainder = result % 1;\n\n      return result === result ? (remainder ? result - remainder : result) : 0;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `value` to an integer suitable for use as the length of an\n     * array-like object.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method is based on\n     * [`ToLength`](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-tolength).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to convert.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the converted integer.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.toLength(3.2);\n     * // => 3\n     *\n     * _.toLength(Number.MIN_VALUE);\n     * // => 0\n     *\n     * _.toLength(Infinity);\n     * // => 4294967295\n     *\n     * _.toLength('3.2');\n     * // => 3\n     */\n    function toLength(value) {\n      return value ? baseClamp(toInteger(value), 0, MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH) : 0;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `value` to a number.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to process.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the number.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.toNumber(3.2);\n     * // => 3.2\n     *\n     * _.toNumber(Number.MIN_VALUE);\n     * // => 5e-324\n     *\n     * _.toNumber(Infinity);\n     * // => Infinity\n     *\n     * _.toNumber('3.2');\n     * // => 3.2\n     */\n    function toNumber(value) {\n      if (typeof value == 'number') {\n        return value;\n      }\n      if (isSymbol(value)) {\n        return NAN;\n      }\n      if (isObject(value)) {\n        var other = typeof value.valueOf == 'function' ? value.valueOf() : value;\n        value = isObject(other) ? (other + '') : other;\n      }\n      if (typeof value != 'string') {\n        return value === 0 ? value : +value;\n      }\n      value = baseTrim(value);\n      var isBinary = reIsBinary.test(value);\n      return (isBinary || reIsOctal.test(value))\n        ? freeParseInt(value.slice(2), isBinary ? 2 : 8)\n        : (reIsBadHex.test(value) ? NAN : +value);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `value` to a plain object flattening inherited enumerable string\n     * keyed properties of `value` to own properties of the plain object.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to convert.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the converted plain object.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function Foo() {\n     *   this.b = 2;\n     * }\n     *\n     * Foo.prototype.c = 3;\n     *\n     * _.assign({ 'a': 1 }, new Foo);\n     * // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }\n     *\n     * _.assign({ 'a': 1 }, _.toPlainObject(new Foo));\n     * // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3 }\n     */\n    function toPlainObject(value) {\n      return copyObject(value, keysIn(value));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `value` to a safe integer. A safe integer can be compared and\n     * represented correctly.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to convert.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the converted integer.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.toSafeInteger(3.2);\n     * // => 3\n     *\n     * _.toSafeInteger(Number.MIN_VALUE);\n     * // => 0\n     *\n     * _.toSafeInteger(Infinity);\n     * // => 9007199254740991\n     *\n     * _.toSafeInteger('3.2');\n     * // => 3\n     */\n    function toSafeInteger(value) {\n      return value\n        ? baseClamp(toInteger(value), -MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)\n        : (value === 0 ? value : 0);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `value` to a string. An empty string is returned for `null`\n     * and `undefined` values. The sign of `-0` is preserved.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Lang\n     * @param {*} value The value to convert.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the converted string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.toString(null);\n     * // => ''\n     *\n     * _.toString(-0);\n     * // => '-0'\n     *\n     * _.toString([1, 2, 3]);\n     * // => '1,2,3'\n     */\n    function toString(value) {\n      return value == null ? '' : baseToString(value);\n    }\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    /**\n     * Assigns own enumerable string keyed properties of source objects to the\n     * destination object. Source objects are applied from left to right.\n     * Subsequent sources overwrite property assignments of previous sources.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method mutates `object` and is loosely based on\n     * [`Object.assign`](https://mdn.io/Object/assign).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.10.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n     * @param {...Object} [sources] The source objects.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     * @see _.assignIn\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function Foo() {\n     *   this.a = 1;\n     * }\n     *\n     * function Bar() {\n     *   this.c = 3;\n     * }\n     *\n     * Foo.prototype.b = 2;\n     * Bar.prototype.d = 4;\n     *\n     * _.assign({ 'a': 0 }, new Foo, new Bar);\n     * // => { 'a': 1, 'c': 3 }\n     */\n    var assign = createAssigner(function(object, source) {\n      if (isPrototype(source) || isArrayLike(source)) {\n        copyObject(source, keys(source), object);\n        return;\n      }\n      for (var key in source) {\n        if (hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {\n          assignValue(object, key, source[key]);\n        }\n      }\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.assign` except that it iterates over own and\n     * inherited source properties.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method mutates `object`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @alias extend\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n     * @param {...Object} [sources] The source objects.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     * @see _.assign\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function Foo() {\n     *   this.a = 1;\n     * }\n     *\n     * function Bar() {\n     *   this.c = 3;\n     * }\n     *\n     * Foo.prototype.b = 2;\n     * Bar.prototype.d = 4;\n     *\n     * _.assignIn({ 'a': 0 }, new Foo, new Bar);\n     * // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4 }\n     */\n    var assignIn = createAssigner(function(object, source) {\n      copyObject(source, keysIn(source), object);\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.assignIn` except that it accepts `customizer`\n     * which is invoked to produce the assigned values. If `customizer` returns\n     * `undefined`, assignment is handled by the method instead. The `customizer`\n     * is invoked with five arguments: (objValue, srcValue, key, object, source).\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method mutates `object`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @alias extendWith\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n     * @param {...Object} sources The source objects.\n     * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize assigned values.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     * @see _.assignWith\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function customizer(objValue, srcValue) {\n     *   return _.isUndefined(objValue) ? srcValue : objValue;\n     * }\n     *\n     * var defaults = _.partialRight(_.assignInWith, customizer);\n     *\n     * defaults({ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }, { 'a': 3 });\n     * // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }\n     */\n    var assignInWith = createAssigner(function(object, source, srcIndex, customizer) {\n      copyObject(source, keysIn(source), object, customizer);\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.assign` except that it accepts `customizer`\n     * which is invoked to produce the assigned values. If `customizer` returns\n     * `undefined`, assignment is handled by the method instead. The `customizer`\n     * is invoked with five arguments: (objValue, srcValue, key, object, source).\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method mutates `object`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n     * @param {...Object} sources The source objects.\n     * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize assigned values.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     * @see _.assignInWith\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function customizer(objValue, srcValue) {\n     *   return _.isUndefined(objValue) ? srcValue : objValue;\n     * }\n     *\n     * var defaults = _.partialRight(_.assignWith, customizer);\n     *\n     * defaults({ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }, { 'a': 3 });\n     * // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }\n     */\n    var assignWith = createAssigner(function(object, source, srcIndex, customizer) {\n      copyObject(source, keys(source), object, customizer);\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of values corresponding to `paths` of `object`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 1.0.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n     * @param {...(string|string[])} [paths] The property paths to pick.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the picked values.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 3 } }, 4] };\n     *\n     * _.at(object, ['a[0].b.c', 'a[1]']);\n     * // => [3, 4]\n     */\n    var at = flatRest(baseAt);\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an object that inherits from the `prototype` object. If a\n     * `properties` object is given, its own enumerable string keyed properties\n     * are assigned to the created object.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 2.3.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} prototype The object to inherit from.\n     * @param {Object} [properties] The properties to assign to the object.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function Shape() {\n     *   this.x = 0;\n     *   this.y = 0;\n     * }\n     *\n     * function Circle() {\n     *   Shape.call(this);\n     * }\n     *\n     * Circle.prototype = _.create(Shape.prototype, {\n     *   'constructor': Circle\n     * });\n     *\n     * var circle = new Circle;\n     * circle instanceof Circle;\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * circle instanceof Shape;\n     * // => true\n     */\n    function create(prototype, properties) {\n      var result = baseCreate(prototype);\n      return properties == null ? result : baseAssign(result, properties);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Assigns own and inherited enumerable string keyed properties of source\n     * objects to the destination object for all destination properties that\n     * resolve to `undefined`. Source objects are applied from left to right.\n     * Once a property is set, additional values of the same property are ignored.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method mutates `object`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n     * @param {...Object} [sources] The source objects.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     * @see _.defaultsDeep\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.defaults({ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }, { 'a': 3 });\n     * // => { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }\n     */\n    var defaults = baseRest(function(object, sources) {\n      object = Object(object);\n\n      var index = -1;\n      var length = sources.length;\n      var guard = length > 2 ? sources[2] : undefined;\n\n      if (guard && isIterateeCall(sources[0], sources[1], guard)) {\n        length = 1;\n      }\n\n      while (++index < length) {\n        var source = sources[index];\n        var props = keysIn(source);\n        var propsIndex = -1;\n        var propsLength = props.length;\n\n        while (++propsIndex < propsLength) {\n          var key = props[propsIndex];\n          var value = object[key];\n\n          if (value === undefined ||\n              (eq(value, objectProto[key]) && !hasOwnProperty.call(object, key))) {\n            object[key] = source[key];\n          }\n        }\n      }\n\n      return object;\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.defaults` except that it recursively assigns\n     * default properties.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method mutates `object`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.10.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n     * @param {...Object} [sources] The source objects.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     * @see _.defaults\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.defaultsDeep({ 'a': { 'b': 2 } }, { 'a': { 'b': 1, 'c': 3 } });\n     * // => { 'a': { 'b': 2, 'c': 3 } }\n     */\n    var defaultsDeep = baseRest(function(args) {\n      args.push(undefined, customDefaultsMerge);\n      return apply(mergeWith, undefined, args);\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.find` except that it returns the key of the first\n     * element `predicate` returns truthy for instead of the element itself.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 1.1.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.\n     * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {string|undefined} Returns the key of the matched element,\n     *  else `undefined`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var users = {\n     *   'barney':  { 'age': 36, 'active': true },\n     *   'fred':    { 'age': 40, 'active': false },\n     *   'pebbles': { 'age': 1,  'active': true }\n     * };\n     *\n     * _.findKey(users, function(o) { return o.age < 40; });\n     * // => 'barney' (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n     *\n     * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.findKey(users, { 'age': 1, 'active': true });\n     * // => 'pebbles'\n     *\n     * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.findKey(users, ['active', false]);\n     * // => 'fred'\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.findKey(users, 'active');\n     * // => 'barney'\n     */\n    function findKey(object, predicate) {\n      return baseFindKey(object, getIteratee(predicate, 3), baseForOwn);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.findKey` except that it iterates over elements of\n     * a collection in the opposite order.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 2.0.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.\n     * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {string|undefined} Returns the key of the matched element,\n     *  else `undefined`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var users = {\n     *   'barney':  { 'age': 36, 'active': true },\n     *   'fred':    { 'age': 40, 'active': false },\n     *   'pebbles': { 'age': 1,  'active': true }\n     * };\n     *\n     * _.findLastKey(users, function(o) { return o.age < 40; });\n     * // => returns 'pebbles' assuming `_.findKey` returns 'barney'\n     *\n     * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.findLastKey(users, { 'age': 36, 'active': true });\n     * // => 'barney'\n     *\n     * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.findLastKey(users, ['active', false]);\n     * // => 'fred'\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.findLastKey(users, 'active');\n     * // => 'pebbles'\n     */\n    function findLastKey(object, predicate) {\n      return baseFindKey(object, getIteratee(predicate, 3), baseForOwnRight);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Iterates over own and inherited enumerable string keyed properties of an\n     * object and invokes `iteratee` for each property. The iteratee is invoked\n     * with three arguments: (value, key, object). Iteratee functions may exit\n     * iteration early by explicitly returning `false`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.3.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     * @see _.forInRight\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function Foo() {\n     *   this.a = 1;\n     *   this.b = 2;\n     * }\n     *\n     * Foo.prototype.c = 3;\n     *\n     * _.forIn(new Foo, function(value, key) {\n     *   console.log(key);\n     * });\n     * // => Logs 'a', 'b', then 'c' (iteration order is not guaranteed).\n     */\n    function forIn(object, iteratee) {\n      return object == null\n        ? object\n        : baseFor(object, getIteratee(iteratee, 3), keysIn);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.forIn` except that it iterates over properties of\n     * `object` in the opposite order.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 2.0.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     * @see _.forIn\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function Foo() {\n     *   this.a = 1;\n     *   this.b = 2;\n     * }\n     *\n     * Foo.prototype.c = 3;\n     *\n     * _.forInRight(new Foo, function(value, key) {\n     *   console.log(key);\n     * });\n     * // => Logs 'c', 'b', then 'a' assuming `_.forIn` logs 'a', 'b', then 'c'.\n     */\n    function forInRight(object, iteratee) {\n      return object == null\n        ? object\n        : baseForRight(object, getIteratee(iteratee, 3), keysIn);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Iterates over own enumerable string keyed properties of an object and\n     * invokes `iteratee` for each property. The iteratee is invoked with three\n     * arguments: (value, key, object). Iteratee functions may exit iteration\n     * early by explicitly returning `false`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.3.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     * @see _.forOwnRight\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function Foo() {\n     *   this.a = 1;\n     *   this.b = 2;\n     * }\n     *\n     * Foo.prototype.c = 3;\n     *\n     * _.forOwn(new Foo, function(value, key) {\n     *   console.log(key);\n     * });\n     * // => Logs 'a' then 'b' (iteration order is not guaranteed).\n     */\n    function forOwn(object, iteratee) {\n      return object && baseForOwn(object, getIteratee(iteratee, 3));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.forOwn` except that it iterates over properties of\n     * `object` in the opposite order.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 2.0.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     * @see _.forOwn\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function Foo() {\n     *   this.a = 1;\n     *   this.b = 2;\n     * }\n     *\n     * Foo.prototype.c = 3;\n     *\n     * _.forOwnRight(new Foo, function(value, key) {\n     *   console.log(key);\n     * });\n     * // => Logs 'b' then 'a' assuming `_.forOwn` logs 'a' then 'b'.\n     */\n    function forOwnRight(object, iteratee) {\n      return object && baseForOwnRight(object, getIteratee(iteratee, 3));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of function property names from own enumerable properties\n     * of `object`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the function names.\n     * @see _.functionsIn\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function Foo() {\n     *   this.a = _.constant('a');\n     *   this.b = _.constant('b');\n     * }\n     *\n     * Foo.prototype.c = _.constant('c');\n     *\n     * _.functions(new Foo);\n     * // => ['a', 'b']\n     */\n    function functions(object) {\n      return object == null ? [] : baseFunctions(object, keys(object));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of function property names from own and inherited\n     * enumerable properties of `object`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to inspect.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the function names.\n     * @see _.functions\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function Foo() {\n     *   this.a = _.constant('a');\n     *   this.b = _.constant('b');\n     * }\n     *\n     * Foo.prototype.c = _.constant('c');\n     *\n     * _.functionsIn(new Foo);\n     * // => ['a', 'b', 'c']\n     */\n    function functionsIn(object) {\n      return object == null ? [] : baseFunctions(object, keysIn(object));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Gets the value at `path` of `object`. If the resolved value is\n     * `undefined`, the `defaultValue` is returned in its place.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.7.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to get.\n     * @param {*} [defaultValue] The value returned for `undefined` resolved values.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the resolved value.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 3 } }] };\n     *\n     * _.get(object, 'a[0].b.c');\n     * // => 3\n     *\n     * _.get(object, ['a', '0', 'b', 'c']);\n     * // => 3\n     *\n     * _.get(object, 'a.b.c', 'default');\n     * // => 'default'\n     */\n    function get(object, path, defaultValue) {\n      var result = object == null ? undefined : baseGet(object, path);\n      return result === undefined ? defaultValue : result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `path` is a direct property of `object`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @param {Array|string} path The path to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `path` exists, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': { 'b': 2 } };\n     * var other = _.create({ 'a': _.create({ 'b': 2 }) });\n     *\n     * _.has(object, 'a');\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.has(object, 'a.b');\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.has(object, ['a', 'b']);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.has(other, 'a');\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function has(object, path) {\n      return object != null && hasPath(object, path, baseHas);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `path` is a direct or inherited property of `object`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @param {Array|string} path The path to check.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `path` exists, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = _.create({ 'a': _.create({ 'b': 2 }) });\n     *\n     * _.hasIn(object, 'a');\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.hasIn(object, 'a.b');\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.hasIn(object, ['a', 'b']);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.hasIn(object, 'b');\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function hasIn(object, path) {\n      return object != null && hasPath(object, path, baseHasIn);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an object composed of the inverted keys and values of `object`.\n     * If `object` contains duplicate values, subsequent values overwrite\n     * property assignments of previous values.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.7.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to invert.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new inverted object.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 1 };\n     *\n     * _.invert(object);\n     * // => { '1': 'c', '2': 'b' }\n     */\n    var invert = createInverter(function(result, value, key) {\n      if (value != null &&\n          typeof value.toString != 'function') {\n        value = nativeObjectToString.call(value);\n      }\n\n      result[value] = key;\n    }, constant(identity));\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.invert` except that the inverted object is generated\n     * from the results of running each element of `object` thru `iteratee`. The\n     * corresponding inverted value of each inverted key is an array of keys\n     * responsible for generating the inverted value. The iteratee is invoked\n     * with one argument: (value).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.1.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to invert.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new inverted object.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 1 };\n     *\n     * _.invertBy(object);\n     * // => { '1': ['a', 'c'], '2': ['b'] }\n     *\n     * _.invertBy(object, function(value) {\n     *   return 'group' + value;\n     * });\n     * // => { 'group1': ['a', 'c'], 'group2': ['b'] }\n     */\n    var invertBy = createInverter(function(result, value, key) {\n      if (value != null &&\n          typeof value.toString != 'function') {\n        value = nativeObjectToString.call(value);\n      }\n\n      if (hasOwnProperty.call(result, value)) {\n        result[value].push(key);\n      } else {\n        result[value] = [key];\n      }\n    }, getIteratee);\n\n    /**\n     * Invokes the method at `path` of `object`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @param {Array|string} path The path of the method to invoke.\n     * @param {...*} [args] The arguments to invoke the method with.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the result of the invoked method.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': [1, 2, 3, 4] } }] };\n     *\n     * _.invoke(object, 'a[0].b.c.slice', 1, 3);\n     * // => [2, 3]\n     */\n    var invoke = baseRest(baseInvoke);\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of the own enumerable property names of `object`.\n     *\n     * **Note:** Non-object values are coerced to objects. See the\n     * [ES spec](http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/7.0/#sec-object.keys)\n     * for more details.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function Foo() {\n     *   this.a = 1;\n     *   this.b = 2;\n     * }\n     *\n     * Foo.prototype.c = 3;\n     *\n     * _.keys(new Foo);\n     * // => ['a', 'b'] (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n     *\n     * _.keys('hi');\n     * // => ['0', '1']\n     */\n    function keys(object) {\n      return isArrayLike(object) ? arrayLikeKeys(object) : baseKeys(object);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of the own and inherited enumerable property names of `object`.\n     *\n     * **Note:** Non-object values are coerced to objects.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property names.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function Foo() {\n     *   this.a = 1;\n     *   this.b = 2;\n     * }\n     *\n     * Foo.prototype.c = 3;\n     *\n     * _.keysIn(new Foo);\n     * // => ['a', 'b', 'c'] (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n     */\n    function keysIn(object) {\n      return isArrayLike(object) ? arrayLikeKeys(object, true) : baseKeysIn(object);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The opposite of `_.mapValues`; this method creates an object with the\n     * same values as `object` and keys generated by running each own enumerable\n     * string keyed property of `object` thru `iteratee`. The iteratee is invoked\n     * with three arguments: (value, key, object).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.8.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new mapped object.\n     * @see _.mapValues\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.mapKeys({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }, function(value, key) {\n     *   return key + value;\n     * });\n     * // => { 'a1': 1, 'b2': 2 }\n     */\n    function mapKeys(object, iteratee) {\n      var result = {};\n      iteratee = getIteratee(iteratee, 3);\n\n      baseForOwn(object, function(value, key, object) {\n        baseAssignValue(result, iteratee(value, key, object), value);\n      });\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an object with the same keys as `object` and values generated\n     * by running each own enumerable string keyed property of `object` thru\n     * `iteratee`. The iteratee is invoked with three arguments:\n     * (value, key, object).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 2.4.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new mapped object.\n     * @see _.mapKeys\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var users = {\n     *   'fred':    { 'user': 'fred',    'age': 40 },\n     *   'pebbles': { 'user': 'pebbles', 'age': 1 }\n     * };\n     *\n     * _.mapValues(users, function(o) { return o.age; });\n     * // => { 'fred': 40, 'pebbles': 1 } (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.mapValues(users, 'age');\n     * // => { 'fred': 40, 'pebbles': 1 } (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n     */\n    function mapValues(object, iteratee) {\n      var result = {};\n      iteratee = getIteratee(iteratee, 3);\n\n      baseForOwn(object, function(value, key, object) {\n        baseAssignValue(result, key, iteratee(value, key, object));\n      });\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.assign` except that it recursively merges own and\n     * inherited enumerable string keyed properties of source objects into the\n     * destination object. Source properties that resolve to `undefined` are\n     * skipped if a destination value exists. Array and plain object properties\n     * are merged recursively. Other objects and value types are overridden by\n     * assignment. Source objects are applied from left to right. Subsequent\n     * sources overwrite property assignments of previous sources.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method mutates `object`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.5.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n     * @param {...Object} [sources] The source objects.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = {\n     *   'a': [{ 'b': 2 }, { 'd': 4 }]\n     * };\n     *\n     * var other = {\n     *   'a': [{ 'c': 3 }, { 'e': 5 }]\n     * };\n     *\n     * _.merge(object, other);\n     * // => { 'a': [{ 'b': 2, 'c': 3 }, { 'd': 4, 'e': 5 }] }\n     */\n    var merge = createAssigner(function(object, source, srcIndex) {\n      baseMerge(object, source, srcIndex);\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.merge` except that it accepts `customizer` which\n     * is invoked to produce the merged values of the destination and source\n     * properties. If `customizer` returns `undefined`, merging is handled by the\n     * method instead. The `customizer` is invoked with six arguments:\n     * (objValue, srcValue, key, object, source, stack).\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method mutates `object`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The destination object.\n     * @param {...Object} sources The source objects.\n     * @param {Function} customizer The function to customize assigned values.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function customizer(objValue, srcValue) {\n     *   if (_.isArray(objValue)) {\n     *     return objValue.concat(srcValue);\n     *   }\n     * }\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': [1], 'b': [2] };\n     * var other = { 'a': [3], 'b': [4] };\n     *\n     * _.mergeWith(object, other, customizer);\n     * // => { 'a': [1, 3], 'b': [2, 4] }\n     */\n    var mergeWith = createAssigner(function(object, source, srcIndex, customizer) {\n      baseMerge(object, source, srcIndex, customizer);\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * The opposite of `_.pick`; this method creates an object composed of the\n     * own and inherited enumerable property paths of `object` that are not omitted.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method is considerably slower than `_.pick`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The source object.\n     * @param {...(string|string[])} [paths] The property paths to omit.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': '2', 'c': 3 };\n     *\n     * _.omit(object, ['a', 'c']);\n     * // => { 'b': '2' }\n     */\n    var omit = flatRest(function(object, paths) {\n      var result = {};\n      if (object == null) {\n        return result;\n      }\n      var isDeep = false;\n      paths = arrayMap(paths, function(path) {\n        path = castPath(path, object);\n        isDeep || (isDeep = path.length > 1);\n        return path;\n      });\n      copyObject(object, getAllKeysIn(object), result);\n      if (isDeep) {\n        result = baseClone(result, CLONE_DEEP_FLAG | CLONE_FLAT_FLAG | CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG, customOmitClone);\n      }\n      var length = paths.length;\n      while (length--) {\n        baseUnset(result, paths[length]);\n      }\n      return result;\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * The opposite of `_.pickBy`; this method creates an object composed of\n     * the own and inherited enumerable string keyed properties of `object` that\n     * `predicate` doesn't return truthy for. The predicate is invoked with two\n     * arguments: (value, key).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The source object.\n     * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per property.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': '2', 'c': 3 };\n     *\n     * _.omitBy(object, _.isNumber);\n     * // => { 'b': '2' }\n     */\n    function omitBy(object, predicate) {\n      return pickBy(object, negate(getIteratee(predicate)));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an object composed of the picked `object` properties.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The source object.\n     * @param {...(string|string[])} [paths] The property paths to pick.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': '2', 'c': 3 };\n     *\n     * _.pick(object, ['a', 'c']);\n     * // => { 'a': 1, 'c': 3 }\n     */\n    var pick = flatRest(function(object, paths) {\n      return object == null ? {} : basePick(object, paths);\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an object composed of the `object` properties `predicate` returns\n     * truthy for. The predicate is invoked with two arguments: (value, key).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The source object.\n     * @param {Function} [predicate=_.identity] The function invoked per property.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new object.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': 1, 'b': '2', 'c': 3 };\n     *\n     * _.pickBy(object, _.isNumber);\n     * // => { 'a': 1, 'c': 3 }\n     */\n    function pickBy(object, predicate) {\n      if (object == null) {\n        return {};\n      }\n      var props = arrayMap(getAllKeysIn(object), function(prop) {\n        return [prop];\n      });\n      predicate = getIteratee(predicate);\n      return basePickBy(object, props, function(value, path) {\n        return predicate(value, path[0]);\n      });\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.get` except that if the resolved value is a\n     * function it's invoked with the `this` binding of its parent object and\n     * its result is returned.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to resolve.\n     * @param {*} [defaultValue] The value returned for `undefined` resolved values.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the resolved value.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c1': 3, 'c2': _.constant(4) } }] };\n     *\n     * _.result(object, 'a[0].b.c1');\n     * // => 3\n     *\n     * _.result(object, 'a[0].b.c2');\n     * // => 4\n     *\n     * _.result(object, 'a[0].b.c3', 'default');\n     * // => 'default'\n     *\n     * _.result(object, 'a[0].b.c3', _.constant('default'));\n     * // => 'default'\n     */\n    function result(object, path, defaultValue) {\n      path = castPath(path, object);\n\n      var index = -1,\n          length = path.length;\n\n      // Ensure the loop is entered when path is empty.\n      if (!length) {\n        length = 1;\n        object = undefined;\n      }\n      while (++index < length) {\n        var value = object == null ? undefined : object[toKey(path[index])];\n        if (value === undefined) {\n          index = length;\n          value = defaultValue;\n        }\n        object = isFunction(value) ? value.call(object) : value;\n      }\n      return object;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Sets the value at `path` of `object`. If a portion of `path` doesn't exist,\n     * it's created. Arrays are created for missing index properties while objects\n     * are created for all other missing properties. Use `_.setWith` to customize\n     * `path` creation.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method mutates `object`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.7.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to modify.\n     * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to set.\n     * @param {*} value The value to set.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 3 } }] };\n     *\n     * _.set(object, 'a[0].b.c', 4);\n     * console.log(object.a[0].b.c);\n     * // => 4\n     *\n     * _.set(object, ['x', '0', 'y', 'z'], 5);\n     * console.log(object.x[0].y.z);\n     * // => 5\n     */\n    function set(object, path, value) {\n      return object == null ? object : baseSet(object, path, value);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.set` except that it accepts `customizer` which is\n     * invoked to produce the objects of `path`.  If `customizer` returns `undefined`\n     * path creation is handled by the method instead. The `customizer` is invoked\n     * with three arguments: (nsValue, key, nsObject).\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method mutates `object`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to modify.\n     * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to set.\n     * @param {*} value The value to set.\n     * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize assigned values.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = {};\n     *\n     * _.setWith(object, '[0][1]', 'a', Object);\n     * // => { '0': { '1': 'a' } }\n     */\n    function setWith(object, path, value, customizer) {\n      customizer = typeof customizer == 'function' ? customizer : undefined;\n      return object == null ? object : baseSet(object, path, value, customizer);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of own enumerable string keyed-value pairs for `object`\n     * which can be consumed by `_.fromPairs`. If `object` is a map or set, its\n     * entries are returned.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @alias entries\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the key-value pairs.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function Foo() {\n     *   this.a = 1;\n     *   this.b = 2;\n     * }\n     *\n     * Foo.prototype.c = 3;\n     *\n     * _.toPairs(new Foo);\n     * // => [['a', 1], ['b', 2]] (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n     */\n    var toPairs = createToPairs(keys);\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of own and inherited enumerable string keyed-value pairs\n     * for `object` which can be consumed by `_.fromPairs`. If `object` is a map\n     * or set, its entries are returned.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @alias entriesIn\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the key-value pairs.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function Foo() {\n     *   this.a = 1;\n     *   this.b = 2;\n     * }\n     *\n     * Foo.prototype.c = 3;\n     *\n     * _.toPairsIn(new Foo);\n     * // => [['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 3]] (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n     */\n    var toPairsIn = createToPairs(keysIn);\n\n    /**\n     * An alternative to `_.reduce`; this method transforms `object` to a new\n     * `accumulator` object which is the result of running each of its own\n     * enumerable string keyed properties thru `iteratee`, with each invocation\n     * potentially mutating the `accumulator` object. If `accumulator` is not\n     * provided, a new object with the same `[[Prototype]]` will be used. The\n     * iteratee is invoked with four arguments: (accumulator, value, key, object).\n     * Iteratee functions may exit iteration early by explicitly returning `false`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 1.3.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @param {*} [accumulator] The custom accumulator value.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the accumulated value.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.transform([2, 3, 4], function(result, n) {\n     *   result.push(n *= n);\n     *   return n % 2 == 0;\n     * }, []);\n     * // => [4, 9]\n     *\n     * _.transform({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 1 }, function(result, value, key) {\n     *   (result[value] || (result[value] = [])).push(key);\n     * }, {});\n     * // => { '1': ['a', 'c'], '2': ['b'] }\n     */\n    function transform(object, iteratee, accumulator) {\n      var isArr = isArray(object),\n          isArrLike = isArr || isBuffer(object) || isTypedArray(object);\n\n      iteratee = getIteratee(iteratee, 4);\n      if (accumulator == null) {\n        var Ctor = object && object.constructor;\n        if (isArrLike) {\n          accumulator = isArr ? new Ctor : [];\n        }\n        else if (isObject(object)) {\n          accumulator = isFunction(Ctor) ? baseCreate(getPrototype(object)) : {};\n        }\n        else {\n          accumulator = {};\n        }\n      }\n      (isArrLike ? arrayEach : baseForOwn)(object, function(value, index, object) {\n        return iteratee(accumulator, value, index, object);\n      });\n      return accumulator;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Removes the property at `path` of `object`.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method mutates `object`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to modify.\n     * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to unset.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the property is deleted, else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 7 } }] };\n     * _.unset(object, 'a[0].b.c');\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * console.log(object);\n     * // => { 'a': [{ 'b': {} }] };\n     *\n     * _.unset(object, ['a', '0', 'b', 'c']);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * console.log(object);\n     * // => { 'a': [{ 'b': {} }] };\n     */\n    function unset(object, path) {\n      return object == null ? true : baseUnset(object, path);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.set` except that accepts `updater` to produce the\n     * value to set. Use `_.updateWith` to customize `path` creation. The `updater`\n     * is invoked with one argument: (value).\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method mutates `object`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.6.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to modify.\n     * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to set.\n     * @param {Function} updater The function to produce the updated value.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 3 } }] };\n     *\n     * _.update(object, 'a[0].b.c', function(n) { return n * n; });\n     * console.log(object.a[0].b.c);\n     * // => 9\n     *\n     * _.update(object, 'x[0].y.z', function(n) { return n ? n + 1 : 0; });\n     * console.log(object.x[0].y.z);\n     * // => 0\n     */\n    function update(object, path, updater) {\n      return object == null ? object : baseUpdate(object, path, castFunction(updater));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.update` except that it accepts `customizer` which is\n     * invoked to produce the objects of `path`.  If `customizer` returns `undefined`\n     * path creation is handled by the method instead. The `customizer` is invoked\n     * with three arguments: (nsValue, key, nsObject).\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method mutates `object`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.6.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to modify.\n     * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to set.\n     * @param {Function} updater The function to produce the updated value.\n     * @param {Function} [customizer] The function to customize assigned values.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = {};\n     *\n     * _.updateWith(object, '[0][1]', _.constant('a'), Object);\n     * // => { '0': { '1': 'a' } }\n     */\n    function updateWith(object, path, updater, customizer) {\n      customizer = typeof customizer == 'function' ? customizer : undefined;\n      return object == null ? object : baseUpdate(object, path, castFunction(updater), customizer);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of the own enumerable string keyed property values of `object`.\n     *\n     * **Note:** Non-object values are coerced to objects.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property values.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function Foo() {\n     *   this.a = 1;\n     *   this.b = 2;\n     * }\n     *\n     * Foo.prototype.c = 3;\n     *\n     * _.values(new Foo);\n     * // => [1, 2] (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n     *\n     * _.values('hi');\n     * // => ['h', 'i']\n     */\n    function values(object) {\n      return object == null ? [] : baseValues(object, keys(object));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of the own and inherited enumerable string keyed property\n     * values of `object`.\n     *\n     * **Note:** Non-object values are coerced to objects.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Object\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the array of property values.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function Foo() {\n     *   this.a = 1;\n     *   this.b = 2;\n     * }\n     *\n     * Foo.prototype.c = 3;\n     *\n     * _.valuesIn(new Foo);\n     * // => [1, 2, 3] (iteration order is not guaranteed)\n     */\n    function valuesIn(object) {\n      return object == null ? [] : baseValues(object, keysIn(object));\n    }\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    /**\n     * Clamps `number` within the inclusive `lower` and `upper` bounds.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Number\n     * @param {number} number The number to clamp.\n     * @param {number} [lower] The lower bound.\n     * @param {number} upper The upper bound.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the clamped number.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.clamp(-10, -5, 5);\n     * // => -5\n     *\n     * _.clamp(10, -5, 5);\n     * // => 5\n     */\n    function clamp(number, lower, upper) {\n      if (upper === undefined) {\n        upper = lower;\n        lower = undefined;\n      }\n      if (upper !== undefined) {\n        upper = toNumber(upper);\n        upper = upper === upper ? upper : 0;\n      }\n      if (lower !== undefined) {\n        lower = toNumber(lower);\n        lower = lower === lower ? lower : 0;\n      }\n      return baseClamp(toNumber(number), lower, upper);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `n` is between `start` and up to, but not including, `end`. If\n     * `end` is not specified, it's set to `start` with `start` then set to `0`.\n     * If `start` is greater than `end` the params are swapped to support\n     * negative ranges.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.3.0\n     * @category Number\n     * @param {number} number The number to check.\n     * @param {number} [start=0] The start of the range.\n     * @param {number} end The end of the range.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `number` is in the range, else `false`.\n     * @see _.range, _.rangeRight\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.inRange(3, 2, 4);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.inRange(4, 8);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.inRange(4, 2);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.inRange(2, 2);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.inRange(1.2, 2);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.inRange(5.2, 4);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.inRange(-3, -2, -6);\n     * // => true\n     */\n    function inRange(number, start, end) {\n      start = toFinite(start);\n      if (end === undefined) {\n        end = start;\n        start = 0;\n      } else {\n        end = toFinite(end);\n      }\n      number = toNumber(number);\n      return baseInRange(number, start, end);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Produces a random number between the inclusive `lower` and `upper` bounds.\n     * If only one argument is provided a number between `0` and the given number\n     * is returned. If `floating` is `true`, or either `lower` or `upper` are\n     * floats, a floating-point number is returned instead of an integer.\n     *\n     * **Note:** JavaScript follows the IEEE-754 standard for resolving\n     * floating-point values which can produce unexpected results.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.7.0\n     * @category Number\n     * @param {number} [lower=0] The lower bound.\n     * @param {number} [upper=1] The upper bound.\n     * @param {boolean} [floating] Specify returning a floating-point number.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the random number.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.random(0, 5);\n     * // => an integer between 0 and 5\n     *\n     * _.random(5);\n     * // => also an integer between 0 and 5\n     *\n     * _.random(5, true);\n     * // => a floating-point number between 0 and 5\n     *\n     * _.random(1.2, 5.2);\n     * // => a floating-point number between 1.2 and 5.2\n     */\n    function random(lower, upper, floating) {\n      if (floating && typeof floating != 'boolean' && isIterateeCall(lower, upper, floating)) {\n        upper = floating = undefined;\n      }\n      if (floating === undefined) {\n        if (typeof upper == 'boolean') {\n          floating = upper;\n          upper = undefined;\n        }\n        else if (typeof lower == 'boolean') {\n          floating = lower;\n          lower = undefined;\n        }\n      }\n      if (lower === undefined && upper === undefined) {\n        lower = 0;\n        upper = 1;\n      }\n      else {\n        lower = toFinite(lower);\n        if (upper === undefined) {\n          upper = lower;\n          lower = 0;\n        } else {\n          upper = toFinite(upper);\n        }\n      }\n      if (lower > upper) {\n        var temp = lower;\n        lower = upper;\n        upper = temp;\n      }\n      if (floating || lower % 1 || upper % 1) {\n        var rand = nativeRandom();\n        return nativeMin(lower + (rand * (upper - lower + freeParseFloat('1e-' + ((rand + '').length - 1)))), upper);\n      }\n      return baseRandom(lower, upper);\n    }\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `string` to [camel case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CamelCase).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the camel cased string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.camelCase('Foo Bar');\n     * // => 'fooBar'\n     *\n     * _.camelCase('--foo-bar--');\n     * // => 'fooBar'\n     *\n     * _.camelCase('__FOO_BAR__');\n     * // => 'fooBar'\n     */\n    var camelCase = createCompounder(function(result, word, index) {\n      word = word.toLowerCase();\n      return result + (index ? capitalize(word) : word);\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Converts the first character of `string` to upper case and the remaining\n     * to lower case.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to capitalize.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the capitalized string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.capitalize('FRED');\n     * // => 'Fred'\n     */\n    function capitalize(string) {\n      return upperFirst(toString(string).toLowerCase());\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Deburrs `string` by converting\n     * [Latin-1 Supplement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin-1_Supplement_(Unicode_block)#Character_table)\n     * and [Latin Extended-A](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin_Extended-A)\n     * letters to basic Latin letters and removing\n     * [combining diacritical marks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combining_Diacritical_Marks).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to deburr.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the deburred string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.deburr('déjà vu');\n     * // => 'deja vu'\n     */\n    function deburr(string) {\n      string = toString(string);\n      return string && string.replace(reLatin, deburrLetter).replace(reComboMark, '');\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `string` ends with the given target string.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to inspect.\n     * @param {string} [target] The string to search for.\n     * @param {number} [position=string.length] The position to search up to.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `string` ends with `target`,\n     *  else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.endsWith('abc', 'c');\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.endsWith('abc', 'b');\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.endsWith('abc', 'b', 2);\n     * // => true\n     */\n    function endsWith(string, target, position) {\n      string = toString(string);\n      target = baseToString(target);\n\n      var length = string.length;\n      position = position === undefined\n        ? length\n        : baseClamp(toInteger(position), 0, length);\n\n      var end = position;\n      position -= target.length;\n      return position >= 0 && string.slice(position, end) == target;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Converts the characters \"&\", \"<\", \">\", '\"', and \"'\" in `string` to their\n     * corresponding HTML entities.\n     *\n     * **Note:** No other characters are escaped. To escape additional\n     * characters use a third-party library like [_he_](https://mths.be/he).\n     *\n     * Though the \">\" character is escaped for symmetry, characters like\n     * \">\" and \"/\" don't need escaping in HTML and have no special meaning\n     * unless they're part of a tag or unquoted attribute value. See\n     * [Mathias Bynens's article](https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/ambiguous-ampersands)\n     * (under \"semi-related fun fact\") for more details.\n     *\n     * When working with HTML you should always\n     * [quote attribute values](http://wonko.com/post/html-escaping) to reduce\n     * XSS vectors.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to escape.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the escaped string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.escape('fred, barney, & pebbles');\n     * // => 'fred, barney, &amp; pebbles'\n     */\n    function escape(string) {\n      string = toString(string);\n      return (string && reHasUnescapedHtml.test(string))\n        ? string.replace(reUnescapedHtml, escapeHtmlChar)\n        : string;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Escapes the `RegExp` special characters \"^\", \"$\", \"\\\", \".\", \"*\", \"+\",\n     * \"?\", \"(\", \")\", \"[\", \"]\", \"{\", \"}\", and \"|\" in `string`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to escape.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the escaped string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.escapeRegExp('[lodash](https://lodash.com/)');\n     * // => '\\[lodash\\]\\(https://lodash\\.com/\\)'\n     */\n    function escapeRegExp(string) {\n      string = toString(string);\n      return (string && reHasRegExpChar.test(string))\n        ? string.replace(reRegExpChar, '\\\\$&')\n        : string;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `string` to\n     * [kebab case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_case#Special_case_styles).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the kebab cased string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.kebabCase('Foo Bar');\n     * // => 'foo-bar'\n     *\n     * _.kebabCase('fooBar');\n     * // => 'foo-bar'\n     *\n     * _.kebabCase('__FOO_BAR__');\n     * // => 'foo-bar'\n     */\n    var kebabCase = createCompounder(function(result, word, index) {\n      return result + (index ? '-' : '') + word.toLowerCase();\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `string`, as space separated words, to lower case.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the lower cased string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.lowerCase('--Foo-Bar--');\n     * // => 'foo bar'\n     *\n     * _.lowerCase('fooBar');\n     * // => 'foo bar'\n     *\n     * _.lowerCase('__FOO_BAR__');\n     * // => 'foo bar'\n     */\n    var lowerCase = createCompounder(function(result, word, index) {\n      return result + (index ? ' ' : '') + word.toLowerCase();\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Converts the first character of `string` to lower case.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the converted string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.lowerFirst('Fred');\n     * // => 'fred'\n     *\n     * _.lowerFirst('FRED');\n     * // => 'fRED'\n     */\n    var lowerFirst = createCaseFirst('toLowerCase');\n\n    /**\n     * Pads `string` on the left and right sides if it's shorter than `length`.\n     * Padding characters are truncated if they can't be evenly divided by `length`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to pad.\n     * @param {number} [length=0] The padding length.\n     * @param {string} [chars=' '] The string used as padding.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the padded string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.pad('abc', 8);\n     * // => '  abc   '\n     *\n     * _.pad('abc', 8, '_-');\n     * // => '_-abc_-_'\n     *\n     * _.pad('abc', 3);\n     * // => 'abc'\n     */\n    function pad(string, length, chars) {\n      string = toString(string);\n      length = toInteger(length);\n\n      var strLength = length ? stringSize(string) : 0;\n      if (!length || strLength >= length) {\n        return string;\n      }\n      var mid = (length - strLength) / 2;\n      return (\n        createPadding(nativeFloor(mid), chars) +\n        string +\n        createPadding(nativeCeil(mid), chars)\n      );\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Pads `string` on the right side if it's shorter than `length`. Padding\n     * characters are truncated if they exceed `length`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to pad.\n     * @param {number} [length=0] The padding length.\n     * @param {string} [chars=' '] The string used as padding.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the padded string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.padEnd('abc', 6);\n     * // => 'abc   '\n     *\n     * _.padEnd('abc', 6, '_-');\n     * // => 'abc_-_'\n     *\n     * _.padEnd('abc', 3);\n     * // => 'abc'\n     */\n    function padEnd(string, length, chars) {\n      string = toString(string);\n      length = toInteger(length);\n\n      var strLength = length ? stringSize(string) : 0;\n      return (length && strLength < length)\n        ? (string + createPadding(length - strLength, chars))\n        : string;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Pads `string` on the left side if it's shorter than `length`. Padding\n     * characters are truncated if they exceed `length`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to pad.\n     * @param {number} [length=0] The padding length.\n     * @param {string} [chars=' '] The string used as padding.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the padded string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.padStart('abc', 6);\n     * // => '   abc'\n     *\n     * _.padStart('abc', 6, '_-');\n     * // => '_-_abc'\n     *\n     * _.padStart('abc', 3);\n     * // => 'abc'\n     */\n    function padStart(string, length, chars) {\n      string = toString(string);\n      length = toInteger(length);\n\n      var strLength = length ? stringSize(string) : 0;\n      return (length && strLength < length)\n        ? (createPadding(length - strLength, chars) + string)\n        : string;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `string` to an integer of the specified radix. If `radix` is\n     * `undefined` or `0`, a `radix` of `10` is used unless `value` is a\n     * hexadecimal, in which case a `radix` of `16` is used.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method aligns with the\n     * [ES5 implementation](https://es5.github.io/#x15.1.2.2) of `parseInt`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 1.1.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} string The string to convert.\n     * @param {number} [radix=10] The radix to interpret `value` by.\n     * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.map`.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the converted integer.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.parseInt('08');\n     * // => 8\n     *\n     * _.map(['6', '08', '10'], _.parseInt);\n     * // => [6, 8, 10]\n     */\n    function parseInt(string, radix, guard) {\n      if (guard || radix == null) {\n        radix = 0;\n      } else if (radix) {\n        radix = +radix;\n      }\n      return nativeParseInt(toString(string).replace(reTrimStart, ''), radix || 0);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Repeats the given string `n` times.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to repeat.\n     * @param {number} [n=1] The number of times to repeat the string.\n     * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.map`.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the repeated string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.repeat('*', 3);\n     * // => '***'\n     *\n     * _.repeat('abc', 2);\n     * // => 'abcabc'\n     *\n     * _.repeat('abc', 0);\n     * // => ''\n     */\n    function repeat(string, n, guard) {\n      if ((guard ? isIterateeCall(string, n, guard) : n === undefined)) {\n        n = 1;\n      } else {\n        n = toInteger(n);\n      }\n      return baseRepeat(toString(string), n);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Replaces matches for `pattern` in `string` with `replacement`.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method is based on\n     * [`String#replace`](https://mdn.io/String/replace).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to modify.\n     * @param {RegExp|string} pattern The pattern to replace.\n     * @param {Function|string} replacement The match replacement.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the modified string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.replace('Hi Fred', 'Fred', 'Barney');\n     * // => 'Hi Barney'\n     */\n    function replace() {\n      var args = arguments,\n          string = toString(args[0]);\n\n      return args.length < 3 ? string : string.replace(args[1], args[2]);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `string` to\n     * [snake case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snake_case).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the snake cased string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.snakeCase('Foo Bar');\n     * // => 'foo_bar'\n     *\n     * _.snakeCase('fooBar');\n     * // => 'foo_bar'\n     *\n     * _.snakeCase('--FOO-BAR--');\n     * // => 'foo_bar'\n     */\n    var snakeCase = createCompounder(function(result, word, index) {\n      return result + (index ? '_' : '') + word.toLowerCase();\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Splits `string` by `separator`.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method is based on\n     * [`String#split`](https://mdn.io/String/split).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to split.\n     * @param {RegExp|string} separator The separator pattern to split by.\n     * @param {number} [limit] The length to truncate results to.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the string segments.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.split('a-b-c', '-', 2);\n     * // => ['a', 'b']\n     */\n    function split(string, separator, limit) {\n      if (limit && typeof limit != 'number' && isIterateeCall(string, separator, limit)) {\n        separator = limit = undefined;\n      }\n      limit = limit === undefined ? MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH : limit >>> 0;\n      if (!limit) {\n        return [];\n      }\n      string = toString(string);\n      if (string && (\n            typeof separator == 'string' ||\n            (separator != null && !isRegExp(separator))\n          )) {\n        separator = baseToString(separator);\n        if (!separator && hasUnicode(string)) {\n          return castSlice(stringToArray(string), 0, limit);\n        }\n      }\n      return string.split(separator, limit);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `string` to\n     * [start case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_case#Stylistic_or_specialised_usage).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.1.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the start cased string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.startCase('--foo-bar--');\n     * // => 'Foo Bar'\n     *\n     * _.startCase('fooBar');\n     * // => 'Foo Bar'\n     *\n     * _.startCase('__FOO_BAR__');\n     * // => 'FOO BAR'\n     */\n    var startCase = createCompounder(function(result, word, index) {\n      return result + (index ? ' ' : '') + upperFirst(word);\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Checks if `string` starts with the given target string.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to inspect.\n     * @param {string} [target] The string to search for.\n     * @param {number} [position=0] The position to search from.\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `string` starts with `target`,\n     *  else `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.startsWith('abc', 'a');\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * _.startsWith('abc', 'b');\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * _.startsWith('abc', 'b', 1);\n     * // => true\n     */\n    function startsWith(string, target, position) {\n      string = toString(string);\n      position = position == null\n        ? 0\n        : baseClamp(toInteger(position), 0, string.length);\n\n      target = baseToString(target);\n      return string.slice(position, position + target.length) == target;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a compiled template function that can interpolate data properties\n     * in \"interpolate\" delimiters, HTML-escape interpolated data properties in\n     * \"escape\" delimiters, and execute JavaScript in \"evaluate\" delimiters. Data\n     * properties may be accessed as free variables in the template. If a setting\n     * object is given, it takes precedence over `_.templateSettings` values.\n     *\n     * **Note:** In the development build `_.template` utilizes\n     * [sourceURLs](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/developertools/sourcemaps/#toc-sourceurl)\n     * for easier debugging.\n     *\n     * For more information on precompiling templates see\n     * [lodash's custom builds documentation](https://lodash.com/custom-builds).\n     *\n     * For more information on Chrome extension sandboxes see\n     * [Chrome's extensions documentation](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/sandboxingEval).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The template string.\n     * @param {Object} [options={}] The options object.\n     * @param {RegExp} [options.escape=_.templateSettings.escape]\n     *  The HTML \"escape\" delimiter.\n     * @param {RegExp} [options.evaluate=_.templateSettings.evaluate]\n     *  The \"evaluate\" delimiter.\n     * @param {Object} [options.imports=_.templateSettings.imports]\n     *  An object to import into the template as free variables.\n     * @param {RegExp} [options.interpolate=_.templateSettings.interpolate]\n     *  The \"interpolate\" delimiter.\n     * @param {string} [options.sourceURL='lodash.templateSources[n]']\n     *  The sourceURL of the compiled template.\n     * @param {string} [options.variable='obj']\n     *  The data object variable name.\n     * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.map`.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the compiled template function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * // Use the \"interpolate\" delimiter to create a compiled template.\n     * var compiled = _.template('hello <%= user %>!');\n     * compiled({ 'user': 'fred' });\n     * // => 'hello fred!'\n     *\n     * // Use the HTML \"escape\" delimiter to escape data property values.\n     * var compiled = _.template('<b><%- value %></b>');\n     * compiled({ 'value': '<script>' });\n     * // => '<b>&lt;script&gt;</b>'\n     *\n     * // Use the \"evaluate\" delimiter to execute JavaScript and generate HTML.\n     * var compiled = _.template('<% _.forEach(users, function(user) { %><li><%- user %></li><% }); %>');\n     * compiled({ 'users': ['fred', 'barney'] });\n     * // => '<li>fred</li><li>barney</li>'\n     *\n     * // Use the internal `print` function in \"evaluate\" delimiters.\n     * var compiled = _.template('<% print(\"hello \" + user); %>!');\n     * compiled({ 'user': 'barney' });\n     * // => 'hello barney!'\n     *\n     * // Use the ES template literal delimiter as an \"interpolate\" delimiter.\n     * // Disable support by replacing the \"interpolate\" delimiter.\n     * var compiled = _.template('hello ${ user }!');\n     * compiled({ 'user': 'pebbles' });\n     * // => 'hello pebbles!'\n     *\n     * // Use backslashes to treat delimiters as plain text.\n     * var compiled = _.template('<%= \"\\\\<%- value %\\\\>\" %>');\n     * compiled({ 'value': 'ignored' });\n     * // => '<%- value %>'\n     *\n     * // Use the `imports` option to import `jQuery` as `jq`.\n     * var text = '<% jq.each(users, function(user) { %><li><%- user %></li><% }); %>';\n     * var compiled = _.template(text, { 'imports': { 'jq': jQuery } });\n     * compiled({ 'users': ['fred', 'barney'] });\n     * // => '<li>fred</li><li>barney</li>'\n     *\n     * // Use the `sourceURL` option to specify a custom sourceURL for the template.\n     * var compiled = _.template('hello <%= user %>!', { 'sourceURL': '/basic/greeting.jst' });\n     * compiled(data);\n     * // => Find the source of \"greeting.jst\" under the Sources tab or Resources panel of the web inspector.\n     *\n     * // Use the `variable` option to ensure a with-statement isn't used in the compiled template.\n     * var compiled = _.template('hi <%= data.user %>!', { 'variable': 'data' });\n     * compiled.source;\n     * // => function(data) {\n     * //   var __t, __p = '';\n     * //   __p += 'hi ' + ((__t = ( data.user )) == null ? '' : __t) + '!';\n     * //   return __p;\n     * // }\n     *\n     * // Use custom template delimiters.\n     * _.templateSettings.interpolate = /{{([\\s\\S]+?)}}/g;\n     * var compiled = _.template('hello {{ user }}!');\n     * compiled({ 'user': 'mustache' });\n     * // => 'hello mustache!'\n     *\n     * // Use the `source` property to inline compiled templates for meaningful\n     * // line numbers in error messages and stack traces.\n     * fs.writeFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), 'jst.js'), '\\\n     *   var JST = {\\\n     *     \"main\": ' + _.template(mainText).source + '\\\n     *   };\\\n     * ');\n     */\n    function template(string, options, guard) {\n      // Based on John Resig's `tmpl` implementation\n      // (http://ejohn.org/blog/javascript-micro-templating/)\n      // and Laura Doktorova's doT.js (https://github.com/olado/doT).\n      var settings = lodash.templateSettings;\n\n      if (guard && isIterateeCall(string, options, guard)) {\n        options = undefined;\n      }\n      string = toString(string);\n      options = assignInWith({}, options, settings, customDefaultsAssignIn);\n\n      var imports = assignInWith({}, options.imports, settings.imports, customDefaultsAssignIn),\n          importsKeys = keys(imports),\n          importsValues = baseValues(imports, importsKeys);\n\n      var isEscaping,\n          isEvaluating,\n          index = 0,\n          interpolate = options.interpolate || reNoMatch,\n          source = \"__p += '\";\n\n      // Compile the regexp to match each delimiter.\n      var reDelimiters = RegExp(\n        (options.escape || reNoMatch).source + '|' +\n        interpolate.source + '|' +\n        (interpolate === reInterpolate ? reEsTemplate : reNoMatch).source + '|' +\n        (options.evaluate || reNoMatch).source + '|$'\n      , 'g');\n\n      // Use a sourceURL for easier debugging.\n      // The sourceURL gets injected into the source that's eval-ed, so be careful\n      // to normalize all kinds of whitespace, so e.g. newlines (and unicode versions of it) can't sneak in\n      // and escape the comment, thus injecting code that gets evaled.\n      var sourceURL = '//# sourceURL=' +\n        (hasOwnProperty.call(options, 'sourceURL')\n          ? (options.sourceURL + '').replace(/\\s/g, ' ')\n          : ('lodash.templateSources[' + (++templateCounter) + ']')\n        ) + '\\n';\n\n      string.replace(reDelimiters, function(match, escapeValue, interpolateValue, esTemplateValue, evaluateValue, offset) {\n        interpolateValue || (interpolateValue = esTemplateValue);\n\n        // Escape characters that can't be included in string literals.\n        source += string.slice(index, offset).replace(reUnescapedString, escapeStringChar);\n\n        // Replace delimiters with snippets.\n        if (escapeValue) {\n          isEscaping = true;\n          source += \"' +\\n__e(\" + escapeValue + \") +\\n'\";\n        }\n        if (evaluateValue) {\n          isEvaluating = true;\n          source += \"';\\n\" + evaluateValue + \";\\n__p += '\";\n        }\n        if (interpolateValue) {\n          source += \"' +\\n((__t = (\" + interpolateValue + \")) == null ? '' : __t) +\\n'\";\n        }\n        index = offset + match.length;\n\n        // The JS engine embedded in Adobe products needs `match` returned in\n        // order to produce the correct `offset` value.\n        return match;\n      });\n\n      source += \"';\\n\";\n\n      // If `variable` is not specified wrap a with-statement around the generated\n      // code to add the data object to the top of the scope chain.\n      var variable = hasOwnProperty.call(options, 'variable') && options.variable;\n      if (!variable) {\n        source = 'with (obj) {\\n' + source + '\\n}\\n';\n      }\n      // Throw an error if a forbidden character was found in `variable`, to prevent\n      // potential command injection attacks.\n      else if (reForbiddenIdentifierChars.test(variable)) {\n        throw new Error(INVALID_TEMPL_VAR_ERROR_TEXT);\n      }\n\n      // Cleanup code by stripping empty strings.\n      source = (isEvaluating ? source.replace(reEmptyStringLeading, '') : source)\n        .replace(reEmptyStringMiddle, '$1')\n        .replace(reEmptyStringTrailing, '$1;');\n\n      // Frame code as the function body.\n      source = 'function(' + (variable || 'obj') + ') {\\n' +\n        (variable\n          ? ''\n          : 'obj || (obj = {});\\n'\n        ) +\n        \"var __t, __p = ''\" +\n        (isEscaping\n           ? ', __e = _.escape'\n           : ''\n        ) +\n        (isEvaluating\n          ? ', __j = Array.prototype.join;\\n' +\n            \"function print() { __p += __j.call(arguments, '') }\\n\"\n          : ';\\n'\n        ) +\n        source +\n        'return __p\\n}';\n\n      var result = attempt(function() {\n        return Function(importsKeys, sourceURL + 'return ' + source)\n          .apply(undefined, importsValues);\n      });\n\n      // Provide the compiled function's source by its `toString` method or\n      // the `source` property as a convenience for inlining compiled templates.\n      result.source = source;\n      if (isError(result)) {\n        throw result;\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `string`, as a whole, to lower case just like\n     * [String#toLowerCase](https://mdn.io/toLowerCase).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the lower cased string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.toLower('--Foo-Bar--');\n     * // => '--foo-bar--'\n     *\n     * _.toLower('fooBar');\n     * // => 'foobar'\n     *\n     * _.toLower('__FOO_BAR__');\n     * // => '__foo_bar__'\n     */\n    function toLower(value) {\n      return toString(value).toLowerCase();\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `string`, as a whole, to upper case just like\n     * [String#toUpperCase](https://mdn.io/toUpperCase).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the upper cased string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.toUpper('--foo-bar--');\n     * // => '--FOO-BAR--'\n     *\n     * _.toUpper('fooBar');\n     * // => 'FOOBAR'\n     *\n     * _.toUpper('__foo_bar__');\n     * // => '__FOO_BAR__'\n     */\n    function toUpper(value) {\n      return toString(value).toUpperCase();\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Removes leading and trailing whitespace or specified characters from `string`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to trim.\n     * @param {string} [chars=whitespace] The characters to trim.\n     * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.map`.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the trimmed string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.trim('  abc  ');\n     * // => 'abc'\n     *\n     * _.trim('-_-abc-_-', '_-');\n     * // => 'abc'\n     *\n     * _.map(['  foo  ', '  bar  '], _.trim);\n     * // => ['foo', 'bar']\n     */\n    function trim(string, chars, guard) {\n      string = toString(string);\n      if (string && (guard || chars === undefined)) {\n        return baseTrim(string);\n      }\n      if (!string || !(chars = baseToString(chars))) {\n        return string;\n      }\n      var strSymbols = stringToArray(string),\n          chrSymbols = stringToArray(chars),\n          start = charsStartIndex(strSymbols, chrSymbols),\n          end = charsEndIndex(strSymbols, chrSymbols) + 1;\n\n      return castSlice(strSymbols, start, end).join('');\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Removes trailing whitespace or specified characters from `string`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to trim.\n     * @param {string} [chars=whitespace] The characters to trim.\n     * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.map`.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the trimmed string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.trimEnd('  abc  ');\n     * // => '  abc'\n     *\n     * _.trimEnd('-_-abc-_-', '_-');\n     * // => '-_-abc'\n     */\n    function trimEnd(string, chars, guard) {\n      string = toString(string);\n      if (string && (guard || chars === undefined)) {\n        return string.slice(0, trimmedEndIndex(string) + 1);\n      }\n      if (!string || !(chars = baseToString(chars))) {\n        return string;\n      }\n      var strSymbols = stringToArray(string),\n          end = charsEndIndex(strSymbols, stringToArray(chars)) + 1;\n\n      return castSlice(strSymbols, 0, end).join('');\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Removes leading whitespace or specified characters from `string`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to trim.\n     * @param {string} [chars=whitespace] The characters to trim.\n     * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.map`.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the trimmed string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.trimStart('  abc  ');\n     * // => 'abc  '\n     *\n     * _.trimStart('-_-abc-_-', '_-');\n     * // => 'abc-_-'\n     */\n    function trimStart(string, chars, guard) {\n      string = toString(string);\n      if (string && (guard || chars === undefined)) {\n        return string.replace(reTrimStart, '');\n      }\n      if (!string || !(chars = baseToString(chars))) {\n        return string;\n      }\n      var strSymbols = stringToArray(string),\n          start = charsStartIndex(strSymbols, stringToArray(chars));\n\n      return castSlice(strSymbols, start).join('');\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Truncates `string` if it's longer than the given maximum string length.\n     * The last characters of the truncated string are replaced with the omission\n     * string which defaults to \"...\".\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to truncate.\n     * @param {Object} [options={}] The options object.\n     * @param {number} [options.length=30] The maximum string length.\n     * @param {string} [options.omission='...'] The string to indicate text is omitted.\n     * @param {RegExp|string} [options.separator] The separator pattern to truncate to.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the truncated string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.truncate('hi-diddly-ho there, neighborino');\n     * // => 'hi-diddly-ho there, neighbo...'\n     *\n     * _.truncate('hi-diddly-ho there, neighborino', {\n     *   'length': 24,\n     *   'separator': ' '\n     * });\n     * // => 'hi-diddly-ho there,...'\n     *\n     * _.truncate('hi-diddly-ho there, neighborino', {\n     *   'length': 24,\n     *   'separator': /,? +/\n     * });\n     * // => 'hi-diddly-ho there...'\n     *\n     * _.truncate('hi-diddly-ho there, neighborino', {\n     *   'omission': ' [...]'\n     * });\n     * // => 'hi-diddly-ho there, neig [...]'\n     */\n    function truncate(string, options) {\n      var length = DEFAULT_TRUNC_LENGTH,\n          omission = DEFAULT_TRUNC_OMISSION;\n\n      if (isObject(options)) {\n        var separator = 'separator' in options ? options.separator : separator;\n        length = 'length' in options ? toInteger(options.length) : length;\n        omission = 'omission' in options ? baseToString(options.omission) : omission;\n      }\n      string = toString(string);\n\n      var strLength = string.length;\n      if (hasUnicode(string)) {\n        var strSymbols = stringToArray(string);\n        strLength = strSymbols.length;\n      }\n      if (length >= strLength) {\n        return string;\n      }\n      var end = length - stringSize(omission);\n      if (end < 1) {\n        return omission;\n      }\n      var result = strSymbols\n        ? castSlice(strSymbols, 0, end).join('')\n        : string.slice(0, end);\n\n      if (separator === undefined) {\n        return result + omission;\n      }\n      if (strSymbols) {\n        end += (result.length - end);\n      }\n      if (isRegExp(separator)) {\n        if (string.slice(end).search(separator)) {\n          var match,\n              substring = result;\n\n          if (!separator.global) {\n            separator = RegExp(separator.source, toString(reFlags.exec(separator)) + 'g');\n          }\n          separator.lastIndex = 0;\n          while ((match = separator.exec(substring))) {\n            var newEnd = match.index;\n          }\n          result = result.slice(0, newEnd === undefined ? end : newEnd);\n        }\n      } else if (string.indexOf(baseToString(separator), end) != end) {\n        var index = result.lastIndexOf(separator);\n        if (index > -1) {\n          result = result.slice(0, index);\n        }\n      }\n      return result + omission;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The inverse of `_.escape`; this method converts the HTML entities\n     * `&amp;`, `&lt;`, `&gt;`, `&quot;`, and `&#39;` in `string` to\n     * their corresponding characters.\n     *\n     * **Note:** No other HTML entities are unescaped. To unescape additional\n     * HTML entities use a third-party library like [_he_](https://mths.be/he).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 0.6.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to unescape.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the unescaped string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.unescape('fred, barney, &amp; pebbles');\n     * // => 'fred, barney, & pebbles'\n     */\n    function unescape(string) {\n      string = toString(string);\n      return (string && reHasEscapedHtml.test(string))\n        ? string.replace(reEscapedHtml, unescapeHtmlChar)\n        : string;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `string`, as space separated words, to upper case.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the upper cased string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.upperCase('--foo-bar');\n     * // => 'FOO BAR'\n     *\n     * _.upperCase('fooBar');\n     * // => 'FOO BAR'\n     *\n     * _.upperCase('__foo_bar__');\n     * // => 'FOO BAR'\n     */\n    var upperCase = createCompounder(function(result, word, index) {\n      return result + (index ? ' ' : '') + word.toUpperCase();\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Converts the first character of `string` to upper case.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to convert.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the converted string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.upperFirst('fred');\n     * // => 'Fred'\n     *\n     * _.upperFirst('FRED');\n     * // => 'FRED'\n     */\n    var upperFirst = createCaseFirst('toUpperCase');\n\n    /**\n     * Splits `string` into an array of its words.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category String\n     * @param {string} [string=''] The string to inspect.\n     * @param {RegExp|string} [pattern] The pattern to match words.\n     * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as an iteratee for methods like `_.map`.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the words of `string`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.words('fred, barney, & pebbles');\n     * // => ['fred', 'barney', 'pebbles']\n     *\n     * _.words('fred, barney, & pebbles', /[^, ]+/g);\n     * // => ['fred', 'barney', '&', 'pebbles']\n     */\n    function words(string, pattern, guard) {\n      string = toString(string);\n      pattern = guard ? undefined : pattern;\n\n      if (pattern === undefined) {\n        return hasUnicodeWord(string) ? unicodeWords(string) : asciiWords(string);\n      }\n      return string.match(pattern) || [];\n    }\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    /**\n     * Attempts to invoke `func`, returning either the result or the caught error\n     * object. Any additional arguments are provided to `func` when it's invoked.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {Function} func The function to attempt.\n     * @param {...*} [args] The arguments to invoke `func` with.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the `func` result or error object.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * // Avoid throwing errors for invalid selectors.\n     * var elements = _.attempt(function(selector) {\n     *   return document.querySelectorAll(selector);\n     * }, '>_>');\n     *\n     * if (_.isError(elements)) {\n     *   elements = [];\n     * }\n     */\n    var attempt = baseRest(function(func, args) {\n      try {\n        return apply(func, undefined, args);\n      } catch (e) {\n        return isError(e) ? e : new Error(e);\n      }\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Binds methods of an object to the object itself, overwriting the existing\n     * method.\n     *\n     * **Note:** This method doesn't set the \"length\" property of bound functions.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {Object} object The object to bind and assign the bound methods to.\n     * @param {...(string|string[])} methodNames The object method names to bind.\n     * @returns {Object} Returns `object`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var view = {\n     *   'label': 'docs',\n     *   'click': function() {\n     *     console.log('clicked ' + this.label);\n     *   }\n     * };\n     *\n     * _.bindAll(view, ['click']);\n     * jQuery(element).on('click', view.click);\n     * // => Logs 'clicked docs' when clicked.\n     */\n    var bindAll = flatRest(function(object, methodNames) {\n      arrayEach(methodNames, function(key) {\n        key = toKey(key);\n        baseAssignValue(object, key, bind(object[key], object));\n      });\n      return object;\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that iterates over `pairs` and invokes the corresponding\n     * function of the first predicate to return truthy. The predicate-function\n     * pairs are invoked with the `this` binding and arguments of the created\n     * function.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {Array} pairs The predicate-function pairs.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new composite function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var func = _.cond([\n     *   [_.matches({ 'a': 1 }),           _.constant('matches A')],\n     *   [_.conforms({ 'b': _.isNumber }), _.constant('matches B')],\n     *   [_.stubTrue,                      _.constant('no match')]\n     * ]);\n     *\n     * func({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 });\n     * // => 'matches A'\n     *\n     * func({ 'a': 0, 'b': 1 });\n     * // => 'matches B'\n     *\n     * func({ 'a': '1', 'b': '2' });\n     * // => 'no match'\n     */\n    function cond(pairs) {\n      var length = pairs == null ? 0 : pairs.length,\n          toIteratee = getIteratee();\n\n      pairs = !length ? [] : arrayMap(pairs, function(pair) {\n        if (typeof pair[1] != 'function') {\n          throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);\n        }\n        return [toIteratee(pair[0]), pair[1]];\n      });\n\n      return baseRest(function(args) {\n        var index = -1;\n        while (++index < length) {\n          var pair = pairs[index];\n          if (apply(pair[0], this, args)) {\n            return apply(pair[1], this, args);\n          }\n        }\n      });\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that invokes the predicate properties of `source` with\n     * the corresponding property values of a given object, returning `true` if\n     * all predicates return truthy, else `false`.\n     *\n     * **Note:** The created function is equivalent to `_.conformsTo` with\n     * `source` partially applied.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {Object} source The object of property predicates to conform to.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new spec function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var objects = [\n     *   { 'a': 2, 'b': 1 },\n     *   { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * _.filter(objects, _.conforms({ 'b': function(n) { return n > 1; } }));\n     * // => [{ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }]\n     */\n    function conforms(source) {\n      return baseConforms(baseClone(source, CLONE_DEEP_FLAG));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that returns `value`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 2.4.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {*} value The value to return from the new function.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new constant function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var objects = _.times(2, _.constant({ 'a': 1 }));\n     *\n     * console.log(objects);\n     * // => [{ 'a': 1 }, { 'a': 1 }]\n     *\n     * console.log(objects[0] === objects[1]);\n     * // => true\n     */\n    function constant(value) {\n      return function() {\n        return value;\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Checks `value` to determine whether a default value should be returned in\n     * its place. The `defaultValue` is returned if `value` is `NaN`, `null`,\n     * or `undefined`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.14.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {*} value The value to check.\n     * @param {*} defaultValue The default value.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the resolved value.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.defaultTo(1, 10);\n     * // => 1\n     *\n     * _.defaultTo(undefined, 10);\n     * // => 10\n     */\n    function defaultTo(value, defaultValue) {\n      return (value == null || value !== value) ? defaultValue : value;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that returns the result of invoking the given functions\n     * with the `this` binding of the created function, where each successive\n     * invocation is supplied the return value of the previous.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {...(Function|Function[])} [funcs] The functions to invoke.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new composite function.\n     * @see _.flowRight\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function square(n) {\n     *   return n * n;\n     * }\n     *\n     * var addSquare = _.flow([_.add, square]);\n     * addSquare(1, 2);\n     * // => 9\n     */\n    var flow = createFlow();\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.flow` except that it creates a function that\n     * invokes the given functions from right to left.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {...(Function|Function[])} [funcs] The functions to invoke.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new composite function.\n     * @see _.flow\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function square(n) {\n     *   return n * n;\n     * }\n     *\n     * var addSquare = _.flowRight([square, _.add]);\n     * addSquare(1, 2);\n     * // => 9\n     */\n    var flowRight = createFlow(true);\n\n    /**\n     * This method returns the first argument it receives.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {*} value Any value.\n     * @returns {*} Returns `value`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var object = { 'a': 1 };\n     *\n     * console.log(_.identity(object) === object);\n     * // => true\n     */\n    function identity(value) {\n      return value;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that invokes `func` with the arguments of the created\n     * function. If `func` is a property name, the created function returns the\n     * property value for a given element. If `func` is an array or object, the\n     * created function returns `true` for elements that contain the equivalent\n     * source properties, otherwise it returns `false`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {*} [func=_.identity] The value to convert to a callback.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the callback.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var users = [\n     *   { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': true },\n     *   { 'user': 'fred',   'age': 40, 'active': false }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * // The `_.matches` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.filter(users, _.iteratee({ 'user': 'barney', 'active': true }));\n     * // => [{ 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'active': true }]\n     *\n     * // The `_.matchesProperty` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.filter(users, _.iteratee(['user', 'fred']));\n     * // => [{ 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 }]\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.map(users, _.iteratee('user'));\n     * // => ['barney', 'fred']\n     *\n     * // Create custom iteratee shorthands.\n     * _.iteratee = _.wrap(_.iteratee, function(iteratee, func) {\n     *   return !_.isRegExp(func) ? iteratee(func) : function(string) {\n     *     return func.test(string);\n     *   };\n     * });\n     *\n     * _.filter(['abc', 'def'], /ef/);\n     * // => ['def']\n     */\n    function iteratee(func) {\n      return baseIteratee(typeof func == 'function' ? func : baseClone(func, CLONE_DEEP_FLAG));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that performs a partial deep comparison between a given\n     * object and `source`, returning `true` if the given object has equivalent\n     * property values, else `false`.\n     *\n     * **Note:** The created function is equivalent to `_.isMatch` with `source`\n     * partially applied.\n     *\n     * Partial comparisons will match empty array and empty object `source`\n     * values against any array or object value, respectively. See `_.isEqual`\n     * for a list of supported value comparisons.\n     *\n     * **Note:** Multiple values can be checked by combining several matchers\n     * using `_.overSome`\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {Object} source The object of property values to match.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new spec function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var objects = [\n     *   { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3 },\n     *   { 'a': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 6 }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * _.filter(objects, _.matches({ 'a': 4, 'c': 6 }));\n     * // => [{ 'a': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 6 }]\n     *\n     * // Checking for several possible values\n     * _.filter(objects, _.overSome([_.matches({ 'a': 1 }), _.matches({ 'a': 4 })]));\n     * // => [{ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3 }, { 'a': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 6 }]\n     */\n    function matches(source) {\n      return baseMatches(baseClone(source, CLONE_DEEP_FLAG));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that performs a partial deep comparison between the\n     * value at `path` of a given object to `srcValue`, returning `true` if the\n     * object value is equivalent, else `false`.\n     *\n     * **Note:** Partial comparisons will match empty array and empty object\n     * `srcValue` values against any array or object value, respectively. See\n     * `_.isEqual` for a list of supported value comparisons.\n     *\n     * **Note:** Multiple values can be checked by combining several matchers\n     * using `_.overSome`\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.2.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to get.\n     * @param {*} srcValue The value to match.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new spec function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var objects = [\n     *   { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3 },\n     *   { 'a': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 6 }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * _.find(objects, _.matchesProperty('a', 4));\n     * // => { 'a': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 6 }\n     *\n     * // Checking for several possible values\n     * _.filter(objects, _.overSome([_.matchesProperty('a', 1), _.matchesProperty('a', 4)]));\n     * // => [{ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3 }, { 'a': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 6 }]\n     */\n    function matchesProperty(path, srcValue) {\n      return baseMatchesProperty(path, baseClone(srcValue, CLONE_DEEP_FLAG));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that invokes the method at `path` of a given object.\n     * Any additional arguments are provided to the invoked method.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.7.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {Array|string} path The path of the method to invoke.\n     * @param {...*} [args] The arguments to invoke the method with.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new invoker function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var objects = [\n     *   { 'a': { 'b': _.constant(2) } },\n     *   { 'a': { 'b': _.constant(1) } }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * _.map(objects, _.method('a.b'));\n     * // => [2, 1]\n     *\n     * _.map(objects, _.method(['a', 'b']));\n     * // => [2, 1]\n     */\n    var method = baseRest(function(path, args) {\n      return function(object) {\n        return baseInvoke(object, path, args);\n      };\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * The opposite of `_.method`; this method creates a function that invokes\n     * the method at a given path of `object`. Any additional arguments are\n     * provided to the invoked method.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.7.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @param {...*} [args] The arguments to invoke the method with.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new invoker function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var array = _.times(3, _.constant),\n     *     object = { 'a': array, 'b': array, 'c': array };\n     *\n     * _.map(['a[2]', 'c[0]'], _.methodOf(object));\n     * // => [2, 0]\n     *\n     * _.map([['a', '2'], ['c', '0']], _.methodOf(object));\n     * // => [2, 0]\n     */\n    var methodOf = baseRest(function(object, args) {\n      return function(path) {\n        return baseInvoke(object, path, args);\n      };\n    });\n\n    /**\n     * Adds all own enumerable string keyed function properties of a source\n     * object to the destination object. If `object` is a function, then methods\n     * are added to its prototype as well.\n     *\n     * **Note:** Use `_.runInContext` to create a pristine `lodash` function to\n     * avoid conflicts caused by modifying the original.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {Function|Object} [object=lodash] The destination object.\n     * @param {Object} source The object of functions to add.\n     * @param {Object} [options={}] The options object.\n     * @param {boolean} [options.chain=true] Specify whether mixins are chainable.\n     * @returns {Function|Object} Returns `object`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * function vowels(string) {\n     *   return _.filter(string, function(v) {\n     *     return /[aeiou]/i.test(v);\n     *   });\n     * }\n     *\n     * _.mixin({ 'vowels': vowels });\n     * _.vowels('fred');\n     * // => ['e']\n     *\n     * _('fred').vowels().value();\n     * // => ['e']\n     *\n     * _.mixin({ 'vowels': vowels }, { 'chain': false });\n     * _('fred').vowels();\n     * // => ['e']\n     */\n    function mixin(object, source, options) {\n      var props = keys(source),\n          methodNames = baseFunctions(source, props);\n\n      if (options == null &&\n          !(isObject(source) && (methodNames.length || !props.length))) {\n        options = source;\n        source = object;\n        object = this;\n        methodNames = baseFunctions(source, keys(source));\n      }\n      var chain = !(isObject(options) && 'chain' in options) || !!options.chain,\n          isFunc = isFunction(object);\n\n      arrayEach(methodNames, function(methodName) {\n        var func = source[methodName];\n        object[methodName] = func;\n        if (isFunc) {\n          object.prototype[methodName] = function() {\n            var chainAll = this.__chain__;\n            if (chain || chainAll) {\n              var result = object(this.__wrapped__),\n                  actions = result.__actions__ = copyArray(this.__actions__);\n\n              actions.push({ 'func': func, 'args': arguments, 'thisArg': object });\n              result.__chain__ = chainAll;\n              return result;\n            }\n            return func.apply(object, arrayPush([this.value()], arguments));\n          };\n        }\n      });\n\n      return object;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Reverts the `_` variable to its previous value and returns a reference to\n     * the `lodash` function.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Util\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the `lodash` function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var lodash = _.noConflict();\n     */\n    function noConflict() {\n      if (root._ === this) {\n        root._ = oldDash;\n      }\n      return this;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method returns `undefined`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 2.3.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.times(2, _.noop);\n     * // => [undefined, undefined]\n     */\n    function noop() {\n      // No operation performed.\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that gets the argument at index `n`. If `n` is negative,\n     * the nth argument from the end is returned.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {number} [n=0] The index of the argument to return.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new pass-thru function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var func = _.nthArg(1);\n     * func('a', 'b', 'c', 'd');\n     * // => 'b'\n     *\n     * var func = _.nthArg(-2);\n     * func('a', 'b', 'c', 'd');\n     * // => 'c'\n     */\n    function nthArg(n) {\n      n = toInteger(n);\n      return baseRest(function(args) {\n        return baseNth(args, n);\n      });\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that invokes `iteratees` with the arguments it receives\n     * and returns their results.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {...(Function|Function[])} [iteratees=[_.identity]]\n     *  The iteratees to invoke.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var func = _.over([Math.max, Math.min]);\n     *\n     * func(1, 2, 3, 4);\n     * // => [4, 1]\n     */\n    var over = createOver(arrayMap);\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that checks if **all** of the `predicates` return\n     * truthy when invoked with the arguments it receives.\n     *\n     * Following shorthands are possible for providing predicates.\n     * Pass an `Object` and it will be used as an parameter for `_.matches` to create the predicate.\n     * Pass an `Array` of parameters for `_.matchesProperty` and the predicate will be created using them.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {...(Function|Function[])} [predicates=[_.identity]]\n     *  The predicates to check.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var func = _.overEvery([Boolean, isFinite]);\n     *\n     * func('1');\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * func(null);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * func(NaN);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    var overEvery = createOver(arrayEvery);\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that checks if **any** of the `predicates` return\n     * truthy when invoked with the arguments it receives.\n     *\n     * Following shorthands are possible for providing predicates.\n     * Pass an `Object` and it will be used as an parameter for `_.matches` to create the predicate.\n     * Pass an `Array` of parameters for `_.matchesProperty` and the predicate will be created using them.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {...(Function|Function[])} [predicates=[_.identity]]\n     *  The predicates to check.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var func = _.overSome([Boolean, isFinite]);\n     *\n     * func('1');\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * func(null);\n     * // => true\n     *\n     * func(NaN);\n     * // => false\n     *\n     * var matchesFunc = _.overSome([{ 'a': 1 }, { 'a': 2 }])\n     * var matchesPropertyFunc = _.overSome([['a', 1], ['a', 2]])\n     */\n    var overSome = createOver(arraySome);\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a function that returns the value at `path` of a given object.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 2.4.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {Array|string} path The path of the property to get.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new accessor function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var objects = [\n     *   { 'a': { 'b': 2 } },\n     *   { 'a': { 'b': 1 } }\n     * ];\n     *\n     * _.map(objects, _.property('a.b'));\n     * // => [2, 1]\n     *\n     * _.map(_.sortBy(objects, _.property(['a', 'b'])), 'a.b');\n     * // => [1, 2]\n     */\n    function property(path) {\n      return isKey(path) ? baseProperty(toKey(path)) : basePropertyDeep(path);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * The opposite of `_.property`; this method creates a function that returns\n     * the value at a given path of `object`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.0.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {Object} object The object to query.\n     * @returns {Function} Returns the new accessor function.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var array = [0, 1, 2],\n     *     object = { 'a': array, 'b': array, 'c': array };\n     *\n     * _.map(['a[2]', 'c[0]'], _.propertyOf(object));\n     * // => [2, 0]\n     *\n     * _.map([['a', '2'], ['c', '0']], _.propertyOf(object));\n     * // => [2, 0]\n     */\n    function propertyOf(object) {\n      return function(path) {\n        return object == null ? undefined : baseGet(object, path);\n      };\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Creates an array of numbers (positive and/or negative) progressing from\n     * `start` up to, but not including, `end`. A step of `-1` is used if a negative\n     * `start` is specified without an `end` or `step`. If `end` is not specified,\n     * it's set to `start` with `start` then set to `0`.\n     *\n     * **Note:** JavaScript follows the IEEE-754 standard for resolving\n     * floating-point values which can produce unexpected results.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {number} [start=0] The start of the range.\n     * @param {number} end The end of the range.\n     * @param {number} [step=1] The value to increment or decrement by.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the range of numbers.\n     * @see _.inRange, _.rangeRight\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.range(4);\n     * // => [0, 1, 2, 3]\n     *\n     * _.range(-4);\n     * // => [0, -1, -2, -3]\n     *\n     * _.range(1, 5);\n     * // => [1, 2, 3, 4]\n     *\n     * _.range(0, 20, 5);\n     * // => [0, 5, 10, 15]\n     *\n     * _.range(0, -4, -1);\n     * // => [0, -1, -2, -3]\n     *\n     * _.range(1, 4, 0);\n     * // => [1, 1, 1]\n     *\n     * _.range(0);\n     * // => []\n     */\n    var range = createRange();\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.range` except that it populates values in\n     * descending order.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {number} [start=0] The start of the range.\n     * @param {number} end The end of the range.\n     * @param {number} [step=1] The value to increment or decrement by.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the range of numbers.\n     * @see _.inRange, _.range\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.rangeRight(4);\n     * // => [3, 2, 1, 0]\n     *\n     * _.rangeRight(-4);\n     * // => [-3, -2, -1, 0]\n     *\n     * _.rangeRight(1, 5);\n     * // => [4, 3, 2, 1]\n     *\n     * _.rangeRight(0, 20, 5);\n     * // => [15, 10, 5, 0]\n     *\n     * _.rangeRight(0, -4, -1);\n     * // => [-3, -2, -1, 0]\n     *\n     * _.rangeRight(1, 4, 0);\n     * // => [1, 1, 1]\n     *\n     * _.rangeRight(0);\n     * // => []\n     */\n    var rangeRight = createRange(true);\n\n    /**\n     * This method returns a new empty array.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.13.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new empty array.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var arrays = _.times(2, _.stubArray);\n     *\n     * console.log(arrays);\n     * // => [[], []]\n     *\n     * console.log(arrays[0] === arrays[1]);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function stubArray() {\n      return [];\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method returns `false`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.13.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `false`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.times(2, _.stubFalse);\n     * // => [false, false]\n     */\n    function stubFalse() {\n      return false;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method returns a new empty object.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.13.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @returns {Object} Returns the new empty object.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var objects = _.times(2, _.stubObject);\n     *\n     * console.log(objects);\n     * // => [{}, {}]\n     *\n     * console.log(objects[0] === objects[1]);\n     * // => false\n     */\n    function stubObject() {\n      return {};\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method returns an empty string.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.13.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @returns {string} Returns the empty string.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.times(2, _.stubString);\n     * // => ['', '']\n     */\n    function stubString() {\n      return '';\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method returns `true`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.13.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @returns {boolean} Returns `true`.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.times(2, _.stubTrue);\n     * // => [true, true]\n     */\n    function stubTrue() {\n      return true;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Invokes the iteratee `n` times, returning an array of the results of\n     * each invocation. The iteratee is invoked with one argument; (index).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {number} n The number of times to invoke `iteratee`.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The function invoked per iteration.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the array of results.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.times(3, String);\n     * // => ['0', '1', '2']\n     *\n     *  _.times(4, _.constant(0));\n     * // => [0, 0, 0, 0]\n     */\n    function times(n, iteratee) {\n      n = toInteger(n);\n      if (n < 1 || n > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {\n        return [];\n      }\n      var index = MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH,\n          length = nativeMin(n, MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH);\n\n      iteratee = getIteratee(iteratee);\n      n -= MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH;\n\n      var result = baseTimes(length, iteratee);\n      while (++index < n) {\n        iteratee(index);\n      }\n      return result;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Converts `value` to a property path array.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {*} value The value to convert.\n     * @returns {Array} Returns the new property path array.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.toPath('a.b.c');\n     * // => ['a', 'b', 'c']\n     *\n     * _.toPath('a[0].b.c');\n     * // => ['a', '0', 'b', 'c']\n     */\n    function toPath(value) {\n      if (isArray(value)) {\n        return arrayMap(value, toKey);\n      }\n      return isSymbol(value) ? [value] : copyArray(stringToPath(toString(value)));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Generates a unique ID. If `prefix` is given, the ID is appended to it.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Util\n     * @param {string} [prefix=''] The value to prefix the ID with.\n     * @returns {string} Returns the unique ID.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.uniqueId('contact_');\n     * // => 'contact_104'\n     *\n     * _.uniqueId();\n     * // => '105'\n     */\n    function uniqueId(prefix) {\n      var id = ++idCounter;\n      return toString(prefix) + id;\n    }\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    /**\n     * Adds two numbers.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.4.0\n     * @category Math\n     * @param {number} augend The first number in an addition.\n     * @param {number} addend The second number in an addition.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the total.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.add(6, 4);\n     * // => 10\n     */\n    var add = createMathOperation(function(augend, addend) {\n      return augend + addend;\n    }, 0);\n\n    /**\n     * Computes `number` rounded up to `precision`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.10.0\n     * @category Math\n     * @param {number} number The number to round up.\n     * @param {number} [precision=0] The precision to round up to.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the rounded up number.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.ceil(4.006);\n     * // => 5\n     *\n     * _.ceil(6.004, 2);\n     * // => 6.01\n     *\n     * _.ceil(6040, -2);\n     * // => 6100\n     */\n    var ceil = createRound('ceil');\n\n    /**\n     * Divide two numbers.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.7.0\n     * @category Math\n     * @param {number} dividend The first number in a division.\n     * @param {number} divisor The second number in a division.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the quotient.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.divide(6, 4);\n     * // => 1.5\n     */\n    var divide = createMathOperation(function(dividend, divisor) {\n      return dividend / divisor;\n    }, 1);\n\n    /**\n     * Computes `number` rounded down to `precision`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.10.0\n     * @category Math\n     * @param {number} number The number to round down.\n     * @param {number} [precision=0] The precision to round down to.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the rounded down number.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.floor(4.006);\n     * // => 4\n     *\n     * _.floor(0.046, 2);\n     * // => 0.04\n     *\n     * _.floor(4060, -2);\n     * // => 4000\n     */\n    var floor = createRound('floor');\n\n    /**\n     * Computes the maximum value of `array`. If `array` is empty or falsey,\n     * `undefined` is returned.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Math\n     * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the maximum value.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.max([4, 2, 8, 6]);\n     * // => 8\n     *\n     * _.max([]);\n     * // => undefined\n     */\n    function max(array) {\n      return (array && array.length)\n        ? baseExtremum(array, identity, baseGt)\n        : undefined;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.max` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is\n     * invoked for each element in `array` to generate the criterion by which\n     * the value is ranked. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Math\n     * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the maximum value.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var objects = [{ 'n': 1 }, { 'n': 2 }];\n     *\n     * _.maxBy(objects, function(o) { return o.n; });\n     * // => { 'n': 2 }\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.maxBy(objects, 'n');\n     * // => { 'n': 2 }\n     */\n    function maxBy(array, iteratee) {\n      return (array && array.length)\n        ? baseExtremum(array, getIteratee(iteratee, 2), baseGt)\n        : undefined;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Computes the mean of the values in `array`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Math\n     * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the mean.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.mean([4, 2, 8, 6]);\n     * // => 5\n     */\n    function mean(array) {\n      return baseMean(array, identity);\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.mean` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is\n     * invoked for each element in `array` to generate the value to be averaged.\n     * The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.7.0\n     * @category Math\n     * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the mean.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var objects = [{ 'n': 4 }, { 'n': 2 }, { 'n': 8 }, { 'n': 6 }];\n     *\n     * _.meanBy(objects, function(o) { return o.n; });\n     * // => 5\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.meanBy(objects, 'n');\n     * // => 5\n     */\n    function meanBy(array, iteratee) {\n      return baseMean(array, getIteratee(iteratee, 2));\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Computes the minimum value of `array`. If `array` is empty or falsey,\n     * `undefined` is returned.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @since 0.1.0\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @category Math\n     * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the minimum value.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.min([4, 2, 8, 6]);\n     * // => 2\n     *\n     * _.min([]);\n     * // => undefined\n     */\n    function min(array) {\n      return (array && array.length)\n        ? baseExtremum(array, identity, baseLt)\n        : undefined;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.min` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is\n     * invoked for each element in `array` to generate the criterion by which\n     * the value is ranked. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Math\n     * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.\n     * @returns {*} Returns the minimum value.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var objects = [{ 'n': 1 }, { 'n': 2 }];\n     *\n     * _.minBy(objects, function(o) { return o.n; });\n     * // => { 'n': 1 }\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.minBy(objects, 'n');\n     * // => { 'n': 1 }\n     */\n    function minBy(array, iteratee) {\n      return (array && array.length)\n        ? baseExtremum(array, getIteratee(iteratee, 2), baseLt)\n        : undefined;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * Multiply two numbers.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.7.0\n     * @category Math\n     * @param {number} multiplier The first number in a multiplication.\n     * @param {number} multiplicand The second number in a multiplication.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the product.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.multiply(6, 4);\n     * // => 24\n     */\n    var multiply = createMathOperation(function(multiplier, multiplicand) {\n      return multiplier * multiplicand;\n    }, 1);\n\n    /**\n     * Computes `number` rounded to `precision`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.10.0\n     * @category Math\n     * @param {number} number The number to round.\n     * @param {number} [precision=0] The precision to round to.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the rounded number.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.round(4.006);\n     * // => 4\n     *\n     * _.round(4.006, 2);\n     * // => 4.01\n     *\n     * _.round(4060, -2);\n     * // => 4100\n     */\n    var round = createRound('round');\n\n    /**\n     * Subtract two numbers.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Math\n     * @param {number} minuend The first number in a subtraction.\n     * @param {number} subtrahend The second number in a subtraction.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the difference.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.subtract(6, 4);\n     * // => 2\n     */\n    var subtract = createMathOperation(function(minuend, subtrahend) {\n      return minuend - subtrahend;\n    }, 0);\n\n    /**\n     * Computes the sum of the values in `array`.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 3.4.0\n     * @category Math\n     * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the sum.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * _.sum([4, 2, 8, 6]);\n     * // => 20\n     */\n    function sum(array) {\n      return (array && array.length)\n        ? baseSum(array, identity)\n        : 0;\n    }\n\n    /**\n     * This method is like `_.sum` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is\n     * invoked for each element in `array` to generate the value to be summed.\n     * The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @since 4.0.0\n     * @category Math\n     * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n     * @param {Function} [iteratee=_.identity] The iteratee invoked per element.\n     * @returns {number} Returns the sum.\n     * @example\n     *\n     * var objects = [{ 'n': 4 }, { 'n': 2 }, { 'n': 8 }, { 'n': 6 }];\n     *\n     * _.sumBy(objects, function(o) { return o.n; });\n     * // => 20\n     *\n     * // The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.\n     * _.sumBy(objects, 'n');\n     * // => 20\n     */\n    function sumBy(array, iteratee) {\n      return (array && array.length)\n        ? baseSum(array, getIteratee(iteratee, 2))\n        : 0;\n    }\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    // Add methods that return wrapped values in chain sequences.\n    lodash.after = after;\n    lodash.ary = ary;\n    lodash.assign = assign;\n    lodash.assignIn = assignIn;\n    lodash.assignInWith = assignInWith;\n    lodash.assignWith = assignWith;\n    lodash.at = at;\n    lodash.before = before;\n    lodash.bind = bind;\n    lodash.bindAll = bindAll;\n    lodash.bindKey = bindKey;\n    lodash.castArray = castArray;\n    lodash.chain = chain;\n    lodash.chunk = chunk;\n    lodash.compact = compact;\n    lodash.concat = concat;\n    lodash.cond = cond;\n    lodash.conforms = conforms;\n    lodash.constant = constant;\n    lodash.countBy = countBy;\n    lodash.create = create;\n    lodash.curry = curry;\n    lodash.curryRight = curryRight;\n    lodash.debounce = debounce;\n    lodash.defaults = defaults;\n    lodash.defaultsDeep = defaultsDeep;\n    lodash.defer = defer;\n    lodash.delay = delay;\n    lodash.difference = difference;\n    lodash.differenceBy = differenceBy;\n    lodash.differenceWith = differenceWith;\n    lodash.drop = drop;\n    lodash.dropRight = dropRight;\n    lodash.dropRightWhile = dropRightWhile;\n    lodash.dropWhile = dropWhile;\n    lodash.fill = fill;\n    lodash.filter = filter;\n    lodash.flatMap = flatMap;\n    lodash.flatMapDeep = flatMapDeep;\n    lodash.flatMapDepth = flatMapDepth;\n    lodash.flatten = flatten;\n    lodash.flattenDeep = flattenDeep;\n    lodash.flattenDepth = flattenDepth;\n    lodash.flip = flip;\n    lodash.flow = flow;\n    lodash.flowRight = flowRight;\n    lodash.fromPairs = fromPairs;\n    lodash.functions = functions;\n    lodash.functionsIn = functionsIn;\n    lodash.groupBy = groupBy;\n    lodash.initial = initial;\n    lodash.intersection = intersection;\n    lodash.intersectionBy = intersectionBy;\n    lodash.intersectionWith = intersectionWith;\n    lodash.invert = invert;\n    lodash.invertBy = invertBy;\n    lodash.invokeMap = invokeMap;\n    lodash.iteratee = iteratee;\n    lodash.keyBy = keyBy;\n    lodash.keys = keys;\n    lodash.keysIn = keysIn;\n    lodash.map = map;\n    lodash.mapKeys = mapKeys;\n    lodash.mapValues = mapValues;\n    lodash.matches = matches;\n    lodash.matchesProperty = matchesProperty;\n    lodash.memoize = memoize;\n    lodash.merge = merge;\n    lodash.mergeWith = mergeWith;\n    lodash.method = method;\n    lodash.methodOf = methodOf;\n    lodash.mixin = mixin;\n    lodash.negate = negate;\n    lodash.nthArg = nthArg;\n    lodash.omit = omit;\n    lodash.omitBy = omitBy;\n    lodash.once = once;\n    lodash.orderBy = orderBy;\n    lodash.over = over;\n    lodash.overArgs = overArgs;\n    lodash.overEvery = overEvery;\n    lodash.overSome = overSome;\n    lodash.partial = partial;\n    lodash.partialRight = partialRight;\n    lodash.partition = partition;\n    lodash.pick = pick;\n    lodash.pickBy = pickBy;\n    lodash.property = property;\n    lodash.propertyOf = propertyOf;\n    lodash.pull = pull;\n    lodash.pullAll = pullAll;\n    lodash.pullAllBy = pullAllBy;\n    lodash.pullAllWith = pullAllWith;\n    lodash.pullAt = pullAt;\n    lodash.range = range;\n    lodash.rangeRight = rangeRight;\n    lodash.rearg = rearg;\n    lodash.reject = reject;\n    lodash.remove = remove;\n    lodash.rest = rest;\n    lodash.reverse = reverse;\n    lodash.sampleSize = sampleSize;\n    lodash.set = set;\n    lodash.setWith = setWith;\n    lodash.shuffle = shuffle;\n    lodash.slice = slice;\n    lodash.sortBy = sortBy;\n    lodash.sortedUniq = sortedUniq;\n    lodash.sortedUniqBy = sortedUniqBy;\n    lodash.split = split;\n    lodash.spread = spread;\n    lodash.tail = tail;\n    lodash.take = take;\n    lodash.takeRight = takeRight;\n    lodash.takeRightWhile = takeRightWhile;\n    lodash.takeWhile = takeWhile;\n    lodash.tap = tap;\n    lodash.throttle = throttle;\n    lodash.thru = thru;\n    lodash.toArray = toArray;\n    lodash.toPairs = toPairs;\n    lodash.toPairsIn = toPairsIn;\n    lodash.toPath = toPath;\n    lodash.toPlainObject = toPlainObject;\n    lodash.transform = transform;\n    lodash.unary = unary;\n    lodash.union = union;\n    lodash.unionBy = unionBy;\n    lodash.unionWith = unionWith;\n    lodash.uniq = uniq;\n    lodash.uniqBy = uniqBy;\n    lodash.uniqWith = uniqWith;\n    lodash.unset = unset;\n    lodash.unzip = unzip;\n    lodash.unzipWith = unzipWith;\n    lodash.update = update;\n    lodash.updateWith = updateWith;\n    lodash.values = values;\n    lodash.valuesIn = valuesIn;\n    lodash.without = without;\n    lodash.words = words;\n    lodash.wrap = wrap;\n    lodash.xor = xor;\n    lodash.xorBy = xorBy;\n    lodash.xorWith = xorWith;\n    lodash.zip = zip;\n    lodash.zipObject = zipObject;\n    lodash.zipObjectDeep = zipObjectDeep;\n    lodash.zipWith = zipWith;\n\n    // Add aliases.\n    lodash.entries = toPairs;\n    lodash.entriesIn = toPairsIn;\n    lodash.extend = assignIn;\n    lodash.extendWith = assignInWith;\n\n    // Add methods to `lodash.prototype`.\n    mixin(lodash, lodash);\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    // Add methods that return unwrapped values in chain sequences.\n    lodash.add = add;\n    lodash.attempt = attempt;\n    lodash.camelCase = camelCase;\n    lodash.capitalize = capitalize;\n    lodash.ceil = ceil;\n    lodash.clamp = clamp;\n    lodash.clone = clone;\n    lodash.cloneDeep = cloneDeep;\n    lodash.cloneDeepWith = cloneDeepWith;\n    lodash.cloneWith = cloneWith;\n    lodash.conformsTo = conformsTo;\n    lodash.deburr = deburr;\n    lodash.defaultTo = defaultTo;\n    lodash.divide = divide;\n    lodash.endsWith = endsWith;\n    lodash.eq = eq;\n    lodash.escape = escape;\n    lodash.escapeRegExp = escapeRegExp;\n    lodash.every = every;\n    lodash.find = find;\n    lodash.findIndex = findIndex;\n    lodash.findKey = findKey;\n    lodash.findLast = findLast;\n    lodash.findLastIndex = findLastIndex;\n    lodash.findLastKey = findLastKey;\n    lodash.floor = floor;\n    lodash.forEach = forEach;\n    lodash.forEachRight = forEachRight;\n    lodash.forIn = forIn;\n    lodash.forInRight = forInRight;\n    lodash.forOwn = forOwn;\n    lodash.forOwnRight = forOwnRight;\n    lodash.get = get;\n    lodash.gt = gt;\n    lodash.gte = gte;\n    lodash.has = has;\n    lodash.hasIn = hasIn;\n    lodash.head = head;\n    lodash.identity = identity;\n    lodash.includes = includes;\n    lodash.indexOf = indexOf;\n    lodash.inRange = inRange;\n    lodash.invoke = invoke;\n    lodash.isArguments = isArguments;\n    lodash.isArray = isArray;\n    lodash.isArrayBuffer = isArrayBuffer;\n    lodash.isArrayLike = isArrayLike;\n    lodash.isArrayLikeObject = isArrayLikeObject;\n    lodash.isBoolean = isBoolean;\n    lodash.isBuffer = isBuffer;\n    lodash.isDate = isDate;\n    lodash.isElement = isElement;\n    lodash.isEmpty = isEmpty;\n    lodash.isEqual = isEqual;\n    lodash.isEqualWith = isEqualWith;\n    lodash.isError = isError;\n    lodash.isFinite = isFinite;\n    lodash.isFunction = isFunction;\n    lodash.isInteger = isInteger;\n    lodash.isLength = isLength;\n    lodash.isMap = isMap;\n    lodash.isMatch = isMatch;\n    lodash.isMatchWith = isMatchWith;\n    lodash.isNaN = isNaN;\n    lodash.isNative = isNative;\n    lodash.isNil = isNil;\n    lodash.isNull = isNull;\n    lodash.isNumber = isNumber;\n    lodash.isObject = isObject;\n    lodash.isObjectLike = isObjectLike;\n    lodash.isPlainObject = isPlainObject;\n    lodash.isRegExp = isRegExp;\n    lodash.isSafeInteger = isSafeInteger;\n    lodash.isSet = isSet;\n    lodash.isString = isString;\n    lodash.isSymbol = isSymbol;\n    lodash.isTypedArray = isTypedArray;\n    lodash.isUndefined = isUndefined;\n    lodash.isWeakMap = isWeakMap;\n    lodash.isWeakSet = isWeakSet;\n    lodash.join = join;\n    lodash.kebabCase = kebabCase;\n    lodash.last = last;\n    lodash.lastIndexOf = lastIndexOf;\n    lodash.lowerCase = lowerCase;\n    lodash.lowerFirst = lowerFirst;\n    lodash.lt = lt;\n    lodash.lte = lte;\n    lodash.max = max;\n    lodash.maxBy = maxBy;\n    lodash.mean = mean;\n    lodash.meanBy = meanBy;\n    lodash.min = min;\n    lodash.minBy = minBy;\n    lodash.stubArray = stubArray;\n    lodash.stubFalse = stubFalse;\n    lodash.stubObject = stubObject;\n    lodash.stubString = stubString;\n    lodash.stubTrue = stubTrue;\n    lodash.multiply = multiply;\n    lodash.nth = nth;\n    lodash.noConflict = noConflict;\n    lodash.noop = noop;\n    lodash.now = now;\n    lodash.pad = pad;\n    lodash.padEnd = padEnd;\n    lodash.padStart = padStart;\n    lodash.parseInt = parseInt;\n    lodash.random = random;\n    lodash.reduce = reduce;\n    lodash.reduceRight = reduceRight;\n    lodash.repeat = repeat;\n    lodash.replace = replace;\n    lodash.result = result;\n    lodash.round = round;\n    lodash.runInContext = runInContext;\n    lodash.sample = sample;\n    lodash.size = size;\n    lodash.snakeCase = snakeCase;\n    lodash.some = some;\n    lodash.sortedIndex = sortedIndex;\n    lodash.sortedIndexBy = sortedIndexBy;\n    lodash.sortedIndexOf = sortedIndexOf;\n    lodash.sortedLastIndex = sortedLastIndex;\n    lodash.sortedLastIndexBy = sortedLastIndexBy;\n    lodash.sortedLastIndexOf = sortedLastIndexOf;\n    lodash.startCase = startCase;\n    lodash.startsWith = startsWith;\n    lodash.subtract = subtract;\n    lodash.sum = sum;\n    lodash.sumBy = sumBy;\n    lodash.template = template;\n    lodash.times = times;\n    lodash.toFinite = toFinite;\n    lodash.toInteger = toInteger;\n    lodash.toLength = toLength;\n    lodash.toLower = toLower;\n    lodash.toNumber = toNumber;\n    lodash.toSafeInteger = toSafeInteger;\n    lodash.toString = toString;\n    lodash.toUpper = toUpper;\n    lodash.trim = trim;\n    lodash.trimEnd = trimEnd;\n    lodash.trimStart = trimStart;\n    lodash.truncate = truncate;\n    lodash.unescape = unescape;\n    lodash.uniqueId = uniqueId;\n    lodash.upperCase = upperCase;\n    lodash.upperFirst = upperFirst;\n\n    // Add aliases.\n    lodash.each = forEach;\n    lodash.eachRight = forEachRight;\n    lodash.first = head;\n\n    mixin(lodash, (function() {\n      var source = {};\n      baseForOwn(lodash, function(func, methodName) {\n        if (!hasOwnProperty.call(lodash.prototype, methodName)) {\n          source[methodName] = func;\n        }\n      });\n      return source;\n    }()), { 'chain': false });\n\n    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n    /**\n     * The semantic version number.\n     *\n     * @static\n     * @memberOf _\n     * @type {string}\n     */\n    lodash.VERSION = VERSION;\n\n    // Assign default placeholders.\n    arrayEach(['bind', 'bindKey', 'curry', 'curryRight', 'partial', 'partialRight'], function(methodName) {\n      lodash[methodName].placeholder = lodash;\n    });\n\n    // Add `LazyWrapper` methods for `_.drop` and `_.take` variants.\n    arrayEach(['drop', 'take'], function(methodName, index) {\n      LazyWrapper.prototype[methodName] = function(n) {\n        n = n === undefined ? 1 : nativeMax(toInteger(n), 0);\n\n        var result = (this.__filtered__ && !index)\n          ? new LazyWrapper(this)\n          : this.clone();\n\n        if (result.__filtered__) {\n          result.__takeCount__ = nativeMin(n, result.__takeCount__);\n        } else {\n          result.__views__.push({\n            'size': nativeMin(n, MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH),\n            'type': methodName + (result.__dir__ < 0 ? 'Right' : '')\n          });\n        }\n        return result;\n      };\n\n      LazyWrapper.prototype[methodName + 'Right'] = function(n) {\n        return this.reverse()[methodName](n).reverse();\n      };\n    });\n\n    // Add `LazyWrapper` methods that accept an `iteratee` value.\n    arrayEach(['filter', 'map', 'takeWhile'], function(methodName, index) {\n      var type = index + 1,\n          isFilter = type == LAZY_FILTER_FLAG || type == LAZY_WHILE_FLAG;\n\n      LazyWrapper.prototype[methodName] = function(iteratee) {\n        var result = this.clone();\n        result.__iteratees__.push({\n          'iteratee': getIteratee(iteratee, 3),\n          'type': type\n        });\n        result.__filtered__ = result.__filtered__ || isFilter;\n        return result;\n      };\n    });\n\n    // Add `LazyWrapper` methods for `_.head` and `_.last`.\n    arrayEach(['head', 'last'], function(methodName, index) {\n      var takeName = 'take' + (index ? 'Right' : '');\n\n      LazyWrapper.prototype[methodName] = function() {\n        return this[takeName](1).value()[0];\n      };\n    });\n\n    // Add `LazyWrapper` methods for `_.initial` and `_.tail`.\n    arrayEach(['initial', 'tail'], function(methodName, index) {\n      var dropName = 'drop' + (index ? '' : 'Right');\n\n      LazyWrapper.prototype[methodName] = function() {\n        return this.__filtered__ ? new LazyWrapper(this) : this[dropName](1);\n      };\n    });\n\n    LazyWrapper.prototype.compact = function() {\n      return this.filter(identity);\n    };\n\n    LazyWrapper.prototype.find = function(predicate) {\n      return this.filter(predicate).head();\n    };\n\n    LazyWrapper.prototype.findLast = function(predicate) {\n      return this.reverse().find(predicate);\n    };\n\n    LazyWrapper.prototype.invokeMap = baseRest(function(path, args) {\n      if (typeof path == 'function') {\n        return new LazyWrapper(this);\n      }\n      return this.map(function(value) {\n        return baseInvoke(value, path, args);\n      });\n    });\n\n    LazyWrapper.prototype.reject = function(predicate) {\n      return this.filter(negate(getIteratee(predicate)));\n    };\n\n    LazyWrapper.prototype.slice = function(start, end) {\n      start = toInteger(start);\n\n      var result = this;\n      if (result.__filtered__ && (start > 0 || end < 0)) {\n        return new LazyWrapper(result);\n      }\n      if (start < 0) {\n        result = result.takeRight(-start);\n      } else if (start) {\n        result = result.drop(start);\n      }\n      if (end !== undefined) {\n        end = toInteger(end);\n        result = end < 0 ? result.dropRight(-end) : result.take(end - start);\n      }\n      return result;\n    };\n\n    LazyWrapper.prototype.takeRightWhile = function(predicate) {\n      return this.reverse().takeWhile(predicate).reverse();\n    };\n\n    LazyWrapper.prototype.toArray = function() {\n      return this.take(MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH);\n    };\n\n    // Add `LazyWrapper` methods to `lodash.prototype`.\n    baseForOwn(LazyWrapper.prototype, function(func, methodName) {\n      var checkIteratee = /^(?:filter|find|map|reject)|While$/.test(methodName),\n          isTaker = /^(?:head|last)$/.test(methodName),\n          lodashFunc = lodash[isTaker ? ('take' + (methodName == 'last' ? 'Right' : '')) : methodName],\n          retUnwrapped = isTaker || /^find/.test(methodName);\n\n      if (!lodashFunc) {\n        return;\n      }\n      lodash.prototype[methodName] = function() {\n        var value = this.__wrapped__,\n            args = isTaker ? [1] : arguments,\n            isLazy = value instanceof LazyWrapper,\n            iteratee = args[0],\n            useLazy = isLazy || isArray(value);\n\n        var interceptor = function(value) {\n          var result = lodashFunc.apply(lodash, arrayPush([value], args));\n          return (isTaker && chainAll) ? result[0] : result;\n        };\n\n        if (useLazy && checkIteratee && typeof iteratee == 'function' && iteratee.length != 1) {\n          // Avoid lazy use if the iteratee has a \"length\" value other than `1`.\n          isLazy = useLazy = false;\n        }\n        var chainAll = this.__chain__,\n            isHybrid = !!this.__actions__.length,\n            isUnwrapped = retUnwrapped && !chainAll,\n            onlyLazy = isLazy && !isHybrid;\n\n        if (!retUnwrapped && useLazy) {\n          value = onlyLazy ? value : new LazyWrapper(this);\n          var result = func.apply(value, args);\n          result.__actions__.push({ 'func': thru, 'args': [interceptor], 'thisArg': undefined });\n          return new LodashWrapper(result, chainAll);\n        }\n        if (isUnwrapped && onlyLazy) {\n          return func.apply(this, args);\n        }\n        result = this.thru(interceptor);\n        return isUnwrapped ? (isTaker ? result.value()[0] : result.value()) : result;\n      };\n    });\n\n    // Add `Array` methods to `lodash.prototype`.\n    arrayEach(['pop', 'push', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift'], function(methodName) {\n      var func = arrayProto[methodName],\n          chainName = /^(?:push|sort|unshift)$/.test(methodName) ? 'tap' : 'thru',\n          retUnwrapped = /^(?:pop|shift)$/.test(methodName);\n\n      lodash.prototype[methodName] = function() {\n        var args = arguments;\n        if (retUnwrapped && !this.__chain__) {\n          var value = this.value();\n          return func.apply(isArray(value) ? value : [], args);\n        }\n        return this[chainName](function(value) {\n          return func.apply(isArray(value) ? value : [], args);\n        });\n      };\n    });\n\n    // Map minified method names to their real names.\n    baseForOwn(LazyWrapper.prototype, function(func, methodName) {\n      var lodashFunc = lodash[methodName];\n      if (lodashFunc) {\n        var key = lodashFunc.name + '';\n        if (!hasOwnProperty.call(realNames, key)) {\n          realNames[key] = [];\n        }\n        realNames[key].push({ 'name': methodName, 'func': lodashFunc });\n      }\n    });\n\n    realNames[createHybrid(undefined, WRAP_BIND_KEY_FLAG).name] = [{\n      'name': 'wrapper',\n      'func': undefined\n    }];\n\n    // Add methods to `LazyWrapper`.\n    LazyWrapper.prototype.clone = lazyClone;\n    LazyWrapper.prototype.reverse = lazyReverse;\n    LazyWrapper.prototype.value = lazyValue;\n\n    // Add chain sequence methods to the `lodash` wrapper.\n    lodash.prototype.at = wrapperAt;\n    lodash.prototype.chain = wrapperChain;\n    lodash.prototype.commit = wrapperCommit;\n    lodash.prototype.next = wrapperNext;\n    lodash.prototype.plant = wrapperPlant;\n    lodash.prototype.reverse = wrapperReverse;\n    lodash.prototype.toJSON = lodash.prototype.valueOf = lodash.prototype.value = wrapperValue;\n\n    // Add lazy aliases.\n    lodash.prototype.first = lodash.prototype.head;\n\n    if (symIterator) {\n      lodash.prototype[symIterator] = wrapperToIterator;\n    }\n    return lodash;\n  });\n\n  /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n  // Export lodash.\n  var _ = runInContext();\n\n  // Some AMD build optimizers, like r.js, check for condition patterns like:\n  if (typeof define == 'function' && typeof define.amd == 'object' && define.amd) {\n    // Expose Lodash on the global object to prevent errors when Lodash is\n    // loaded by a script tag in the presence of an AMD loader.\n    // See http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#mismatch for more details.\n    // Use `_.noConflict` to remove Lodash from the global object.\n    root._ = _;\n\n    // Define as an anonymous module so, through path mapping, it can be\n    // referenced as the \"underscore\" module.\n    define(function() {\n      return _;\n    });\n  }\n  // Check for `exports` after `define` in case a build optimizer adds it.\n  else if (freeModule) {\n    // Export for Node.js.\n    (freeModule.exports = _)._ = _;\n    // Export for CommonJS support.\n    freeExports._ = _;\n  }\n  else {\n    // Export to the global object.\n    root._ = _;\n  }\n}.call(this));\n","var root = require('./_root');\n\n/**\n * Gets the timestamp of the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since\n * the Unix epoch (1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC).\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 2.4.0\n * @category Date\n * @returns {number} Returns the timestamp.\n * @example\n *\n * _.defer(function(stamp) {\n *   console.log(_.now() - stamp);\n * }, _.now());\n * // => Logs the number of milliseconds it took for the deferred invocation.\n */\nvar now = function() {\n  return root.Date.now();\n};\n\nmodule.exports = now;\n","var baseTrim = require('./_baseTrim'),\n    isObject = require('./isObject'),\n    isSymbol = require('./isSymbol');\n\n/** Used as references for various `Number` constants. */\nvar NAN = 0 / 0;\n\n/** Used to detect bad signed hexadecimal string values. */\nvar reIsBadHex = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i;\n\n/** Used to detect binary string values. */\nvar reIsBinary = /^0b[01]+$/i;\n\n/** Used to detect octal string values. */\nvar reIsOctal = /^0o[0-7]+$/i;\n\n/** Built-in method references without a dependency on `root`. */\nvar freeParseInt = parseInt;\n\n/**\n * Converts `value` to a number.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberOf _\n * @since 4.0.0\n * @category Lang\n * @param {*} value The value to process.\n * @returns {number} Returns the number.\n * @example\n *\n * _.toNumber(3.2);\n * // => 3.2\n *\n * _.toNumber(Number.MIN_VALUE);\n * // => 5e-324\n *\n * _.toNumber(Infinity);\n * // => Infinity\n *\n * _.toNumber('3.2');\n * // => 3.2\n */\nfunction toNumber(value) {\n  if (typeof value == 'number') {\n    return value;\n  }\n  if (isSymbol(value)) {\n    return NAN;\n  }\n  if (isObject(value)) {\n    var other = typeof value.valueOf == 'function' ? value.valueOf() : value;\n    value = isObject(other) ? (other + '') : other;\n  }\n  if (typeof value != 'string') {\n    return value === 0 ? value : +value;\n  }\n  value = baseTrim(value);\n  var isBinary = reIsBinary.test(value);\n  return (isBinary || reIsOctal.test(value))\n    ? freeParseInt(value.slice(2), isBinary ? 2 : 8)\n    : (reIsBadHex.test(value) ? NAN : +value);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = toNumber;\n","// shim for using process in browser\nvar process = module.exports = {};\n\n// cached from whatever global is present so that test runners that stub it\n// don't break things.  But we need to wrap it in a try catch in case it is\n// wrapped in strict mode code which doesn't define any globals.  It's inside a\n// function because try/catches deoptimize in certain engines.\n\nvar cachedSetTimeout;\nvar cachedClearTimeout;\n\nfunction defaultSetTimout() {\n    throw new Error('setTimeout has not been defined');\n}\nfunction defaultClearTimeout () {\n    throw new Error('clearTimeout has not been defined');\n}\n(function () {\n    try {\n        if (typeof setTimeout === 'function') {\n            cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout;\n        } else {\n            cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;\n        }\n    } catch (e) {\n        cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;\n    }\n    try {\n        if (typeof clearTimeout === 'function') {\n            cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout;\n        } else {\n            cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;\n        }\n    } catch (e) {\n        cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;\n    }\n} ())\nfunction runTimeout(fun) {\n    if (cachedSetTimeout === setTimeout) {\n        //normal enviroments in sane situations\n        return setTimeout(fun, 0);\n    }\n    // if setTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined\n    if ((cachedSetTimeout === defaultSetTimout || !cachedSetTimeout) && setTimeout) {\n        cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout;\n        return setTimeout(fun, 0);\n    }\n    try {\n        // when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness\n        return cachedSetTimeout(fun, 0);\n    } catch(e){\n        try {\n            // When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally\n            return cachedSetTimeout.call(null, fun, 0);\n        } catch(e){\n            // same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error\n            return cachedSetTimeout.call(this, fun, 0);\n        }\n    }\n\n\n}\nfunction runClearTimeout(marker) {\n    if (cachedClearTimeout === clearTimeout) {\n        //normal enviroments in sane situations\n        return clearTimeout(marker);\n    }\n    // if clearTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined\n    if ((cachedClearTimeout === defaultClearTimeout || !cachedClearTimeout) && clearTimeout) {\n        cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout;\n        return clearTimeout(marker);\n    }\n    try {\n        // when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness\n        return cachedClearTimeout(marker);\n    } catch (e){\n        try {\n            // When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't  trust the global object when called normally\n            return cachedClearTimeout.call(null, marker);\n        } catch (e){\n            // same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error.\n            // Some versions of I.E. have different rules for clearTimeout vs setTimeout\n            return cachedClearTimeout.call(this, marker);\n        }\n    }\n\n\n\n}\nvar queue = [];\nvar draining = false;\nvar currentQueue;\nvar queueIndex = -1;\n\nfunction cleanUpNextTick() {\n    if (!draining || !currentQueue) {\n        return;\n    }\n    draining = false;\n    if (currentQueue.length) {\n        queue = currentQueue.concat(queue);\n    } else {\n        queueIndex = -1;\n    }\n    if (queue.length) {\n        drainQueue();\n    }\n}\n\nfunction drainQueue() {\n    if (draining) {\n        return;\n    }\n    var timeout = runTimeout(cleanUpNextTick);\n    draining = true;\n\n    var len = queue.length;\n    while(len) {\n        currentQueue = queue;\n        queue = [];\n        while (++queueIndex < len) {\n            if (currentQueue) {\n                currentQueue[queueIndex].run();\n            }\n        }\n        queueIndex = -1;\n        len = queue.length;\n    }\n    currentQueue = null;\n    draining = false;\n    runClearTimeout(timeout);\n}\n\nprocess.nextTick = function (fun) {\n    var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1);\n    if (arguments.length > 1) {\n        for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n            args[i - 1] = arguments[i];\n        }\n    }\n    queue.push(new Item(fun, args));\n    if (queue.length === 1 && !draining) {\n        runTimeout(drainQueue);\n    }\n};\n\n// v8 likes predictible objects\nfunction Item(fun, array) {\n    this.fun = fun;\n    this.array = array;\n}\nItem.prototype.run = function () {\n    this.fun.apply(null, this.array);\n};\nprocess.title = 'browser';\nprocess.browser = true;\nprocess.env = {};\nprocess.argv = [];\nprocess.version = ''; // empty string to avoid regexp issues\nprocess.versions = {};\n\nfunction noop() {}\n\nprocess.on = noop;\nprocess.addListener = noop;\nprocess.once = noop;\nprocess.off = noop;\nprocess.removeListener = noop;\nprocess.removeAllListeners = noop;\nprocess.emit = noop;\nprocess.prependListener = noop;\nprocess.prependOnceListener = noop;\n\nprocess.listeners = function (name) { return [] }\n\nprocess.binding = function (name) {\n    throw new Error('process.binding is not supported');\n};\n\nprocess.cwd = function () { return '/' };\nprocess.chdir = function (dir) {\n    throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported');\n};\nprocess.umask = function() { return 0; };\n","/*! store2 - v2.14.3 - 2024-02-14\n* Copyright (c) 2024 Nathan Bubna; Licensed MIT */\n;(function(window, define) {\n    var _ = {\n        version: \"2.14.3\",\n        areas: {},\n        apis: {},\n        nsdelim: '.',\n\n        // utilities\n        inherit: function(api, o) {\n            for (var p in api) {\n                if (!o.hasOwnProperty(p)) {\n                    Object.defineProperty(o, p, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(api, p));\n                }\n            }\n            return o;\n        },\n        stringify: function(d, fn) {\n            return d === undefined || typeof d === \"function\" ? d+'' : JSON.stringify(d,fn||_.replace);\n        },\n        parse: function(s, fn) {\n            // if it doesn't parse, return as is\n            try{ return JSON.parse(s,fn||_.revive); }catch(e){ return s; }\n        },\n\n        // extension hooks\n        fn: function(name, fn) {\n            _.storeAPI[name] = fn;\n            for (var api in _.apis) {\n                _.apis[api][name] = fn;\n            }\n        },\n        get: function(area, key){ return area.getItem(key); },\n        set: function(area, key, string){ area.setItem(key, string); },\n        remove: function(area, key){ area.removeItem(key); },\n        key: function(area, i){ return area.key(i); },\n        length: function(area){ return area.length; },\n        clear: function(area){ area.clear(); },\n\n        // core functions\n        Store: function(id, area, namespace) {\n            var store = _.inherit(_.storeAPI, function(key, data, overwrite) {\n                if (arguments.length === 0){ return store.getAll(); }\n                if (typeof data === \"function\"){ return store.transact(key, data, overwrite); }// fn=data, alt=overwrite\n                if (data !== undefined){ return store.set(key, data, overwrite); }\n                if (typeof key === \"string\" || typeof key === \"number\"){ return store.get(key); }\n                if (typeof key === \"function\"){ return store.each(key); }\n                if (!key){ return store.clear(); }\n                return store.setAll(key, data);// overwrite=data, data=key\n            });\n            store._id = id;\n            try {\n                var testKey = '__store2_test';\n                area.setItem(testKey, 'ok');\n                store._area = area;\n                area.removeItem(testKey);\n            } catch (e) {\n                store._area = _.storage('fake');\n            }\n            store._ns = namespace || '';\n            if (!_.areas[id]) {\n                _.areas[id] = store._area;\n            }\n            if (!_.apis[store._ns+store._id]) {\n                _.apis[store._ns+store._id] = store;\n            }\n            return store;\n        },\n        storeAPI: {\n            // admin functions\n            area: function(id, area) {\n                var store = this[id];\n                if (!store || !store.area) {\n                    store = _.Store(id, area, this._ns);//new area-specific api in this namespace\n                    if (!this[id]){ this[id] = store; }\n                }\n                return store;\n            },\n            namespace: function(namespace, singleArea, delim) {\n                delim = delim || this._delim || _.nsdelim;\n                if (!namespace){\n                    return this._ns ? this._ns.substring(0,this._ns.length-delim.length) : '';\n                }\n                var ns = namespace, store = this[ns];\n                if (!store || !store.namespace) {\n                    store = _.Store(this._id, this._area, this._ns+ns+delim);//new namespaced api\n                    store._delim = delim;\n                    if (!this[ns]){ this[ns] = store; }\n                    if (!singleArea) {\n                        for (var name in _.areas) {\n                            store.area(name, _.areas[name]);\n                        }\n                    }\n                }\n                return store;\n            },\n            isFake: function(force) {\n                if (force) {\n                    this._real = this._area;\n                    this._area = _.storage('fake');\n                } else if (force === false) {\n                    this._area = this._real || this._area;\n                }\n                return this._area.name === 'fake';\n            },\n            toString: function() {\n                return 'store'+(this._ns?'.'+this.namespace():'')+'['+this._id+']';\n            },\n\n            // storage functions\n            has: function(key) {\n                if (this._area.has) {\n                    return this._area.has(this._in(key));//extension hook\n                }\n                return !!(this._in(key) in this._area);\n            },\n            size: function(){ return this.keys().length; },\n            each: function(fn, fill) {// fill is used by keys(fillList) and getAll(fillList))\n                for (var i=0, m=_.length(this._area); i<m; i++) {\n                    var key = this._out(_.key(this._area, i));\n                    if (key !== undefined) {\n                        if (fn.call(this, key, this.get(key), fill) === false) {\n                            break;\n                        }\n                    }\n                    if (m > _.length(this._area)) { m--; i--; }// in case of removeItem\n                }\n                return fill || this;\n            },\n            keys: function(fillList) {\n                return this.each(function(k, v, list){ list.push(k); }, fillList || []);\n            },\n            get: function(key, alt) {\n                var s = _.get(this._area, this._in(key)),\n                    fn;\n                if (typeof alt === \"function\") {\n                    fn = alt;\n                    alt = null;\n                }\n                return s !== null ? _.parse(s, fn) :\n                    alt != null ? alt : s;\n            },\n            getAll: function(fillObj) {\n                return this.each(function(k, v, all){ all[k] = v; }, fillObj || {});\n            },\n            transact: function(key, fn, alt) {\n                var val = this.get(key, alt),\n                    ret = fn(val);\n                this.set(key, ret === undefined ? val : ret);\n                return this;\n            },\n            set: function(key, data, overwrite) {\n                var d = this.get(key),\n                    replacer;\n                if (d != null && overwrite === false) {\n                    return data;\n                }\n                if (typeof overwrite === \"function\") {\n                    replacer = overwrite;\n                    overwrite = undefined;\n                }\n                return _.set(this._area, this._in(key), _.stringify(data, replacer), overwrite) || d;\n            },\n            setAll: function(data, overwrite) {\n                var changed, val;\n                for (var key in data) {\n                    val = data[key];\n                    if (this.set(key, val, overwrite) !== val) {\n                        changed = true;\n                    }\n                }\n                return changed;\n            },\n            add: function(key, data, replacer) {\n                var d = this.get(key);\n                if (d instanceof Array) {\n                    data = d.concat(data);\n                } else if (d !== null) {\n                    var type = typeof d;\n                    if (type === typeof data && type === 'object') {\n                        for (var k in data) {\n                            d[k] = data[k];\n                        }\n                        data = d;\n                    } else {\n                        data = d + data;\n                    }\n                }\n                _.set(this._area, this._in(key), _.stringify(data, replacer));\n                return data;\n            },\n            remove: function(key, alt) {\n                var d = this.get(key, alt);\n                _.remove(this._area, this._in(key));\n                return d;\n            },\n            clear: function() {\n                if (!this._ns) {\n                    _.clear(this._area);\n                } else {\n                    this.each(function(k){ _.remove(this._area, this._in(k)); }, 1);\n                }\n                return this;\n            },\n            clearAll: function() {\n                var area = this._area;\n                for (var id in _.areas) {\n                    if (_.areas.hasOwnProperty(id)) {\n                        this._area = _.areas[id];\n                        this.clear();\n                    }\n                }\n                this._area = area;\n                return this;\n            },\n\n            // internal use functions\n            _in: function(k) {\n                if (typeof k !== \"string\"){ k = _.stringify(k); }\n                return this._ns ? this._ns + k : k;\n            },\n            _out: function(k) {\n                return this._ns ?\n                    k && k.indexOf(this._ns) === 0 ?\n                        k.substring(this._ns.length) :\n                        undefined : // so each() knows to skip it\n                    k;\n            }\n        },// end _.storeAPI\n        storage: function(name) {\n            return _.inherit(_.storageAPI, { items: {}, name: name });\n        },\n        storageAPI: {\n            length: 0,\n            has: function(k){ return this.items.hasOwnProperty(k); },\n            key: function(i) {\n                var c = 0;\n                for (var k in this.items){\n                    if (this.has(k) && i === c++) {\n                        return k;\n                    }\n                }\n            },\n            setItem: function(k, v) {\n                if (!this.has(k)) {\n                    this.length++;\n                }\n                this.items[k] = v;\n            },\n            removeItem: function(k) {\n                if (this.has(k)) {\n                    delete this.items[k];\n                    this.length--;\n                }\n            },\n            getItem: function(k){ return this.has(k) ? this.items[k] : null; },\n            clear: function(){ for (var k in this.items){ this.removeItem(k); } }\n        }// end _.storageAPI\n    };\n\n    var store =\n        // safely set this up (throws error in IE10/32bit mode for local files)\n        _.Store(\"local\", (function(){try{ return localStorage; }catch(e){}})());\n    store.local = store;// for completeness\n    store._ = _;// for extenders and debuggers...\n    // safely setup store.session (throws exception in FF for file:/// urls)\n    store.area(\"session\", (function(){try{ return sessionStorage; }catch(e){}})());\n    store.area(\"page\", _.storage(\"page\"));\n\n    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd !== undefined) {\n        define('store2', [], function () {\n            return store;\n        });\n    } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {\n        module.exports = store;\n    } else {\n        // expose the primary store fn to the global object and save conflicts\n        if (window.store){ _.conflict = window.store; }\n        window.store = store;\n    }\n\n})(this, this && this.define);\n","/* globals __webpack_amd_options__ */\nmodule.exports = __webpack_amd_options__;\n","var g;\n\n// This works in non-strict mode\ng = (function() {\n\treturn this;\n})();\n\ntry {\n\t// This works if eval is allowed (see CSP)\n\tg = g || new Function(\"return this\")();\n} catch (e) {\n\t// This works if the window reference is available\n\tif (typeof window === \"object\") g = window;\n}\n\n// g can still be undefined, but nothing to do about it...\n// We return undefined, instead of nothing here, so it's\n// easier to handle this case. if(!global) { ...}\n\nmodule.exports = g;\n","module.exports = function(module) {\n\tif (!module.webpackPolyfill) {\n\t\tmodule.deprecate = function() {};\n\t\tmodule.paths = [];\n\t\t// module.parent = undefined by default\n\t\tif (!module.children) module.children = [];\n\t\tObject.defineProperty(module, \"loaded\", {\n\t\t\tenumerable: true,\n\t\t\tget: function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn module.l;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\tObject.defineProperty(module, \"id\", {\n\t\t\tenumerable: true,\n\t\t\tget: function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn module.i;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\tmodule.webpackPolyfill = 1;\n\t}\n\treturn module;\n};\n"],"mappings":";AAAA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;;;;;;;;;;;;;AClFA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;;;;;;;;;;;;ACz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lGA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AAAA;AAEA;AACA;AAAA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AAOA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AAcA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAEA;AAIA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AAEA;AAaA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AAEA;AAaA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AAcA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AAcA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AA2BA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AAMA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAEA;AAQA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AAMA;AAIA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAOA;AAEA;AAEA;AADA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AAEA;AAEA;AAkBA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAEA;AAUA;AACA;AAWA;AAEA;AACA;AACA;;;;;;;;;;;;ACndA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA;AAAA;AAAA;AAAA;AACA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